hutles N PRICE. L'P.‘,'~PEMM{ PARKER. TS. CALDER n-IvHurris Binders, Maven, nn'uws, Rakes, Ete. Tag "km. Buv no other! _ and Sewing Machines, mar Goods T-.", MAJ T I899 bl Us €7RIES ID I) I) th gist. Jd out, tle more aches rom f MARRIAGE Licenses 'Ihllmpe BUGGIES to wry nice Buggies and n' mt rigs are on the mam saved in freight mine that nanv :lren. e in Je- we not had time Jail}. mnlated a Yetlores and Pen nuts. W ' Corn, P..- 1' " (THEM. now TR UCK. The†a n 'itet mks, etc. We have 'any, and lidsketa, Sultana- N mas Trade. ity' We must cnngmtulate Mr. J. c, John-'- tou on his recent acquisitions. Two new wiudutills,nearly at one tiny». One lo lighten " work in the barn, the other to bilghten his Lomtr--A mung daughter. Mr. Willie Haas has a contract to out. J. Adams‘ wood. Frank Adams In help- ing him. Mr, Wm, Brown is getting his home more cuwfortama Ha built a new wood- uhed. Rum. Kernplavwrer tind Pollock the humor. We hear there is to be " ounce". In the near future in No, " Eat. Mr. Rum. Henry Sn. acted the stood Samuritau Inst week, and gave his son-in- law T. Keith a gond'lveek's pluwing. Miss Soon. Mitre Argus and Andrew Hunter, oul others to k in Knox Church concert in Normanby. Amon was well represented. and all report I: plenum: and protiusble time. Miss SI-nu singed oqsr the week and will: hieuds. Mr. J. Boukeu hold his annual l Mrs. Jas. Henry's lately, A Fara! present. Some from a dintnnw liquor with them We understand- too common man]; that hm laugunge has and. Mimi». M. Allno.. Bug near Gall dating: lwlne host week. He in tire wrung. Vol. XXI, No. 50. Our you"; emu )lt-Kiunon In dmlm present. by shipping to T, route. Miss Manon Kinuon lamlly Miss , home 0 :‘lJutOI'n este, mo uulm w awn “run *'» ..N"... [In returvi'rv. lupr Sandy llobkhk had a large stumping fl,",!", has tttst week. Sandy is a Immer nines mr . o ' mmtmu on the 12 anneal petne J . . . . Goth ll pm want a hr t clubs butcher (all ator ou M: F Schultz. couh We mulebtaml Sandyr cold is much dose better. :3: Such beautiful full weather hm not well been known for It good number at 38am ith; Messrs A. Geddos and A. Mum-us. and Hunpdm. were in “new parts looking tor , ch Hr. but found none s Mr. T. Duly is preparing to put n. Mon. founduth-u under his ham next summer (llllllM). BANK OF (Ill? a. trrv " NEXT----.-- Manon McLean visted the Mc- lalully last, week. Mmgie McKiunon. M' Toronto. ia on a Visit to her [noun-r of this Henry's Corner. state that Mr surmusly ill me. bat hope Crawford Supplement to Durham Revittr nirrplhlu will» Inâ€. ln-In work. the sttttitttPr unwed . intends going “en tttr,hhip, Maine-m ttt ts' of ics and cattle " annual .lnuce at ', A iargp unmhel’ dut!rtice “0|!ng “(qumuhl with the that ixnthI-porate .A Mekirmou is and under the, to anon hear of cattle In") H DURHAM, Thursday, Dec. 14, 1899. [{c-pnrt of H. ti. No. 12 ngnmnt for. Nm'e-mher. Class G-George Run! Sr. 3rd. A'harlie Raul. 3rd. (Intr' mediate) - Willie MrFuthleu. 1M4" Matthews. Jr. ',trd--IJoward "'ru'y. Hella Patterson. Gladys lunvrv'w' Fir. 2nd -ti,avuh Brow“, Maude ""ttnlto.ty May Fcrguum. Jr. 2nd "tnc"' 1teid, Maury Brawn. Pt. 2nd viieggit' llam- ilton, BIN Lawrence. Victor A""ys. Sr. lst-Fanny Paltr son. Johnny e- gusun. Aggie Ad “.5, Kiltel Mckenzie. Ist. Bull?“ Feuason. Fan-r Lawrence, Charles Nelson ist A--M;trritt Wilson, Reuben “utson. Juhnny Bmwn. .m_,.,_ attendance 37. Margaret Teri" USEDHHUT Guxsr -Fred Krsch's sruttinq match on the 2nd um. M Ben- ciu-k, last Thursday afmrnnnn passed " very succeesfully. Ver‘v little vitle shooting “we indulged in the interest. seemed centred in the shot gun contest, the vnttge being 45 yards. Mr. John Blown. of Bentinck proved himself to tr, "the" shot, of the day. Mes“. Hue- thet. and 1veuitut. of Neustndt, and Messrs. George Scrum. of Otwhardville. and Perry Cornish. of Nm-nmnhy. "is" made " good showing. The farmer gawk-men swuruad 18 birth between them. and the Iattet' 17. About. 