" " ice. " New! Effects in Dress “0003: thtt Store J. A. Hunter. lrohnd & Co. have loads t goods in this week. Call and Bee, Good General Selvnm wanted to Hamilton II a funin of two. at this alike. l S'rsrrmo Ue. -M r. W. Bradley, Ouch- ard has lately ptarchared some impm ted shot-thorn cows of great excellence and intends going into the breeding of first ulnss shun-thorn cattle. Success to hin Specialist will be at the Central H Durham April llth. one day only. Lucas. Wright & Bataan will c their Ihuham other until the em the Parliamentary Sewinn at Toro after which time Mr. Batson will ll their Durham OfBce every Monday l’Rm'ERTY ('HAXGB A'. Mcknumn, has purchased a mite for his implement shop (rum chPrhuie Bros. " Is just. west " l‘aldwell‘s Livery Stable and fronts on launhum tit. Mr. MrKinmm will likely move his tine building to the new sue who" we Wish him success. Ius Aunts NAcRaE.---ustThursdnr the “In town of this moyt estima- Me ynung lady were grieved to bean that she had died in Hamiltnu that day. For some time post her health has been poor. but a thou, time before her death "he was taken suddenly worse. hee ---, t Local and District News. t tss‘ssԤQ§ss.sssd Stu-(h. Dutrh u-h. 1octsa "Int PM“ Lot‘s Drug Shawn Have you seen the Ni Blouse Ends at The Bug Luv: up MooDr--t4o nusny inn-called "ljfeollody" are in cirxruintiort, it in hard to - the heat. We am glad Inca“ mention to the review of the ooty genuine work in another column, the edition now preparing by him snu- and tor which C. C. “('Fayden has - ruled the aâ€? in this district. The Big Sam taterie,m the largest wool-(meal. of Laces and Embroidery in Durham. moth-r was sent for and "ntlr recovering when a cation s0! Deceased l in Durban In Isl!“ Ireland the warm which the What u great Inter; purl heal it had d with luynr Laidhuv "omplimented the st it had good smymg powers, mm oe foresaw great possibilities yet to spring _ from the Union with which he heartily' sympathized. Miss Wiggins after com- I plimenting the aorlety on havmg the‘ mayor un their side entered upon her anlt' “The New Patriotism", which was; n powerful presentation of the arguments for the entranchisement of wuuwn. She outlined the work of the Swiety since its establishment sr, years ago. At first they attacked the hotels but tindintt them entrenched with law and politics on their side. they pressed for and tsecured treiestt'tfte temperance Instruction in schools. They further pressed their work before the lawmaker. ot the country wtthhtorero6esr' ounce-n. Mtern The ed " "It is every ortrG Inuinvss to Rot-p the land pure," and she would like to see she enthusiasm of politics. applied to this ohjeet. She has a pleasing vein of humor in her make up and "rubbed it; into" the men for not allowing wnmen i to you as the machine could not handle' chem! “Why should women he debut-l ed ? No wild beasts won at the pollu‘ only harmless men 2" We GGGGGI, with mnemonic-ma the nun-m! who â€In. be political with ! Then m taithtles a home. who“! in no â€in“ and who-.I tten, the Ito-O all the utter: Tl " "in ; DRESS 0000S. t"t.tttt.tttttt"', . GRANT'S AD. ' and her were m g she address" "oposite audio: MISS ‘sss.‘§§s$$s.$..i ad VOL. XXII. N0. 14. " ll lot Smith th " we W t was kt I)irt we may 1d Dress Gm tntrN' Ila: Effect s in ne and w ttie IC to-umrmw night. April ii, " building. A full attend- ‘ed. C. Runny. Secy. seen the Now Mock of Sllk " whom and y nevus in her I h 13’s It " H w P‘ " humus scientific Eye e at the Central Hotel 1th. one (by only. a in Dress Goods at The Hunter. _ A th nthly In " This taletqted let-tn adios of the w. I'. my others last Frid Presbyterian chum .hildren in relation opie nml those w lighted. In the eve x a larger and mr tthet a larger and mom " in the name place w in the chair. He society on the walk as doing in Canada. our vowels. and he XXX f the Puhli Lpect. Miss Mck of how the nicest huts trade of Durham. by d sh for heart com moonini the end McKinn " K Town! yard Ipply tppul . ._. in J. M. Hunters Dunning soul" "I , Purker's Drug Stare. The, A Goon Wtx--Furmaso, who hare y ' need to exchange or for sale. can olllnte new those wanting In get. it by n. local in the my Review. which will he inserted for“). t g†Call or send to Review otrice in Upper' pply , Town or at branch otftce in Gum‘s Drug ‘Stnre in Lower Town where than is Eye _ telephone connection. hâ€?! Millinery opening comnwnm-s ttrdtsy at lwlmul k Co. The largest and host s",,,"""?""