Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Apr 1900, p. 5

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kl h "I NO TICK is hereby given that Me Board of brew»! f'omrnutrionera for the License Dutrict of South Grey trill "we! on IBM! tt Mitt tl ttl, 1900. ----iN THE--- Vlllsgo of Holstein. at Klonpp’s Hotel. " no o’clock. B. m. When all 'yt',',','."?,','", for Licenses for the Licence ear of 1900 and 1901 will be eonaidered. The number of Lieerttten issued for your 1399-00 mu: Tavern 8|]pr Town of Durham anmhip of Glenda .. Normanby .. Bentinck .. Egremom ** Proton TO HOTEL KEEPERS. SHOP KEEPERS. and all whom it may Concern. Town of Durham Township " tnrneltt " Nor-“by " Domini Village of Dundalk 3 The application. for Licence: 10" tttttt are anfollo‘u: Table Hum. trd tn. Wide . . . . 20c )‘3. bt 6tin.asnap.-50c y . White Linen Table Cloths 2} ydslong...... .... . 81.40each. Colored Linen Table Cloths " ydslong...... .... .$I.40each. White Bed spreads, large size, abargain...., ......$l.ooeach. English Linoleum 2 yds wide _ Mk a square yard Floor Oilcloth t, rl, Ii. 2 yds wide. . at Mc a spam yd. Our Spring Prints are all in. Come early and get your pick. We have a full line of Spring Shoes of all kinds for Men, Women and Children at the regular low Big 4 prices. -----ca11 and see tts.---- W. H. BEAN . .. Proton 3 0 Village of Dundalk 3 0 " Hanover 3 o Of whom Katherine Rerttott of the Township of Normsnbé is Applying-.10!- , new License for the ouu and m- iaes,nitttat,e at Monte in the Township of Nurmanhy. Wm. Ryan of the " of Glen] in applying for u new licenc- for the Egon] 3nd prom situated " Rob Roy in aid Township. NOT/CE. RuMed Robbinei, Curtain Goods 15. 30. I Lace Curtains 2; yds l ing or WdiG' of Liana“ mud be 'tall with the [W at but! trntr day: gory Aprilf9, 1900. Portia uttered- mll govern 1W aeeordugltt. THOS. A. HARRIS. IBM“ than, April and, 1900. Table Kitten McFarlane tt Co. Our forefathers little dreamed that in less than 200 years our homes would reflect the luxuries of the Old 1vorld--nay, in wall coverings surpass them. Our Wall Papers--,.-. are not Gobelin tapestry, hut they are the most ex- quisite paper tapestry ever designed. ---Ottr new stock is here, ---Is beautiful. ---ls yours for the asking. Astonishing! "A" pftidiota Mutiny tt ty Aree; It, Gamers I CHEAP ! t. SPRING GOODS. DRE G c, l STS' and BOOK Gamers BIOCK. ‘n Tavern Mtop 10 and 4o< tt SC vd it 0 0 " o 0 pr :00 trum the same source l That rail- way construction has been pushed forward with greater activity and thereforethut more money has been required withina given time fer that purpose; that our canal system from the great lakesto the seas has been completed in three years instead of in about thirteen. which would have been the time at the old rate. of pro- 'tretis,--aud they appreciate the fact that in all this and in a dozen other Ways an added expenditure both in income and capital teeA5otutt, is an in- vestment from which the country will reap big returns. The Perpetual Chatter about extravagance in expenditure and increase ofthe public debt. They realize that while it ls true that the expenditure during the lust twoior three years has been increased. for example by 82,370,000 through the cue: ot administering the Yukon. the revenue has been increased tn $2,570,- The people have discovered that there is a government in power able to direct the tiseal policy of the country along clearly defined lines, respeeting and conserving every legitimate interest in the country, while " the same time lessening the burden of taxation upon the people, and returning to the coun- try a hundred cents for every domr of revenue received. Ap eciaMntt this fact they also undengnd how much or rather how little attention to pay to of 6 -The "0elcgoa Bay Railway Award" is settled alter having been in the hands of Swiss arbitrators for about 10 years. The award makes Portugal pay to Great Britain and the United States the sum of 15,315,030 irancs The "mount is less than was expected and the long time taken, the expense incurred by the arbitratom and their friends who were employed as engineers and commissioners has dealt a blow at arbitration as a means olsettling disputes. The trouble was something as folio we t Portugel granted a