Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 16 Jun 1999, C6

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C6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, June 16, 1999 505 505 505 Come join us...be a part of the Best! Due to continued success in the logistics field, TNT Global Express Logistics and M ail, a leading provider of 3rd party logistics solutions, is seeking a motivated individual to assume a leadership role in Oakville, Ontario. OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR FILE # CA-DS-0699-1 Reporting to the Contract Manager, this key position will be responsible fo r • Dispatching and monitoring pre-booked loads. • Updating information, tracking and maintaining trailers. • Data collection of information relating to dispatch, payroll, invoicing, safety and compliances and key performance measurements • Providing customer service. • Shift work. Logistics, dispatch or transportation experience is essential, as is computer literacy and proven customer service excellence. The right candidate w ill be proactive in a busy, 'urgent' environment. Post-secondary education preferred. TNT Global Express Logistics and Mail offers competitive and rewarding compensation packages & the opportunity to apply your skills with a recognized industry leader. If you are interested in pursuing this challenge in the growing field of contract logistics, Please forward your resume, quoting the file number, no later than June 2 5 ,1 9 9 9 to: TNT Global Express Logistics and Mail 5800 Ambler Dr., Suite 210, Toronto, Ont, L4W 4J4 Fax (905)-338-1694 Thank you for your interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Telephone calls will not be accepted. GlobiJ Express, Logistics A M»l| Packaging Technician The Oakville packaging facility of CanAmera Foods requires the services of a Packaging Technician. Marking on a diverse number of automated and semi-automated packaging lines, you may be expected to operate a variety of packaging machinery, such as Votators, fillers, formers, closers, labelers, and case packers. Other tasks may include manual palletizing, tote-filling, and tote-washing. Successful candidates will have successfully completed Grade 12, and possess a demonstrated mechanical aptitude. Capability of working shifts, and flexibility to adapt to schedule changes is essential, as is a demonstrated ability to function safely and maintain a clean work environment. Candidates with packaging line experience, and knowledge of GMP, ISO 9002, and HAACP will be given preference. CanAmera Foods offers a competitive wage and an excellent benefit program. Qualified candidates should forward a resume no later than Friday, June 25th, 1999, to: CanAmeraFoods CanAmera Foods c/o Human Resource Department 2190 South Service Road West Oakville, Ontario, L6L 5N1 Fax: (905) 469-2002 E-mail: bmdrover@ canamerafoods.com CanAmera Foods supports and practices Employment Equity principles. DZ Driver Mississauga steel com­ pany F/T benefits. Hand bombing & heavy lifting. Only hardwork­ ing team players need apply. Apply in person 1-4pm during the week @ 848 Lakeshore Rd., E., (2 blocks east of Cawthra) or fax resume with clean drivers ab­ stract 905-891-3990 Embroidery Machine Operator hardworking, self-moti­ vated individual to run embroidery machine. Experience preferred or m ust be m echanically inclined. Fax resume to: (905) 339-0295 Exp. COURIER DRIVERS Full or Part- time Needed Immediately for busy Oakville company. Fluent in English. Must have own car or van. Call Wally. 1-800-567-2244 or 905-825-2244 F L E X IB L E S a les p e rs o n - Part-time. Required Imme- diatly 10-15hrs /w k includ­ ing so m e e ve n in g an d w ee k en d sh ifts . R e ta il sales e x p e r ie n c e not re ­ qu ired but p re fe rre d . P le a s a n tly p a c ed a t- m o shp here. G u aran te e d ho u rly ra te . D e liv e r resumes: Royal Mattress, 5041 Fairview, Burlington or fax: (905)-681-2294 E L E C T R O N IC S m anufac­ turer requires W arehouse P erso n . F a m ilia r w ith electronic parts, data entry, handle 60lbs. Good grasp of E n g lish , M a th , em a il: h r@ te lc o m re se a rc h .c o m . fax (9 0 5 )-3 3 6 -1 4 8 7 , mail: T e lco m R e s e a rc h . 