Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1900, p. 6

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Lot, Moro they had arithmetic, Or talcum. or chalk. Or tHaohboards maps and sapyttooLe- When they could only talk. More Columbus came to allow The world geography; What did they teach the little boys Who went to camel like me? There won't W [31:111an then 'FiiirUarGfrrGid or well. Foe books were not anegted yet Then were not any WW9 or or laws. or wars, or kings. or treneraisy or vlcwries. Or any ot them things- There couldn't. be so much to There wasn't. much to know "Iva. nice to be a boy. Tan “wanna your- 880. For history had not begun. The world was very new. And In the “mob I don't " The We! had to do. Now always there is more to learn--- How My does grow.' And every day they um new things They mm: we ought to know. Anditit-strtooetlWtt this. I'm glad I live today- For my. ten thousand years tr now Will not have m to play.' A marvellous top. capable of spin- ning 43 1-2 minutes and then remain. ing erect and still. has been construct- ed by not. Charles Jacobux, tor many yearn amperutumdout of the Kerr Brunswick. N. J.. Public schools. but W of Springfield. Mass. The inventor ot this top guards it carelully. and never allows n. to pass out of his Mada. says the New York Herald. He In. spun It scores ot times before mic-nus“ ln New York, Philadelphia and many other cities. He spun it n short time ago before the Boston So- clety ot Civil Engineers, who devoted one hour to wan-hm; it. The inventor calls tt a scientlllc tops and when it I. not In use he locks it up in n case ad carries the key with him._ THE SMALL BOY'S TROUBLES The woadorful top is made of bronze. l tad looks Lie the umuil~size1 humming top the boys buy in the stores tor 5 - It was constructed under the direction ot Prof. Jacobam who had the pieces made by several Milk-rent mechanics. The top is spun by " 'Arintt. and the inventor always spins it on a. plate. He has a small piece of bronze. which he places over the upper end ot the rod while he winds the cord around the some. as is done in a. humming top; then he places it on the plate. holds it firmly by the little bronze attachment at the head end pulls the string. As the string leaves the top he removed the attach pent suddenly. and the top spins on. The point ot tho top. upon which it spins. in about as large as the head or e mail needle, and is so true and mic.“ that the resistance is kept at n minimum. The inside of the top is I) balanced that when the top ceases to revolve it will remain erect, unless it in Jarrod. The rod that runs through the centre is about an eighth of an inch in diameter and five inches from the nharp point on the igttom to the 1 think ’twas just in" cab a the head. Tt in three inches in diameter The whole secret of the top is be lieved to be in the perfect balance and the weights inside or the bronze body. The entire top weighs about four ounces. and is wound with about 10 inches ot string. _ . When Prof. Jacobua lectures before .0th. or educational institutions he has a habit ot splnnlng the top and using it to illustrate the beauty ot a annetrically developed body. “Gimme nix pounds of sugar," de- nuded 1 small bor, rushing into 3 tree." “up in broafhlega 'haaLte. t "Si-Ear faint; Vaipound; that'll be 24 can,” aid the man behind the coun- tor, 15 he neg up him package. " . “I. - an “on my u- y..v_..-. “Hold oat I mm ten pounds of riee-whst'a that a pound!" "Six cents.” answered the man; "oo cents What else did your mo- ther and fort" “I want eight quarts of beans. What“! they best", . ' .. "UG; iieiGC'iGC1s eeatta-a dollar tWy."