Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 26 Mar 1999, p. 43

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FRIDAY, MARCH 26,1999 Page 43The Qakviixe Beaver CLASSIFIED To place an ad please call 8453824 ® 337-5610 or Fax632$165 Mon.- f t i 8:30 am - 6 pm _ _ REAL ESTATE 100-165 I W fH n p r e n t a l s 170-196 LEISURE LIVING 200-265 MERCHANDISE 300-375 AUTOMART 400-465 HELP WANTED 500-599 ANNOUNCEMENTS 600-675 SERVICES 700-800 DEADLINES ft CANCELLATIONS: M o n . 6 p .m . fo r W ed n esd a y I s s u e . W e d . 6 p .m . fo r F riday I s s u e . T h u r s . 6 p .m . fo r S u n d a y I s s u e . ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Oakville Beaver assumes no financial liability for typographical errors a copy omissions by the newspaper other than the oost of space occupied by the error. Claims tor errors must be made prior to next publication date. AH classified ads mist be prepaid. We Accept Cheque or cash houses for sate 100 houses for sale 155 storss for sals, rent 4 wanted 170 apartments 4 flats for rent 170 apartments 4 flats for rent 170 apartments 4 flats torrent 170 apartments 4 flats forrant 185 houses for rent 190 for rant $180,900 Burlington SE Court location. Ig fenced lot. Detached 3 bdrm. Close to GO/ QEW-school-shopping Garage. Appliances. Finished basement. (905) 637-9027 or (416) 200-8042 M A G N IF IC E N T 3-bedroom sem i-detached bungalow w/in-law suite. Excellent location. Near O akville Transit/ G O / Q E W . $179,900. For appointment, 338-1135 No agents!_______ O P E N House, 34 Juliana Rd., Grimsby. Sunday, 1- 4pm, 3+ bedrooms, 2 bath­ rooms, open concept, oak flooring, pool table, sun- room, perennial gardens. $174,900. (905)945-8549 B R O N T E . 4-bdrm bunga­ low. Very quiet crescent with walking distance to school, church. 60'x100' loft. Finished basement, many upgrades. $219,900 825-4258 No agents please C O N V E N IE N T location. All brick bungalow, 3 - bdrms, 3 baths. Great re­ tirement living, Fort Erie. $130,000. (905)339-3671 O A K V IL L E R iver O a k s - GreenPark built- 3100sq.ft. backing into greenbelt. 5 bedrooms. 4 baths, 2 en­ sures, den, deck, upgrad­ ed, Fully fenced. Includes all light fixtures/ window coverings. Near schools, shopping, Hwy. $349,000. Less 5 % agent com m is­ sion. Tony- days- 905-278- 2355, Evgs 905-257-2386 P R IV A T E - Desirable S E Oakville. 120-ft. frontage w/ great landscaping. 4 bed­ room, 4 bathroom, 2 F/P's. Approx. 3,000sq.ft., plus 1,000+ finished in base­ ment. Huge kitchen w/ hardwood floor. Separate Living/ Dining room s. + main floor den/ fam .rm . Neutral decor. Must sell- $430,000. (416)-366-7600, ext-2372___________________ D E T A C H E D 2 -storey 3 bedroom home with bay windows. Family room with fireplace, dining/living room, finished basement. Master bedroom with ensu- ite, eat-in kitchen, private fenced yard, large deck. At­ tached single garage w/ opener, C/A, C/V, gas heat­ ing and security system. $169,900. (905)319-2963 C A R L IS L E - In desirable enclave of premium homes, 3,500sq.ft., 4 bedroom s, den, family room, games room, L/R, formal dining room. M any upgrades. Neutral d6cor. Profession­ ally landscaped 1/2 acre. Near Schools, Golf, Ameni­ ties. 35 minutes to airport. $469,000. By appointment (905)-689-3847____________ M ILLCROFT; Lovely, exec­ utive home. Quiet street. 3 bedroom s. 3 baths. $309,900. Low down pay­ ment. 24/hr free recorded message, 1-888-719-9540 ext. 7200. Lo va t-Fra ser Sales Reps, Sutton Group Results Realty Inc._________ G LEN Abbey townhouse (2 level), one of four. Approx. 2,000 sq.ft., 3-bedrooms, large familyroom, fireplace, 3-1/2 baths, large E uro ­ pean kitchen. A/C, finished basement, landscaped, deck, double car garage. $227,000. (905)847-0317. B U R L IN G T O N - In the Orchard, open concept. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathrooms with C/A. 2 year old home, is landscaped and fenced with interlocking brick dri­ vew ay. Must see at $172,900.331-0255 O P E N House Sunday 2 - 4pm. 2394 Coldstream Drive. $172,000. C o m ­ pletely renovated 3 -bed- room, im m aculate. Near school, buses. North Bur­ lington. 332-7437 days, 319-8917, evenings_______ O P EN House- Sat & Sun. 1-4pm. 600 Wilene Dr. 3- bedroom brick bungalow, large mature lot, recently refinished hardwood floors, inlaw suite with separate entrance. $174,900. Call 631-8717 or 333-4192 B UR LIN G TO N - Core area Like new executive home. 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, Cl A. C/V $329,900. 632-4490 B E A U T IF U L 4 level side- split home. 3 + 1 bedrooms, loaded with desirable features. Excellent location, $189,900. D ebbie, 333- 0070______________________ O P E N House. 1334 Ario R d ., East O akville . Sat. Mar.27th, 1pm-4pm. Bun­ galow , m any upgrades. $264,900. (905)849-8284 O P EN House- Sat/ Sun, 2- 4pm. #4-973 Francis Rd., Burlington. Bright, clean 3 bdrm, 1.5 baths, finished basem ent, C/A, built-in dishwasher. Large yard. Great location. C lose to Q EW /403. $119,500. (905)637-3196_____________ B U R L IN G T O N : Guelph Line-New St. area 3 bed­ room, appliances included, washer/dryer. A/C. under ground parking & pool. April 1st. 639-5945 D O W N TO W N Oakville. 3- bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, C/ A, 5 appliances, new carpet & flooring, garage. $159,900. (905)607-8835 W E specialize in Con d o­ minium Sales. Linda D a­ vies Real Estate Ltd., Real­ tor, 333-4347, 827-7728 industrial Chambers & Company Burlington Industrial 40,250sqft Dock Level & Drive-In. 18' clear ceiling. Heavy power-flameless heat. Low operatoring costs. For Lease or Sale. Call Jack Robertson, Assoc. Broker Tel: (905) 525-5991 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Office suite in professional office Facing QEW, free parking, approx. 580 sq.ft gross. Madex Corp. (90S) 849-1100 Harbourview Plaza Lakeshore & Bronte Rd In the * of Bronte Tourist Area and Close to New Marina. RETAIL UNITS from 450 to 3,000 sq.ft. Available Immediately. (905)825-1261 S P E E R S R D . 1100 sq.ft., back industrial portion available. Overhead door, A/C $560/mo. 825-0855 or 331-0554. O A K V I L L E - Lakeshore/ Kerr; prime retail/office space, H O O sq .ft. + full basement + parking. $1280 /mo+ hydro. 842-3196 B U R LIN G TO N Pizza store, take-out/ delivery. Modern equipment, sharp decor, no franchise fees. Vendor will train. Jim Parker, Sales Rep., Sutton Results, 3 32 - 4111 H E A L T H C a re industry. G ood incom e from your home, while keeping your present job. We will train. 3 31 -08 87 . N o Sunday callsl______________________ E X C E L L E N T way to build an additional income. Small investment Training provided. (905)845-6948 W O R K from home! 6 figure income potential. No sell­ ing, not MLM, car pmt, bo- nuses. (905)543-0496 E A R N Extra m oney at home, full/ part-time. For free information call 1-888- 646-0659 B A D C re dit??? Let us Help! Absolute Credit Re- pair. 335-8851 (24 Hrs) M O R TG A G E S . Low Rates. No fees to qualified bor­ rowers. Self employed? We can help! Th e Personal Mortgage Group. Richard. (905)336-9966 B U R U N G TO N . 2-Bedroom, Immediate, from $790.; 3- Bedroom . M a y ls t. from $880/mo. Well maintained, quiet building. W alk to shopping, Hospital. Lake. 637-0321__________________ T W O bedroom basement apartment. Laundry, park­ ing, separate entrance. No pets, no smoking. Available May 1st. Rebecca/ Third Line. $800/mo inclusive. 847-7340_________________ C A N A D IA N A .. Spacious 142 bedrooms, 1100 sq.ft.- 1425 sq.ft. From $895. Utili­ ties included. Available June. (905)632-5486 B R O N T E . 