3 3 7 5 North Service., #A -7 , Bur­ lington, L7N-3G2. No calls please. Candidates select- ed will be contacted._______ SK ILLED Mature people in ­ quired p art-tim e. E xperi­ enced M ach in e shop o p ­ erators, E lectric ians, C ar­ penters, C ab in e t M akers , Welders, and Stone Mason for sm all business. A lso full-time reliable Handyper- son, som e e x p e r ie n c e in carpentry/ flooring an asset. Send resume: P.O.Box 992, Oakville, L6J-5E8 Attn: Hu­ man Resources. M O L L Y M a id is s e e k in g fu ll-tim e personnel. V alid Drivers Lie. a must. Train­ ing provided. No nights. No w eekends. B enefits ava il­ able. Please call 681-7484 for appointment. IN D U S T R IA L J a n ito r ia l Com pany. F T /P T . Straight e v e n in g s & w e e k e n d s . D rivers licen se an asset. Heavy lifting part of the job. F a x re s u m e : 1 -9 0 5 -6 3 2 - 0 0 1 2 o r M a il to: 2 1 9 6 Q ueensw ay, # 3 1 , Burling- ton, Ontario. L7R 4K9 S EA S O N A L H e lp - Ideal for s tu d e n ts / o th ers w an tin g w ork P /T b e tw e e n S ep t.- Dec. Positions available for c u s to m e r s e rv ic e , re ta il, packing, w areho use help. Apply now & secure work schedule in advance. P /T , shiftwork, w eekends avail­ able. $7.25/hr starting. Fax re s u m e : (9 0 5 )3 3 8 -1 4 8 6 , Attn: Kim S E V E R A L p a rt-tim e d ay jo b s a v a ila b le c le a n in g homes in Burlington/ Oakv ille a re a . E arn $ 7 -9 /h r + mileage + bonuses. Car re­ qu ired , tra in ing provided . Call (905)465-0462________ S EC U R ITY Officers- Imme­ diate openings in the Bur­ lington area. Own transpor­ tation, rotating shifts, fluent in English oral / written. Fax resum e to: T riPart Protec- tion Inc. (905)632-1217 S U PR E M E C ar Care seeks responsible people to work at golf courses in and a r­ ound Oakville/Milton. Stud­ ents welcome. Call Shelby, 4 1 6 -8 2 8 -8 8 3 3 or H a rle y 416-948-3669 W E are looking for people ab le to perform varie ty of tasks related to mushroom c ro p p re p a ra tio n , m u sh ­ room harvester's. Must be self-m otivated, understand a n d s p e a k E n g lis h , own tra n s p o rta tio n , w illin g to work weekends, very flexi­ b le h o u rs . If in te re s te d , p h o n e / fax resum e: 6 2 8 - 3090_______________________ P IA N O T e a ch e r- W e are s ee k in g an e n th u s ia s tic , s e lf re lia n t p e rs o n w ith good communication skills. S uccessfu l c an d id a te will have G rad e 8 R C M piano or equivalent. Approx. 10- 15hrs/w eek, Evenings and S atu rd ay s . F o r an in te r­ v ie w c a ll E la in e a t 6 3 9 - 4465 H E A D G ro u n d s k e e p e r w anted , fu ll-tim e for busy H o rs e S h o w & T ra in in g Facility. Start immediately, h o u rs m u st be f le x ib le . Knowledge of turf m achin­ ery and maintenance. Non­ smoking environm ent. Call (9 0 5 )8 2 7 -2 2 3 4 for an a p ­ p o in tm e n t or fa x to: (905)827-6333.__________ C O U N T E R Sales . P erm a­ nent Part-tim e position. Af­ ternoon shift & Saturdays. Must be mature, bondable able to deal with public and h a v e n e a t a p p e a ra n c e . Will train. Com puter experi­ ence an asset. Apply: Park­ er's C leaners, 4 80 Guelph Line, Burlington____________ G E N E R A L L a b o u rers re ­ qu ired im m ed iate ly . Long term , North Burlington lo­ cation. S afe ty b oots / own transportation needed. $8.