93 zer and naked him it it was wry pain. ful. He didn't answer. and his head drowns! forward on Ida chest. All ot n mam-n it oexmrredto me that the pretended Indifference to the‘ open- ttom, m M- " i'g','iiaktlft2stit - than in! Mi-hh" ". _ mi to who thinks ions H00" VII-ouch the whole thing as pencefm'v as if he were getting a hairout. “in tap“! are in bad sham. tom and Pre been working at them for three weeks. on and on. Last thus he was: hero I tackled a par- ticularly bud w-sdom tooth, and when I was about half through cleaning out the tooth I withdrew the buz- sor and asked him It it wtu very pain. In]. He didn't am. and h]- hum net the I use" we opwrutnr. select'uvz a t le-johxted corlwcrtw applhuvc: an driving Into the nbysanznin "Ym’re a rather sensitive with)?“ Jun a moment. now. and it'll he tlotte People vary in their mmibility t4 pain. I've not one patient. he's tl writer. by the way. and I've always “demand that writers were mom Abe-“UM than other pawl“. in: siis man 00mm in here. nits down and you're likply to tm pnmm with this hr _The victim gave a tasted that it t ring for cums ht tar end. That cavity doe} need the opam‘ le-Jo!nt.ed cork an driving Into Ill nv t . . . _, , ',the onslau ht made kl? he fall. ' lun'rzr tiur If")? I "et?,',;, Egg) Jh/'rtJltt,u'cith'r, for I visions andgdelicacle hing I've fy.',,'.'.'"..'.',?','"'.',] Hiâ€: told Thia ttirtkel pun that (“mam-0 l trom bUtong to E orsetlmn tlwtiarruui “mun. lmini: when um wash vour. mouth hurried into the Tr,n and th4ut he torr' lootrs " f.ne ( M11, usevl when' I'm \vurlnint' on teeth ' Cartwright W118 b "b and trttct went out un Jcr, that 'iii, brrrsn mm mm? coll. I lstm'ins cases of cho I ttrterw.tr,irs lmml hm. 5 iv ' hnvo. I' spool!!! trcmrtttc'le tor that. {Canadians suddenly the tyt.llwlv. Nvxt .lu.v y/y; iftri. tllinr: or cuttlng into the gold Ihad lptt a puma I hor bill and “FINDS"! n my.†l lint-ll tooth I have the patient wash l, a fruit shop, and -vlls or swmrmg. I gummy f out! hia month into a small pan. and I hastened to render :s that I'm still mournmg her l, “My month or no that pan is 115- they could. A pc you jab my hand tlt.ut way l with toe gold. You‘d bo surprised to l forthcoming. and tt In)†to tear a hulp, m your l ‘k‘n'ow how much these gold rllingrs tails and tho name rith this lmzznr." f com» to In a Year. I won't tell yo“ his address for ob, Rum gay-e a hollow moan and the 1.iaiiit,' 5111: I have Pnough gold left rather an ope , that rt tho tl"ntittt, W†I on Giiii after each wnahlnn: to pay to be hoped that tt 3r cox-us he mg!" at tho l tor all brenkm, . and usually some be forthcoming at cavity doe: RO rather Mop." ; 'll"i'i, Ai, rT,',rthit,nsi,tril1gt'tn.t,m,',ngigir' The What's :1: omitur. '"'".it.tgg,. l ttext Tueedar." we" ' The present Lord I: t cor 'NSPPW 10? a 03 . n . . ring Into the abyss again. .. Doctor. 'rtyi.d .thts viptirm tor the lero-xtun1ninur 118' ".l that I H m mo ttl 'II he tlotte, ibility to . he's a We always were more tint. w k tt 'thut. lune lr-I-n fill†with null. I Inn“ " pr'l‘ifll rriv.s.trt.url,o for that. After tilirte: or cutting; intu the gold fillel truth I have the patient. wash nut, his mouth into " Hum†pun. and PUT) month or m that, pan is tlti. srrrel for gull]. You'll In: surprised to know how nuwh these wold filings POD!“ to in n your. I wun’t tell Jolt , the amount, Int I have enough gnld ‘un hunzl utter mush wan-him: to pay [Mr all breaknqm. and unuully Horne .mvr for new instruments. There. that's all for the present. (‘omea back 1 next Tuemlay.