Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Mar 1900, p. 5

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for the Examine It. McFarisa K ly " W pr" The I’m-uteri Sun is sound and sen- sible in its referent-es to the Agrirnllnr- al College and Experimental Farm. It up It would not he easy to estimate thv splendid returns. the pee le of On- tario have received from Tel experi- mental work performed. and the mm:- tu-ul inutrnrti'm given at the Ontario Amioultnral College. The college "' the venue of progressive agriculturein ontnvio, and from it has gone forth an impiration that "as done mach to place the farmers of Ontarioin the front rank. No um- mn study the crop reportaiteued. by the Bureau of tndsttttrios without not ing the upward trend of recent years in the returns from the oort. Men who thought that land van in in highest condition when it was virgin mil. ttrtd that itn )rmlnczivenm can he made greater than when nature an" it inm their hands. Anything that [will hrln to produce gratin] mult- lnch ll these. should encouraged. " all I "ape examine it W Wal SPRING GOODS. Ema” HE SELLS CHEAP I I 1ndation, r 12 ft. long. allowing 3 in. Cedar, Spruce and Hemlock be taken on river bank at wads. large sue tlil qt . W. CRAWFORD ints are " n WANTED. EM, mu “BEEN at me Ol Men lar It of our n yds wide 50: a square yard si, 2 yds wide, t 2 so a spuare yd, are all in. Come natenal used making the Ianence. bnt attems, har- (lillftf " h rt Spring Shoes m Women and low Big 4 prices. IU'" M” e cut “cord" selected um and 40 eac 40 eac Block. eat n tl " h h h The attitude of the Opposition upon the preferential trade question reminds one forcibly of the good yoqno who would not let he? little boy go into the water before he tsatld swim. For many years they have been talking in a vague. and harmlea manner of a preterentinl tariff with Great Britain. Sterped to the eyes in protection. and hat’ing with a bitter Otred any trade regulations Which would Meilitate the interchange o' business with countries outside the enn- tines oi their awn Dummion. they have been Well awuru that it was perfectly safe to sevk coheessions (rum the mother country which no Government having the slightest rrgunl for its nwn well bring could entertain for a moment. . , 5-‘ _ T A " ".. They formulated pmpositio ciprocal protector}, whiel sincerely believed could he ed for a moment by imperial cenu Bat. this course suited tn: well, they have no desire to door to British trade. l Liberal party took up the Government however they substituted feasible actiun tot cable theory, and after come was l won" place Toseviomsly invite the House to ex press the opinion “thutn system ot mutual trad: preference, between Great Britain and Ireland and the colonies would greatly stimulate and increase production in and commerce between those countries, and thus pro- mote and maintain the unity of the empire and that nothing which falls short ot the complete realization ot such a policy should be considered final 01' saiistaetory". Of course a still turther improve- ment in the trade conditions would improve the trade, why doesn't Mr Foster move “that in the opinion of this House over, body would have more money if his income was doubled? And equally nothing which falls short ofperteetion is entirely satisfact- ory. The Government has never o,-ts,rl ‘nv wm’d or “exit n that it he h kl ruk n 'ti 1894 ot'c,i11,7i'dc'.ir' , If the remaining portion of the pres- ent finaneinl year turns out as it now promises to do. n surplus of $7,525,000 is expected. In every branch of the country’s business there is a showing never equalled or approached. In eighteen wars of Conservative rule the total trade of Canada increased by $66,619. 