175 Inn-keys, geew and ducks Were disposed of during lhe day. -Post. Ist. Ir-Bell Fee'", Ifitl Charles Nelsorr Ist. A-M Reuben “M50". John Avevuge attendance 3 Scott, T atelier. hunk-33mm, Ont,. Nov. 12, 189%. J. M 1tiuul, Golwich, Dear Sir-.7 If anyone can ptofit h'lun this h-tlvr print it. I think my ('21s:- should he nude knuwn. Last full I was' troubled with u weak hack and with my kidneys, ltc. My (“aw took u ser- inns turn at, lait. ll turuml to dtopsy. I had tltcets good doctors attoditsur "te. tilruf ot' them could help nw. l Wm lapped seven times; Mtvr this I was gun-n 24 hours to live. A good heigh- hur "dxiued us' to get spine of Yom' roam-dim“. My hrulher won! at ("we to (huh-rich and got your Syslem Renov- alm' and tivecific Cure. l was slice] cmnldknnw the rhauge after the hrst Jose. I began to improve at once. and was able to Ire in Gndprich tom' WW)“ MIN 1 hegau them. I an: tiuct trrtl.if well. I worked quite a Int. â€â€9 sutmttit't'. l thunk you and wish -yinofFh “WW-‘3" and lung life. v......- Tvtilv; weaveofttetyrttT REVIEW lo Jan wcdc, miekly, um I. 1901 fot $1.00 and would like our Lour/.vuuruutecrl. friends to mulm this offer known. by'rttr druggists. Sold by H. "A Long Letter in a Nutshell F'r'rffli'atcy /,"iirltson, Juhnny Ke attendance 37. T "cher. WEDNESDAY. Nov The Ninth Lnncers. wl --- 0.- --ee-'- m----'- --iqi- ----- 'itr3i, _-....---- 0'0â€â€! - TILL 1901 Yours Truly; J AMES Bram.» Parker, Oruggirt. [NH-ling mt'. m0. 1 Wit" this I was good heigh- mw of your' n at "me to stem Renov- l was sung: I . Furniture of' the Best Hake , ALWAYS 02411.“). a mamas FRAMINGA smum Would intimate that. she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business cumb- liuh-ad by het. father in Durham in 1858 and will endeavor to give all old and new “mom er:, the dame entire satisfaction. Remember the ntand- opposiCL" Market. Durham, " " “he orMy nut-clan “rune " 'u,.,, undertaking and Embalmiug on latest, min oiples at reasonably tatots. For the Week Ending Nor. 25, MS) Tetnperatuve. Max. I" November 19 .... ..., li? . Rainfall during the Film-vie. of snow an the eral direction of tive wh ly and "laden-ate. Ho (lurng the Wed; 4. 2. MISS SHEWELL THE undersigned offers for re'"' m- a term ot years, bis farm oeai' the Rob Roy Hotel, being lots 9 and H) Con. 1, N. I). It Glcnclg. The farm is at present, all seeded down and is in gone heart, for cultivation, convoniens to School and post oftiee. Apply on the premises, or to A. C. Beaton on lot to the east, or to A. S Hunter, Ihwluun HUGH CAMPBELL, WEATHER BULLETN. Nov. IO I'l’ I’\I|II- _ -- _ the chums of mrcestr'P, is the Worst form ot smery. George D. Williams. of Mau- eueHer, Michignl.. tells how ..ueh a slave was made free. He with: My wife ham been an hohn‘mm iot' flye ymma “mt she (mm-l not. turn nvvr in had alone, Alter mung two homes of Electric Bitters she , - . nun te. d, 'eutrter, Muungn... h... was made free. He with: My wife ham been an hohn‘mm in" trye yvuru “mt, she (-n'Hul not. turn uvvr in bed alone, Alter u‘lng two bottles of Electric Bitters she is wumlerln Iv unprmed and able to slo hm mm work " This uupretue. leumly for i‘rmala disuuses qniakly cures nerrott- nos... "leer/et-ttyt"". uneluut-lmly, headache. vat-k nclxe, hunting and dizzy spells. This miracle working nmliciue is n. umheud lo w 