Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Mar 1900, p. 7

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NI " It " = Maw She trim ettartwi to an 0 (launch with: l on "dihs't y 'ttatt 1 truth at Mm imm ON a nt of 1mm in ia l hadi‘t tr to- “I nu It! an: whr. " Ind tt tate til an: NF! "Ut ttmt he was angry at what " term! iwr Mnacy. but he nnor teottemimt um point. but nip!!- hhd that tho anion must be keqrt u were: from tter tamilr and his tuts NI tw was Numb col- to b prism land tt be! mya "t wor " I not ttiso me a rmanco. d no point Hunk facts. th inning how a party of the most dastnrily 1 rumouncPd me in no then “aimed any “calmed away of my breath '83 U “I tlo nut know-r nowr saw it, it t'crre was orw," Miri itn rttliod. "I nut-1,: asked him about it, but he evaded tnt', and I scarcely any? the subject a thought afterward, my eonndence In {fun was so great." "Is it your intention to take the name of Heatherton ?" A ‘15-: ‘ "" lnquired, with some Ct itliltre, T "Yes." was tho radii-gum, and“ answer. "for Ned's an itTirh,rtegrqr belongs to arts is a .. .=, at. de- sptto Ms father's luck : .11me. and I am sure that he will m I do honor to it, I It”! tt Mr. know? "'No.' "'You mun write to him the truth 'mmsediatert.r.' "‘1 mppooe no, but he'll be mad enough to right me, and Man-lend. will he raving,' my much (untamed frieml remarked, th0eetedir. "'That (hasn‘t. trhrnity--it months 'kme. You must. obtaln " address. tell him the whole “my and make him understand that bonus: come homo and :wknowlnlgn his wito at "new: I mtumnl slowly. "'I will,' ho Wkly promised. 't will find out wlwro a letter wilt nun-h him, and he shall not remain ll H Ttten mm harm "on der whatever became of the P. Do you suppose It was Heatherton. and that he de- l?" Mr. Laugmaid though? Mm htly ma n Ireathertott ti 'LS‘ He lb) W h kly promised. ‘I a a letter wilt shall not remain l true position a “masonry: * spoke and left ho to". nearly eight upon his sum you, Mrs. woman. tor the mm: to Yoo-a " excusable." Mr. died. "an” may forgive me tor wily affair rem also Go- nature ot it. ' with more than he had I feel as if I Humor othi tut a!” remain im (‘VCII " d not M. ier $35? " Where P' Nednna‘t‘ed. Kicking anew lshed. She had resolved not to tell him nnythtng about her Interview with Mr. 'LantrmaM, or of his revelations to her, until ah eahoutd receive some ttangibltr proof of her marriage, from the Rev. Dr. Harris. Life was changed! Instead of tay. inc: " dreary Misti-um, through which she must drag her burden of sorrow and shame, with tho feeling that only death could misuse her trom it, the world had suddenly Crown brighter to her; Him could look forward to the future with an? ticiputions ot pleasure for Low hef- twit and Ned. She no longer had reason to hide horse?! and shrink from meeting peo- pie, tor she was. and always bad been, an honorable wile. her boy had a right to. bear his father's name. and henceforth. no matter how poor they might be, or how hard they might have to work. no one could question their respectability. It was such a reHef-such a joy to her long-bur- dened heart. EWhen Ned came to her, after the party wan over. he wondered what had made her eyes no ttright-what could have given her such a. Iovely color in her cheeks, and why her smite was so much sunnkzr and sweeter than no“. "Oh, mother, how nice you do look in that fresh white dress!" he ex- claimed, as he slipped his arm about, her neck, and kissed her glowing cheek. "I believe you are growing premix“ every day. lt must be the salt air-and this is just the jollieet pint? 'm tho world to live in, isn't it, t' “Yew. I 1oeliexe I'd rather be good and respectable than rich myself." Nod thoughtfully remarked. "But one may be» both. I suppose-at. any rate I'm going to try tor it. and when I do make my torttttto you shall have silk and dittmonkis Ilka Mrs. Lang, mpld," no proudly ponclnded. __ , "It certainly ls very pleasant here, and I am sure that you have enjoyed {curse} this afternoon." erlam fond- y returned, as she looked into his bright face. 