Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 26 Mar 1999, p. 45

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Friday, March 26, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 45 *■ A m a jo r a u to p a rts m a n u f a c t u r e r in ' M ilto n is s e e k in g F o rk lif t O p e r a t o r s : • 2 years of experience • Flexibility to work shifts for long term assignments. O w n transportation would be an asset. This la an amazing opportunity - loaded with potentlall If you meet the qualifications, fax your r6sum6 Immediately to: (90S) 624-5486 or call: 1-888-411-1860 H O R ASSISTANT RECREATION DIRECTOR People oriented person required to assist in the de­ velopment and implementation of various activities both on and off site for the residents of Burlington's finest apartment community. Qualifications must include minimum bronze cross and certified first aid. Swimming and aerobics certification would be a definite asset. Also, experience with water treatment is necessary, but willing to train. This is a nine-month contract with the possibility of full-time employment. If you aTe interested in a challenging position in a friendly working environment, we want to hear from you. Fax your resume with cover sheet to 416-384-6087, or email iofo@ootim.com. GORRUD AUTO GROUP FULLTIM E CAREER OPPORTUNITY CLEAN-UP/DETAIL DEPARTMENT Professional Car Detailers required for our high volume Clean-lip/Detailing Centre. Serious applicants onfyl Applications are welcomed from mature, responsible, hard­ working men and women with experience performing appearance reconditioning on used vehicles. Salary commensurate with experience. If you are self-motivated and a team player looking for an opportunity to join a growing organization, please fax your resume to: ANDREW GORM AN (905) 875-2279 ---------------OBtTARtO In tr im P E R S O N N E L EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY!!! LIGHT and HEAVY PACKAGING WORK »- DAY SHIFT 8AM To 5PM >- FULL-TIME >- OAKVILLE AREA »■ NEED SAFETY SHOES >- REFRIGERATED ENVIRONMENT »- FOOD PROCESSING 2 0 P O S I T I O N S A V A I L A B L E Contact Sarah or Stephanie Today at (905) 566-1600 or apply in person at 1 City Centre Drive, Suite 710 Mississauga, Ontario. JOIN OUR WINNING TEAM! TH E DUNY G R O U P has the fo llow ing open ings in o u r B urling ton fac ility . □ MACHINE OPERATORS □ SHIPPER/ RECEIVER □ GENERAL LABOURERS Competitive wages • Benefits • Profit Sharing C on tac t Mr. G regg: Tel: (905) 639-2503 • Fax: (905) 639-2555 S T A B L E hand (Part-time) 7:30-1 pm, Monday to Fri­ day. $8/hour. Som e live stock experience required. Margaret 331-651 6 ________ R E S P O N S IB L E , mature, neat individuals for land­ scaping, lawn care. Trans­ portation a must. $8.-$10/ hr. 319-8696_____________ P A R T-TIM E telemarker for financial advisor. Start im­ mediately. Income & bonus potential. Fax: 905-319- 1082, call 905-319-2847. S H IN G L E R S and Labourers for busy local com pany. O w n tools & transportation an asset. G ood attitude a must. 634-2420 M A IN T E N A N C E Person, fulltime, for 100 unit apart­ ment building in Burlington. Must live in. (905)334-0392 IN V E N T O R Y Clerk- Auto­ motive experience, 6 days/ week, co n ta ct Jason Humphrey (905)-664-7650 P A R T -T IM E light duty cleaners. 