M. ords alum god M M been ill for nearly a Week. She had been taken from the court house directly to her former boarding place in the aâ€. where Ruby had insisted upun accompanying ha. and where like had been unremitting in her sitar ran. and a: gentle and kind an " her Mater-ur-uw had nus: done he: the High†my. _ _ - 'r'6iukiiia," i have forgiven you al- ready, Mlle." Ruby meted. .. I will con!“ though, that I Ie1t for- D n [30rd I. we W 1, who had t. Bhe had court house _ .. You umlerrnte vourvrl, my darling -Fou do not know how much you are worth." Florence and Annie Partridge, who, of all Ruby’s former friends, had proved most faithful during her ad- verslty. were chosen to be bridesmaids and When at length, the all important day arrived, Mr. Rugs-at new real- dawn and Ruby's old bone was once more - iron at: to Want. since Rho had no fortune of her own. "I am only a. poor girl. I haven't a. penny of my own." who said one crew Eng, to Walter; "but one would think. to tree all the Hillary upstaim that I ought to be a hsultouairx, at least." AM! he. bending to touch her form. head with Ms lips said. with a queer L'ttle and 1e '. '_ 11K w, In] a tune of her own. girl. I haven't a. he said one crew one would think. upstairs. that I l M and malt. vanlaltely decorated In htanor of the (Mr trrideeleqtt. It was very home-like and beautl- ml. Nothing had been dUrturbed In the house, the 'sonm'rvatorr had been re- filled wlth click-e plants. and It almost m-mnml to Ruby us if the past year had lunch but u and dream; but with thy no mum at n dau- pressure. which hu.! 0: c." helped to "rlghtm' those lofty and dug!!!†moan, there was nothing gravely. “Little wLxeacrel" laughed the happy husband, "your experience in --- street, has made you very cal- vulating; but, my darling. We are going to have a great deal of mouey, and we can afford to do about as we like. One thing I am sure you will like, and that is to know that Mrs. ('oxon is coming to be housekeeper for us: you know she once said. she would like to come to live with us." “Oh. that la very good of you, Wall. tor," Ruby delightedly exelalmed. "1 have been Wondering where the wo- mun would find a comfortable home, and I am sure she will like to be here. But," with a little slum, "all this is very unexpected and it rather shat- ters some bright dreams thatlhava had about a. little home with only one servant. where I was to do so many thugs tor_you _wltl_1 myupvgn papal!" "These dear hands will find plenty to do for me as it In." Walter ante. wered. kissing them softly. "tor I lntend to be a very t young bride was very lovely 1n Tory satin mm. with its heat:- l'non owl-(Irma. and tho misty (“Mound with real orange blus- whilo the prvtty bridesmaids ttIE ll mt ' non ly lea/attractive m white ow W m contains n um zed . W n brilliant, affair I to mm the 0mm- W u n ue m p that my M h [In In tt nt ht ls "That will be very pleasant work, and I know one can do over so much good with plenty of money. And now, Wnllter," iooking up at him with a sweet seriousness that made her very lovely, "let us resolve. on this most important day of our hives. that. we wi.1 set apart a certain portion of all that we have, nnd dodimtte it to the work of het'ping the poor and mak- ing-pillar peoph: happy." busy man. I hnvo no Intendon of giv- Ing up my budnua,. no I shall make you my alumnu- to the poor. when I "NYY." attend to 'such .thlngs my- "With " my heart," he answered. tenderly. "Shall it be a tenth or a fifth? You shall decide that question some other time. Just now, however, I have to remind you, Mrs. Richard- son. that our train haves in just half an hour, and we must be on the wing; but my bright, beautiful wife, my hesart is full of joy at tho thought that I am to bring you back here, to a home so worthy of you, and where you nre so well titted to reign." nlummln, oprieote, and even grapes. Not only this, but grain is mined. In- dian corn. sorgnm. millet, hemp. to- matoes. peppers, melons, cucumbers, and u hum, of other things. The Prem'h founded n socloty called tho "(hind Rhlr" In 1875. and in ten Feats, they owned tH, oases, with 114 ooh onion, the produce trom which was vniumi at $500,000 yearly. Slnce then mine, the produce trom which was vnluml at $500,000 yearly. Slnce then Fevm‘nl other socletlm have been formed, and all give the most favor- able reports of their progress and work. The promise ot prophecy, that in the last days the "desert shall blow. mm as the rose," seems about to be walked.) r There have been 801110 saint-dry (-hnngcw during the long reign of Queon Victoria, one of which is ous- ually trectteti by n London journal. Rmnnrking that fainting was quite tho rnsh'um among women when Her Majesty came to the Britiahthrunc. it mys: "lt was proper tor an en. gaged young lady to swam away if she torched a letter containing the nown of her lover having sprain- ed his leg. The Queen was thought too "tsensible. because her voice did nct falter when she announced to tho House of Common: her engage- ment to Prince Albert. Consumptive Phero'mes were hm liked by novel tenders. Girls took a pridp in being Broken down systems. shattered names and tsmaciated forms are my idly restored by Miller’s Compound Iron Pills. . William Ponton. one of the volun- teers from Belleville, and the hero of the famous bank robbery trial. will to-day be presented with a purse of $50 from his Names "lends. haulers. Girls took a. prme In Delng in [war health. They used to talk of their ailments as they now talk of tho bike and golf." Lady Arco Montague, sister of the Duke of Mancheater, died to-day at Davao-Plats, a. health resort in swiitaertaetd, She was 3 you: old. All Outgrow" Id: M private, and or “in, but grain is sorgum. millet, ppm-s. melons. c, 8.000 Ktdtae run; long reign ' which is ( mudon Jourr MY LAWS i)lglliO Do not take anything that does not bear the full name g6 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Paie People." It is an experiment and a hazardous one to we a substitute. Sold by all dealers or post paid at 30 cent: a box or sax boxes for $2.