'uudruxi. l hymn." Nod reamulml. heartily, “and i was trcatod just as hsuc.ltntoiy as “railway. if I Ill-m only an errand boy lu the hotel." he added, in bliml'ul lg'muuK-o of the little Wurd-hattlo rttrrt,rditrg his position. which his nwthm’ had ovorlwirrd. She smiled as she recalled it. "An 'ermml boy' may he Just an honorable and respectable as the son of a. king." she mud“. "I kuuw it; but' all people do not not as It they thought so." Ned ro- julncd, tlttshirtr slightly over the re- mombranco of certain slitrMa which he had to bear occasionally. I "That doesn't. alter the tact, dear." Miriam gently repllcd; “and. Ned," she gravely continued. “I do not wish you to teel that mere position can elther elevate or degrade you. for it you strive to be an honest. noble- minded bow. in a humble position. you will be an honest. ndblmmlndad man It you shank: ever rlae to wealth and mine-nee; and I'd rather you would he that than the richest man in ttto 1Jplted 'tltte, with?“ nrhwlple." l " have due priiseieas diamond nom' with“ goalie!- 59:19an .. "t have no dtariro to no” any ot hh money, neither would I force IT; nett upon the tarnilr--or claim was b from them." mld Miriam: flushing. “Indeed. f would accept. nothing from pooplo who are so proud that their non dared not present Illa wife to them, because, Boomlly. Elle was not their equal. I simply wish to Will them, " tlmy are living. a copy of whatovot. Dr. Harris may give me, that they may know thnlr son was legally married. Do you know."sho vontiuuod, with a snddpu start, and liming; a little, “whotiwr Richard I1eatlwrbrn has vwr returned from abroad ?" "I am unable to ten you," Mr. Lungmnid replied. “I think it [no habits. however. for I saw tho tathu er onm when he Visited " son at New Hum. and ho appeared like a halo and hearty gcntieusatr. He was a man _ol abundant means, too." “I do not think he has," said Mr. Langmald. gravely, "tor I heard. about two years later, that he was dead, “myth I have never been able to 1mm the particulars." The genCemo was sure that he heard a sigh of relief at this Intel- Y:gence, while a moment, later Mir- iam Wailing-ford "rose and turned a very bright taco toward Mm. V”I must, go back to my dutiem" Heatherton's parents are sun liv- ings" she "onAodrf mugging”. _ -- - she her tom for w h la da ' to back to my duties." ch a ring of energy In t he had not; heard be.. at mo, thank you again RE ii 3:535? ‘aw her "uddetily tsht, could with an: Lam hef- /ds This ho had done, and now no one vault! ever ("105“an tho legality of the r-r-remony whivh had made her Richard Hoathertoti'tt wife. The Inner was most kind and sym- patlmtiv, and thorn were tears of gratitude in Miriam Hentherton's eyes as she read it, and " song ot praise in her [mart tor htlrtfi,'tt,i; tion. own though it had ' e to her so late. called him by her maiden name, insteisd of giving him his father's. That night she told Ned the ad story of her lite-ot her wrongs. her sufrmfings. and why_ she had always spear. tor him mymslf; but, am he is gone, we, WM not yrate,' but simply Ignore him wonder, and try to be as In “a. we can in each other, for thwuture." I " This in why you have always so unha9py. dear mother t" Ned a his face "mum; to an ,xtrr.eq, winch“ regret; ‘ therbm had left. college and gone abroad. and he was tumble to obtain his addrem. A long time afterward be had learned from Mr. Mathews the and mmlts of that night's work, and he had bitterly J's-prom'hml himself for having allowed hlmsolf to have any- thing to do with the nffalr. Ile re- qumted Mr. Mathews: to sign tho docu- ment. to Show that llf' had been a wit. mess, and thus make the proof doubly sure, it Mrs. [Immortal would ever be found and should need it. He was very glad to be able to do her jun- tive, even at this late day, and re- _stretted more tllnn he could Pxpreas the sorrow and suffering she had (-ndurud during tho last thirteen years. He rt-quostml that Mr. Langmuizl would also sign the, twrtuieate, as another witness, before giving it to Mrs. Heatherton. . “I do not wish you to cherish hates in your heart against any one, Ned," she said, Ln :1.pr of gentler taproot. "I cannot. "lt0oi' to respect your father's memory, (or I have no ro- Ned listened to tho pathetic re.