Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1900, p. 8

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9.3 Corbett was in town striving to a"in knowledge as to the latest methogs ot arming " the Farmers’ Institute, a the young cow of his was trying to quendh her thirst " . well 12 feet deep and alum-t full at water with no cover. in; whatever, the dipped in hand an. and was drowned. Mr. C. but man. u stated . windin- and pulled her as, and will now can: can well. Mr. Robt Lindsay met with a slight accident last week that is making him teel rather sore yet. He was engaged binding a load of hay onto a sleigh when the binder broke causing him to fall violently on the ground head tirst; giving him rather ' severe shaking up, but as no bones were broken he is improving nicely. Mr. Jas Mather and Wm. thtle were around here last week canvasing in the interests of the Ayton Creamery. Mr. Little has succeeded in getting the contract of drawing for the coming season. We have no doubt he will prove. quite equal to the task. T subscrlpuon. including the Sunday collec- tion, Mommy's tea-meeting and Wednes- dny amounted to 0100. The people of tho Esplin church express their thanks to the other congregations and panicnlnrly the Method“: people for their kind unit tance in helping then: in this church. On Sunday the Mth our church opening 7 alive-cry of the Presbyterian church _ ”held hrrervieea in the morning " by. Me. McDonald and in the evening by It. _ otraoat College now stationed d Conn, at the evening services the Charon was packed full try visitors from usher congregations. Miss Patterson, of Murillo presided at the organ. 0- Monday the [5th the tea-meeting New success. The tables in the basement were loaded with the hen-t eat- l ables our Proton ladies could provide and that could not he beat in any township gathering. An the inner man was served. the people were conducted to the church which was soon filled until there was hardly standing room. The Rev. Mr. leDnnnld the pastor ofl'tciated as chair- man and opened the meeting with a neat little speech and welcomed the several minute" and others here. Miss Patterson rendered some chance music on the organ and that splendid Methodist choir from Dund-llt were present and gave choice piece“)! music and singing at intervals between the speaking. The follownng gentlemen was present and spoke in the older as here named: Itovd's Buchanan ot Dominik. Humphrevs. of PriceviUe. Mathewn. of Priceville. Morrison. of Ced- nnille. Mr. Peter McGrenor. ot Dundalk. These speakers all spoke of a united I christian spirit among the pmplc oi the christhn churches and gave good lively addresses which were listened to with marked attention. A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to the several speak- ers. the choir. the organist. and the ehair. man. Thusennled a grand entertainment by the audience rising and singing "and Save our Queen". On account of such a large quantity of previsions being left over it was announced that another enter- tainment would he held there on Wednes- day 17th after the congregation meeting The mrnar'rtmtiortturneetine was held at 25) o‘clock p. m. Mr McDonald again presiding The managers committee re. port was received, the books audited and everything was transacted in a satisfactory manner and our managers haw cieared otfalt the debt on this new church and all is now paid in about two years the church was built nnd now paid for and what is the best everything went alone pleasantly and not an unpleuant word to mm the good christian feeling that existed among these people sf Esplln church. The night's entertainment was a success add the church Was again well filled titer their good tea and Rev Mr McDonald In taking the chair made the speech of the evening. Miss Tether presided at the organ and rendered some very select pieces intervals between the little speech- I es of the home talent, Htietly the managing committee. Mr and Mrs Joseph Love I sang some very nice pieces in there us- l ual pleasant style. The usual vote of thanks was passed to those who rende'nd I services and aid to the entertainment and l tho announcement was made that the E amount ot money raised, Without any i subscription. including the Sunday collec- g tion, Mommy's tea-meeting and Wednee- tl Oy {louday lyrt whilg .Mr. Joseph Min Ida Scarlets bu lets lor her place in the Stutosn. now!» then n mi- villugo was trying .