Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Feb 1899, p. 4

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g hr ilurlmm Quint. ,mrtu of Eouth and West Grey Public Inspectors be printed; that tig.50 be granted s. S. No.3 Enphrasia for con- :innutinn classes. and that application of .‘Jentord school for grant be granted. Re- port adopted, Mr, Richardson presented report of rectal committee who had charge of the n Hanover incorporation by-law. They bad .nlnnitted the some to Mr. McKay for pinion In its validity and he was of l pinion that there was too much territory embraced tor the population and nnlese J “In: found that there 491 acre: of “treats the Cottuetl had better take no fur- their action. When this report was being mnuiderul. Mr. H. H. Miller, of Hanover tated that it was found that there was not the amount of hind in strum in the they side wt' the villnge which the ntatute milled for, and theretor the Committees aeeorutneudatton that no further action be taken wee adopted. Mr, McDonald presented report oi menu! committee recommending that no action be taken in respect to the erection of a Home of lieluge. Council went into committee on the report. Mr. McKinnon n the chair. Mr. Frost moved in amendment that Abe Council take procedings to - . site, erect suitable buildings end mete managements for the maintenance there- A. Mr. Frost said the mutter we: impor- tent and people ol the town would bel Aileen-u to hear the discussion it they [ knew when it we: to be held. The wu- den proposed leaving it over and having an evening tension for its diaeuneion but Mr. McDonald contended that it discussion we: to he postponed he would like to .hring in some of hie constituents also to hour it. It was " hit-t agreed thut the discussion should go on " once and thut "qttt other question should be brought in but the question an to whether the Home of Retiree should be built or not. Fm: " Ar'rrznxoox. l unncil nesuuied on Fliday afternoon at 1.",1) p. n- , the wardru in the chair. Mr. McDonald presented report of Lounty Property, which neommenJed payment of some accounts for wood at not)“: Grey Registry cttiee, Ind that an urehiteet examine the Judge. chambers with a View to remedy the insuftuUnt yeutilattou complained of by the tshe) and Judge (‘reason The tape" In adopted. Mr. Wanna presented report ot later. mut'ommitm recommending that m Thursday, February 16, 1899 COUNTY COUNCIL also, but when they go into the field otl politics they must be dealt with as other manure. He contended that the depu- tation of clergy did not deal with the quemtiou to the point. One of them Hand he Would not present tigutes: but this was a question of tux-iness where figures "1th be tlealt with. The Grand Jury pterteuuucuttt, cannot 're accounted for, becau-e the men who compare them come from ad oyci' the county. and though they urge the necesbity tor the House of Refuge when on the Grand Jury they go home and use their iuflaeuee against it. Mr. McDonald then made some analysis of tlit, vote, concerning which there was some- thing strange, as the whole mujt rity with the exception of 86 Votes came from Owen Sound, He alto pointed out that a majority of the aseeeement was against the measure. There was only a differ. ence of $119 in the amounts paid by Not- rnunhy and Owen Sound on the county rate, and should Owen Sound shoulder a Home oi Refuge on Normunhy , A great ‘ many persons had voud for the House of i lieluge who were not assessed one cent, unl Sydenhant and other townships around bud the number of their vvtrs augment: d by l" cple from Owen Sound who had votes in these townships. In making comparisons between what it had cost to provide lor the poor of the county in years past with what it would cost to erect and rnaintuin a house of reluge, Mr. McDonald showed that there would be tn- crease of eost of M,000 if a house were er- ected which would accommodate 100 inmates. to