Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Jan 1899, p. 1

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s.aa--at* [fl was we at'e having winter. n/w in iend earnest. V, dt'strctas below zero on New Years' morning. show about ll, ft. deep, but the ntnxmphm-e is so dry and exhilarating that m- do not, feel it more than we did 15 degrees in Durham. The Presbyterian Church was opened on Dec. any"! the Unopark (name of our genie-mentmhoir went down and help- mtthetn. Busy taking out timber at bag“, 3 lumber concerns buying which nukes things lively. There is do for spruce and We dimension by" We have plenty of pulp wood I hunklorthatnsyet. I Uv IN 'ruott.xorE.. " letter received from Mr. Arthur Pmker. with a tfue re- mittance for REVIEW gives some Inter- Eating glimpses of the nmvvnnntry. He CEYLos.---Not, the Spicy isle, reader, but thy littlvrluster of houses and in, dustries 0n the grave-l mad between , Priceville and Fleshertnn. through which the I'. P. R. runs. There now, we haven't ttsed the nld name. and our readers and writers must address all comntunicatiortsin future to Ceylon and not to Ft - - tt St ---n. The Ad- vam-e rises to remark that the two lines of Watt's famous hymn do nut apply to this Cey Inn l . . "Where vvvry prosper: plousvs. A nd only matt is vile." .We helieve it is in y_onttrtitplation to make Ceykm the distributing office in.. 'stead of Fteshevton. We Wish the lYeylnnese all prosperity. ”Trinity ('liurel) Sunday Sehool will uold their annual entertainment in the low" Hall on Friday evening. January 27th. when prizes will heawaeded to the successful pupils in the unions classes. The pmgrmn will consist of an interestinglecturelnythe Rev. J. Hill. B. A. entitled "I'halk Talk." supple- mented by vocal and inrsteurnentat music. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Blythe. of Chats, worth. celebrated their silver Wedding on Dec. Mth hast. A number of the l'riemh of the worthy couple Rave them a _cotttttlioterttav.vadiltvsN and n costly ,4ilver service. About 50 guests were present. The Review extends good wishes to the proprieter of the News and his wife. Iisox ('ul'nrn Nmnnxuv. Tim An- nual Moitwe i~z to he held on Wvdnesday, .Jnn. 25th, and Rev. J. W. Mngwnoal of Holstein, is ("speak on "The thlimity pf Munhnml." I’sutnr (‘muplwll and 'others will also spt'ak. Miss Jean Ron- wick. Drmnorv's swvet "inger is to he Jherv. Nee hills. Adnnssion 2.5 and 15 cents. Tea 5.30 to 7, gmn- and n yuungc-r siste gory Hewitt of the Avenue to mum-n her In“. A mum": NOTE.- -ct recent letter from Mr. J. (Eunvron, Holmium", states that they are having an exceedingly mild wintorwhich explains our tough or.'.' His wheat crop amounted to (11,” bushels. Inn this he rpckons not. vttvsiuwessrul. M. (Rwy would have) ,‘mmhvr n.nm- fur it. Mrs. Sun-uh Alexandtw, wife of Mia! Homjmnine Ale-Mulder died Nuvemlwr 7th, 1:408. Dom-um] ltsaves two (hulglr CRIN in ()nmlm. No'lyl‘:l“kil. Mrs. Sarah Hurlil.. oldest. and Mrs. V, "Iii'lnl- "Ian nnr club Inn’s am paw-rs, should unlit omission, and We reason. Amnnglm may be made. A Plum": Non Snnu- Sulm-I'ihers so-mn not to he aware of the new Postal nut» system. A um- dollar note costs only 2 cts and is a safe and cheap way of remitting. Huim-rilwrs in arrears should note this information. Anyone who has taken advantage of ulll' club mum and not receiving his papers, should mrtify us at the second I umissiun. and "e wilt usual-min the] reason. Amnng many rem-walls a slipi Inzlv In. III-,llltn Dtr4Avvot.xrrrns. -- Many were disap- pnintml at the. cum-art hm Friday night at nut heaving Miss Jean Renwick and Mrs,, ll ilson. Swim-e sore throat made their