Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 Nov 1898, p. 9

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h " iin het (hi mi Min Annie Amman-n of Gnlt, Mm Emily Manning of Salem and Mn: Tilly Irving of South Bend were guests " Wm. Maids we: Sabbath. Thou. Allan who but been in MIUDOSUII for the past tire you: is this not visiting bis aunt Mrs. Adam Main. Bey. George EJmiuon of Romany, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath in the “some of Rev. Mr. Miller, Quite n fail of the beautiful on Sunday and .,,till snowing as we write, which will soon nmLe niciubiug with a. little host. Mre.Jas Roddock of Lima N. Y., in the guest. of he: cuter-us-law Mrs. Jun. Rogers. for n any or two Um week. Oliver Rogerio who hats been working no" St. Mary: for tho past summer to. turned home last we“. Me. Funk Smith of 6nme homo on Friday In winter with her pounu Thor. Tribe. Rev. Mr. Ind M “tends at Alli-tun. Thou. Tribe Ina sold bu farm siiekieboroutilt for I good turn Tribe intends moving wamt neat Peter Reid who han been in Mm" returned home G, Satnr planed with the ttountry, Mr. located It I place called Red Deer Ju. Cameron run a walch repairing b past nine months, [m 3nd left fol Toronto has got a situation. The new Presbyterinn Church at Ewhu l ll "tiles. math of here was evened by Divine Service at 11 a. m, on Sunday, 13th Just. by Hey. Mr. Morrison, of Cedarville. The church is a very creditable building, and is much better than was at tirgt thought. to be, and as now the church the pull u over and considerable blame was bid to both parties in the matter, all we need any is that the old church party Tsho stuck for the old site has done “all and deserves credit tor gelling such a fine building up in such a short time. And then, getting the old pastor, Rev. Mr. Morrison to cpeu it, wal a touching, and appreciated, and e well deserved tribute to the pioneer pester of Proton Long before any church was built he bad to travel on iout through swan“ s and art-r logs to reach some log shanty to hold service in, with worshippers as sincere as dime who meet to-day under more com- iormble ciicumstunccs. The new church is on the site ot the old .. " that was burned down wily n iew old tt " that was humeu uuwu m... -. n n 100:. distant. On the opening occnsmn it wns well filled, although very few M the nwmhen that built the first church them 30 ycum ago were to tho fore. Still a number of there fulniliee were there and were wry active in having everything i comlm-lrhle for the congregation. There was noticed among the people only two of the old committee that had charge of the building of the lst church: Mr A..\Icl’lmil l and Mr. Jos, MeArdle, but among the new And eftieiout offieerts of tho present are to be {Mind members of the families of - 1tu,sell, Scott. Stirrick, Yetta», McWill- hum and others all trying as to who could do mort. The services will be held in it regnlmly now, and a more public _-t_-s. ..,m i... 1mm in the near future Could do mort, The rel-Vices mu In: M... in it regnlmly unw, and a more public opumng will be held in the near future when there is time and better roads. The McLeart, eouvetts of course were con- Ipiu-nons by their absence. A numbel at our residents were attend- ing can”. in Owen Sound last week over a trit1ittg diapnte that arose here. Post. potted until next. court. Sumo. evil diagonal person last weal 1ittol the Steps trout door of the '3‘; s! out and hu-l We had a heavy fall of snow on 'l'mrs- 1 Jay and Sunday. and by all appeamnvc _, we will have an early winter. 