Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1900, p. 1

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Business Men’s Letter Paper! tttttttttN Local and District News. ' ‘mssmssssd Lucas. Wright a Batson.--At Dur- ham oMee Mondays and Court Days. from 10 R. m. to 4 p. m. C'ome to the Boom! Evening given Ly the Epworth League next Mummy evening. Hctvrtusc..-The tt'ttster's at the m-w Union Schoul SH'IIUII No 1. Emu-nun“ and Normanhy have wnh 1vum"uidalrlt' energy goturw Nuns plum-d in NW old building at Bark-r3 corntrr's which Is to be INN! till the ttt'W svltool is up. Miss Millie [meson has lwc‘ll Human-d m teacher. DIID IN Emmxox'r. An um and highly waned mident of Flgremottt, -rd away last week in the perm“ of Mr. Wm. Fillies. sr. of the Itth run. An RHICK of Paralysis of the "owels cut. him on after 9 days illness. lb. - a widow and family of " daugh- See The Big Ditpiay of M' White Weorat The Big Store immense. eqwes a ters and ENTERPRIsE.~Mr w. w. Lodinghzun Domoch is an entertu hing is n. Inn-thing stock hreeder and last week per- thsed from Mr A. S. Hunter here 10 thoroutrh-hred heifers of the famous nerd-lord tweed. This will make the nucleus of a line heml at Dornoch, and we with the proprietor every success. CHANGE IN POST OFFICE. - We undo:- otnod Mr Calder has let the eontt'act for finiahintt " and fitting up the rnollls toe the Pan other m his new Muck. Win-k will commence at once. and the loom got ready for theofrtce by the first d “It. This will he a great convolu- ieoce for the business men on the hunt at")?! At the annual Ineeling ofthe South any Agricultural Soviety the usual mine limitless mu transacted and the following out"! elected: Pres. Jan. Edge. lat Vice Pres., H. Parker “Vice... Wm. Smith. Directots. I'. Firth. G. Binnie. Jas. Allan. Thos, Caldwell. R. Morice,Thoi. Gadd. w, m. w. Scarf. W. tulder. Honor- arrDrreetor, D. Edge, Jas. Matthews. P. Rial". H. Brigham. T. G. Holt. Auditors. Wm. Gorrline and N. w, Camphvll. Set"y, A. Davidson, Trtuus, W. Calder. Dates of Exhibition, Sept SBth and Mth. Bnmer‘s The Big store Mr. Duncan McPhee. sun of Mr. Wm McPhee of near Neuagh. died at his father's home on Tuesday. being dck since spring. He was a young man of cuddle-n. promise and when taken lick was attending the medical college In Toronto. The remains wtll he laud in Toronto. The renmms Will he ma hunfnmily plot to-day, in the Pres- Wrist) (-enwtery near Mt. Forest. To the bereaved friends We jun with the may in extending our sympathies. --Artrm Advance. Deceased is the 3rd 9000! Mr. Malcolm McFee, was a dili- gent and successful studt nt and gave promise of a life of great usefulness. Me taught school for 3 yrs at Mulock. god 3 at Aherdeen, and his early remov- t a great loss. His funeral was tiiiiiiii:t;e; several of old Bentinck , , present. Speck! Whtte. 'Fear Sale on at VOL. XXII. NO. 4. Judging by the advertising columna‘ Mmbqrinning well, and the local # malnour- show that the new mucking his part to "fuet the 'i" at the community. und promises ‘ an amt. to do still better. 'e.e-atsa..trth-oruorwto'"ter Liou'hsue"m" be . Sta- ot b kl m. _ "no " FONS Should he High Grade in style, quality and finish. We print high grade busi- ness paper at Moderate Price; Are you out? W, " 7" {‘1}ng gg we P, week in the pen-n . air. of the Nth trulysis of the In I McPhee. sun of Mr Atyl the White We Shh very complete a ot the new 1. Egremnnt commendable ed in tbe old Ier's which is m-n's " is “Id ' i Q Nee north window at the 1 this k. Sm Boy wanted to learn Appl at REVIEW OfftcF.. Joh Ruskin the famous and a luminous writer h de ttRe of M. “I Dropinto the Big Store this week and see Women's White Wear. Wotuen's Wrappers Ready Made for 75c at. The Big Sure. waNttrtr.--A smart lenrtt hlscksantthirtg, u work. Liberal wugvs. to ITM. 3V1‘HRIE. In“ Our lira} poultry men t display (thirds to the At Sho" ofthe o. Sound Assn captured s number of prizes wm-inl show is to he he Sc The Furniture Co. have "lrottt mun- pleted arrtngetttenls with the caoitalist and btrtiture mam. Mr. Brentnnll. Mam-human England. fur the disposal of all the trodttct of the Fpctm y, which svecessrcL.--We are pleased to heat of our young folks keeping tothe front Miss Mary Gordon came out. first in the school at Oven Sound her name head- ing the school taking honors in Maths matics. Joe Firth took honors in Mat h. Paosrsmcs CartmcH.