2333 (Flo- tho t I. " pm, Harald. rob; 13th.) When Dinah. L. Moody died one. of the gum! gnachers of this or any other century passed away. No evan- gelist eTer Raine] greater fa.m- mm plum. chow and a man than Mr. Moody. His limpnn-ily of languagv. his uttrottk in. dividuality. his implirit faith and his belief in the mosmge he Rave to men. stamped him an the greatest cf all evan- 'teli.t.astpeat thinker and n mutt re- former. Again and again Mr. Moody requested Blow he died. that his son might be his houmpher. and to assUt hint, Mr..\loody left him all his papers. his letters, his sonnons Ind the (slimy photographs. His son. w. R. Moody, is now carrying out his father's wish. and is writing his lite. Thu work written by Mr. Moody's not: has the endorsement of Ira D. Ban. key. and of All the. Moody fan-oily. and the otBeialtt of the NorthBeld Seminary. Sever-I other lim of Mr. Moody unbe- ing published, all of which are con- demmed by the family and friends of Mr. Moodymnd the fnetof such pahitca lion in very painful to the family. giggling-l “not correct. let 1'llWt'ltTer, .Plu'ucdon't “was arGuiiittt-Arear,rr.troeett_Ttrt The reign of one of the most. temper- ate Ontario winters is about " an end. It ls gradunlly superceded by warm days, a bright sky and joyous singing birds but the mads--O nw'. The march "Westward Ho" still goes on. MmrsCand W Snider lett last. Tuesday for Dauphin. Mr M Cameron and family later in the weektor North Dakota while Mr J Dulglish eentem- ttfe, going out to Brandon to meet ism Peter there to look around to spv out the land while others say “That is the place for me. lirT Ewen of Simone Co. spent a few days " his “rental home here last week. On his mum he took with bill a mm of bones and other neces- utlu " mung fuming. The authorized hook which the son is writing. willhe magnificently illustra- ted by a great number of tine uit tone engraving: of Mr. Moody and of his flimly.of the Northfield Simmary and thelife and work of Mr. Moody. And willhe much lataer and better made end illustrated than the unauthorized It is estimated that over one million copies of the authorized hook will be sold within the next three Innntiha. All the prom wining from the sale of these hooks is tohe devoted by the authors to the nuinu-nunco- of the Institute at, Northt1erid, founded by Dwight. L. Moody. The work is published by The World Publishing (‘ompnny.of Guelph Ont.. and can he secured through C. C. McFlyden. copies The party then dispersed utter hav- ing expressed kindest wishes for Mr and In Caldwell who intended leav- ing for their new home Tuesday mom- mg. Mr J Mekeehme has purchased a fancy top busy Irom Mr Calder. Who is the trlrl that is looking forward to pleasant drives? Mus M Wilson left here Friday for Frown to tune her sister Mrs Black. who is down with a fever. After the presentation lunch was served which oeemed to be enjoyed by all. This over, the rent of the evening was spent in music and pleasant con- aeration. MrDJaekson bad a wood bee last Thursday and at night the tired euer- es of the workers were invigorated a seeing the fair ones appear. By morning they wended their way home- ward after e night’s dancing, feeling much refreshed. Everything passed otrsmootitly under the supervision of Mr Chas Tilly. Alsrge company of people assem bled last Thursday evening to spend a plenum time with Mr Caldwell and tgf,'? before their departure to the est. On the eve ot the departure of Mr M Cameron and family to the West a large number of friends and neighbors guthered " their residence and show- ed the esteem in which they were held by reading a farewell address and presenting them with tokens of love Who were the two youths from