__ . _ - - ,,,,‘._ . "Now lot as have men pounds of tsodfimh, two pounds and a half of tea. two quarts of vinegar, six dozen clothaspins and three peeks of po- tatoes," cailed out the boy, reading from a memorandum in his hand; “and {we no a. bill at it all, Ptti, When the Iachgeo were al done up uni tho b. l was ready, the grocer handed it over with, "did your mo- thor and _the you!” tdoes she that new] the money or does she want then charged, sonny t" “My mother didn’t send for noth- ing." was the bor'a mower as he made “duly for tho door. "That's my urithmtin lesson. and I had to have tho unver- or got ticbtd."--New York Cathol'm Nowa- “I beg you pardon I" and with a smile and t touch, of his hat, Harry Edmond handed to an old man ugu‘mst whom he had Icoidentally stumbled the tttut. which he had knocked from iiiilraad."1 hope! didnothuxt with; how”? WI! In w)“. "Pm glad to but it"; and lifting in hat again. Ibrrr turned to Join Why-um _ hat do you "but“: hat to that 'e know for t" ed than: Get 's.iifreiiCtey2?tle"P't, L% SCIENTIFIC TOP A samwn BOY bit," and the old man. "Bore any rows of dated as GENTLEMEN well tado ot bronze. sized humming .--A11gwert' The body top learn. what one; ttrd no true gentleman. will be less polite to a man because he wears a shabby coat or hawks vegetables through tho streets." The Japanese are always doing something that seems peculiar to Am. erlcans but that prove' to be very practical. after all. Now what Mn. erican would ever think ot suggest- Ing that a lighthouse be made of bam. boo'? I dnre say some of our wise engineers would my “Pooh!" Very disdalnfully at such a proposition: But the [not ls that n lighthouse of bamboo has been completed by the Japanese. and it is sum to resist the waves better than any kind of wood. CLEAN FINGER NAILS. A gentleman advertised tor a boy. and nearly fifty npplicuma pral-mntod themselves in unswm. Out of the whole number he Helm-ted one and dis- mised the mst. "1 should like to know." (and a. friend. “on what ground you selected that boy, who luul not at single rerx,mmesuhttion'."' "You are mistaken," said the gnutlmnun. "he -- vi I |.:.. (A-.. A gentleman advert and nearly fifty nppll tlremmelvtw in nnawm whole number he 38ch mised the rest. “1 know." ardd a Iriaul. " you selected that boy, mingle reexrmmegldttCu has a great many. He and closed the door ntt in; that he was much) sent Instantly to that. ahowlmg that he was tl kindly. He took of! his cum in and unswera] promptly. showing tha tlemanl.v. He picked l which I had purposely noor, and replaced it and het quietly m-rniw mm ne "uwTrty stead of pmrtsirt m that ho w new] at pushing and crowding. show- ing that ho was honorable and or- derly. When I talked to him I noticed that his clothes were brushed. and his hair In order: when Ito wroto his name I noticed that Ms finger nails were clean. Don't you cull those things letters ot recommendation? I do."--- Christian Standard. THE BOSTON BOYS DIVERSIONS "Emerson," said Mrs. neaoomnreet "how did you rampart yourself in the thoroughfare this morning with you: "I fear, ma more." reviled son. "that our actions were so sunk as would much intensify t tellecta. You Bee, he known In ot Auguste Comte. his parents forbidden him Voltaire. he dislik Shakespeare. and his final with chemistry and anti-(mon- superficial to a weaning dog! we made mud pMs."