906; at the end of four yearsof Liberal rule the trade will have increased by 8t3s.227,2tr" The above is from the Toronto Star, which goes on to show very clearly other good features of this famous budget, and it ends up with a piece ot advice which all good citizens should "This budget speech is one that every man in the country should read, and will no doubt be glad toread. The strides the country is making are phe- nomenal, and no other word will an- swer the parpase." heed On Friday last, Finance Minister Fielding made his budget speech. and it is safe to say no such gratifying statement has ever been made in Canada, There are 4 principal futures: ttrtIniet ll " menu EUR {HIM IMI, ws minus 51 I dilemu a mom d that fund: trude HI ll " Mr H )ppositlon to suppurt such a m would he to absolutely ieir past, bat it Would never a.) completely m the face of mm and incontrovertible facts rh in the trade returns and in iluous verdict oi the empire, I; an unqnalitief denial to the us set lortl' therein. Here lemma. neither hnrn of which move a comfortable resting N ve THE BUDGET SPEECH mmcnmlprin a policy for late r Il M trade. When the ok up {he 1'eiu.'s of l'hrs suited th The Knowled W - ll" jiffy; fir: urplus in tinat country, II more 1 nited th " suppg: ict npositions of re- which if they ‘uld be. entertain, " as Pat UI had rr aeti n that in the develol ti in three h by theFin shows tln n so iloui. quickly impraeti. receiving '.y in spite. on to pre- mt policy a elapsed. ot Libcr 55, 040, 47 al standil w .ursmen half n 1rpoee :n the n the h deticit Mt L, il" " 773:: - a {311” a “fig? t h l “W E ig ”2% lcell I\'.:::;"I IB' , u: " , fig Call! 2nd. The British preference it to be increased lrom 25 per cent to 33k per cent, surelv a tangible (widows of loyalty. Where 83 is collected tron foreign imports, only $2 is collected from British imports. "There is that giveth and yet inereuseth." 3rd. Aproposal is to be made to TrinidatUooking towards free trade, with few exceptions between that tropical British Island and Canada 4th. Canadian securities are to be admitted to English trustee lists, a concession that will make an immense saving on loans made by Canada. Mr. Fielding estimates that in the next I l rears this will effect a saving of 2; million dollars. No wonder the minister wttsgratified The country ought to be, and will be, except. the professional politician who sees in this prosperity and good man- agement just so much that he must try to explain away Just a sample: the Mail says "The additiun to the dis- cnunt on goods from England W218 designed as a species of vetiee,t' for the anti-British faction in the government and behind it."! We give Mr. Meld- lung's lot. When the current tigeal year is concluded there will be a surplus of receipts over expenditure of 87,526,000 a sun) altogether unprecedented. CONCLUDING W0h'OS. from yesterday Wu simple [or Ml require- . llh'lltn and saved a tall in prices. dolls“ T3: ///'s,sgitg1i'ehret1t,t Them in practically no change in the . I . I k . . ment which I have been able to pre- t'oe,'l1i.r,f.'