Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Mar 1900, p. 2

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QB (ii Out I.” 300- tollnvo Better - Than Expected. ' Wermarexmqrattttato cumin. upon the extraordinarily low mortality. ttrom disuse in thin South Ali-loan cmpatgn. Even including death- !rom typhoid and (hunter: in in» bulged “an, the total, on tar I. barely MO, as mpurod with $1.400 deaths by wounds. l'aualiy (ll-ease mum twothlrds ot all war lanes. In tho tNmrtitrrvhmericlo war. as we air“ told this week by tho ex- pert unpainted to investigate the matter. the ravages ot typhoid favor ware appalling. one-rirth ot all the soldier! in the - impound coilwt- in; camps contmctmi the dimmer. and q per cent. of then» died. in Camp ChicYatttauCn alone there were 9.- 000 vases. and nl‘nrly GOO deaths. such a ramp is worse than two Simon Row. Finally. typhoid levermmmd so per cent. of tho entire death-rate. In the Transvaal to dato it has mined burly 2tiodrnthtr,ail told,and must of timer have lawn m Lady- with, Tim American expert. at 01mm. points to neglect of sanitary precautions and fouling of tho water cumin! as the cans-'9 of this terrible fatality. and tlw an“: ot our as- mp9. my. the Outluok, both in the Transvaal and the Soudnn. has Men the mrupuimu protu'tion of tho water supply. or, wtwret this was all ready taintml. rigid imimlwn upon Mm. nnniet Robins. of Port Col- borne. not. is one of those who be- lieve that when a remedy for disease has been found. " in the duty of the person benefited to make it known. In order that other sufferers may also find the road to renewed health. Mrs. :Bobins says: "in the spring of 11197 my health gave way and I became completer prostrated. Nervousnuss. mutation of the heart and severe dachm were the chief symptoms. The nervous trouble was so seyere as So Border almost upon St. Titua' hence. The least exertion. surh as join; up stairs for example, would have me almmt breathless. and my heart would palpitate violently. My appetite was very fickle and l was alum reduced in flesh. The usual Remedies were tried, but did not help use. and eventually I became so weak mm I was unable to perform my Whom duties, and the headaches I suffered from at times made me feel as though my head would burst. I was feeling very discouraged when a cure in a use much resembling mine through the use of Ire. Williams‘ m! Pills came to my notice, and I decided to give them a trial. After Ola; two host: I found so much re- lief that I was greatly rejoiced to know that I had found n medicine Atta' would cure me. I continued sling Dr. Williams' i'ink Pills until I had taken eight or nine boxes, when a mldered my cure complete. The palpitatlon ot the heart, nermusness bad headache had disappeared; my appetite was again good, and I had gained in weight nicely. I regard .myself as completely restored, and I would urge other women suffering as I did to give Dr. Williams' l'ink Pills a trial. an‘i'l am sure they will have equally goal reason to sound their presse. -- _ - h Mfrtrttrt from lamusnm and Headaches. In. Robins, of Port Colborne, Tells How She Found a Cure and Assert: the Belle! That the Same Remedy Will Care Other sufferers. im}m ot tho tiiter and the t tettte.-Biddeford kaly (intone. There are thousands of women throughout the country who nutter as Ira. Robins did, who are pale, aub- Dect to headaches. heart palpitutlou and dullness. who drag along fre- quently feeling that lite is a burden. 'N all such we would say give Dr. ’Willlama' Pink Pill- " lair trial. The-e pills make rich, red Mood, ltrengthen the nerves. bring the glow ot health to pale and allow cheeks. and matte the leeble and want Heel that life in once more worth liv- ing. The genuine are sold only in taxes, the wrapper bearing the full Mme "Dr. Willlame l'ink Pills for iPaie People." May he had trom all dealers or by mail at 500 a box or II: boxes for $2.50, by addressing she Dr. William Medicine Co., kvllle, on 'FCFALCATto.NN DECREASING Report of Provincialllunlclpnl And!