Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Apr 1900, p. 6

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trt wo BMW] Will,' Lmiion Lad of 17 Sent to 1 Penitentiary ’B‘ECAUSE HE WAS ROBBED '3 A Bu'tah, N.Y Johns, " years don. Canada, is “co 'lt l stations near Swan. with which: $.11. t Johns met Sol-gt. Ryan. ot the firtrt precinct. and told him his story. John. was unable to point out the men who roped him to buy drinks. no was so drunk that the sergeant. decided to lock him up on the charge of intoxi- cation. He was arraigned before Judge Oral. In tho Sunrise Pom-t, was oorwieted and fled " Not hav- Ing the mom-y he was tir'ttt to the penitentiary. 310 . Every mother naught" from lake. an ocean Compound Iron To enable tourists to cross the English Channel without the incon- variance of wicknm. a French- man has designed a snbmarlne boat ‘to tte propelled try cable traction. It will accommodate) about; 250. Ptuv angers. and will make the journey .in about an hour. and should any accident happen to the motive pow- nr the boat may be detached. and " will st once the to the surface and may continue the journey in the urdlmuy manner. The Oxsdonor. when formerly of Montreal. tl wrvhmblu instrument. my»: in quuygmg 'ut,r8r, “VII": In Hun) nu, \u‘lllvlw- Hy taming the blood to nlerlv "sin from the " it lmrnuim-mc- out of Ibo “up": on- Iirely and rnnu without. modivim- or puin. teeintt that it makes Ur" ot natumN tgitl "trurtuivttit i, not. remarkable that it Fl ould In“: such great mucus,» in ull chOf dnwarse and ye MO generally mud in families Even I'ttrtrieians urn beginning in rely more an Duet-n than ever before. It is to dunno what; imlid air is to power. Double Guard, Double Beer. A war correspondent writes trom South Africa to the London Daily in“: .. A certain gallant corps at Chlcveley camp provided the guard that should protect our precious but " Christmas (by. In tho morning Ibwo than bottle! was missing. 'Dh- Will I' laid the tuthorltlu; “W pp gun-rd: Aid my doubled it. Next by Ian: down were uni-inc." _ ' ___---.---.--.---.- _ l Dr. Slocum, the famous“ scientist, whoae lectures and demonstrations in New York and London this winter have astounded medical circles. has at last perfected his new system of treatment for the absolute cure of tuberculosis and all pulmonary diaeaaes. This triumphant victory over the deadly bacilli is far reachiu in it; "eets, for their is no longer room for doubt thatthe pitted a 'afiat h'aa given to the world a boon thatwill - million otwccjous We» 1. ", Dr. slomm‘a System of Treatment is both wedkiitifit: and progres§ive goinggaa it does to the very aource on“; Aimee ,adrerfurattitttrthe cure ate v ste . . '. _ t ' , " pFlnt Stag. ~Killiug the life-destroying germs which invest the lungs. Second tep.--Towhtg the entire spasm and strengthening the serves-Milling the vei n: with ting1ingiaer)1uei, " a Third siip.--Building healthy ttati and fortityir.g igninst' {mug “has. .lucla. The Slocum Tmtmeut is revolutions: been application for every' Itage o the disease. 3s"/1'li) Pail scientists-ye overcomq' by Slocum through p The diseases leading to consumption in alio mast: bacilli m removed from the.htygs there remains n In Slocum Spun can: t.iy in! Lis paiml Aur-ofues. (morons cou'hs, woman, an! ever! [noun 'l4t!, 9t pylmomry disuse. It makes'wéak lungs annual. strengthens them attrainarAny gram}. and gives endurance 10:111th who. have inherited hollow chests, with - - _ . ty A“, =---- 3......