-iNrton C Papa had been giving Tommy n peppery lecture on the evils of tut veletm handllng ot fireworks. and Tommy, with one hand bandaged and his head tied up. listened gravely. Wltett his father concluded and went out the boy turned to his grandmother. "Grandma." he said, "how did papa get that funny twist in his mouth t" "mowing on a lighted firework when he was about your age. my darling'." AN OLD TABLE. A wealthy man was once exhibit- bng proudly to a. younger acquaint- ance a table which he had bought. He said it was [we hundred years old. " That in nothing." remarked the young visitor. "I have in my ”session a table which is more than three thousand year: old." "Three thousami years old," said the host. "That is impossible. Where was it made P' "Probably in India." " In India? What kind of " tahteitr it ?" .. The multiplication table." See, rm the {allu’ly baby. And oh, the day I came They did the greatest talking. A~tinding me a name! For sister wanted Ethel. And brother new or Nan, While auntie favored Winifred And grandma Hester Ann. They did the greatest talking'. But father, when 'twas through, Jun called me after mother, dear, And so I'm little Sue. - * " PROUD OF A PATCH. A poor boy with a large patch on one knee ot his trousers was laughed at by his schoolmates, who called him "Old Patch." -. -. .. “I , " erh3-116n76 5'01: fight him? one of the boys; "Pd give it it he called .3 go.” .. , "Oh," said the boy, "you don't sup- pose I am ashamed of my patch, do you? For my part, I'm thankful for a good mother to keep me out of rags. I'm proud of the patch tor her an e." I "1-C- A patch is better than a hole, and patched gnrtqenta which are paid for l"""-“ "e a - are more computable than new ones - .. _ -ee J Quick make " his tailor.--ha. " Ma (who has been andeavoring .to learn the amount ot her husband's aspositr-Probttt9 because he won't tell you anything." SMALL SMILES. Willie-am, why In that man in the bank called a teller? _ . ., Teacher (trying to explain the word "tsudiemoe'0--Now, it your fa. ther had a large gathering what would he call Itt, “Yes. it was a. drawn battle," he said, in mlklw the matter over with hi wife. - _ -. . "iiiiii" "iiidiiJiisAi Youngest-a 'spect he'd can it a. boil, ma’am. Tommy (who has just heard " uncle read the war new! with very mm marketionnl common“). - Thg-Ex-year-old. who was listen- ing was silent tor a. moment. Then he at??? "What did they draw It t It BAMBOO LIGHTHOUSE did you Pom] nghfare this neighbors T' 'ear, ma me What our ac as would mu HOW HE GOT IT ET. IN EN I‘LANATJOX t he was thouglmul ook of! Irie (my whe I answered my qumrf lowing that he was 10 picked up the d purposely laid on replaced it on the t My awaited his turn arman atraid to mee' y. He wiped m pr utter him, much“. He git [ mm lame old was thought!!! was once exhibit- younger acquaint.- " he had bought. we hundred year" whim." remarked tor him, show- II. Ho gave his lame old man. houghtful and a (up when he i my questions t he was geo- up the book r laid on the repl'urd Emer- were scarcely tensily our In. mows nothing parents have he dislikes Mr. ts familiarity whammy is inn: dogma. so "' “You are tieman, "he wiped his feet ' him, show- Ho gave his une old man. yunvh'flll And 10 table turn in lg. show --Judge I)" ' cried to 111m rier A MODERN GIANT How lie was Conquered by Tiny, but Vicious Enemy. Toronto, December M.-inonR the older generation, in Mulmur and Mono townships, Simcoo county. no man is better known, nor more high- ly esteemed than William Hall, form- erly of Mono, but now a prominent Toronto contractor. Mr. Hall, in his youngor (ion: was a. carpenter. Ho wns also the strongest man in the two townships. All athletic sports were Ins delight, and in them all he excell- ed. His reputation as . mechanic wu equally high. Some years ago. Mr. Hall was nought in a territie rain storm, while returning home on foot, along a coun- try road, a portion of which was "corduroy," running through an ex- tensive swamp. In the darkness, he trot " the road, and stepped into the slush and mud through which the road was built. He sunk to the waist, and only with the greatest difficulty