- dual with a flushed and downoaat face, but when his m'other concluded he looked up 'tttto her eyes and fierce- By exclaimed '. "I hate 1silm--that man-t um 31nd I hare never known him! I am glad that he is dead l" His mother was startbed by the pa:- sionate ring An his tone. Late on Saturday afternoon. Inn! days after her interview with Mr. Langmuid. that gentleman tap- Iwd upon the door of tho Unen-rooau and when. Miriam opened It ho handed her an ofristitt1-lookingt envelopes Min- ply_remnrking, with at mile: htg the surivilled "mock-marriage" the wrote‘. he hm! not thought It best to give tho certificate to either Mr. lien- therton or 1m bride at that time. bat' had intmaimi to sat-ml it to them. later, to amid the Rene, which he felt sure nmnt ensue when Mr. Heatherton Should dimnwr that he had been 'mtal- Ir mar-rind by n elergrman. Unfortunately, however. he had mis- laid the document upon his return home that evening. and It did not come to ligtlit agnlu tor sewer-a! months. when Mr. Henr- and friendly. and Miriam. who had shunnml all society for so long. hogan to feel that it would be oxceediatrlr delightful to have the ntuwaintnntw of a refined and Cultivated woman once more. “I trust you will find in this ”muo- thing to cheer you " Then he went away. leaving her'to open the antelope by herself. The woman's delicate fingers trem- bled as she broke the seal and draw forth the rebuttal“. and a low ox- clnmutlon of Joy emaw‘d her an 5110 unfolde It and found it to be tho original cortifie.tto or her marriages signed by Dr. Harris, tho clvrzyman who had performed tho ceremony, and "William K. Mathews" an witness. Thorn wan also a letter explaining how the gentkvmnn. happened to have the document in, his ”Mission at: this Late date. Knowing the cimnmmm regard. who put away het. pile M linen New“! supper, ntter which they would g" tor a walk on the Much. The next morning Gertrude brought her mother to Mrs. Hmthortnn'a room. and Mrs. Langmuid, having learned something of the unfortunate history from her husband, was prepared to take her right into her kind heart. She found that she was, as Mr. Lang- maid had told her, a lady in every They had It plmsant interview. for Mrs. Langmaid was very unassuming A Kahlua My Tou- Bow Ku- but]. Dutch"! Sultana from Bronchial. Tho docton mm to ttqgtettt. CATARRHOZONE CURED. Mrs. R. B. Hansel of Hickey. Niobium, writer. “Our little daughter of tt year. run a great ruler-er from brottehlth, and slight change. in the wanker brought on were” “tacks. Ottr doctor was mnmlted and prescribed different bottles of medicine. but none of them seemed to afford more thin temporary relief. We then trird I host of tto-called cum. but they all turn- ed out worthless. After so much useless expense with doctors and frtttttittlvttt pre- parations we were at our wits’ end to know what to do. A neighbor whip had been cured by 't'atttrrttooae' sent in be! inhaler to try, and it wns so planar". to use and gun gut-n immt-dinto who! that a complete outfit was at once mun-red. After using it but a short time the Mom-him trouble dhsappottrod. and the child can now run about in damp rainy nu-nt'mwsome- thing untimuaht of in row will: L'tttttrrho. zone. We recommend thttytrrhozone M a Domes- remedy m: brow-hills and wilt” BRONCIIIAL AffECTIONS life. It h quickly n trrtmm, to c. permuue CATARRHOZON E nnoxcm'ns, ASTHMA, CATARIIH Catttrrhozotte, Ozonnted Air Cure, n x new. Iclenlmc method ot treatment Hm (-urvs these dlsonsea by the action of mod! outed air. which. when mhnled. wreath! h all portion; of the lung», hronvhml tute and nasal nuance“. where it “Us the gum life. It is very wounng and nonling mu ix Ug' "idis,2st'i,v'isL?cearii'iih' yy, (To be Continued.) f very soothing and t qttorett the raw. um their natural cundltlm " curt. B' treatment, price 'l mlnut 500. At drum Tttttt light again tor s. when. Mr. Hen,- " college' and gum was unattle to obtain long time afterward was U at tir on curt Before tho dismvory of Dr. Chase's Ointment there wns no reliable cure tor piles, no cure that would abso- lutely cure any we: ot piles, whether itching or protruding piles. Today nmrly Merybody in Canada and the United States. and very many in mm know ot Dr. Chase'- Oint- mmu a can tor Piles. It It a womh' ,, medical gain-m. 