Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Dec 1899, p. 4

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2st 39‘ DURHAM REVIEWQ Loss in killed and wounded was very small, but over 600 of the British were made prisoners. Gatacre is be- ing severely blamed for not having better scouting. The Ladysmith garrison is able to take care ot itself. Lost Friday a detachment drove the Boers from one ot the surrounding hills, 517ve up three of their big guns and captured a max- im, the that. gun captured in the cam- mign. m Impromptu. concerts and amusements begurled the leisure hours which were mn very mmy drill, sleep end eating being deducted. Anglicnn, Presbyter- ian. and B. C. Clergyman were on board The British artillery alone saved a crushing defeat as it covered the with- drawal of the British who found it impossible to attempt to meet the, enemy. Alter several weeks inaction, appar- ently so at least, he determined to make a night march ot 13 miles to surprise a Boer position, trusting to guides for his direction. The weary march was accomplished without inei. dent, till on a sudden out blazed Boer tire, and the surprise was all on his side. Letters describing the earlier battles are now arriving and make interest- ing reading. There is evidence abun. dam to prove that the average Boer is a treacherous half civilized enemy, bound up in his own prowess, despising the English, and one of them is alleged to have assured a colonist that after the war Kruger and Joubert were go- ing to England to bring Queen victor. ia to die in Pretoria gaull i By these wonderful Search lights I eommttnieatirm is being held with both Ladysmith and Kimberly. If Mali-king has not been relieved entirely, it is experiencing a mach less close investm/mt. on Moxmr. Too bad. After a week of waiting with expectancy of " big battle which was fondly hoped would give a British victory, here comes news of a serious reverse to Gen. Gatacre’s division in Northern Cape Colony. Thursday, December l4, I899. ”WW1? NOTES-Day by Day. THURSDAY TO SATURDAY. During the latter half of last week there was very little new in the situ- ation in South Africa. Not only was the censorship strict, there seemed to be, trom what little news did dribble through, a general resting which is almost certainly the calm before a storm. In Natal the British are massing at Frere and have a passable bridge built over the Tugela river. Baller is there, and another great battle is being planned. In Cape Colony North, Gen. Gataere seems simply to be holding the situa- tion. . The Canadians are supposed to be right at the front with Lord Methuen. and Till without doubt get their tirst "baptism of tire" siGrtifriii7riiii2 band of New Zealanders have had oetysion to distinguish themselves. en t LETTERS FROM THa SARDINIAN. Without doubt, a battle is imminent and the scene at it is likely to be 'irg,tlt)tvin; 6 or 7 miles nearer to imberly and the last place at which the Boers are expected to make a stand. That they are massing is cer- tain, that Methuen is being reintoreed is certain, that the coming battle will be another British success is almost certain. Raiiway and telegraph communic- ation were cut in Methaen's rear for a time, bat were speedily restored. This is the guerilla warfare that will be_ad_r3pced soon. C. Ramage, ' TUESDAY. thing new, except an 11neontirmed rt that a) of Methaen's time had taken prisoners. The Canadians n Belmont and may be in action is time. g Editor And Provrietor. b: Waste IF YOU will If you are in search of a Christmas Present call and see our latest styles of Silverware, Lamp Goods and Cutlery. Another shipment of Raisin Seeders, and Meat Choppers just to hand. Our Meat Chopper is superior and cheaper than any other manufactured. Just arrived, our second shipment of WHIPS, SLEIGH- 1515.41.53, ltC)lWgil. and HORSE BLANKETS. In N CUT SAWS and AXES, we lead the market. Our Price and Quality is all that can be desired. And we have a great bargain to give you in a Shoemaker Stand and three Lasts, It looks like war in earnest to see two large grituletones whirling around, each In change of two men. who are Occupied in sharpening bayonets. They make them slmrp enough to do any kind ofeutting, and If the Royal Canadian Regiment eyerlms to charge with bayonets the Boers will not be able to'see the point, ‘The weather during the early part oil the firist week was not so terribly rough, but it was enough to set this ship roll- ing. No sooner had she began to toss ih