3 to 6 hours, af­ ternoons & evenings. Call Rob at (905)546-1911 U N IV E R S IT Y Pool S e rv ­ ice is looking for motivated individuals tor our service crews. Experience is not necessary but preferred. Forward resume to: 481-14 North Service Rd. W., Oak­ ville. O n . L6M 2V6, Fax:(905)827-4535. Fifth Avenue Salon Recruiting • HAIRSTYLISTS • ESTHETICIAN/ NAIL TECHNICIAN •JR APPRENTICE/ SHAMPOO Exc. training provided for right individuals. Resumes in person: 2436 New St.. Burl. No phone calls please EX CLU SIVE downtown Sa- Ion. Ample space. Hair­ dresser with clientele. Open to rent a chair. Call 637-7425 QUALIFIED ACRYLIC FABRICATORS Full-time. Choice of 2 shifts: 7:30am-3:30pm or 3:30pm-11:30pm. Experience & carpentry skills are an asset. Oakville location. Call Robert: (905) 3 3 9 -2 1 2 5 R E TA Y LO R 'S Interiors Inc., a prominent millwork shop in Oakville seeks an Esti­ mator/ Planner to join our successful organization. C a nd ida te must have a minimum 5yrs experience in estimating/ planning in store fixturing industry. Fax resum e (9 0 5 )-8 4 5 -8 3 5 0 . ax!i industry.5 )-8 4 5 -fi____ Attention-Garth Bfode.No caMs. L A N D S C A P E contracting com pany requires skilled labourers. Successful ap­ plicants must have sound knowledge of equipment operation, mechanical skills and all aspects of both hard and soft landscape in­ stallations. Own transpor- tation. Fax: (905) 690-0612 B A C K H O E Operator- Ex­ perienced, for new resi­ dential subdivision in Oak­ ville required. Call Mike (4 16 )-726-4378 or (905)- 257-1614 message________ P A IN T E R S (experienced subcontractors) required to ~»aint and wallpaper new .louses in Ajax, Bowman- ville and Ham ilton. Call Christina 1-905-850-3561. R I office-clerical A R T H U R M urray Dance Centre looking for part-time, flexible hours Bookkeeper/ Receptionist. If you enjoy being in a professional, fun, m usical, people oriented atmosphere please send your resume to: 9 Lakeshore Rd.W., Oakville. L6K 1C6 M ATURE reliablereceptionist required, Part-time to full­ time hours for weight loss/ stop smoking clinic. Mail resume Attention Susan, #10 3-1 23 Maurice D r., Oakville. L6K 2W6. O A K V IL L E 'S Premier Sa­ lon & Spa requires a part- time Receptionist. Must have basic computer skills. Please apply in person at Images at Oakville Tow n Centre I.___________________ F U L L & part-time positions. P rogressive distribution com pany requires imme­ diately O rder pickers/ Packers. Apply in person 2226 S. Service Rd., Oak- ville. No calls please! A S S IS T A N T M anager- Automotive experince. 6 days / week. Contact Ja ­ son Humphrey (905)-664- 7650 A National D istributor in Georgetown is expanding, creating the need for PROGRAMMER ANALYSTS M inim um o f 2 years business experi­ ence using V isual Basic or V isualC++, Dbase program m ing preferably w ith in a d is tribu tion /inven to ry env ironm ent. Know ledge o f NT, Novell and M icrosoft O ffice an asset. Do you th rive in a sm all growing environm ent tha t is cus­ tom er service focused? Don't delay...fax today outlin ing salary expectations to: FAX: (905)873-6170. ____Be part of a growing team. offteo-doricai offlco citricil L A N D S C A P E com pany, Oakville, now hiring reliable full and part-time. Horti- cutturalist, General labour­ ers, handyperson. Call (905)849-5511_____________ R j ^ ^ V h B i r , beauty I j l T J saton help WANTED Full time Office Manager required for busy manufacturing plant in M ilton. Must be highly organized with a good com puter know ledge. Familiar with Simply Accounting and all aspects of Human Resource Management. Please fax resume w ith salary expectations to (905) 876-3163. INVO IC ING CLERK Entry level position available for leading distribution company. Must be very detail oriented. Would prefer recent college graduate. Must have own transportation. Please fax your resume to: Connie (905) 854-6104 RECEPTIONIST CUSTOMER SERVICE