tt - , AT THE ABERDEEN Lugs will be classed according to quality and size, and to be cut as much m possible " ft. long. allowing 3 in. Pine. and Cedar, Spruce and Hemlock logs will be taken on river bank at gravel mad. Spruce Cedar Hemlock For which the following prices will be paid: Birch. t) Soft Elm, g Basswood. s Beech 7 Black Ash n Pitt SAW LOGS M W. H. BEAN Big4w MacFARLANE'S 'amarac 4.00 ranite Wash $9.00 1p1e DRUG STORE. ll ijjjjijijiii) HE SELLS CHEAP " 60c a bottle AT I â€.00 7.60 4.00 to 6.00 J. W. CRAWFORD. 9.00 9.00 9.00 itiif-ii'ti) l) WANTED. 37 SAW MILL. comers Block. $5.00 according to length according to length at tho- ll"‘ nmnnmtinn by a competent l auditor) our: dulnt-t from that, $00 for elm-lion Pipelinw‘ which we had no ('on- I trol of left in $115 to launch of with. , This standing was not disputed by any iol' the inspiring candidates at the late l nonnnntion. The clerk's careful figue ing showed that on April l5th thetowtt- ship was in debt 8'dut as the (remote:- had paid that eunouat, out of his own " ivate funds. Then came the cmcsh of liridges being Ttlf, away Ivy spring floods in Scotch own. east Glenelg. The Reeve was obliged to call a special meeting what was to he done, bridges to he replaced at an estimate cost of over 31000 and no funds. our only re- source was to proceed to rebuild and borrow money to defray casual» was then raised from Standard Bank. later on we found thnt We were ohliged to raise new more to repair the road. throughout the Tp. in order to keep it safe from paying bills of damaged I); accident through defective roads(whic muted our neighboring Tp'u suffered heavy by) altogether 31900 was borrow- ed, “4 interest, was paid over 817(1) expended on loads and bridges. When the time arrived for striking the annual rate Ind in order not to he caught inn Similar position to the Miami anoth. er year. we. not a hoard unanimously agreed to strike the Tp. late at 6 mills on the ' which started the fun and was my death warrant. The above rate enabled us to [my all indebtedness (county rate 880 higher than the prev- ious year) and teawea. balance for the present council to start with 81.740 lean eleetion expenses. defaulters exemptions in: and every 8 accounted for, no shor- tage as hinted at by the Rocky Sangeen svrihe (be careful brother scribe in pub- lishing tumors which are Moat if this humble letter can't convince you that all Ls right call on head quarters.) The l treasurer holds documents and checks} Dear Sir : Kindly allow me through your columns to reply briefly to the article in last week's Chronicle "Pam Round the Hat," since my name to some ax- sent has been dragged into the article. After the decision of the 'tid council both local pa rs passed t eir com- ments on the}:e acuon, and it would have perhaps been good lute and in. Now Mr. Ed. I feel that I mi ht pur- one _,th' matter much further int 'lt', that Am im in on your space on will have to (in; t'ifl line by thanking my many staunch rapporteur in the Ttr. for their confidence in me in the part hy giving me their suprott ard also thank mg you for your vet noble space, I remat1tyoufs Nt.. 'l'p. was "mm-nu Iretter. fuming. clear. of debt and alch- balance. However as the saying is a nrw broom sweeps clean and Llu-uld ones will lit-come warn out again in the eyes of some the new board will get the credit of our suralled dirty work, With all due respect to them. In many sections the school rate (which we have no control of) has largely helped to raise the high mm of tax hut in umny cases the council has to father it all and further (but I must Boon stop) We have had to meet refer- ences With other Tp's there tax the claim being much tower. One is Hor- land which holds large assessments from villages for tr levy their ate on Holland has Willxundord. Chnuworth. Holland