Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 May 1899, p. 8

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t; (e ' Min Ruth Job-lion Visited friends in iiifiirii on bum last not. Iguana i: Ole-nod“ has this spring been honor- , it often Mr. Truax started his "oek of Gun, xoaden and Rocky Stimson boys for \ankorton [at week, Wonder how Jim liked his in. boat ride. A huge stock at logs have found their way to the mill yard last winter, nod noon the busy hum of the mill will be heard. Mr. Wm. Johnston and "IE in making wonderful "rides in Agriculture on the MchUehnie farm. Industrionn And laborious u ninth Hugh Vaughn bu, Iluy Ist,, got 40, acre. of crop mud. ' " in: now some time since our town bu been "mounted in your worthy columns. we thought it might in quite benefieitU to the country at large to know what we are doing, Mrs, C. McLean who has " the 31qu few months is around attain in our number. Misc May Den“ of Hopevillo pasted through onrlmle village thm nook and ”we as I all. The lumen uound hero no " busy " nhoir needing. That Throbbing Heedeehe Would quickly lave you, it you used Dr. King's New Lite Pills. Thousands ot micron have proved their Knuckle" merit for eick and nervous heedochoe. They make pure blood end "rong nerve: and build up you: health. Easy to take. Try them. Only Me. Money but if not outed. Bold by our Dmggiete. l We no uonyto uy am Mr. George \Vooluely who has been sick for tom. time is wanting very slowly. but hope he will noon be nblo to be in our midst Mrs, Wolf of Hummer: is at present viniun. st her that“. Mrs. M. Egan. Mrs. John Bateholor was the an“. of her mm Mrs. McMurdo of Vontry hut Mr. Editor,-ws thought perhaps you would be thinning our little villn had been flooded may. but although it hp. as found in for "rile, than in still life left yet, and will oudcnvor to loud in our little budget. Cash for Producam Mr. Willie Ellioil aligned with Mr. . Kym for tho summer months, Big Depattmental Store. Proton Centre. Glenmaden. '. A HUNTER been ailing able to be I As we were taking a view through ‘nur cemetery here the other day our attention was drawn to the delapidnted state of some of the graves that were made duringthe winter. In some in. stances they are sunk half wuy down. The cause cf so many graves being so sunken is that It the time 'tt burial, u John McArthur, Reeve of Artemesin is busy at present putting a wire fence around his farm on the north line. _ The weather has been exceedingly fine all along since seeding commenced. 'The most of those engaged in farming are getting pretty well through with their seeding and are now preparing 'for the root crops. Fall wheat in gen- eral looks well after the severity of the winter in some instances there are patches killed out where it was exposed to the Frost all winter. Mrs, McIntyre and het son Norman was in Toronto for a. couple of days lat week. We are pleased to hear that the daughter and sister are getting better and will be able to come home in a few days. A Frightful Blunder Will often "ttoe I horrible Burn, Scsld, Cut or Bruin. Bucklon'u Arnie. Sslve. the best In the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cum Old Soul. Fever Sores, Ulcers. Bails. Felons. Corns. nllSlnn Eruptions. Beat Pile our. cl earth. Only 25 can box. Caro gumbo coed. Sold by our Drunists. l M r, Ala. McDonald bu bun eonhned to In- bed ull winter, and we no new to lulu