‘Id on! tho names of nuns boys or nth“ young moo. who in going homo 't'"hthteetaavomd .0 but in his house. “ii " had “not an old mun cannot be ktt alone but subject to such rough con- itttetotstndsort who come to our vil. Iago. “Mackinac": 80 you: of That Throbbing Headache 1ttelrers, , ' There are few men were wide awake tad ennorprisiuu than our druggists who spare no pains to secure the best of every- thing in their line for their many custom- ers. They now hare the Agency for Dr. King's New Discovery. which surely cum Consumption. Coughs and Colds. This is the Wonderful remedy that is now producing so much excitement all over the country. by it: mmy guzzling cares. It absolutely cures Aslbmn. Bronchial. Nun... and ull "eetiortt, of the Throat, Choc: lad Lanai. Yon can test it Solon buying. , calling a the drug “on Incl an n In. Bottle Fm. liatr in for: momma. Gaul: to can. 'l,"; - M00006. 1 We are sorry to report Mr Dickson isagain unable to take charge ot his school on account ofill health. Miss Minnie Ball is visiting her sister Mrs Geo Pollock of Murdoch P. O. Rev Mr Ryan is making (repara- tions: fora concert to be hel in the school house in the near future. The proceeds will be sent along with the proceeds obtained from other concerts of a llke nature for the benefit of the wives and children ot the Soldiers who are at present engaged in the South Africa war. Mr Richard B Irvine and Mr James Morrison of Grentell, N. W. T. are " present visiting friends and old acquaintances. They moor: times good oat West. Mr Jaa McLaughlin intends having a wood bee Tuesday afternoon. Miss Jennie Gordon is at present; engaged in learning tailoring with Mr, Kedsley in Holstein. l Mr Jen Eden has a severe attack of Sciatic in his knee and so far has been unable to obtain anything to in anyway relieve the pain. We hope he will receive a remedy soon. Mrs A Chapman is again in a low! state of health. Dr Freel is in attend- j ance. but her disease being at so; seriousa nature improvement is but. slow. , Mr Chas McKinnon has a number of men and teams employed in taking out wood. Mr Ed Johnston has returned home after attending the funeral of his fath- er. Mr and Mrs Jas Gordon and Mr an; Mrs R J Eden visited at Mr D Long a week ago Sunday. m Ittrtself. age THE BIG STORE iiiiii' Emmaflmmmmxawmmmammwmmmfi On Thursday evening last Mr. John I Milligan Cot a surprise, when several I sleighloadsofthe youth and beauty of Hampden drove up to his residence j and after all had got nicely inside, proceeded to read an address to him, and presented him with an elegant' farm: and gauntlets. After a good. supply of refreshments had been served, a. happy time Was spent in! playing games, music ete. _ Mr.R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain spends his runners as Aiken, S. C. Weak nerve» bud camed severe pains in the back of his head. Fin using Electric Bitten, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain won lull him. He suyu this grand medicine is what his country gt.odts All America knows that It can. liver and kidney troniiio, purifies the blood, tones up the st miach. strength- ens the nerves, puts vim. visor and new life into every muscle. uerva and organ of the body. If weak, tired or mung you need it. Every home: guaranteed. only 50 cents. Sold by our Drama-ts. l _ , “w _-__ r.._-u .lAu-IL tr" [Us “Cl. EReady-made Skirts at 35c each. . Ready-made Wrappers, neg " Drawers, 2 5c pr. " Short Girl's Dres " Chemise, 2 5c each Boy's Blouses, 5oc each. White Fancy White Night-Gowns, nicely embroidered at $1.00 each, others