<o. by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. vttm is wrong, but I don't like to see women adopt it. I mm distinctly against it, and I would be very sorry to think that in the future Ameri. can wmm-n might smoke. Personally I know of no woman in New York who smokes. and although I belong to many womerN clum. I know of uohe where Huch a thing would be tolerated. We should not adopt men's vices, but should strive to better ourselves. Smoking is not an advance meat for women, bat a retrogreirsion." Mrs. Emilie L. Fernander--"1 do not approve of women smoking. but I admit that my ideas are old fashion- ed. I do hot think the habit of cigar- ette smoking is more prevalent among actresses than it is among society women. Actresses such as Miss Mar. lowe and Miss Adams do not smoke. I know of many, however, who do smoke tnr the stimulative enact. They smoke in their dressing rooms between the acts. I have seen them leave the stage and take two or three puffs trom a cigarette to prevent them from kaolin; fatigue after their ex. More pale and anivmic people have nd stronglby Dr. Williams' Pink Pill We don't advertise for mere 'rticct, but. for business. We know that, it you are subject to "amps. that you trhoald have a prompt, efficient remedy on hand. NerNims--y.ervtrittyi? "ure--. has a wonderful and immediate cura- tive power. I; relieves In one minute, it cures in five. Pleasant to the taste and the best known remedy tor pain. from ertiom Retail cigar dealers in Broadway say that their sales of favorite brands, ot cigarettes to women have increased enormously. Turkish cigarettes, they say, have induced women to adopt the habit of smoking. owing to the mildness of the tobacco and Its 'ttrange, sweet flavor. George Gibson. the dwarf ot Dun- fermilne, Scotland, dropped down in Maygnte. in that city, and suddenly expired, Gibson was upwards of BO years of age. and for the past 45 years had been known as "Wee Geordie." He was only three feet three Inches in height. Miner’s Compound Iron " cent- tor 60 data. W sill make no" min " Dr. Willinma' Mrs, M. N. Joanna. Berthier. Que Its we N at Pd Dwa rt' Dom! . ld alw Ila she are gl In Itetttem Dr r habit .', but red cigarettes. The" ng unuuiyllire in IN was Helmut ot trm um. I know ot thing would be not adopt mctt'te We to better nke it the Pink Pllls (‘nd Healthy, happy girls often become languid and despondent from no apparent cause, in the early days of their woman- hood. They drag along, always tired, never hungry, breathless and with palpi tating hearts after slight exercise, so that to merely walk up stairs is exhausting. Sometimes a short, dry cough leads to the fear that they are going into consumption. Doctors tell them they are anaemic.---shich means that they have too little blood. Are you like that? Healthy, Happy Girls. troubl tired wing ive tht PM]: ; only 6 W85 I his brother e Many oth v from port-'01 h Dodd'u Kid 6 two former 'tt miles. Brig n or for any . nay Distrust STIR IN KENMORE. Durham Brown's Letter Pub- lished Last Week Cause of Comment. One of Many Such (Inst'n'in Remnan- Budd’s Kidney Pills Wen Klmwn There linunlmuus Corroborution ot Brown‘n Statement. bl steadily Mr. H Dodd's 1 enough quick' being incl: I in en Mr. Brown in an entlmulnst about Dodd'" Kidney Pills. He cannot say enough in their favor. And he mean- every word ot it. His brother also thoroughly believes in Dodd's Kidney I'lllx, having seen how they affected Durham. Durham Browu's letter, as published last week, is corroborated by his brother and all who know him. Many other people in Kenmore know trom pox-mun] oorperieueo the value of Dodd'tt Kidney lills. Whether for the two formerly lncurnhle and fatal mal- adios, Bright's Disease and Minutes. or for any ot the other form ot Kid- ney Diease---rtheiunatitsm, Heart Die- mule, Drowsy. Urinary and Bladder Complaints. Female Troubled. Blood Disdrders--Dodd'e Kidney HUI are con- sldcred infallible. Doddh Kldney Pills la the only medicine that over curd Bright's “sense or Dlahetee. end the Dion“? here have a wonderful as» II t em. Take Laxative Bruno Qulrtine Tab lets. All drugglsta refund the money lf It mus to mire. 250 E. W. Grave‘- stgnature In on each but. adios, Bright. or for any of may Di-ore-- emze, Dropsy, That tired tooling will disappear and you will be able to eat We" and slap well by uslng Miller‘s Compound Iron Pills. Governor Henry Shanon! Northcote. ot Bombay. who was created a peer at the beginnlng ot the pro-OIL our. has assumed the title ot Lord 'lJttfa' a! The new military motor cycle is a terrible engine of war. Tho machine in driven by an automatic patrolm- motor, and mounts a twetstr- pound automatic Maxim gun. carats. of discharging 300 rounds pet minute while travelling along at the rate at “New mils an hour. . Exeter. To Cure n cont' In One Day rites n, in the papers b u is one ot the m rs In the count , while models ot being turned out time. He hag cu. able to drive one mill at the raw‘ able to drive oue-nnn-u-quarbeto ails at the rats of (in: hundroi Moon minutes. and keep it up been made bright, active than any other medicine, M ll it ury M otor Cycle "it'ijiiil home at my): mun- nothing is more dug the head and with a towel wrung " mre by the pub- ned by Durham aat week. Mr. ost expert box- ,r;,'. his chest: good workman- itt remarkably P. reputation of "end-a-ttua- May tern little.