Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 May 1899, p. 1

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3333-3945 Irili lTOR lirowcrs hn C itv. 10:0.- f Midmgln. him m." tirst "f all. '"pper w Sun h 'ions. h'tr and Celery .. "gtlt ield and 'r and IRNET il i‘ iEEE‘i , trrartiti 314M" of Ml (row s.ati ll LAWN " RAr"or , ET! '. ‘EEDS TURN/P 'etie "" Ber, hga. \ho trio-t y, e wily cintr. great varitety.and "chipped itt" at GG .mpmprinte tityesv.ttth.just enough of “Habits to give it spice. Tho Coon Town Band under Dan Gydhey must be seen to he appreeiated. while the learned monologue of Prof. Salli Af, rialhi beats anything we ever heard. The Skidnmre Guard and their per- formance bespoke the possessmn of the military instinct in a high degree in our opinion not being Inferior to the minute Walk" which Was certainly fine. .tt was impossible to take notes "Kin. wqunntly" we cannot go into detail, The draiuatic talent displayed shows that Durham can do it, and while all took their pant well we cannot help mentioning the versatility of Tamho. the unile ind leadership of “anus, the insistence with which Samba answered a. riddle! witt.t..."BoraT and Castor 0m OWN Lune Juno: Cu.~l.m-t Fri- day evening thin talented company 'stt*h'e their thst .per.formanees in the, -Toren Hull tongood audience. A street parade wlth the nearly20 performers headed by the bound. in the afternoon we; is dmwingcnnl. especially Captain Melbmith in regimentals never nu- ,thorized by the department, nor likely '" be. When the curtain rose, the mpecttstort' were confronted with n sable scene. Nome 17 or 18 "colored gen’men" with Mr. R.J, 8. Dewar in the midst and directing their move- megut. Whey were an able and exceed. ond well-behaved lot, with the ex- ception of one. Bones, and per-ha "funbo and Sambo who Jl'eal'i'i'2'll'; hula remark to make or n query to “k, which "Mr. J/PRE,' (Dewar) (tgg1tu"/o'itd,eJ, to. I e Minstrel Show t t followed_ was unique in many ,r to. The mumc both In selection an: perfornmnce was of a high diameter. and the excellent blending and harmony of the voices haywire .nsuett careful practice. Toe humor of t the evening was. tretytryllr titer-class, of i Oil." and the brilliancy of Bones. Mr. Norman McIntyre’s accompaniments were excellent and 1ertt.itditt in no small degree to the success of the .eqen- NAI'IHYIlJJ-I S'nrm-rs'rs. -This com- "utyof8oroperformers nearly all of negro blood held forth in the Town Hall on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Their etstertttintuent is of the light, vaudeville character. with one of their number. McKanluss. a viuhnist, of ex- .-eptmnul ability. indeed his perfect. mastery of the instrument, to produce tunes of birds, human passions, etc., are phenomenal. Home of their other per- ("nuance was good, but under the shadow of the superior acting of our .nvn Lune Juice .(Llulu, it seemed 0|in second rule. " recent chug had a notice of an oratory content at the Ontario Normal d‘olloge. Hamilton. in which the name of R. M. Watt. 5 Doruoch boy. thrurets very creditahly. There Were eighteen routesmntu. ten of them young men, and of 'tve prizes given Mr. Watt so cured the thitd. We congratulate our young friend, who as a Iuodellite we wmemher gave promise of a bright future. and hope some day to have the pleasure of listening to him. FINE ATI.A.s'. IV" have received " .-npy of " new "lh'scriptive Atlas" of Western (Hun-Ida" issued by the author. "rof the Minister-of the Interior, and .untaining maps of Manitoba. British 1 olumbiu. the districts of Assinittoia. Ilherta, and Saskatchewan. and the sanitary of Yukon, as we" as amps of the World and the Dom. of Cam-tin. It in eminently titted for nn emigration pamphlet. in English speaking countries as it contains a large amount of dew dn-riplive matter. 1 As Onn'mn' (‘os'rm1'.~The Globe All forms of sernfulau, sores. hails, pimples and eruptions are quickly and permanently cured by Hood's Sar- saparilla. ('nl'lt‘l‘ 0F REVISION. Take notice all vaneerned. The, (‘lerks of Egrenmm "rd Durlmm both annuum-e the first meeting fur the 29th inst. In the town- ship 10.1. in. In the town 7.30m. in. 'l’rnme Lnnuuv. ~’l‘ho- Annual Meet- Ingufthis lmdy called for last Friday evening was postponed totTiuu'sday, May Nth, when the reports will he presented. A full attendance is re- quested. ; San-2m: Trumps, Have more than I want, anyone can have them. and re {urn sauna quantity next fall. H, Parker. Durham. I Evan's new Ontario Swede is without doubt the best now grown. Try it this year. at MacrrruGne's. l. Don TAus.