These are some of the lowest in price. We will be pleased to show y (Ili assortment. Buy now before prices go up. I , . ' --lfilf ggwwfigggmiwmte Wear? An Enterprising Firm. Spain's Greatest Need The Big Store This is an odd time of year to sell Ladies White Wear, but owing to the very sharp advance in prices last week, we find we can retail our large stock now almost as cheaply as we can buy it wholesale. This is the largest stock of Women's. Misses and Children'); White Wear ever imported into Durham. In fact it is large enough for three ordinary stores, but we anticipated the rise in price and bought before it took place. Our trade in this department has increased wonderfully. Call and see our stock and buy now, if you have to borrow the money to do so, as our prices must go high er. MURDOCH -0- e-___-_-_-- at??? SEE OUR NORTH WINDOW THIS WEEK Hg} TOUCHES THE SPOT 23‘. C, li11tf_l,tspd's System Renovator , The following accounts ordervd Co he Kidd: Clerk to my expenscs of late . unicipul election. 856.11): Mm. weisch _ salary in advance as caretaker of town _ hall, 812 l E. Quunce, sew-n weeks keep 5 of widow Weigel. 810.50; M. Wiley as .charily 363 D. Davidson. Sec.-Trea.s. Hnapital for sick children, Toronto, i donation. 'iv, Wm. Ovens 40 yards graveltaken by F. Campbell p. m.. 33; ,0. Minor, m Much tiles for culvmt, l, Arthur Itmet in Ayton. 45 cents . coun- fcillurs for unit-cl at. meeting of date "1200. ; Thus. Duignan and U. Heise wereitT"". ' arrpointednudttors; M.Murrtty.asoessor', IL. M. McPhee (Ur. ' f A, Pletsch, J. Hawkins, J. J. Weinert, 1' neighbor) after a few days, (M. H. Mearns, T. Stephenson and D. of mauralgiu of the heart. n I Halliday, collectors; Mrs. Welscb, i He leaves, a. wifu but no Ca genretakel‘ of town hall, salaries thel Morrison and McDonald oifit :same nshut Year. M. o. McGrngnr re. l, While a wood bee was in Iappointed township solicilm. Wm. H. I the farm of J, Hunter, t Ryan. member local hoard of health. 3 '1'tser.da.v, James Rom; & 1 P. McLean. medical health ottlcer. JR”. f heart trouble being Ibo an ';, Edwards, sanitary inspector. By-laws " Decenwd had been O‘Jlllllain: t passed to cotttirm these appointment-s. l truin '" hi., “an " A,... ,3, M-- Gm. Morr, Cunt. Ayton “was. Council will meet tee, on Wednes- ts the 14th day of ebruuy in town h to twelve tiuditom' 21,'flit, And for tun-action of general his new P. Skelly to have use of the town hall under same conditions M in former years. The newly elected council for the Township of Nornmnhy for the year 1900, VII: R. Malice as New». J. Dreier. \Vm. O’Reilly, Wm. Gardiner and Louis Brussous councillors met pursuant to statute ou Monday, January Mit. The members took and subscribed the declaration of ofBee 1nd qualifications and organized themselves as a councul. Weak and Impure Blood, Liver and Kidney Diseases Female Complaints. etc. OUR BOOTS AND SHOES ARE ALWAYS T thw mm ta tllllttee taa-a-ca, A SH FOR PRODUC . McArthur, Ask druggist or write direct to J FOR SALE. We want you to see our NORMANBY COUNCIL And fresh Groceries for the festive season have just arrived. Call and test our Canned Goods, and other supplies suitable for the holiday trade. Highest Price paid for Etit 1igsTiitiii "i"i'ig1rii'b, . HUNTER, wt to J. M. MAcLeon, Goderich, Ont. Bold by Urkee, Dmggist, Durham. ----Fort le Wrappers, neat patterns 75c, Short Girl's Dresses, age C. to 8, 40C ach. White Aprons 20c each. the: Since mlr last budget My: grim my... 