my nothing of tho salaries ol iottiemls connected With it. He claimed l that the establishment of the house o, , refuge would not relieve municipalities of the Cure of many of their pour: it would i not relieve the county of the enormous expense for the support of trumps, for he haul never men more than a dozen per- sons in gaol who were eligible for the poorhouse. and if it did empty the goal the ottfcials would have nothing to do but tut on the yornnduh and listen to the new. As to the stigma attached to being in goal, many perenni- thought there Was in much attached to being in the poor- house. He believed the matter should ntnnd over, and he would vote that we)“. We have had the keeuest frost we have experienced for years during last week A number of people whose business it waste expose them to the, weather dur. ing: the putt; Week or two, had been frost-bitten. We hope for a change for the better soon. _ . j _ Mrs. Donald McArunur on the Hill, out of the village, is bedfasl. torai, list few weeks. We hope to hear of her rho emery mun. Miss Lizzie Simpson ban been laid up tor the last week or so mth irdlamuiott. John McLachhn'a sale on Tuesday, 7th inst. went well under the hammer of Auctioneer Dugald McCormick. who» lungs are yet mi tirm in» they were twenty years ago. Mr. McLuchliu and family will leave for Owen Sound we understand about. the end of February. Mr. Manch a was one of the oldest residents on the Durham Road. Glenolg. and his nanny friends regret his departure from amongst them, but wishes the hunily success in their new home. Mr. Thomas Nichol wtll be moving to his own farm, lot 50, Durham Road, near l'rirevillo in the spring, as Mr. Blakeston. whose farm he had rented for the last. few years. is to more on it himself. The annual soirce will be held in the Presbyterian church on Wednesday, 22ml February. Everything in the usual man- Iner will he provided for to entertain tt use who wtll favor it with their presence. Mr. C. C. Irnues. of this plaee, attend- ed the tuueral of his uncle. Dr. 11ahUhsy, "e---------"""-"- PRICEVILLE. at Loydtown, last week, and is to attend the A. U. U. W. convention in Toronto this week before he returns. Mr. Dan. McKechme. of Georgetown. " spending a part of the winter with friends in and around Prieeville. Archibald McCuaig is busy threshing: clover this and last week, and wtll luvs a few days' work yet. He will probably have about. 150 bushels an he had hetwee t M and 40 acres of it, said first clam. Subscription Mi taken up amongst the members and adherents of the Presby- terinu church tor the erection of a. stable for the accommodation of the Plator'e animals. It ha:- been succwsful so tar. Thu baildtug is much needed. We tecl it as a. duty upon us to thank Mrs. Halters in behalf ot the friends ol the late Neil McDonald for the mnumr in which she had her rooms made com- fortable for to accommodate lhemulter the funeral, as they were chilled through from the effects of the severity of the afternoon. Eg‘?aad’s Pills Alex. Mcl'lacbem, of the South Line. islaid up with In urippe, and a lot ot others are complaining from Its trffeete more or less. The Town Line running south is travelled hut very little on aeeount of a new maul coming down the ice on the mill pond, which serves all east of the town line on Artemesia side. and n bush rand through Roger McEachren and John Mutton on the west serving those an Glenelg side and south. Died at his daughter's residence. Mn. Martin, of Melanctlmn. County Dufferin, on Tuesday, 7th Inul.. Mr. Alex. McNeil. father of Dr. Hugh McNeil. of Chicago. native of Isle ot Tyree. Aruylenhire. Scot- laud, at the ripe old age of 86 years. Mr. McNeil emigrated from his native land in l the year 1850. For a. number of year-i his home “as in Fergus, and in the year l 1864 he came to the lownnhip of Protnn when it was a solid wilderness. being diss couraged by the disadvantages he had to contend with, he