95 I] I I DURHAM REVIEW. The noting is beginning to make in gypsum-a. The mow is dinppurinu hot. The thrlds In all bare Wttit the nonunion od a hunk of now have and More Along side the [once- aod we}: like. A]! We! in the ti1line of the soil are “in. preu'orsn to man! I." an duties mooted ttsee-tb. Some no prevail“: (or mar-making but no; much dun. yr: The warm up ot the sun "eotnpattie"l by the enul in." from the north durum: the Inner putt of Much wore not favou- Obkin beautifying the complexion more, -lly “was of as whose :1.in duties Olln‘u to In exposed to all kinds of We in. “min A new book iunt om hr tho Be, "I011!!! Mnelair on "The Menu» Clan". “who“ in a trood on- and any (I. “vim n drop ot the "chm" blood running in My vom- nhonhl purclzno our. Tho book my ~hown ‘nu by Mr Don Me- ktllon ".eouneillor of Art-ia, who " . cousin of the aMbor of tho hook. If: It!“ 11 Ohio is the guest ' an “and: My. The Int. ot April filing on I Sanity (Colin: an nanny-ended to . cumin cutout foe “other you. A Doubt! of We no dill complniu- In. than the efUeta of cn-hlu guppu or something "ue. Mr Donald McDongall " of tho south line in ootttined to but bed {or the Int coup]. of rocks and u $hn Venornhlc gentleman buried the lttghost number or you“ nllon to man [four won) bv a {on man your: nod according to tltr 000110 of "not. the tin). of his departure - be nigh a bind " all even“. The contract for rhod- " the Proubv- avian church wtll be let 'toott co " to hue the workgmnx on in the urly part ot manor. Archio Mecunig one of the Dinah“ of the Grey a Bruce Five Immune Com, m, tsttendrd a meeting " Elam-er on Sunday lat. in. In union tor gogu. In Wm Wonk. we roam to a, in pa hum) at preunt Ind ttttder the “of I are. Aait huh-I some in). lime thorn bu boon - “club we among your In, mop-clut- I thought I would pl. a tow a! ttte can twinning: around at“. but. [Do " “til. EM Willi. HeLood unomloxl the “I. a his Ute brother's residonco " Sunnidnlo on Friday the now all. The male wont " well. M, Neil McLean um within] into the Workman Socwty at in hut regular muting. This w“ a stood not on his pun below taking hi- departure for his home In Montana. His brother John will be initiated " Its next regular meeting. Boy Mr (it-hm bad I prayer muting at tho Grunge Thursday last week and In greeted will a In" house. It Dan Gmnwood patent-0d n [on M ' Spunky Indy. Educ Hull will Goo Sup!“ Jr, is ceaptted for the unmet months with Thou Brown, Tun. oi Wremout. “and to bar Min Katherine Firth od Zion in improving. We hope she will on be Dbl. to be ground awn. Any tlttP, of log: n the nw null hon. ill It. to he tan dns Ind mum vb.» it cummouces. Wellington Banks, North Bay. was sunvmouod I. appear in Division court for u doetor's bill incurred two year- ago for a boy than in hie employment. Ho won tho can And returned home Int we“. Mr and Mn Dan MeAnbur. North Bar no vilitmg at Mr Thou Bunkl' Ind will tshe up unit residence on the nun they have rented on the 10th con. Professor McLeod will lecture in Wal- ton's Hall on Wedrur"dtry "Quinn of this weak both in English and Unlic. David McKclvu bad 1 wood bee on Mondo, Joe Moore had on. on Saturday, Ind echoes frum the out say that other: wore hold at Wm. Humans nnd Wm. thsou's. Mrs Joseph Firth Jr., mind he: mice In Wm Doddl u Borkoly Int week. Minn Scott visited friend. in Proton Int Uni. Thou was I wood boo n Robt. Nelson's on Friday afternoon. and 3 dance " night, uni the boys report having I good tim.. Fred Foot. in Inrod with lichen Mario. " the summer. Philip lawman. who bad his leg hart lending lugs. we no and to hear, " â€towing. 1'atter Nelson leaves on Monday morn- ing for Guzman“. when his inland- to work tor tht summer. David and Peter Duly luvs Tnesduy maxing for Michignn to seek their for. hne-. Success bop. Goo lent, 1.1: for Keyword: Int week Ind intends saying for the summer. Geo will he missed around the comet's for he in one of those jolly good follows. A low ot our young I,',',',"?,',', “tended - pm at Mr. binclur'u on need-y night. Walter Lothian um! Frank Adan" leu'o Tue-(h, morning for the North West. John Moore tad Robert. Mttttheo" have pueblo“! the Lamb bum. A sleigh load from Normnnby upon a walnut evening". Mann It Henry's and VII: Hanna’s. Come satin bore. IRPONoiII is Min hind: " Thursday, April 5 I900 t t? J. Ramage, “mam. Mhhuwuk. Henry 's Corner. Prlcovme. Edge Hill. lulu-h. Editor are Mum: '0qu can: a ale an. of hr Everything was anyâ€: of n a handsome lam. blaster and Misc; MePlnu of Norunnby Sundayod with the McKinnou funily. Mr P O'Neil is on the " list thin. Int {up dun. C Jun Foster and Miss McGillivray upon: Sunday in Notmunby. , A Mchhorn is home trom a an week. trip around the northern villages and towns and will return in a few atâ€. We Welcome Mr and Mrs George Henry who but moved up to the corner. Mr Dong.