Glen. radon who strayed down near Dar- ham Fridav morning? SURPRISE PARTY d: PRESENTATION AT ORCHARDVILLE. During the evening Hears H and T Caldwell and zinc Mn H Caldwell were each preeentcd with 3 beautiful upholstered chair " a slight token of esteem from their many friends in this neighborhood. Mr Caldwell and family have lived here tor many years and are well and favorably known through this part ot otthe country. They have won the love and esteem at a large circle of friends and aerytaitttatte" by their kindnees and readiness todo others a service. Indeed there are few mem- hereof this community who would be somneh missed upon departure. But although deep is the regret that we can no longer meet them as formerly, yet we know that what is our loss will prove gain to some other neigh- ahood where they will make their e, SIM" iWt'UeaiitiGied - "W Ins [are of â€want L. loony. mum: m LABEL ROCKY SAUGEEN -.eelFeee'""'."'Ve_.eeeee'e _ . Siver bells. A happy “out took the at the residence of Mr and Mrs McQuarrie on Wednesday last being the marriage of their yum) es: daugh- ter Miss Liza to Mr L A 'll?ltlt'nl The ceremony took place in the presence of about fifty at eats; They were made one by the Rev Wm Graham. The bride was attended by her cousin Miss M A Campbell and both looked charming and attractive, while Mr A McLean saw the groom through the ordeal. After the ceremony a magni- tipient repast Was partaken of, that rcflected much credit on the culinary skill ot Mrs McQuarrie and assistants. A pleasant evening at games, singing. &e.. was enjoyed by all. Many an admiring look was east on the presents. We wish Mr and Mrs McLean much happiness and prosperity. Honor Roll of lhnhum School for March. Sr 5th clues --- Nellie Moran. Dora Davidson, Jewel Mvt'omh. Ethel Limin. ank Harris. Jr 5th -Juhn Backus, Jeanne Robertson. Grace Evoritt. Marion Morton. Lizzie Byers. Sr tttr-- Ag ie Lats Pence, Olive 1raepe, Esdnn ME', Geo Burner, Willa, Bte hens. Flo tuuntlerte, Noble Sharp. H]. Y r tth, -Mtuy McKay. Annie McKay. Fred Kelly. W McKay. Allister Gordon. Sr 3|d~~Daisy Blackburn. Alice Bowman Hugh McCrie. Lottie Harlmule. Grace Willis. Jr 3M-Charlie Moore, Edward Kilmer. Viclm in Park, Hazel Caldwell. Fred Smith. Sr 2nd-Winnie Lauder. Willie Farquhanum. Willie Elliot. Fanny Moran. Inlay Campbell and Archie Davidson eq. Jr 'gdd--Hohert limes. Charlie Kmnz. Russel Currie, Hugh Hullry. l’mul Burnet and Davis Staples eq. Sr Pt 2nd -Hert.hts Downs. Cecil Wolfe, Bert Saunders. Edith Nadigen. Ella Kinnee. Jr 2nd A-Foster Saunders. Annie Aljoe. Pearl Inues. Sadie Kress. Ruby Knisley And 1Villie Gndd vq " 2nd B -ileggie Millage. Louir.eTelford. Brock Grunt. Jnhn ' ('- Nally. (imm- HnnIrr nml Clarence Darling eq. bit A, -Hnl'p9r Kress Fred Torrv. Emitl Noble. Lizzie Rutsel. Yer- Repnrtof N. ti. No 12 Burununt for March. Class h--Geottre Reid. 4th A Arthur Lawrence. Sr3rd -S'tun Patter- so", Charlie Reid. Jr 3rd-Doward Henry, Joe Nelson. Mary Pullersun. Bella Parkman. tir2nd- Hurrah Brown, Maud Hamilton, Grace Reid, Annie Nelson. Jr 2nd---Magttte Hamilton. Palmer Patterson. Sr Pt 2nd--Bett Lawrence. Victor Adams. Hugh Patter. nun. J: Pt 2nd --John Ferguaon. Vanha Wilson, Blanche Reid. Sr lst-Bella Ferguson. Jr lstJohnny Brown. Marlin \Vilson, Mannie Keith, George \Vilson. Margaret Scott. teacher. Report of U. S. S. No 3 Beotinck and Gleneltt Sr (it'd-"Jane Smith. Mary Mc. Knight. Jr 3rd-wilrte. Cofrield. Albeit. Twulnley. Sr 2nd--willie Smith. Pris- cilln Simpson. Jr2nd-Brice Darmwel. ldella McAllen, Sr Part 2nd--Willie Bell. Jr Pt 2nd-John Smith. Chris Williams. ht» Susie Simpsnn. Guy Williams, Jos CofBeld. J. F. Grunt- teacher. 1leport ot' u. s. N. 2 Bentiuck uml Gleuelg tor Match. 