that recovery is doubtful. You yot any any the lawn at play, The bus upon the anon ', But the "not mousacho of Crutchley J tck Will never more be "en. an, wand. good looking and lots money. Again McKochuie has done comriderabhs iruttring around here lately, Among his victim: was one of the fairest of the hi! ed wick a blacksmith shop. Mr. Wen. Johnstouii not only no "ptrt uwyer but “so a "riots- blwhmitlal ' Mr. Arch McKnhnie and his sister Mrs. Brown of London in It present visu- ing friends in the vicinity. Mr. Allan Bell visited the parent“ home " Saturn!” and Snudly last. Mr.1hmtor Ind Misc May McKecbnio mud though here on Sunday last re- turniug next day. happened dun-in} if; Prieeville. DURHAM, Wk") 9‘-.. The Municipality of the Town of Dur. ham will hold its Court of Revision on its Assessment on Monday, May mm at 7.SO p. m. in the Town Hall. All parties interested must govern them. selves accordingly. The Municipality of Egremont will hold its Court of Revision on Its Assess- ment on Monday, May 29th, at 10 a. m. in the Village of Holstein. All parties interested must govern themselves ac- cotxiingly. M UNIFIPALITY OF EGRENONT, be received up map. m. May 29th. Carried. Sharp-Haste-That Mr. McQueen be instructed to gather the salvage of the bridge at lot 18, can 5-6 into safe keeping. Carned. Me2teen--sharp-- Phat this meer ing do now adjourn. --Carried. DAVID ALLAN, Clerk. bed of' river to bottom of bridge. Fumes tendering to supply their own plans and 'speeitieatioms. Tenders to Council then went and examined the site and remains of the McQueen bridge which was swept away, after which on motion of Hastie and Mc- Queen-That we advertise for tenders fora bridge at lots 18, con 5-6. Bald bridge to have a span of 70ftlong, l4hwide and 13ft high, clear from Members all present. On motion of McQueen and Sharp, C. Mclnnis was appointed b'ee'y in absence of the clerk. On examination it was found that the bridge at lots 25-26 con 8, was a. little bent towards the west, but was considered quite sale. The approaches tothe same were let to John Arthur Jr. for $17.50. Court of Revision. A special meeting of Council was held on May 4th at the call ot the Reeve at Lot 25, con 8 to examine the damages doneto the bridges by the spring ireshet. and to take steps to have said damages repaired. MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM. Mr. C. D. McMillan is confined to his house for the last couple of weeks from sickness hut will probably be able to be around attain in a. few days. Thou. Patton moved from Mr. Simp- son's place to the house lately occupied by Mr. Wm. Donkey. while Cunning. ham Moore vacated the late Jae. Cameron's house and moved to his old place again on the South Line, Glenelg. Court of Revision. Arch McLean (squealing Archie) has vented John Mckinnon's house and lot in this village for a year. Mr. Ginn is able to he around again after an attack of Grippe. Mr. Drmald Mckechnie of Georgetown is again hack to his hruthm’s Mr. Angus Mckechnie's D, H. Glenelg, A special meeting of tlus Glenelg Council held one afternoon last week foe the purposv of "making provision for the repairing of all the damaged bridges on the Sauweett Itiyev. winter, the earth got so mixed up with snow and frost and in the tilling in a large quantity of snow got mixed with the earth which account; for so many sunken graves. About twenty new graves were made drying