Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Mar 1900, p. 1

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in B. Africa he pointed out the necessity of remembering that even conquerors like Britain had Mots upon their shield. which would be better wiped out. Na. than us well u individuals had mote in their own eyes sometimes and like Kip- ling Mr. Capt!“ thinks there is angu- -uet we Forget. Int. we forget" in the it. at nations! trim-pk. Councillor w and a Chairman. FROM Burnt. PAI’ERH.- Ave learn that Ctuwfe,Masd West Bentinck have an the uwatinguf Presbytery in Paislev given it (all to Rev. Mr. Leslie The induction is to be at Malcolm, Rev. Guthrie to address the people. Rev. Fanning the minister. and Rev. F. o. Nichol to pmideamd preach. Dim-29th in“. Rev. MI. (‘migie at untrue meeting handed in his resignation of the chumps d Masmpden and Hanover and the mn- mnliouu will be cited to appear at the Prahytery meeting to he held at Nikolai. their popular turncet-tsi in aid of the Funds In)" Ceiur, collsittsd for suthwtevs . by the war. The attendance- mu nut as largt- as was cxPe-ctml which, howevevi is no reflection um the pun-intism or,' Dmmure M many of them had attended I similar meetings ucm- hy. The chief; performers Gere Messrs J. A. Hunter) an] J. P. Telford whose patriotic selec- 5' tions Were thoroughlv enjoyed. M asst-s f Davidson and McClm-kliu sustained the? humorous part well the latter especially I excelling in his first piece: the misfor- L tunes of a town dude in the country.; The “lenting to night" and tableaux! "that. we have we hold" were hath! thoroughly appreciated. Miss Jennl Ilenwick and Mr. Wm. Haulage sisal contributed to the musical pant of the; ”all. Rev. Mr. Clank“ made al, Ive Iii-nu upeeeh in which. while) Mal-them of British an"! V131 Ban.- /rhe death of Nts. Emory Dean last week mum. as a great surprim' u, the wheie town. as ulw Was in good health up to a couple of days before she died. She- wus alturkul with intummation of the howels. and not. withstanding (are and medical skill, the end Lame. Very deep and tender i, the sympathy telt fur the heptuvved husband and six young children, the youngest an Infant 7 weelosotd, mu! "ters have been vectuvetl. We Irelieve, from several families to tttlop'. tho children if Mr. Dram is willing. The mains were mlmrud in anlcwnnd came-wry on Saturday. Rev. Me. Fer- guson conducting the funeral services. Dluuloun Coxce.rvr.--F'tuday evertitts,r tant Durham Pati-imic Clul, gun- "ne of "One who owns 1w ttttti' of land in Manitoba. wants'n wife: mm: be over twenty-fivr yenre of "ge. good-looking pod tonne-know. rhodium in sin. scotch or Scotch descent. Presbyto-rinu in religion. good ear for music. good re- ference must. be given." Presbyterian opinuers. here Is your opportunity. The Big 4 has veceived a job line or Stiff hats that were $1.50. up th $2.75 oath. you can have yum pick fur 50cm. angina-Med. and NIH-ml cane honorary toemhets. about three-fourths m attractions prevented n tending the leeture. --The {allowing unusual pt!“ and bmilwds-like adv. poured in a Toronto Par" has. Wright & Bntgott will clout.- their Duthuu Dace until tht. end of the Parliament try Session at Toronto, after which time Mt. Butsou will he at their Durham otNet every Monday as usual. The Chester Enterprise has estimate-d that the Chinese Empire would use 88 million tons of rice in one year if they atein the same proportion as tlwirlucul laundrylnun Sam Sim: who "got away with" 110 lbs of rice in three moutlw. Mres Wiggins is the Inns! t-lmluvnt lady lecturer we evvr land the pit-Mme of listening to. Her sully-rt, "The New Patriotism." was in support (f wmuuu “Raga and the defence of t'anadinn homes by the xotets' of this country. against the It the close of I the local w. I nugnwnted. ti Dunn): CEIIH'ERY. r--All Danie terested in Durham Gunnery ar vital to attend a meeting in the ". Halt on Friday Mar. so at, 8 p. In. J. P. Telford, tiec'y pm We notice in a list of License Cottunis- donors tor Rainy River District the name of Mr. Itohert Watson jr. T. P. Smith the humus tscientific Eye Specialist will be at the Central Hotel Durham April llth. one day only. p Nurlcn~All parties imleht lit-cu. we requested to settle count. by April Ist by cash m ---. t Local and District News. t P"f3??tttttt" . GRA N T'S A 19. F DRESS GOODS "---' VOL. XXII. N0. 13. 50c Dress Goods for 40c 49e " .. 