'entr ‘l Hanger has been busy in our miht, the ier, E am. being Mr. John Arflmrs of the 8th mite _ con near Cedarville, " the no of 78 yrs. ".5? _ Ihseeastsd WM! born It Durham. and livod ' He leaves, a wifa but no family. Ray‘s l Mnrriaon and McDonald odiesate,tt. I While a wood bee was in program on I the farm of J. limiter, can. IO, lust i 'l‘ucuday. James ROM) druppml dead, iheart trouble being tho suppoaad 33mg I Deco-mod had been ccunplaium; of a slight I win In his side a. few days previous, but ’ the Hay of his death he was leelmg better. _(, lie use a hearty dinner and was eniovinn “in Maui. “08.0!!an lot} In! Tul- dny toe Toronto when III. will remain lot-Iona In”. Conn. Robb tad R. mrtrGuenaed the wedding of Mi. Henry's Iii“! in north Emmott. Mun-u” wnh the hiya. He was working In.» of the palm when ’m drug-um. and hm! jun reumlkeal to his mmyauluu thet the nlhem would bent Ilu-m it they did not get a make on. A Dr. ww culied but could not do anything. Deceased wu 28 yen: of Me. The funeral " his mother‘s residence. Mt. 1?oratst, nod wulugoly mended. D-od was a zoom! (Morin. Rev. Banunt, anointed. Conn. Hchun's little boy in now out of (has: after a will. with dipthoriu. , display of Oents' Furnishings. for some time " Guelph. He moved to these parts some M years ago. and was unmarried. Thetlmoral was largely nt- tar-“lord. all kmds of Produce. South Egremont. Durham, Ont ePlree (Mr. Arthur" next Meet me at The mu STORE yOu our extra at 5oc each. at Durham, and lived ro IRE FRONT. tt i,'lneyos, and at,md 48 yum; Joying A [rightful Blunder Wiliottmt one. I horrible burn. laid. out or brain. Bucklon'n Anion Salvo. thobeutintho world. will kill the pin and promptly haul it. Gnu old not... ("or ”no, clean. bout. Hon. corn. m akin minions. But Pile an on “at. Only I“ u box. Can W. Sold by our m. I 'YI ir" JNo. Liwtutiisii'i:yruEi:, the Northwest until Tqenday morning, when a wild wave moving rapid]; from the North ruched Manitoba on madly morning and Ontario Intero- in Bandai. Snowfall for the week 10 inches. Rania-.11 .. 0.86 " General direction of the wind somber] Md Moderato. Hour! of sunshine '1.7. 531k!“ Trethet 'et.ie.syed yo prevail in For the Week Ending Jumm. Temperature. In. Top Draft Queen Heating Stoves: WEATHER BULLETIN. _ -. v"... AM_FB. 'W, Am. J. M .“ULWML (hulm'lch. Dear. Sir. “If anyone mu Istedit trout this latter print it. I think my mum should In: made known. but lull I “an tronlulwl with a u'mtk Inn-k and with Ittylcidneys, kn My one took a ser. ions turn at. Last. It tut-mod to (hops-y. I hm] thrt-e good doctors nttt-wling me. "on: of theut can“ help me. I was tapped swan tinws; after this I was gnu-u YA houre to lrve. A good heigh- hor advised us to get some of your remedies My brother went at onto. to Goderich and got, your System Renov- ator and Specific Cure. I was sure I could know the change after the first dose. I began to improve " once. and was able» to he in Goderich four weeks after I began them. I am since quite well. I worked quite a lot this summer. I thank you and wNh you much mecca and long life. We hope to meet all old friends and many new ones in our l West at the Middaugh House. Licensed Auctionee; the County of Grey ResidenCe*HOPEVILLE. D. McPHA n. Sold by H I did so. with the result that when my Dov had taken only half a. bottle he mu able to Ret, on his bicycle and ride like any other boy around the block. I certainly feel that I cannot say too much in Tft', of your medieitte. and shall do a I I can to make known it. value to others. Yours very sincerely. (Signed) REUBEN (‘LARK For sale by H. PARKER, Durham OTTAWA. Sept. 91h, To the Phrnwline Medicine Co., Ottawa. Grrs"rrmsewsv-r hardly know; best to express m a reciution o vnluahle rheumngc Iggwdy. Phrem My son Gordon, who us 9 years old been A sufferer from it)tltutimtstorr nmtisul for the past two years: w had at. times that he had to he cu alan on a nmnmss I was atwnda two city doctors apparently wit the slightest henetit: spent 10 da: Caledonia Springs, cmne home will marked im rovement I took 1 bottles of a [immovable man-ml“y Almost a MIRACLE January bu ubliuhod I. series of IOJK. which Ire uot tl 11min the N. H. C. but an on Studl. Subject. t Booth ch] luv, 1h?rreiponueGo-, Cu India and “animation. Alum books. Write for dascrimj n Clerh laws-Ind any" who would like to get a busing“ Edlmuon but who u. e not the time to “(and College would not good Boob, on ”gm " cancer. Ind tle:." 