ulnwnu- vmavoidable. KM) Miss Lizzie Johnston who has been about 2 years 'n Huntsville returned on Mummy fur a month or two's, holidav. MI. Thus. Storey. of the Chatsworth News "trice and Miss Blythe, ndanEhu-r of the prnprio-mr, spent a wee in town, and wen- welcome callers at, tlm‘ Hevitrw ”than Mrs. Hewitt of the Avenue returned _ _rottt Omaha. Nebmska last week where she had been visiting relatives. We are pleased to hear Mrs. E. Milli- mtn is recovering from a short but. se- vere illness the past week. Mr. J no. Cameron, lower town, left tor Dundalk lust week. where he intends to go into the implement business. Fon h'aLe.--b'ev.rat good. new, home- made cutters. Wilt be sold cheap. Ap- ply to R. MacFarlane. Br. Mr. Edgar Elyidge and wife. of Galt spent a tew days With the former'l our. ents in town. Mee Mr. Jansen assisted at an ordi- ( nation in Cedarville and Esplin on Mon- ' i day but. . , ' UH; van-‘4 11.4 ' ---d" , LOCAL& 5 st GENERAL; '_-- F ith" i I l A - VOL. and Mrs. union. M: m held on “'va-sdny, v. J. w, Malgwnnal of " on "The Suhlilnity l’nstur (‘nmplwll and xumlvr. wife of Mr. mim- died Nuvemlwr d lvuvw two daugh- c-lmuku. Mrs. Sarah Mrs. V. 1'hizek, also w. Mrs. Eliza "usel- sistm- M; Mrs. lint. Hag» Hill NO, 3. Mee. Chiniquy. the famous converted y', lefo priest and well known lecturer is dead intends l at the age of so. is. . . Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. . Milli. Schutz on uniting their fortunes. See but 39- marriage notices.' Messrs. J. w. Crawford and Thos. rtuened Lauder, Six. are in the hands of La) l where Grippe this week. 1 f 'l'owx 1'ot'stir,., Ahu. repnrt of last, I meeting mu incmnpletc. and wenppend ammo of the business not there referred (to. The Committees in full are t Fin- jnnu-:aSpiu-ling. Hunter, Moore. B'd inf \Vurks: - Kinnee. Moore, Spauling. fl"in-. Light and Property: - Hunter. 'ltvins,r1tifyr, Jiinnee. Court of Revi- _yiou:--t'atdev, tiparlinq, Hunter, Liv.. 1:inv,stone,Gorsuin'e. B‘d of Health by Touring terms:~Hugh Rose, 3yrs; G, [ Mth-clmie, 2 yrs: R, MrtcFur1atie, 1 yr. {$10 was granted to the Sick Childreh's Hmpitni. The Fire and Light com. Aven- insttucted to sell a few tons of‘ Mum]. and the helmets. A new rubber) :stnmp is to be urchused foe the audit-! furs. Mr, tn',',";,].,",,',", gave notice of a mo- l tion to amend hotel License, and a. ma, I tion to cancel the balance of consolida- ited Debentures in the bank amounting] to $2100 so that the amount received by l 'the sale of the Consolidated deb. be? ‘plncul to the credit of that fund wnsl t1ryegl: , Acc‘tgmas fgllows: Flour to "v“... u. mun. lllllll “INS curried. Accts. as follows: Flour to Mrs. Becker 81,80. Election exgenses were paid amounting to $31. lerk‘s salary $17.50. Clerk relurnin B. M. & D, 83,00, It. AlJoe, tluant 'MU'. 86.00, E. Haltfnrd. posts 81.3), Treasurer's salary, 385. T. Whelaa. crossing 85.75. _ - ,,,__I WOOD 3.23.?sz " @5136 ii?titittrtt a ye, it.crrrAr,ios BAND. “By u. revent reso- lut ion of theofricvts of flu-31% Battalion the “and. soloing in Durhmu is to be "roved to Uwvn Hound. The possession of it by Durham has long been envied by our county town, and the superior' voting power of the officers in the 'North, has stolen it. away at last. We I',',','.?:,','? this. as without. the rogfmental grunt it will he difficult to: our mud to I pull through. Sn (“EDS Geo. 1smrns. -cutev being vacant nearly a your. W. A, Bishop, an o. Sound lawyer, has been appointed Clevk of the County Court. Local Reg-j ism-trot the High Court. Registrar or: the Surrogate Court, and Clerk of the, admiralty Court, all made vacant by the death of the late :Goo. Inglis. Mr, 1 Bishop must have a strong