winter. The yard is getting full and in a few years at tttost there will not be menu for any more interments, if all protestant denominations would unite in buying the old Currie Farm half a mile west of this village, it would make one of the tittest places for a cemetery lit the emin‘ry. We hope to see the cetm-tely here taken better care or. Rev. Mr. Matheson preached for the children on Sunday evening last. Me. Hilkuw of London was unmnd painting Llackboards in our Schools. He painted the "Top Clin"' sthool board and warranted it toy ten yt'at's. His charge of cum-so is high, Inspc-c'tm- (‘umplwll paid his official visits to unr schools I'm-out” aud found them in a fhrmGhirtg condition, Miss Maggie McMillan. daughter of Mr. Alex. McMillan of the south line Arlemesm was operated on last Wed- nesday for, it is supposed, cancer in the tongue, we are pleased to hear that the Dr's are doubtful of it being cancer, but Will know more definitely in a few days. We sincerely hope that. it is not cancer for it may prme to be a sc-I-ious came. The many friends of Duncan McDon- ald who “as hud up after the operation for appendicitis for the last sewn weeks will be pleased to heat. that he has so for recovered as to be able to d: lye into our village on Saturday last. Mr. Hector McKinnon has been rather ill for the last few days but Is getting better again. EGREIONT COUNCIL. GEO. RUSSELL. Clerk. .0-.- D. ALLAN ' Clerk. imf on moms to suit biiiFo%F.' 0FFrCE--Meltxt,pe Biggie. - Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgage: " lowest tubes of interest. Valuations made by acompetenc And careful Valuuor. Coilectionl and Agency promptly attended to. Pills, Deeds, Memes. Leanna, Agreements, dc. correctly “prop . Estates ot deceased persons look "tor, and Executors' and Ad- utituUtmtortp Accounts prepared and patted. Surrogate Court Buiness. Probate of Wills, Letters of Administration' and Guardianship ',',..itt,tlyt1. Search" made in Registry ounce and ill..- _....-.‘A_4 A» TititliLriioruaTG." BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, noun" Dunne. convunucrn. ac. emce~~LOWER TOWN, DURHAI. OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST CF the Durham Pharmacy Caldor's Block. Resudence first door west of the Post Ofrice, Durham. Durham, May l, 18!). CLERK. arristar, otar , Gan- voyancor, can 'di,.'.'.".". arty,ytt_oAayyloyt res-gamble rates The Assessment Roll is now in the hands of the Clerk, and according to statute all complaints against the As- sessment must he in the hands of the undersigned before May 14. All parties will govern themselves accordingly. Town of Durham S. ti, No. 9, G1euelg. 5th oum---Lizaie Scott. Jr. tth-uint/te MrGirr,. Albert McFadden. Sterling Matthews'. "3r. 3M! --Wesley McNMIy. Jr. 3txi--Kue Mc- Nally, Edith Wllliams, Wilhe Willaug- han, Bessie Atkinson, May Aljoe. Br. 2nd--James, Ector, Maggie McGirr. Dun McFadden, Murray Ritchie, Jr. 2nd-ArthurWeir. Ida Wilson, Ethel Weir, Fred Ritchie, Martha Lawrence. Pt. 2nd --h'trtnley McNally, Annie McGirr, Ellie Rotor. May Hopkins, Emma Aljoe. Sr. llt~Aggie McGitw, Alec. Aljoe, Henry \Villnuglmn. Bella Ector. Jr. B-Florence McGitt, James Crutchley. Willie Atkinson, John Matthews. Jr. A.- -\Villir Staples. Nassau Whitmose, Maggie Weir. M. LA aux-2, teacher. T Class-Annie Black. 1070; Bella Allan, 910. l\' 1'lass Ethel Eden. 1436; Hella Mrlmughlun, 1412: Bella Grier- sun, 1352. III C,lnss--Nathatt Grievsou, 1299: Tillie Pollock, 1145: Edith Allan, 1008; Myrtle Orchard. 