+ /hr to start. Apply in person: C W C , 3 0 4 0 N e w S tre e t, (east of Guelph Line), Bur­ lington ★ ★ ★ ★ $ 1 3 .0 5 to S tart. In terna­ tional firm has many FT/PT p o s itio n s a v a ila b le s tu d ­ ents w elco m e. C a ll 6 3 4 - 8409. S H U T T E R S U n lim ite d is exp and ing a g a in l W e re ­ q u ire an e x p e r ie n c e d In ­ sta ller for C a lifo rn ia shut­ ters, 2 -3 days/week. Car­ pentry experience a definite asset. P le as e call fo r an appointment. 634-4869 C A R T O O N IS T ! A ttentio n Sheridan A nim ation S tud­ ents. Hom e based com pa­ ny requires cartoonist for il­ lu s tra tio n o f 6 c a r to o n s based on human character. Tel: (90 5 )25 7 -18 6 9 E X E C U T IV E Hom e Servic­ es re q u ire s p a rt-tim e c le a n e rs . (N o s tu d en ts p le a s e ) . C a r re q u ire d - D ays only. Tel: (9 0 5 )3 3 6 - 1489 H A N D Y P E R S O N , irregular fu ll / p a r t-t im e h o u rs , for w areho use work, loading/ u n lo a d in g , e v e n ts . M u st lik e c h ild re n . C a ll (905 )465-4111_________ ;___ T O R O N T O A uto A uction requires drivers. P lease call 9 0 5 -8 7 5 -2 9 1 9 or fa x re ­ sume to: 905-875-3219 ask for John Parm . (N o Tues- day Calls)_________________ C L E A N E R S re q u ire d for R o y a l C a n a d ia n L eg io n #114, 136 Church St., O ak­ ville. For more information call 8 45 -6 27 1 to m ake an appointment. FA R M Help W anted: Hard working individual for misc. m aintenance and assorted farm and outdoor chores. Non-smoking environment. Call (905)827-2234________ P R IM E R IC A F in a n c ia l S erv ices seeks individual for unique opportunity. No experience necessary. Po­ tential for high income. Call (905)681-5515, Ext.62 E .C .E . fo r d a y c a re in G eorgetow n. B efo re / after sch o o l. 8 h rs . p e r d a y . (905)877-9314.____________ C A R P E T L ayers a p p re n ­ tice required fulltime imme­ d ia te ly . N o n-sm oker. C a ll Frank at 3 33 -5 9 2 8 _________ E X P E R IE N C E D Cook F T / P /T for re ta il. C a ll M ario 6 3 9 -0 3 1 9 (Burlington) Busy cabinet shop requires S a n d e rs (fu ll-t im e ). W ill train. Apply in person 3415 Landmark Rd., Burlington 511 T E L E M A R K E T IN G in your hom e to businesses. Lists and script provided. Regu­ la r b u s in e s s h o u rs . C a ll (905)336-0659 hair, beauty salon help F IR S T C h o ice Haircutters re q u ire s H a irs ty lis ts for busy locations: W aterdown- B u rlington- M ilto n . G u a r­ an teed hourly + excellen t c o m m is s io n s . A d v a n ce d training provided. No clien­ te le n e c e s s a ry . C a ll ( 9 0 5 )8 1 5 -3 2 1 6 or (905)319-3155 $28/Flat Rate Hr + CLASS "A" MECHANIC For busy Auto Electric & General Service. Must have good tune- up, auto elec, A/C exp. Knowledge of emis­ sions & on-board com­ puters. Med. & dental plan. AC. Delco train­ ing. Flat rate system. Call John Bloom, 2-4, Halton Auto Parts, 281 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6K2G1 Tel: (905) 845-2871 or 1-888-806-4033 DZ DRIVERS & OWNER OPERATORS for LTL Pittsburgh/ Ohio Home weekends Mileage & More. U.S. experience. Ph: (905)639-0539 Fax: (905)639-1547 I office-clerical P A R T -T M E R E C E P T I O N E T Evenings & week­ ends. 2 yrs. exp. Word & Excel. Retirement residence in Oakville. Fax resume to: Susan Elston (905) 842-9229 I sales help & agents K R I S T I N ' S OF OAKVILLE We are looking for an enthusiastic, mature Sales Associate for part-time position. Applicant must have experience selling better ladies fashions. Anna; 845-0655 CLIENT SERVICE COORDINATOR We are a progressive Home Health Care company with our Head Office located in Oakville. We have an immediate opening for Client Service Coordinator(s) to staff our 24-hr Customer Service Centre. Required: • Customer service experience • Excellent communication skills/self-direction req'd • Computer literacy. Please forward resume to H.R. Department CAREg/Vers Health Services Fax: (905)842-8426, call (905)842-6222 ext 320 or e-mail mailbox@caregivershs.com We are an equal opportunity employer. Only successful applicants w ill be