1 A large number attended the funeral of l Mr. Peter Moodie on Tuesday last. Miss Meggie Moodm came home a few days be- fore her father died. Also Miss Pheobe came home on Monday from Owen Sound where she was attending the Collegiate Institute. We ere sorry to hear of the death of .Chules McDoneJd who wee no end- ' T celled ewe}. We extend our nym- , 'o the banned wile and tunily. scapi n HOLSTEIN. HOPEVILLE. Mrs. Miller are visiting trr. good tignre. Mr. wing we“. next spring, ohms been in Brandon home G, Saturday well coumry. Mr. Reid has mulled Red Deer, Alberta. who has been canymg on g business here for the s, has given up Easiness lum- been in Minnesula son is “all agsin. “3 is this '9" visiting Last Saturday the packing blew out of I yniu. the engine of the Budln’il'e factory, one llmisuun of Bothsny. wold not. see Jim mu for steam. resbyteriau Ourcls ou At the tune of writing Mr. Malcom Mc- , _. Tres.. u. nu“: Ln . - down with iutlamuiou, ““1 away. Weextenxl f""..""" Her husband died seven years ago I he bereaved wife and farmly. Her family consists at one son end two I Hoffman is back to Boothviile daughters, Mrs, H. Hiseock. i'i,ii:i'iii') looks es if the world u using Mrs. W. Wallace, Long Island, U. s., and I Robert who lives on the homestead. She l y. McQueen 1md . ehingl- han eleven grandethi1dmn end seven greet 's Id”, mtd iudgintt from graniUhildeert. A very remukeble fee- ! s'" 309135“ from that dir- ture in the history of lire. Nicho|eou'e f _ , Sam: ea ttUlf/t hmilyie shutout auntie-e he" hved L "'s I; " - "...La. man on on this term during she lest forty-two BOOTHVILLE. . _ ' coming from that dir- f , \‘ aind the cold much. ' " cold hon-o this ' T" _ 3t t quick men on. T g 7 _ "taa beeninid " V r s.' cs - kai. nttt " hut " s on the site ot the. med down only a few the opening oceatuou of North Dakota last to spam] the an Mnnnl MIP- hotel .0- week where he 111 night went to person last week Ilatfm'lu frmu the and R man that mm nun” “hat-11kt: he in nor he med to be, News June: and Donna-McQueen of Stayner. brothers of Mrs. J. E. McQueen spent: few days at J. McQueon's last Week At the time of writing Mr. , Cnnnel has a mare down with _-.----'-- --mqir. _. News is so scarce in neighborhood, that we be somewhat dilatory in our mom. little local, neighborhood, that we necessarily must be somewhatdllawry in corresponding to our mom. little local, the Review, Miss Kate Martin,of Haley's Corners, paid gIhon but pleasant. visit io Irish Lake friends last week. Miss Marlin pas-man: a. bright. winning disposition, and is a favorite with 311. Mr. Donald McBae. who seriously indupoued is imr the cure of a ssiriltal physio ot Pricoville. Mr. Andrew Kelly has been exerting his strength in that laborious task, well digging. around the Lake Hus full. We are glut] to say that Miss Although Wednesday night was stormy it did not prevent a merry crowd respond- ing to imitations to a party at Mr. Dick Whittaker':, near Flosherton. The chill of the cold November drive, was soon dispelled by the good cheer within. The boys all speak highly of the hospital- ity of Mr. avd Mrs. Whittaker. Mr. A. Fnluhie of Mt, Forest, accompany iatl by Mr. John Williams, of Edge Hill, made a. tyief business call a! the Lake recently. Buth pupil» aud parents regre: tl.e coming departure of our tucker, Min Stafford at Christmas, she having hem".