1018.. Minnie Johnson. NIB: Wm. J Allan. m2; Klda McLuughluu. 740: Wtu. Orchard. Par, Katie Allan. (til l John Queen. 573. Sr. ll C',latm---wm. Patterson. 756; Thus. Allan, 751; Stu-ah Tucker, 57-3; Lizzie Griersou. 539; James Brown. 220. Jr. ll IGtm--Tacy Gordon, 515; Vinnie Black, 496; Lottie Eden. 385; Jun. Barbour. 276: Lizzie Brushy, 250. Part II CVots--Nellie Allan. 325: Tillie Btown, 289; Annie CHt,tenden. I'll: Arthur Black. 100; Lizzie Nelson, 100. Part I L'huss--Anttie Brown, Ei. Honor. Hull of S. ti, No. for the mouth of April. as part of the (hock. Ile ihtwei1,ce, ',ravejudgement for l.lw dcfcmlnnt. It, appears- from this decision that words written upon the face of a check become part of its conditions of payment. Worn" Itrormrrumrsu.-Here is a nice law point for business men to re- member, A wit was brought by a creditoe against at debtor, in the Ist, Division Court, Toronto, tr "cover " The defendant sent a check for this amount, nnuked “In full of account." Plaintiff eluunedthis did not settle all that was due and he crossed out the words "in full of int-count." and had the check cashed. Judge Morgan found that the plaintiff had not, "otitied de. fendant of the change made in the check, neither had hennthority lo make surltachato,re.osthr, Worth really stood qRy -ARer4 TORONTO DENTISTRY. Dr. T. G. iiiiih, L. D. s. The entertainment by the Lime Juice Stock Co. was intended to help in the formation of a lacrosse club in town. This makes a good heginning, and as our town is included in a league com- prised of several places to the west and north of us as far as Wiarton, we hope that all 1'uvotieitgirmenf will he given our boys to make a good showing in the contests outlined below. At the Ino9timrheld at Hanover last Friday "u'?iitWmela at Hanover last Friday a referee was chosen from each club represented, Arthur Laidluw for Dur- ham, and the schedule of games for the season is as follows .. Wiarton at Durham . . ' .. . .June 2 l'hesley at Hanover. ..... . June 4 Durham at Che-slay. . . . . . . . .June H Hanover at Wiaetirtr.......Juuem lyiaeton at Hanover... . . . _ June 23 G. LEFROY McCAUL. E S. DAVIDSON. [ACROSSE MR DURHAM. Hanover nt Durham (‘hcsley at Win, ton. Hanover at lihesley. Durham at Witutim (‘hesley at Dm-ham.. Durham at Hanover Wiavton at Chesley. NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS. Charges Moderate. GEORGE RUSSELL w. L. mxos. teacl _ ',8?'iF'rF',9lF5,iiis'it'r',tt '(1'i'ii" $11.55: M112“ vs-f,",: on-.. (our the Bunk. Flgtmnmit, June 2 June 7 June H June. 16 June z, June 2R July 5 July 11 July 12 July 21 July 28 Aug. 4 her, Garden Seen: t th and Pallets. (lhtttt ti 80mm Pumas. CLOVER, TIMOTHY, MILLET, HUNGARIAN. LAWN GRASS, BUCKWHEAT, TARM, BEANS, LINSEED, Em. SEED POThT0ES--F.uH London. Early Vaughan. Rose. of the North. Valium No. 2. 