5th class-ibm? Snider. Malcolm McKechniv. 4th-- Willie Hen haul. SI'SI-dw-Wiliie Newell Annie "st'.lfi'llllli.d, Peter McGillivruv. Jr 3vd--Tena Newell. David Edgfe. Aggie Ewen. 2nd-Wtnnie Vessie. E la Edge. tie Pt. 2nd--Johnny Newell, Macge Morton, Neilie McGi)livt'as, Ar [it 2nd mm ryvidee. lst B-Hubs Millu. Her- bert Harm-y Int (L Edna Park. Lorne Donn. lst D _ Hurtnnse Livingslmm ..nd Harry Gordon eq. Gertie Campbell. Report MS. 9. No. 9 Ezremnnl. for March. Ith Claes-Willie Hiacock. Frank Merchant. 3rd--auy Read, Wal- ter Homimrgh. 14r2nd-Jemitttn Hom. hurgh. Ethel Hon-burgh. Rocky Harml- ton. Jr 2nd~Muml Evoleu. Beatrice 1bwles. Nellie Reid. Sr Pt.2ner--Miidred C'hrixtie. Lana Eccles. Alvm Em'leu. Jr Pt Snd-Norhttrn Horshurah. Edna Hamillnn. Willie (butts. 1st-denttie Munch. Alex Whyte. Annie Troup. Elzilm E. Rawn, teacher. Report cf ll. S. B. No. l Egmnmntnnd Nnrnmnlvy. 4th ciass-Aunie Petty. Edith Allen, Alice Dunn, Charlotte Hutton. 8txi---Wilhert Blyth, Jennie Allen, Mabel Dunn. John Dunn, [Ans McCalmnn. Bertha Pettigrew. Sr 2nd - Ida Barbour, Richard Brynn... Muggie Mchlmon. Jmnen Bryans Thos Allen. Sarah Brynn. Mabel Pettigrew. Jr 2nd-Jennie Barbour. Gladys Dunn. Pearl McCalmon. Eva Blyth, Bessie Clarke. Pt 2nd __ Harry Morrison: Ettie Hutton, Thomas Hutton.'Ethit Pet tigrew, Rub Gadd, Jamie Mellrv'ide. Muv Cullen-0n. Sr Pt ut-Inuit- Barter. Robina Gadd, Elsie Me4hu- mou. Jr Pt lat __ Arthur Mun‘lm'n, Hazel Barber, Kveret Movtison. A- verage attendance 34. M. J. I'. Meson. teacher. LutiiaQ"irattsre". Sr lst -huith Ewen. Archie Watson. J r ltst-- Noble Barney, c, Fletcher teacher. HONOR ROLLS. 21t'l'ii §The Big Storeé 91 THE BIG STORE 'ii:':,!,; h F 'it] Ci.fs E%B!e8l!1t! , Amwawmwmmmva M WE ALL PEEL GLAD to heat the robins and Spring Birds once more. The Easter Sun is so refreshing after our long cold winter and it makes each one of us feel as though we should discard our heavy winter clothing and look about for a nice Spring Dress or Suit. There is no longer any doubt about which Store has the finest assortment as they all say in one voice. .---0eal with the crowd at The Big Store.------ Nearly everything you want all under one roof. HOUSE MEANING 80018 MB SHOES. J. A. HUNTER,' Is one of our best Departments, and our Sales in this line: have doubled in last year. It's because we keep Good Grocer. ies.---The very best--No cheap truck at all. We keep a clean o' bright Grocery, and our customers may depend upon anything , they buy from us, for if by any chance its not up to the mark , we respectfully ask you to return it to us and get back your money. , Cod Fish at 8c lb. Finest Selected Raisins3 lb for 25c Syrup at 3c lb. Extra Value Japan Tea 25c lb. Sweet Naval Oranges 30c dor.. Extra Choice Black Tea 25c 1b. He's an "Absent Minded Beggar" who pays, pays, pays. more money for his goods than he can buy them for at The Big Store. Our trade is increasing daily. monthly, annually. The crowds are an evidence of.the fact. Be one of the crowd if you wish to save money. as our prices are right. They never pinch the pocket. Look in and see out immense stock. Another big lot of the Celebrated Cote Waterproof Boots to arrive this week. They are extra value in every way. A better Boot than any hand made or Factory Boot on the mar. ket. Price $3.50 cash. T hey are high Cut Laced Boots. large lace holes, bright eyelets, blutcher shape, double solid leather soles, and perfect fitters. Try a pair. We carry a 9mm stock of Boots and Shoes alone. W' Sell your Butter and Eggs for cash at Demands are upon you at this season of the year. Lace Curtains, Roller Blinds, Colored Muslins, Paints and Varnishes. All under one Roof. Nl)lllllf. e,,.