concession to build a railway through her territory and after enterprising American and British capitol”: had the work done tor some urange reason now admitted to be indefensible. the concession was withdrawn, and the entire reilwey property tsoettheatai. The two English speaking govern- ments " once took action, and the little kingdom naked atnd mite matter put into the bends of " we who hevejnet now made thh Inuit t,'gtfi,'a/','dt'd & Il', new ortn w not a at», i'dM but she will now baggie I) pay this wmpentively w” mm. tfd the ”511m?" It. be,“ won very y e a to prevent Britain ”age ttlili on K ot 'infant industry", the promoters of which were anxious to obtain special tariff advantages at the expense ot the community " large. Bat this sort of thing has entirely changed Unrest has given pine to euntidenee, and the feeling of anxiety ton sense ofreem'ity., --Archihald Forbes, the well-known wtrreorretTotsdtsnt is dead at the age eiriset upon the trade of the eGntry Ottawa was invaded by scores orde. 1uations representing every varietv Buy your Wall Pup-r " The Big Store. All new qtqek nod up to date punctuation: Se. a Roll up. --n condition of affairs which has not occurred for nearly twenty Yeti- and it toldofan estimated surplus for the year now drawing ton close. ot probably $7, W111). The Days of Unrest are gone In the old days thn the national policy Was in the heyday at its glory and the Dominion was protection mad, the bringing down of the budget was always anticipated with nervous am:- iety by the business community. and the event was invariably preceded by a period of uncertainty and restless expectation which had a most injurious The Story oi the Budget. It told the story bt an increase in Cunadu‘s trade from "39,0aJ,000itt 1896 to 'o'374,0a1000 in 1900an increase of 8t35.00u000 io four years against 366.6030” in the review eighteen years. It told ot a growmg levenue in each ot those years which culminat- ed in an increase ot more than .6411). (II) in 1899 over that of 1898. It told our: etrtiatated revenue torqtte en t yen. ending in June of 0‘10th- ooo, which will be yet another $4.01).- ax) in excess ot hut year or an increas- ed revenue ofttQ0C0,000in mutate, l, and this in tha fame of ttqt-ttttst we ductions in taxation. the realtofhtrge additions to the import: placed upon the free list, to the operation of the preferential tariff, to the reduction in postage rates. Jae. It told of new sources of revenue and reductions in the cost of administering the old de- partments. It told of every liability met including the heavy expenditures on the South African or ntingents, and not a dollar added tn the public debt, The last budget of the century has been presented to the country and to say that it met all the most sanguine expectations that have been erected by the riodizal statements d pm {tress 'fu1'l,"v'l',ldlld'n1" thatbave been made public hurling the year. is to put the case very mild. Mr F'ieldink's speech in presenting his tintuieial statement was concise, and held the close attention of the House and galler- l ies; but lmdi. been the most nr,t statement on recurd it wottl have been interesting, " its subject matter was of a character to appeal to the most responsive feelings "(every elec- tor. l') OUR [mm [HER .1. /sli V _ -.-. had tho Strth an. l "tLtbd,'a1tl"lgu','ta Ion. Am .-an. team "tts ' tlfdarh". _ Maatm. Mululny evening last unr dear old Queen wirh her burden of 81 yrs. upon ' snarled on a journey to Ireland which may prove to be the most mom. vntous and we hope will pruvr the must beneiicent of her long long reign. Before leaving she visited Frngnmre. where the remains of Prince Albert lie, and how intensely pathetic is the visit! She too, we believe. recognizes that there is danger, that she may never come back, and her last look and not i. given to the memory of the husband of he: youth, and she steps out "in the fierce light that beats upona throne." on a million oi peace. of am! itude, of sympathy and of appreciation. to a nth tion. which has often yearned for such a. Visit. and which, with few exceptions, will we believe prove worthy of it. Dublin in en fete, It: population of 300. ooo has been swelled to a million. the occasion is luswnc. ail Ireland is throb- bing. and the empire will