2-bdrm, Clean quiet building, available May 1st, includes heat and H ydro. Parking. $890/ month. (905)827-8228. S H O R T-TE R M Rentals. 3+ m onths. Spacious One Bedrooms. Utilities, Indoor Pool. Work-out Room. Bur- lington Towers. 639-8583 S P A C IO U S 1,243 B ed­ room s. Freshly painted, bright. Com petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Well- maintained. Convenient lo­ cation. (9 0 5 )3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm_________________ Q E W / Kerr. O akville. 1 bedrooms. $759.00/mo. In­ cludes 2 % discount for prompt payment. Excep­ tionally well-m aintained highrise. Fitness room. (905)845-9502_____________ W A LK to GO! 5-plex, Brant/ Fairview. Clean, attractive 1-bedroom ($635.) Non- smokers/ pets. Apr. 1st. Heat, parking included. 389-7013__________________ B A C H E L O R , Downtown Burlington. Separate en­ trance, cable. No pets, no smoking. $500/mo. inclu­ sive. Apr. 1st. First/last. 681-6732_________________ O A K V IL L E , Spacious. 2 bedroom basement apart­ ment with separate en­ trance. May 1st. $850./mo. No pets. (905)827-6027 B U R L IN G T O N Lakeshore area. Prestigious, newly renovated 1 -bedroom , $850/mo. & 2-bedroom $950/mo. includes heat/ hydro/ parking. Immediate. 637-6701 G R E A T N E IG H B O U R S B u r l i n g t o n T o w e r s 1285 Ontario S t, (at Maple) Exceptional 1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apts \ Furnished & Unfurnished Magnificent Indoor Pool • Sauna Complete Rec Facilities • Utilities Incl. | From $860-$1165 639*8583 Mon-Fri: 9am-8pm Sat. & Sun: lOamopm www.ontiin.com btowers@lara.on.ca G R E A T N E I G H B O U R S Downtown On-The-Lake BURLINGTON PLACE BACHELOR, 1, 2 & 3 BDRM SUITES FitneM facilities • Outdoor Pool CALL TODAY FOR AN APPT. TO VIEW: 333-9141 Minto Management Ltd W ellington Place 478 Pearl St. 632-1643 Elizabeth Manor 477 Elizabeth St. 634-9374 Dow ntow n Burlington - A walk to the Lakel 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Suites - Spacious & Upgraded - Stellen Property Management "M ak ing you fee l righ t a t hom e" Luxury L iving on the Lake D IP L O M A T I & I I 5166 & 5170 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington 2 & 3 BEDROOM SUITES (B reath taking lake v iew & U tilities Included) Billiards • O U TD O O R PO O L • BBQ Area Call to V ie w : 3 3 3 --9 5 3 3 o r 3 3 3 -9 5 2 2 Professionally Managed by Minto Management Limited ★ ★ 1460 Ghent Avenue ★ ★ (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted Studios • 1&2 Bdrms • 1 Bdrm + Den »All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths » Indoor pool & saunas » Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable 1™;!." » Near GO, public transit, easy hwy.i BURLINGTON SQUARE Tel: 639-4677 • Weekends: 639-4798 Mon-Thu., 9-7; Fri. 9-5; Sat & Sun 11-4 2350 Q ueensw ay Drive between Guelph Line & Brant St. 2-bedroom, $725/ mo. heat incl. balcony, new paint, laundry, parking. V iew Saturday between Noon-2pm.________________ OAKVILLE-Bachelor apart­ ment. Furnished, $498/mo includes utilities and park­ ing. Prefer quiet gentleman. 649-4782__________________ L A K E S H O R E . Burlington. 2 -bedroom , $930/inclu- sive. Apr./May1st.; Pano­ ramic view of Lake. Call 681-7126 Professionally managed by L T . Green win Property Management B R O N T E Im maculate 2- bedroom, $1150/mo.+ utili­ ties. 5 appliances, gas F/P, C/A, Jacuzzi, parking, pri­ vate entrance. Non-smok­ ing, no pets. M a y .1st. (416)993-1622_____________ 1-B E D R O O M suite among refined tenants in luxury building close to Burlington Mall. Call ' Th e Princess' , 639-800 1 - B E D R O O M , M a yls t, Sunken livingroom. eat-in kitchen. Quick Q E W access, Guelph Ln near New St., Burlington. $735/ mo.