“ , i. '. "'The-M are many families who ”hoe liners Worm Powders tor all age. I. can. ol biliomneu. and chin) bet- 'aae residuum; from gay ot.tyrr, Ped/r Ecknlong train oi attending: dangers. . ' - To enable despairing stgsererst,everiresere Io obtain :epeedy befcre too late, Dr. Siocnm cfrtrs. _ , - , ' FULL FREE TREATMENT 'iii/ri" Grd uiaris' Guaiif mtioient to correct the troublc. ' Mr. Fred. Lacey has been appointed um! Manager of the Montreal um Company‘- mill at \‘ulleytleld. th named Mr. Iamitt 81:3an __ - SI (Mod for M lssionurle mother shoal I Subnmrim anal cours rumour: "out. My Dr. Hauche, My to be at most eciatlr tor that: [mu “cunt D A [will ts' li q r. r t as ng l e kognnwas m, of Mame ten o m“ intense frost chum t mm to the omptiom. nor skin di Jtuitaett,depreeirtm , T m i ha I. m 5ee .t,lvao'r her p'"ilhs'rr't,t, pox-tum. 5'51?qu Wage 'k,,t2it2.ttr,,iS't,c,t is . " "I'M!!! own-um ' o l e I (Themlml CAS, Lima I Toronto. ----_- a revolution" because " providers a new the disease. b"e')'liliTrd, of inoculation tir', by Slocum through e,r,a"g'"it, drug farce.. anptioit in .1130 master: to thug once'the lungs there remains no other geriiv1sreedityt " Fine TVor L at your taking “Inning: of thin "te :u‘erngv'l l to give the Lily would N at Buy Aulumomlc- . New York Ttltgrrp report that Hugo l young huslunul nf Mis. hospital in Suttlt Al'r'l has horn again rtrtpes to Why ho isepavated t) wife. The common Langtry had tirmi of said by thaxw w ho kn-w grow quite min”! I: wouldn’t buy him Van Mrs. Lnngtry pain o money to hop rer happy and contented, nat in London was r homenke than tlwirs luxuries arreloped to ever, where ihe could 1 without relnfr, 91¢ so D0 Bathe iett In leaving he was he'.tr of the clubs: ' Lily won't buy mo Il A mobile, a. mobilt She bought me " am But it almost broke When tthrs " tulle . moblle. New life for Compound Iron Britlgh (mums reports of family names give in England and Wales 258.606 Smiths, £42,100 Junction, with Wllliams. Taylor. Davies and Brown following in order. For Scot- land Smith leads, followed by McDon- ald, Brown, Thomson. Robertson. Stewart and Campbell. Murphy ll ahead in Ireland. there being 62.600 ot tttmn', then comes Kelly. 55,9“); Bulllvan, 48.600: Walsh, 41,700; Sunk. 87,000; O‘Brien. 38.400; BM 88,000: Ryan. 82mm Coo-or. ik'"' O'Neil, 29,111): and Remy. ttA ' IIttrrPr' " The Best tipritur, WHY I”) BATH}; LEFT. A Few Family Names. of the (inn rrsfomeln. G. Hawaii DmiLPE' thwt, sprint, (‘0! Ll) SINK) I germ: Pu th, 'hzlugrupn: no Hug” de Bat ret at Mrs, Lump mull Arrleo, In: Lin roused in L pamwd so noon. common idea v _ ttred of him, I who know that “named. and surely no " was ciwerier or more 1 tiwirs His Austen! tor loped to a. point, how- 19. wncid not gratify them ning the nil stove. and lett her. Just before an Imsird to aim: in one dim h “ugly Indy spider cart, on. my heart, she wonidn't buy as air o O' i1 H do» lmthr‘. the i. Luugtry. is in rim. speculation NJ in London as an autumn-0m his Mm WM that f him. hut,cit is AS' that Do, Bathe because the Lily n automobile. out much British , little husband 1. and surely no "heerier or more in Pills (1m thorouth l f mum. 0 tf/rd.vsvtvrdq Medicine unarzer. Miller'. At. W 'dit me IPI fr riaktrr3amrc_ht xist when D, um "and. The cm at M iiiim box hen ndid The ilt Him ill) 'GUFuib1 Building, N: ONE WAS' OF KILLING WHALK8. There is Little " Excitement or Danger. Dr. Frederick W. True, ot the Smith- J soninn. Institution, who hull Just "pout two monthuiu whale hunting in Green Bay, on the northeastern (mat ot Newfoundland. reports an interesting experience. lie was sent out by the institution to study the linback whale, .and of stiuety-elttht animals taught nil but eleven were of this variety. he story-hook romance but gone~entirely out ot whaling as pursued try the Nvnviottuularulerm There is no "all. wimlebont, with tho 'lrtsrmttoid har- pooner in the how to strike the Winnie. but Instead a little steam emit and in powerful gun. . V This gun