centre, Berkley, kc. Bontinck has had in the past a large use-amen! in Hanover. u our 0 stanu ---Justiees Osler and Rose who are handling the judicial inquiry, ordered by the Ross government, into cases of political corruption. have been doing their duty in both the Calder and Dryden elvetiou. Plainly there is a corrupt fringe in most if not all constit- uencies, on which is practised the bribur's an, and it is this fringe which IN Mr. Calder to the Chronicle tht and lllltl'V It ll it. Fl " It Ils FAH p, in most if not all consul which is practised tht and it is this fringe which wiry a heavy NII in ex- t the same timc disgrace: Success to the eft'opt a to-oo r l w h iiiUCt"t Ro. Ont. Pl n returned bv ac ‘l‘l ll " Messm Neil and Archie McLeod and J. McQueen spent some days laat week visiting friends " Ilottawiatqta. As there was more attraction for Arch than for the test, he did not return for some days utter. Mr. Fred and Miss Maggie Ig,tr2 of Weston spent A few day’s visit ng " John hitg,"2, utter spending three weeks in uphmia Tp,' visiting their friends there. , Last Thursday evening a jolly lot called at Mr. A. Clark's but when they arrived there things looked verv blue as none of the young people were at home. Mr. D. McQueen of Stayner scoom- ied by his cousin. Mr. Gilbert Me- wen of Deloralne, Man., gun a. call around Boothville last week. They took in the scotch concert of Durham also, sitar which Mr, a. McQueen pro- ceeded to Tara. M r. Dan Ferguson passed through here for Brownsville lately. Dun is giving up selling tdit/et.,',',', and is going to take up mate making, it is not so much a box orgross but so much a pair. Dan knows where to go. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Spentan even- ing last week at Neil Clark's. Mrs. Hugh Wilson, of sisurhamptdn, has returned home after spending a week at her father's. The thaw of last week has taken away our good sleighing, but it is an ill wind that blows nobody good, our blacksmith is very busy horse shoeing. dollar paid out. Owed to me I have found such men as r. Irwin who pay very little or no taxes who believed that It was their duty to pull as much money as possible out ot the Town treasury and renderjust as little val- ue as possible for it. Thanking you for the space Mr. Editor I am Yours, Ae. W. Calder. Mr. Irwin finishes up his article br referring to me as making a poor mouth for the town During the years I have sat in Council I have always taken this stand that the Town had a right, in the interests ofthe ratepayers. to the same consideration as an indivi- dual and should get value for every 1 am not here to advocate law in the interestsof the town, but it may be gossible that just such effusions " the Chronicle got " last week will be the means of recovering the amounts to the Town over and above the appmpna- Lion. ( Now sir, regarding the payment and I liability ot the extra amount over and 1above the appropriation. Since the action of the new council. I have Cone to the trouble end ex nse of submit- ting the resolution Cri2ruluel'dllti; efteetintt the whole job to one of the best Municiul lawyers in the province and his advice is that the Board of Works were clearly liable and respon~ sible to the town (or the amount over and above the 82(1) voted bv the council. and also that the members of the new council who voted tor or passed accounts exceeding the appropriation are personnlly lithe for the amount so voted, and can be recovered by any ratepayer bringingsuit therefor. A statement was made by one member oi the Board of Works that Mr. Kelly had offered to give Sililito help open the street, it there could not be suftieient funds got from, the council. Then as to Mr. Kelly's services as Treasurer, I am one of the ratepayers ol this town who believes Mr, Kellv is a first-class efficient