'ali, ~ickly, run down punpm. Evrrv haul:- curaruuteed. Only 50 cents. Sold Farm to Rent. 13, I800. -PULL LINE OF- MISS syhi'irEu, Glorious News Whole No. 1135 21 22 the week 0,14 inn I the 25th inst, 'pl tf, wind. north munâ€- Hours " mmshlj... and loot Cr years bv Pro prieu .r ot' real" for n near the , 9 and H) The farm n and is in convonienc 47 ll) 4l brief address in opening the session. The minutes were then [and hy the clerk. Mr. John Rutherford. Memor- ials were read from the Dundas and (ilengaly county council to petition the Ontario legislature to renmve excessive fees which are preventing many reach- ing for the higher education. A communication was read from John Kerr appealing against the inaction of the Counoil with lespect, to appointing arbitrators for a new school section in Normanhy and Egremont. This Wttt, referred to the education committee. A letter from Magistrate Spencer was read re a child sent. to Mimico. and ask- ing the Council to assume expense till the child was sixteen years of age. Re- fei red to finance couunittee. A memmial trout the cunnty of Vic- Ioria, cuncel ding a petition to the Dominion Governnwut Mking that the parliament establish a permanent hound " arbitrators to settle all disputes and differenres between corporations. prints ipally mllroadc. and the private indiv- iduals concerned. Vol. XXI, No. 49. T An account, of $11.75 Arthur J. Ross. Refer omnuittee. War McCormack sent. in an appeal asking that he be given a free license to peddle small wares. lie is an old man 75 yams of age.. '" .Vlvql u. v. .-“V V. A memorial from the Primners' Aid Association asked for the cooperation of the Council ta assist contivtued ineli- viates. The idea was indnrsed by all the important medical natrociatioutc -- ' . . M a! BNBW, ....,,.. E, An account. trout THE Sm: for 8375 for advertising was referved to the Fin- ance committee. as was alum an amount of $13.10 from the town clerk of Thom- Imrv. Armstrong & Telford sent in an ap- peal on behalf of the secuon of the vit-. llge of Hepworth lying within the limits of Grey asking to have it made " police village. .. A Be “anâ€; an In The presentation of a huge number of No. 891 be now read a mm was. nuns... "a..." T"...... - _". ___ V _- 7 . amounts and some other minor lmsineu Bealed and my“ oo 3343' bout. home Thursdnv and ha ve taken up constituted the remunder of the "low. Curried. their aUode here and ha Ye been Wttrttt- ing session, and adjournment was made Lamb-- MeMilian--Tuat Joll- lobed ly welcomed and wished prosperity until , in the evening. being an denim“ circummw mud with. thruugh their ma rriod life. r"-->‘ - -e-' .. The council then adjourned till 10 o'ciock Tuesday morning. The report was adopted after u laug- thy discussion as to whether or not the appointment of arbitrators was legal without a hy-lnw. supplement to Durham Review. It“; mu read from vred to Finance TORONTO of VIC- DURHAM, Thursday, Dec. 7, 1399. number of accounts, wiuch were Inc-u" ed to cotumittet"i, after xshich Mr. Richardsnu, seconded by Mr. Allen, moved that the Council depart from the usual order of business in order In hear Mr. A w Campbell‘s address on the sawed of rowdumkiug. - . . ,r ac.. â€â€œ"J“'“" _-ei-e'-" _ u Mr. Richardson is chairman of the special committee which was appointed at the June session to consider and re- commend the adoption of some scheme for theintprovement of the roads. and he stated that he lwlieu-d one of the best. ways to attain that end wns to hear Mr. Campbell, the Govern- ment's appointed Instructor in the art of road-nunking. He had thetefm-e invited him to he present and eddies- the