†L 'Doctor," mm the victim, tor the I first tlme achieving: coherent, asp ez-n. _ "I wish 5mm have that sign changed ' before I come buck. It's boon running ,throxwh my head like nu ngonizing 1 refrain to the rhythm of that inter. i nnl bttzz.traw." I He pointed to a huge and glaring l‘signbonnl. which. in a direct line i from the dentiet's window, proeiaim. (ed from a houeetop that Ragga & 1Banger were prepared to sell flags I and banners at low prloes. The den- tist glanced at the huge blue and white lettering and chuckled. "You're not the only one that (hasn't like that sign," he anâ€. .' A couple ot months ago I had as n patient the man who owns that bulld- ‘ _ and rent- It to Bags. & Banger. " Mag , pin the corner Just back fl i,iI., W1 but!!!†tar the worst " ... ' 'tsttAr,tpeetthgt'rqttfh. 1:09th A: " " . it“ falltllllEr'iaM a something. nnd my ' rest. I never smv _ up more quickly. T ed tt down flip-flaps tho plain glam side. glass to bite. If the ror had been down, it me several dollars. Sc tor the mom? strain. but " dt quieted him (it usually aro re usually mm recknnod in p lam. for I don't churgn a [m the result of what is reully tary action. And thnro u of “aroma that make up for down, please. Thut'H do. o "Ono mus-on of profit is mas PruY to wor man. mome r-llaps and landed a side. smashing It tho magnifying " mm, it would have 0 an. Some day en NIH to write a mo relation of the den lotion Yea, experiel to limp breakable m wry when I'm (k nt ml! ‘V n the wruon; but I've h-np out ot the chair to smash things like 'n (not. he wu» crazy t just from npn'oua w at: up} r h in ' in the {ac breakage profit nu putimt fo y involun- lre sutures '1t. Bite ‘he handle , of the orking at button or did the 'tg " fly when“ turn mir- cost n I (Ono. 11ml Ar al he ll 'diRt'nCi,t,, " Bags: & Banger. Flags and Banners. Flags and Banners. Baggs & Bangor, "The last. day, whom I told him I was through, he ruslux] out or here like a madman. A young wnmun WM my next mth.Vct, and While I was mating mm hol- tooth I 1mm! her murmur I " 'Oh, Pm so glad,' "I felt pretty sure she l to my operations. so I Inn] to so" what was up. n nd tl roof oppmito was my In mnkirnt kindling: wood of Bangor with nn axe. Wh finind ho, danvml on the and disappeared. It was C rns‘m of temporary itircttil now. (In hin mat, viMt to him ahout it. and ho grh nelgnt. Inn-naps, exam any yet landed here. The)“ are almost to a mun dress- ed in khaki and are armed withthe Lee-Mettord and short bayonet. Their equipment ls most complete. although It was noticeable that they did not wear the khaki puttiesao general with those engaged in the campaign. No mort, fluttering comment on the ein. chantry or the reg1ment "onldbe made than to point out that, it was only yea- tcrdny morning that the men disem. barked, and the military authorities have already despatched them to the front. The occasion was a rare one, and tho public would have gone through ten times the amount of discomfort and inconvenience in order to give their fellow-colonists a good send-oft. At about 2 pan. the troops were ordered to entrain, the order being carried out in a marvellous†short space of time. The men crowded into tho carriages drawn up on either side of the yard, and proceeded to make themselves as comfortable as circumstances would permit. Aerated waters and fruit were forthcoming, and the weather more than justified the onslaught made upon both. Pro- visions and delicacies of various sorts, from blltong to gingerbmsr, were hurried into the van. and Mr. J. D. Cartwright was busily engaged in storing cases of chocolate. One of the Canadians suddenly diacovered that he had left a puma containing 825 in a fruit shop, and a. friendly crowd hastened to render \vhat assistance they could. A