Baby Carriages It It‘s Letter Heads Y ou Need, Call 36 Quality Meat Market We will accept your old chesterfield as a tradeâ€"in on one of our new deluxe chesterfields. Phone 215 COAL â€" COKE â€" WOOD CEO. C. ANSPACH COMPANY Standard Fuel Company Grimsby Furniture If It‘s Good, It‘s Here; If It‘s fllll. It‘s Good Beef â€" Pork â€" Lamb â€"â€" Veal Fresh And Smoked Fish , July 25th, 1946. GoCarts â€" Beach Carts SMITH‘S RESTAURANT For Top Market Prices 74 Colborne Street, Toronto "Upâ€"toâ€"Date Selling Methods" WEDNESDAY NEW CHESTERFIELDS TELEPHONE BEAMSVILLE 139â€"Râ€"13. Owing CONCRETE BLOCKS ALSO SILO PRODUCE GROWERS! FULL LINE OF COOKED MEATS Lehigh V alley ANTHRACITE COAL Shipping Stamp and Pad on request Mark Your Shipments It is harder and lasts longer (Hawke Building Upstairs) To Long Working Hours Days Each Week, And Night Through July, August And September . J. Tulloch Will Clove Each Reference: Royal Bank of Canada King & Yonge Sts. 26 Main St. W. 24 Main East GRIMSBY , Seven ucts coNTINUATIONS m‘t ‘fowm h 4 d omm nntie orders for containers . eAt!Â¥ s o+ and accepted delivery Of |same are now sitting Pretty ie \fneir neighbors who falled to ME lin and .mu,w-miv‘†‘mu; a termif!© mart the sho‘tage At the i 6t ‘wioer i2 §}ftady being felt in Aanartments. _ particUarly KE en 500000 ‘nw, create havoc in the frull and a possible loss of millions of dollars to fruit growers sHIPD®®® and manufacturers. ""C"""*" / _ nlaced their those using bar fairly well supplied for some time meen C es d CE to come, but if the strike is proâ€" | longed for any length of time they also will be out of supplies. On the whole the Metal Craft will be able to keep up production for some ; time yet. | Grimsby Stove and Foundry Co. unmnnnll-fl“"“\ keep the plant running for about two weeks and after that it will be : a case of shut down entirely. | Even if the strike was to end immediately there is no prospect that sufficient supplies will be reâ€" ceived in time to avoid a sbutâ€" down in local industries, for by the time that the steel mills get back into full production and supplies are obtainable the plants would aiâ€" wnnhudnud. Th situation on the whole is a bad one and particularly so in reâ€" gard to the basket factories as the whole fruit industry depends ypon them for containers. From Hage One $268,787 MUST BE council presented ner with a ( general administration committee was empowered to recommend the Wdtmwm Killins, Approving the report of the administration committee preâ€" mwmn.xma ‘m-vllh.eollldldoclddtolnve the replacing of the late Superinâ€" tendent of Buildings A. Zimmerâ€" man in abeyance for the present and authorized Clerk W H. Millâ€" ward to advertise for applications for the position. mmhduunpoflol the road committee recommending the approval of the report of Road Surâ€"rintendent Weir on road exâ€" yenditure, The report of the board of management of the Industrial Home was presented by Reeve George Wiley of Louth. Charity and Welfare accounts were approvâ€" ed by council acting on the recomâ€" mendation of Deputyâ€"Reeve Harold 8. Freure of Clinton. Approving the report of the eduâ€" cation committee presented by Reeve W. ‘.. Patterson of Niagaraâ€" onâ€"theâ€"Lake, eoucnumwfludm‘ committee to deal with a request from the Grimsby Board of Educaâ€" 'n;:ntor reconsideration of its acâ€" ts for the 1945 tuition of county pupils Upon the recomâ€" mendation of the assessment comâ€" mittee under the chairmanship of Deputyâ€"Reeve Ivan Buchanap of Grantham, council endorsed a resoâ€" lution of the Waterloo County Council recommending changes in the Assessment Act. Council then FEEL PINCH OF 99 oCC cmmmnde n !y flavoured foods are Mighly f18Â¥dren, accor Are b24 for young children, according to Ottawa nutrition authorities in the Department of National Health and Welfare. They declare that infants and growing youngsters should not be fed on foods containing pepper, aplces or vinegar in generous portâ€" jons, nor on highly sweetened subâ€" stances, Feeding a child such things as sausages, pickles, relishâ€" es and preserves, it is claimed, culâ€" tivates a capricious taste and turns a child away from the plain wholeâ€" some foods. Where there is a will, there is usually a number of lawyers. metal departments are FLAVOURED Foops Bs who placed their THE industry GRIMSBY General Trucking 46 WILEF. TRAVIS FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME" Telephone 502, Grimsby â€"CO0LER IN SUMMER INSULATION â€"WARMER 1N â€"SAVE FUEL â€"SAVE MONEY For year round comfort .I:‘ PuMen‘s GARAGE Top of Grimsby Mountain PHONE 495 Bring them to mearest Broewers Retail store or telephone for pichâ€"up. Bottles are badly production slowed by shortage of materials. Remedy â€"Return acâ€" cumulated empties, Put them back into circulation. Check your basement today, INDEPEND E NT WINTER ContiyUATONS rmuUEE "UMD CE as Federal regulation®s, will, it i8 anticipated, do away with delivery of immature fruit to city markets. Licenses may be suspended for infractions of any of the regula tions; also for failure to P4Y promptly, as it becomes due, any debt owing to & producer incurred through a purchase from the proâ€" ducer of any fruit or vegetables: or, where the dealer has obtained from