..t 'lt." ninrkotirom "taariltsr. sent IO the parliament and the people “W's for blowing cultle mm. a simu- orCtuurda this day. It is a story of fl.rmtsty..ttt"l sullen “can ofFeted Mllrom very prosperous times, it is the story ot l 41 to yf. "e: Ile: a" IT " ff" ".e eeted tt strong timmeinl positron it is the story I lots 4,', tsud oe WRN orttsioml paid., but ' . , , C, for Iorol, the bent price “up. 34.80 per ewt, of a country that has been able to pass l , . through the 1vcenttintsneisldiftieulties Go: " to cltoiee butcher msttls Wtttt without the need ofhorrowingiuiolltu', l “GNU "tol "tyeunrywd. at _rrotn 84 lo 4le it is the story " a country that has l per lb. It/l"" to inferior cattle f"."' not a dollar of iloating debt today; really I':...?.",,':..') "My "g“? was him“ it is the story of " country with no "ll? "an.” and .'ll m,” It chug: on . ovensflowing ti'"a8ilt'y under reduced . Mon-tiers were!" hur demand atlrom custom tariff, 'd, is the story of liberal I '3 f" 8lcy"'r Il,. and 3° "goro Wtttt pnid for grants for every uselnl public service, ' N ,'ew "rm" Mf- a (my of great public, enterprises for the Export and lieht Milli»; and leaders are mawnt nnd [more needs of Canada t1neUnued. "cuutwcouwiaeumptmtti_vel.t'iysisinitr _ Milieu. runuml from 825 to $45 each cunt additions to the public debt, it is with Mo tor ”it" fims eown. the story of a people occupying a vast "Small stuff" was slow "gain to-duy. c'ouutt'y stretching' trom oeeNn to ocean. Le “than Mo lambs and sheep were re- nearly all oi whom are many busy, ,oemd. but small it. ms the run and. prosperous, content and happy; it is:he , Wan sluli and [Irlces hank. story ot the people who bear cheerfully 1 Export shtep are worth from 8 to 8ro every obligation that comes upontheni 'tsr 5h new the i.uttintcyuyttrtllet own pllb- Lntuiss Fall at from 4.5 to 5k: per Ib., lic, servrcc" and whu wave found their with it lew Miles of sumli uelected lots at devotion to the throne and person ot 5.ir, perils. .thcivsovereigit so naiekeued by the Calves were a. slow “I” to-tjay, owing inspiring orentsol’ recent years that to voueral poor qumlnr. but “bud WM they give fret-IV ot their bloui and of ctuvo we in request and will sell up to their treasure tor the defence and the $lo etu'Mi. , _ honor ot the Empire in lands that are '. Hous we", unchanged to-day, but on far aw"y. Way we tall realm: the wuivnnco ol Iele Iver out. Will occur next gmdly land in which we, .tlwell; and werk. One thousand came in today. may we all veu.wmbertith m.n!tetul Fur prime hogs (scaling from 160 to hearts the blessings which yro.vitieuey) 2.... Io.) the :op price is 6te, lightund m has showered upon this Dominion oi ' m,“ Mg bring-u: up to lie tterr lb. Cnnndm ’(Great cheering.) ', ' When Mr. Fielding resumed his scat! ------_------- the cheering continual " some time l, Be Poole The Surgeons. and tle,ti,hoci,t House rose P, their feet '; All doctors told “chick Hamilton. of While 1.r'od, tiave the Queen was en- l West Jefferson, o., an” s.uffertt, 18 thusiastically sung. ' mouths from Rectal Emmi... he would die i is all it costs you to regain your health. Na- ture contributes the safest, quickest, and most effective remedy for all diseases of the blood, stomach, liver and kidneys. Every box is registered, and contains a positive guarantee. If directions are followed and a cure is not effected, your money will be refunded. is Nature's greatest remedy. Treatment for 200 days in every box. A few doses is often sufficient to restore your health. Keep the remainder; it is a certain preventive of disease, keeping the blood pure, the nerves strong, and the whole system in harmony. If you cannot get it of your druggist, we will mail you a box on receipt of $1.00. Ourxwvonuhbdnnuhwun. mammals: .09 ttt “MW. mu- (hr Name herbs Exams F. THE LABEL the government give Mr. Meld. Stormers war 3 to 8le par ll, , a few prime Int Export and Ii unchanged. . Milkeo rung TORONTO. 'll n-mo. Much 28.-We bad a compan- tiu-ly light. supply Lo-dey. as Only {Glands mum.