pull as his: uppointnu-nt.mun surprise to seven-Ali parties, he being tht. "dark horse" Ofi the occasion. His fees are worth 83000 , I Mist Galt Whispend I Mrs, mle- lb" Pl Ap- week. Item left priest; 'nmh'tit the . . Our, .11.. Schutz se- mania Out. fronp,ratulations to Messrs. John AIL-Arthur and Alex. Muir', Artemcsia, on thvie success in the rec-rut election. Mr. Muir headed the list, and he will nmkv A good husinesv. acquisition to the m-w council. Mr. D. McMillan, a faith. ful (mvnship svrvnnt in the past, was defeated Ly I vote, and as he votod for. his zlppmwnt his vote kept, him out. J. A. Hunter's Bi Stove Windows are» always nttmctwefy dressed. hut this woek a regular poem in sport is to he sm-n. where unml furs. three fine stuffed ilevvare placed for obwcvat,ion, Mr. I'. Firth did the work and it was a. happy thought, of Mr. Hunter., himself an ardent love-r of the gnu. Mrs. Rev. Morrison. Cedarville, Pves., ot' the Faugeen Presbytery, w, F. M. S. visited the Durham Auxiliary on Thurs day last and gave an inspiring address on “Personal Responsibility." Tho Hummers gave a social tea to all visitors at, the close of the session. J. A). Hunter's Big Stove Windows. South Grey Ag. Society‘s Annual Meeting was held yesterday. Mr. A. Davidsun was appointed Sery. in place of Mr. McKenzie who resigned. Re- port m-xt week. , i Last Thursday tl Refuge in Brum-(‘u mates from most of in the (Runny. Misses Aliceaml Ruth Johnston left Mummy morning. Alice to spend the winter in Tovonto, Ruth to Guelph and Galt foe n few month’s visit. J. D. Brown, Merchant, Pviceville and Dundalk has bought out Aixon, ”mm & l'0., of Mundane, one of the (‘94- luhlishml houses in the place, Rev. J. w. Mngwmul. Holstein, will speak on, "Suhlimity of Manhood," at Knox Chuvvh, Non-nmuby Soiree, on the 23th inst. 'ill Miss K. Cameron left Tuesday to spend another term in the Lidies' C rllege, Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Gadd and family moved into town last week, and occupy Mr. Wehlwr‘s house on Lamhton St. .' Mr. Alex. McKinnon, Kincardine, :visited at Mr. Menkle’s on Tuesday. ' 1 M rs. Mot, Vollett of Strntford. is visit- , ing friends and relatives here fora time. l Miss E. Blackburn left g,','),",',?.,',,', to I] spend a holiday with Cleve and friends. I l Mrs. McTzwish of Cedarville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Male last lweek. I Ten of Bruce County Council ( men. Division Court Day in Durtvun on Wednesday next. the Town Hall m-uivht (Than) the new House of Co.. recoivvd its In of the municipalities P, Moore. B'd 0019, Spmling. 'rty: - Hunter. 'qurt of Revi- HM il I" C ji G . - --- W W _ - . ' 'e HOW I l ) I l I I I I I From the premises of the undersign- ed, Lot l, Con. 14, Egremont, a yearling brindle heifer, white spot on forehead and on each hip, white tip on tail and white underneath belly. Had hell on when she left home. Any information that willlead to her recoyery will be suitably rewarded. Joussros.-in Bentinck, on Thursday ir,:yya.yrtT ll. u)., Jotry J.ohrtston aged Smur'rz w WutTsrortE. -- At. the resid- once of Mr, D. Cmupbell, Durham. on the 17th January, by the Rev. W. Mac- Gregor, Mr, John Schutz to Miss Ada Whitmore, both of Durham. l, We hope to soon hear of Mrs. John Uchonald getting better. 3IrKEtviii.--At, Tlnmnloc on January lst. 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mc- Kelyie " daughter. HcorvrrnEss.-In Ptaceville, on Tues. day Jan. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. (Rev.) J. S. Huntphrey's a so". The young people of Balsam Valley spent a merry night at J ohn Ferguson‘s Proton lately. Hugh Atcheson rented his farm to Robert Kennel]. The old gentleman knows a good farmer. Mr. George Ateheson will have to undergo another operation before lus toe will heal. tr, sedi4, -rrm.iii'vi; ifi"r/fiir'it." We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Geo, Haw is not improving. Dan Robinson is busy every day in the swamp. He would do better if he had one to have his meals ready and the house warm when he came home. Come Dan look around and get one. Mm-hxympnlhyls extended to Mrs. Alfred MoLaughL-m “we Miss Melissa Darby) very favorably known around how before taking up her residence in Brandon, N w T, who has been sudden- ly bereft, of a loving husband. Thee small children also mourn the loss of a father's protecting care. Chas. Hopkins who is in the employ of John Sharp received the sad intellig- ence from Peiceeille last Thursday even- ing that his mother was seriously ill with dropsy and heart failure. He started for home at. once, but, before ur- riving she had succumbed to a severe attack of heart failure. Sympathy is' ".xivndetl to Ihv lit-waved family. Mr. Jas, Allan C. C., while driving home Saturday evening unfortunately got an upset and had several of his ribs broken. Dr. Jamieson is in attendance. Mr. Thus. and Miss Teresa Quinn, necmvpnnled by " lady friend visited nt their uncle's Mr, W. Sirrs on Sunday. Messrs. John and William Buchanan of Gait. after an absence of five years spent a few weeks around Murdoch and Durham vr'uewing old acquaintances. A sleigh load of young people. intend driving out to M231). Long's on Tuesday night. Councillor. Sharp of South Bend no companied by his Sister Miss Minnie and his niece Pom-l Sharp of Ashland were guests of Mrs. D. Sharp on Sunday. Mr. Thus. and Miss Teresa Quinn, accompanied by a lady friend visited nt their uncle's Mr, W. Sin-rs on Sunday. _ Secure your seat early. Plan of Hall at MacFarlane'),, Drug Store, get a program and be prepared for something good. Grant, McNichol, McDonald & Galbraith are all stars in their line. N o such galaxy of Talent ever heard in Durham. A rush to hear Fax is now on, and the success of the con- cent 18 assured. Sonsof Scotland Concert In the TOWN HALL, Thursday, Jan. 19. DURHAM, STRAYE D. BROWNSVILLE. JOHN BROOKS. Holstein. MARRIED. DIED, BORN. MURDOCH. , THURSDAY, oAtuniiir'iiriiiiiis ONTARIO ARCHIVE? TORONTO WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVEitWAIth", and STERLING SILVER N OVELTIES. “Call and see for yourself. “Prices are right. W. A. McFARLANE Next to Bank. We Sell all kinds at all prices Also a Fall Line of' go Round M oF' a rlage’s The Wheels rep-sa, - J. S. BLACK. Tp. Clerk. Glenelg. January oth, 1899. Applications for the office of Assess- or foe the Township of Glpnclg, for the year 1899, will he received by the under- signed up to noon on Monday the 6th of February "ext. - speaking and music and sumptuous tea Usual rates, HAMPDEN SOIREE.~~OH 1vednesday. Jan,25th. The Presbyterian cnngrw Ration at the above place have arrang- ed for their Annual Soil-00. flood Dinner S iled--Hmsband Mad-- Servant (5)51 Ugly. The anclent clock did its best-It is old enough to rest. Its gomg gualities have gone, you want a Jood Clock & Temper Saver. We have them for 83.50. You can save time and worry by buying one. President. Durham. Jan. 11th. 1899, gladoh. calla, hyacinth. tulip, lily. mur- clssus, driffodil, tuberous routed Ipogonin. and mnmu 4000; papers of seeds --fiowev and vogetuhle 475. ofthese 0186apt ieles the o. F. G. Association supplivd 113. the society gave 3213 as promlmns. and members purchased, thmugh the sorre- tary, 2860. CHRIS. FIRTH, Wm. Gortsuuxe. t raspberry 780; fruit trovs- apple, pour. cherry, plum and [mush 108: strawberry plants 50; house plants -- palms and Chrysanthemum,,. 