Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 12 Apr 2018, p. 63

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classifieds Barbara Meyer (nee Roberts) June 28, 1931 to April 1,2018 Our beautifu l m other Barbara passed away peacefully, w ith her usual grace and dignity, on Easter Sunday, in her 87th year. Predeceased by her husband A lb e rt (2003), loving m other of Ralph (Jane) o f Ancaster, Val (Stephen W allace) o f T o ro n to and S tephen (Lo ri) o f S ta tesv ille , N o rth C a ro lin a . Proud Nana to her th re e grandsons Dan, Dave (Ashley) and Thomas. Dearly loved by her sisters Anne Hall, Pat Love joy (Steve B re w e r), Carol Perey (deceased) and Nancy Adams (Walter), as w ell as by her nieces and nephews. Born and raised in M on tre a l, Barb moved to O n ta rio w ith her husband in 1956 and moved from city life to c o u n try l iv in g in C a ledon b e fo re retiring in Oakville. Barb's la u g h te r and energy, b r ig h t smile, loyalty, her sense o f hum our and strength are amongst the many gifts we cherish. She was a ta le n te d and passionate bridge player and teacher to many. Most o f all, she loved her fam ily and the leg ion o f friends w ho m eant so much to her and she to them. Barb's fam ily is g ra te fu l fo r the care she re c e iv e d f ro m s ta f f a t th e Oakville Trafalgar M em orial Hospital and we extend heartfe lt appreciation to th e ded ica ted s ta ff a t Id le w y ld M anor in H am ilton fo r th e ir loving support and kindness. Friends and colleagues o f the fam ily are in v ite d to d ro p by b e tw e e n 1 - 4 p .m ., Sunday, A p r il 15 th a t Yo landa S p un tino Casa, 49 B ron te Road in O akville to celebrate Barb's life well lived. Remarks w ill be offered at 3 p.m. D ona tions to The Id le w y ld M ano r F o u n d a t io n w o u ld be m u c h a p p re c ia te d . In fo rm a t io n may be found at idlewyldmanor.com J Honour the memory of a LOVED ONE... Call 905-632-4440 or ( „ _ . email classified̂ met rol an (Iwcst. Place an In Memoriam in the classifieds. Death Notices Death Notices O'BO YLE, John Passed away peacefully, surrounded by fa m ily a t S u nnyb rook V eterans Centre, on Saturday, A pril 7, 2018 at th e age o f 78. Beloved husband o f Breda (nee Doyle). Loving fa th e r to M ary H unch ik (David), John (Lori), th e la te M a r t in (C a rr ie ), Tom m y (Liz), and B rid g e t G illies (Shayne). C h e r is h e d g r a n d f a t h e r t o 11. F u n e r a l M a ss w a s h e ld o n W e d n e s d a y , A p r i l 11 , 2 0 1 8 . M em oria l donations to Sunnybrook V e te ra n s C e n tre G ra n t a W is h Program w o u ld be a pp rec ia ted by the family. www.sm ithsfh.com BRANT STREET CHAPEL OSBORNE, Merle D ouglas March 25, 1933 ~ April 4, 2018 D o u g la s passed aw ay p e a c e fu lly on W ed n e sda y , A p r i l 4, 2018 a t th e O a k v il le T ra fa lg a r M e m o ria l Hospita l a t th e age o f 85. Beloved husband o f Judy. Loving fa th e r o f K im S tarling (Craig), M ike O sborne (C indy), Daryl O sborne (Brad), and Chris O sbo rne (K a ren ). C herished g r a n d fa th e r o f M a t t O s b o rn e , A m a n d a O sb o rn e , Ryan S ta r lin g , C o u r tn e y O s b o rn e , an d B ra d e n O sborne. He is predeceased by his parents Irene McClure Osborne and M erle Osborne, his siblings Ka th ryn W illiam s and Don Osborne. In 1972 he founded Osborne and Sons Home im provem ent Inc. Services have been e n tru s te d to th e D o d s w o rth and B ro w n F une ra l Hom e B u r lin g to n C hape l, 9 5 0 -6 37 -5233 . In lie u o f flow ers, donations may be made to the Oakville Hospital Foundation. Dodsworth & Brown Funeral Flome Burlington Chapel by Arbor Memorial 905-637-5233 * www dbburlington.es ■ 1 V l l j l OAKVILLE ^ e Beaver. The Oakville B e a v e r w ould like to express sincere a n d heart-fe lt cond olences 1 to those w ho have lost their lo ved ones. I I RABACK, Susanne Elizabeth (nee Maich) August 11, 1975 - April 6, 2018 A fte r a short ba ttle w ith cancer, on Friday, A p r il 6, 2018 a t th e C red it Valley Hospital a t the age o f 42. Sue was the much loved and loving w ife o f David Raback, adored m othe r o f S a m a n th a M a ich and C a th e r in e G ilm o re , ve ry specia l d a u g h te r o f R obe rt and Sharon M aich, ca ring s is te r to Rob M a ich and his w ife Fiona, and A u n tie Susi to nephew Robbie M aich. She also leaves her parents-in-law Mike and Lynn Raback, b ro the r-in -law Lee Raback, s ister-in­ la w A nn Raback and he r p a rtn e r Evan Johnston, and nephew Gordon Johnston. Her close extended fam ily o f