contacted. CUSTOMER SERVICE COPY PERSON - 3 days / week - 8:30am-5pm - Computer & Clerical skills necessary - Good custom er service skills a must Please Fax or Mail resume to: D l l n f * 409 Guelph Line l K r z * 4= k i E Burl.,ON L7R 3L7 I I I P h 333-0606 Fax: 333-9366 S H EET Metal Worker. Must be experienced in reading blueprints for m arking out a n d a s s e m b ly . C a ll (905 )465 -1560 TE C H N IC A L Writer- Grims­ by software company seek­ ing an experienced techni­ cal writer for the creation of on-line help, training, doc­ umentation materials. Ex­ cellent verbal, written and co m p u ter skills requ ired . Please send resume and 3 e xa m p le s of w ritin g to email: tj@ qsolve.com . No calls please!__________ D A T A B A S E d e v e lo p e rs - Grimsby software company seeking very exp erienced M S S Q L an d M S Access Developers. Excellent ver­ bal, written, communcation, o rg a n iz a tio n a l skills re ­ quired. Visual basic 6 .0 a must. Please send resume to em ail: t j@ q s o lv e .c o m . No calls please! office-clerical Accounting Clerk/ Receptionist For new Car Dealer in Oakville. Knowledge of Simply Accounting Software essential. $24,000 per annum. Growth position Fax resume to: (416) 777-1611 C U STO M ER Service Reps, re q u ired for C a ll C e n tre . T em p o rary /sh ifts . $ 10/h r. Excellent English +O .S .S .D required. For interview ap­ ply in person only; June 14th-June 16th, from 9am - 3 :30p m at C o rp o ra te R e ­ c o v e ry S e rv ic e s , 2 0 7 0 Hadw en Road, M ississau­ ga O N L5K-2S2. No phone calls pleasel_______________ T H E Added Touch requires an office clerk to fulfill re­ cep tion d u tie s , cu sto m er service and administrative projects. You are detail ori­ ented possessing excellent telep h o n e m anner. Hours vary depending on the time of y e a r. N o p h o n e ca lls p le a s e . F ax G a rre tt H a ll, (905)338-1486_____________ O A K V IL L E b a s ed c o n ­ struction company requires a professional Bookkeeper/ Admin Person. Knowledge of AccPac/ or Quick Books would be an asset. Flexi­ ble part-time hours. Remu­ neration comm ensurate on experience. Call 842-6010 B IL IN G U A L CSR's- French Eng / Cantonese Eng. Mu­ tual fund experience an as­ set. Full-time & full bene­ fits, immediate. Fax Laura, (416)363-7966_____________ R EA L Estate Secretary, 1-2 d a y s p e r w e e k . E x p e r i­ enced only. Fax resume to: (9 0 5 )8 4 9 -4 8 4 4 , C o ld w e ll Banker Anell Francis Real Estate, Realtor____________ S E C R E T A R Y required full­ tim e. Bookkeeping experi­ ence an asset. C all (905 ) 3 37 -9 9 1 7 Prism Chemicals __ Sales / Business Opportunity We are looking for Independent Sales Agents / Distributors to market our natural enzyme based PrismCare™ Restroom Deodoring Products and our premium PrismCare™ Hand Care Products to business. If you are a sales professional with an entrepreneurial spirit, you owe it to yourself to explore the exciting full­ time or part-time opportunites we have to offer. Please fax resume to: Attn: Felix Borges or fax (905)337-0328 or call (905) 337-1874 d e s ig n e r / s a l e s p e r So n Oakville's most up to date retail showroom is seeking an experienced, qualified, professional kitchen and bath designer/ salesperson to help handle our in­ creased volume. Mid to high end cabinetry, high vo­ lume, busy showroom. Top commissions paid. 20/20 computer design a plus. Send resume to: OAKVILLE KITCHEN CENTRE 599 Third Line, Oakville, ON L6L 4A8 SALES OPPORTUNITIES **y l» r O rtip In e has openings for two individu­ als with vary specific skills. Our Heating & Air Conditioning operation requires an experienced Sales Manager with at least 3 yrs sales experience in HVAC. Our busy Communications division requires an experienced sales representative ter voice and data cabling systems. Direct sales exp. is essential. Please fax or mail your resume in