Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Mar 1900, p. 3

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m an: N -i,iii,"] by ‘N fdi , is in! A little three or I su mix! Ibv does l MO in! to: it. If we wnnt a place In this world. We punt earn it. The partridge makes its m nest before " occupies it. The by its morally: BOMB earns its fast before It cuts 't. and the m- - an intimation that the ttrat of an - to to lune when " “I! be will not work. neither mil aat." Idle-e- nun- gamut. and on nature gym to man has cgpe the censure of dolng dishonorable work. I shall particularlse. You may unit a tidy for the back of an arm- chair. but by no means make the motfey wherewlth to buy the chair. You may with I delicate brush beautify a man- tel moment. but die rather than earn mush to buy a marble mantel. You pay learn artlstlc muslc until you can “no" Italian. but never sing "Orton- vlllc." or “006 Hundred." Do noth- u practice] " you would. In the eyes d refined society. preserve your re- ublllty. I scout the-e tutteat no- = I tell you a woman, no more gas a man. has . rtqtst to occupy a m ln_thh world unleu she pays a . respot‘mbilily lies between tha which is awful and that which is use Msn. If women do that which is o no value. their work in honorable. I my do practical work. it is dishonor able. AII'hat our yogn;_wonien may a " through I wrett their “lemon pulsed 3n hon: toilet. pick up out to make ca evening: waltln in and break u pruned. and they hm Very long an the It was ‘oouidered tt men to toil In olden der the Great stoc shown; garments m mother. The tine, Bayoux were made William the Conquer, emperor would not w routs: ox Dr. Tulmage I: tor mercy In behatt " womanhood. and Otters ment to those struggling “hood: text. Ecclesiastes hold the tens or such 1 Pmed. and they had no E ' " FWWWW “'th report-an: In m- dur I "mud m n ugrt an: . d There is man. It 'here is no ha man. It may , be with brain ', work the mus r. The little 1 at be started , Be of Am n: wome In 1. third. for tenth. mm It uh I: to ‘nk tu the" tho Wt Id Ill l’glpage ist an lppeal h u Set rnornble tlmes. ftt I) In chain. and. the] between t which is u th mother ' honorabl -s. Alexan- a his place by his own went-lea at he queen ot \ugultus the ‘ny garments 'aahloned by oppressed encourage- for a live- ; were "Home th im " “Si a Oh. that Women'g Protective untorr.' The blews.irurs of heaxen be on It in? the merciful and divine work it LI do intt in the defense ot tolling woman- hood. What tragedies ot suffering are presented to them every day', A para- graph from their report: "Can you make Mr. Jone- ply me? He owes me three weeks " $8.50 . Week. and I can’t get anything. and my child Is very sick." The weak». a young wo- man lately widowed. bunt Into . ttood of tom u she spoke. 8h. wan hidden to can. min the 3m “Moon and use“ In: atom to the “tuna n his ly inspected. the most insitpnincant tiawa picked out and the wages refused and sometimes the dollar deposited not given back. The Women's Protective untan reports a vase where one of the poor souls, tirur'.untr a place where she could get more wages, resolved to change employers and went to get. her Dav for work done. The employer laid. " hear you are going to leave me?" "Year." she said. "and I have come to get what you owe me." He made no amwar. She said. "Are you not mum: to my 'tte'."' #793,"? he ”in. 'Twill to pay m pay You,' stain. refused to pay his rent. Out wIth him'." Society ts to be reconstructed on the subject of woman's toil. A vast Inn- jority of those who would have women industrious shut her up t ot work. My judgment ter itt that a. woman has anything she can do well. be no department of mechanism, art or 2r against her. It Min Hm has for sculpture give ht Rosa Bonheur has a {on linentlng animals, let he Horse Fair." It Miss study astronomy. let ht at th tt he kicked her down ter up to a. few kinda igment in this mat- .un has a right to do lo well. There should ent of merchandise. or srlence barred “as Reamer has gen- give