laid out his claim in a few years. and taking up his residenci- in this village of Priceville about the year 1860, where he rermined till a couple of years 120 when he moved with his daughter. Mrs. Martin, of Melancthon. His grendaughter. the late Mrs. McKech- l nie, who dud one year ago took one of lum for I number of were through the instrumentality of his dutiful eon. Dr. Hugh McNeil. Mr. McNeil in religion was e Baptist, being baptised some 40 year»: sun by the late Rev. Baht. Mo. Intyre. of the South Line, Gleae‘g. m, dearly loved his native language. the Gnelie. and "ffered great- lose whenit wee abandoned in the church of which he wen tt com-intent member for so long a time. Yetho was not utterly forsaken, for while he was privileged to attenl divine service he occasionally occupied Constipation, Headache, Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, (Subscribe for The REVIEW. 1 aroma. 'As cents. Sold by all medicine dale". a seat to hear a. good Gaelic sermon preached by the late Rev. Donald Me.. Load, who, by the way as a Gaelic speaker was hard to surpass. Mrs. Me- Neil died seven years ago this March. and a daughter twolvu years ago. He was a mam that was always liked by those who formed his acquaintance, and always 'rper1t his Lime ar. in view of the end of his earthly journey. On acclaim of the severityol the day only a few followed the remains to Prieeville, vig: Mov, Me- Lean, ngrce oi the deceased, and his non- in-law and son. But on their arrival to Priceville u large numher of friends and acquaintances "waited lhem to pay a lasttnbute of respect. to an old lelluw countryman and dour friend. The Rev. Mr. Mellie-son oih'custed at. the grave where the remains were laid to rut. be- side his beloved partner. We were requested by the son of the deceased. Dr. Hugh Meh' eil, to tender " siucero thanks and appreciation of the kindness of all those who expand them- selves to such inclmnen' weather to pay a last mbule of rappect to his aged tumor. The Dr. left " hid home in Chicago ttext day. Miss Frank Dargnvel " home Toronto on a visit. Mr and Mrs. Hunt. ' of Chicago visiting at Zion this Week. Miss Lizzie Simpson in home from Waterloo County for a visit. Mrs. McDonald. daughter and niece of North Bradley, Mich. are visiting It Mr. Duncan McArumr's a: present. Miss Smith who has been visiting the. Dr's has returned to her home Arthur. - Indicate that your liver is out ot order. The best medicine to rouse the liver and cure all these ills, ls found In LATON A. c-.. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO from W." at in Would intimate that she will continue the Furniture and Undertaking Business estab- lished by her father in Durham in "" and will endeavor to give all old end new curtcm en the name entire ntiatuction. Furniture of the Best Make ALWAYS ON HAND. Flotilla FRAMING A SPEOIAL‘IY BARRISTER, SOLICITOR- uonrnv punuc. cournnncln. ac. otttee----L0WER TOWN. DURHAM. Collections and Agaucy promptly attended to. Pills. Deeds. Mortgages. Lettrs, Agreements. &tt, correctly prepared. Estates of deceased persons looked utter, and Executors' and Ad- lniuistmtora' Accnums prepared and pulsed. Surrngute Court Business. Probau, of Wills, Letters of Asltuiuistrtstion and Gimrditttsslu'p Obtained. Searches made tu Registry Chloe and Titles reported on. OF Fl CE-M (I n I yre Kigali. Company and private Funds to Loan on Mortgugzs at low at rules ot interest. Valuations made "y a competent and careful \‘aluator. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR IN SUPREME COURT. NOTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSIONER. ETC. Omce, over Giant’s store. Lower Town, DURHAM. Undertaking and Embulmlng on Intent ttrin- ciples at reasonable "ntete ”The only InI-clInZIuno II sun I. MONEY TO LOAN LUCAS, WRIGHT ' BATSON. orFICEB-" Owen Sound. Murkdllo sud Durham. At Durham Offices, Mondays and Court Days DURHAM OFFICI. Guam. BLocx. Entrance next door to How: Dental once.) OFFICE FIRST DOOR EAST OF the Durham Pharmacy Calder's Block. Jtesti1ente flrst door west of the MISS SHEWELL ":iihi"i"i"i"i"iyi?ui"iitli"ii"/',i; i Dissolution Partnership ii arristar, JYotar , Gon- ' voyancor, etc” te..... Mon? to Loan at reasonable rates an on terms to suit borrower. MONEY TO LOAN-cow unI'EABY TERMS All Charges Mcderate. Remember the atand-opposito the Market. Durban. Dr. T. G. HOLT L. D, S. DENTISTRY. W. S. DAVIDSON. . P. TELFO RD, . LEFROY McCAUL. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS: NOTARIES. CONVEYANCERS. Att. A member of the ttrm wm “and MISS SHEWE L. t --ru LL LII! Otf-- MhlPMM1Wlt, itMMMMllMlllMMMMMt WARM»? Durham. ao DAYS' GENUINE CLEARING CASH AND ONE PRICE. alder's Block, LOWER TOWN. The immense stock, known as the Ramsay & Morlock business, has been purchased by the undersigned member of the late firm at a rate on the dollar, and he is going to give the public the benefit of the purchase by clearing the remainder of his heavy winter goods within the next 30 days, in order to make room for his large spring purchases, being fully aware that the only way that this can be done is to cut prices. Come and examine for yourselves and be convinced that we publish nothing but the truth. Not our offer, but taking advantage of it is what benefits you. Your purse and person will be iratified at this great sacrifice sale. ibGr the Bank. . F. MORLOCK SALE... 7.. My Warerooms are now fully stocked with all kinds of Winter Goods.....Call without delay and get your pick of thoice goods and secure bargains. . . . Also a fine assortment of LAMPS. Have a LOOK through our show cases for Wedding Presents. . . .Don't forget that we lately, received another car-load of the best Coal Oil refined in Without doubt the largest tstork m-er alum-n iu ouvha"t.--- 1.“!er style» Fancy Colors, Brat Trnnmm and of prires trout, 82.5.00 "pwardm----rtrll u! once and secure bargains. Full lines of fur Otvrroattt um! Robes and at prices that will mrpriu you. Great Bargains Canida. FOR ONE MORE WEEK we will cominm' to sell some of our goods at " Knock-down Prices FF to Hula room for the immense stock that has been ordered for 1isil season's trade, such as Cutters a Robes Roll; GUI. trim" Bearing Pulpcra. Prion Reummablr'. Sewing Markham and Organs the vet-K 1sesd fime fo bug'u " Organ or Saving Machinr " just before " ’maa. To mu! th (N demand I will reduce prices Jrtper Petit fur thr marl Jo days. Money lo Loan at 5 per, cent on Good tsVcttrity. Insurance of all lands promptly ttttended to. Marriage Linnaeus farmed either during day ot' owning. an: tgiillEtiitRllmiSllNIt m: Bii WV al515 tSii ilh Agrltt, t', iill That Touches the spot---------. E j%liir%lillr 1171» w:- :w:~ v ‘ it: M. tBt Ja, , Come in and see our Goods when in van. lllltthli()l)'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR _014‘__ Weak & Impure Blood, Liver & Kidney Diseases, Female Complaints, dx Ask l)ruggis~.. or write direct to J. M, M‘cLEOI). Sold by Goderseli, ()m H. PARKER, Durham. PULRERS GALLONS 0F PRIME WHITE SARNIA OIL FOR 80 CENTS. All-Wool Horse Blankets. Surcingles. Sleigh Bells. Halters. Whips. Gloves. winter Geode X-Gut-Saws. Axes. Etc. WM. BLACK RAMSAY & MURLOFK. WM. CALDER. A large stark of 3fomrey-lferrris Excelsicr Ser Besides These ( Emu/I / l American N for fattening ( to be all Wt' c1 the feeders h is a pure {on injurious drur tones the sy: the blood and package 25c.- nets MacFARL 0f Int TO ST For uutues is titil favorite. It ycau‘s pinu- w. . duced this I 8* 12¢ y irt killer. li tion will ki IMI Tl) DRESS " Tttt FLASH] cake BOOTS a! We “WI ing Bros. and shoes t Boys and 4d be beat In q tl Wrctiii, T Dov 't tot year, 'tight. b nt mc. 'atc. th packets also I?" th TEA in HM him/4" Hm submit SIN-2H yard. Teilel DRUGGIM A XII SEE " we at lame (HUME "Ct I.\ID “(Ml or tit ttt Ot; N

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