- 3] It tti our painful duty this week to re- cord the (loath of Agnes Wallace. reliet of the lute Alex. Nicholson who departed thislife on Tuesday the 8th inst in the 78th year of lser age. The deceased lady mm in her usual health until the evening of the 3rd inst., and while visiting a lrieud was taken ill by as. stroke M paralysis which affected hc, left side and nlninsst en. tirelydeinived her of her speech, Her son Win-Luann for iunl she was carefully" removed L, lwr linme, and medical skill Culicil in, but she never regained in r slrnuyth and passed peacefully away (‘H 'l‘uvmluy muruiug. The members of her. l ihtuily had been summoned to her boNide l and all including luv brother Robert “we tl til living sumo. yo Gibson of Ow the year 1860 this place am which she die which she die-L Lice :sl'. plum-m sr-uiem 'zhe endured the hardships and privuthms of bush Me, but being a. woman of great energy sre succeeded in changing the primeval forest into a. comfortable home, and gathered around her a good share of this world's goodn. She took an active interest in all public questions and never failed to give close attention to the details of daily farm life. Gil Mr. msuoio tuber ma moth- 'ititt,'t'lt'Jefhl4At or "ttled with tAn hero in 1857. 'iri"ird'iiie-" IRISH LAKE. the, Hmre of her dram. YEOVIL. s in our " who has been so is improviusr nnder physician, Dr. Boyle -.--- - )II Tras a; with the late n Sound, Wan 1 to Mr. Aler..N settled on blt1 UNTA‘EI’O XIQCHIVES TORONTO ii " born in frewshire, Al quid little he lute Rev. Mo, l Wan-z married in Mex..Niehoriott of on the farm on ice W il- vt) Lochwin Sentlnmi Make/ii" Wttl) Hood's Sarnpsrllln is prepared by ex- perienced pharmacists of today, who have brought to the production of this great medicine the best results of medical re- search. Hood’s Barnaparilla is a modern medicine, containing just those vegetable ingredients which were seemingly in- tended by Nature herself tor the sllevls- tion ot human uu. It purines and ep- riches the blood, tones the stomach and digestive organs and creates an appetite; it absolutely tures I“ scrotula eruptions boils, rimples, sore3,_ salt rheum, anti every orm of, skin disease; cures liver complaint, kidney troubles, strengthens and builds up the nervous system. It en- tirely ox'ercornes that tired feeling, giving A. - -a “an... in nlace of weakness it absolutelytures all scrotum erupuuu. boils, oimpleti, sores, salt rheum, sue! every form of skin disease; cures liver complaint, kidney troubles, strengthens and builds up the nervous system. It en- tirely overcomes that tired teeling, giving strength and energy in place of weakness sad languor. It wards oft malaria, ty- hoid fever, sud by purifying the blood it Keeps the whole system healthy. bill o d , Sarea" O S parllla She was th" eldest of I hunily of eight I." of whom mnive her except her eldut brother, t'sl.e was a lifelong member of the Presbyterian elm: Her remains were burying! grouml in Mrs. Nichols-mu will by her friends and m I - v - " the best-An tact the One True Blood Purfiter. 