her a. chisel. " s a fondness for de- let her make. "The Miss Mitchell will let her mount the Lydia wilt be a mer- m: " has ttt am. th tt Jrtt w ra If Lucretia ml. let her nquem-e the ncipal 1 get: u] the an In an Instant the figure of her father appeared at the door again. Ho was carrying his wife in his arms. Meg. L90 saw them distinctly as they crossed the threshold. and recognized their faces and form. She would have cried tor help while the apparition was before her, but she was power- less to do so. " Mrs. Lee said that as she lay in her hm] she felt a presence in the room and saw her father walk to thedoor of hm- mother'a apartment and enter it. Trembling with fright Mrs. Lee lu-pt her eyes upon the door through which the apparition had disap- peuré'd. 7 - -- In an instant the "tru- an» neared. Mrs. Leda voles came back to her and the cried lor her husband. “Father has bran INTO." sho mid. "und In” tuken motluw awuJ." Mr. In“ trim! to quioc tho sick womans {cu-nu. lhrthuught she was suffering {rum the NIH-ts of a dream. But .~.h:» would not be dissuaded. H10 lllld " {mung that her mother wax {some Irwin her room. To calm her Mr. 11% told her that h» had left Mrs. Pettit less than tive minutes previously. and that she wax then in gnnd lmlth. Yielding to his wife's urging, he went to the door or the roam occupied try Mrs. I'cttit. Mrs. Pettit was lying dead, with the food at her side untouched. Me. Leo broke the news to his wire, but it did not warble her. A Danbury. Conn., manor“ Margaret 1'ettlt, " brook] died suddenly in this Pity and her daughter. Mrs. Clin declares that she suw hornr mvuy by her dorm spirit at the momont tum must have occurred. Mrs. have had no known-age of l impending death ; neither l Mason to believe she was AND HER HUSBAND'S SURPRISE How are then evils to be eradicated? Some say, "Give woman the ballot." What ettect ouch ballot meht have on other questions I am not here to dis- cu. but what would be the effect of female oun‘raxe on women's wages? I do not believe that woman will ever let 1% by woman‘s ballot. Indeed women on)?” women as much as men do. Do not women, as much a. men, beat down to the lowest tuure the wo- man who sews for them? Are not wo- men n sharp as men on waarherwomen and mmmem and tttttttttttt makers. Poets are fond of talking about man as an oak and woman the vine that climbs it. but I have seen many a. tree fall that not only went down itself, but took ah the vines with It. I can tell you of something stronger than an oak for on My to cleb on, and that is the throne of the great Jehovah. Sin- ttlt' or mum-ea. that woman is strong that weekly hearing ot from“ and when!” New were “and by which Mr. Jonel woe induced to NY the 37.50. Another paragraph: Her mortmca- tlan may be imagined when told that one of the two " hills which the had inst received not her work was coun- terfeit. But her mortitttatlmt was swallowed up with lndlxnatlon when her employer denied havtng pun her the money and Inaulunzly uked her to prove it. When the Protective un- ion had placed the matter in the courts the Judge salt}, "You will pay Eleanor the amount of her claim, 85.83, and also the costs ot the court.” with that ot some C" was once a blessing t I do not know that 111.. report. says '. Mrs. " Lruoklyu Woman, this Pity yesterday. Mrs. (‘hurles W. Lee, he saw her mother her dead husband's "ont that her death red. Mrs. Lee could Ilu" away." Mr. D sick woman s was suffering I dream. But " “flue Lord In: ghm i, we mum. opt-u it i mum without ten 1 Menu-3mm moment l the minciplm of t I are to tgt enunohw l ct. B1mssed---Hattp TeaeNnar--"Witen Jesus opens His mouth we should open our hearts Jesus Christ never saved a soul that He did not govern ', nor is He preclous to any person who does not feel an fwbjectlon to the dlvlne will. The seven Beatltuden form an unending “no. m whlch the new Me In traced from page to am. from Ma com- ggtmttNrtttgtgtt to It: collimation. It in Im- padbb to {col poor In my", without. tuWN'tdtttpttt, for tttq mdmsum'ot 3'." rd. Itetoice--"rlvcn rmifers contri- bute to our blemdnesa." To be perse- cuted tor Chrrr'u's sake In to be crown- ed. Rev. ll. 10. Be exeerding glad-Leap for Joy. There are cums on record where thls has literally been done. The propt1eur-We are to have an Inherit.. ance wlth the prophets. "Persecution has been the portion and the proof ot the man emlnggp whats In all uses." 10. 