look on with thrilling interest and my " God Save the Queen and ould Ireland." monk of society got scant recognition lwcnuse . you hive no vote.' " The lec- ture Wu much appreciated. Miss Wiggins has A tine voice and stage presence, and will have a larger house should the can)» again. The collection ummmted to "vet. SIM”. Rev. Mr. Faiqulmrson opened the meeting with devotional exercises Mid Rev. Mr. Sharp closed. The Society at, both meetings received An accession to in: membership Extraordinary preparations are being made for her safety.' every one scents danger. not frmn the Irish as a people. but hum some morbid cranks who may no a cututee. for notoriety. proclamations. Al! this with 80000 Brniah 12 miles away. Muuntell ritlus soon gave the alarm. Freveh, with the Cmmdians amongst. "thets, at once gave chasm to try to re. cnplure the gum uml enln'oy. but up to ll”! (Tuvsduy mgan with no assured succvss. Really. it Lord Roberts should near a laugh norms the Drakens burg Mts. he might be excused for thinking it Was Bullet laughing; in his sleeve, HARRIED. McLeaN--McorAruurr.---ht the mid . ence of the bride's parents, on Wed- “my, Match $1.11. by the Rev. Wm. Graham. Mr. Lichhn McLean. of tr,t,ersnorr,to Miss Eliza. McQuarl-y. of Hallows". lt is thought a " mgugemem is now on and the nut 10 days will slum 4nuteilttng int-resting. Meanwhile the British authorities are preparing (and they are behind hand) to fit the army for the approaching Cape winter. and the. end of the war Inns been shunted further on. W1; J',ner trap. with log» of 7 guns and about 800 men 'ntirtung.' Scouts. If there were any. had failed to discover the Bom- ambush. 5 out of 12 got" were saved. more lives "erifieed fo they could see no enemy, and an event. :an much In itself, had Occurred Which Will gnu long way to nullify Bclwrta' prucluumtions. Al! this with 80000 -.--1 tinek on mem’um. rah. giiiiMlglt' Ymt of p (laugh. Hominy htonght. news of British de feat. Cos. Pilcher. of Sunnyside lune had taken Ladybrand m the cut. but was forced to retire. Part of his force under Col. Broodwood were being pressed on the rear. and to make sure ohhe guns. a convoy was sent with them to Bloemfontein 18 miles off, and His convey walked right into---) ENGmH.--IB Glenelg on the mth suit the wife off. English of a dqughtcr Boer utimy was again prominent: Olivier with hm 6000 and a. wagon train 80 miles long had escuped. binds of Boers had been seen between Bloem- fontein and Kimberly. Kruger Ind uotified the women and children to get out of Bloemfontein as he intended to bombard it Within 5 days and w the week closed. I Thursdsy brought the startling new: this: Boer commander-in-el/set Jouben was dead, and interest and speculuion Was again ground. Would his lou farther dishearten the enemy t Would there be rivalry for his position t After tinny touching tributes from friend and toe, from Kruger, from the Queen and others, the situation cleared with Both. "I command. ‘and Fridly gave the British something elle to.think ofnehen l Lord Robertu' mesuge arrired announc- ing on action at knrree Siding. with the enemy driven " but " action: Ion: See war I At the middle of Int week every- thing wus quiet. or appeared to be. Roberts was strengthening lmnsolf in the Free Stun, Kitchener w" quieling rel emu" In thc West. French and others were. trying to head off the band of 8000 Boar: retreuing from Northern Cape Colony, Baan-Powell' in Mate. k'iug Wu; looking m van: fonrellof. the Burrs were muoi'ng at. Kroonsttrdt, and n Imus of contradictory information was being furnished which was fast; makmg the var lose public interest. l m"i+m news on our tmude pages. HER IAJESTY." THE WAR. BORN. 