35c ,'tw F XXX fille HIE") y rtisement - r last week? a of land in The hull ut Very y pro-tem yard ape, in miter “V n at in I Th" him-Ms of Cheslvy am trying to tenure Mr. IT. C. Fraser. the gum! of ' Guyshmm. N. S. to Wive an addvesrthere Mr. Thos. Mvi'avvoll has givvn an urilz-r I'm " var-load of peat for his own "w. With wood and coal constantly iru'reucing in price thero is not the lead doubt but that peat will soon he "xtevsjvely used Ly the people. of on. tavio, Peat. can be purchased at the Wot ks for $3.50 a ton, and allowing - 82 for freight and handling, it can he laid down in Mvaford for $5.50 a ton. A recent test by a Toronto manufactur- er demonstrated that 2t lbs of peat will give a moderate fire for eight hours and the cost at 34 per ton would be about tr cents. This is certainly cheap- ir than either coal or wood " present prices. Besides. pest as an uncle of fuel in peetfrtue toddler coder wood wannabe-s very bright light, " Madden!” to bundle. hav- iummwlndno nigh-om an.,---" In. "I not, have to turn nut ( to do su hy the party law requires the part; out of his uwn accord gunmen or the H. C. 'l‘. If.. superin» tendon! of the "Y’s" and an ' Endeavor- er' of Provincial fume. will deliver. a tttture in the Pres'rryterian Chum-h her: taking as her topic one op other of tho tnpics "Humanit.v's Hatties." Hr "The New Patriotrsm." Miss 'Niggittst is yery highly spoken of as a lecturer, and all should try to hear. tk lady who has wielded an inmwnsw iuthtenee in nmny good wovks In the afternoon Miss Wiggins will also give an address in the church at 3 p. m. on "Child Culture In relation to Purity." A full attendance in requested. Collection at both meet- inga. Silver collection at the door in the evening. Cottrti from m, as nt present, to 8511) for signed documents, from 3100 to 8300 far open accounts. and from w) to 31(1) or num- for claims foe damages. The reaming t'nr asking the change are- set forth as follows '.- "Division (‘mtrts are held monthly and "etui-monthly in towns and cities, and casts are only tt fim'tinn of costs in the higher "oitrta, which are held at long intervals and enablr fraudulent debtors to take ad. vantage of disputes and Mljournnwnts to defeat the ends of justice. Ex. A Fumus Insc'rrm-zn 1'oMt.xa'..- ')n Friday evening. Mar. 30, Miss Charlotte E. Wiggins, mwnf the Provincial or- ganizers of the w. C. T. 1.7.. superin- A scholar in the schnolnf a. neighbor- ing town was asked to frame a. sentence containing the verbs "to set" and "to mt." Willie after u brief deliberation replied: "The British Empire is a country on which the sun never nets. and on which no other country over A scholar in the schnOIOf n. ing town was asked to frame containing the verbs "to set tut." Willie after a brief d, replied: "The British Eu sits ot t" bin-v with _ night, ave h) TTI') the I an: N ot'T It is a (w li' "HIM m ttrt The London Free Press "yr.-- "The appointment of D. R. Farquhar- sontothe country court clerkship of Kent is understood to have been prac- tically decided upon a few weeks ago, and it is thought the Willem willbe made immediately upon the adjournment of the mum-e." The Mr. Molnar-on referred to is _ m brotherofRev. W. Parquhsnon. Pres-3 51%er he". i days lust week. He had planned to I 3: 0mm- the Saturday previous, butn delay 1 - an the train prevented him spending a} .thlmth here. He left on Saturday toi Visit, relatives at. his old homo in iid; , Co. before) returning to the west. He is I now the oldest, settled Presbyterian [fa minister west, of Lake Superior and has I done and is doing a great work for the) A Home Missions of his church. i , l Rev. Mr. Furquharson will preach to. !nixht in ths Methodist church. Miss l Williams conducting the service. Miss Belle McKenzie is visit ing friends in bit, Forest. Rev. Mr. Ryan is in Sanford} this week on Church business. Miss May Leesun. fornwrly with Miss Chtlheroon, has secured a. millmory situation in Toeonto. gontlmnun With a "cool quail Inlllion" want, u. pvoh'taltlr invu WP wish somebody would dire, to Durham, where a vast, mm source awaits development. 