aun ts, uncles and cousins also mourn her. Growing up, Susi (as she was known) was a w a te r baby, sw im m ing in the fa m ily p o o l, w a te rs k iin g , tu b in g , and ju m p in g o f f th e b o a th o u s e ro o f a t th e c o tta g e . She was ou r navigator, boa t driver, weatherm an, and c h a m p io n w a te rm e lo n seed spitter. Sue was never happier than when she met Dave and settled into the small to w n way o f life in Acton. She learned to garden and was very proud o f her vegetables (all bu t the c a rro ts ). She and Dave to g e th e r c o n s ta n tly made im p rovem en ts to th e ir home. She easily made many new fr iends and pa rtic ip a te d in all th e n e ig h b o u rh o o d e v e n ts and v o lu n te e re d a t th e fa l l f a i r and fundraisers. She was the u ltim ate cat lady and was never w ith o u t a t least one fe line friend. Chunky and Buddy w ill miss her. The fa m ily w i l l rece ive fr ie n d s a t MacKinnon Family Funeral Home, 55 M ill St. E., Acton on Thursday, A pril 19, 2018 from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. A Celebration o f her Life w ill take at p lace a t Royal C anad ian Leg ion - Branch 197, 15 W right Ave., Acton, on Friday, A p ril 20, 2018 from 6-8 p.m. As per Susanne's wishes, crem ation has taken place. The fa m ily w o u ld apprecia te donations to th e C redit Valley Hospital, Oncology U n it. The care she received there was incredible. MacKinnon Family Funeral Home www.m ackinnonfuneralhom e.com J Honour the memory of a LOVED ONE... Place an In Memoriam in the classifieds. ..cmailclassilicd'rt mctroland RUTGERS, Ted January 1, 1931 - March 27, 2018 It is w ith heavy hearts we announce the passing o f Ted Rutgers. He was a very dedicated husband and father. Ted was predeceased by the love o f his life fo r 60 years, Ju tta Rutgers (nee Anders). He leaves beh ind his tw o c h ild re n B irg it A rm a ta g e and Scott Rutgers, fo u r g ra n d ch ild ren , and one g rea t-g ra n d ch ild . Ted was very friend ly and kind hearted to all w ho met him. A true gentlem an. he w i l l be d e a rly m issed by a ll w h o knew and loved him. W ORLIDGE, M arion Passed away courageously w ith her fam ily by her side on April 4, 2018 at the age o f 83. M arion is survived by her loving children Karen o f Oakville and Steven (Karen) o f B u r lin g to n ; be lo ve d g ra n d c h ild re n A lic ia and M atthew and her sister Mary O'Neill o f Oakville. M arion was predeceased by h e r husb an d D o n a ld S t ir l in g . M arion was a longtim e employee o f th e O akv ille Beaver. V is ita tio n w ill be held a t th e OAKVIEW FUNERAL HOME, 56 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville on Sunday, April 15 from 2-5 p.m. In lie u o f f lo w e rs , th e fa m ily w o u ld app rec ia te d o n a tio n s made to th e O akville Humane Society to honour M arion's love o f dogs. Online condolences can be made at oakviewfuneral.ca Celebration of Life Services Celebration of Life Services Warren Neil Ontong January 4, 1974 - February 6,2018 A Celebration o f a Life Lived Share memories and stories Sunday, April 15, 2018 Oakville Golf Club, 1154 6th Line Oakville, L6H 6M1 V isitation 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Service and Reception 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. HILDEBRAND, D rew M ichael August 29,1991 - April 8, 2008 It has been 10 long years Since we had you in our lives Heard your laughter and saw the sun shine on your face. You were just sixteen When taken from us A life o f promise ju st beginning To blossom and show new wonder. You were such a shining star Excelling at school and working part-time. Full o f fun, smiles, and kindness With mischief always just under the surface. There are days it seems like yesterday A n d days it seems like forever The pain will never go away A n d memories are all that are left. But you are with us forever In our hearts and in our minds You will never be forgotten You will always be the "perfect Drew." ~Miss you and love you forever, Mom, W arren, A un t Cindy, Devan, Leigh and Nana ZILIO , Yolanda In loving memory o f our dear M other and Grandmother, w ho passed away April 13, 2001. Though absent you are very near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. Lovingly remembered by her daughters Janet, Elaine and Families. # 1Beaver. The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones. 8| O akville Beaver | Thursday, April 12,2018 insidehalton.com http://www.smithsfh.com http://www.mackinnonfuneralhome.com

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