--Cierk Russel has out the usual notices for dog tags which should he attended to at "tWe. ."r don't loos at all well," says the "ettlettrd dooryar0, "hut I'm able to be around the house." J Local and District News. ' ----d Lucas, Wright and Batson. Ai, Dur- )mm oftire Mondays and Court Days. M. Parker oifets Hwede turnips this week nu a ttovel plan. The Review .___ YOU-il, N0. 19 . _ "F Review "9rfc Is the place to get all kinds of Printing. On Saturday may the 6th in the vicinity of Abedeen or on the way to Crawford and Lamlaah a purse com taiuingyiunal1 sum of money and a taiuingaistnall sum of money and a. note. Any one finding this purse will oonfera favor b leaving it " the REVIEW otties. Td purse been the name of Hugh Firth on it, How n HURTS I--mheumntitrm, with its sharp twinges, aches and pains. Do you know the cause? Acid in the blood has accumulated in your joints, The cure is found in Hood's Samparilla which neutralizes this acid. Thousands write that. they have been completely cured of rheumatism by Hood's Bar. sapurilla. HoorN PILLS cure nausea, sick head- ache, billionsness, indigestion. Price 25 cents. G. w. Ross. It is Intended to foster a spirit of pride in the Empire, and has been selected alongside of the Queen's Birthday with the purpose no doubt of shunting it on to the. 24 of May when the Queen dies, and thus make perpetu- al a day which shall commemorate a Queen who reigned the longest of any British monarch. who was the most beloved. and under whom the Empire of Greater Britain became more strong and stable than ever before. The season of the year, at leastiu the North. ern hemisphere, lends itself admirably for a holiday, and we think the origin- ators of Empire Day have acted wisely. The forenoon of the day is to he spent by teacher and pupils in patriotic exercises, with special references to the Empire, the " etc.. while. in the after. noon addresses by prominent citizens or ratelmyers are to be given, on topics calculated to stimulate pride in the Empire in the breasts of the pupils. FIMT BLOOD Port Tme BY-LAW.-- Mr. R. Torry has often thought of con- verting his gallery into a residence, hut the condition of the town till Monday night last gave him no encouragement. What was our surprise on looking out Tuesday morning to find our neighbor preparing to build an addition to hits' property which will give him a nice, residence. and leave room for the old, established gallery too, which he ind tends to overhaul as well. Mr. B. ( Sharp has the framing in hand. Was) have reason to believe the same epirit‘ of hope animates not a few of our townsmen, and we hope that spiriti may be encouraged to expand till our} town will take on a. new lease of life. I EMPIRE Dit-Tha latest patriotic day is to heohserved in ill the schools of Ontario on Tuesday May 28. The idea of this day originated we believe with our able Minister of Education FROM BRANDos.--We were pleased to receive last week a pleasant breezy letter from Mr. Jas. (Justell. formerly with Ramsay & Morlock of this town. He has now soon Manitoba through a year's changes, and dares to any that he likes it "very much better than iOntnrio. though it has its drawbacks," Seeding was in full progress, Mar 2, while the city had hardly got. their water. pipes thawed out. and no wonder I With frost that penetrates the ground over toft. While writing he was‘ waiting up to catch a word with Mice Meredith " he passed through. We] beg to acknowledm his kind words tor the Review with remittance. i Ner, MARKET EHA.~Lait Sunday the pulpit was nipplied by Rev. A. G. Jan. son of Durham, and the congregations were m well pleased with the sermons that the Rev. gentleman was requested to tell something mare about hin native country- Holland. Accordingly Mr. Junm-n has consented togive his lecture on "Holland and the llollnnders." in the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening May 5th in aid of Foreign Missionl. The Tara Leader has changed hands. The new proprietor is H. A. Vnndusen, anative of the place. who makes his "salutatory" last week. We trust. Mr. Vunduson. who "has had a desire to elm-r the "ewspaper field since boyhood” "my be tt,rvarifleti, as we hope he will he sucuwst’nl in the change frnnt the dry Goods ctyutttet' to the editorial chair. APvExIncrTis.