'ttttr hem may imitated tet - " tttttttWidth/AMA, not {h MW" T' MB' , in; Paine modesty prevents many trom seeking advice or submitting to n in. cai examination by a physivinn. Them besides. them is the dread or tho surgeon! knife. the only means which many doctors use to cure puee. In such abject misery is the slave ot piles, the most cruel and torturing of afflictions. _ What shun-y mm he. mori' (-rml than that or tlm Victim of piles? In mlwry by day, on“: kept trom work and unable to walk with any sale. In agony by night, inflering tn. Neely from the. dreadful Welling. which make! nest and sleep impoagl trim tuck in the lot. of at least. 2r, per new. of all men and women during my pedal of their lira. t band, and bound herself to mmtrlhute £10,000 a year to the l'nmmon ox- nemea. Elle also made mngnlllomt pmnm to him, to his rennin-s, to the match-makers to whom talto, owed her llnpplnesv, tor we was lit-only in love with the Count». and I believe still Is. He In n. mom. attentive hus- band in a French way. Without being too demonstrntnrr. he ls on the alert. to pay small nttvutiona and to devote Manuel! cheerfully. The devouad French husband never seems to think he make; sacrifices or m the Mme of duty; he plays the part - for " la a part-ot one who takes a pride and pleasure In the dia- ch50 of his conjugal duties. ll‘nmdrmn is somwhow avoided. The attitude is a good deal that of the knight of old towards the lady whose colon he wore. Id .3 an altitude; but what comes from the head is per- dlapl more permanent than what comes from the heart. Besides. we no adapt the inner being to the part we play that in the lung run in be- co_n_ru_ paramount. _ .. _ Rachel marriui Marshal I'ttillatw Ho bought a tqtletrdid yttcht a 1"“ years tut", and went, with the rim rlower ot Cottmopolitr on n Ba Me tour Al he had political ambition, he forum. his way into the Chamber of new: ties by dint ot gold. The (‘0th mud bur {mum in society by con h I In l so u at londe r Mala ity. She unaffecu vice. BuI (ho inter incl. am disposal. money. _ Fain- modu'y prevent: They paid ber nu t, 400,000, back intere of fortunate inuritlm. could do with us an" on her marriage £401 band, and bound hon L'10,000 a your to t How Mi Bets Rid of His Wife's Manny. BANNUT TOUCH PRINBIPLL LETTERS N THE JUURMLS. The Bum-ed world were gr by tho affairs tellnne. The hood can. for lll1t;gt, Lives 3. Long Way Beyond the Income. GOULD - GASTELLANE. Comte Po for tome tin, “is wife's r. lions sun-nu M. Mr Comte my min wile as to the the should dress lag that in the long run it. be- I paramount. lo Comte de Cnstellnne advines vim as to the manner in which should dress and an the part lady of wealth, and high qual- Rho has excellent sense. is quite reeled, and I think needs no ad- But she is grateful to him for nterut he shows in her belcng- and. ’her whole income in at hi: on]. no is apt to fling away ' Nobody vould ever suspect to be the great-grand- ot the rent. par rem. money- r Grefturho, whose daughter ttl mun-Rd Marshall C'arrtellane. ought a splendid yacht a few r am). and went. with the tine r of Coumonolil on a. Battle tour. “‘5 ~1ugvull t!) I JI'U ill': tl y Bawr trom its ashes. Their com "finished Grand Trianort Pal- Fe the Arenua du Bois Ue linu- him Will! the most cunt” of tho litst b undertakings. It was on n: ot the Image in which the "ret are Eminwny that ew-r came to -- 3 may“). The Due de Montpen- seen BO lived there some time. Tho LG stellnnea bought it noon after an mun-loge. and decided to build .. I place a gmlul. or grander Tri. tion tor their residence hall ahigh gatl mt story on a level with the a du Bola. The Grand Truman w t on vaults only: the grander who 'n is really two stories high. Rim! sum T0 io kind at "txrzk" and when: Sense. is quite I think needa no ad. ' gratdul to him tor shows