- in, out this. with the cattle left, our hum yrsionluy was ample tor all require- tttcuts and animal a tall in prices. The"! in practically no change in Ilm eoudition of the market. from yexlordey. Prirws fur tsitippitrst cattle War» a elm-la firmer, mnl sales were ofFeted at lrom 41 to 4ie per llc, and tor a few nelecteil lots 4,”, and lie mu Occasionally paid,, but for loam, tho hem piicu “in $4.8O per ewt, Goal to choice butcher cattle was newly and unchanged at from 8;} to 41c per lb. Medium l0 inferior cattle “all really no het‘rr, only trade was a little more actiro and all the Offering“ mld. Stoesers werhiu Inir demand at from He Fools The Surgeons. All doctors told llmnick Humiltou. of West Jam-nun. o., Mtet unmet-mg 18 mum)” from l'owtal Fuunin. he would die “aims xeoutly operation mun performed. but he cured himsvit with tive buxom of Duck-Iona Aruicu Salve. tLe must Pile cure on Earth. and tho but Salve in the World. 25091-154 " box, Hold bv our drustsGs. 4 Hogs were unchanged tn-day, but an mlvanco at my: per cwt. wtil occur next wcrk. One "mm-mm] came in today. For prime hogs (scaling from If'," to 2.... lbs.) two top [rice is Nle, light and fut Imus an; oriuonv, up to lie per lb. Flour... Whom... Penn"... Burley..................... Lunbt..................... Dressnd Hoes, per ewt Hogs, Live Weight"... Beef. [wr cw1............ Lard, lmrlh......... .... Hugs. Live weight..... Boer, per ttwt............ Lard. porlh......... .... Bum r, from roll per Il- Butter, Tuc............ Hugh. Hir‘as, pol cwt.......... Calfskin», per lu........ Shnepnl<ms............... Tallow rendcmd per ll, IGy-...---- Apples, gm bag......... Wood Calves were a. slow mule Lu-day. "wing mama! poor qumlnv, but goud xenl Iver, we in request and will sell up to DURHAM MARKETS. Hoes, per ewt 5 00 live weight"... 5 00 'r CWI............ 5 00 Live Stock Market per bug 15:'i2'ifti, 1% F A I 2 T a _ an _ , 18 18 " 7 00 6 00 70 40 00 00 60 6 00 r, oo c, oo 60 lit) 40 27 00 GO 00 00 00 IO IR o Those who have used GUN'S LIVER PILLS say they have p0 equal for relieving and cur- mgr CONSTIPATION, SICK H E A DA C H E, BILIOUS- NESS, DYSPEPSIA, COAT- ED TONGUE, FOUL BREATH, HEART BURN. or any disease or disorder of the stomach, liver or bowels. GUNS LIVER PILLS are purely vegetable, are easy to take and prompt to act. JAS R. GUN CAPITAL. Authorized CAPITAL. Paid up. .. (iun's Liver Pills. 1rlllil)lllil) M AA CANADA AGENTS in all principal paling in Ontario. Quebec. Manitoba. United Slates and England. Collar A general Banking business transacted. Drafts issued Mid collections made on all points. Deposits rereived and inter- eat Allowed at current rates. SAVINGS BANK. Interest allowed on savings bank deposits of $1.00 and up- wards. Prompt attention and every futility afforded customer- living at. n distance. want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse com- fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. RESERVE FUND . . ...- ( W. F. c0wAN,Prissident GEO. P. REID, Manager. W inter Need The DURHAM FURNITURE COM PAN Y, Limited Will pan the iollowing prices tor saw logs delivered at J. w. Crawtord's Mill, Durham. Maple $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 tr M Buch 10.00 8.00 6.00 .. Bnch 10.00 Soft Elm 10.00 Basswood 10.00 Beech 8.00 Black Ash 12.00 Pine 12.00 Spruce 8.00 66 Cedar 7 00 0.00 5.00 Hemlock 5.00 to 7.00 accordmgm length Tamar-ac 5.00 to 7.00 acc. to length Logs will be classed according tc size and to be on; as much an possible 12 ft. long, allowing 8 inch". 