Etobicoke - based int'l company is looking for individuals with excellent communication skills & personality. Must be capable of working in a fast paced environment & handling different tasks simul­ taneously. Experience with customs & shipping is an asset. Company offers full benefits & opportunity for advancement. Foreign languages are an asset. Fax your resume to Ms. Clarks a t (905)-671-2888 Lokert Ltd., an established bathroom showroom specializing in sales, service and installation, requires Experienced, mature Sales Personnel for it's Burlington showroom. Part-time positions available with potential for full-time. Sales experience is essential with preference to those having plumbing or related sales experience. P lease respond in con fidence to: LOKERT LTD. 11-4190 Fainiew St., Burlington, L7L 4Y8 or Fax (905)-634-6172 BILINGUAL INSIDE SALES • Fluent in English and French (written and oral) • Preferred experience in the steel industry • Customer oriented • Located in Mississauga. Send Resume to Box #3878 c/o The Mississauga News 3145 Wolfedale Hoad Mississauga, Ontario, L5C 3A9 A D V E R T IS IN G Salesper­ son for Image Magazine. Telephone sales experi­ ence required. W ork at home. Com m ission only! (5 0 % ). Resum e: 33 H ar­ bour Sq.,#1418, Toronto, M5J 2G2.__________________ NEW Home Sales Position; National Group Real Estate is currently hiring licensed, experienced new home agents for new projects in Burlington. For confidential interview call: Nick A. Dam- iano at (416)743-5000. G R E A T New Opportunity in Oakville! The Duck & Firkin Restaurant & Pub Now Hir­ ing Cooks, Bussers, Serv­ ers, Bartenders. Fax your resume to: (416)482-8671 W A IT staff- (bartending ex­ perience) & dishwasher required. Busy East Oak­ ville restaurant/ bar. Great clientele!.. Call between 1pm-3pm 815-1515 F U L L -T IM E Dental Assis­ tant. Please fax resume to: (905)844-4763 LO O K IN G for experienced cooks. Call Diana 6 3 2 - 6992 or drop off resume to: M arciano's Pasta Cafe. 3315 Fairview St. Burling­ ton. H O U S E K E E P E R , live-in separate apartment. Pro­ fessional cleaning, laundry and excellent cowing skills with willingness to learn new recipes. Hornby area. Please reply Box 6150, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville. L6K-3S4 COM PANION for delightful senior lady, occasional half days 4/ or overnight, south­ east Oakville. References. 844--4651. 555 domestic hoip available R E L IA B L E cleaning lady. Customized cleaning serv­ ices to meet your needs. Reasonable rates. Cali Debbie 336-8154__________ P O L IS H C leaning lady available to clean your home, apartment or office. Call Eva. 467-1579 556 C E R TIFIE D Personal Sup­ port Worker available for inhome health care. Call Joyce 639-4280. C A R O L , Bink from E-ville, e-mail me at binkOwood- wardinc.com - Thanks M A S S A G E - Studio 37 -- 37 Barton St. East. Hamil­ ton 525-3053. 5 attendants Hiring. 694 Introductionservices P A R T N E R S Burlington now open! The best choice of who to meet is yours, based on accurate bioara- phies/photographs. Free information: (905)632-7500 A B L E Renovations. Base­ ments, Additions, Kitchens, Bathroom s, Ceram ics, Fences, Decks. Free Esti­ mates. Joh n , 637-5340, Pgr: 847-4392_____________ R E N O V A T IO N S . Large and Small. Complete pro­ jects, or your choice: Elec­ trical, Plumbing, Drywall­ ing, much more. Profes­ sional quality work. Frank, 637-5570 _____________ D E C K S , Decks, Decks, Only Decks! Professional W orkm anship. Photo's. Free Estim ates! Fam ily business. 