the uneasy ocean than hundreds on board began'to turn green and reach for the railing of the vessel, and many there Were who were placed hers de combat before they could get to the ships side. A very reasonable estimate of those who were deathly sick would be 50 per isent., while a great many of the remainder were ready to be ill on a moment's notice. Strong officers, and men who can, and have faced battle, could not compete in the skirmish given by the heaving Waves. Some took to bed, and their faces were not seen on the boat or at the table for from one to five days. Now that we are in the trade winds in the torn] zone, making for the equator, the ship is plutrginr,.quite a bu-not rolling--- and one by one those with the weaker stomaeh's are taking themselves to their lonely cabins to reason with them- selves regarding the came of their in- disposition. It makes some of the people sick to even think of the lonely path which our boat is cutting out for itself. The reason is this, that we are pursuing a course which no vessel in the world ever followed before, and now (Nov. ll) we have been five days with- out so much as seeing any kind of vessel. Ours isa barren. dreary waste ofocean. but after we strike the Cape Verde islands we hope to pass many a ship before reaching fit. Helena. In easi/we had any kind of mishap here, or in the event of having to take to the _ lite boats, we would not have its much chance of saying our lives as a canary would have ate cat show. We are out ofthe line of all ocean-going vessels, and it would be impossible for the lifel boats to carry provisions and water, enough to last as till we could arthte to the nearest shore. We have all faith] in the good skipper, Captain Johnstoml we believe in the sea-rolhng Sardinian, and even in such a desolate ocean We have no fear that we will not land salt-1y. and held regular services and o repres- entauve of the Y. M, C. A. also held meetings. Only four ladies are on board, but as nurses have had nothing to do so far. "Many who were un- acqumnted with one another in Cnnuda are forming friendships which only a. bullet can break." We give a quota- tion from bnunley McK. L'rown's letter to the Mall and Empire. 2izifiEiffai5liijii) ti.t" f.t.t (0 For' a Basket of any description be sure and see our stock is U. B U my E? T 'il g awaken, Glasswme, (Homes, Ham and fel lit. (l . id Ato.r.trtttettrtt:r:ett.t.r.t.tt.d.ib' a'rata"'pa: .s. .‘.‘.‘.‘. . .‘. ' ' . .SA. 2s. 9,73: géaiaaaaéézéaéééafih ii gallons oi the best Canadian Coal Oil tor 90cts Cty but always yet quality for your money. We always place quality before price and still compete. Our new CANNED GOODS have arrived: Vegetables Salmon, kippered Herring, Finnan Huddle: Also Ciscoes Labrador Herring and Cod. Butter, Eggs, and Poultry taken as Cash. WM , . BLACK. 20le Granulated Sugar - - - - $1.00 11 lbs Rolled Oats - - _ ' 25c. ---_---. is A Frightful Blunder Will Mun, cause a horrible Burn, Scam, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen'd Arnicn Salve, the best In the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sums, Ulcers, Bails, Felons, Corus, all Slum Eruptions. Best Pile aura on earth. Only 25 ens a box. Cure guarnn teed. Sold by our Drusw,ists. l Pulnu-rsu m. The appeal against the action of Dat.. ham Sessu)" re the deceased wife's sis- ter question was taken Into considera- tion but was not sustained, the Proshy tery considering the whole questinu a “(h-ad issue." Next meeting of Presbytery to he at _ The need of the quickening of Spirit- ual Life in our Church found expression in a resolution expressing the Presby- tery's own felt need of such quiekening and commending the matter to sessions and congta'gations urging that it be borne on the hearts of God's people during the week of prayer or other opportune occasions. Itev's Aull and Hanna were appointed to suggest living mpics for consideration at such special “(w-axioms. For the past week a, good deal of in- terest has been given to the Manitoba elections. which have now almost cer- tainly given a majority to the Conserv- ative party of the province of 5 or 6. Hon. Mr. Greenway was the first Liberal premier of the province and in the 12 years he has been at the head of affairs has shown that he possessed the capabilities of a wise administrator. Pres. of Saugeen met, in Haniston. Tuesday, Rev. D. L. Cmnpbell, Moder- atop. The efforts he has made to secure railway competition to his province in the face of powerful oppositicn was worthy