- tor In an Optimistic One. Mr. J. B. Idling. Provincial municl. pal auditor. has issued his annual re- port. He suggests that as a result. ot the creation of his department, there has been a large decrease in. detaleatiomc Three years ago NIH-w. amounted to $100,000. in 1398! they fell to “2.000, and lust. yeurl ware only $4000. He comments un- favorahly "It the practice of allow-J ing aged and incompetent men ml fill tho post ot municipal -triirGrer.1. and recommends a more general] teaching of bookkeeping In the ”book. l ln. Toohey. of Biddulph, ls dead. at. wan the mother of Policeman My. who was murdered at Lott. He had called on her several times, and tinally mustered up courage and wanes to he someWhnt more anec- Bionater than the circumstances war- nnud. perhaps. - - - " You must not do that," she said. mowhat nervously. " Do what ?" WM the innocent query. ... Put your arm around my Waist." "‘ Why not P' *' Mr brnther might come in Buddenly and tag you." A 7 - __ -- Ladies and gentlemen who take Mil. hr’l Gunpound Iron Pills always grow younger in appearance andim prove in spirits. "No. I suppose not; hut he would try to borrow some money from you, and I have lost two chances already by higr dolng that."_Pe:1rson's Weekly. The question of handling pain at Ihrmuo he not yet been decided. The assessment ot London, Ont., is - 817000.000. - .. wen,hrtsat ot it? Ho couldn't km Miller- Grip Powders cure. Opportunity hot to be Missed. l 1Rllnli'fl 1lMlllil LOW DISEASE BATE. In number- present, keen inure-t manna-cod. harmony and ammonium displayed. the annual meeting ot the Canada Life Ann-anon Cm, which was held on Wednesday last. was without oxeoption Hm "th successful in that Company’s history of "Yer hull a cen- tury. The President, Hon. Geo. A. Cox, road tho "lrpctorti' report. an tul- lows: commercial centre of Ontario, whrra suitable quarters tor the transaction of Its mar Increasing business have been fitted up in the Company‘s large fire-proof building. SPECIAL LEGIRLATIHN. Pursuant to the decision ot a special general meeting held in March last. the Dirmtorn applied for and secured from the Dominion Parliament an am- ondment to the Company's charter, by which the policy-holders are entitled to elect six of the Directors upon the Board. The signal approval of the Banking and Commerce Cotumittre, In aubmlttlng their titty-third An- nual Report tho Directors of the Can- adn Life Assurance Company have to record results and events of more than mun! Interest and importance. THE REMOVAh Following out the resolutions passed at the last annual meeting, the Head omce of the Company has been re- moved to the City of Toronto, the as well an of both Houses of Pnrlia- mont, ot the com-mI pursued by the Directors has been still further ompha- sized by the results upon the business of the year recently closed. Tho application fol assurance dur- ing 1899 were 4,176 tor $8,662,924.83. of which 401, for $695,298. were either declined or not carried out, leaving the actual Issue of the year 3,775 policies tor '7,96T,0'20.88. This is the largest amount of business ever transacted by the Company in its history of our half a century, and it is also a matte? ot satisfaction that the increase is due almost en- tiroly to purely Canadian business, which exceed that of any other com- pany doing busineas in the Dominion. The total business in force now amounts to '80,'2P.9,688, undbr 87,100 policies. being an increase of almost 35,000,000 over that of a year ago. This is tho largest increase ever made by tho Company in any one year. The total payments to po1ier-'holders dur- ing t'ho year (dbtoiis of which will he found in tho Financial Statement), were 81,857.M0.i?5. which is $61,980.40 greater than tor the previous year. A carolul revaluation ot the properties owned by or mortgaged to the Com. pany 'has been made. not only by our own valuators. but also by indepen- dent valuators. and after making all reasonable provision against loss, the assets now stand at 'al,36t,0tr2.06, be. ing an increase ot $1,325,244.73 our the amount as repofted a year ago. aUrNqUENNHhL INVESTIGATION. A valuation of tho Company's policy liabilities has been made by the Ac. tuary upon tho Actuaries' Table or Mortality and interest at 4 per cent. this being the basis of value. tion required by some at the states In which the Company does business. This valuation, which amounts to 'ttg,904.890.00, has been confirmed try certificates of the Commissioner ot Insurance for Michigan. After pro- viding tor theme and all other linbili. tlee, there is a surplus of $1,968,712.