501d by all drugglsts. $1; six tor $5. the Presbyterian chmch. l Her remains were interred in the Emily burying grouml in Holstein cemetery. Mrs. Nicholsuu will be lung remembered by her friends and neighbors. Our chum: factory closc.. thi. wcek, Owing to the small suppiy of miik In the early park of the hummel. thc output has not been as large as last year. Mr. Jars. Mcluues tcud his si,tcr Mrs, D. Findlay visited fricnds "bout cedar- ville this week. - - G P. . t' ll Hood s Pills ii1'l /'luil22 a vilfe this week. Mr. Hugh )[cl‘lucbern i, in the genetul Hospital Guelph tot treatment an. pron-Ht. Hope to hear of his lecoyery mun. We were pleased to get the return of the plebisciw “we as "spotted in the Renew lust n eek. but sorry to tl ink that our suter pmvnsce mfrer so lurgl-y with all the other memlun of the Uunludcrmiou Family. .- . ' Al_f.. We have a gemle taste v! " mm week, ' Mis Mm tha Calder is proves] favorably m I', mute Hospital. parents expect her home soon. Mr. Eniluissml Jr. ot Rotiay p here lust Sunday J--hu Brown. cattle down, was buying hogs " $3.90 per 100 lbs, Mrs. Jas. hwumtou is on the " but have she will soon recww. Well Made Mr. John Manury is still very has several noubles together. IMPROVED YORKSHIRE r 1 The undersigned will koep fur wl-vit-c on Lot, 32, Cott. 9. Bent-incl; at than-ough- lwed Improved Yorkshire lhrw for the swtsnn of 1893-91). Podigrev may he soon an appiivatiott. TERMS: $1.1m The undersigned will keep for .rervice at: Lot 17, Fun. 2, Nummnhy, season of 1898-99. the thorough-bred Berkshire, "North Star." Also a thovoughurtasd Tamworth Boar. Pedigrees may Ite wen on applicatiotts TERMS J-- [.00 JOHN MARSHALL Jr.. 4 {Emmy 'ii'ry.k an 1 3.230011 fpkl .t l Agpmultuml Implemgut Agents The -.tnderi'asc,uedt k by simple means, all "ir1iiirl.iusrevciuor.,'ut'r' Consumption. is ttl fellow sum-yarn the t doaireit. he will chm - _ __".-' The 'surteruc'wte% leaving been raster by simple menus, "ttot' autumn; for SI k,',i'il't'/'ll'o')'ifi1ruT'riiiit'ule.ti_cyyty.yl.tlt,'v,?, d (lounumpllonds noxious to mute 's fellow summers the nu-unso! euro '1' desire”, he will chem-fully sour? (fraz- ucpy of the prenuripton m-ml. whirl) I, u sure any.) tor (Innuumpllou. ' "rru. Bronchitimund all throutirt adieu. He hopes all sullm'crs will try isft tulvnlnuhlv, rrurLsavsirinutlit-'l, wlztch '.,,'/ii'ir'/i'itiu%riyhiugsaiosl n blessing, will please address -___ __, . ‘. , T REV. EDWARD A " “mum- draining in better their lmsitiuu um] incrcusc their inconw should writ: Us. The de- nmvd for l mne-gruwn Nun-wry Stm-k is od tho increase. Woman-1.1 more men. If ' mutant. steady, paying work, write us. We furniuh nll nupplim fret. Ive have the Inn-urn Nun-series in ttre Dom- iuiou. we pay both ”Navy and cnmmlukm , Vc eam'MP. rllhvr w holc- 0:1)an um:- men. **‘AA -.. nun-I ulnhp a llt‘rugug- -...... vt"""" - We gnurnnlm- all our nun-k, we. lurnlph pun-haw“ will: m-rlif Irom lion-rumrnl ‘ulnpu‘lor. wanting Slot-k is tree from $6tttg June new». Il THOROUGHBRED WARS. Stone GO N S U M PTIVBS B()/\.lx’.. I'm: 3 81 ' iii,liilpl, l WILSGH’. all w. T. Hum. Roth-3y preaclu d TivG-iu, and nearing wry Brooklyn 'ilarr_yA. "1(rtiteot' Manama slush they will ilud on, Xat'.ouo, Cge. ln‘uulalud