29.93”" tiring the long mnlar even- inn-I TEE A Carload See them and be interested-Bay one -"""-"--_-i- D. MePHAIL, Hnlwvillc- ttt' m C. RA'A GE, IJut, A Long Letter in a Nutsheli n mamas [manual WW I!“ Ill WI Wheeled Vehicles--; Owen Bound, JUST ARRIVED from the Canada Carriage Works Brockville. Call early and see the Best Collection of Cutters ever brou ht to Durham. Many Styles,' only one Quality, THé BEST. Northern Busine 've "desboro. Ontu Nov. 12. Milk'. PM]. Crodeeich. .wlf anyum: my; math tram 198 that he had to he raniod a matings: was attended by doctors apparently without, OWEN SOUND, ONT, wag/'45:! pr Ki? . 1tl'iifi-i-"t?jii',ii_,j.,, " 20 16 I7 18 19 It 15 . FLEMING, Parker, Druggist. AT HOME. nuance. Cummmm XFMI' Anon. “no shorthand text (“scripting book clrculu- I. your System Renov- ' Cure. I Was sure I Mange after the first urn Truly, J AXES Brutws, I [Mull my Vl.l.\(‘ .vn. Lu! Cull I tt/rs .nk lmx‘k and “Rh th y mama look " 3.4- I: lul'nmi In 1l2npay. 'tors nth-MIN”! lllt‘. gr, hull: mv. l Wm ffffttu?,,'f, :uflnr this I “as heP..te, 'n, A good "Pigll- 'a,,rgy1 Tet some of your FNOE.) It REUBEN ('LARk appttitstion of your Psa( _... N. , le. MP. 9 Singer Sewing Mttnhirtea--itoot Pulpera. Auctioneer fun dy, Phreno'iink 9 years old, has BUSINESS ’0] law Um ha m ‘mxmm 1 an 25 ' 1816. .. Ltd. HORN'S OLD STAND rheu- ms so (lf UUTTERS! how REVIEW Ga iirati,', TG?. a: 'uTasr" , w..... T {Spending 55!!!! and Inwa- Town vuuble Mon. SiiT", .. use our good “d LA mm' an Gm: Wa BrLvsaoraai. may.“ t, an: BMW-ll. Shun. Sum Noun-1n in. In. U What you spend for good Ewe is rally a saving. In .1le?! vnllnble Mon. 0." -_. Collars, P want you to know we hurdle every- thing in the Barnes line. Hm that is durable and fits n home oom- fortably, will bring pmiit to you in the greater amount of work he will do. "spots, 1 more In. ieaos Our Momma; manly ome- , tom. Eu. "who. Tn Chum- " out new in this med rl 3 Head Ottke, Toronto. T CAPITAL. Authorised. . . . . . .uwwn CAPITAL Paid up. ... ..... 1,000.000 RESERVE FUND ........... 000.00 Ac. At. reasonable terms a prietor is moving away. App premises. ED. ”ILL WeT51: Hanan“. mum" nut --- n. ..___,A - The undersigned offers for 0.19 or to rent that convenient and eoenhtrtaUe brick home with lot one block north of the New Factory and 0mm“ Mr Crawford's residenrr. Sal-Ir. I'm-nun. w inter Need gooe heart tor cultivation. convenient to school and post ottiee. Apply on the premises, or to A. C. Beam on lot to the east, or to A. B Hunter, Durban. HUGH CAMPBELL. Nov. 13, 1899, THE undersigned offers for tent for a term of years, " farm near the Rob Roy Hotel, being Iota 9 and 10 Con. I, N. D. R. Glenelg. The {ml is at present all needed down and is in SAVINGS BANK. lnhemt allowed rm savings bank depoaila of CHI) and up- wards. Prompt nttentinu and every facility afforded customer- living at " distance. A general Banking basilica Iran-acted. Drafts issued and collections nude on all points. Deposits received and inter- est allowed on current ram. AGENTS in all I Ontario. Qneher, Blues and England P DURHAM AGENCY. _ No.1 and No.1 w. [urn-t Jun, I'm. mg, and be pleased IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We " -- [stucco-full '"t.dgttmtthtr on Mules. 't'dfJ,"lrr'dlli"l't “in! Wflf, drum“ form‘s an}; huh h-nunthurm av :leu‘u r' hand HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. 9931!???“ a?" Att_tttrtrtttte WE SUPPLY I T--- In He Farm to Rent. A. GQRDQN. and - In Beam and 'ads, Bits, Bhutan Dc. '. P. COW“. President. Mr. F. REID. Hunger. d , in all prim-I'm! minis Ryebrr. Marimba. Uni 11reeAtr Eloh- sat I!!! J. KELLY, Agent. no sell-umhM-ii TIM; blunt»! Conan. he Russian Iron. Wood Savers med- 810mm . LEA VENS Lumtlg'nn. "pm iiMhii k? New Premises terms a: the pro- my. Applyon the En. Murmur. nth b Proprieior, "an“... pun u u N HON “an" 1' as. . 's-tbio. .0 tlr,S)R?, " ll.- meod trt. t " in nilea Its Rat din It t “C “I“! In.» Aft the the lar Sh, pm: Tree am dun coll Th "It ish will " th pr I" pr " " III R " "

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