."'"."' shown in the town. All . . IH' invited. vert- who pl tt rd " h " A NIGHT Wrrn Tnsxvsnu. -Ott Mon- day night next the C. E. Society will have another nf their Literary Nights, which haw proved so "molesting. Tho Imam chosen fot (unit-u; study is "The A Vanadium mlllot'. lwing asked it he 1m: "poiicrr.v and oxpéme that. good] had "ver' wen a luddlmulml woman. rv'- oound common sense and ch, "than (it- plied: No he "ever did Nor haul hei"."r?."' would nnttmul.vsttggetst. " hen . . . y .Bhall such reform he iunitirurated, IU d eyerMenawomt0t wnltzirttrraroundtoiiiiiiii. worse than nhuutd mutton†he in her shirt sleeves, with a ciqar “Fl“; the (bliss that were?" tween her Math. We have never tretMtl, ......_- - . ------ - a woman) an a fishing with n boule- in ttIWW----"', her hip pork-t, sit on the damp ground i ---- all day and then gohome drunk Mulch!“ On Wednesday of last week a "sul- Nor have we ever seen :uvmnan yank n!,’wt sou and fair daughter" of Norman- ln-r mm! and Ntvt'ttr' Ute could lick "nrthrtowntrhip joined hands and htartat in nun to town. God MM! her'. she ain't holy wedlock. The young people thus hull! that way. I made happy were Mr. John Momee and Towy (‘Ol'Sl'll.. The eouncilhad our.“ Hannah if". Je, ceremony interesting meeting on Monday Li/tite, Pltr, n :19 to?! if†of the amlall present Messrs. T. WheUn and: t,1t?dTi','e' .' " :3 ' "tdf Fee, Axel). Hunter taking their mm foe the t" the“. an! “M ti 2' ee. D. L. tint tinw. The Buruuuuo wan. hefore", . IU,' l',', , “I ti ' I If“? 'f tho-enlnu‘llmlll and the matter was t “'1', 'id', I'dr, fl', ' let'l for defence in the hands at when." . “Twit; was)" M: Mi l T". t. “a! Tre'". A ramps! for an onlctal 'suit in 1ud "vt.1'e'ri,'c'l','Cl't1uee'dl'lf, for l nnslablv l ill-SUI) nuns negatived. duty foe his cousin the bride 'I‘Mm'. at tl M)\V:I,‘ the prupuslllnn to resume The luade WM. tMtefnllV attired. in n Myâ€) It' lighting, the ext"'rrse being f dres4ts of green and gold Lloth and with outwith-red too great for. the present lilies of the valiey ill her hate looked pnslllull of the town, which Mv. Gots. 'C,'.," "ttrFtvt' Not tess no was} llm- tiqurt's i, 8216 less than nothing at i',','?.,." in- Whllt' CL/i,'. out“ Lr".,',',' ttl Lace 1'urtuins. lust-es and Hmhmkl- cries at The'.Biq Store. Division CourtOftlee is now Inward in J. M. Hunter's building south " mated th TOWN CotDicu.. _ The council had in interesting meeting on Monday night and all present, Messrs. T. Whelan and chh. Hunter taking their mtata for the tint time. The Burnetcnuimbefurv ttaecoooeilagtai" sad the matter mu left for defence in the hands at Stitch": Tt4fovd. A request for an â€Meal suit tor. Constable thsteiott wax negativeel. attl so was the pmpositinn to resume electric lighting, the expense living considered too great for the present. position of the town. which Mr. Gots. line tigutvs is B‘Jltileas than naming at present. Mr. McIntyre was granted lvave to mm? his frame "ore at. the cot'ttei' onto the street while hulltliug Nate Cert SCI" may matter may Sunday lzumr run. run. lU P"""-"' thir "iosthsxttvtirtvr, reurhw of " regular t-ehsrious lulpm. but m- feat. the averagi- l rmulm "t " daily [vapor is yet'a “‘an way frmu appreciating such a wealth of; I religions matter as here Appears. The; i advertising puges are ire» of coma!" from all liquor. or tobacco advertise-) mvnts. AdvertNemeutsthat donppear l have ttotompetitrve referent-cs "sfellow, business “tell. no "bestin the world";' "clteitpest