1'trrtit-tcut:yd--'1'lt.t- who a pursued by an enemy. “Fined. impr: (med. Daniella], summed, tortured. t ways delivered unto death and u counted as slwep tor tin slaughter For rightomwum tttke-Because right (wing. Kingxknu of 'Hoaven--S on verse 3. 11. Itevmr--To slum lor Iva in spoech or an." F sake-tt mun-t- not only "tor H1s sum" ; because: than and are bringing unto lmlluesa. now called tite "H could be heard u mountain. When usual pokttion for Jews. They Mm) tux-es. but ant to came unto 11:"me tion near to “in: wan tar away. Mona hero rennnmemkxl tho way to future Mm they also immediately tweet and mum noble Benson. Poor in spirit-- tudes arr affixed to x tions. to show that, thl 4. They that mourn-That is,tltos who, "ytttwiourot, their spiritucnnv Hill miracles. “This own the Jam was um: proof ol the Messiah." “Napalm oust of tho Sn ot (mum men cities Thus wo [we tn had sprawl. and tlw poop} his: to Him trom all dim 1. Seeing tho multitude- pram-ind with tlwlr grtuat n mountuin-itu. tho uc Who were the persona? Jem ditteiples. 'Phe multitude. JYhat is the parallel tam-aunt I} mountain- west coast l tew mum 1 What la the central truth? The de- sign at the gospel ls to bring mankind into a state ot heart parity. What is the tunic? True religion. .What is the outline? i. The multi- tudei. H. The Teavlter. Ill. The truth taught. What was the tune? July, A. D., 28. P'lieri' wax thr. pinch? Moaut lint- Bapt.-What is' the guber- text ? ts'ettool-.Ble-d urn the pure In heart. for they shall 800 God. Matt. v. tl. tin xli INTERNATIONAL LESSON NO. I. 2ND QUARTER. APRIL 1, 1900. IhtrBoatltades.--Matt. I :25 to 5; I: SUNDAY SCHOOL c, f.. Opened " Ht marks ti 'rttutee of 1 Great mult enunciatoU. yd--- Happy. renunuwmk from Horn, c mut'h I m Ho tittuAu-h 'hits Mon I u proof of “Napalm ot (iztlilm W0 (we th ti harm of ; "to be aims- ‘aluely for my be false, but we are Chris- 4* w forth fruit tit U “meted by I waste of our bod/t norm-(2mg to regularly. usually the days of I day. That we ml -h country bodies, hung” at ' containing l of our new and it Ills ttune wita the takirur y were (20111 Main. He was im let-mu. Ills CarA'iEg5s'd2tt5, tt " mun Luk I" Thonnnd- ot dollars. unrelenting 2lut'Wuut,'.tiu'/ tthh, .2: gm tub malt- ot - nk‘I 'tgHitttuthtrxtttatqetq. " ... “Wishing you a happy New Year and may of them, I remain. W. W." --Wittdrttr Record, "We are “Khan: a very treachero out: toe. They the on our white flatt and our wounded. Boers are coming this my. and we lune been called out to meet them. ' "i am now about 9.000 miles from you. lighting for my country and Queen. It is very lonesome out here, for menus Ioften sit on arock while on sentry duty on a moonlight night with my comrades sleeping on the ground near me, my thoughts go tar away home new“ tho sea to my dar- ling mother, whom I may never see again. It makes tears come to my eyes. but, aunt. war is war; so l mu“ not complain. The Late Walter White Wrote One to I!!! Aunt. Th1- following letter was sent to Mrs. A. D. Smulley, Newport, Ky., aunt ot the late Walter White. It was lwrung“: from Belmont in February act. TW‘ho but 'tho Master would dare say. “Blessed are they that mourn!" Truly has J. R. Miller said, “This seems indeed a strange heatitude. But. to (muse who have lea mod its mean- ing it is no longer strange. Meeknesa, in taia age and land, “mi-la it is a rare virtue, in by no means as rare as when Christ uttered Roma n a! conquered PWAL SURVEY. The Beetitudeh are among the moat hurtling utterances that; ever loud- mi' in the ear at man. The Mater bad, been "preaching the gospel of the kingdom" throughout all the county. Great