- 85. hut last year it was decided, on the recommendation of the President, to not aside a. special reserve ot $225.. ooo toward. a 31-2 per cent. stand- ard. Since then the Dominion Govern. mont, meognizlng the permanent tall in kitchen: rates, has wisely amended the Insurance let, so that all com. panics rum-rt now proceed in make provision for placing their policy lia. bilities upun " 3 1-1: per cent. basis. provision for placing their bilities upun n 3 1-1: 'per (. Until the transition is ertm be necessary tor the comm L'ntil tho transition is etievtv0 it will be necessary for the companies to up- ply a considerable prrcontugn of their surplus on old policies in this way. The Directors have, therefore. re. commended that an additional sum of $275300 he set aside tor this pur- pose. making in all a special reserve or $500,000 in excess or the Actuar. ies' l per cent. basis. Deducting this amount from the ahovemtetttit,ned surplus there remains a surplus ore' all liabilities of $1,468,712.85. 01 this amount it is proposed to credit to policy holders $1,381,182.05 at surplus to them, and to tshareholders 887,580.80. out ot which dividends [or the next the year- my be paid. The Ijirwctors, keeping in view the unusually large amounts or proiitr; dig. trlbuted to po1ie.whoidetrs in the past, and the fact that interest rates hum sofallen as to make it imperative that the Canada Ll!e,uhould be placed up- on an actuarial valuation basis rela. tively comparable with that of lead. ing companles In the United States, Australln and Great Britain, have unanimously recommended that at qulnquennial division the permanent lntermta of the volley-holders would be conserved by declaring a. Bonus Ad. dltlon of 3-4 of one per eent. per an- num, and a .sllghtly lean amount upon llle policies whieh have been paid up tevaareriodottmtream.!NUd_ CANADA LIFE. M {.1 sard Annual Report “FE RESU LT S 'k'?,;?,?..!??)?)!::?,,,',"),';'),,',),, ORGhNizhTroN 0F DEPARTMENTS. The Company's Inssinestrand invest- ments inning now grown to such large proportions as to render advisable the lo. In. been naked " only an" the - carom! trtmrtiqatiort into. and deliberation upon. the may phase- ot this extremely important matter. It in believed that within the pretent quinquennial period this docilion will be heartily approved by any who may not at moment moaning its import- ance. indeed. the opinions of two distinguished actual-lea. who were Independently consulted. would ham supported an immediate adoption ot the new Government bank of 394 por cent. upon all business. It is further recommended that the usual Quinquestrtial Bonus to Shareholders be (“spanned with. s'Rtvoral wwlm must um-mb‘arily Manse twtoro the minim-nus details: ot allotment of the polivrholdorR' Bonuses nr" completed. Assistant General Manager, with gen- eral m'oruight of the insurance depart- ment or the company. Then an invest- ment dowlrtment has been created. with Mr. H. B. Walker as Treasurer in l-hargp. On taking over the securities. Mr. Walker made a detailed examina- tion and valuation of the Company's investments. and it is a matter of tattir.tttctiott that the amount which he recommended as necessary to pro- vide against posslble loss was. consid- ering the age and size of the Company, comparatively small. The actuarial department has also been fully estnlr liahed. with Mr. F. Sanderson. M. A., A. l. A., F. S. 8.. in (marge. These, with the Secretary's, Superintendent's and Medical Reforee'a departments previ- mmly established, now place the Com- pany in a position to meet the ever- increaalng demands of modern bucitttystt oonditiontr. a stuff ot special examiners from the Michigan Insurance Department. The vnrloun seem-Mien were exmnlned and the oondltlon of the Pompnny tttt stated in It: published reports was confirmed. The otllclnl report was mmlp public by the Com- pany immuliutoly upon Ita comple- tion. mention of mm-departments for the more ertioiont traturarrtion of Ita head umve luminess. the Directors during tho pnat year appointed Mr. E. W. Cox GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS. In October inst an poustlve and (-riticnl examination of the (“mn- pany‘s whole cmdluon was made by In addition to this the Superin- tendent and the Actuary ot the (‘n'mditm Insuram‘e Department have made their usual yearly exam- ination at our securltletl and ac- counts. Then. too, the protemMual auditors appointed by the trltttrehold. m have made a continuous audit of the books. Premium lnvonw (not) Interest, “CHIS, etc. . . . Payment: to Policy-holder All other payments. . . . . . . . Liabilities: Aunnnce Reserve F"uetd-- Actuarial mtretettt.....