confidence to: George O'Heare, Naylor Bleep lee. 455 North Service Rd., E., Oakville, ON L6H1A5 Phone (905J-338-8000 Fax (905)-338-1909 OUTBACK S T E A K h O U S E -- DUNDAS STREET AND HWY 403 NOW HIRING PART-TIME & FULL-TIME DISHWASHERS & LINE COOKS, EXCELLENT HOURS, BENEFITS, PAY PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON. C O O K required part-tim e. Apply in person: Bobby D's U p scale Pool & B illia rd s/ Restaurant Bar. 2317 Fair- view S t.. Burlington (W est ol Guelph Line)____________ LIN E Cooks, experienced, full/ part-time. Days, even- 535 hospital, medical, dental ings, w eeken d s. Drop off resume at: Belamys, 372 Ir­ oquois Shore Rd., Oakville FU LL-TIM E Optometric As­ sistant required for Burling­ ton office. Previous Opto­ metric experience required. Some evenings/ Saturdays. S en d resum e an d S alary e x p e c ta tio n s B ox 1 6 7 3 , Burlington Post, 2321 Fair- v ie w S t. , B u rlin g to n 555 domestic help available If you n eed to h a v e your place cleaned the way you w ish fo r very reaso n ab le fe e by e x tre m e ly c le a n , h ard w o rk in g E u ro p e a n Ladies. 634 -2 64 6 . L7R.2E3 N O tim e to c le a n ? A llow mel Efficient, reliable, rea­ sonably priced. W eekly, bi­ w e e k ly or m o n th ly . 3 3 1 - 5473 R E C E P T IO N IS T required for busy O ptom etrist's of­ fice. Experience preferred. S en d resum e w ith sa la ry expectations to: B ox1672, c/o Burlington Post, 2321 Fairview St. Burlington L7R 680 coming events 2E3. C A S IN O R A M A co ach R .D .H .C .D .A . and D ental Receptionist required to fill tem p o ra ry w ork and p e r­ manent positions in Hamil­ transporastion and buffet lunch, $5.00. Must register by c a llin g R e a l M c C o y (905)777-0873 ton, Halton & P eel areas. F ax resu m e to: 9 0 5 -3 7 4 - 6853 685 personals R P N P art-tim e for re tire ­ m e n t h o m e in O a k v ille . Evening and night position. P lease Fax resum e: 9 05 - 8 4 2 -8 4 1 0 or d ro p o ff to: Trafalgar Lodge, 299 Ran­ dall St. S P IR ITU A L Physic Reader and Advisor. Do you have p ro b le m s in lo ve? Do friends and love ones turn against you? Do you feel unlucky in business? Call for O ne Free question (on h e lp , a d v is e , or reunite loved ones). 9am - 9pm, (905)637-2053 . R N required p art-tim e for oral surgery practice. Ex­ p e rie n c e n e c e s s a ry . Please call 333-5601 F A M IL IE S w ith te e n s to a c c o m m o d a te S p an ish s tu d en ts , in s u m m e r in e x c h a n g e lo r S p an ish lessons. C a ll (4 1 6 ) 2 4 9 -540 hotelrestaurant E XC E LLE N T wages for full/ p a rt-tim e C o u n te r H e lp , i (S o m e restau ran t e xp eri- i e n c e p le a s e ) . M u s t be available weekends. Apply t 8am -3pm, Benny's Famous i D e li, 145 5 L akesh o re (at Brant) < 400 P IN K F L A M IN G O S for rent. Proceeds to suppport Multiple Sclerosis Society. C all P at's P arty R en ta ls , Burlington 333-3034. 694 introductionservices LOST & FOUND & Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl 632-4440 Oak 845-3824 Flam 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 I handyman C H E FS (Two) W anted Full­ t im e F o r G o lf C lu b and S p o rts B ar. B ro n te R d / Q E W area. Must be experi­ enced. C a ll for appt: 847- 5555 P A R T N E R S : fo r q u a lity singles. Professional serv­ ice, accurate biographies and photographs. Free in­ form ation, (9 0 5 )6 3 2 -7 5 0 0 or www.partnerspi.com C U S TO M -M A D E valances, draperies, sheers, comfort­ ers, bed co-ordinates, fab­ rics , ta b le / c h a ir accesso ries . C a ll S herry , 634-6706. I gardening landscaping IN T h e G a rd e n ...F rie n d ly P e rs o n a lize d L an d scap e Gardening Service uses in- te re s tin g /u n iq u e , h igh q u ality p lan t m ate ria ls to create an eye pleasing dis­ play in many garden styles. Will design, install, restore, prune and consult to suit y o u r in d iv id u a l n e e d s . G erard, C ertified Horticul­ turist (905) 332-5273 V # / | | daycare available P R IV A T E hom e childcare; e s ta b lis h e d 1 7 -y e a rs . Q ualified expert care. W e love children. Full days, af­ ter hours, evenings, night­ t im e c a re , o v e rn ig h ts & w eekends available . 