in her beleag- hole income in at his tl the fashionable tttirred last week mun) Iron-“wining My .clunl Cure, Dr, ll il'ralNi PMS. in been ltlmt. You can buy Dr. Chase's (Nntm‘ Iron y r denier tor 60 mm- a his. git, TI haunt by union no“ 'etei' try Edwin-on. Bates & ths, Mrs. Jame, Brown. llintmburz. Carleton County, Unt.. state... "I have been a ttongrtattt mum-er "on nearly every form of [11300 for the m twnty years. and during; that can. (but!) here and in the ld Count”) have tried 8.!th every remedy. t an only doing Janice to Dr. M amt when I my I belie" It h b0 tho'hentpm ought”. M terdutq or. _ g; pales." , Mr. F. G. Harding. mired farmer. lhing at Nileamwn. Middleerx county. Ottt., writes as follows: “I have been trouble: with bleeding and Itching pllm tor four or live years. and mst- feml intense agony at times. I an! tried almost Te,2ieg, but cou'd got nothing that would tt ye relief. on. hearing of Dr. Chanda Ointmmt I procured a box. and it only 1-9un part at " to completely cure m. I a ro:eomgnesttdintt it to all “meted u I wan." sometimes have a similar oatts bat they do not cure. The portrait and signatum or Dr. A. W. Chane on the box In a. guarantee that you will be cured. ; He is but we omutterfeit of a ma. who hat, not the life of a man. - Shakespeare. advice. Cure yourself at home by using the Chin‘s Oincnent. offer up 5 on do. TImspis~-How "ottid such a. bad comedian get an engagement 't Foyer-h music hall proprietor took him on for business reams. You are, lie drove the audience to drink. "And in!" powder'." taltered Pietro. shuddering. So we shrank away from the nu- Tentureaa. and avoided her " much as was potable without being poli- tively rude. Miss tYarkrer--Nu. Mr. Clturehly, I mu never marry you.' I have ' quick tamper. extravagant habitual! little money. Rev. Churettlr--'rhmt allow me to mu. sober " mun. d o‘clock to tell her. Irate parent-Then I lump your hat on you an the mg in the hall seen a play." .. Why In he preaching to \igorouslr mains! the “age, than f" .. He is in horn that hit congrega- tion will sand It m on a tour of Inle- Tation."--' Smart Bet. This ambled the "charm. to build a "mud do: “Mara." n tn tho Palace of Vex-31mm in Loni. XIV.’I time. The Amhaumhr‘a smir- aro the preface to smu- rooml of corresponding splemwur. " told the ma he would have to I would leave the lending man. 'Why." exeial W Thnno and other expenm - ex- hnuted the back interest. and abused the Comte to run up Mlle. Tl.“ Oom- tm did her but to find ample lands. but the truqtoear would not let her mate breaches In the capltnl or an" her Income by nntittipatioet. I am told that. she and the Comte lune gone to New York to try. and make name or- rangement that would enable them at, once to satiety all French ereditoN. time r-nnnot be deprived of the lute-rm or the three milllom sterling. Her good Honsv would, under the” pressure. lead her to live. more mosomittally. This brim: so. there run be no danger “I a Bourse "oxoetttiom" Cotrrte do Ctuttelltrtie in rather littttd- mmv. "a has the fair, florid oomph-x- inn ot ttttr Greftalhru, but in a less rudo turn The rod in tlwir Haw-ks seemed to lunn boon baked in, as in the pur- cc-lain hands of ticrman thins. lt had also a tint that. wan iiltttost brick- ant manners. that h: handed fmnknm. ther ban married his. ter of the late Duo I sister of the Prince d ow ot Prinz-v Emu: ot last. a. very consider-n Four balm-y ll Hi a tarried lat ly No'. Full Al lam-cu. No, 1ir; yew. Mr. Bpieer Innuev IN Now, then," pit , "what'l your Y. J. Jones," r If In " him 0 M no Stories of the "res " " the manaRer an have to ram my ave the company rune t" it's the It eetrl.s--Thtmt allow me, to short may" [or the man What‘s kl Et nil UH is tttttr 1 his cousin pint wag almom. brick t feature)! In” plea. 2 have a touch ot oft Plt at wanna rem nuer Kit Ill. IN, it H u a 15‘ thatu name month tilt tter " Mu M tu ti ttlr tho hon w ha t (‘hevnux sir. Inn. m hmu I HOW! V, don't "an; n. morning Mary or said ttw that sh - Young mm " na I!!! w an will: and wit- lam wit halt But

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