hunt tttat. will try thisrmu nly inr.rtt.idtrrcvcriittiott “and may prove a u inter (his lh nprivtnl'. sick iist,' ill. He r 700 ucreS. sud enables us to sell )rz-Mu'umum tsevertil years druid-“smut! {Shawn to his To H1050 who an on ud BO 1Idr u-r rtifirate We heartily thank those subscribers. l , (the most we ever had in one week) who since last issue. have called with or re- mitted arrears or arranged to do so. a Our mailing sheet will he altered next week and cot-rue! dates appem-aftel each name. If these for any reason ttO' not correct We ate anxious to he informed of it. when we will gladly rectify. I Our nuw suliscrihcis will we hope enjoy i their new visitor and we hope will long l remain with us, to out mutual iseuefit. lThlt‘e quarters of those in arrears last I week have nut yet. respondeJ. out we I expect to bear from them this week or next, While giving thanks. a. week ahead of time. We are not, forgetting tlie large number who keep their subscrip- tion paid in advance, a number. we are, glad to say constantly increasing. To , all our readers we wish conditions suit- i able to a heartfelt Thanksgiving Day l next week. i C. RAMAGE, Puts I] ‘1 Notice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN pursu- ant to the provisions of R. S. o., 1807, Cap. 129, that all creditors and‘ other persons having claims against the estate of David Jackson the Younger.‘ late of the Town of Durham in the Conn-1 ty ot Grey, Esquire, deceased, who died on or about the Sill Svpu-mlwr A. D. 1898 at. the said Town of Durham. mo Ct'- qnii-Hl. on (w hofnm- llefla-cl .luv of Nov-l, ember A. D. 1898 to 50ml hy post, pro-i paid. ovdeliver to the undersigned («A ( ecutots of the tst.aty of the said (loot-us- ed, their Cluistian and surnanu-s, ad- dresses and (lea-rip! inns and " slatemunt of their respective claims and the par- ticttrars.huul proofs thereof and the nu- ture of the securities. il any, held by them. ER GIVEN that after the said 23rd day I of November A. D. 1838 the said execut- ors will pvoceed to distributi- the. est ttt' l of the said deceased among the pet-suns entitled thereto having u-gaul only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice, ttrd he said executors will not le liable for the said estate. or ii?) part thereof to shy Iret"io'" or persousiof [ whote claim on claims they shall not i the: have had l otive. ': \Tluc TURONTU GENEitAi, 'l‘lll'STh" tu).1l1'ANY, l u ml our ()ht'l' I), IN THE MA TTER OF the es- tate of David Jackaon the Younger. lute of the Town of Durham in the County of G' My, Esqu ire, (Icr'easmi. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTH- PUBLISH ER’S THANKS. ter,"' It Lu the very best place. In tie," Cunudu to guy a 'riuioug'n Ke," Business Education, and at Toronto this 1:.trurd'.ty -A.. ""'L{'i‘;fi£'k I i in F, rtssNt1RThERYZl, 'ull particulurs in Cwiloge Announce ment and Journal, Fr, e Lu any ud- dress. Send for are to-dey, to C. h, FLEMING, l’:-n-:i;al DIED. . "' KHZ-1425:, NeuvFort,btvil, H. C. tril oil “Avg: :3” um"""""luny |x...u. 27th, ltolrettJas. Ewen. third mm ().f lam _ _ Pyt, As human! weep and J‘nlm and C1wisteua Ewen, ltovlcy from a; Mug} ”a? Shun-1) “In wor', ,'r Saugeemaged 23 years, ‘ . wanted. . , e lml lb. llurtts ttte m: 'ty1',ilr,l.e Dulham, on Sunday, Nomi Lauhl.3 are in better mm. d 13, Elizabeth, youngest daughter ofl prleeh' are Humor at, 'nom “x to in] ' and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Renton 1 e" ‘6' A few extra choice Cui,,', ' no per lb. months ' " t l tfew bunbs we“, sol . "re Wanted, C "“0 per it, d Hun tnormnu' " JLARK.