+ parking. 637-9725 O LD Oakville. 2-bedroom, $998/mo.; 1-bedroom , $875/mo.; in beautifully maintained, quiet building downtown... Step out to shops! Lots of seniors. 845- 8254. Leave message C L O S E community. Extra large 2-bdrm., balcony, in 4-plex, $770/mo. heat in­ cluded, available June 1st. 637-0622 or 332-8006. O A K V IL L E . Lakeshore/ Kerr. 1-bdrm inclusive, TV antenna, $700./ mo. Apr ./May. (No smoking. No pets) (416)233-7441 N O R TH Oakville. Bachelor apartment available May 1st. Private entrance. 3 piece bath, 1 parking. $450/mo includes utilities. 825-0917_________________ O A K V IL L E Lakeshore/ Kerr Bright, spacious 2 bedroom , 4 appliances, parking. $995/mo + hydro. (905)842-3196_____________ B E A U T IF U L 2 bedroom apartment in small building. Great central Burlington area.$70O/mo. June 1st. No pets, 634-0548.____________ B R O N T E on the Lake. Penthouse, 2-bedrooms, 2 balconies with lake view. Pool, tennis. One under­ ground parking. M a ylst. Call to view: 827-9169, Sir Richard Tow er, w ww .on- tim.com___________________ •NEW* 1-bdrm Burlington. Steps from Lake. High ceilings, 4 appliances. Gor­ geous! $850/mo. +utilities. 634-2628._________________ B U R LIN G TO N Core. Lux­ ury 2-bedroom, 2-bath, 2- parking, 5-appliances, whirlpool, $ l450/m o. in­ cludes heat/ hydro. Avail­ able immediately. (905)639-6506.____________ LAR GE luxurious basement apartment, 1-bedroom, ap­ pliances, separate en­ trance. No smoking/ child­ ren/ pets. Trafalgar/ Upper Middle. $800/mo. May 1st. 849-4109_________________ B R O N T E on the Lake Penthouse. 2 -bdrm s, 2 balconies with lake view. Pool, tennis. O ne under ground parking. M aylst. Call to view: 827-9169, Sir Richard Tower, www.ontim .com______________________ B U R U N G T O N Downtown, 2 - bedroom +office, main floor apartment in 5-plex. Lovely great room w/F.P., waik-out to private deck. Fridge, stove, coin laundry facilities. Avail. Immediate­ ly. $975./mo.+ hydro. Ann Brownlee, Sales Rep., Pru­ dential Stephens Realty, (905)639-6111 B U R L IN G T O N near w a ­ terfront. 1 bedrooms, $725/ mo; 2 bedrooms, $825/ mo. Remodeled units. Quiet buildings. (905)639-5079. *2-BED R O O M Apartments $760. (Utilities included). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Openl 1 - 8pm. 639-5761____________ Q U IE T , Convenient, Well- Maintained! 3055 Glencrest Rd.. Burlington. Very spa­ cious 3-bedroom, Apr. 1st. From $980-/mo. 637-3921 B R IG H T furnished or un­ furnished basement apart­ ment, private, utilities, ga­ rage, Southeast Burlington, Non-smoker. References Call 634-3624_____________ FR EE. Apartment Locator. Save time and money. One Stop Apartment Shop. All areas and prices...... (905)524-3000____________ 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur­ lington. Available Mar '99: 1-bdrm apartments from $695/mo. (905)632-0129 G EO R G IA N APARTMENTS 1- Bdrms: $750/+ 2- Bdrms: $815/+ 3- Bdrms: $925/+ Avail. Mar./Apr./May Heat/Hydro Included (No pets) Burl • 639-0456 M-F: 9-4 & 6:30-8:30 1-BDR M , Headon Forest. Top floor, carpeted, Limit­ ed cooking. Private e n ­ trance. N ^ - ^ r \ i e t s . C / V . Q p M \ 3Q . A v a i l * 1-- ....... ediatley, $695 a month inclusive with parking, large apartment with bay windows. Please call (905) 336-1022________ O A K V ILLE Must see beau­ tiful. 1 bedroom, spotless, spacious basement apart­ ment. Full bath. Air. Pri­ vate entrance. Parking, non-sm oker. M a y .1st. $80Qymo., (416)-544-0342 A V A IL A B L E M ay. 1st- 3 bedroom , Burlington (Lakeshore/ Maple). Hard­ wood floors, ceramics, in­ door pool/ gym . Utilities plus 2 underground park­ ing. $1.175/mo. (905)-631- 9622______________________ L A R G E 3 bedroom apart­ ment available May 1, in clean, quiet building. Call 845-8812 or (416)814-0620. LA K E S H O R E / Maple. 