PHONE 40 GEORGE I . GEDDES BUN "I! some M-ttteat. Ont M: h 1-8": In. 1-551. CANADIAN tiiirrs1itipU1t1lPl, .33....“ nulum - alru'.""riGikiiif.aruavt mu.d5¢-5."- â€bu-1"“ - 'Alr,'di". 'lrkh"lm '"'ra'"GiiGTaiau" -" 7h- - "f Ft duh and. a bub-MM“ - -did. mum mo“ Ina- "dark/ii-tttreferee,', "a...“ l'l'l'lTLr"ari'ii"diiiGurr-u" "dorm-78'" p. .4. “M - suuolou W 913:7 MORTGAGE LOANS AVAILABLE IN GRIMSBY WHYTE & JARVIS s u u l l n: or. sauna For such mimosa u nuisance in new construction. faeilitatitte may at. or "haneintt existing mort-. Foresight 'Bindi-ahl.f-rrttr. Nemrinhistorrhasitt- mummdmw! withth--oodar.andiita .exoetirwhatroudow-%, txteomeapethMtrgderertth. 1lrLTdIETildhIiWi?Sii, fbeeitttAtteattimtTorhdthrits uwgtnte-dAttmettveTeg- RESIDENCE 2384 aid-m I mum-111mm ammmmmm .tttt+nturattr-eemtnttteov- "e.eht-e,.ttVtttsaveto cte'te'.Lhedtete1er. -tmt-togtv-rttrtaetet [mutt-uncovered. m tt-tte.atdtttatgmdidn4tt [in any “an the [unlucky any and. in! lf they - while", haul] have to with with II. can“. and“; Pond: 'ttti-ae'""" Mam. imutmr.hteprm_erer. sum-yank. I†mil-unl- iiGirttttdreorutsutwta"ftet .uxu-n (new nur- oo the iitariistraaa-etteptf um mm mm- v". ttw mm on. for PM W. Illa. a!!! that B-tttr mm and JiGamirtrqti!tr'u"r 'ttittptetetttttotf'tt. m. minus-um» two 1iigijituu1PitNttrd MIMI-III N iGuuoatttt-trqedu" nuw-wmwumn "-ateusssmttoerMta,tter"- mmdsvnlkJio-ndiw "aGeaitsmtnar-.t"et1 gnaw-KIM es-ttted 100? mammal-m In thr Kin-Mdmmwlul iGsiutomuethitemmt It» Minty». - "GUG] nittrmetttartrt-uiMr “madam“.u tnttetotrethMtBer - and GGamon-r,Motetetyttteo “mammals-tonal» adiiuttoret-rnrpttr.PtP â€In.†blotch (with. York In“. In M Cauchy. in York astringe- .ettt.npHyet t.?eAtieN'gd"lrdg"yt'lt â€yuan-tote“ hum FGurisr-trtetitrmet'" “mum-punt. - . ttmttAettHmttiediet no on. maul-ma. tuba-(Jo. W’II-crtodupmhld. “Mummy! . run manna-mummi- “Wtwmmmm warms. lay Mth-thte Bets mum-0M ranch may -rttt<tt.etethtrmttnrrttettt, mmmmapm "hsvitrttoejteher'erdt"t tttrrmtrinrt-.3tteBFtettteotts tuie.intht.fenuthtttrthrttrat oeatrrthntthvtBegqgnn. JtanrieotufNdPidtK1ttg tnttamarttAtti.matiamtd.. "mnmmomuoadm mung-magnum. "howling-unwary mu- m. mam u (all. nil-Marlin...“ " main-minim. mmwwwrm. Mrmgoodulmnound. â€mambo-WI: My Ouch. In! Ida-Win- on but " "ht to In mutton (to. 'tt-Creet' In the In†- but on Wetland-y mm trarer Merv:- tho winning with! " wi-. (an: the en- un M. be m Inning. mmmnmvnlnt. mmmurmtll-v-d hummus-aw gum-glam Pyfullhtt cumminym-A w Muddhdngon Mm. -----" I ' 5 gt-s-ttmittee-tttlor and tseieov,m.e---_tond Mr. ....... iy' the I Immut- mum- 'o. m: IPM*;W PLAY THEIR OPENING GAMES "ljjl.ri)jlrr'llrfi, ll his: - 'ttt--aeFr THE GRIHSBY INDEPENDENT My. Juno b..- 10.3. Food Had. it â€Mlle. Fren Juno "tr-- 1tthfGl'l It Wm M In. at In. [not PM. -ttqrttte " on...» PIC- Mr. Jon. TSr.- nouuvm- u can» Mer. Tuail ' Juno 'ttr- '.8aa'll " lam. uni-1.1m "tb- Whou a atsttttmBe. Fddoy. Juno ttttb-- W“. n Wino-I- art-hr Mer. u tun. road PM cum Be u om "a My. Jun- "th.-. wm at an.» lent-I0. Today. Juno t00b- art-tr In. at lemma. may»; 10901.97..- _L WE'MWR' i W“ may. “no "th-- m " mum M Pal. My an! a can, H's. um Jun. 'tab- an. " am In. Tutu-y. an "tto-. - "'0 It mu. food Prod. ttmttttvtti. wand". Jun 00'- m... Food Prod. ll My C. ""iirGrahirm iaur I. My. an "ttr- Amaii.?ettettyete,.ttft. or the "It and and to no" In the gonad-m My and the haul. n “I the m which - no out ttdd "on" III. at! on on )1th e... bet with {our mm and No min. and“ tour run- to all. I M to tin-0‘ load. my nut-nod an. not" until I the ninth when Bank had “no will“. mowed two mu. Ind 'il? can runner! ero-d the plat... “I'M Mann volt nconlo- in I futito lm_|nn|n¢ mm. " menu ‘1“-.. T T a W»r-- - 5 ' ' gum: ereetr---Ctt"t""u John-oil. W tlbt', teerehar'tr-- ttnnrtrinndBoutr. Winon- _._ -" W! “M“ â€mum. --r-rH 6 Pouch Klu- smmmc -A 1 " mm _ vev Nu. P. P. - -" nun-ville arm-by In. " Paul mm 'tter-r Ouch .JDrlmby Mer. Bunlvllk - n Wm ___ ~ W will. lull“! NW" - V may mu: an. immune tool own the - My when they “and the Mann mu mu to two. in!