throws a large Iron har I pom). with l-rnssnrms while lie against the. shalt until it strikes tt solid holy, l and then project out tthd lmbed them- , selves. The liq-ml of this imrponn is eigur-niluped and slutrppointed mid explodes mu it pierees um wimie’n aide, generating a gas, tvItietrservefto keep-1 tlm “all afloat lifter the Wrecking elleet of tho slim-k on its internal urguns has left it n Melons muss. l “tout rope, is aunt-lied to the butt of vthe lmnmn. and by this: the wltairs. is kept in iemsh as it thrashen madly through the water in " vain ellort to escape its unknown enemy..1')enth rapidly ensues, Unless. as orometlmt't happens, the prnju-tlle goes through the fish trom side to Hide. when a smwml shut irt mryTrtarel'. . the an FROM PAIN tll HEALTH; ed hospital fatherhnd. I the St. Ct runny cub lam. _.atial' ' 5:855: “Ye sune'rr11 Fridm "1rort Trouble. for . Yam-n "or “IQ-Evy Further Aggra- nnml by “Mum and sto"oert . "Mn-n ll ' and b: Trouble. From the Star In the village of Chippew dong the Niagara. frontier, \robably no better knownior "i residgnta than-Mr. and M4 4ehabei.H3irth are of Gerava'n 1nd display much of that old ed hospitality so 0mm {cum tatlserUnd. To a cttrespol 5575': “Years ttgot me I had heart dis troubled at interval and severe Paine, a heart would alums would become dir, frizhtencd. At oth chipnowa Lady Tells a Smry " at (hirtTirtg and Release; , _ obably no better knownior respecx residgntn than-Mr. and Mrs. Davi habei.'Birth are of Germa'o desccn d display much of that old {whim hospitality so omen; found in u therhnd. To a cttrespondettt l e St. Caiharineit Star, who in ntly eaIled at Mr. Schubel's hon is. ahabel related, the Inllowix reatmenk would mun-m me, then, ban ever. Finally 'vvarently trono. i , Tlie, nun. I "It's all right now. gentlemen.” mp lnounoed the clerk a moment later. 1"vpy can get up. He‘s gone." 1 " they resumed their seats tho l clerk explained: "It was Cunnel Harem.” he Ham. l"looklug tor a maul wouldn't have lglven the general warning notice It ‘lt hadn’t been tor the tact that the lL-unnel is so blamed cross-eyed that you never can tell whlch way he's going to "ooty'--tyeveland Plain Dealer. mammal IK‘VL ”a“, _ .1_ -ee" - ioreob1itrat:ityu for ' the benefit I have derived from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and will continue to pfaise them when opportunity altars." d oat less C rein cured. I have never mm n01- -r healthlhnn I am now enjnying. ad sinca diaeors,tirtttiyg the pills have. ad no:symptoms ot, '11:: old oom- iaintsir feel “my I am under lite- rnsrxoblitraiiityus for Abe benefit I A . * ., A. n.. ‘VHlin-nu' pink Milter's Compound Iron 25 cents for tio do”. A Gypsy Evangellst. One of the most successful of evmr gonna! now preaching In London in Gypsy Smith. He w’aa born in a gypsy tent, roared in tho lanes and fields of rural England, and knew nothlng ot If the child in ”Ethan at, liy. books Mimrd'l Liniment when. -_ rtirtdntrtur, tsal ttie, of Millut's 7 ant is required; Dream; the Hair. Fair huh I. thr a prettiest when it is ttre-ttt M 1"%lr' way. which 5.11de- HB “the .fi thine through it. Bath 2ergrtc,t, contrary. should be 'tire-rite, to show its gloss. in :11!” 'tMer: mu ot reflections. Hilht‘IwWw hafnium are a t#tub. dattat was [arguments ot cu!- dru. '"5bP""F"" ......._.7_ mm were ot this variety. Tun : romance has gone-entirely luxling as pursued try the lamina. There is no "an " with the, slriseterld har- tho how to strike the Winnie. ul " little stnmn um". and lims wvm further aggrauu stomach troubler. I loathe md could realize that I we growing weaker. My physician lent would sometimes sligbxl t me, then, again 1 was wort :ver. Finally, an” all hope Wt may gone and a iarge sum 1 ' had been, thrown away n imp: that did me no good, , t.rt,ro',72rf,tiiae.d me to try Il .m‘v Di 'Pills. si.wo boxes IT unit had red in th n exp llr -"-wcF'""" . when command. 