was able to rescue himself. Next morning he was in a. raging fever, We result of the exposure, which would have killed half a dozen ordinary men. It was several weeks before he was well, and when he left his bed his loft leg was four inches shorter than tho right. Rheumatism of the most extreme typo had followed his stormy adventure, and, as the doc. tors said, ortpplnd him for life. Onlv those Rheumatism be endured. mu rom tor mm nny goon. the Western H visiting physici with pus. Even this out good. Liniments, of. "patent medicin without avail. Ever there was nothing for till tho end. Mr. Ha, and greater dif6mlty moving about. To 1h was hard labor. One day recently lot (unl was: amazon IO mm ".3"I 'lk? In». .t are-w markedly less. He lllll'L'llllNHl l: further supply of the pills, and rum thou). As he did so, his swim-mp wasml entirely; sfrvugth and Ila-x: _ hility rvturned to the now stiff an», i tortured limb, and health with: halt to him in all its vigor. I TT ", . _ . ' . . i no is vnthusiastw, in his prmnw n: Dr. Arnold’s English Toxm l'ills. l uhireh did for him what the dcot:yw l and all otlwr mcdieinivs in Canada full ed to do-gave him the pain-r lt walk, gave him ertlom from pa it. save him strength, hutlth and (‘ln'l‘JV Though he is nearing the full. nit-n51: t."ts of the throe-scorn and ten yours ullot- tedasa man's life, he is intlniwly more sprightly, more quick and mm on his feet, than many a man in the l tall flush of manhood. l Taking these facts into (,titsitlpm- tion. his complete recovery is he more marvellous. Just retieet that the most skilful doctors in Toronto and vicinity were unable to do more, than give him temporary relief; that ditTctr- , mt physicians pronounced his (2159‘ utterly incurable, that the staff of a :ity hospital failed to tind any means of aid for the trutrerer, and then re- mmnber that a few boxes of Ur. Ar- nold’s English Toxin Pills mnde a. new mar. of him-practically renewed his lease of lifo--am1 say whether Dr. Arnold’s English Toxin Pills are not deserving id a place in every household. Remember also, that Mr. Hall had given nearly every "pateut medicine' on the market a patient, fair and faithful trial before begin- ning to use Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Fill: and that not one of them did him the slightest noticeable good. Then say whether "'Ul't we are t,tt,ltiy'ii'lrlt,'(l,r', m. 'lt e; ttt _ known 00-day that in e tinctures Wm. M netball! medicine that kills the l tum,mihdenbw to an the dittttt- *_A - -- - L.: J -n. Am on Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills, the medicine that cures disease by killing the germs that cause it, are sold by. all druggists at 750. abox; sample size Me., or sent post paid on recexgt ot price by The Arnold Chem- ical- o. Limited, Canada. Life Build- me, a in" 9mm Wont. Toronto. Jed he could or bled hi 0 quantity o, red blood. lu of t day recently he read of 'a English Toxin Pills, led to try them. He did LS amazed to tind that his 1 venture. and, as I "ppled him for life so who hnve fu1ffert m can imagine the J. f Day and uig rn tteil 11:11] sing for it but 1 Mr. Hall found " It V no Ike tr ll h To walk I f it D (‘VPI‘V he tortures night, the 1 him to " with tt 111 " one mm: hr Twenty Years. Doctor! - up the “m - could help. Mr. Charles Stuart. of Alleulord. writes: " For twenty long years was 1 a great sufferer tram Camrrh. I used. without avail, all the reme- died advertimad, chained my locu- tlon. on tho advice of my physh-lun. did everything that lny Ln my power to do. but at. last became resigned to my suffering. The doctors said the case was of too long standing to be helped, and gave me up. My health was Winning to tall so raw ldly that my family became much ahtrmed. Fiuttlly, n neighbor w!