“ I not! eermd. Johnny It“. Mte$ttttttts coco-d Grim-by. II, 8t-Bitt m. lmhnt‘ndwnodl M b- mm were“ he" on anymuuuu on the ettntnttect-tfttterttattA, "tmtgtmrmrt-dtogtmthe Maura-Comm. um. Int-In ttein the Wmnlu.mnndm otm-teedtBeseettrtd M 'ttlt I â€youâ€: -. hell-r- iisGGrstetrfetettptuteete 2risiT.u.naetnrato-tre1rt mu " min: m'dnru rm WI lama mu. to york on. nnd um had mu. tgqtqgM. mm “can“ “we. by And-um: I for YOU! thgteeatl- warm Gad-0W d 'rt',trr2%',ttgr4 dConudM (lawman-u SUTHERLAND MOTORS PM“... Begets, Ole Trust Mr ht Ttte Win. Mandy. Minivan Ann. thee. T. 0mm“. Wop. “In“. ". 0mm NONI " no " BELT ITANDQNG 'NoNtrFttifled ', Jun In) smygmk Vote As You Like, But VOTE ! Sm contributed in thmvlco of the BECAUSE: Paul. not the hid at men-out they d-vo-ond "cute who isn't at. “no hi menu-t. BECAUBE: “not: whom he... no" Ttsth eltitt---aatd no" m“. cttllohu wtlt hulk! u ter Gil-shy In! I hotter my other â€nutty. BECAUSE: It ta the We at donut-rue that tho "opt. shalt than their own "ver'tttteu--and Ll only way thoy an than. It In I In. nutty In by inlet. in... Tttin I. not . mm; - "W fi'S'ileiiiitiiii, iriiiGiiurara ta Our new at elthtest'Itip, â€mum my be w on! " 'a"dl'll'dt ol the album which redh- ht tteb-the peqK d Grin-by and only other turn. my and hamlet "8%tttt Oil: prowl-co. ht the MMfr_ttqteealehetiy-ettta-satd-antrmtttiea n- !.rthtrtStte. vrae1.!atttt.1uerhttaeh, 18rtrrPat. PM "I Mn.- At this “use. with the election only n aunt [our in." “In. the Mdflthmnhrfludtnflknmm-tmudlnter- all. the-Humane msrtet -lr.Neveryhttu,ttte Innuen- pun-ion» no hard: 'lt'u I ttttlet drain; them'" no Intomt.‘ Ttte people a â€nah mm and indeed. the waldo-tn a thin Ceqt. uuuy a! Grin-by. - be “my d can (or [fl-tad. the “(In ttgtd pdvllepu. which we enjoy u when d a {no and den-truth emtattry. " one in mud ti, accept ttie ieUiml - "tki, Jiikii iiaiiuUFiG ":3... MM. "Mum and “an which we why. (he a! the grave-t of that. mums... In the exercise at the (with. The people " IN- gmt who: " have II min“)! b an! '22 run“ (or the cadkhte and the party of their . on My. III . "L J ' sf ' N. 'it -sociAL CREDIT' ADVOCATES PR ATE OWNERSHIP AND IS OPPOSED TO GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP. -SOCiAL CREDIT BELIEVES IN PER. SONAL FREEDOM FOR EACH m. DIVIDUAL CITIZEN. --SOCiAL CREDIT BELIEVES THAT THE PROFIT SYSTEM IS THE GREATEST ENCOURAGEMENT FOR I.‘3-a\r.ASED PRODUCTION. ' -SOCiAL CREDITERS STATE THAT HIGH TAXES ms. COURAGE PRODUCTION AND ARE THE CHIEF CAUSE FOR THE HIGH COST OF LIVING IN CANADA TODAY. --SOCiAL CREDIT IS OPPOSED TO THE TAXATION OF INCOMES UNDER THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS. --UNDER SOCIAL CREDIT A FINANCIAL DEPRESSION IN CANADA IS IMPOSSIBLE. REMEMBER ALBERTA HAS HAD A SOCIAL CREDIT GOVERNMENT FOR OVER " YEARS AND IT HAS PROVED To BE THE BEST GOVERNMENT IN CANADA! SOCIAL CREDIT HAS HELPED LABOUR-SoCal. CREDIT HAS HELPED THE FARMERS-THE FARMERS OF ALBERTA ARE so SATISFIED WITH SOCIAL CREDIT THAT IN THE LAST ELECTION SOCIAL CREDIT WON EVERY RURAL SEAT IN THE PROVINCE. HOWARD Mtmtt IS TIE om HM CANDID“! WEDNESDAY, 9:00-9:15 EM. - THURSDAY. 9ttS4h30 RM. FRIDAY. 9:00 to 9:15 RM. WHY SHOULD WE CAST A BALLOT? IME M YOU LIKE - . BUT VOTE Auyoal " u we kmjt. up“! (-90- Ink- VOTE SOCIAL CREDIT no smut A now " man " _ Lemsuso)gy!,ttgttgerl,1,1rt ig.',': 'iiii'aiiii'iiiiirMu"hr _"'. Howard A. Prentice l..), Social Credit Candidate it For Lincoln County community