Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 12 Jun 1974, p. 61

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June 12,1974 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER 77. help wanted 77. help wanted 77. help wanted 77, help wanted 77. help wanted 77. help wanted Sheridan College SECRETARY TO THE DEAN OF THE SCHOOL OF BOSINESS C / AND SECRETARIAL STODIES OAKVILLE CAMPUS The position entails a considerable amount of shorthand and typing with above average ability in creative letter writing, initiating correspond­ ence and finalizing reports. There is a fair amount of meeting people and arranging ap­ pointments involved in this position. Initiative and efficiency are required to work independently much of the time. Must be able to organize and maintain records and reports in an efficient manner. Several years' senior secre­ tarial experience with a good background in gen­ eral office procedures. Please apply in writing to: THE PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR SHERIDAN COLLEGE 1430 TRAFALGAR ROAD OAKVILLE, ONTARIO TRAVEL CLERK This position w ill invo lve a ll ad m in istra tive d eta ils in­ vo lving personnel trave llin g on com p any business. Dut­ ies w ill include m aking reservatio ns fo r a ir an d ground tra v e l, hotel reservations, c a r ren ta ls , record ing and aud iting expense cla im s an d p re p a rin g re lated invoices fo r paym ent. H igh School g ra d u a te , com m ercia l school g ra d u a te or eq u iva len t. A pp lican ts must have typ ing experience , be ab le to d ea l e ffective ly w ith people and have the ab ility to w ork under pressure w hen necessary . DRIVER To de liver and pick up p a rce ls using a com p any veh­ icle in the M etrop o litan Toronto a re a . O th er duties w ill include m oving furn iture an d having com pany ca rs c leaned an d serv iced . Interested ap p lican ts must possess a C h au ffe u r's lic­ ence. C ity d riv ing experience p re fe rre d . P lease w rite g iving fu ll d e ta ils to : Employment Officer ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LIMITED Power Projects, Sheridan Park Research Community Mississauga, Ontario L5K 1B2 D O M IN IO N REQUIRES EXPERIENCED GROCERY CLERK SALARY RANGE $131 $188 MEAT CUTTERS SALARY RANGE $182 $205 APPLY IN PERSON TO STORE MANAGER, HOPEDALE MALL * W ENTW ORTH LUMBER Requires counter sales staff. Duties include stock keeping, advising customers, writing and shipping orders. Experience not necessary but a good work record is. Top salary and benefit program for 5-day-week, Saturdays included. 2 weeks holidays. Profit sharing plan. Oppor­ tunity to advance with a growing company. Apply in person. 890 Appleby Line, Burl. Attention: Mr. Bill Unrau Have a family to take care of and want to earn extra money? Be a Fuller Representative Choose your own hours, work in your neighbor­ hood, earn $4. to $10 per hour. A few openings are still available. SPECIAL STUDENT PRO­ GRAM for the summer is also obtainable. Mrs. Brigitte Houweling, 826-3099, Evngs. NORTON BUS LINES REQUIRE School Bus Drivers • Well paying part time job • Approximate hrs. 7:30 - 9 a m: 3-4:30 p m weekdays. • Wages $250 monthly plus bonus • Ideal for retired people and homemakers. Call 6 3 2 - 6 9 5 8 STENO TYPIST for small engineering company in Erin Mills. Must be fast and accurate. Capable of becoming private secretary to President within a few months. A good opportunity in modern surround­ ings. For appointment call: A.K. DOUGLASS 828-5660 COOKS MALE OR FEMALE Short order, full and part time. Some restaurant experience desirable but willing to train. Apply in person. SMITTY'S PANCAKE HOUSE SHERIDAN MALL KEYPUNCH OPERATOR OAKVILLE INSTALLATION HAS IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR PERSON WITH 2 YEARS' RECENT KEYPUNCH EXPERIENCE ON I.B.M. 029. WILL TRAIN ON KEYTAPE. MUST HAVE OWN TRANSPORTATION. CALL 845-7558 OR 849-7979 Sheridan College REQUIRES TV DISTRIBUTION OPERATOR Responsible for the distribution of TV program­ ming throughout the college on A.C.C. system. Applicants should be mature, able to work under pressure and have a minimum of 3 years' prac­ tical experience. Duties to begin immediately. Salary in keeping with qualifications and posi­ tion. Apply in writing with references, present ad­ dress and telephone number to: MR. JOHN L. TAVERNER TV CO-ORDINATOR Sheridan College of Applied Arts & Technology 1430 Trafalgar Road Oakville, Ontario, L6H 2L1 845-9430 OR 362-5861 WANTED Staff for movie theatre in Burlington. CONFECTION COUNTER HELP USHERS CALL 632-1892 BOOKKEEPER Manufacturer located in Milton requires an ex­ perienced bookkeeper with ability to maintain a complete set of books to general ledger, trial balance. Own transportation essential. Apply to: Mr. I. S. Whyte 878-2828 WELDER-FITTER ERIN MILLS DUNDAS AREA Top rates for experienced production people PHONE MR. I. HALAK AT 828-5660 FOR APPOINTM ENT 80. skilled help wanted 80. skilled help wanted MECHANICS If you are a Class "A" mechanic and are inter­ ested in a career with Canada's leading truck rental company CALL US We can offer: • STEADY EMPLOYMENT • EXCELLENT BENEFITS • TOP REMUNERATION • A0VANCE OPPORTUNITIES RYDER TRUCK RENTALS LTD. 672 KIPLING AVENUE (KIPLING AND QUEENSWAY) TORONTO 255-2341 ASK FOR STAN ADAMS Sheridan College MILTON, ONTARIO, CAMPUS REQUIRES HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR INSTRUCTOR with 10 years' operating experience and some supervisory and mechanical background to teach operation and maintenance of heavy equip­ ment. Interested applicants should apply in writing to: W. FOURNIER, THE DIRECTOR Sheridan College Heavy Equipment School R.R. 3, MILTON, ONTARIO OR TELEPHONE 826-3098 COUNTRY LIVING . TOOL MAKERS -- MACHINISTS Perm anent positions open in hunting and fishing country at Smiths Falls, Ontario (Rideau Lakes) Reasonable living costs and a good family life. Sal­ ary negotiatable. Call: 632-0319 BURLINGTON 77. help wanted 61 FEDERATED-GENCO LTD. H A S O P E N IN G S FO R A BLE-B O D IED SMELTER WORKERS • Starting wage: S3.46 per hour • Plus 25 cents per hour cost of living bonus • PUjs 22 cents per hour in­ crease effective July 1st, 1974. Plus -- Shift premiums --^Sunday premiums -- And full company benefits. ONLY THOSE WHO WANT TO WORK NEED APPLY Apply ir» person 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon. through Pri. 8 3 4 A PPLEBY LINE B U R LIN G TO N DENTAL HYGIENIST Wanted Dental Hygienist for busy group dental practice. West end Oak­ ville. Top salary. All en­ quiries confidential. Please call Mrs. Tinker, 827-0361 or 844-6507 after 6 p.m. 80. skilled help wanted Multi Operator Experienced for quality color work. Tollefson Litho Ltd. 30 SHEPHERD RD. OAKVILLE 845-7865 8 1 .b irth s IRELAND -- Fred and Carol are happy to announce the arrival of their second son, Kevin Thomas, bom June 5th, 1974 a t Joseph Brant Hospital. 8 6 .in m e m o ria m J n iTlemoriam An In Memoriam gift is a fitting tribute to the memory of your loved one. A remembrance given to the Canadian Cancer Society will as­ sist research , education and service. For further information call: CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY 95 Thomas Street, Oakville. Ont. 845-5231 8 8 .flo r is ts FLOWERS tastefully arranged by Tbe Violet Flower Shop L tt 234 Lakeshore Rd. E. 845-7127 8 9 .fu n e ra l d ire c to rs Strce 1922 S. S. Russell & Son Funeral Directors 43 Ov r i St. (At tic Lake) 844-3221

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