poliexy-sargeant was forthcoming. and took down the de- tnils tsryl thet name _trf the trooper- The present Lord Chancellor was t'rotre-extrminln7, " shrewd hut-oiir‘ wit. mess some years ago, who rather ., had" him. " They sometimes call you " Devon- shire Dumpling. don't they ?" asked the genial advocate. The witness waited till th oeeasioned hy this mquiro then he slowly drawled out " Her, hat it I nod been a you lawyers 'ud a' gobbled now .r"--Tlt-B1ttr. up witneas. " But you Dumpling T' The English newspapers contain long lists of notable sufferers from influenza. and the death lists are ab- norm' Hy long. The royal household at Osborne House, Isle of Wight, has not wapad. Many of its memberps have been removed to a anni‘tarium. The Duke ot Amy" is seriously ill at Invent). Scotland. his address for obvious left rather an open qu to be hoped that the 103 be forthcoming at once The pout-up , and the YO relieve The Witttr for obvious reasons' was an open question. It is _that the lost money will the l wn an they do,' are not a Devonshire waited till the laughter lure she didn't refer I so I lonkml around up. and there on tho as my 1ato patinnt wood of Bnggs & 1x0. When Inn mm d on tho. frngnwnts It was our of thud!» ry insunltr, I Rup- vinit to ma I :vkml Inquiry subsided, Rotor! replied the doompllng I up u tore ?lUl VERA DOUGLAS! Her Comet-Like Career Ended Sadly. HER LAST Paris outlier The origin ot Iera Douglas, the famous beauty, once of New York, who died here at Christ- nmstldc, abandoned by her grand duke and all hur rich munirers sane one, has been traced. ' ller real name was Vera Maria Douglas. pility had marriod an when- turer, who called 111nm†Malakoft, and who its now part-um fondly real COUIIMHS, u oration in Low Their letters 'N [11 ti was lost but herself and her maid. her husband and his "errant. Her husband died there and we returned to England. "For the last two years we have heard little from her, I think maybe the Malakoft stopped her letters. It was hard to write to her, too, for if we cot a letter from her at one place and did not answer quick she'd be gone. She had a house in New York, I understand. and was sometimes at Long Branch. A A - IV " "We had a letter from a doctor some time ago, who said he was treat- ing my daughter for an injury in the head that she had received in. a trip to Cairo. Afterward W6 heard from him again saying that she was bet- ter Than we heard that aha was worse. and last that she was dead. "I think there's something mighty queer about that girl's death. Where are those Malakofts? Why didn't they take charge at her? I think maybe aha had some money and that'a what's the matter. I am going to look this wigs gp arid get___it nil straight}; . "When little age Vera wont a letter from 1893, which v Manners,. of l wanted my co Mr. Douglas will write to the Bri- tish ambassador in. Paris to investi- gate the case. He will ask him to tiad out it the girl left any money or valuables, and wilt my to swam what he can ot his daughter's belong- in“. 'When Mina Douglas first left homo en little. more than 18 an: wont to London. 1 ar from London in ?'M which was from Sir rs,, of Kensington tiq I my consent and tht , his marriage with on lil {In w In her. '1 chat an a burrm PATHETIC LETTER. 18 p sea rt' rternber, William He my dxo obtained . citation Dayan. That wu shout (an you! so. Liter she went to Chicago. Pi'd there also ims'artad on her parents gi " up the term. the work being too hard, and offered to get the only not). pllco on the Chicago police forms. Ihes father sold the tarm in Logan and took a small piece of land in Mitzhell. She was always very kind to 'ter panama. A (sister who marr'osd and [val in Ful- hrton, near Emileâ€, diode few years ago. . . R' -___ Th-,...'