in the city" phi-asset, though i, we notice the negro gets a slap, where " ‘ "married man. twhite)" is wanted. The} amusenwnt of the people is not neglec-l ed, and an interesting game called} "Progresaive Chatnttqun" which is: played with cards on which appear} Bible chaunrtem &c.. is tiescrihed.i Whether this will or will not make al good training for progressive enchle is! open to question. Of course war newsl 'receive some attention as do unrlmts,| _ minim rcial transactions. farming novel. I (an. but the impression left by a. curlory i perusal is that of a Sunday School! Magazine of a nondenominntionll' 'chnracter, with some decidedly Itttyl kind objectionable poetical "rteettomr.l " away W05 A sympusium on Disease Prevention by well known doctots is good, and of , course much of the miscellany is quite :i‘eudahle though quite different in character to the usual run of such imam". On the whole Sheldon'a ide» f what a daily paper should be will PTI? be voted a we“... thou]: tt contains future: which would improve inlay of our dailies. for instance the aunts-aim “de0!ch and the lsrieueeeiet ot cannul- by mach (in-r 20m New Sim‘k Trunks, m mug In! Manila ll he mi auto, noun. " t'etou They hold 30 dozen ' onto the ow block he aitsly there was enough of l ol work, Sunday olmrvnnce Sunday labor 9th. ete., to an Egg luse at. The Big Stun " men for topictCstatdy is "The “and great preparations have taisl iiitittliit ll uducl ing fur one week on what ltr, considered n paper should be. The ‘sw the last of the six, the a and un this m-cnuut n fuller than usual of b tot the coming Sunday. . was enough of Sunday hmduy observance. Rail- tboretv..ete., to Mtisfy inn leader of a regular Ile: preparing for We were pleased look m‘Pr "TIM.- I," the Kansas Siwldon mm the ninl The Big Slam tud mhrnid tsit tot "" Dom Is wrx.ortto.--tve have recelv "d a copy of the Winnipeg Free Preirs with the following item regarding the death of an old Durham boy. Herbert l Austin. grandson of the late Robert. Austin. It. was a tender trilmm to In old schoolmate for the Durham I boys to gather round his .ii'ii'iii-') "The funeral of the late Her-belt Auto tin took place yesterday afternoon from the undertaking parlor of Clark Bros. & Hughes lo Bmokaide cemetery. Ales Austin, uncle of the deceased, arrived from Reynolds, N. D.. on Saturday and took char we of the funeral arrangements. Six intimate friends and schoolnmles acted as palllumrels, All Were formerly maiden“: of Durham. Ont.: James Bell, l Allen Bell. Thouuu Storey. Wu, Mwal. l low, E. Buchan and Hugh McLean. The? It'l'vil'es were rondm'ted by Rev. Jos. "egg of St. Andrew's church. l FUNERAL (It's’roms. l‘rmu nine ot the Sheldon mlitiuus at the Topekat‘up- ital we cu ty the following sunsihlo notes (In funeral rt-fm-m hy Sheldon'." fuller: "Said " Dr. in my hmring nut. lung shiver "Thu contiutiuated NU' and extt- via. and the large crowds of people huddhul tugvlhol in nnventiluwd mum-5 with the decotuttosittg hotly full of disvarie and approaching speedy deva.v, the standing at the grave in lwut. and cold. sntnun-I null winter during the hurinl "evcice, men with their heath un- coveved. and mmth and childruu utterly unprepared for such 1','l/,'a'i','. and damn-rum customs arvuftelv ollow. ed hy coughs. pneumonln. t-heumatis,au. grip. cousump inn. and the rapeedy oc. cnrrence uf olhet‘ {um-ml. not Infre- quently. The true way.'; said the Dr. us some of us had long felt. "would le to have the grunt-st simplicity and the least publicity and oxpeme that good sound common sense and (3h! istinn d, - uni-um would naturally suggest." when shall such reform he ittaitirurated, tU d thou- wnrsu than "hand t'tttttottes hr among the things that were it" stripes A in young coup"', ill] (‘IeKiHIL "'P"t". wet pal-taken of. and mammal good tins spam. Mr. and Mrs Manace left on Tuesdlj morning, April 3. fur_ Lumsden. N. W T.. where Mr. M. has " position await T., where Mr. M. has it position mutil- iug him, furnished