1- bdrm, Maylst. $825Vmo. 2- bdrm, Immediate, $9507 mo. with beautiful lakefront view. Indoor pool. Heat/ hydro included. Bus stops at door. Close to Maple- view Mall/ JB M H . Great highway access. (905)632- 5258.______________________ B R O N TE area. 2 bedroom basem ent apartm ent. $80Q/mo., utilities included. Call 827-7875 ▼▼TTT F U R N IS H E D Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm Corporate, Executive Homes, Condos. 1-2 baths. 6 appliances, C/A, Jacuzzi, rec centre, pool, security. T V , V C R , stereo, from.... $995/mo.l ' Snow birds' ... W e have Triple A tenants who'll pay your bills while you're south!! 6 8 1 -R E N T (7368).____________________ B U R LIN G TO N 2 -b ed roo m townhouse. Tyandaga. 1.5 baths, F/P in L/R, full base­ ment w/family room, fridge, stove, adjacent to park. M aylst 335-3001 O A K V IL L E - (dow ntow n) furnished basem ent, 1 bedroom , suit business lady. No pets, non-smoking. $70Q/mo. 842-8383 B E A U T IF U L executive Brant Hills- 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, main floor family room with fireplace, large kitchen, huge private yard. Available June 1st. $1600 + utilities, also 3 + 1 bed­ room June 25, $1450 + utl- ities . Kathy. 332-9760. N O R TH Burlington. 3 bed­ room, 1 1/2 baths, garage, appliances. $1250/mo + utilities. Mid April or May. 639-1872._________________ B U R L IN G T O N . Large 3- bedroom, 5 appliances, 2- car parking, fenced yard backing onto park. Near schools/ highway. No pets. $1,15Q/mo. May 1st. 332- 5975______________________ O A K V IL L E - 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, rec room. $1100mo, first/last. No pets. 827-3398 after 5pm._______ B U R L IN G T O N C ountry Executive 2 storey, 4-bdrm, 2.5 baths. $1,750/mo. Mid- April. Heather Buchanan- Curren. Sales Rep, Royal LePage. 634-7755 W A N T E D tow nhouse or semi, N .E . Burlington or Oakville. Will pay $9007 month. June. 1st. (905)- 6 07-6777 or (9 0 5 )-4 6 5 - 0155 Q U IE T S E Burlington loca­ tion. 2.5 baths, appliances, professionally finished low­ er level, 568 Pinedale Ave. Call for appointment (519) 632-5146_________________ H E A D O N Forest, 3 bed­ room executive condo townhouse. Fireplace, 5 appliances, C V , garage. Quiet com plex, ideal for professional. Non-smokers, no pets $1300/mo + utili­ ties. References. May 1st. 335-2576_______________i_ B U R L IN G T O N : Availalbe Junelst, 2-bedroom from $892.85/m o.+ utilities, 3 appliances. 1.5 baths, near schools, shopping. Park- hke setting; Also, 3-bed- room, $959.18/mo.* utili- ties. 333-1190_____________ LUXURY 2-bedroom. 5-ap- pliances. C A No pets. $1750/mo. Burlington. Karen McCaw Sales Rep., Royal LePage R.E. 634-7755 O A K V ILLE . 243 Bedroom Townhouses available May 1st. 4 appliances. Hoped- ale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 3 bedroom , 1.5 baths. 4 appliances May 1st, $950./mo.+utilities. Oak- ville. 845-9685____________ 3-BEDR O O M in Tecumseh Village near Burlington Mall. $1,015/month. C/A. M a yls t. Karen 905-854- 0604 after 5pm____________ (J u s t R ip / it F o r ty o u j C U M B ERLAN D VILLAG E 3270 Prospect S t • 632-2601 3 Bedrooms • 3 appliancess • Eat-in Kit Basement • Playground • Parking Near schools • Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited ROUNDTREE MANOR TOWNHOMES Across from Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrms from $842. 795 Dynes Road Tel: 639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON! Amelin Property Mgmt H O U S E S IT T E R . Retired gentleman will housesit or rent your home May 15th- N ov.15th. Phone/ fax: (905)245-8091_____________ I 1*1" J for rent 194rooms tor rent 4 wanted U P P E R L A R G E furnished room in executive townhome with ensuite. Near Sheridan College, bus route. Non- smoker. Close to ameni­ ties. Kitchen and laundry facilities. $575.842-6322 N . B U R L IN G T O N . Bedroom 6 large sitting room . $450/mo. Fridge, m icrowave, phone. Suit working female. 