39; bulls and whom- From the provinve and county liberal grants were veceived during the year, which "nahled us to deal generously with our members to each of whom we gave pieniiums costing Mc. The O. F. G. Association supvlemeuted this by a free distribution for experimental pur- poses of trees. plants, rte. giving one or mm " to tutch person. l platform in the centre of the most, pleasantly Stu-prism! visitors. APPLICATIONS FOR ASSESSOR I Directors' Annual Report for 188. Ladies and Gentiemen.-We wish you , the compliments of the season. and are ' pleased to report that our efforts dur- ing the past year for the attainment of the objects of our organization, the dif. fusion of horticultural knowledge and the distribution of nursery stock, plants, bulbs, etc,, has been appreciated and attended with a tai: measure of success. Many of our members purchased and land had delivered to them, free of charge. those things at cost prives,’ which Were so low as to he to them a revelatiolr a complete surprise. I i An exhibition of house plants and cut i fiouuns was held in the beginning of September. The great heat and long; continued drought of summer gavel these such a forlorn aspect generally, that " selection for show purposes were somewhat of a difficult and critical task. Members and others kindly permitted us to select, such as we chose, and these I when collected carefully and judicious- I , ly and artistically massed on a raised I The Annual meeting of the D. H. S. was held in the Public Reading Room on the evening of the 11th, Wednesday last. Reports were read. the Directors' by the Secretary. and the Auditors' by the Treasurer and on motion adopted, The election of ofrleert, then took place when President, Vice-President and most of the directors were re-eiected. Afterwards the Directors met, when'the trensmer and secretary were also re-el- ‘ acted and a resolution passed! authoriz- ing the whole Board to canvass and re- ceive fees front all desn-ing to become members. usuntly sun-prism! the many ANNUAL MEETING. Wm. Gortsuuxe, Ys'eet'etavy. ose, and these and judicious- d on a raised the Town Hall Our Piano and Organ trade is fjrmly estabhshed. Best makes. ' Purest tones. I Do your want tl Sewing Machine? T? the New Williams-r-L Highest rice psi for Wood ' m exchange f& goofs. O. MCKINNON. i Stoves We take this opportunity of thanking our oustomres for past patronage, and we are convinced that the new system W111 merit a continuanno Ar " Gutters Dlu'hn "I. Aug- system " Rt £95: AT At prices that will surprise' arge Sales & Small Profits." UPPER TOWN IMPLEMEN! WAREROOMS ers and the Public generally that We have adopted the Cash System, which means Cash or its equivalent, and that our Motto will be We beg to inform our Custom. nna run-3 AS, _ -.-- . gdKINN ON 'fl . L GRANT Don't lose this opportunity if you want a coat. Childr%'.s Suits .1- away down to clear out. man me new system a t3ontirvoaafr2e of the same. We intend selling out ( of Men's and Boys' Overcoats at the lowest prices ever heard of in Durham. Selling Out Men's, same as above, at $4.00. " opt In 80.00. sizes 36, 38, W, ll. e. Very heavy Coat, slat pockets. wotth 88.00, for $5 m. Sizes m. 37. 42. _ ,__V "r?'""'"", Bull'lll 1utHl1t with rap. worth 85.0it, rm- $3.50. Size, 31 and 32. ADOPTED BY of all kinds, COOKING STOVES, HEATING STOVES, BOX STOVES Boys' Fl ieze Overcmlts Cutters and Sleighs of the best quality and at prices away down. " G. tfit J. McKECHNIE IT. "t h. '96. 1tt0 In Boys' lir3.00, $3.50. 8t.ot . McKeChnie. WHOLE N0. 1088 sun-m mllm our stock

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