ofa warmer support. as were his efforts to secure a national and nonsectarittn school system. The County Court is in session this week in Owen Sound. The McKenzie -Mortley case comes before it and Messrs Campbell Irwin and Whalen have been summoned as witnesses for the prosecution. He is one of the men, who, if fallen. will rise again. His misfortune was that the Federal opposition were so badly in need of some victory to relieve the long tension of Liberal successes that they made desperate efforts to poison the. electorate against the Reform party, in some cases by bringing in Federal issues, in others by raising sectional cries, and generally by posmg of pretended horror at the work of "the machine", as if that were all on the Reform side. It is the fortune of war, Can't win. every time. Our turn in Ontario next ES PRESBYTERY NOTES. MANITOBA. EMS. iii Light Harness, Collars, Pads, Bits, Blankets Ete. want you to know we handle every- thing in the Harness line. Harness that is durable and fits a horse com- fortably, will bring profit to you in the greater amount ot work he will do. If you are unable to pay 100 cents an the b' he will assist you to arrange with your creditors. Insolvent. Estates sat. isfactovily wound up. JY. Al. Miller HANOVER. Spring Need Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, and other Writings carefully prepared. flick Men, Poor Man, Grits, 'f/ries 11ml Patrons, ALL DEA L WI T11 . . .. H H. MILLER. The Hanover. Conveyancer "Always Prompt. Never Negligent. All business Strictly Private. H. fl. MILLER will haw been :31" A Hundred good Farms for sale-Also a number of fine HanoverPi'upm'livs. Go to him If you want to sell; Go to him if you want, to buy. He collects notes and aecounts, and it, beats evet'Y- thing how he gets money out of old claims that have been thrown aside as worthless. BUSINESS Tangles. Sum-ls and Difficulties straightened out. settled and adjusted without lawsuits or ill feeling, by the useof a little tact and good judgment H. II. MILLER will haw been 11"." ymrs at the busim'xs mart XMAS DA Y. and he KNO ws HO IV fo (10! money at lumps! possible ratm mu! ttuth lest privileges. Tim! itttcht Me whole rmlnh'y guns fo him. HIP is (ending a! J pt’l' (Tilt. and on largo loans m tt ll PHYS, Ilg (ill tt 80 IS RELIABLE HARNESS. We WE SUPPLY IT--- In Re Ch LEA VENS ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO it} - Really and Chemist j . I Two eavloads of Tudhope BI'GHIICS tn BUG“ AND tllNi' select. We have very nice Buggies und V Democrats. Prices at rigs are nu tlo. rise but our stock was bought early, and a good pi'otit saved in frriult alone. Prices from $50.00 upwards. WAGONS! a full earload toseleet 1mm, See our Farm TlllTK. Tin-w __ are the Celebrated Adams' Wagons. A Full Line of the Best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machinee. Turnip Sowers, set1itiers, Ploughs, Barrows, 11:4 al! in stock. Attend to your Fire Insurance the old established London Mutual Insurance ( other good Stock Companies. LOTS OF MONEY to Loan at tt . Issuer o! LOWER TOWN f'2 Implement Warerooms. WM 1 d . C Massey-Harris Binders, 5lowrr.s, As Usual a Full Line disc narrows, Rakes, Etc. Ln know what these Goods are-the best in the market. Buy no other '. A Choice Selection of new Fruits RAISINS t Selected Yaloueias, Lont CURRANTS t Chowe lie-cleaned CANDIED FEELS: Citron. Ora: vvvvn. N"""AHOM" mu chocolate. Chance Confectionery. All Kinds of Family Groceries at Bottom Prices. Xman. Fancy Goods and novelties in Stock tad uriving daily SUGARS: Pink and white Iceing. Paris Le NUTS : Walnuts Grenoble, Almonds, Filbertl CANNED GOODS .' F user River Sllmon Cocoa. Cocoanut and Chocolate. Cham- fu., |856 ji, PARKE?) l899 XMAS GROCERIES THE _ 'iU=,777,"C,",",,X,"P, 'I','-"... BEST TEAS AM) cor J, ILLS IN TOW). W“--__w We have been moving lately and have not had time to tell you about our stock. Listen now! aleneias. London Layers. a 1te-eleaned. t Citron, Orange, Lemon Er'; FOR 'h.Hatrows, Hay Fqtlcs, ete , Filbert: Brazil Ind Pa; nuts. Organs and Sewing Machines. , &c. For the 'Xmas 'll . PARKER. Lumps. Gnuulued & Yellow Issuer of IMRRIAGE Licenses Atv, CALDER aranee." We than. 'ance Company, and ' Tomaboe ' Corn r the 'Xmas Trade. V Blnck Baskets, Sun-ms iCrl " M will cum-n rol on! the name E "The only lh DURHA ll, Furuiiun (Jada-uh in; an " ll Nu l ot, Hm Al tee. "mun bed by " Remembet it NW“ f 'ttt wry (‘l PICTUR Mac SELl CHE! Hi d ll

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