-------'--"""-""" We have done a very large trade so far and ask ia; to look at our] sarnpliii's". Wall paper at 3c per roll. Newest patterns, as our whole stock islnew. "gTio cld stock at all. 1llllll. Mill. iii, MW/QW’Wï¬ c/C 'hiidiaim-k( When it, looks likn min vuu cart' an mum-011:1. Hmm- tune ago it 'd'l'Jh,'l'l, luminous. Those who took "ur ndvice and got " business edurvion are now roaming the lteuefittr. Thow who didn't wish they had. ls junk wlmtisneodvd by young mm ale women sun-ting out. in life. Mend fml Catalogue and College Journal or irh contain letters from successful whdems. I Net) ""l"‘"“ .- ‘ ' ___ - I 1'ntvdotria Springs, Ctutte home with no l marked im wovmnent ', took three l lmttlm of n 4'2',T,'/li"lli. mnuly now bring extensivelv Liverttued. which did not, relieve him in [hole-1M. I was Ire- ginning to Rive up all hope of hit: recov- iery, when by chum-v I uu-ntiom-d the Icrtse lo n friend who ntrunglv miviml I ttte to give Phreuoline n trial. I did so. with the result that when my l lmv had taken only hull a bottle he won odd» to get, on his bicycle and tade like I any other boy around the block. Almost a MIRACLE orrawA. Bepr. oth, iftgtk To the Phre"olime Medicine Co.. Lid. Ollmra. Gr.:wrrasses.----1 bunny know how best u?fspretm my apprexiutjgn of {our valuable i.'iidGUliftt. t44oeds, Phrennlinr. My emu Gordon. who m 9 yams oid, baa new) a sufferer from intinmmatt4wy rheu- malisun for the past, two your»: was so had M. times that he had to be carded "hum on n matttwiut was attended h" two city doctors apparently without thesliglytaltt 1!euetit: spent, 10 deny nt nhiv to get. "rt his ("cycle and tade like any other boy ul'nilnd the block. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in museâ€! your medicine. and almlhlo nil I can tat make known in value to others. Your: very sincerely. For sate by H. PARKER, Bruggist "lt Me In Have and ll) Need Ilia Io. New am] no! mm." TOUCHES THE SPOT 3".“ MacLeod's System Renovator Weak and Impure Blood, Liver and Kidney Disgases Female thiinplaints. etc. Top Draft Queen Heating Stoves: R"ss('tto(p'givers See them and be interested.--Bay one and be pleased. 810 and up. Ilbt, ',.Jlttittt 'hlltttait Early“. tKi,?" JUST ARRIVED from the Canada Carriage Works, Brockville. Call early and see the “est Collection of Cutters ever brought to Durham. Many Styles, only one Quality,THE BEST. t1W1illtr8A0ALL . - - " Riguatht%stttrPtV BOOTS a SHOES-__ Owen Sound. Spring term begins April 17th. We hope to meet all old friends and many new ones in our New Premises Went of the Mldduugh House. OUR BUSINESS COURSE JNo. LIVINGSTONE. Nurthern Business C',ollrttr. Mat. druggiil Hr writw direct to J. M. IM‘LDOI). Godetieh. 0m. Sold Ity H. Hawker. Dwain. Durham. A Carload o A. FLEBONG, c. McArthur, Durham, Ont (Signed) REUBEN CLARK. Wheeled vehieles--Sinqer Sewing 1Gehigteq--Root Pulpers. kc. as Are the speciality of the trade. Style, Quality and Price are up to' date. We are determined to give the best bargains in footwear that can be given. Our Stock is open for inspection.------ Spring trade has opened in full blast at McArthur's. Pluxmr-AL. pmnh. hm. __ __ -., "'. int Co., Lid. Saving Lnnw hnn' (lf BUTTERS! J IORK’S OLD STAND. FOR Spending What you spend for good Jewelry is really a saving. [us than . nimble poucsdon. Come and see our good mes‘ an Gum's Wncnns. Suwanwm: FLANAnl-z. Omen. Srmucm, Suzanna Sum- Noun-um. a. Ae. neridenee---H0PRV1 LLE. D. lePlMIL. Hopeville P. " "r tn C. I‘IAG'. Durban. Lower Town tgiifitii1ili(ii,;i, PATTERNS ,').'itsi, MS CALES MAGAZINE my " yum [inn Add a": and A. GORDON. :PHAIL.) Licenoed Auctioneer foe the County of Grrr. LEA mm J nwuuuz . - Durham. iliiff!lj1 "' dlilar'i', â€.3, E = go