'ah"s'I"lkdt Sets, English Potato Oniomi, Etc. PLAttTS--romrto, Cubbm. "ttttttttwer nnd Celery. ('urler‘s Elephant, a huge swede and of good quality. Catter's lmpel ial Hardy. an average size turnip. solid and null-ii ious. Sutton's (Hmmpion. an excellent, Hump. King of the Swedes. one of the heat. BANGHOL'. a favorite. Hattley's Bronze Top, rich in quality and a good keeper. London Purple Top. " handsome turnip. large and " heavy eropper. Yellow and 1Vhite Fleshed Tytytilis, Purple Top Yellow Aberdeen. Im- pfoved Urey Stone and Lincoln Red Globe. Carter‘s Dwarf Essex Hmml Leaved Sowing Rape. the only Rape suited for feeding purpom. AMERICAN AND CANADIAN SEEDS n.1,.I n -A--. - . A - - _ l HELD 110tW--retuttinsr's 1miLVGiiGi'iEiiu7i/, Angel of Midnight. Giant Otthan, Mammoth Snuthvrn Swan. .. GARDEN CORN." -tirtst of all. Sugar Ibret, White Top Silt-shun. grows to " gum] size. Danish Hed Top, the largest Sugar Beet grown, MANGEL WURTZEL: 1'ayley's Mammoth Lung Red. the hosl FIELD CARROTS -.Muumioth Inna-{Min Large White Vnsgw. a titst class crapper and good hauling 1iualities White and Yellow Belgian, well known vatOrhs. Long Orange and Iled Alteitts,rhaur, good for gentwal t'l'up. FIELD SEEDS SEEDS , IF roo ARE op COME IN AND SEE OUR {miled . .argc White Vnsg If You See The Ladies Smiling I We have 'l, WURTZEL- l‘urter’s Mammoth Lung Red. the lwsl ofall. (Eu-lurks Norfolk Yellow (Hobo. adapted fut Iighl soil. mun“ and a good keeper. ____ -, A__ -- - Thirty-eigtli annual import of Staple Field and Garden Seeds from one of the largest Growers of seeds in Britain per S. S. St. John City. Bold by WARLANE & Gl made a series of Quick Sale Prices like this '. ' MRS. A. BURNET ii) ttttttttttttttttttttaf H. PARKER Dinner so", rt-gnlur $7.50. nt Toilet Sett. regular $3.00, at _ Teal Sell. regular $2.50, at . . . ......Going home, you may be sure that ghey have been here making a purchase of Chinaware. To clear out our stock of THE GATE POST ,_\ Vt'f'V Irvoh'lle yaviety. .tttediatas Whiw, a gun“ yeilder and visily TOILET, TEA AND DINNERWARE ck' I899 SWEDE TURN/P L ' mm m, [III] " good size t Hutu-I _ I'd-s'glm Hun IMIIII rullgl‘q 'o-xprm-inu lint-u- 'he faithful so” it! I lwl‘iml of HRH-n .lw "efePattc" of t ole.votiott of Me. ' Japan-(menu of ct :u-knoulrdgwl." , "otrt" expr-ions I 'mzio-r "mm-d hi mba& Accepted by mke dad on the the complaint: ot um." Kr, Cu tiirod. ie, ”(not he did pioneer m momma: M t', Geo [arm To (in-urn A magnum"- Inu- mcmutrr Plt'lll'li Model Farm nu I'm-hum. Van-m- tadt " 951-. {n Ayrton and AI: tll pain". ilk. 1n Stnd. Lu" mind. It hiahty than me." May "Marin. Moon's PM.” may to take, mu ttev. Mt, ('mziq Lou": Luther I ttelv. but “will FRANK“ " week'u PM'"ts t in queher 'ic; pullou- pm! A ', mm and [50 M lhnmgil the m1 fur drum-rand (M prayed an: " been at lim- can: and Wumldu't N "ttua".,. of the i Hurrln‘mn tam. "ul cover bulkhead: whe Wml‘illu, .ml modu'ilw n plum Inc-y will IT Tartan-(‘1 of thi. Peet I" 91-M- again. an remedy our" Baku-m. Brut “was he 'Wra 31 ulnuwt from fr .-lu.uld tre em it exteethivelv. tum-Ira y. o, 7ttth ye"'" at Hula-hm- at " the 2nd I ‘um “in aged Wile “up: Cgtat. Fiew “ridmlr there was“. hum.- ul' Hu- auanter " gun 'lhief expat hack him up . he hays u, or for thin fun if Wat. on the an“ an for [we the fest. will I we do not km the fruit rm [mint shank! the phat by as“ 1tt Me. James t "((ilmn-I“ d) Wat. Inu ied 01 Venn-“1y. UN mm Us” In tl way? Get at Fitaietat and I rill-:vu-zw om Ho-d, and I Ttti. mun _ "flu" Nut , Hie-lay hem. "ttserved it, By MIN-n. Durham: Fun be M". vailr, clay awning 1 atte"datttw. Athor "I" “no hum M Fun" I'm wraith-nor of I Gunman-(l I 'vfritterator. it! t'etttts wi akin-n nu tl mun. Saudi Division M day 2Sth um hum oftic, The owepted Lucas. W itave the ill Iunkv I awful and 'since it l May its" "with. V0 "innit! ‘(WH'N CM mm ki

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