---Dromore cur- l respondence in the Review lately. told of the annual meeting in the church there. whtch was a great success and warranted them in making a handsome acknowledgement to their well loved twistor, Rev. Mr. Campbell. Pricevtlle Presbyterian: held their’slast week and their report also shows a satisfactory state of affairs, the congregation having met all current obligations. paid " a big slice of the debt. and still have a balance on hand. From their popular pastor. Rev. Mt. Mathemn to the humblest adherent, this is extremely igratifying. Duthatn Preturytet'ituus have also a new experience. At the ! beginning of the year the" had a debt F of 8140. At the Annual Meeting on Mon- iday the congregation is reported clear lot debt for the first time since the new ilchurch was built, all obligations met. landa halanceon hand. There was a good attendance. and a harmonious l discussion of much needed improvement 1 in and out, ot the church &c. An “new H getic committee Was appointed to go on with the erection of sheds. long talked of. this time we believe to result in something more than talk. The nnnual Report. just issued, shows that. the total contributions for all pnlposes during the year were $1611.62. of which $281 were given to missions. Mr. Thus. Mc- Fadden was elected chairman of the Board of Managnrs, and Mr. M. Ciuup- hell was elected manager in place of Mr, T. Milligan who is now an elder. It i: ' healthy sign of a country when its i churches are prosperous. "_/iii)., um: PERSOML MENTION Miss Kate and Bella McDougall are visiting williamsford friends. Mrs. John Nichol attended the funeral of a relatiye near Paisley last Friday. Miss Sarah Vnllett left Monday to visit her brother in Stratford and friends in London for a few weeks. Miss Clara Trchilcock, of London. in the guest. of her sister Mrs. (Rem) Fer- unison. dl Mrs. D. Coleridge, sr. paid a visit to her daughter Mrs. Ramage for a day or two this week. Rev. Mr. FUrnuhtuson will exchange l UI u""'.'."'"' wu on“ :uv v"... -.V_.,,, pulpils with Rev. Mr. Miller of Holstein {the audience for their liberal support. an Sunday first. l All dthe ticket sellers not Saving rc- " rte et t e exact rocee s are not 2,ttt,',h)g,t,"ovn"t :13“; ti': lr, C. i'.,'fl.'l. kngwn. but will geach about. 8115. Miss Beard i & ".'..".", . S tMrd et"trt- aw which would have oeen tar exceeded . . o I rnpnm. bat for Town Hall limitations. The ex- Miss Whelpley of Mt. Forest, s. o. pean will reach over $90, the accident B. accompanist. was the guest of Misses , to Mr. Hamilton of course causing an Annie and Bella McKenzie. Eincmmd otttlay. I Miss Marion Elvidge left last Monday I for a few weeks In the wholesale millin- ‘ery establishments of London prior to l going to Toronto to: the spring opening. Mr. and Mrs. Dem. McKinnou. Queen's Hill. Bruce, were the guests Miss A. L. McKenzie the latter part last week. Mrs. Curran and daughter of Sou“) Normnnhy. was visiting her many relatives and friends in Durham and Gleneig this past week. ttN Mr. Chas. McKinnon, Jr.. son of Mr. Chas McKinnon. Priceville is home from the far west and is visiting tus father, his sister. Mm And McIlvride, Mrs Wm Mountain nod other friends, Mr. Roderick Ross. of Chuley. u.- oompsnied by his ttranddautthter, mu lay Cutler passed through Durham on Saws-thy last. to vieit Emmont Manda. Hill Cadet was the - o {In J. A. Black while in to". out in] in her form lanai“. M isa tr' H " n earl y Lower Town men took a barge the Annual Puulty HI Association. and 'prizes. The pro- Iw held in Owen M "P tlt t IS re "'le Ciel? . tte sing the new l pecially the daett. The encore brought “mama.” met. l, another duett from them "The Crook. "l. There was a _ ed Bawbee" which was also a delight- id a havmouiousrful number. edediusprrovenuant) Mr. Bligllt's first appearance here, -ch kc. An cum-Jami cm24 hours notice, has made him appointed to go on ‘a favorite, and bis putriptie pieces, were beds. long mikedjwarmly encored. Hls_v0ice has a lieve m result in L wide range and is melodiously power- talk The antttt " i ful even on lew nutes. Having chang- orwsthntth t tired one of his program numbers, he I . n e ". a 'very obligingly acceded to a request ,1'ny,'ot,t,.f,,u,'f,,t,trt,o, give "The Bonnie Banks o' mu m, ot which '281,Usinund," the omitted piece. as the Th ul', r. In"? 