- -- . " .r--i--v .....l Idly that my family became much alarmed. Finally. a neighbor ml- v'umd me to use Cutarrhozono. and an a last I'M. I did so. I um happy to say that ln n very short. time l wan completely cured of (Intarrll and nothing but Cutarrhozone couu 1mm worked such a miracle. Ms health has been fully mentored. um no symptoms of Catarrh havo re turned. I cannot any too much ll praise of your preparation. It is nl you guarantee it to be. Auother rcmnrknlpln tttready )uuglllj with CAT ERIK". Sold rs nll druggistn. Common outttt, consisting of hard rubber in haler and sunk-lent liquid " " woekrt'uge,prioo $1: oxtra inhalant mm. per bottle. Money cheerfuny rt funded it it fails to relieve. Trin outfit Rent tor toe, In stumps. b any :ukiresa. by N. C. P0111011 & Cu Kingston. Ont. rtsu,FAittAt'HiNG "ro A |!.\I;I.U().\' i A in "IIJ uu'Aouyw -._V¥. countanxLy singing. No matter whet you are, there is a sound Kke tha made by escaping steam. At first used to think that maybe it cam from the boiler of engines. But whe we were tied up at night with every thing cohd. the sound was the 3am: I have puzzled my brain to (End a explanation of tho phenomenon. bu without avail» The singing goes a day and night. When you get u stream some disgnce you PII P. on " wit h being "There is something peculiar about the Yukon River that I have never heard of in connection with any other stream," said Captain Gray, who has recentbv been running boats on the big Alaska artory. "From the mouth of the Yukon up as far as there is any navigable water the stream is constantly singing. No mattsr wh‘fre EPu9"""""""""" V. - without avail. The singing goes on day and night. When you get up stream soma distance you can also hear the rocks rolling over the bod of the river, and this product? a most mulinr L,od."--Portland Telegram. pee! A Toronto lady writes to the man and Empire to any that before Christ- mas she sent two barrels of Canadian apples to friends in England. She was much amusad. on arrival of the last Englinh mail, to reneive the following acknowledgment, which, jast though it be. contains a moral worthy the attention of shippers of fruit: And no the honest farmer packs His apples up tor.toP.rtt", L Ilia apples u This is the top CATARRHOZONE i Beware oromtrnents for Catitrrtt Than Contain Mercury. nu mommy will surely destroy the Renae of sum“ and completely derauge the whole Hyman) when entering it through the mucous aux-law. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions trom reputable phy- sicians. as the dam they will do is ten told to the good you can poa- sibly derive trom them. Hall's ua. tevrrh Care, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. o., contains no mercury. and la when internally. act- Ing directly upon the blood and mu. cous surfaces ot the system. In bur lug Hall's (lawn-h Cure be sure you as: the genuine. It la when internal. ly and made in Toledo. o., by F. J. Cheney & Cty, MW]: free. . ugold by drugBiattk price 750 per bot. Hall's Family mm are the but. ,sphe tttt l Daily News "Watch th' grocers buoy." saw the Janitor philosopher; "it he throw: u M! "ttf ttdial' mm he hymn 311' Jim ' e - -" L 1t1et..Arthr, Pdf"bu,,' h. In And these the by nll den consisting and sunk-II nut-.prk‘e , liar sound ssl'ul Attempt toSend a Wir less Nit-93:130. ff ' , writable cun- aided m the {Hat which wan etrected by Catarrhozone. guaranteed ifiie puts an , a. tlp. It he at: Not a Mind Reader. ,\"Tl are lower down: Form Y r Singin Indications. hot 1 I . " Ill actualdedmths T daotpe J: be TI toh m... aft-cud by we literally "on straw." ”In: It ION-e- up Into cadets. manners. boxes. talc!