'k'l!lrik18 Before Ct mmoucinu business the we" and mambera of that council briefly gave expression to their deep regret. at having to be present on the occasion to nppoim a. success-m to llwir late treasurer of whom any one pursuit woke in terms of the warmest admiiaiion and of their ticrrow M. Inn havmg been so auddeuh called away, Wrw,lit--Wilson -- Thai, wherein-I the office of treasurer hail become vacant thrnugh the death of Robt Russell the eu- manned and respected lreuurer of the township. an occurence every member of the cruncil deeply regret. we feel thet the gap in our nuke mused by his death will ttol aneily be tilled and that. we shell greatly mien his genial kindly presence at our council board, end whereas we are directed by ehluww appoint another treesnmr the clerk be instructed to draft n by-lew In accordance therewith end that the my of the ireauurer shall be $100,00 per nnmim. and that he give bonds ott12,000. Application! were re- ceiwd and read from Alex Gillespie. John Scott. C L McArthur, and Jewel Rupee“. Alter eousidertttioa of the applicelionu it WAS mow! by Deuiel Wilson see. by Joe McArdle thin James Rune" he eppoiuted ho duties to be in accord-nee will: the p rovincial stem“ and the hyclewe of the township. In envied by nil p'our dynpepuch who" Stunmch and Liver an: out. ot order. All mach uhould know that Dr. King's New Lift, Pills, (he mmderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, am“ a splendid appetite mum! \xigeuliun nml n regular bodily Int-it that insures parfect health tsud are“ enemy. Only Me, " our drug Aurel. 4 The munlclpnl conucnl of the Township ot Proton met at. the call of tin, Reeve " Ihe McCullough House on Saturday March 24th for the purpose of appointing u lreauuwr. Members of the council all present the move J amen Corbett presiding. s'heep--Traute very dull, with light oft. erings to a weak ddmand at, unchanged Iwicrs Lambs-Dull at unchanged prices. Homr--Unchameed at. 86 per owl. for selection: 160 to an [In Imulml Weight. and 85.50 per cwt for fats and lights. Fetder---Lightofrerimrs and fair de- ummi at steady prices. Stocketm --Demnnd holds Rood offer. ing fair and prim-s unchanged as per table. 1fulhr--Detunnd for all grades of bulls Wits not strong. Offerings were light and prices steady, Milch come-Steady at“ to 8501: lit-ad. . ' Cooper-Wilton-Tho the by-hor ap- Pointmu a denim-er having been read a man and second time be now read a third time. tsio"td. sealed and engrossed in the by-luv hook. Wilson--- Wright - That J A Cooper and George Wright. be u commit“. to cumin: into the tenant’s "ettritiets. Butchers, Cutthr... Demand mu slow, offerings large and price weak. A few choiee cattle sold at fair priee, but. awr- Age sales were 34 to $4.25for choke. $3.50 In 83.00 for gum]. $3 to $3.40 for medium and mixed Iota, 82.50 to $3 per cwt for rough grades. Cooper-Wilton-t Thu: the no". cloth Ind councillor Mural- be . commute. to draft I latter of condolence ho be pro-on: ad to the family of than“ "0mm. Handle - Coop» - Thu the council my!" chair F , up to am " each. _ iii'iiiiiiiiiFi','i'-.-1 Thu the clerk be MoAtdle--coopi-Thnt W J " N paid 50mm work on T L y - than work ot 1809. P and “shoe Export Bulls-While a few extra choice hulls sold as high as 84.23percwh the avenge haiku-ks sold at 83.75 to 84 per-cwt. and lighter stock at 83.40 to '360per cwt. Demand “as not brisk. Run was large, tEloadt made up of son cattle, 2,000 hogs. 50 sheep and lamb. and 28 calves. Export tuttle--Goodouzed run met . steady demand and wld out at moderate prices of 84.75 to 4.90 for heavy woightl and $4.40 to 84.00 for light “trek. Btttetters' came in poor demand: prlcn weak. Other cattle sandy. Hogs stead r. Sheep and lamb: dull. Quality of cattle w" fair. Choice cattle had a comparatively good trade. Trade dull. _ Exliurt unit in {nirdemnnd “dud, prices. ',,88,r;lTr,l,f,r,4, rtret,'?iy,'dFiiiri,e Bed. per cm............ Lard. Perritt.............. Button fro-h roll per ii, Butter, Tuc............ Hides, pel’cwl.......... Cnlfukiu-. per its........ sh.epeltu"...........u... Tallow (adored per ll, Apples. pot ba.....-.... Pontoon. per bag....... Wood, par odrd......." Oats.......... ............. Loubs..................... Dreamed How. per Art Hogs, Live might..." Bnrley..................... Flour......... ....... Wheat............... D0RBA1llI MARKETS. The Appetite ot n Goat Liv. Stock Imet. Proton Council. y""-..... 7 oo per its........ , L..........-.... 60 dared pull.» 4 ... ....."...... Tamxrc Than. ”It (Earl. TO 18 18 IO 26 r, 45 In " 40 IT--- In Hang;l and Light mess. Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets Ete. Limited Will pay the following prices tor saw logs delivered at J. W. Crawford's Mill, Durham. Me 5.1999 $19-99 $6.00 P M want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse com- fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. Buck 10.00 Bait Elm 10.00 Basswood 10.00 Beech 8.00 Black All: 12.00 Pine 12.00 SAVINGS BANK. Interest ullowed on savings-hunk deposits of 81.00 and up- wardu. Pmmpt attention and every facility "ordid customer; living at u distant-e. Spruce 8.00 Cod“ 7.00 Hemlock 5.00 to A general Banking business trruutacted. Draft: issued and collections made on "ll points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed " current rates. SAW LOGS WANTED Tamursc 5.00 to 7.00 weJoIEEEI‘I Logs Will be eluted according-II: size and to be out so much as possible 12ft. long, allowing 8 inches. Winter Need OFFICE FIRST DOOR. EAST OF the Durham r'hertqer Gilda-'- “not. 'teaadeateitdttiieiee.tstt the mom... Duh“. AGENTS in all principal pmnh in Owl-i0; Quebec. Manitoba. United Bt '03 imd Enigland. CAPITAL. Authorized CAPITAL. Paidup, .V RESERVE FUND .. . (lfllll)lllil) BANK AA CANADA UAS R. GUN grany disease or disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. GUN'S LIVER PILLS are purely vegetable, are easy to take and prompt to act. ED TONG UE,' FOUL BREATH, HEART BURN. CONSTIPATION, SICK H E An A c H E, muons. use, DYSPEPSIA, COAT.. mg The DURHAM FURNITURE COMPANY, Those who have used GUN's LIVER PILLS say they have P' equal for telieving and cur- DURHAM AGENCY. Dr. T. c. HOLT L. D. g. Small Pills DENTISTRY. Gun’s Liver Pills. IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We M. 0. Agent, Can. Express. WE SUPPLY Head Office, Toronto. illlllllllll “MM Ill). Ill). W. P, COWAN. President GEO. P, REID. Manager. C. LEA VENS Small Price. Put up only by J. KELLY, Agent. DRUGG IST 9.00 $mall Dose, moody]; to. out 14 ft 82,00tl.tot 1,000.000 ' ft00,000 IGtrtlt The Hanover Uonveraatcer “Always Prom t. Never N igeet Al busines- Stricay Private. ettl ll. H. MILLER will have but: Bit gl'l'r, at the business nu! 1145 AP, and he KNOW8___HOW to pd P " 'ilh"c'h'lllhRs, Rich. Man, Poor Men, Grits, Tories and Patron, ALL DEAL WITH.... H 'H. MILLER. GLiei at lowest pound: mien “it“! WW. ‘Thfll can! Elude Edu'ntry Em to him. as"; (”than at 6 per ml. and on large loam Aluudrodgoodl’mtor .1...“ slumber of ttne Eu-erm-sed.' Go to him If you wont to an; Go to him it you wont to buy. [boom notes and accounts. and it beat-u - hing how he new money out at can claims that have been thrown no“. no worthless. BUSINESS?“ and DitBeuitie. sttalttht 'ttMt and adypste4 without low-oi. - . feetirut, hythemeof o um. - - good fudgment. If you on out“. tot-gm“! - We ask macaw“ i)l on: M. S. SCOTT. TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES WOOL If on are and“ to psi ttitt "ia a the {he will uni-t you to may. with your creditors. [Icahn-t In“. Cb 'usfaetorh wound up. _ PM“ was. OtBear--ot" door In“: of s. Scott's. Durban E. J. FREEL, M. D.. C. M. Loan and Insurance Agent, Convoy- ancer. Commissioner. a. LOANS annual without. delay. Collection promptly undo. [manna clout“. MONEY TO LOAN at lowest nu. ot in“ Office, over Giant‘s store. Inwer Town BARRISTER. COLICITOR III .UPRIUI COURT. NOTARY PUlLIC. counnclonen. are. OFFIC'EwllrIMyo-e Blork. Conway “a to“ in. to Lou on low. at Iowa: tit: " than». Val-Quo- m ht scout-“tad artful VII-Mot. UPPER TOWN. Je-tte-Alta, Bunk Fund!“ with C. Mcxlznon'o Implement Chop. Honor Grunt. of Trinity College. Toronto; lumber of tttq College of Physical! a. autumn. Out. ; Member ot the Down Iod- ie-l and “bury AnaoelaMon. "howmmn (him-d In“) t t M an. 'lltil'.%t'lxlS'f.%'c.f" p Furniture of the an Mal would Inn-no than the mac-mm." m Furniture and Uldotlsuns Baum» umb- lluhed " Mr (other in Durham- u "" bl. will udrsvor to [In att cm on d m . than. on the an. q"irembtHfaettioq. rrhter, otar , Goa: vegan-war, er., 5%..." long to Loan at reuonblo um m on com: to suit borrow". We can give you Bargains. W. L. MCKENZIE J. P. TELFO RD, In 'r-n’ [INN-I Experience. MISS SHEWILLL MONEY TO LOAN q. “BOY MAM. PM "A.“ A mom" catch & Irish W. S. DAVIDSON. DRY 600w. CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOPS. ass., We are prepared to han- dle your WOOL & other produce to your emit-r satisfaction. Of hast quality. ALWAYS Ott HAND. lass SHEWELL r to HIM-”potlu- lulot. bum... It". . douon’on. -. “ram. 00. --rv" ”I. ..- “Um the Bend: DURH‘ I Town. the

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