6 3 2 - 8575, 632-5735____________ E X P E R IE N C E D and E E C h as fu ll-t im e & p a r-t im e p la c e m e n t. C re a tiv e and structural play, also before & after school care at Paul A. F ish er a re a . C a ll a fter 6:30pm. 3 36 -6 54 3 W M i 1 1 daycare available A stimulating environment, fie ld tr ip s , c re a tiv e an d im a g in a tiv e p la y . H o t lunches/nutritious snacks, s m o k e f re e , nut fre e & fen ced in yard. (9 0 5 )6 3 4 - 2830 E X P E R IE N C E D childcare ava ilab le , C P R / First Aid. H om e, fire , h ea lth , safety in s p e c te d . P a lm e r a re a . References. 3 31 -1 66 3 . A V A IL A B L E : L iv e -o u t Nanny for the summer, July & August. Energetic, highly q u a lif ie d . N o P e ts l (90 5 )56 3 -38 6 2 ECE mom has space start­ ing July. Tues, Wed, Thurs. TLC , fun, nutritious m eals, outings, receipts. Headon Forest. 332-5630 EXP E R IE N C ED ECE has 2 daycare spaces available . C P R , excellent references, fun & T L C . B u rlo a k / Lakeshore. Petra 6 81 -2 5 3 0 I have one space available in my home any age, West- m o u n t a re a . P a u la 8 4 7 - 6453 daycare wanted R E L IA B L E c a re g iv e r re ­ quired in my home for 3&6- yr o ld s. T ra fa lg a r / U p p er M id d le . F u ll- t im e M o n - Thurs. Experienced, non- smoker. References. 842- 2323 evenings.____________ T E E N A G E babysitter need­ ed for occasional evenings, m y h o m e. G u e lp h L in e / Upper Middle area. Phone 331-0911.__________________ C A R E G IV E R re q u ire d Mon.-Fri. 11am- 5pm. for 6- mos. old & after school for 5-yr. old. start Aug.3. West O ak Trails. 4 69 -6 50 1 . B A S E M E N T apartm ent for live-in. P art-tim e sum m er, fu ll-tim e fall, flex ib le , twin girls + toddler boy. 6 3 2 - 9119 L IV E -O U T Nanny w anted, W ed. to Fri., for 2 children, ages 3 & 1-1 /2 yrs. South­ east Oakville. 8 44 -4 53 4 . L IV E -IN a .s .a .p preschool/ sch ool e x p e r ie n c e sw im ­ m er, cooking, re feren ces, legal only, O akville/ Trafal­ gar area. (905)403-3929. FU L L -T IM E live-in for new bom 2 , & 3 year old. Must have E C E , or equivalent. D river, non-sm oking pre­ ferred. 849 -6 52 0 F U L L -T IM E N a n n y / re ­ quired for 3 & 4yr old. Must d rive . E xc e llen t English skills. Call between 9-5pm 416-954-8984 W A N T E D ch ild care for 4 c h ild re n in th e ir hom e, S h e r id a n C o lle g e a rea , Mon.-Fri., Starting July 1st. D rivers licen se required. 338 -0400 . S E E K IN G s tay at hom e M o m for fu ll-t im e loving c are - 2yr. old boy. West O a k T ra ils 3 rd /4 th Line area. (41 6 )99 4 -12 2 1 M O N E Y P ro b lem s? G ar­ n ishees? To o m any pay­ m ents? O ptions to avoid- bankruptcy. Free Consulta­ tion. John Tonner, Bank­ ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6 31 - 0600 D E C K S , D e ck s , D e c k s , Only Decks! Professional. R eferences. Photo's. Free Estimates! Family business. 12yrs exp erience. (9 0 5 )- 828-1320. ABA N D O N ED Rubbish Re­ moval- C lean-ups- Dispo­ sals- D em olitions- H om e P o w e rw a s h in g - B o b ca t Services. 8 yrs experience. Ted: 905-781-5585________ ^ moving & storage P R O Movers. Short/ long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24- h rs ., 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e / business. Free estimates. 637-6585__________________ R E L O C A T O R S : Excellent service, starting $45/hr. In­ c lu d e s 2 p ro fe s s io n a l m o ve rs , tru ck an d in ­ s u ra n c e . Long d is ta n c e / commercial. Ask about our fre e b o x e s a n d s to ra g e . 