-Drs. J. L. Smith and T, McCullough of Burundi and Chats- worth respectively, operated very successfully on Mr. Lueck of Sullivan recently. Thursday, llth inst. being Ascension Day, Divine service will he held in Trinity church at 8 o'clock in the eve- ning. All are cordially invited. NEW BooK8.--Alrout 870 worth of new books has just lately been received at the PUNK: Library, and will be catalogued in a short time. DEATH HY Drtowsuscr.---F'ergus papers relate a sad tale of the death of Geo. Bresmahan, age 13, by drowning in the Grand River. The population of Orangeville is, 4025. PURSE LOST Ry Mr. E. w. Geddes, an old Hampden boy, has been given the position of Manager of the new Furniture Factory in Hepworth. His brother-in-law Mr. Arch, Cunningham, 41 years in Chuley has moved to Bepworth to take charge of E, W's large store there, The En- terprise regrets Mr. Cunningham’s renown! and describes him " I. very estimable citizen. Every loyal citizen will wish success to this scheme, though it is regrettable that some on whose property deposits occur. will not treat the matter in a public spirited manna-l. Just what kind of a company may be formed we do not know, but already stock has been subscribed several thousands in advance of the. Furniture Co., the McKechnie firm with commend- able enterprise and public spirit offering a. sum nearly equal to the whole amount subscribed to the Furniture Co. Locally the discovery of this material with such latent possibilities affecting the interest of this neighborhood as well as the interest now being taken in it, belongs to one men. and that man is Neil Mekechnie, the senior brother in the well-known firm here, who has at no small effort brought the attention of outsiders to the splendid opportunitis awaiting enterprise. G00btu'relsaday, or he." of it, would forman enterprise to be proud of and we heartily wish Mr. Read and his capitalists may find it as be believe it will he, to their interest to proceed forthwith, He thinks there is tsutr1cienr material here to warrant the establishment of a. mill with a. all-barrel inlay capacity, while Shallow Lake at present, with a capacity of 300 barrels had until last year only 150 barrels capacity. Mr, S. G. Read, a business man of Brantford for many years. and at present acting Mayor. value up last Friday and left Tuesday morning. In company with Mr. Neil Mekechnie he visited the numerous places in this locality where marl beds are found, not only adjoining Durham, but. into Glen- elg and Eglemont as far MS Wilder's Lake where. " very huge extent of the stutf is found. Mr. Read says this locality iu the) best district he has yet seen as regards 3 both quantity and quality of this val-': uable natural resource, and he will have i no hesitation in speaking favorably of} it ton Bmntford syndicate of capital-i ists who have for many years placedl eonfldenee in Mr. Head's judgement of 1 likely enterprises. I Last week and this has new steps tuba which may lead in the near future to the establishment of Cement works here. Giving a majority of 20t for the Loan atid [m for Exemption. There were 10 spoiled ballots. N. Wtttxl E. Ward W. Ward To this end we hope the best business men of the town will lend their advice and their energies to start wisely and maintain prosperously, the institution of a furniture factory in this place. The following is the vote: LOAN. EXEMP. For Ag. For Ag. Now, that the test of public feeling has been made, and the preponderance of sentiment in favor of the course of the council in granting a loan. has been shown, we hope the necessary steps will at once be taken to inaugurate the concern, and that with all due caution and cir'cuttisiwction the council and the srockluslders-an Durhamitos -tnay pro- eeed with the matter in such a way as to safeguard the town and advance its interests. ( We are much pleased to have to re- (port the figures given below which show that the vast majority of the peo- ple in this town have accepted the plan of giving municipal aid by way of loan to the founding of an industry among us. As will be Been there are a few ratepayers who have not that faith, and who have had the courage to re- cord their votes against the principle. of the thing, for we cannot believe that the votes indicate opposition to the in- dustry. Many who voted for the loan, did so, not that they were enamored of the principle, but that it seemed the only alternative to having no factory at all in the town. Illf van (iiaiiii) BOTH BY LAWS CARRY. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1895 CEIENT WORKS. 57 108 --i.. 10 'tiii l3 Dr. Park and Miss McIntyre attended a brilliant assembly in Mt. Forest last week. In Walkerton also, the following from Durham took part in n fuhionshle assembly in the old open hall t Menu. J. A. Hunter. H. D. Elliott. A. W. B. Lander. 1. G. Park and Dr. Park. Mr. Jas, Crawford, formerly Saw- miller in S. Egremont. who has been in delicate health for some time, is, we are glad to say recovering nicely, He is at present staying with Mr. Wm. Whit. more his father-in-law, Rev. Mr. Humphries and little son, of Priceyille. on their way home from Guelph, called on Mr. and Mr.John Firth last week. Mr. C. C. James, of lh Iceville, was also a Visitor. Mr. Fred Anderson left Manny morning last for Hamilton to learn the art of handling the pestnl and mortar in one of the drug atom there. Success. Fred! Miss Lizzie Moore. of the south line Gienelg, was visiting her friend, Min M. E. Turnhull. Rocky Snags": last week. Mr. Wm. Morrison, near Glenroaden, had a. mare give birth to two colts last week. One of them is alive and doing well. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Read, of Brant- ford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKechuie from Friday to Tuesday. Mr. Angus Cameron kit Monday morning lust for Bottineau. N. leoln- to visit his brothers Neil and John for the summer. Miss Jessie Hunter and Captain Gal- braith were yisitnrs in the Village on Sunday. Miss Georgie McRae accom- panied them home to Durham.-- Chats. worth News, Mr. F. Hargraye was in town Friday inst. expecting to meet his son who had been taken ill down country. He did not arrive, however. We trust he is all right again, Mrs, Hunt, daughterof Mr. Malcolm Cameron, and her two means Tena and Maggie left, on Monday for Chicago. Mrs. James Carson. Misses Carson and Mr. Tom Carson spent Sunday in Mount Forest. Mr. Joe. Firth, Edge Hill, who lost his house by fire last year. bu I new brick under any. The Ritchio'c hue the stone and brick work on hand. Mr. Neil McGiilivray, of Elmwood, Visited friends in town hut week, over Sunday. . Rev. Mr. Gray, an aged Congre- Rational minister, preached in the Methodist church Sunday evening. Mr. Oscar Kinnee. of Detroit, is home on a visit to NI home and other friends in town ct mt. Rev. C. H. Phillmore. Che-lay. well known in this neighborly“, .luu re- ligned‘hiu charge. Mica Annie Cliff, of Strain. in visiting her brother. Will, and other numoroua friends in town. Miss Kate McDougnll left Tao-day morning to visit Williamsford friends. Miss Minnie Murdock, of Allan Par k, is the ttttest of Mrs. J. L. Browne, Rev. Mr, McGregor goes to o. Bound to-day to attend a chum-h meeting. Alex. McKenzie is at o. Sound to-duy on a visit to his sister. PERSONA L MENTION Waraatooo-Upper Town. Durham. 1 to 20, tg), ttly titll "tt -.. ' is caet 'i" Sha e ates, , 0t 1'” ',1ti7n1' . game ('fltlf, the words " Wnsussos More]! Cowman” i.iieilirii? on ( each piece. Wilkinson Famous Steel Rolier.made in three m. HARVESTING. "lk 3% my 53". peering " Ideal " and " Pony " Binders. Ideal “Kirkland Steel ra es. Also Maxwell Binders, Mowers atuWrlwitgov, ON WHEELS. Chatham and Snowball Wagons, Palmerston Buggies. Buggies from Campbell of London. ' .. t “ml ORGAINS Bell. Dobert Thom and Berlin makes ot PIANO iiiiiotktiiMy " SEWING [XmeE A large stock 11r"rPrNrWttitir- 1iatrtsr8tnrtrttt Nubian end supplies. _ . - ' . WAImn;er-m Mn... "-a-... 0. "CK'uuou. Willriq,on_,Plfry,il1si,,, 911mb” We invite your attention to the following lines of goods : CMgL.TNATiNta. 0oulUr & Scott Drills and avorything for FsrAasiitd Durham. All“. 9th. . We take this opportunity Q thanking our customers fo: past patronage, and we am convinced that the new systen W111 merit a continuance o the same. "Large Sales & Small Priiiiliiit' Cultivatbis. Diid and ande Hap rows, Bowlers, Etc. A so Scotch Diamond Barrows. We beg to inform our Ci ers and the Public get, that we have adopted thf System, which means o, its equivalent, and the Motto will be Cash system ADOPTED BY tr., G. a J. Imam: . McKeciiRih TORONTO The ReviidLiEt WHOLE N0. 1 “it.“ 1691199,?

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