house and a good salavy. The Review joins in hmlty gmnl wishes In the young couple in their Western home. IA fine IlCl'nnnt from another pen reaches us as we so lo nix-w. lint it "Hist be held over.. Edd In press Kw. W. Farqulmrsnn has just got. word that his maternal aunt of Hallatet. Srutlaml died on March 19th at the advanu-duge of IM. During her earlier yumsslle was thought, to he delicate l-Iltlms lung survived those " were so anxious about her. The same mail brought newts' of (meat those incidents that explain the great bond of nth-('1 ion between the Queen and the Brttmlt people, Mrs. Dngnid. wife of " Hatlluu-r artisan. but a woman of varied accomplishments was some Yeats ago thought to the Queen's notice through her being employed to give music lessons to the daughter of the Duke of Edinburgh. Since that. time she has had the honor of supplying her Maiesty with " collection of hand paint; ings of the. natural fiowers of the hills of the North. At. ptesent a. son of Mrs Uttguid is Lieutenant of a. company in South Africa. Fancy her surprise and delight when on the day of the relief of Ladysmith. n telegram from the queenly mother cattle tothe mother in the vil- lage of Bnllater giving the tttmt an- nouncement of the news that glnddened ia iiiaF iiiibii moth-n7 - w W il Laois, heart hearing the"sigmsrute "By order of the Queen". The same letter reports an incident that throws some lght on the present social situation in . outh Africa. Two ypung Ity.1iet (Allisges amnion) wgrg at 1rut'liumth at the breaking out of hos. tilities. Forthwith they found them- selves couunaudeet ed 2 the Boom and made to stay nolens v0 ens as hospital nurses at. Harrismith. A short time ago a. pacque .conwininsz all letters cant them by their mother I nee Septen ' bar was returned to her by the Boers no that their captors evidently m dober- mmed not only to one their union. but to keep “new from all communica- tion m that friends. Tho report howenr adds that wound: ttttlg I Inc found mom of tte,tttrttt on . :dwotnpw any,“ tttb Illa DURHAM, THURSDAY, APRIL 5 1900. hearty vuugrululatmnl to the cullplv, an t-Iegaunt repust wait an of. and theusual Rood time 190 R G RACIOUS QUEEN A Touching Incident. 1:5; Mrs. M. Mrlntush nnd daughter have moved into their cottuge beside MIR. MrLean's residence. We extend a hearty welcome to our new lmighlmrs. Miss Atice Johuston (that. was) has joined hands and heart with a Mr. Fred. crirsmi in the Und of her adoption. The Review joinahvrluany friends here in Iteuwry cotteratitlatiotvs. Mr. Rumba-turd wu in town fwln Friday to Monday, attending the hint ceremonies in connection With the de. cemw of his neive Miss McRoe, who died at hin home in Humilmn his! week. Mr. Will Harris. Drayton was at home from Friday to Monday last week, the occasion helm: the demise of hie, cousin. Mr. John A. Elm-k and family have moved into the Jackson proper! y, for. merly occupied by Mr. Bt-un. Mr. lrrlnml moved hie, family npfrmn Blyl h last week, and they nuw ncvupy Mrs JackBon's Home. The luwn ex- tends " welcome. Miss Hattie (Iain who has bee-u ill in Guelph Hospital is at pram-n! visiting lwr friends and relatiVOs nimnt. here and in Bentim-k and Nnrumnhy. Ger. Russell is u-riomly ill with Pneu- monia. His numy {Hands here will re- juice in his speedy nevuvvry. Mr. Jae. Mlmlnch. lnspeclm' of Weights mm Mmsures was in town Tuesday intending to no further nu his munds. but found the rattle compelled him to lie off a day or two. Pleased to have n call from Me. M. Mrs. R. A. Grant and family of Top. onto, are visiting at the "Hedges" at preent. Mr. John Darling has moved Int." Mrs. Jul. Dnvidwn'u Immu- west of the bridge. Miss Edith Blackburn. left Tneudny morning for Cleveland n disquieting message having been received mm. Mr. I PERSONAL MENTION- [ Mrs Heith.0. Sound is visiting bur daupthte. Mrs Arch. Dnyidsun. Mr. Gordon went to 0. Humul last week to visit, his daughter Mary. Mr. Malcolm Guam-Ion. broom. In“ fur the wet hut Thtwodtty with n large amount of farming material. His tam. ily followed him last. Monday. Our hestwishes follow them to the new land Ihuugh regretting In lose them us citizens of C'auada. Mr and Mrs Turner, of ()rungevillo n!