otlioial and is certainly the right man in the right place. and would not for a moment say that he is getting enough or too much salary for his duties, bat when the Council of 1898 decided on attach- ing the duties of the collection cf rates to the Treasurers oftiee, we decided at that time that we could not allow any further remuneration to the Treasurer for the extra duties imposed on him, in view of the salaries aid to other oftieials of the town, and) " that time arrangements were made with Mr. Kelly by several members of the 1898 council that he should do the work without extra charge or remuneration. th the interest and for the harmony of the town it the matter had dropped at that state Evidently at the dictation of his masters or others, Mr. Irwin is not satisfied to let it rest there. In the articic Mr. Irwin starts out by some, reflections on the Review, and then goes on to say that the Board of Works exceeded their appropriation bat that they would have been Justified in asking supplementary estimates. I Mr. Irwin knows as well as he has i n nose. on his face that he is wrong in 1 this statement. The resolutions ofthe i councxl o" mm will show that the l amount granted of 52m was granted I on the cumiitinn that this nmuunt l ISM would eompletst the whok and workmanlike mannt Boothville f ands m nee mole Jolt in a gm 'ti tumor, and more- ‘orks had explicit , Cot1neil not to to pay any ot Is to do so. and ever expected or pay one cent for reet. was per- v means WA??? _ '/t;yigty, ' " fe and Since we commenced writing we are informed that Duncan McDonald's baby died from the ettmst ot an opeatiou for an enlarged gland on the neck. The child WIS four months old, I. little girl. The tuners] will take plaice to-duy loudly to Priceyillo comotuy. Mr And In HoDonnld hue the sympathy of tho community in their troubles which way up on visited with. A noon! " the Presbyterian manna under the auspices of the Christian Eu- deavor tsoeiety on Wednesday night of this week, This society paid Mo for missionl this year which speaks well for the young people of Pnooviilo. Min Jun“ in dowly improving from bot illness. Mrs motor MoKinnon is bedtut for the last couple of weeks but in improving slowly. Mrs Gowllnd. who was “tending to her father Mr Thou Gina, loft tnil woek for her home as Bolton. She took her father with her as the old gentleman was tumble to “In one of luuuttit. If C C James. tanner ordered a. supply of Hula: (by cable) from Englnnd. m says hides no rather scarce in this part sud be cm ttet the boss quality from the old land for In. price uoordmgly. Thou Donkey goes on one leg tor the last. 'tyn days from the effeots of 3 out from the blade of Ins axe. AreltareUoutud, sun of Dun troDaueld, Durham road, Arteuucsia, is placed in D ucAulay's place In J D Brown's no“ in this town. Mr Alex McCannel. of Port Elgin and miss ncCannel Ire Waiting friends on the south line Glenelg. this week. A number from here atleudod the fun and of Mark Cairns last. Thunday. We have had quite a thaw lately which made the nlelghiug kind " bare in places. Me0ohu McKinnon sold $12'0 worth of cattle to some ol the Durham buyers last. week. will Chan McKinnou ir. is home to his tsth. em Mr Chan McKinnou of the south line Anemesiu. It is quite a number of your: sinceCl-au was home before, 9 A young man, whose name we did not learn. rented McGowauu law mul and wummmy quanlity of saw lugs tor {but SUM Leslie, of Manitoba m at prasent with bis ftsuser-in-luw Mr James McDow- ell of this town. Mr and Mrs Donald Graham moved to their residence in our Lawn In: week. We heartily welcome them as citizens. Mia-Maggie McInnel, of Calgary, N. W. 