844-8733 Community Notices Legal Notices__________ Deaths____________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF IRENE MAE BARRETT ALL CLAIMS against the Estate of IRENE MAE BARRETT, late of Burlington,Ontario, who died on or about the 19th day of March, 1999, must be filed with the undersigned personal representative on or before the 15th day of July, 1999, after which date the undersigned will distribute the assets of the es­ tate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Burlington this 14th day of June, 1999. Beverly Ann Louise Barrett, Executor C/o DINGLE, CHARLEBOIS & SWYBROUS Barristers and Sulicitors 2079 Lakeshore Road BURUNGTON, Ontario L7R1E2 William G.J. Swybrous, Q.C. Phone: (905) 634-5541/825-0502 Fax: (905) 333-4499 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HARVEY CHARLES EHLER ALL PERSONS having claims against the ESTATE OF HARVEY CHARLES EHLER, late of the City of Bur­ lington, in the Regional Municipality of Halton who died on or about the 11th day of February, 1999, must be filed with the undersigned personal representatives on or before the 16th day of Sep­ tember, 1999, after which date the estate w ill be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED AT Burlington, Ontario this 14th day of June, 1999. SANDRA EHLER and WADE EHLER, Estate Trustees By their solicitors KERR & HAWKEN 442 Brant Street, Suite 201 Burlington, Ontario L7R 2G4 BEUKER, Hendrik (Henk)- Peacefully at Shalom Manor, Grimsby, on Saturday, June 12,1999, Henk Beuker, formerly of Burlington, age 87 years. Beloved husband of the late Trijntje 'Tryn' (nee Blok) Beuker. Loving father of Gary and his wife Shirley, Harry and his wife Mary Ann, all of Alberta, Jeannette and her husband Tom Halliwell of Hamilton, and Trin and her husband Morley Leeking of Burlington. Cherished grandfather of Terry, Cathy, Connie, Nicole, Naomi, Lome, Lynn, Trieneke, Tim, Andrea, Paul and many great grandchildren. Dear brother of Albert Beuker and his wife Jessie of Waterdown, Andy Beuker of Regina, Saskatchewan and one brother and one sister in Holland. Predeceased by his grandson, Rob Halliwell, and one brother and four sisters in Holland. Visitation at SMITH'S FUNERAL HOME, 1167 Guelph Line (one stoplight north of OEW), BURLINGTON (632-3333), Wednesday 7-9pm. Funeral Service will be held at Shoreacres Bible Chapel, 370 Shoreacres Road, Burlington, Thursday, June 17,1999, at 2pm. Interment Halton Hills Memorial Gardens, Burlington. If desired expressions of sympathy to Shalom Manor, 12 Bartlett Road, Grimsby, L3M 4N5 would be sincerely appreciated by the family. FUESTER, Anne (R e g is te re d N u rs e G ra d u a te , H am ilto n G e n e r a l H o s p ita l) P e a c e fu lly a f te r a lengthy illness on Friday June 1 1 ,1 9 9 9 at Joseph B rant H ospital, Burlington. Anne V a lle ly , d e vo ted w ife of the la te G eorge Fuester. D e a r m other of Susan and her husband G eoff Logan and Jam es and his w ife M arie . D ea r sister o f Loretta Thom as o f S m tih F a lls a n d p re d e e a s e d by 10 brother and sisters. Loving grandm other o f K a re n a n d h e r h u sb an d Jo hn S ty les and C athy Logan and her husband Jam es N ich o lso n . G re a t g ran d ch ild ren K elsey Logan Styles and Alison C atherine Styles. V is i ta t io n a t th e K o p r iv a T a y lo r C om m unity Funeral H om e, 6 4 Lakeshore R d . W ., O a k v ille fro m 7 -9 p m T u e s d a y . T h o s e w h o w is h m a y m a k e m e m o ria l contributions to the C anad ian Red Cross. S O U L M A T E S - S in g le? W e 're a P ro fe s s io n a l matchmaker. Goal- helping you meet someone special. Toll-free 4 16 -706 -7601 in­ troductory offer. Yes! Free registration (limited-time) I&TE1 lost & found Notice To Creditors and Others In the Estate of JANIS MARY WELDON, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of the above-mentioned, late of the