66p at uftcl‘ thp Wrecking shock on its Internal. t it" a Moles! mass. A' null-hm! to the butt. of m." by this the what" is as it thrashm madly watt-r in a valrt va't unknown c-nmny..Dcnth l. unluss. as oromeumet ark (it-norul Dodge- " roub her tim t cam “has at night, has jow complexion, a Worm Powders is ; .plea.sant, harm.- harinetr, on, uatii for Bale every . no: to try IN we boxes I p. at. the he t 1809, I use BL UH: Inc- l899. I used‘ Heart-Shaved 'trvert. f 1oticed im- (‘hinohlllil is often "nod on ore) the use 01‘ green. may or dark blue gowns. but , had taken mldwlmer seen h I . oyod on gowns I able toytit- l or Burgundy red”! e' ,,Jltuuur,v visit. I reeling ell- ing. The contra-b “asthm- striking; " had halo tor the red seems a'itieerer wine color w enjuying. tor the blending with cloudy. may e pills have chinchilla. A collarette and mutt , old com- and heart-tshaped revere of the dainty under lite- tur are all the enplecemenu required, proat r when aggrav here is 1 slept I dreams. " Pills, only David n. ”PM“ to and rt n my I l GALLANT FIREMAN. n Attacked by a Fierce and Per- sistent Foe But He Con- quered it. ly . Lumbag.) ts tiremert. . ”Warn. _ _ That. in why” no many milieu", lire lmidlop are compallbd to retlre with: mt yotmg men. , _ Sr . - ., "L_--- -.r.e..t Ml BU!” Jun-qr, sum-.- Lumuum cripplm them. wuakmw 'tgr, 15nd unnttr them for hard work. " Kidney-Pius ark. a gimme for tho WW: /tiiirtsu,otuttrcurccor Lulu. ttttttowe'. L. l a _ T A. ‘ - .. I” Jun... Tauvnhqrn "".e?At . ' ', _ _ w.Ndi1'tt,..Nldm'.r phig drive L‘umhugo qtt:.'ttT "we t dystem- entirely, by strengthening uinrr.otimalating .1hc mama's. ”Him the kidnvys provide (mm. rich blood (m “.6 uonrhlmmnt of the body. Ju- J, ' . , DodltkKidnrr.v, Pius make die Kill. ttvtr41ier Lumbngo out of the blond. That. in how and why Hwy rum the , Dodd‘n'Kidnoy Pills m rtvo41ier Lumbngo out That is how and why t distant» so completely. f Capt. T. Hanged. mun, this towttc, horrible torture '1 kidney troublct, 't Hum! me, tqpsc.Otr ”In“: I“) taut-luv “a, _ Capt. T. Maritrea,ust,-'io. 9 £an313: 1 mun, this tux-imp Hays: “l gallant“ horrible torture from thtntsturo.,at'f l kidney troublct, MI! in)” "docuérl, ad I Hum me to ast) 'u. 'ldgu-y ls. T 'iiiiii,it",it?jii' '.trtf',',iltlf. ot t,llt's,.i, bri (?,'uft'h'l1 year's, ahd mvgg'pnnm l 'di1reitet'; no!" these (“30an _"t:ili Dodd'a Kl”; .l’llls gaw me lo. Thu-v9 1 boNee, cured me' ts,rtill.v-" . i ,', . (:0qu 1n Nady-l Thaw ot cumming“ n val. trimmer“. is not H. light. for¢xnmplm1mu advocated in tho trentm and smallpox. Jean. (in the son or Her lv I., Kit of smallpox I when!“ with starict. *Iuthiug I aw wrll ttN all his . at having rel vurpct't an. the mum. 'lmo room ot I iiuriot the-3 .v all Drum! Hall a hm} H Well people do not Jeff? .‘ Miller's Compoind Trap Pill: " well. 50 doses for a quarter.‘ Minard'tr Llnimeut clues bur Dear sirs,-Thin is to c, I hare been troubled wi back tor titteeey was"; ‘ '"'i""hati; u"iiii"Tiwi'GrGtues of your )IHNARD'S LINAMENT and um com- pletedy cured. ' It gives me great pleasure. to re- comnmnd it and you, are at liberty to use this in any way to further the use of your valuable mndicine. ROBERT? Itasts. ul A KIM-hen Mint. It ls well th remember in cooking vegetables that nearly all are In- Jared hy belng boiled with fresh meat. The disagreeable odor ot balling cab- bage or onions may be lessened by putting a, very small amount ot cay- enne pepper in the boiling water, I Minnrd's Shh l vigorous ettorts to 11f,llh'hr',", nu trade in the Germane trlcan t and tor this purpose the polio: there has bean 'oonaidarqbio mented. . T ' Militr's Grip Powders cure. Mrs. Bardappe-rWMb time Is it? Mr. Harduppe--r dperlt know. “Isn't you? ward! 1ePr t" {IN-0!