'r. is spending . low month's With her nine: Mrs Duncan McDonald and brother J Melane- Durham Baud. Glenelg. It is live you" and a In†since Mina “dunes left the old home amen then she has undo net home with her brother Hugh " Cul- gnr’. Mr Mcluuu bu accumulated tb lar e Amount of the world's mesa-arms no; is luring in a very comfortable circum- Itmcu but onetbing he luckuh yet he did not got married. Arch McLeod visited his brother John nzul other friends at. Sunmdule last week. Mrs McIntyre of the village we no sorry to any is no! improvmg moan. but we Imps under good treatment she may yet recover [rum her sickness. Mr Gilbert McQueen. of Mnnitobn. and Inte of Suynor spout. I few days winning swung his friend: in thin neighborhood. “winners were added to the clinich six members lull tor other pants and three lemon-d by maul: which mule it total gain ul nineteen mambo†during the year. The communion roll showed one hundred [Hill titty eight. members. No. of scholar, ou tiabbatu school loll one hundred and forty. Average numuluuoo tseyeuty-tive per Subhath. no of teachers thirZecn. Mr D Currie, tiupettuusudent rceeived a. uuuuimuus who ot thanks on LIN-3 regular attendance Lob‘ubhutu school. Neil Me- liiunon was again appointed treasurer and Dr Hutton mammary two good men lor the yurpoae. We ere a peculiar kind of people In l’ricevulle "Wuy" because the pnetor hue Io please two classes ot people for he his-two languages to contend with linghah and Gaelic and both parties are looking for equal shares from the pulpit in the dimsretu languages. but lo we have in reality not. over half dozen who do not nuke much use o'. sheEnglian it would be unfair to have In much unlit: " English consequently in future there wtlt be only goalie every second Sabbath " 10.80 o'clock in the morning and Englieh oVery Sunday morning " 11.40 respectively So the good punter him to preuoh four sermon every second Sunday three in Priceyille end one at Swinton Park. All the debt. that in due on the congregation is .200 totho eel-etc of late I Hratt Jor memo. a! A very enthusiastic Manitoba Land Agent spenta few days around here last week en route for Tara, any one interested in Manitoba Would do well to see him as he has a commission to sell land from the C. P. R. Co. A number of Dromore young people attended Swintun Park church last Sunday. Miss Mary Clark spent a few days visiting her friends around here. H “I the result tiu"uenaliv annual meow lemm church 16 u good Cuuw than the g1 wherever they are quu unmet bo the wheel emcee no result. The church a; Priceville Is In goo year twenty sdded to the zwaah to the audience a or uttenlluu to d sladusa tor in is a h when they take .m of the chmch mum zealuua in I than the Mention , church spiritually In good standing, twenty eight new to the ehutelt SIX st pans and three it made a total gum no Inrgcob meebl d which CONE]! nthsuuu and an uarusouivus mun It be due 1 The pastor bit " itt we ch the base- thu 10th meeting» consisted manner JttU um pun Urt 1H ll REVIEW and Weekly adrift! REVIEW and Toronto Daily Btar " REVIEW and Daily Mail...... REVIEW - and _5Ntekir, Globe “_ iii“: Marion Karina’s works 31.15 REVIEW and Montreal Weekly Bur........... ............... .1.“ me 'lNlllll REVIEW; mm. ll. am, ht. I ht., um, tl " Bronchal Lozenges. I? The.) , Inn-elm Ice-no In Town. Him.†i/iiirin iirEiiWi,Fi,- "___-ee '2%'?k'4!'_Statl.t','ft'lilti,'s".l,, tl,r,r,Mi',l,,Yiiiitig W to can all an 80m W .11 elect. of dal- on“... man! 'ow/UU'?,",' no!†we PPI- "Magnum 03.39! Would intimate that the will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Bushman can!» lished by her father in Durham in "" and will endeavor to give All old and new ounlun on the some entire satisfaction. Undertaking ind Embalming on Iatmet pm: on)!