11ratei,..tly, was half dispersed. . tt t' a ' . . . . and ‘3"; I', ', " i Piper McDonald gains in popularity .; ' . “"‘p‘ with every appearance. and this time "P" inreeory'.'. ithe dancing of his little daughter tW tttt elder. “lialilabel was a novel and agreeable country when it/feature. The audience rapturonslx - . ‘5--- At 1117 tttt the Big Store W." active boy. to not, afraid of tpply at once m M Art critic ol at the printi n g. I ll ettEM as. Me of the irifiiEiiii,' THURSDAY, JANUARYE 1900. I This Annual Concert has swung into ‘position as the leading one of the son- |son. and more than any other is the Iconcert that appeals strongly to both (tow? and country. At the concert last I Friday places 10& 12 miles distant sent lrepresentatives and the town and near git sent scores to swell the crowd that 'snrged up the Town Hall stairs in al. ums-t blocked confusion. Practically (the doors had to be closed, and a large (number withdrew, not even standing I room being available. SUNS 0F Mlllil) GONGERI. The success is due to the determina- l tion of the committee and the camp to I have first-class talent, and this was l proved on this occasion when by an eel cident, one of the performers, MrHanr I; ilton, was prevented from coming, the l _ committee, With only 2 days to spare, (' wired to Toronto, and secured at great- l ly increased expense, Mr. Art. Friihi,l, a professional to take his place. I There can be no doubt Fax is the. drawing card and this year. with sev- i eral new pieees,--one, a patriotic onel ( written by himseIf,--maintained his l reputation for innocent humor, and gro- I ‘tesque caricature. His clear enuneia. ttion is without doubt, one ot the chief ‘contributing causes of his success. And then lze neverollows himself to become low in his wit, an offence very common in comedians. I Few singers ever received, and ae- iservedly to, such a unanimous verdict lot praise as did Miss Jean Renwick, _ and we predict that with the same sweet voice and delightful naivete she will achieve further fame, Never we ‘believe was the old duett "Hunting ,Tower" boner rendered than by 'Jamie' Fax and. Jeanie' Renwick, r‘though they never sung together be lifore. Mr. Fax at the close of the meet- '§ing very warmly congratulated Miss LlRenwick on all her perlormances, es- , I pecially the duett. The encore brought i, another duett front them "The Crook. ' 10d Rawbee" which was also a delight- of of of sweet singers, KlnGlV consenwu to ,appear twice on the program, and her ‘selections especially "When the Heart As Young" were warmly received. l Miss Whelpley, Mt. Forest, was kthe accompanist cf the evening and no |small credit is due to her for the [quantity and the quality of . her work, 1which must have been as arduous as it (was pleasing, tor she accompanied ievery number. l The chair was occupied by Dr. l, J amieson, M. P. P., one of the brethren, 1w_ly..s. spoke very appropriately, at the gopening. and at the close on behalf [of Chief Morton and the Cam thanked ithe audience for their libera‘J support. Came to the premises of the under- signed, about the last of November 3 ewes. Owner is requested in prove property. pay expenses and take away. Rob Roy, Jan. 5, 1900. For 'o. B. No. I, Normanhy. Experi- enced. Duties to commence Feb. l. 1900. Apply to THog. WALLACE, Beep. Jan. 8, 1900 Ian-ted. AmEtmtoNo--ComrrB--0n Wednesday 17th Jun-wry. at the residence of the brides father, by the Rev. Wat, Fa- quhu-aon. Elijrh Armstrong and Bartlett. daughter of John Cantu. All ( of munch. TEACHER WANTED f innccem humor, and gro- are. “is clear enuncia- doubt, one ot the chief auses of his succcm And 'ollows himself to become l anotfence very common ESTRAY SHEEP w M. RYAN Vurney P. o. , " delivered himself " of nearly a column i of hilious matter reflecting on the atti. tude of the Review as expressed in Cl, article of the week previous. Not for a long time have we seen as pretty an , example at what. Is called "playing toi the gallery " as our eonfrere's somewhat l excited ethrsiom We trust the applause I ( has been satisfactory. Who said it wasn't, right workmen should get their pay 'd who made Mr. Ir- win so sure it would he a losing la .vsnit for the town "anyway".' who belittlet! t M r. Kelly's ueivires as Treasurer? Not