multitudes tollowed mm. e had their attention. life eounded. clear as a bugle note, this pawn of tri- umtyia. He touchea all the chords of human feeling that heretofore were supposed to produce only minor music; now they yield. the harmony of heawen. Hut He speaks as one hav- iryIy,tutlyrriir. Um C72F.X9ti)':7 A PROP" ET“) LETTER Liberty 'ififiivg13' Mirth is Called with tiotm carried on "loitttt, but "tor I Tim persecutions Pt', fresh in our awn of the twen- i's inhumanity to Itk-sn thousands ay of ',"2r, ' ;.z':q" Business at mum Inn been mun:- quiet this week. Thu wu the reach of the activity that “tended the III. "my wins: but week. 1Nres con- dltlonl at trade are mad, and a. gmsqteteter It“! point to a “II! moon'- bulnau. Value- cud-null. toe all can. at goods. an trtsmha- “and now will In any out. - an out; “madam. lune "tt Thu-o has been tt fair movement. in trade cit-vim at Hamilton this week and the prawn: for tNtrtt'n- roettfn-, promising. Time in a good deal ‘mon industrial activity in time city than in tormen- - at this date, labor I. well employed and elm minim-nu or all an... no larger, and payment- nre tithing): The trade situatiun at Winning has not shown much change. The mu- llnery openings attracted a [lumbar of buyer: and the [muse sales In.“ std',',', larger. Collections are not Terr. a . .‘.;m,u-a... "eUreas? ”.1: per Wilt. Bradstreet'." on Trade. At Montreal the recent millinn-y openings were not (w Ittrw'ly nttmrd. pd as in tornwr yeara. The trade, how. ”or. report a. [air demand for sprint: nowltlw. Dry goods. shut' and rub- her hrtrtrctrtr report a marked improm- ment In business over Um previous week. Hardware and paint: an us- tive. Gamer-lee are in good demand and the prlm of produce. such a butter and eggs. ls considerably hitrhs er than at same date last year. _ Good now road: in tho country have tended to improve Mint-8! at hon- don. The grain deliveries have tteeet tair at country untrkets. Trade at the mast continues none- what dull. but tho outlook is consid- ered bright. The rf",',,',',',',','),,),',', It,' get lng camps in more. prom g. _ us - Ian and Cantu-nun butter has ment- tr been supplying the Vancouver - Drona] hott-Deliveries rttrht-. 330G more than TG. with prices (in It 86.73 to " per (an. Farm. m bringing in young hogs that an” wright. which would pay the. I. {coiling a mouth lung-pr. Mutter-Butter was not plenum] and was quickly bought up at prim ranging trom L'.'; to Me. the ISM prico l'eing paid for chain“ dairy to spot-in] vustmners onlv. The bulk cold at about :36 to 2H(- Inn-r " 1%ri--DMiwri B, Itrg', with price- mngim: from It to 18c per (1089mm bulk going at if. to Hi;- pc-r down. Itotrnd rolls. "sm-Weak tic-mam! tor “It to! chip“. Prices tummy at 150. to 180. Poultry-Moderate demand " In- 1-11.11)ng prices 1Vheat-45teau.v; 450 hush?" In!!! I. follow-4: Whlte and ran]. tun. Inn H. Inn-hols. at To t _Barler--45teaay " to tre. oats. steady; til to Me., Hay-Deliveries firm, at $11 to kinds; _ York Mllwnukm St. Louis Nortliern Minneapolis Hard ... tmiengo ... - New York ... Milwaukee ... St Loui- ...... Toledo ... ... Detroit, red Detroit, whim Duluth, No. 1 Duluth. No. 1 Minneapolis IN Fullowlng are the cloak: prio- " Important wheat cetrr todrr TORONTO FARMERS' MARKEY. Whvat--Mto bushels of reed a“ hito fall wheat sold steady at an. "I 300 hnnhcln of goons at Tths Market Reports The Week. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS ”~0an loud Hold "msdr at “a. v and s'trnw--Twontrrivtt “I. In)" my! {steady at $11 to '" tall wheat oo bushels l 'r--.5OO trurrhr .vwéxvriw._nsm. with tteteet. White Lid red, " or: l-L' to " at Tit to Tut. Moderate offering tonmtr " L'fh. m 27e for “If, '00 of straw firmer ho H 700 ... 067 le. OI) lmshvls gold " ef Jtih, 073 IA OP...' 1-2 073 1-2 006 38 007 7.8 Ot per ton 0 U7 o 67 1 Cash. nun: at 555m K iii Mild firm a . 150 M- mm. 300 5 sold " at May. .0 ttT " o " 18 ni the 0651‘ 06738 0 " 1-4 " " re 0 " 1-2 nrmer $9.50 M‘s

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