12yrs experi­ ence. (905)-828-1320 I painting & decorating 100% Quality Pro painters= 100% Satisfaction G uar­ anteed. Interior/ exterior. 905-277-1793 or 416-575- 6676 or tol freel -877-724-6847 715 moving*storage G O IN G to M ove? Call Move-Right Moving. Best service in the area. Call Thomas. 847-0178_________ R E L O C A T O R S : Excellent service, starting $45/hr. In­ cludes 2 professional m overs, truck and in­ surance. Long distance/ commercial. Ask about our free boxes and storage. 844-8733______________ 1 +1*Advantage Movers/ Storage/ Packing. 18'-42* trucks. M id-m onth rates $39.99......Free wardrobes. Local/ Long distance. (9 0 5 )-3 3 8 -2 3 0 6 , 1 -888- 712-7199. www.mover.to C U S TO M drapes; Vertical & Venetian Blinds; Custom valances & bedskirts. Call L C . Draperies (905)561-5814 D R A P E R IE S - interiors, great ideas, your fabric or ours, re-design existing drapes, since 1978. Judith. 632-4124. E C E mom has childcare spaces, Mondasy, T u e s ­ days, & Wednesdays. TLC, fun, nutritious, outings, computer, receipts. Headon Forest. 332-5630__________ S TR U C TU R E D program , crafts, T L C , nutritious meals. Non-smoking. Flexi­ ble and extended hours. Burtoak/New St. 333-1373 LOVING Mom has daycare available for 2-4 year olds, New/ Appleby area. Please call 681-3541.____________ S P A C E available for fun and learning In busy, stim­ ulating and comfortable daycare. Daily program in­ cludes outdoor play, quality equipment, spacious play­ room, crafts and more. ECE mom/19 yr. experience. Call Nikki (905)632-3564 D A Y C A R E available, Al­ dershot area. A ny age. Crafts, activities, huge backyard, nutritious meals/ snacks. 681-9593 775 daycvt wanted LO O K IN G for quality child­ care. Contact Hatton Child­ care registry for free cus- tomized list. 905-875-0235 C H IL D C A R E - Live-in/ out required immediately for 8 4 3 yr old. O ur home or C rs. McCraney/ Peer- . Busy family. Profes­ sional couple. 842-2678 (Oakville) ____________ C H IL D supervision for 2 boys 8 411 +housekeep- ingTTlexible hours, excel­ lent w age. Non-sm ok er, driver's license preferred. Bronte area. 825-0807 NANNY/ Housekeeper re­ quired. live-in . Minimum wage. 2 school-aged child­ ren. Driver. Immediate start. River Oaks. 257-4851. U V E -IN Nanny required for country residence near Ac­ ton. 3 children ages 7, 4-1/ 2 and 2 years. Start date: S e p t.'99. Must be non- smoker. Please call 519- 8 5 3 -1 8 1 5 ______________ L IV E -IN Nanny/ H o u se- keepper, S. Burlington, 3 young children, references. 416-359-2363 days or fax 416-359-2602._________ F U L L -T IM E expereinced care-giver wanted to look after 2 8mos old infants in Glen Abbey Home. Must be nuturing, energetic, organ­ ized, non-smoker. Great opportunity for the right in­ dividual. Start mid-August. 905-785-1040 or 469-0735 M O N E Y Problem s? G a r­ nishees? To o m any pay­ ments? Options to avoid- bankruptcy. Free Consulta­ tion. John Tonner, Bank­ ruptcy Trustee: (905) 631-0600 Community Notices HODGSON, Phyllis (nee Pettit) - On March 23, 1999, at Mississauga Hospital in her 83rd year.. Beloved m other of B ill and his w ife Fiona, Dennis and his wife Bonny and Barbara and her husband Bob Kelley. Loving grandma to Derek, Penny, Cheryl, Mike, Robert and Kim. She will be missed by her great grandchildren and her sister Doris Jones. Friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home "Oakville Chapel-, 109 Reynolds Street, (905) 844-3221 on Thursday 7-9pm. Funeral Service to be held in the Ward Chapel on Friday at 11 am. Crem ation to follow. Donations in memory of Phyllis may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation or to the O akville -T ra fa lgar M em oria l Hospita l - Stroke Rehabilitation. HUBBERT, B arba ra Joy (nee H arrison ) Peacefully at St. Catherines General Hospital on Tuesday,M arch 23, 1999 in her 70th year. Beloved wife of Harold. Loving mother of Jim, Kathy, Sherry, Tim, Joy, and Scott. Treasured Grama of Tyler, Dane, Brayden, Mike, Jonathan, Shawn, Jessica, Derek, Channing, Christopher, Joe l and J u s tin . Barbara w ill be lo v ing ly remembered by all her family and their loved ones, fr ie n d s and co lleagues. Fam ily and friends w ill be received at the Ward Funeral Home "O akville Chapel' , 109 Reynolds St Oakville on Saturday March 27, 1999 from 10am until noon. A complete funeral service will fo llow remembrances to the Lung Association would be appreciated. LARSH, Pearl - After a brief illness on Tuesday, March 23,1999 at the Milton District Hospital. Pearl Beneteau, beloved wife of Ross Larsh. Dear mother of Linda and her husband Gerald Maitland, Richard and his wife Jean. Dear sister of Phylis Baril, Don, Morris, John and Romeo. Loving grandm other of Tracey, Joanne and P a trick . V is ita tio n at the K opriva Tay lo r C om m un ity Funeral Hom e, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 12 noon Saturday, March 27, 1999. Funeral Service to fo llow at 1:00pm Saturday. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation. LOWE, Dr. Clifford, It is with great sadness that N icolette and Bevan announce the peaceful passing of their father, Clifford Hillary Lowe on Monday, March 22, 1999. After a courageous battle against cancer. Clifford is predeceased by Audrey, his wife of 37 years. Clifford w ill be sadly missed by his daughter Nicolette and her husband Bear, their children Leah and Clifford; and by his son Bevan and his fam ily Laurie, Tanesha, Taylor and Madison. Clifford is survived by his mother Sophie and his sister Maureen in South Africa. Nicolette and Bevan would like to thank all of the medical staff that helped to care fo r their father. Clifford is resting at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr), Oakville, Ont. on Friday from 2-4 and 7-9pm. The funeral service will be held at St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca Street Oakville, Ont., Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 11:00am. Cremation to follow. MELO, R osalina - In lov ing m em ory o f a d e a r d a u g h te r , R o s a lin a M e lo , w h o passed aw ay M arch 2 6 ,1 9 9 2 . What would we give her hand to clasp. Her patient face to see. To hear her voice, to see her smile. A s in the days that used to be. But some sweet day we'll meet again. Beyond the toil and strife. A nd clasp each other's hand once more. In heaven, that happy life. A lw a y s re m e m b e re d a n d b e lo v e d by friends and fam ily. E specia lly m issed by p a re n ts R o s a lin a a n d M a rio M e lo and fam ily. Warehouse Clearance Semi annual sale- props, ribbons, silk flowers, xmas deco's, seasonal novelties, fabrics, felt, baskets, dis­ play paper, gift wraps, floral/craft supplies, + more. "SALE Thurs. March 25 to Thurs. April 1 • 9am-4pm • Mon-Sat • Ca/Visa/Debit JOHN CRAIG PATTERSON LTD 1233 Northside Rd (off Mainway) Burlington 335-8181 CARRIAGE HOUSE INTERIORS PRESENTS.... 'The Decorating Class" Six weeks • Class starts Thursday, April 8th or April 14th, 1999 Topics include decorating basics, style, floor plans, colour schem e, art, accessories & window co verin gs 7 -9pm ... $85/six weeks for further info, or registration call Susan at 335-2478 mailto:iofo@ootim.com http://www.mover.to

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