Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1899, p. 5

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goods." We you some great ined Mitts and Sleigh Bells, kinds of Mt pick my bent time to bu an 'mm. To WWII“! r the ram-I 3!) rhrya. ll Town. aeh, tbt hotu.----Lotrat ','ltt,'; uptotrtln.----Cett a! I and Hohen and (If ry-llurriu £01). "norm bte. for us to take es were getting NI to lay in an- ATOR went ENTS "id .es, , dx and Granite- W" The best, at $1.25 and 81 50. They will keep you warmer than Sealskin Statue. If you have alread got a cold, CARES COJGH CURE; ti0tt a bottle will break it up and make you right within a tew days. Every bottle fully guaranteed by as. ”taken in time will check that much dreaded complaint. Keep a box in the house. .. A stitch in time saves nime," the stitch will cost. you but 250. llltdluulill 31 GO We have a specially pre- pared Babys COUCH CURE, it safe and reliable specific for Croup, Bronchitis or Whoop- ing Cough-at 2 5c a bottle. A FEW OF OUR LA'GRIPPE PILLS T A good chest protector is often a life preserver. It may prevent a dangerous cold set- tling on your lungs, or it may prevent you catching. a cold at all. It is a good life insur- ance at a low rate. Forthe Little Folks p)"'""""" . t , 32 Chest Protector m “assesses“ $$$¢§$$$¥$$$x 1tj..iriirrir'i' *% '.rr,tr'a.t"'e1" $, Ma»?! iri, _BIG It,' (r? BOOTS & SHOES (y We always carry Sterlo ' ing Bros. hand-made boots ' and shoes for Men. Women. g, Boys and girls. They can't (ir be beat m quality or price. Don't forget to start the ' yttulrig!tt2.r tttint' “L433 Cf year ri ht Ivy mum ' and}! TEA. Man: In. or- MG. tne I " ii: BEAN a cot soiit1tee1tegyiye4set,eiMMfse1fs9siR 'Tray Figured DRESS 6 goods, 4Gin wide, 25e a 6 yard. Black Figured Lustres, q 300 and 35c , ytrd.. L7 6 Heavy Double Fold Dnss Goods, 18e, 20c and 25e a ., "i'riiiTy iii, . Black Lutr tre, 50e a yard. We ha ve a good line from 5e up to 10e. For a very heavy twill, 32-in wide, our 7e fiannelette is a bargain. a. yard. Toilet SOAPS from 20 cake up. . WE HAVE CHAMOIS JACKETS 45tihwwidé, 20c a yard. SHELF OIL CLOTH 8e 1'l'k,C'?aC"iii/"iiTC, and half lh packets. we mril it. We also sell the best Me JAPAN TEA in town. DON'T FORGET TO CALL t DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELLERS LADIES' BLACK WOOL Burrs“ eye-Es. A PAIR Table OIL CLOTH. DURHAM UPPER TOWN Durham, Ont. or Giiied Theemuts of the Canadian High Commissioner to secure an opportunity for Canadian packets to tender for Imperial Admiralty suppliesare likely toprove successful. The authorities, have notified him that the Lordsof the Admiralty "will be pleased to invite.) any Canadian firm of packers who' may apply and who may prove; ability to carry out the contract, to? tender." Tenders for [iiiii'i,iii) supplies are only received from ftrmtri/ whose position is above reproach, 1 whose goods have proved suitable for I use in the navy, and who are able to prove to the satisfaction of the Admir. l alty authorities that they have facilities for carrying out their contract. There l, should be more than one Canadian , house in a position to meet these re. ' quirements. and take advantage of 1 this excellent opportunity to engage [ in an important trade , A Year’s Trade in Montreal. The report of the year's trade coming I into Montreal harbor has a double significance. showing " it does not only the vast increase in the national trade of the year, but also the ttndeni. able manner in which Montreal has established itself as the national port, thereby justifying the action of the Government last session in rendering substantial assistance to the harbor commissioners in improving and de. veloping the facilities of the port. The year's collections Were nearly 4024 of the total customs revenue of the Dom. inion, the figures being $8,188,900 as against $6,992.300 in 1897, or an in. crease of 8i,200,000, notwithstanding the reductions of British goods. Col. lector White declares that "The mere increase in revenue gives a very in. adequate idea of the growth of the work of the port." There were no less than 180,879 entries during tie year. an increase of nearly 20,G)0over 1897. In spite of this, there has been no increase in the clerical staff, and the expenditure for salary ard con- tingencies is nearly 315,00) less than it was in the early nineties. Trade With Great Britain. As the following despatch appears In the Mail-Empire, it will probably be accepted as a correct by Opposition- ists; friends of the Government will have no desire to question its eorreetness:--"The first fruits of the new Canadian tariff are evidenced in the Board of trade returns " 1898 which shows increased exports to Canada of 10 per cent. The chief in. 1 creases were, cotton piece goods $440, 1000, earthenware it150,000, woollens $345,000, cutlery Kr80,000, spirits v$170, ooo, while tin plates decreased (i-iii',:?),.'