a producer any fruit or vege* tables by fraud or false pretenses. HERE‘S A TIP bert Nicholson by the neW sounl) council constable, George A« ant« fith. The new system will save counciliors several miles of walkâ€" ing in the course of a year. ThO constable‘s services | include "â€m‘ keeping the counciliors with drinking water. embers of council favour ctll.ll‘ the new constable & "serâ€" tâ€"atâ€"arms. " but others l’d." Sut that a sergeantâ€"atâ€"arms brink® in the mace, like in the Ontario legislature, and the county bhas nO mace. Constable Griffith also figures prominently at the Court House 8# mintt® * """ "ad as court WBBDINSI’ECTO‘S inspectors of the different municiâ€" palities comprising the cOunty. __ _ At the opening of the conf with township inspectors Mr. Tay» lor outlined some of the proposals put forward and methods adopté by the provincial government . to stamp out the menace to good farming and good health by "'“'" in Ontario. Various problems facâ€". were discussed together with the advantages and disadvantages of mmnflde\lmll. Only major decision arrived at during the meeting was to the efâ€" fect that the best way of combatâ€" mhoweodpmblemmformh municipality to retain its inspector working in close conjunction and coâ€"operation with the county weed inspector. :"_"' .'m ‘u mBs CUHTT crier at County and Supreme Court She Overcame T he Servant Problem ‘The servant shortage means litâ€" tle to pretty Lina Romay, who gets the biggest break of her upâ€"andâ€" coming acting career as Clark Gable‘s girl friend in "Adventure," showing at the Roxy the first three days of next week. When she recently moved into a newlyâ€"purchased Brentwood home, Miss Romay not only had her fathâ€" er, mother and brother pitching in to help, but her maid enlisted the aid of three girl friends who came over to lend a hand during their time off. _‘ "Adventure," which is giving Lina her biggest boost toward starâ€" dom at Mâ€"Gâ€"M, marks Gable‘s reâ€" turn to the screen after three and a half years with the Army Air Corps. Greer Garson coâ€"stars with Gable, and the stellar cast also feaâ€" tures Joan Blondell and ‘Thomas Mitchell. Leg Paint Is In Demand Again Come spring sunshineâ€"it‘s really here already, but more warmth is still neededâ€"and bare legs will send the nylons into bureau drawâ€" ers for safekeeping because, though the real thing is back, hose are still precious, Shop clerks, placing more bottlea of liquid "stockings" on counters, eay women are satill queueing for hose, but they‘re already casting an eye on liquid creations> which nelther develop runs nor seriously wenaken the pocketbook. x Average price of leg paint is 40 cents to $1 a bottleâ€"the latter beâ€" Ing the most expensive liquid stocking on sale and about 50 cents cheaper than nylons or even the crepe and rayon "fullâ€"fashionâ€" eda". And If you‘re worrying about these lotions giving you the "brushâ€" off"â€"just stop now. ‘There‘s alâ€" ways the straight "tan" applica« tion that doesn‘t come off on conâ€" tact. It looks the color of lodine in the bottle, but on your legsâ€"well, your best friends will wonder how you liked the Bermuda winter. Born on the bathing beaches and nourished by the wartime stocking n.ofl-&o’. the paintâ€"themâ€"on and washâ€"themâ€"off stockings have long aince lost any tendency they may have had to embarass the wenrer. FRUIT TRUCKERS es C Camen wl it im "A man is his own worst enemy," A sage of old hath said: "The greater ahare of troubles that Are brought upon his head Are but the wages of bis sins, Me fails life‘s law to keep, And spurns the warning: What ye Things could be worse letter craze could be re That ye shall also reap wenmmemm mm on on > uoi BOW THE PRICE could be revived, uw wp The chain .___ Mamilton, Ont, Phones: Bus. ye Several styles to choose from. Painted or NaMM"d®! wood. We specialize in the manufacture of all kinds of odd pieces for the home. Saouwuiulnturpd«l. 1 Oak Street SIDEW ALKS â€" DRIVEWAYS â€" FOUNDATIONS j reâ€"j eJ reâ€"j reâ€"ee= We are daily receiving ing pective purchasers, for all types of "_ We want listings of properties of all kindsâ€" fro-almlldlulottotlehrmtolgnlnndsmk BUILDING CONTRACTORS REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS LAWN FURNITURE We have a supply of screening on hand and are able to make up screens or replace your present screenâ€" ing at once. If you are in the market to sell, list your property with us. We will soon get you a buyer, if you can give reasonable possession. ‘Telephone 559 LISTINGS WANTED NOW CONTRACTING ENGLISH‘S HOMECRAFT Dunham Bros. FOR CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK SEPTIC TANKS â€" CISTERNS REFORD HAILS 547â€"J between 7â€"8 a.m., 6â€"7 p.m. Grimsby GENERAL TRUCKING Our prices on screened porches are rehsonable. is indlispensable for security. Never in history has it been so necessary to take care ol tomonoy with the resources of today. And that is exactly what you do when you) become a policyholder of the SUN LIFE OF CANADA . J. DeLAPLANTE ‘oresight GEORGE 1. GEDDES 42 MAIN STREET W. Phone 278â€" â€"â€"Jrâ€"Jrâ€"Jrâ€"JIreâ€"Jrâ€"Jreâ€"â€"Jrâ€" BUN LIFE BUILDING Phones: Bus., 7â€"3618; Painted or natural uiries, from prosâ€" to sell, list your Grimsby Tâ€"B518