---d , . _ . 3 . . n , N , 11‘1ng Port, Minn. on Finlay. About 1,500 hugs wer . oy. . rs. Jas, Clark, tsister of Mr. 5 mnrniug, too mum: of mLu ryse.ived this N. w. Campbell, aged 39 years , Prices are steady “a uett,,l'tt,': lieht. . _ . u pA'n‘RRm‘ M Tr, ”a?" 1tir/ IIs, the hue.- (tSf [Sign N, - r. am . y a or Sill ttrrR. , . - Ittg H Ptst'reryoy, l. and "atp' 26 Jl'r"'tl, tiows tue wurtlt 8r, " / r 'l 'rijij-/iiii'ijsi/j/(it)j'-" PA'rrRRBoyer- Mr. OWEN SOUND. Oni. R, W. GARDNER. Marble and Granite Dealer of Mt Fore-t ATTERSON. -r."" Mr. James Patterson, ‘ father of Mr. A IV. Patterson of the 1 Wiarton \Vollen Mills, died at. the I residence of his drummer Mrs. Gain, of l Shallow Lake on Sunday, Nov. G, at ' the age of 72 years 10 mos. The Hep- f wort Journal says he wn. a. lifelong! Reformer and a. staunch Presbyterian l The remains were interred m "e Executul's of the estate of David Jutksun Ilvrvnsed. hy Edgar. Mulom- & Edmu- their Sulimlm's. oven 30 tf J MARRIED. VVI, V "ery"r" _ Eggs. per 'lor. .-. .. . lChickens. [er [mu _ I, . N D ' b n J. Ducks .. st, aim-w. III a: I 1'twkeys,per lb ... ",' ..1 . c.- “Geese. per ll, ... 11“»leng “3;; ‘ Hider-t. per ewt ... ueation, JF"', Calkaiui ... ... - --- Sheepskins ... ... Mega Annouucc- EM. 136*" ton ... , , raw. . ... .. Fr, e W any tui. , Pctatoes, per bag l of UM- Ea RAN mu} " - tr'e- 1) ex-l 'rch NW- l ' ;§ ad- t'i, rm. ty,', 1%.. Wu" bf tttV CL} At by ll to l M, sh TH- tii, an day‘ 45;, o, 'cut- X. in l tte ,d w suns i) IN y to (I have ,\ will ty; any CV' 'ti:et?tux'")ar(h"As'2'ri" yi It) _,ts. M, 9 have) 1. l', , vi, 'i; And will be pleased Ff _',):,: to quote prices and 2:2 fe allow you samples at z; Fl, any tulle. 3 Ws 't.r' . tii' fin}. Our stock ls complete at? w», in all lines. and you r3 JI wilt tind the prices. P,' tr" verylow in every case. tjr Flour per bbl Damion per P ttran per cul ... Shurt-A per ewt Full Wtreut per In: Barley, .. Penis, " Huts. ht Dr‘d Hugs. per c i105. live weight. Lard per“. .. w C A QGQVQOCG fallow." per 1h Butler per Ity, TO . .. RUN Ducks .. ... -.. _.. I‘m-keys. per lb ... ... 7to Geese. per ll, ... ... " 05 to Hides. per ewt ... ... " Mt h. Calfskin: ... ... ... " to Sheepskins ... ... ... 25 to Hay, per ton ... ... 5 00 to Ulrnw. .. ... ... ... 0 00 to Potatoes. per bsp, ... oo to Apple-, per bag ... ... 50 to TORONTO. Nov. IL--- To-dny 61 1051.13 cum; in, which It Med to ycsm‘dny a receipts. made a. Lvgen' supply than N1its' required. Wading: was rather quiet, an i no quotable change occnrmi in tr.iees of, wtytltittry Export mule is slow at, (rum ill tr " per lo, the latter tigures nut. being loo ollen paid. Choice butcher stuff was In fair de- mand. and sum “may " around ke per II). but sewn-jury and inferior grmhm were weak ut “411113.140 dawn to 2V per io, The market- was nut, clean-(l -,5 cMt!p, Mllkul‘d $40 each; reaping. Sh'upying bulls, are quid m. from b' to Mc per H). titoc'twrsttre quuteJ at iruiu 81 wine per Ils. for Am e'uouro Lu cents more per c., '., was ooeatriotsttlly paid. Wc' vl about. six hturtred sheep wd _Ia.n' _ the ylrrdv. o'ltcepuro worn. ‘from a! w an perlb. Rams am pm: Shipping. Der cwt..........1 Butcher, choice. t"tt, ........ Butcher. quipm to good. Butcher. interior.....]....... Ewen. Bucks. in: an“ Luau. pet can. WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SILVERWA RE, Following was the mug. of p ices why: DURHAM MARKET Live Stock Markets. . Maegan-lane .N EXT BANK. w trt ATf It? terior............. g " Sheep sud but». uucm. _,',',' ch q............. at from tN be} WWI he h, rt'-. 0 1:1 to o 14] H in It'; 14 to g/ 25 to 80 I 40 t; Mr 7to l " 05 to 0 05 " 50 n. 0 s') 25 to 80 25 to oo 1 on to 6 00 0 00 to O co 00 to " tttpt? 50 t o (33 9-360 $400 to to to 275 875 5.1 00 2 ('0 p, (la, 1 ae in, At each others throats :fff‘ff i probably raise the prices, ttt U U Jr ' l : 0 I "iol THF. ONLY AHSULVTELY RELIAHHJ Jy2 PREPARATIONS ox THF. "W' -- O :ly;t'eettc: PURE mo HEALTH! -. I . 53 (ll fill NI ' tiuavautecd 1111 7150‘! ll “UL 1tuetuts.utistit 10 ' Eh . Sriatirn. LINN": llll, amtit (mm m? . Neuvalwi' t. , u ")lyiifit --- Li a . A sure ruw 1 75 ll It It 30 50 CALL 86 SEE OUR _ =_\ Collars, Pads 2l,t \ Bites, Whips 75 l Ibe., &c. Heavy t Light Harm TO SUIT YOU. I \Vorkmnnship Unsurpasst Fine Choice in Vallses. Grips, m Blankets, Ike., ac. We do the trade in Raw Furs. my Price Pun. 412 The aluminum f PILLS " 'l‘EAsmm: Rum: lot my (will 3. l '.e ll. lk‘ntinck. Will till tii, lim , tuwesi1rr hm lilllv ll‘wl't' 1}:le 'rs', paid a {cw your: “EU M]. m; I'- ‘J‘vusdzllvlmlll ttl! iy " l:n:,:- l, dwelling which lu- r,Hi1s 0 r", rl to Hositv'u FARM; a! I.:~mla.~l'. " . 97 acres, good building: clmu to ,6 (mice. More. Church and Sul (li, Will sell at a great lun‘g'nix'lw-n' LEWIS En»: FARM, tmvnslzilml'l {ml ud good form in (kl-mun :lec-n ', ,'r Will sell clump ur 1vrich:tvji'r. A: t-uim 100 acres, well human-wt. A 100 Aan FARM in Reminck, pt nd good lot, at say $550 1hnl" l, lb. l $1200. Who speaks t'wsr,'t ;iir1iout'KA'sn LOT at Allan Park. t " given away, comfortable dwclt mood stable su': .Money to Ion}; at 5 per cert. ll i17.i.1di,tt and Acc'dcut Insurance. Ur iiiil/Pielteta for sale. Debts wllecwd. inglbusinecs attended to quickly 'ci"":,'",','"" Ah?. Jf).0tti'11a trtututtustu'd on Honor (2 Sold on M England lil; Russia offers the following bargains Only by ti. PARKER, Durh 95h. Jfarwwr 801119034 w AtmgD--tiRVFNAL TttUtWWoiY mm In “A: was to mange our [mail tt.teie mu.- .ad.teh.te.1tttloe,f,t " 2 on}. Ga "iiiiidiii"iii'iiEGiirhdttts: 333.75.: Ji.TffiFiV2Su-o . . LEAVEN l , piliiillii)f0 Medicines H- H,. M I LLER Ne Hanover k NOLINE lUwullmli~In ticiaticn, Llunll: Gout at? Neurulm’ 1 A sum: cur" f. I teada che, 1 lizzil 1'otiqtitsttti1tn. I getitiysy “pious: CCY Brights Diwa- anIn-l 0s. P" vy) iiavuisions. H, "isense, ct u, but , men eva but]! Cow Am “TN entitled lo mistake Ins "CCI rompuny. and t m prime list.. beret-t you have prim money is to (Galbraith. wtttt ll mum "we Teifoed, W "re-r then Il nu MI tl Mill tl (Ang h "Hum hum M wlm Imp " ttel he ttew ll '" ll s" m th , Ill " an: 31 \\\|ll uulu Wt \\ Its home: Or gall soon The" rai itude m HERA Lit m K MI lmn fail 711v: mortally ()n thi Hill. wh ha HT tear LUCA was tttttit l'l atrold " das V M M trim rl

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