- tended the funeral of the lam-1’s tietet. Miss Agnes Nadine. last Saturday. llwstann Ann-rim": milijt-rl. Itoluut (‘hoatteu of Boston, Manon. who iirrt, through tlw Montwul Slur. suzgvstml tlchopubtr patriotic fund lam-n up by the children of tuuada and l'nitrd States. and now rem-wing such favour all oven the world. The ' was to get smut-thin); starred wi,h which young ('nlmtlat could Le idetiritied, and the pvtvitstttariot! of which would bring tho] boys and girls of I'attada into direct touch with the Quveu, who will [rt-natural the phologrnpllh of the boys mud girls. l It our proposed 'o engross on part-lb; "tent the mum- of every giver to this) fund of trn rents null upwards. You Mattie of i-very boy or girl who tvollects ton subscriptions in the toistimoninl is to npprur in the testitueuirvl as n leader in tlie move-"wot, and the photograph. l |wnutifully mounted. of every boy andi every girl who collects five dollars orl upwards is to accompany the gift, and tha- testinioniul. The Utter of which will be in form suitable for plnciuar, among“ the tributes from her loyali subjects, placed in the room in \Vindvorl (hallo. where the publir mu ohmin at; view of them. The preserttaty?p of this i “will testimonial from the t-hildre-n ofl l‘nnndn. through Lord Minro, "ccotu-) panic-d by the photos of the children.‘ who are raising it. will be a tout-hing incident in her life, and it is no oppor- tunity that will pvo1sairly room only mum in " life time to the children of Canada. Boys and girls want ing special blank subscription listl and wtrticularc, of the movement mm obtain them by inuilingnmistal card to the Montreal Star. Silty',?,"',')?,';',",', all over Canada l are offering to p utogrnph hee to place i in the Queen's testimonial the boys and l girls of Canada who identify themselves t-uccesqfully with the movement. Suh- l script ions iv the thousands are pouring i, into the Star offlce. A few days ago i the Star had " photo of Moster Fmsaard l Benton of this town, and a list of Dar- l hum subscribers. Improvod Yorkshire BOD" for service season of 1900, at lnt32, can. 9, Bentinck Terlm $l.-~WM. Cook. AUCTION SALE. - Farm Stock and lmph-ments on [Pricing April 6th at Lot No. 13 Con. IN. D. . near Rob Roy. B. F. McComh. prop. Hugh MacKny. Auctioneer. SoeBills. Lord mulch - from the fumnuu Jackson Bad and s vuy superior animal " h. for "r%ee this "gtsott " lat IN, Con. t W. G, B., Manet. Jon Cunt m momma nan HEREFORD BULL. tiltttitiiii). A SPLEN N I ) IDEA SALE REGISTER. 'iihi 'iliiiiitgitti'tiritifilii'itiit U,'V CC = We take%is opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system w111 merit a continuance of the same. " We invite your attention to the following lines of goods l Coulter & Scott Drills and . J9F' Cultivators. Die and Spade Har- a rows, Ssttfflers, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. 4. "--.'.' ' ' Wilkinson Hangs, number 1 to 20, and reps of all kinds. Sheree, 8o1ep1tites, Eco. Not " . genuine unless the words " WILKINSON Pwucn Conn†13 out an each piece. Wilkineon Futons Steel Roller mule in three new“. everything for farmers! ON WHE E LS. Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Pnlmoljgou Buggies. Buggies tram alpha“ at London. , no“. My Tmm Berlin unmet Pluto-u tef,Nt. _iiiiitiiii'i"iiiloiiiiiiiiiil Alamomokdloww an um. temriiiii9tiitifri - ia an supplies CULT/VA TING. urge Sales & Small Profits." Cash System We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be . dk J. McKechnie. ADOPTED BY N., G. 86 J. McKECHNIE. WHOLE NO. 1151. --- t GRANT'S AD, t t CURTAINS i§§~~§~§¢~ss§$ss¢ -- â€"17." " Q '. . Qllirt WV _ gil I 'lt" "w, ‘99-“ LP. 1. . * cl. .‘oQu: ca ' EMCrlifTs> 3; yards long and 57 in. wide Reguhr $2.25 for $1.50. XXX