-.. Special Reserve bow-rd: 3,14 Ferment. tannin _............. Ailothertub0itiete............ Aunts: January Ittt, 1900, Ledger Aunts ...._.. Other Assets ........ "Young man," sternly remarked the overworked copy reader to the new reporter, whose chief recommenda- tion in a college training, " notice that you persist in referring to mar- riages at having 'oecurred.' You should know that weddings are not accidents." Ladies! Tnkn Miller’s Compound Iron Pilla, it you would have nlee, clear eomplexiotur. There are so many lunguz spoken in the Provinces ot Ana! Hungary that 'mterprutert' are moped in the vat-inns Parliaments intorprvt the speeches of tho l gates and make them iatelliitiblt all tho members. Warwick Cast]? is he'll! by many to to the must lulutilul seat. in England. The large buroninl hull is a magnifi- cent room. It is decorum! with the most perfect specimens of armor, tur- nished in u luxurious manner, ond masses of HuWers and large palms abound on every side. “Sometimes they are," softly replied tho young 'Journalist,' who has trou- bles of his own. "The Late" "rung" Free State. Proud President Stun is reported in pain, And in spirits undoubtedly duller: The Orange Free State has succumbed to its fate And has suddenly altered its ool.or; The Orange, no longer sus-Steyn-mg its hue, (Has changed to a Roberts, red, white and blah. LL.-.-..,.,.,..-.'..-,....--". M. A Thamesvme lady can: “I was in very poor health and very nervou- "off-su, munh from dint“. in m A Thnmegvllle lady says: " T. was in very poor health and very nervous. Buttered much from distress in my stomach. and choking sensation in my throat. Doctor- mllod to relieve mo. Miller's Compound Iron Pill. cured me." A true and genital; imptpienee in over the Mfsest of ignorance. with- out. the but am of 'tt,--Stei. "_. Synopsis of Financial Statement Mlnnrd's Llniment cures Dandrutt Ward's Beauties of “Ru-wink Paulo. Alan! That " Should he So. Total Assets Surplus over than ........ Int erpret er, are l 'sed Llnlment cures Burns, etc. Province-é of Austria. 'mterptwtertr are mu- u-iuus Parliaments to all Linbili . K'i,3tu.0& mama 997.860 clung”) 00 “9.895.319 1468.712 $21.3“.W “.3573?! L"6.666 8?., 199.262 851.297 83.iw.'.,M9 31.33.01: 14 languages (in!!!) 00 43MB!) 21 lel M M 21 70 m A Pen-ole: Lady Vanqulshos a Stubborn and Persistent Enemy. THE FLETCHER BASE, She Wats for Months a Martyr to In- tum-sry Rheumatism Dodd's Kidney Pllla Cured Her. Pardon. March 12.--No lady rad dent in thitr town In mun! widely known, and more highly must-med tor her many good qualltierr, than in Mrs. A. Fletcher, ot the Fleteher House. Throughout the adjacent. country district also elm has a very with ac. qunintanee. All who know this estimahio lady, know that for months punt. she has him a ceaseless sufferer from innum- matory Rheumatism. So M'Tere did the disease become that her tinqpr Joins and “nan-a were no terribly mvolipn that she could not bend thom. Sim was unable to gut downnmim without assistance. and "very im, pending change of weather brought her the most imimwribabte agony. At length Mrs. Fletcher, having read of Dodd's Kidney l'llls, (lauded togive them a triai--ax " final .efrort. She did so and the only lxmlhle result. followed. The first dose soothod her awful puln. Every "uctillrttr domrdid more and more good. and five bums I?