- It'tr Feet:'.' Two Rivers, The G been mart lergynum» Not Wort h “rationing L Wt in mam: Pun-HM: German Government is making us efforts to (,",,',eh'h1',', the slave in the Germane trlcan colony, pr this purpose the police force has bean [considerably any German Slave Trade Iluu {f .cortutton iiG" to which they subjected won toil Linth relieves neural tmir, 1 part of mdiii new omc, bt" is to t'erltty _i1sat “any of the (a; ow, to my trot- ‘o-Inurrow M l o- In la all Good Ktrecttg to hr cor To-dny no one hangs [victuros m1 pairs. The time when regularity of armament. was considered the} name ot elegance has vanished. and in its plum has come a wild strug- trie after the unexpected by those whose one idea of artistic effect in to ham nothing match anything elm. The weird molt their 's'torta produce is due to their failure to appreciate tho taut that harmony. at least. must rule, (wan although uniformity has been 1iitsearded. There must be a sclwmn to whim the general tone of the Nomi-m Ihoultl conform. A dark carbon must not hang Most: to an retelling drawn in delicate Mum and bordered by a flu-nod white mat. If water colors Is it? In delicate “lull and broad white. mat. I with their soft tint.) huts with their h 'w M torr grtsvitte', _ may be a terms. Emu t has judgment C til wrnvr fanned shown a decided by light” pktum artuTatioas of tin wind. Jturt an in the darkest ruin put, and 'mcm; n shaded of the m to the llxlltmt m the lowest. pit mmbm in hue Humid lead th" c “In deepest toue narrwr‘n Buzur. ART IN Id use!) ' I pine I [nu DIdn’t Follow Instruction turnant Patron-You adiert rm 1"i CORNS. (‘ure Ptc'rtjgtK-"Ahuuh'G. m m EDDY'S llflT()illli(i Tttt tly and «I order dividing the mu ' tour mummy departme issued at Wadlington. Study W nun It minutiae. be reveal! from tl Cold In 0m- Day NV York last rf tho mst t n. 162.3), Wit Secured Only by nd I'uinlmslr Few Days. om! without I ha.- been th yearn. Bevan Qumran! " having the " im‘ull i868 Mllt fl URL-EARNED REPUMTION. nmtuuumm "mono rte, mime“, M tine ths t4 tt min nos. the ' In tter II tlo no o'. non sutwtittttet .9 genuin mum lio " "oxYD0N0Rl' will mire. name of u Wi‘mnm‘ in In a stand- ot add m lint: Trad GG l “v“ _ sorororth .vchabltul'ut. acid Q finlut+ tlllllaisffaTh'fi!. “my 'tttmil, “W "iaheeee,elgta 1uine , --- ---._-_- --- w'“r . PERMANEXTLY CU - BY DK " H 1 “Ts Kliae's 0mm. Nerve warm. No " . I ttta or mn'ougggg - MIMI: LIN lip ISSUE N014. A man's own good bras-ding with! In: wont-Its against other we": iiiGantea.-Ltmiyrterfieid. effective -itt '"ciiCt.ifri.L: by M Sold cnnirnnwmnsn BE. cum)? " 6 Magnum-mu. Edam-Que “EST Mrs. \\'lmlcw'l mat-f an» in” . wmhemndtawm mun-u- mama. dual to in can we“: mummx‘mm cum - (1'than -- Ears MISY fyisr: wr M ph New (matte; iGGoUa. My we In i,"flllli' Rheum m. ll; Painén t,lhltit. ted WW . ram. i eeia, m Bruiser, .93...” sad Me?!” tbr .11 awn 31.3%.!“ M. F. REY. (hum. Port. we» C F6 mriG'"Fi.riiprYiru5 iiiCBrl OXYDONOR. It is nature's (mm. In, lied r unm .mu m... aim-IL AGENYB NA Hm: Hna whine {anal to cun- you (or our tut_rf_teytiptoyyinAi. hee Me WANTED TO "FaNtmgtl- a \ 1mm. Venn-4| on M“ Tri, tor [mu-"Inns. The 'ttet: my ' 'rc. " and I'd (211m m ttta or nerva use. Bend to yum 1J.A.Haru:. H Isn't (all with.“ It!“ line's that a or m0! e. Send to wh OXYDON COY .. " H M l, I“) "lh'r"G"r'kAik" Ck"hiiiiid mad It...“ bottle ttttN'piD.meatroetc Dv tt It TWO NEW South Ail-kl gnu.“ bod-mud “laud when. awn”) r1“!- P- AND DUE! “a a WEI-.1 mu OWA it " m out'. the low seq" one PM fell. at! Our ©

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