.." the Paris came: Vern. up... beautiful Canadian woman ' had lords, duke: and prime! train, and whose mreaitMe, t tho theme of the gossip bt t tinents. has been harm a Germain. a suburb or ttttr cl lot in which the cutllnofnl or! was bought for 83 by Running. an Austrullul mil There was a short Eunice American Church of tlt' Hol ity. Not more than 15 perm tlwre. and when the learn away the only friend a fol hair of tho unfurtunn " ISU) condemnation ot the 1rjeGrGdeii; _ iiiiiiii of Senator Manon 'llirotell's' what is intil' “Why, am turnips intil't and-- “Yos. I 300: but what is intll't l'" The man looked at him, and seeing that the Prince was serious. he re. piirsd--"There's mutton hurt. and mrnim intil't, tind-" “Yes, certainly, I know," urged the inquirer; "but what in intii't--in. "Mun." yelled the Highlander, bran. duslung his big ladle, “um Ino tetlin' ye what’s intil't. There's mutton intit't, and-" an T' Here the interview was brought to a clam by one of the Prince's suite. who fortunately waspaaaing, explaining to His Royal nghnma that "intil't" simply meant "into It." and nothing more. _ The British Consul at. New Orleans has _oxprp§§_exi. 1np.rn Interview. Aron: ll The physician: of Montreal are puzzlml over the case of Eva Rock. an 18-year-old girl. who has been asleep for fifteen dare, and In who of all that medical knowledge our qetrttr, cannot be awakened. :\u “dd " " tr Ill D FOE WH Ihle D M kl rly' n M ti Tera Dough"- ul womw wh and prince! l mutton 1nd Carr Eu IN'I mommies hadboen gossipâ€! two con- u bur!“ at Saint nf tile city. The n, " th {Shier pamntl. 1nd ved in Fat- dbada few In“ Arn rrr rt rinct intil 305 m 3 In her had been two 000' M Detroit. ms were den OW onnire " tht Trin nam thr has H b 1n H In PM It Manon“ IElllll.llll'lli, M. h, Sadler’s Strong Word on the Subject. PRACTICAL E000hW1 (ALL/m Uyitu'" ('URI'SF. FOR PAIN) TAIHJ an (Inn dun-mull catilemsttr- of C', mll'lzur, but it “as ttui hmiiug an " .' had Upon an otith Dunn] thgI- lull murv rum-inns subject. I'lnuihly tsu- "1-er thought tlu-y would have to 's', eeute it. At any rate. it was kiln“: throughout the regiment that In: mmtruvt had been made, nnd it ",.ruo, the subject of more or loss comment . "But the time value when they wm» mllwl upon to portorm the nm-eenwm 1 It was at the bloody nattle of Stun» lunar that "tte ot tho triumstrate ' with a bullet through his heart. Ill- was one of those chosen to add to tho awful carnage ot the day. Thou came the opportunity to are the truv mettle of the soldier of that day. Ttic other two carried til body of their dead comrade ott the neld when tht tlghtlng was over and laid " in thrlr tent. I ma there when they use in They looked at the llfelo.‘ torn [or u long, long tune and at the mine In» meat each looked at the (that. "'Get the cards. Jake: odd one. “The peak was produced. th- curds were shuttled and dealt. Th. talk-d yty.etorttteirrGiiiGiiGitriid, bullet hole thanâ€: tho a“ was the table on winch thug m m toâ€. rolled down that a†I that tiny qtttattd had: no - and “I at Mill an. qqbtttr. , tagp'tptt .3 ' 'B, ' aft-m w, 'it l _ or,e1WP, 'AF, re .1. LN CF' _ d H irewtsome {innu- tn Whieh " Ita f t the I Inn the " tn Tl " (“er Iudulm-d Lon M w m n ttld Po-ihly the mud have to e 'e. " wa- know meat. that it m body was ma ie-tes. bludln; nd pied um um. To tth if. " WMknqu: Dent that t r Ses, and it "ea, ' len- comnem. , When they war.- the mum 'l) Mule ot tNom. 'ri-strata aw " hh heart. He B. to add to the day. “not: to as thq trtw at u M tro m " " fr ll can“.