- art, ot Aueutord, Sig,','?,',',,),':',?,; t,t',t',"'ffa mm mm“; W long years was where the trade Is taught In all In r tram Catarrh. I varieties. Stalk- ot rye and when. a”, an the rpm. moat of them coming Iron: 11‘1th harm! my loca- are the material used. There t e gr Is a of my physh-Inn. intended tor this particular “no t luv m my power sowed in April and nape? In June. t Gcame resigned The straw require! low. and espec- The dovtorrt mm tal treatment. which consists In ex- too ’10ng standing memo. In iiiaiiirrtrcoet,re,ttt' are me up My boxes, to the mun'nnd a good deal of "l',,' to t ll ili r: I" manipulation In me meantime. After ll',' be :?, 'Gi thIn exposure the straw In put away l 1y (mine YI.' I and kept. under certain rules. for tw.? ottn,.',.ri)2,t2," 'iiiil'l'e'.t1r:t,' one Intuition being that it a ' r , no, " _ must not be allowed to get wet. “H tMt. I nm tyum? 1 When ready for use It is “new! out very short‘tnne ila.wi, expound for Mime consecutive Ire. ot (ntarrh. l nights and days to the night dewa and thttarrr""0l", could the hot sunshine of the lengthening I a mirat'le. My days. This converts the faint green fully mtored. nud hue, hitherto kept by the straw. to Catnrrh havo r!" a bright golden vellow. The tops and My too ttyttm m the root!) who material Is p1uelsod up, pparntInn. lt 18 all not out) are removed, and the straw to Do. Is gathvml in bundles and put Into hon-s. In whinh it In submitted to ‘HOZONE 1y.ieilt/,.rt try iltwuviru,rr, under running ‘wutur and timing. Tho matPrIaI In “PM ('ure for [then plum"! In n room, MINI her- row in his iaeey M , w " h floated westward the Danube, and tree distant the a could be observed Ind laid nothinK 'SL attempt tlere Jess telegraph-3 do by three Amy mended in tht ttttoNCH I115 Moral. a to the Mall way." said "it he throw; Catarrh name L when every- same. ind an n. bat at: sat d. ll STRA“'Y ts'DUBTRY OF G Thousands of P bieaehine with are nntuly twh preparation an divided among t women. who pl I new. aerordlnsg It is to be put. 0 metlcally and submitted tion of mlphuroua acid I from barning sulphur in c When taken out the tstr lta golden color and is I white. 889308 m In all 1,141 vermehr were lost at sea In the year ending Oct. 1. or than? 322 were steamers and 810 annular. craft. Wrecks account tor 524. col. lisions oo, and the rent mwumbed to urban acoldeuta or disappeared ttl. together. Great Britaln. with the largest merchant marine ot any na- tion. had the mlleet percentage of loan. 2.33, Germany occupy“ next place. Austria-Hungary come- third. Rush: fourth and the United State fifth, with a percentage ot 4.14. while Norway and Sweden have the highest. varying from 5.55 to 9.65 per cent. The momma. of com-m. refer to the total tonnage of each country. mnchme that remove: an [lul'ulul- t the top. leaves and roots that re- mm. Another apparatus removes the )1nts and outs each straw into three mgths. Thane Inst are gathered to ether, moistened with water and gain put through the pm of rleaehirut with mlphumua and. They ,re finally twisted. This "niahert the reparation and the straw la then Ivided among tho workmen and work. women. who plnlt it in various man- ...m. :nmnn'lim to the uses to which healthy Cremation in London In 1885 only three bodie- w posed of by the London Crt Society. In 1898 the number Ir to 240. ___ HI tt Italy Lam-om writer w New Yor Oue even the mode age term not no h it?" '", Laurence Gronlund. the socialist writer who died a few weeks ago in New York, was a thorough pessimlst. One evening, after he had denounced the modern Industrial system in saw. age terms, a friend remarked: "It Is not so had as Russian dapothm. In it 't" "Not quite: the former is the worst possible; the latter the worst ooneeivtsble." Miller's Worm Powders are the host laxative medicine for (-lllldren ', as nice as sugar. Experience shows that succe- " due less to ability than to Beat. The winner hi he who gives himself to bl- work, body and raotti.