“ Nch‘allnm and Miss M Foam- mudnyed in Normwby. Skating tonight as the rink. lug boos. quiltiato and mat hooking no nil Ibo “no. A hmuy time tor the pmcbon impacted baton lone. Min Uni. McIntosh has been home on . einit trom Neutral lacking halo ind hearty.' Sim vill inborn shortly. Mr Haul) Mecuhun but changed with Mr Fulton, Normality for the summer momhu. Mr R “click" Pvicavilk in mung! with M Nchclzem for the summer. Quit- 3 number of our would be boys hired I team and took in the Glonelg mo muting. Some of the Mr mm were milly disappointed " the way they mm: empty handed. susi, Miu uni Mrs Jon GrdBet of Toronto no visiting " her pttrental homo J A HcEnchorn. Miss Loyde of Durham in visiting at Mr ll Ellen. Mm Robert Grdtin in viuilim: n Mr J MeEacheru's. Mr nud Mrs W Fulton Sand-yea at his fathers in Normanby. The McIntosh {lazily have moved to Durham. Min Clan M McDonald Is at primal“, visiting her cousin Mrs w Luwwu of tnwn. Mr K G Lindsay In“: next week for St Mary's whore he bu loomed n. simu- tion wtth a hum-r. 3 On Tuesday evening of last week (, about 60 of Mr and Mrs Malcolm Cam- ‘oron's neighbors and well wrshera. who i had heard with regret of their intended, _ departure to their new home in Between (N. Dakota, took Mr and Mrs Cameron by surprise by invading their comfortable [ and spacious premises. Rev Mr Graham I was called on to act as chairman and a really choice program of singing. music and addresses. The letter by some of the old pioneers who had stood shoulder to shoulder with their host and hostess in bearing the brunt 1211T,', lilo and had known and respec them a little over half a century. An interesting part of the programme was the reading of the address given below by Mr D A Smith, alter which a bounteoua repeat was served and a very enjoyable time was spent. arr Cameron although taken by surprise tb.auked the company for their presence and well wishes and also for their gifts which he prized so highly. To Mr and Ira Cameron Dear Friends The onward marsh of time and the perpetual current of events have brought us Laether on this the eve of your departure to the distant West. Language fails us in expressing our sor- row on this occsai n that we are about to sustain by your removal from amongst us. In the church you will he missed as the Sallie“) slwevs found you in st- tendence at the house at prayer, " a neighbor you have been kind. courteous and obliaing. We have found you a faithful friend in times of trout'le and willing to do what you could to render assistance. Your many friends and wel. wishsrs feel it their duty and esteem it a pleasure to show their good will and respect toward you. We therefore ask you Mrs Cameron to accept this fur esp as a slight token of our respect and love to you. and to Mr Cameron we present this bible and book of praise hoping that their blessed contents are be your guide and light until death. Wye also ask you lery to seeept this album and Aronie and Hay these books of praise hoping that you will not look upon these at their value and that you will consider shaped-will that is manifest by the friends you left behind in Oatsrio. We wish you each onebselth. prospuity and aod'itrl-itHthtrtatepttir bone. and should ltnever hemlot'tonestsgals here below we In that when time has moaned oer gut','. on earth. we may all meet is our Father's horns above. tAi-it on behalf of the use. J, I when _ (ith' Heat _ Ire. “it! I Mar Mr J 'l‘lunx lust: added a new lath machine to his well aquipped mill. Au immense quantity .sl lows are on hand hr tho mason. Mrs McKuy ot Toronto in a welcome guest at the home of tar parents Mr Ind Mrs Loitch of tum place. Mr " Sullivan who has been eugnged lumbering in the vicinity of Walketmn unwed home Lost Monday. Mr and Mrs W Duncan left last week for Toronto when the tanner has sec- ured a. good situntion. Although sorry to part with them we wish shout proo- parity and lulppiuuu In their new home. Mr John Duncan ot Arno Tp. Bruce Co. Wu in the vicinuy lan week ity quest of hind help of which then new: to be I shortage. Mr Christan Scbeurmuu arrivedluome In: week from Goderich where be but open: the last twelve month. end expect! to return in a fortnight to Inks his for. mer