Council. That Mr. Richardson wan correct in his surmise was evidenced by the attention with which the entire memtremrhitrof the Council listened to Mr. Cumphell for more. than an hour ands half. and by the hearty vote of thanks and utterances in connection then-with at the close of his address. Mayor MiddleLro', Aid. Read, Chair- man of the Owen Bound Board of Works. Ald. Merrill and others were also present. and it is quite probable that, the. number present would have been greatly augmented and it, been generally known that the evening was to be occupied in this way.A0. S. Adh. Intended for but week. The Council met Nor. on. pmsuaut to m1jdurumeut. All We members preuert. The Beeveiu the chair. Number uf Int medium real and eoutittued. 'iiiauaei--Wtiluuutt-Tut the tran- urer is hereby milructed to prv are 6mm. .:.1 autumn; of receipts nur‘ oxpomli. 'iieEinner--Nulituue-'N" the urer is betel-y Instructed to pre rare oinl statement of receipts nu" o: turns und present. tho same at nen in: 9(_Couucil. orried - - I an. _. u... -1. In; Us _.r_-P'9-e"-" - Wiiamss--Lunb- Thut the _ be interacted to notify each of the oolleestora, that they pey in, all money received up to December 14th. into (Le land: of the treewrer. new] moneys will not be we- ceived on the " Dee. Carried By-lew No 891. Culling Illumination meeting and eppointiug polling planet: and deputy returning “them We: futeorluoed and rem! a tir t and Sean ul t n a. MoCInnel - William: - Tue. Bylaw No. 891 be now reed . third time. aimed. Sealed and â€atone-l on By-luv bout. Céutinued on page J. GLENELG COUNCIL. hand it was a qnnr- i,iino the Council -i..., .,.,pasettttu1 a . G. LEFROY McCAUL. trifle meet- M'r out: home, be furnished by this Coauctl with swung ticket from Durham to Point WWW to maids with him daughter who W a dame to care Charles won i-tted as follow, Road: /t Bridge Clarity ". sum“ and Commons Bauoting J uron Committee work [all union hrhcr father in his “dining years and that the lien" In [amend to pm cure the above meow ticket. Carried. Tom . $250.60 The Council “journal to Doe. 15th It 10 a. II. - - - " Several turkey and geese rntnett are the unlu- ut the day here now or rather the order of the night. 7 Mr. Andrew Dunn tram near Owen Sound mud an early settler in Proton. lt visiting around his numerous friend: ere. Thom J. Hall. who has been work. ing this summer with CouncilL r Inna. of 1Utt'etuott tinished his time an! was hum. Int, started tor the lumber camps in North Michigan. The Esplin Presbyteriun chunclu people. had tk Bee putting up and than chumh sheds. Hugh ticDottnld, son of the late “will MeD vnnld came here from North 11iehigo to visit his mother and brother. an when he found they had moved “I“ to Conn. he left. torthere. Mr. li. Allen has been sick but is now better. Albert Riddel, who was zoning better of his sickness Inn Cot a rel-cw Ind is mm Worse, he went to work an S00tt. Miss EMe McAglley, who was living at Mr. Nelsons. Is sick with a fen-r and left tor Ivar home in Melancthon. Werlnesdnv mommg the 22nd. inst, very early Mr. Peter McArtllur and Miss Mary "null left for Dundalk to catch the Toronto train, it being then wedding manning. It mus expected the. marriage would take place ttere, bat it lplI'NI‘S none of the. local elders - untlurlzvd. and there was num- nenler thnn Tumntu. TLey arrived have 'l‘hnrsdav and have taken up their abode here gnd hug been wann- Intended tor tut Hopevllle. Whole No. I I a mended to known: at that“ fan-Ml A u tq-ed t of war Indian-hip . Ounce and \il'umou TSON. tot. m. Private . 1.0... t Ba nk Gon- . B. BLACK. Clark. 0158.85 053.00 mm 09.00 cam 61.“)