1\ of course to our exteusie ma clay beds on which Mr. Neil Mel has secured many options at trouble and considerable expe which he will turn over at first any man or company. who are mat about development work. Rey. Jas. Famuhavson. Pilot Mound Manitoba. was the guest Of his brother the Presbyterian pastor here for a few Mr. and Mrs. Duncan 3icApthm. of Kandy necoutpanied by the1'htrtetN brother Mr. D. G. Gilchrist of Port Elgin and sister Mrs. Gilles of Brook- hnlui ape-n! a few days Lint wrek with Mr. and Mrs Geo, Unluphell of Aber- dean. Mr. Robert Watson, eidost sun of, Mr. ll. \Vntmm. Nanny rivet, who [nu spent many years in Brit. Columbia was visit. tuk hie grandparents and other relnt ive 815mm TWINE. escape attnotttsced town last. Natuvda Mr. H. W. lmesun. Vnnwy vetuvuvd last, week from a two months' visit, to Indiana, where c, of his children are now located. and all engaged in the "learned pmfessions." He speaks well of the (-mlntry and its capabilities, hut, has u very poor ideaof the thrift: of the farm, Spams Movrsua.---A great, demand has arisen for a certain class of hnnqu and M these are not to he got. the like- lihood is that building operations will he brisk in town this summer. At, the Division Court in Grand Valley a farmer mod the C. P. R. for 825 dum- agrs for the loss of a quantity of Oats destroyed by fire due to sparks from a passing railway engine. Tho Falls were In shock at the time, and owing to the high winds some Monks were destroyed before the blaze could be "xtingttNhed. The judge held that. no express neglig- ence being tshown wither in the cun- strm-tiun of the a-ngmu nr its running or unumgenwm. the company liable. and a nun-suit WM nu entered. Twine (Toy. tteal capi partmw MI of a million ers who in the spring plow around ttu hinder left in the field since lust havve: Mr. Angus Cameron has rented the 'ttore inst east of the Post office and has opened outwith a stock of staple grocery goods. confectionery etc. The meetings in the Merltodisteluusch conducted by Miss \Villmms ttre living well attended and nmny are professing u warmer interest in spiritual things. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 29 1900. [ development. We tetet our exlvmivu tnarl and vhich Mr. Neil McKechnie many options at much ccnsidera1Ue expense and "cool quarter of n. rh'taltl" invusllnent, would din-ct them a vast, natural ro- m u-vmdingly not Snowfall during the week " in. with much drifting and a prudence of Westerly winds. not)" at machine ANTED immediately, at the W Durham Furniture Factory. 300 Cords Furnace Wood. Apply foe further information to THE DIRECTORS. Improved Yorkshire Boat foe service season of 1900, at lut32. con. 9, Bantinck Terms 8L---WM. Cook. For the Week Ending Mtsr.21, 1900 -- Iempgpuure. Max. Min. i LETTER FROM TROOPER LEUINGHAM give us a loyal parting and wiuh us a safe return. It was planned that we were to dine In Montreal at the famous Windror Hotel, and. on reaching the city. to put "sir. good shape for it. we were marched about for two houn- steady through several of the principal streets. which I cant name. Here again an ilmnelue crowd met to Wel~ room :he soldier boys, at welcome doulr 1y warm heeauw these saint hoyl repre- sented the wallnth of heart and loyal generosity of one of their. citizens '. Lord Slratheona. There “Me a standing mass of people the whole way round. and wherever there could he a tlag hung they Were dying. The parade over. we Were marched into the Hall where the sumptuous feast was spread, and a most exeellent dinner. it was which l wunt begin to describe. but which I wont forget in a while. For thme who liked their heer there WM lots of it for them. and they did it justice. At the sound t f the hugle the 'tatlter- ing was railed to order and several heal-l y addresses were tendered to the large crowd not. only soldiers hut citi- zens. When the, hulk of the speeches were over the Magic Lantern was brought out. and first Bullet-WM shown. then White. then "Balm" and all were received with rowing cheers. exceeded at the next nwye when the Queen was shown. Then emne a group and you can innuzine how they would he rem-iv ed:The Queen, Lord Buatheona, an d Col, Steele. The first two [mug una- voidably ahaent Col. Steele was called on for a speech. He {raised the momptnesx with which t e wAterrt men had answered to the. can for volunteers, ahd thought, that with such men and such good “intern Horses Canada would we well represented. After "God Save the Queen" we were marched lo the atation through such a press of people that progress Wm almost impossib e. Un Wednesday. April MM 'ortuick, Auctioneer will Stork and implenwuls at, Lot Con, i, H. D. R. GlenelR the 1 John McLean. Sale at Terms: ll mum. 6 l discountf Implmm-nts on Friday No. 13Con, I S. D. lt. S. V. McComb, prop. Auctioneer. See Bills we reached Halifax Mavch 15:11 mum unloaded out horses and "divided them immediately on the steamship “Mon- terey" which we expect will In“. Snuudny “MI-hing. and then for a mouth of the “ocean wave" through strange new and under other skies. With best. wishes Geo. w. Ledinghtou. BINDER Twtsk'.