positron , on 1 boat. Hie brother George arrived home on Friday [ram Pike Bey end will try his head at (erm- ing the coming “I00". Both unlocking bronxed. hourly Ind hind-0mm . Dornoch. (ed John Allan, son of C. C. Allan lea Tau-day morning tor Gronfell. N. W. T. We wish John all prosperity, as he was one of our promising young men. D. Gordon ion was Thursday to spend the summer with Colin Rae who resides near Mt. Forest. Ben Sharp cf Durham is engaged at Bream in tnking out the timber for . Mekinnon'o new barn. Mr and Mrs J Chapman ot Markdale were visiting their difUrent friends for a few days last week. Mrs Eliza Chapman well taken suddenlv ill with a severe attack of LaGripon Friday. Dr Jameson was immediately called in nttendance. She is new on the wey ot recovery. Rev Mr Campbell of Dromom took charge of the eervice in the school house a week ego Sunday evening and preached a very interesting sermon to quite a large congregation. All that is mortal of Miss ane Bar. ber will be laid to rest on Tuesdsy afternoon in Maplewood cemetery in the same plot with her parents, sister and brother. She was in apparently good health until about nine month's ago when she was stricken with a fatal disease which rendered her bedlsst ever since. and although a great sufferer was seldom heard to murmur. She waskrestlv missed all last summer out of her place on Sabbath afternoons as she was s lsithlul attendant at Sabbath School and afternoon service. She was also» very industrious and saving young woman, and will be greatly missed at home. Much sympathy is extended to her brothers and sister. - A number of young people 'IIE',,' e very pleasant time at Mr and re C Fktor's one eyenlng In: week. Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile. of Wind» m. I. T. He writes: “Four home: of Eleetrse Bitters ha: cured Mrs. Brewer of scrotulu. which had caused her great. tutfferinsr tdr years. Terrible sures would break out on her hen-1 and face. and the bent. doctors could give no help, but her cure is complete and her health in excellr out." This alinws what. thousands have provi-Th" Electric Bitters is the ' blood puritier known. Us the mph-me remedy for eczema. tether, salt :heum, ulcers. bulls and running sores. lt stim- nlntenhver. kilneya and bowels, expela poisons. helm dittestron, builds up the strength. Only Fl' cents. Sold by our humid. Guarantee}. 4 He Poole The Surgeons. Alldoctors told Reuick Humilbou. of West Jefferson, 0.. after suffertng 18 months hom Rectal Fistula. he would die unless acostly operation wan performed. but be cured blouse“ with live boxes of Buoklen‘a Arnie: Salvo. the lures: Pile cure on Emu. and the best Solve in tho World. Meenta tt box, Bold by out drunk“. 4 iiprinfirork. A Full Line oi the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machine», know what these Goods are-the best in the market. . Buy do other! WAGONS! A full cerloed toulect from. See our Farm TRUCK. These are the Celebrated Adams' Wagons. . -Tirnea look like spring here now. The people are preparing for augu- pslxing nod molasses and also for Spring and Summer Goods On Wednesday evening 28th the Presbyterian church people held a musical concert. The proceeds to go to the Indian Famine Fund. The church was comfortably filled. The Rev Mr McDonald presiding. The Cedarville people, turned oat well and rendered valuable service. Short addresses were given by Mr Rogers, school teacher of Egrement. Mr Rogers of Cedarville ex-reeve and by Rev Mr McDonald. A very pleasant time was spent. Proceeds over $15. As Usual a Full Line Turnip Bowers, Bonnier-a, Honcho. Hot-rows, Hay Forks, etc. all in nook. Attend to your Fire Insurance. We have the old established London Mama! Inaunnoe Company, and other good Stock Countries. LOTS or Ion? to Loon " " Inner of name: I Mr William Dean who has been raised in Proton went last fall to the lumber woods of Michigan got lone. some out there and in returning home came by Toronto where he met Miss Susie Douglas who was also raised in Proton near Swinton Park and lav grovious arrangement, got marrle . hey arrived here on Friday evening the 23rd and are quietly spending their honeymoon in our village. It is likely they will settle down in Proton. We all here wish them joy and many happy day; (ri/Mr and Mrs Peter MoArthur on Sunday the 25th a son. Messrs. McDonald and McArthur arrived home from the Chosen Friends ','g,tlinr They report every thing we . The most important matters for the last week here are the following items. MOWER TOWN