335-6005. shared accommodation O A K V IL L E - 2 bedroom luxury condo. Top floor, on ravine. 2 baths, all utilities 4 appliances included. Indoor parking, $1400/mo. May 1st. (905)501-1675________ O N E bedroom plus small den. Ta n s le y Gardens (Walker's 4 Upper Middle) Imm ediate occupancy. $8507monthly. 319-1069 I houses for rent B L U E F IE L D S Drive, Bur­ lington. 2-Bdrm townhome, no dogs, hardwood, patio, fenced yard, laundry. May 1st. $789/mo. 336-7207. F U R N IS H E D basement bachelor suite (quiet Chris­ tian home). Suit quiet, non­ smoking, non-drinking em­ ployed person. Oakville. 844-6731._________________ TY A N D A G A Terrace, Bur­ lington. 1-bdrm, 1-level 4 2- bdrm 2-level apartments, Apr/May. Low-rise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios. 336- 0015,336-0016 HOMES to RENT w / Option to BUY or Creative Financing Available to facilitate purchase of home with little or nothing down! Call Jay Nelligan, Sales Rep., (905) 575-5478 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor E-mail: creativeop- tions@sprint.ca 3 -B E D R O O M , 2-Storey, Glen Abbey, 2-1/2 bath­ rooms, main floor family- room. Available April. $1500/mo.+ utilities. Joe Rupcich, Broker, Oakdome Realty. (905)844-0363 A F F O R D A B L E - 1 bedroom in clean tow nhouse (B urlin gton ), im m ediate. Parking, furniture available. $360 first/ last. 319-1765________ R IV E R O aks, large bed­ room private ensuite 4 L/R. Cleaning lady, hot tub, ca­ ble, +++. No pets/ non- sm oker. $650./month. (905)-257-7285____________ FUR NISHED/ Unfurnished large bedroom in private home. Bathroom, walk-in closet, sitting area, bar fridge. Includes cable/ utili­ ties, Suit professional. Glen Abbey area. (905)- 847-1118__________________ B R O N T E . Ideal location near harbour, condo town- house. 4 appliances, 1-1/2 baths, garage. Apr./May. $1090/mo.+ utilities. W ar­ ren Hill, Trafalgar Property Management. 338-1130 B U R LIN G TO N - New town- house. 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. Appleby/UpperMid- dle. May 1st. $1,000 + utili­ ties. No smoking/ pets. 332-3375_________________ IM M A C U L A T E - W alker's Line/ New- Furnished/ Un­ furnished. Working person preferred. Pool. Im m e­ diate. First/ Last. $475/ month. 333-3895__________ F A L G A R W O O D Drive, Oakville. Room in house. On bus route. All inclusive. Immediate. 845-8693. Professional to share town- house, $40Q/mo. 1st 4 last, parking, smoker okay. Avail now! 905-601-7829 S H A R E 2-bdrm apartment, luxurious Burlington buil­ ding. Large Indoor pool, fit­ ness centre, sauna. Non- smoker. Immediate. $4501 mo. (905)639-1473________ V ER Y large house to share with one other. Non smoker, avail Maylst $400 + utilities. 631-7827 O A K V IL L E . Hopedale Mall area. Wanted female to share house and house­ hold responsibilities. Rea­ sonable rent. 416-574- 5439. (905)469-1096 U P P E R Middle/ 9th Line, room, share kitchen/ bath­ room. ample parking, laun­ dry, quiet person $400. (905)849-5511 BcTlVJ items under $100. 14" S V G A Daytek colour monitor $100. Call 631-718C 2 children's bicycle seats. 1 Gerry and 1 Fisher Price, $35/each. 336-3977 S T O V E - 30' admiral. White, works great, $100/ obo. 332-0608___________ A N IM A L cage- 14' wX20'h X24'L. $30. 335-0358 B O Y S 'S Bike- 24' 12 speed. Te rra Mountain Super Cycle. $70. Excel­ lent condition. 631-1729 http://www.ontiin.com mailto:btowers@lara.on.ca http://www.ontim mailto:creativeop-tions@sprint.ca mailto:creativeop-tions@sprint.ca

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