.",, Some lines of Canadian ' exports to Great Britain have decreas- l ed. the chief being cheese, $2,000.00), i animals 81,500,000, .tamber85,000,000, while wheat and flour have increased ‘32,]00JXD, bacon 82,300,000, and) batter81,100,000. The last month or' l two ot the year however show that the I growth of trade is rapidly increasing. l Sixty Five Per. Cent Speak English. 1 In the course of one of its periodical squibs against the Government's immigration policy, the Mail-Empire observes "It is remarkable that the Government does not try to get out some British settlers. If the retired statesman who are acting as emigra- ‘tion agents over the water would do 1 something, we might divert to Canada 5; at least a portion of the stream of em- ;igration now making for Australia." l The best answer to this may be found 1 in the last Imperial emigration returns l which bring the figures up to the end i of November These tigures show l that during the first eleven months of i the year, there were 3,000 more emi. igrants left British ports for Canada I than for the Cope, and 6,000 more than ilelt for Australia; the totals being . English " 86t, Scotch 1,687, Irish 853, or a total of 17,400. Thousands of lAnglo Saxons have also moved into the Canadian North West from the l United States, and when the returns I tor the year are completed, it will be I found that about 65% of the total num- berof imigrants that have ame into Canada this last year, are of Angle l Saxon origin. The Hail-Empire might l favor its readers with a few facts oc- leasiomtlly. <le ci',itttltattt gums Council me: Jan. 9.lt. Muuuen we“. " rnbacribcd to “k reqnirni m Manning)- and to, k their “at! as to'lowr, y-Reese. Peter Dmbnn; L'ouuc.illortr, Mann. 11c- Inuil. McQueen). Lianne and 51mm. Thursday, January 19, 1899 OUR OTTAWA LETTER. BORIIONT COUNCIL. 5. That we open each meeting punctu l ally " 10 o'clock a. m. and close " 8 p. m. The following communications were retuit--From Lakeside Sick Children'n Hospital. from ChomGray. and from AV torney General re. Municipal Franchise. Bylaw No. 108 to appoint inditorn paused It: reading-. The names of John Rosa 1nd J. A. Swanston were inserted as nuditou. solar] " each. By-lnw was- then signed to. " That. Jon lake into your consideration the propriety of reqmring the treasurer to me the Cash Book prepared by the pro. viucial auditor. so that there may be I uniform Hy: tem of keeping municip- acc'ts. Bttuu--Mequeen--Tut e committee composed of Messrs. Dickson. Sharp end Melanie be appointed to consider voya- nnd mane ot keeping the baseline new Mt. Fore» in e pesuble condition in main. Cerried. Mennu--Hatstie--aimt each D. R. o. be paid 08.50 divided as tollown : D. It. 0. " Poll clerk, 91.501139 of hum: " Hatuie-. MeQueeu--mto the clerk be paid " tor dellveling bullion- to D. it, o,-- Carried. Bylaw No. 110 to appoint. u. treasurer. clerk and a solicitor, passed its readings ae. The following Dumas Were inurrtcd m raid bylaw: Thou. Brown,'i'retw, $100; D, Allan, Clerk, 0140; Wm, King-Ion, Soiicilor. Mctcnis--MeFren-11ttst Mr. Eadie o-xuluine the trcavurcr'n suretieu in the Registry Mice tsud reirort at next meeting Mrouucil, Canned. 2, Tloarrru modiéy the scale statute lalor, or otherwise euforee it, so that there will be an inju-tiee. 8. That you require all money on hand to be placed in a chartered Bank to bear interest from date of deposit to the e.redit " the municipality. By-luw No. 109 to appoint a member of the Botsrd of Health passed its reading», the name of the retiring member Wm. otultield was inserted in said bylaw utter which " was signed tue. 'hoe-sharp-Thai Mr. Kingston! sttrg't of 63 for legal adyice be paid. Carried. Huuie--MAueeu---TGt we receive applications for Assessor at next meeting ot' Cannon, Salary 962 including nll duties. Curried. Metlueen--Htttytie--Tltat we make it a standing rule to adjourn t.Le meetings of this Council during 1899 nut Inter than 6 o'clock p. In. unless there is some special hummus befnre the Council. Carried. ' Meintir-McQueeu-Thnttt by-law be mtrodueeal at. next. meeting of Council to: the pjrpuse " vaymg members of Council tor the lime Went in dome township work. Carried. Meirotr--MeOtteen-- That this Council order six copies of the Municipal World for the use of members of Couneil.