-,The time fur rt-cei\'~ ing orders from fun-mom for Binder Twin manufactured at Kingslm. Peni- tentiary has been extended to lst May next. Further particulars nu applica- tion lo J. M. Plant, 1Varden ”LR-nuan- lizuiy. Kingston. To Friends, From Durham to Dotatoch. Before leaving the bright "ltoves of old Canada I takethe liberty of again addressing A few lines to the many who kindly took an interest in my ttying visit home two Weeks ago. We left Ottawa, Monday, March 12, at, 11 a. In.. in the midst. of a large and enthusiastic crowd who (15:50")th to MOFFAT--ht Edge Hill, FuiduyJM‘lwh 23. Christina Steele. wife of Chas, Mofrnt aged 70 years. Ihr.as.-ht Durham nu Thumday March 22. the wife of Emory Donn aged 38 yen”. We are pleased to be again able mi present to nur renders A parting word] from Mr. Geo. Ledingbmn. who is now i somewhere in mid.AtUntit, stenlning‘ southwards for South Africa: Strathcona Hotso [ C Squadron 1 Halifax. March 16, 1900' Mums.»- Un Friday the gird hm to Mr and Mrs. Wm, Dodds, Berkeh-y. awn WEATHER BULLETIN. SttTiitN SA m March SALE REGISTER Now on the Ocean. FURNACE WOOD. Died, BORN Fax-m Shock and ' April (Shh at Lot t. Hem. Rob Roy. t. Hugh Mackay, ..... "ii? 15 --Mr.0. B. Bemm.§M. P.[for_C_ell- jgjjjg g 't treToronao, died Isustmmkatthe age week“ in. with otlB. m'“'mmm bub . Wee of n-mana-hi-it-tttaria". am at making Hannah“! WM. " 26 "nd27. pram-Hy of 1 u'rluck. fur'msh ll [humid 16 ll'lll LAIDLAW‘S OLD STAND. NEW 'rWEEDs-speeia1 at 25. 80. 40 and 50 ets. NEW BOOTS AND "OES-No "halter what you wish to pay. if its 81.2.3. 't..ar. 81.75, m- 82.00. We have the has! value. best, quality, Irest Bttingr Shoes made at above prices. NEW Stock Bulk and Package TEAS. special value. Kc, we. we. and Mr. -----irwttm1 GR0mrRHlltg.------- _ The new season fills us with new vigor. We arc oil ever to meet your expectation. Counter after counter abundance. Shelves are piled full and boxes still mm of Spring Goods is meeting here. NEW WASH FABRICS-prints and Cami» Illlt ms, Spots, Sprays and figured designs. Fast Col We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. SEWING MACHINE. Hams Sewing Machines and supplie "Large Sales & Small Profits." averything for Farmers) We invite youf attention to the following lines of goods : frutmtoir-Upper Town. Durham Coulter * Scott Drills and Cultivatom, Disc and Spade Har- rows, Seaman's. Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, number 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares. Soleplates, Etc. Not genuine unless the words $t WILKINSON Puma" Coma“ " is east on each pips: 1YilriiTsty PM W Sm! Rolm 1;“de three tiett'ottN Deerini " Ideal tt and " Pony ,, Binders. Ideal Mower and Steel ra es. Also Maxweh Binders, Mowers and Rakes. ON WHEELS, Chatham and Snoivball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies tram Campbell at London. Bell, Hum-w, Thoma“ and Berlin mamas of PIANO and ORGAXS r UP To DATE AND CHEAPER THAN EVER. ---Cat of Windsor Salt. just, arrived.---- Miss Ida Dick is in charge of our Millinery Department in} is lmsv preparing tot spring business. Wait for announcementg, . . C. St J. McKechnie. CULT/VA TING. All NEW HARVEST/NC, We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be . Cash System FP, IRELAN I: dt; CO. Dress Goods, Colored Suitings. Black Dress Goods Lace Curtains, drapery Materials. Embroideries. ADOPTED BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. WHOLE N 0. 1150. Berlin memes of PIANO and ORGANS A large stock of New Raymond and Wit Ch h. Tender-aio-iii/ yiFiTii"di7s" 1i'lrit Plum Jgd'LtiQ w telecast R. Incl-duo'- Cm an. utter 8:1me mt. Bunk. C. MCKENNON. --- t GRANT'S AD t F CURTAINS "--- It the enlargement and M - "tiott, of Durham Mb!- “yards long and 57 in. wide Regular $2.25 for $1. 50. TENDERS WANTED. Miami-n - Colors XXX tl ho LOWER TOWN alert more than n new goods in A conventio- mu tita

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