Implement Warm; , We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now! IUBDOCH. Hopeville. WM CALDER Those that are sick in the village, tlt mram Md to any. recover- my. Miq.alluen Grittmhaw of Toronto is the 5',I',','ht Mrs. Geo. human for . few ays this week. On Tuesdaya number left for the West. Harry Caldwell and family, accompanied by Miss M. Hlmock. with two can of stock and household tsfreeu, for Dnuphin. Mam, Walter Nelson for Portage La Prairie, Walter Lothinn for Regina, N. W. T. The Sums: Company have been giving concerts In the Hall here for the past few evenings. The attend- nnce being rather small. Part ot the proceeds go to the owners ot the Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 80:3 otClifrord are a present visiting their daughter Mrs Stephen Seaman. Discovered try tt Women Another great dimverv has been undo end that too by a lady in thin cannery. "Disease (unused its: clutclm- upon bar end for never: were elm with-toad it. levemt tone. but her vital organs were undermined and (lunch 329mm Imminent. For three month. elm coughed incemudy. and could not sleep. She timulr discover- ed a way In recovery. by purchasing of as n bo-tle of Dr. King's New Dircovevy fur Consumption. and watt so much selievrd on taking: first dose. the! she slept all night. and men two bottlea. has been ub- nolutcly cured. Her mum: in Mrs. Luther Lutz. Thus writes W. C. Hummckk Co., of Shpllny, N. C. Triul home: free M our Draw Sure. Regular size litht end and “.00. Every home guaranteed. 4 Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Klempp attended the {would the latter's mother on Tuesday " Nenmdn Joe Campbelland A. Ferguson have a pile ot wood on the road a quarter of a mile long. Bo says Jack Me- Kechnie. Mrs. Joe Philips had the misfortune to lose nsum of money amounting to 854.50. It is to be hoped she will re- cover the :mount lost. J. E. Ferguson 'g hauled a stick of timber ofabont 123 feet with one team. That's tt big load for two small horses. Mr. Jas. Douglass and his young wife have moved into our burg of late. They seem to be a very jolly couple. The ll. V. and M. P. Club met at D F'ergt1son's one night last week and report having a good time. Chas. Ferguson swapped horses one day last week with P. James. He says he dont have to take everybody's dust now. Mr and Mrs. John Aleorn were visit ing friends at Riverside last week. J. E Ferguson and J. Mekeehnie can, split and piled 9 cords of 22 inch wind om: day last week. That beats the record. Miss Florence Mekeehnie is visiting friends at Boothville " present. Mr. Lewis Fer was seen winding his way through the bush Intely. Wedding bells are ringing. 'iipeoqsgtsiyttsetu1MMMt tt1"1"rttt"i"t cg. what’s tho Matter 6 iii' with the Canucks? 1% fJ,,eifi2iiiiii trt-ttree to can " tom Sena Wed no“. All once" of that or emu. loam Worry. Excel-m on “To boom. Opium or Stimulonu. lulled on use!†ot who. one while " on. $5. Onwalplan. “Maura. napkins (roe to Inv MW. Tho Wood Company. Windsor. on. _ Mhatse.y-Bttrrip Binders, Mowers, manna", Bates, Em, You mg- - "himtlterdity, Fet' b y Next to Bank. Repainn done mm a a d a 'dllrli'lG'lllllg. " They's all right, and so is McFarlane’s Watches. and don't you forget it either. The stock is always up to date and prices right. ---Wedding Rings Wood's Phowbodiuo is sold In Durban In. R. Gun MwFsrltue & Co., and Pulsar. Draw-tn Issuer of KARMA!!! Hum ill l. hdlllllilllll. Maple Park a tGid iti0/lgiztr'otl try f) mum um. tt to - this medicine tdltd'r'a Big Holstein. - tl?. 'tTutttedtet Pg ahmsialty. - g 3‘33 is (it? Â¥@****WÂ¥WÂ¥VWQÂ¥W t, gd' (Frm, ftfsh Kara. ',) a6a1h4s'4hitsoi1hatsoooatuauirqsiisoaraasoaeiisqsaasi'er , l856 1900 W _ ‘IMPORT OF STAPLE - tfo,:ij.,dj:Lisr.cii" N 05.5 A, , we HAVEDECIDEDW il)CsaiCbr/"s"-sa3Css/ii.E. Without going into details as to weight of each and how we landed them, we will simply give you an estimate of our catch-soo doz.---Nod we have 200 doz. left, and as we cau't eat them all, we count them out to you " Ilic per doz., or $3.25 per half barrel. On a big seduction in our Del h .and Chinuvm. Toi and DinmSets. Mao any“... Sweets. Plates an. Climb thd hill we will pay you for your tvotthlé.-- ' U. BURNET ?" Buy your Carrot and Mange] Seed now" Clover and Timothy Seed, Danish White Oats, a great yielder, 60 bus'l per acre, 4oc per bush'l. New im- proved Ligowo Oats. H. PARKER'S. “mm Druggist and Seedsman tt m V Toilet. Ten 9K T0 ll Town Ta. tl 'ritin; Col If for t will Tow t Town Whi o. urlv V ill: Town " F100 WI N0 r Ruff "