ithe Review but it suited brother Irwin inbuilt that, time to set, up men of straw ‘aml knock them down and we hope the (diversion has gratified him. l The workman is worthy of his hire iand sometimes more. We believe this, ll Mr. Irwin even in your ease. Mr. Kelly "sas rendered valuable services and we l never (pic-stunted it. We stated and as- ism-t yet. that it Was popularly thought _ Mr. Kelly and the church would assist. l, We lielieve many. (We. aresure of one), iisignrtl the petition in that, belief, though The Chronicle editor must have felt agreat deal hotter Inst week after he HOLT The crush. the Pt". the disappoint- ment. of those turned away, an the convex-tun Friday night but, gives yoinlund importance m the nrupmal or it new Town Hall as outlined in Mayor Laidlaw's inaugural address. The art-sent building has outlived its: The present building has outlived its "sefulaess,ancl is now entirely out, of keeping with the elegant. husiness blocks, hotels. &c., near it. This is another argument in favor of a, new Hall in addition t n that of utility. We hope the new council will see their way clear to Lake ate s to give us ammlern and roomy hull) with more than one entrance. and there can he no doubt they will receive the hearty support, of the town in the doing of it, m---------------- To clear off a certain misunder’ standing, 1 ask space for the following statement: In August last, I received from the Postal Department an offer to appoint me or my son postmaster. The offerI returned, stating that we would not have the position, as it was not needed. My son took to Mr. Findlay, postmaster at Dromore ,t h Itorm of application sent me from Tor- (onto, which he inclosed with on irelusal, written by himself. I Yours Truly, i CHAS. WATSON. Dromore. Jan. --A SNAP.--' ark lots numbers 12, 13, 14 and 15, Pen the north side of South M. in the Town of Durham, containing 23k acres more or less. This is very desirnblo prorrty, well fenced, in good condition an will be sold " a bargain. M urther partial”: apply to f Evan luck“. or W. L 11110sz1., Dun-hm. f Wlmth. mo 5 Lt-ln Durham nn Sunday. Jan. 21 t Mr. and Mrs. Holt, " daughter. Sir iihttritttt LETTER TO THE EDITOR THAT HAT For Sale. BORN 22nd. nu Monday We take this opportunity of thanking our customers for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit, a continuance of the same. "Large Sales & Small Profits." K; ”'V‘" -_.---_. -- 7' - -_.e_ -7. . . as ON W ._ CW nad I' Palmerston Buggies. _ ham tm 5, Bell, Donor: "’ rr at.» d' my . smwmen -. C ,7“ " 0" lbmaSewlng [56th 1 'EMb' . Nt, . u It. “I?” (V ai-ui/is, , a! . 5 7',C'i',',CrCi'C'i's',' a ' ‘ ’ " . ti"'",",.",",",,",",',," W -- "M..-""- H , a GRANTS Alll,!;.: qepts-wte-ss(iiiyCba/e8CV a! everything We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : Coulter & Scout Drills and Cultivators. Disc and Spade Har- rows, Seaff1ernr, Etc. Also Scotch Diamond Barrows. Willriniipn J?loughs, gitlggber HARVESTING, m a. a. Deerini " Ideal " and " Pony " Binders. Ideal slower and Steel ra es. Also Maven Binders, More“ MW Palmerston Buggies. l, Bell, mung SEWING II, , C. L. GRANT y OWQWHCAWCAVOO Raucous. -Uppor 1 to 20, and repairs of all kinds. Shares, Soleplates, Ete. Not genuine unless the words " WILKINSON PmUGHZCoxmxv " is a“ each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Rolier made in)“ m. Cash System We beg to inform our Custom- ers and the Public. generally that we have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be ULTIVATING. Sometimes people make mistakes in buying, they buy too much or not enough, and fre- quently not the right thing. Now this has been our misfortune this time, we bought far too many Youth’s Suits of Clothes in size 33 long pants, and to get rid of them we cut prices away down, Just see how we do it : wHp .m'fonly thre- Suits that ADOPTED BY Come early and get the best. ., Gr. 86 J. McKECHNIE. were 85.50 and $6.00 now $4.50. " 4.50 and 5.00 naw 3.50. . McKechnie. for Farmers J :onll oi,, a Reader of Review! hl WHOLE NO. 1141. cuiun, “.51 ts-ut' Wagons, wen-nor Henry Are you a announcer r Send in your male tor a trial trip to end at the year for only me. To the end of the century for 31.00. “ling m rum and 0mm of new Buy-and all" III“. __ m Subscriber ? on

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