“ at "scalable ram. Furniture 0! the Best Make ALWAYS ON HAND. PICTURE FRAMING A SPEGIAIJY ees"e Nmreohaqtlitttdhts, qun’s Favorite (Tonic Cough Syrup- UAS R. GUN (lgliltfg MONEY ORDER AGENT. CAN. ESS OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST Cit the Durham Pharmacy Caider's Block. Residence first door west of the Post Office, Durham. E. J. FREEL, M. D.. C. M. -""eEo 'rTardiairai' iraiirHFGibiq -- - H at wood'. Pho'phodhn a sold In nub-m tty ge. 3.9“ [new e Chr., and Our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil.. MISS SHEWELL UPPER TOWN. Our Grip 9 --- 'P-Ge-old Bank Building. oppotiu C. McKinnon’n Implemom Mop, Remember the land-opposite the Market. Dun-hm. Honor Gndu-u of Trinity College, Toronto; Member of the Coll... of Phynicuul And Salaam“, Ont. ; Member of the Detroit Mod.. tod And Library Aasoeiattots. Seasonable - _ - An Emulsion that does not separ ate. Large Bottle, 35 cents. Dr. T. tl. HOLT L. D. s. Guaranteed to break up a cold in for [Ioarsene DENTISTRY. an - “mph-I Experience. Chilblains Chilblain Cure- Jake Kress. IV For Coughs Colds, Ete JAKE KRESS tive and MISS SHEWELL -'ULL LI!!! or- atd',2lMllre,utl't1tr DRUGG IST Pat 1 p Ca ps ul es Hi Block up Remedies. Ete., 10 cts a box Of the Best fllllllla ESS AGENT- un .3;st DUN HAM 1Tialt urc Mu Tm Spruce 8.00 Tuna-Io tk00 to 1mm mm Lollwill be elm may ttt mmmbemllm- 'ttmth'. 12ikttwttsemtqriutotti-d Hemlock Black Ash 1200 Pine 1200 SoftElm 10.00 Basswood It100 Wilson's Hill, N, mm 8taoo .3 The DURHAM FURNITURE COMPAN Y, Limited Will pay the following prices tor saw log! qeuvend at G. We ask MSW)“ ilf our IBIS Sawlogs WANTED. GROCERIES TWEfEQSHCIYa XIARNS WOOL Eggs. per doe Hides. per cm. (huntin- ... Sheepskins .._ DURHAM MARKET Flour per out v........... " 80 Oumeal per luck ...... ... 2 oo Bran per out ... ... ... 80 Shark per cw: ... ... 90 Pall When per bushel ... 60 Barley, 6t ... o " Pan. " ... 0 " Oats, " ... o 34 Dr'd Hogs. per cw. ... 5 oo Lard per lb ... ... 10 Tullow‘ per lb ... ... 04 Butter par th, Tub ... ... 16 " Roll ... 16 aanmsrsn. V SOLICITOR IN SUPREM‘ COURT. NOTIFY PUULIC. COU'ICCIONER. ETC. "FFHChr--Mestvre Block. office, over Giant‘s store. Lower Town Loan and Insurance Agent. Convoy- ancer. Commissioner. a. oFF'rCEfr-osert Sound. Hubble and Durham to LOANS unwind withottt delay. Collection promptly undo. Immune. "tetttod. MONEY To LOAN at low.“ I“. od In†once-on. door north of tr. Icon". but... Money t LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BATSON. (Yompsny sud print. Fund- to Lou on Mortgages " lows." rues of law. Valuation. nude by a competent and can“! VIIIIOUOI. Collections cud Agency 'rrtttgtptlr “an. Dada, new“... Inna. he, correctly dpnruod. Em person. looks star. and Executor ministnton‘ Accounts Vila!“ 33¢ Surrogate Court amino-I. obato of Latter! of Adminimnuon and Guardian-Mp Obtained. Salrchel madam Registry on.» and Title" reported on. noarkv ru-uc. convcnaccn. ac. omee---LoWER TOWN, DURH‘I. Note. --At Durham. Mundays lou. m. " I p. m. and Court Days. At Price- Illo. Mondays o p. m. to 8 p. m. arrister, A'otar , Gon- b vegancer, etc†_ to..... Money to Loan at reasonable mm and on terms to suit borrower. We can give you Bargains. J. P. TELFO RD, Funds, a LUCAS 'm, " WRIGHT CA “730" All Charges Madezate . SCOTT. MONEY TO LOAN HARRIS TENS. SOLICITORS. NOTARIES. conveyanczks. G. LEFROY McCAUL. W. S. DAVIDSON. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. BOOTS & SHOES, de., BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. We are prepared tolmn- ale Four WOOL & other produce to your entirr satisfaction. . L. MCKENZIE 10.00 coo to T.00 Wing oatr--Compaor and Private I Anv Rates. Easy Terme. ........ " w to " I. ...... ... 2 oo to 2 " ... ... 80 lo a) ... ... 90 to m the] ... 60 to as ... o " to o " ... 0 " to " ... tt " to " " ... 5 oo to 5 " ... 10 to U) ... ... 04 to ... ... 16 to ... 16 to .'.' If; " to .. ... 40 to 75' 2kr: F Bltrmmont. {-99 06m . u tover the Bunk 018010.835 200to 225 out utt. ttsto 40to 16 to 16 to to at u