'jo:si':i1s.kMjr LOGS- -ihirA.N'TED OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST crr the Durham Pharmacy CaMer's Block. Romance Brst door weatof the Poet OtBoe. Durham. DURHAM AGENCY. Small Pills Dr. T. ll. HOLT L. D. 8. M. 0. Agent, Can. Express. DENTISTRY. IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We Head Office, Toronto. IT--- WE SUPPLY DURHAM fillllllM (ll HI). Small Price. Put up only by Pads, Bits C. LEA VENS .0000 .0... J. KELLY. Agent. DRUGGIST .0- 6.00 9.00 9.00 In Heavy Light H: Small Dose, Slankt 6.00 vy and Ha muss, cut 14 ft. '.t,00t M] I0 1.0001100 (MIMI!) t? i In only Inn-clan hum B‘RRIST‘R. ‘OLICITOR. mun" value. CONVIVAHCII. ac 0mee----L0WER TOWN. DURF‘I. Would tau-no that no will continue the Furniture and Undermine Batu-o nub. ”-de " her (“her " Durham i. "" all will onduvor to give .1] old and new cm " "! tho lune entire “Mutation. CDIIMKIUBS and Army mummy .ttoododto Ti"" Domus, Mort- [11...]. Am" Ae. ronoctlv er‘rtdo Emuu ot account venou- looh I let. and Executor. mm! Ad- tuiuuttatortt' Acct-nun I'NEM nod peed Surrucuto Court "minus. 059. ot van. Letter: ot Admiui-tior' on! 1'"ae'.'tet Obnmod. Ibearettene and“. mm 0.00 Titles reported on. Furniture of the Bet " ALWAYS ON RAND. PICTURE "All“ A Meow" Undomulg and limb-Vining on» latest prin- ciplol a! murmur ram. Company Ind priva- Fund- to be. on Mortgagun It low 4!. run. of inmost. Yum mndo " s competent um are“! Yum-tot. 0FFICI-I~ M c I My" Block. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREH. COURT- NOTARY PUBLIC. COUUI‘MONI’R. ETC. Omce, "Ter Giant‘s “on. Lower Town LOAN 8 pre MONEY omeer--e Loan and Insurance Agent. Laney ancer, Commissioner. to. E. J. FREEL, M. D., C. M. WOOL TWEEDS d YARNS GROCERIES Illt tt Insneulion M 0m m3. S. SCOTT. At. Ji?. Miller The Hanover (Ionveyulcer "Always Prompt. Never Negligen A 1 business Strictly Private. H. H. MILLER will have been I H. H. MILLER will have been to 1'er at the buuineuu tte.rf XMAS AY, and he KNOWS HOW fo get mmwggeat lowest pouiblc rate: and with trf privileges. That that? the whole country goes to him. e i. tr,',,'," at s per cent. and on lam 0am A Hundred good Farms for "ale-Amo a number of fine Httnoverpropertietc Go to him if you “um to sell: Go to him if you want to buy. new notes and accounts, and it bent. every- hing how he tteta money out at old claims that have been thrown aside as worthless. BUSINESS Tae,',": 8M and Ditt1cttuies straighten out, healed And adjusted without lawn“: or in feeling. by the use of l mu. (act out] good judgment. ill! in i Mi. ill Ill W t tt" are unable to pay 100 cent: on the I be wstt mist you to arrange with your creditors. Insolvent 1Ntates Bat. Itmetorh wound up. A LL UPPER TOWN. MISS SHEWELL tlottor Gradual“ of Trinity C an-, Toma“: Member of tho Cot) ot Plum all Bunions. Out. ; Member 01th. mum ital um] Library Association. artist", ctar , Gan ' vogancer, _ te., can... Money to Loan at reasonable rates and on terms to suit borrower. JeeaasqtrttI--oid Bunk mum... opp-lb C. Metiirvond Implement In”. ”mambo!- the cane-appeal“ an Market. Durham, J . P. TELFO RD, W. L. MCKENZIE G. LEFROY McCAUL. We can give vou Bargains all: 'a’r-rn' “upn-I lunch-cc. MONEY TO LOAN W. S. DAVIDSON. Ric/l. Men, Poor Men, Grits, Turies and Patrons, DEAL WITH.... arranged without delay. 001m aupuy waldo. [manna cloud. TO LOAN " Iowa: rut. ot igtg-t. an door north ot 3. m1. Duh... DRY GOODS, CROCKERY BOOTS & SHOES. &e., cotch & Irish We are prepared to lum- dlo your WOOL & other produce to your entirr satisfaction. Of' best quality . H H. MILLER. mrga Moderat- MISS SHEWELL -'UI.I. Llll or-- PROTESTANTS and CATHOLICS. fiNOVER. :(chr the Bank ir'tfibU' I. Town DURHAM pl V1, . On.

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