City ot Burlington, in the Regional Municipality of Halton, who died at the said City of Burlington on the 25th day of September, 1998, are required to file proof of same with the un­ dersigned on or before the 24th day of July, 1999. After that date the Estate Trustee w ill proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED at Burlington, this 15th day of June, 1999. MICHAEL LAWRENCE HOGAN, ESTATE TRUSTEE C/O FORBES, CONANT BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS 3455 HARVESTER ROAR, SUITE 2 BURUNGTON, ONTARIO L7N3P2 MILES, Thomas- Peacefully at the Atrium Villa on Monday, June 7, 1999. Beloved husband of Edith. Dear father of William and his wife Sandy, Patricia and her husband Jack. Loving grandfather of Andrew and his wife Julie, Scott and his w ife Amanda, Mark and his wife Rita, Diane and her husband Kevin and Robert and his fiance Barb. Great-grandfather of Maggie, Sydney, Sean and Sarah. Survived by his brother Johnny Miles. Thomas was a member of the Ionic Lodge A.F. & A.M. #549 G.R.C. A Memorial Reception will be held on Saturday, June 19th, from 11a.m. to 1p.m., at the DODSWORTH & BROWN FUNERAL HOME, ROBINSON CHAPEL (corner of King and Wellington). In lieu of flowers please send donations to the Parkinson's Foundation or the Alzheimer Society. FO U N D : cat Siamese. Bur­ lington. No microchip. 681- 1878______________________ F O U N D : bike, men's near Nelson High School. Call & identify. 637-9867,_________ LOST: gold chain necklace w /C h in e s e m e d a llio n , S p e n c e r S m ith P ark , Sunday. Sentimental value. Please call 637 -2 23 1 . F O U N D : w o rk m a n 's tool pouch on Cavendish Drive, containing keys. 336-9363 LO ST: Kerry Blue Terrier, Cedar Springs/#2 Sideroad. s in ce J u n e 1 1 th . E ld e rly , deaf/ very friendly. Reward. 335 -5716 . Notice To Creditors and Others In the Estate of IRENE VIOZZI, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of the above-men­ tioned, late ot the City of Burlington, in the Regional Municipality of Halton, who died at the said City of Burlington on the 27th day of September, 1998, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 31st day of July, 1999. After that date the Estate Trustee will proceed to distribute the es­ tate, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. DATED at Burlington, this 11 th day of June, 1999. JOSEPH DANIEL VIOZZI, ESTATE TRUSTEE C/O FORBES , CONANT BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS 3455 HARVESTER ROAD SUITE 2 BURUNGTON, ONTARIO L7N3P2 Card of Thanks T h e F a m ily o f th e la te C e c il (C e c ) M c F a d d e n w is h e s to e x p re s s s in c e re appreciation for the m ay acts of kindness, a n d m e s s a g e s o f s y m p a th y f lo w e rs , p la n ts a n d c a rd s re c e iv e d d u rin g our lo s s o f a h u s b a n d , fa th e r , g ra n d fa th e r and grea t grandfather. W e e s p ec a illy w a n t to than k our Rector C a ro l S k id m o re , a n d a s s is ta n ts R ev . G r a h a m e S ta p C a n o n L lo y d G e s n e r , R e v . G e r a ld H o lm e s , a n d R e v . T o m Appleton, for their help in service for Cec. A ls o to th e N u rs e s , a n d v o lu n te e rs at B ra n t C e n t r e N u rs in g H o m e fo r th e ir w onderful love and care given to C ec. A lso w a n t to than k M .P .P . C am Jackson fo r h is v is its a n d c a rd s to C e c . V e ry m uch ap preciated . Special thanks to Dr. M a , fo r h e r te n d e r lov ing c a re given to C ec . during his illness. T h a n k You Class of *99 Announce the Graduation of a member of your fam ily, with picture, in the Friday Oakville Beaver M ilestones Section Call Classified 845-3824 4 / mailto:bmdrover@canamerafoods.com mailto:hr@telcomresearch.com mailto:mailbox@caregivershs.com mailto:tj@qsolve.com mailto:tj@qsolve.com http://www.partnerspi.com

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