-. Carried. Minutes of previnm meeting tynsfirnsed. Tl,eretsvesaid that in the beginning of line year In» considered it tu be his duty to trim: the fozlnwmg sugars-tiers before the menoil for their consideration, and hoped they ll 00H give them their "i'" prnval and ndnptmu. 1. That. you require the auditors to COL'- finotheir audit htnctly within the your of audit aeeoruiug to law, tvrutitmtimt Der. 31st. Rmulved that the following nec'h be paul :-Iru Dawn rep. culvert in '98 75c; Thus. Dnvidsou. gravel in '98 02.86; Rom. Kenton, rep, scraper Me; Clerk te'ephon- ing 40c: H, Ham express charges 50c: Wm. Jules opening road bane-line $3.60; Use of Hall for two nominations $8. Metunis--ts'0rp--rhttt no adjourn to unit ou Friday 10tis, Feb. to appoint nun Assessor, recuiVe the Auditors' “port. remit-ruler printing and other business. Garner]. D. ALLAN. Clerk. ONTARIO "ji"iiEi7i"v7/s", TORONTO Make countless thousands tmeer. But these complaints can be cured by "Gnn’s Grip Capsules." If you have any symptons ot these complaints take t' Gun's Grip Capsulas " at once and do not waste time and money on un- known Preparation, Get a box of them at once " LaGripEe is very prevalent just now and t e merit of our Grip Capsulas as a cure is un- questionable. LA-GRIPPE COLDS. NEURALGIA, Etc. Another troublesome complaint, but our lntnllable Chilblain Remedy will cure the Worst case known. If tafter a fair trial it won't do what we claim, we will refund your money. These preparations are put 11p only by CALDERS BLOCK DURHAM CHIL- Jas. R. Gun G. i". It. Ticket Agent and Can, Express Money Order Agent. /"‘b bsh" ’m/d , tsstsst.bat.b" "trare-ate-at-s"' wwwc/ A very sociable and enioyahie time was spent at the Annual Congregation _ L, - n_.,n.n .., n.......,..... A... a... “can. meeting held in Dromore on the even- ing of the 10th inst. After a sweet and sumptuous supper served by the. sweet ladies of the congregation. the "tetttbees and many of their respective families repaired .to the body of the church. w mm the various reports were Ti',",',',',.,'; ed, interspersed at. intervals wit music by the congregation and again I)?' choir. A pleasing recitation was given iy Miss Maggie Scott. teacher of No. 12 B. S., with tine pathos and feeling entitled “In the Children‘ Hospital." Following are the reports-tTyr came the. report of the session, which showed that during the year the families of the congrega- tion numbered 73 with 173 members. an increase of 37 during the year, 4 man i- ages. 18 ht,t"lr', and 7 funerals. pre- sented hy ,v. Mr. Campbell. Womirn's Auxiliary report presented by Mrs. Geo. Unshnie showed a membership of so. a total of 84911) was collected duringjthe PAINS Wm. ... .“M. m... _._"___ - -V -- W, .. year. N. B. report try Superintendent R. Renwick gave 72 scholars, " on the roll in the B (lass. Total receipts 815. fh5.--Exprttie 814.00. U. E. B. presented by M iss Bella Wilson, showed 4t active and 20 associate members. the flnances were shown to he in a satisfactory state during the year leaving a. balance on hand of 83.15. Managers report by Mr. Geo. Lothian, showed a hug expendi- ture but successfully carri through with a balance on hind of 8al.00 some odd, a total of 81111.00 was collected during the year. dealt wuth the work performed in fixing the tnanse. painting the church. etc., (and mentioning the probable cost for the coming year) all of which had been paid, together with a back debt. During the year $434 was subscribed for a $400 stipend. while loose coy.ectiomratuouuted to $152, and schemes of the church to $199.60. The Treasurer's report was also given by Mr J. M. Findlay, giving the detailed items already embodied in the Managers’ re- port. Mr. Findlay was unanimously re- elected. as was also the retiring man- agers. Mr. Alex Henderson being sul" stituted in place of his brother who is leaving fora place near Dundalk. A Hymn by the congregation ending with the doxolopiy ended the most successful and eujoya tie meeting ever held in the church. At the close Rev. Mr. ft,.'T bell was presented with 825.00 by Mr. M. Findlay in solute well chosen remarks. The I. o. F. held their monthly meet. ing Wednesday evening, after which they treated themselves to a tine supper. Mr. Win. Nelson is very busy getting out material fm a, tine large residence which he intends to build next spring. Mr. John Wilson, Br. and Chas. Drmmn went to Holstein last, week, tendering for another cream tank which the Holstein rrenmery Intends building. Mr. Jas. Laughton. We are glad to see is better and was able to return to his studies in Owen Bound. -kiew invited guests spent n pleasant time at the home of Mr. Jon. Nelson's but Friday night. -iiiUE,iin sriuot, visited Boothville friends Sunday but. Mr. George Iasthian attended the BLAINS ACHES DROIORE. DRUGGIST The undersigned will be? for service on Lot St, Con. D. Routine a thorough- heed Improved YoruhirrBoar for the season of 1mm. from the humans hard of J. R. Bathour. Peditrr,tt,rsyy sf?" on application. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE The undersigned will keep fur ser- vice, Benson 1898419 on but 23, Con. l, S. D. R., Glenda. a Obtained from the “Gold Medal Held" of J. G. Snell. Edmonton. TERMS :41.0o Pedigree may be seen on application, DON. MchRTHUR, Bunersnn, Nov. 18th, We Handle everything in the Hume line, at right prices. CALL d; SEE OUR TO SUIT YOU. Workmanshlp Unsurpassed Pizza Choice in Values. Grips, Rom We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest . Price Paid. Flour per bbl ............ Oatmen per sack ...... . Bran per cwt ... ... . Shorts per ewt ... . Fall Wheat. per bushel . Barley, " . Pen. " . Oats, 66 . Dr'd Hogs. per out . Hun, live weight ... . Lard per lb ... . Tnllow‘ per lb ... . Batter per tty, Tub ... . " Roll . Heavy & Light Harness Bun. per aor. ... . Chickens. [or put Duelu " Turkeys. per It, ... Geese, per lb .. Hidcn. per ewt .._ Calfskin ... ... Sheepskins ... .., Hay, per ton ... thaw. '. ... .. Potatoes, per bag Apploe, per bag .. Mr. John Leslie's horse Rot loose from the church shed while John was st- tending the congregational meeting last Tuesday night. John had to walk home and found the horse " the cubic door, none the - for his trip alone. John Slid he didn't cure so longs: he hadnt to go to Osprey. There was s large meeting of the Endenvors last Sunday night. the leaders were Mr. John Wilson and lies Ellen Isaac. while Miss Lusit- Wilton performed the (lotion of orgsnist very nicely. In. Amos. who has been very poor- ly of late, we are plea-ed tone In on Mr. and Mrs. John Findlay and Mrs. Taylor and family took in the ten meet- ing Monday evening up Esplin. Dr. Snelth and Miss Agnes Renwick attended the opening services of Esplin church Sunday night. Mr. Wm. Coleridge had the misfor- tune to have an upset and run-away while m Mount Forest one day hurt week. If we did not know " Bill " was a temperance man we would be apt to think he was a little on. Farmers' Institute meeting at Holstein Saturday night. We hope to see him track again soon. Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. BERKSHIRE BOAR. 'ee may he mu ( TERMS t-9t.oo DURHAM MARKET. BOAR. Blankets, Ike., ac. C. LEAVENS Collars, Pads, Bites, Whips, dx., dx. ... Tto ... 0 or, to o or, ... 6 JO to q 00 '.. " to 80 ... 5 00 to ... 0 00 to ... 60 to 635010Mm 180to 200 " to Mto 086U 068to OWN) 625to 400to 10 to 08 to 012 to 12to 14 to Mto o " 18 " " tr t " 75 10 in two miles of the town of Durham. This in a good farm. Good clone home. frame bum. good orchard. well watered convenient to mnrket. Will he told cheap. Por particular. .ppiy to Joan chmcnm: GEORGE M.'rctarmt, ' -. ' "’u’v-n BOX 257. Portage L. Ptairie, Man. z a"): dLdii"ils A?. 3r0tti'lur. Th" Hanover Conveynnccr offers the following bargains .' TEASDALE FARM; lot 30. con. 2, W.G. It. Bentinck. Will sell this fine 100 acres for but little more than was glid a few years ago belorc Mr. easdale built on it a large brick 2",'l'l'"i, which he says cost W100. Housman Parur, " Lumlaeh. "oat 97 acres, good building, close to Post Oftiee, Store. Church and School. Will sell " a great bargain or trade. Lawn Em: Fan. towttahipotHollttnd good form in German aettlvnu-nt. Will cell cheap or exchange. Con- taim 100 acrea, well improved. A 100 Ac“. Fan in Brntinck. pretty good lot, " aay £850 abould brine moo Who who Ill-at? Metaphor " Allan Park. to be given away. comfortable dwe0intt, In!!! “We- _ - 30ie Jihuumer (8enxregarteer, Honey to loan " 5 per an. Fire, Life and Aeetdent Insurance. nertut Tickeuforule. Detm colic-NM. all busine- attended to quicklv und pexmtpti.v. England & Russia At each others throats would probabl raise the prices, 1"J,/12t 552-22,: Tet 49. tytceeifyt 2, (Hawk; With- ofyg;iie, J'ilreiay" 52¢": 7103px? Mea P"', FARM FOR SALE. H. H MILLER a re se/ia, ts, If“: Wm}:

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