--Ctttirie- Burton. The Ahou- Cut RopwwnnOne of the Most I'M-{M Inventions of the Age In the Way of an Indoor Clout. All who have need this Closet pro- nounce it absolutely cam-lea and medi. cal man claim it to be perfectly caul- tary. Hundred. ay? been gold Iehr the past yo satisfaction. Miller For-amine and price list write to THE ODOBLESN CRESIATORY CLOSE co.. 1EAMTE.YON', ONT. Hy. ru throu a. The The CANADA READY PIIST co,. Ilumiltnu. "t "raw [our EDDY’S MRTBHES n In prR9ce'BRM' are carried out at only alter it ls again car- ugh newt-.11 dintlnut pro- " straw is tlrttt put through c that removes all portion- p. leave and roots that re- 'ther apparatus romovel the 1 outa each straw into three These last are gathered w moistened with water and t through the Drones of in Grip Odorless ’ersons Literally Live on It. eh, Lost at Sen Millor's Worm will keep tl Closet. Mllt fl WELL-ERRED Itlu'tJthTl0l1, I “PENIS!“ WITH UNKNOWN mm It I.” To I” [501.15. and have given was ine INsttuctio" ed to the ac- gnn evolved I open braaiera. traw has 1011. I nearly pure (l o ttell It M adieu ware ma- (_-TIT-ff.-".-.-)- ------_- _ --- A N, -------" _.-------. lon Cremation WANTED-ooo" OENERAL um we“. tuber had risen “out: for the Com-cum Ute luau-o- Compwy: choice «mm “but! con- ---- tGriirGuoGiGuicAtmtlrNKutr_ Germany PERSIAN the UPC h W in A Fleshy ‘ Consumptive "l' iA/irginia Homes. I For $1.00 The manufacture ot ultra-glycerin: powder for the we at the army will be abandoned and the my ordnance department will adopt a pure soluble cotton powder. limuar to that um by the navy. The decision tor this change In brought about try an tMeri- dent which recently occurred at Smdy Hook while mm; a o-lnch gun and while using the - less powder made ror use in tVineh gum. but. with the grams cut ln hall. The charge on thlu occasion gave a. pressure of over BO,- ooo pounds, which exeeadod the proc- sure gauge of the Bun. Several port- of the breech mechanlnn were lnjured. ISSUE NO 3, ,t'HFaA.. t of " reet. Toronto, It in . well -known mum Eon-CI mm: with Aaeta,itplnoesd on Patri- m u. soon curedoflho has"; Nobluro x "tn-(Hy; Ir, compo-nod of the Pail-lo been found no (Round in combined with other with“ and will move In etroctual 1 and Coughs In “one: not! l 26 cont: puns u Ill od by ',t'T. EBY. “MM h d PRAIRIE Sausage Qa§mgs-: 'Mtt Bicep and AM no rel iiiiitrpstdityiryeed.e..sre _ - WINTER TERM OPEN. JANUARY and. m mcentwm AIC,. (OTIATFORO. ONT when cost of tuition. baud. can, superb-m of training, I: II 'ner, in annual. And like tthood [l't2itli."i,,,'i'i,' non “In on!“ Ire con and, PTett, tubrdt pile. h Cami. toe 411. Our We rh- {an uranium an tor on. W. J. ELLIOTT. Wad. ms FITS - amt Ila-n an No an- or nervoume. slur that. me. ' to 031 Am]; mm . dolphin. Pu. torus-use aatettm"t [a .1. y}. A. an. 17:0me an. “I and them the be“ pm colds. mush- Bad nathmi"- chox. Tang-ulna: W4 CAN Blittmti'tytt1'tt or m Sold In trr-tr-Amid mum “filing. iiUii'iHitii a co.. 1'on To ram PORTRAIT AG KN'N waNTrui flood chums : poll.) for Earned“ : ell. a Unton Lon bu bu. Tor lie Sized Crayon Portrait. NOTICE HORSE OWNERS ELL Y0 FARMER ctr, Emporia, " h A, M. JOHNSON. Curtis. Nob. "iiiCiiaU. P" mam- a. k". ton Loon Bulking. Tun-b WEED Have Powder "I Or F) 'Fl.) , "we Powder FA " h G tl' " vale. le, ru n -, de remaibl r31. mined, for an: Usttie. 0%.“. or mal Port I‘m. Om. (my Bog amt-x: IVA NTID "RAY md 'i." Ptrrtmtt me like. made cu t Iki1 Md " " " IO

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