“ her a mum! and healthy woman. Not a venture of her old dint-moo re- mains. Reports from all motions of the Prat hytorian Church immune the success- ful prosecuuon of the century fund scheme. Already the sutiription lists are in excess of $500,000. " this. min- isters alone have contributed upwards of $80,000. Fore'gn missions have viod with one another in their mntribw Mons. Rev. Dr. Waruen reports re- ceipta from nearly eve-ry missiomiry in Honnn, China. Many remedies were used in efforts to effect a cure. Different. medlml men were called In to attend her, but all failed dismnlly. Rheumatism has no terrors. when Dani's Kidney Pills nre used. Dodd‘a Kidney Pill" cure Rheumatism land all other Kidney Dianna-m Just neopr- tninly. madly. quickly nml naturally in: a drink of water curt-a thirst. The readers of this paper will be E pleased to learn that there In at [out one dreaded disease that scl- ence has been able to cure in all lt- stagm. and that ls Catarrh. Hull'l Cntarrh Cure ll the only po- E altlve cure known to the medlcal. fraternity. Catarrh being tt comm-I tutlonnl dlaeaae. requires a comm-s tutlonal treatment. Hall's CatarrhE Cure in taken Internally, acting div rectIy upon the blood and mucousl inn-lam ot the "atom, thereby de. atroylng tho loundatlon ot the dur ense. and glvlng the patient strength by bulldlng up the consti- tutlon and assisting nature in do. ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith m Ita curative pow-I on that they offer One Hundred| Dollars tor any was that It lull-m cure. Bend for list of 'tuL'lt'Gtl "I'm going to get married," he said. as be Ifg,tf a hand as large an a Dtvteh c me upon the counter, "and I want I wedding cake." "It is customary, nowadays," said the pretty _ eonteetiyysr's, assistant, "to have the materials of the cake harmonize with the calling or the bridegroom. For a musician now we have an oat cake; tor a man who has no calling. and lives upon his friends the spongn cake; tor a newupaper paragrturherr, spice cake. and so on. IMhat is your calling, please t" "I'm a pugiiiat I" " They you'll want a pound cake." Putnam's Painless Corn and Wart Extractor removes all sorts of could. warts and bunions without pain in a few days. It mu! been the stand- ard for thirty years. Beware of acid flesh Pacing. dangerous substituws and insist on having tho gvnuine Putnam's. Sure. safe, painless. -T'.d Bibi Permanently and Painlessly Cured in a Few Days. "Young mam Peebles, "how that?", "iifnibusnr note. sir." replied waiter. " recent importation Hkoziunk. --- _ _ nodding that."-- Jewett--Yoa. Hewitt-Sim looks so much like her twin arm-r that I don't are how you can tell them apart. Jewett-l don't have to: I'm en- gugml to both of tttent.-aurper'a Hewitt-- Grum ? Jewett-- Hewitt-- nn 1:1 r, A Londoner says: " Was annex-in; from blood poisoning. Was recon]. mended to try Miller's Campound Ir. on Pills. I did so. and they cured me." Mrs. Bonliaut--rt'r,. hard on the people of Greenland to have nighbs six months longl” Benham--Yem Just thlnk of the aut. ferings of the poor man whose wife's mother drops in to spend the evening. --Harper'a annr. MIntsrd'tr Llnlment toe gale every- where. The restlng place ot Daniel Defoe I: In the heart of one of London's busiest quarters, about a quarter ot a lane from the Bank ot England. Tho Bank or Montreal is a sub- Icrlber to the thlrty million ponndl British war loan to tho amount ot on. million pounds. Sold by Drugglata. 750. Hall? Family Pill! are the Adm-ma. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Miller's Compound Iron Pills. , cents for 50 (10333. l'unoullous as to Urtheopy. Young mam" and Uncle Jerry M98. "how do you pronouncu Presbyterian Century Fund CORNS. The Cake He “Wanted. A Sad State of Amsirnr. Btoo Reward , $100 llv Mud Fixed That his ttl llicugo S ' you are engaged to Miss rejoi nod nptroral Tribune, 395 Uncle Toledo, o, Bring Terry m. the from only A W m can that " - Trend-(the 11-00. A dull has been flung out mull- ing woman hone. At but that ll the modular! arrived " by person who claim to have detected thet trend of the times. For my "e Woman has rumbled along the highways and byway: at the trust. may! World. side by slat- with men. in many can. Ihe hm risen to high munitions of trust and in Home achieved renown by her mental strl-ngtll and executive nhlllty. She has rushed forward in number. un- til the mnnmervlal market has been tilled wlth her voice, and untllthere wvrc- more of her than there were plural to fill. But now It in nmrtmd that awn women signatori- arr hoginuing to uotive tho “alumina ot the tidemnd tho tart that many women ttre be. ing dismitmed from minimum luminous and the sums! being {Iliad by men. Ttio United States Government at \Vuuhingwn will hereartisr employ only main swnugrnphvrn. The Unit- ml sum-u l’mt-olllop Dopartment will (-unlilw its {pmulo help to un- married women. Many Vin-uncles of tlu' Govprumpnt lmrvuua nre Ming mum by men. A I'tttO'ttttt' yet inmm' plete shows that In New York. Bow tun and (hit-ago alone, during th" last throw months (“or “.000 Wu nu-n haw Mm Iliumlmd from busi- mw. positions and the plum-N MINI by meu. WOMEN BEIIG CALLED HOME in this sign of the times a “uni. railing women home? The reason given for this turn of affairs is that women haw. in a measure. proven themselves Ineam abie of meeting the requirementar of businmia--that they are feeling the strain. that they are unreliable. and physimiiy collaLm1mtt-lre,troit Neaur. Tribune. Care of Fern. The beat and most utialactory method of watering fame and plun- is to put the pots in a pail of water not quite cold from the tap, but in: luke-warm. Do not remove t an from the pail until they have ceased babbling, any: the Philadel- phia Inquirer. The leaves should be washed once a were with a sponge and tepid water. It is a good pith to wash the leaves of palms with milk-warm water in which I very little Bott soap has been dissolved; they should be Wth-Od on both aides; then wiped over with a sponge dipped in clear water. "What a. study the [ace ot that old- iuh man woman the room wottld make tor Max Nordau," he said. addre-ring the girl to whom the hasten had jut introduced him. "Why y' she asked “Degeneration is so plainly marked upon all his features. Jove! I should hate to have a man with his charac- teristics tor my father." "Oh, I don’t know." she replied. "It isn’t no bad. Come over here, papa, and let mp Introduce you to Mr. Saintly." Thought They Were Invited. ., How did you gather much in large congregation of old and middle-aged people t" asked the young minWr of tho old one. I "I advertised a sermon to the young." was the latter's 'eaplr--Har. per"a Bazaar; Miller’s Worm Powders are the best laxative medicine tor children: na nice as sugar. ' Only eleven men have billed nt Mont.- real for Hnl'fnx garrison duty. while IL'O was the number looked tor. Miller’s Worm Powders cure fever u chlldmn. Burin. Nfld EDDY’S MHTGHES DON'T WM! 'nttl BIKINI "I“. It I.” ttt . MD mums. " A Timely Soul-e. Wats Her Papa. MYE ft 1llililrtl1ltni0 RENTRTION. LEWIS S. BUTLER VII ISSUE N012. Never put a wet cloth on oiled op vnrnbhed furniture. Rub dry with: clean cloth " obliged to wipe otf any kind of dirt. " an article med- oiling on all on one cloth and rub dry with another. " will take .1 bright. pulm- W ”Va on on nrticbmt, an a catch- the dust. Take [Ax-Mn Bruno 1hrirtine hut-1.. All ','st5tW.t,',',', the may if it M!- to cum. Me. w. (hove "Mun In on not box. Ott dock- ll Ind;- nibble {or-dc. Adan-s an“... uad ca. Tu Jr. “a: a It 11$ m . met. ' 11w“ Kidney Bt,llntrtta'.'t tho-“nut an hall (I all would”. Cur-Thor My Nell - a man old along fundhthor. Maud-in didn't cuppa» there living that old; Odin-d hkie, orb-wt- in the 1 Kim on dUtrirt. Kern co.. wiggle tenancy 'ur bcigx tundtytyy w huh mm '2a,'184t 16H!!- iuattoztsdhtttantatt Dwain.“ 'rtnutsdttrWr.EBY.Prtet_Oei. . PERMANENTLY CURE!) BY DB FITS Kline'- Ormt Nerve "an." Nr, an; or momma- the? ant day. uno. t4emd In El Arch (not. PM). delving PA. tortgysati-ktto"ttrtil bottle FioTiidiiitD.' A, Marta, t'lWh'ouxiDaasee.trvet loath-L Qua. AGENT! WANTED FOR OUR Two N132“; books. “It. “It!!!" at South Alt-w- dour hookah: ooatlaatd “Dwight L Moody mun“ lit-M"; the huh we we]! wrfttenand-toantesnod agettettagettaathttf clan-ac: the prion as h...“ theterms mrtm “bad; - an unto may if they taherhoMatooesesaasd-ttamr_ Pro- mtno. It you mud-noun?“ ma-tta tortt-sanv-u't-tgt. William Brian. Methuiat Book Room. Tm l Itatfa had. my: be and (or tlhiiifiGr%WfiiF. " ”who manna. was the In. turn wind couc- and In the but 'llullrfl'.' Dian-hos. Twenty liven-nu I bottle. (1.1717!th omngre Pfltt wm- . Huh 93.99”! 8m ahottld al KIDD’S LITTLE LIVER PILLS The mat M) an. undue“ by h WONDERFUL CORE FOR SICK HEADACHE 'lo Cure FOtt Slit-E. Ott tM)tihll0t. Don't Wet Fur-Huron I Cold tn One Day 'htel' "It-- '0 mm. owning tati in (can. poui ble “on“. him? Int-uni: lif 6m " THE Talma " Nh' "W -AAu to

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