. Beamsiriiiaii"iiiiiiiii' 1'1trertertitttsrtgteitre- PPttt?reertr-;diiGii P_Peee3.r-ineedii.aTii W. Th. M“ ai Gi; PST, 99"!†for the 1ehPrit, “I. iiGi% r33. News Fro; “AMSV ILLE High School Juli-chm. Jon 15min. In!!!“ Wm. Jun 0mm. â€Mt “datum Mum'ulm.“ t,'a""""""uariitriic"ri'i'; e._A?trrrgheie In" on m "8mAeqeSetnigtett m can»; 'rr.,otmarngteestttses.Ttteir 1trgtttP-?taru-ir-iii "m'Mtheendeta-attmtseni". S. Bi. can“ CHRIS“ KW‘IWNM REPAIRS and â€ASTER- ING DONE. For htNmtntieat HIONE Ima, GEMS“ THE TRUTH ABOUT UNIONS "theérrriegtdBehignt'. _ruorhtb-t BRICKWORK HYDRO omff hh!,?!,,!,,',!!,,, “Autheyuhllutldr OIL BURNERS HYDRO Price $1.00 â€mm large Candi-II Din-alumna INSTALLATION AND SERVICE BY PLUMBING AND HEATING M “I H. L HIGGINS “any â€Wound“ with s trttntuttrtttr-UMttterMte “Immune: Mr In- mwaMI-tor mmmmmyun [Iva-Mmluuglvll‘. uwmnywumm "hr-namym.|uu- umumduo-an- ttgttatritt. to no Inn I. m trnerrt-tregrtttt,iornrte" munch-HMINM atm'trrttt$matmtnntintfetttdhntrt gammy-lumum- edqBedietoeBettettto"rrsmtttt- Tttnee Ian. “mummmm m.mmm.m â€Wmand --ttt. . what-Amulcm'n new: ad Wu]. following no um mm a u mm detmmmI-u- hum-“WWW I. to the titq. "mt-red an. and.» ttttndmdtgtti-the "mm-nupm-Wm Consonantomm hsnmwMW‘E'!’ tu'?dg'at.qt,tghrae Rumba-Du. - Prufrtiir-esniGiUGi."1 PttfslttuaiiiGGiiiU. A m m was. wouldn't mm mm. m. cm Home)! 1'eet?tt9etti-uauriiiJ. ay-tsg-du-a-Tar' 1tPiortrsrtrotnLiiiEk"ai7. "I out {at I lusty unanno- Uta-Dncurh-Wnyw mun-mmpnr. mum-nu and II â€tone-mun“!- mar-admins. “album-MW “chant-coulan In iiaitttt.cittor-,utto- -eadaeuttt'trtedirtltte-t_tattr on In "an (up by " to h;- I!!! midi“? Th.nmt-tirrgrtreMtroet" Minimum-Club. -haMer.Mttetdarrtlghtinthe mmmwm no. in More: new WTtfgueHgdBtttt. My ottareerur, ad MMMMNW “dwwwm‘ nun-ladl- Ban-VIII. a" mum. I “abutment-mun “Micah-nun. Mr, but ?.tyrPT1iureoetiAeri1irnu." .t.l11'eytur-atriai"'ii; 1tttP.tterimtmakisViiikc â€In“. 1Pt'ni1ort_atotrttt-, “hum. 3|" that â€Tum-ommm â€awn Mm. has. Mlmmt.tdtaetotnAvs.,B-ttu, “tumult. 31qu mummmm 'rt-t-t+aemraertttrattattr. Thodntrwtttet_gttttgttt.t. man-mum by “mun-ammun- “WWI-WM I W - with (all Mnht-mttmt"Fagexretx- autumn. MrtA.Atti.tta-tMtcrMve Mammal-u. 1hfomrmmttrrenttiatavitu, mummauman- "trrNtu.e,tg.gtie-iaa-t oeth.unoesettomrttrmar-tu. mmmmmdmm a“ by It. will “a mmummom UNI"... mason-(Medium â€mum-tmwm “Notwmuquum "rtetorKmtrtte6teetttetr.oat.,tn “swung-unwise "1etitrtutaertttnamattr. The - Mn. ttd the B-ttuWa.ianettauug tor mum-mama tren-ttttite-tg-taan Anq m and: â€out. -Mtt.MtEa.rt,Mtn.meat “mutant-nut. Mtq-gtagtdMm.Wtgttttttraittte Beamsvi1le BU. Lions Club Shower 't'tt-Ctget" ltmovmh‘mmmy. " “out on - "tttttt " "erqtlqiiiae, led? WotttirthtmttDqrotatmet -tngtnartrrs-tsnae.eettrd "higtoatl$itHiek.ht-hert'r 't"-rmtita---4M.t Amth_eCttntssatmeat- ulna-um. “I not In Mumumdpophd meromnkaoym. 'ttoufttrtttatntianern,and.tnnin. tntr-ereemtaegtteVetretetrdab in I nu, Ina-um. Council atsetttHtrntte$ttuttitagtntutsead, "tBehtt_tgere-ftsttrdtteso. but It up tothe may, turn "_etttetthairmmPert-ttsey will. Wmmrnlutonomu- Ach‘hoyhn m was. er"""'"""'"""'"'" Documevmhndmllu.or MlmduonnnbyMor -thear-emmtrtqrsNett ntihavottrn-eaenneatgtltlttr gut-nr-ttt_-te. Munch-II.¢mlvo - per- In! m1- lush-n at Ecum- m attutat I.†u clau- noun-lam ifamtnt-M-tmseura.ttte m7 A-r-res, lf WI . non-m at Wile. AM all Mac'- 01mm to Wilt. A-r-ata my. blood. the. an. Glam-lawman!" Nun-Win a "an “William-w ttunto-hour.'-). mmmwmmmr 'm-te-bet-a' Ila-Illu- “a Nt-ru-oar-trt tmtheataatdqettr-rettttertmt- '-emgurt.ieqtttrrted.aradtttr WWII“. 'Kari-gt-rarer-i-ttie "ttie$eqdtttt-thutttathttoth. numamnmu m. semen-nu]. it Whitby-on. “with“ vumlunlvllloauudm- -trtratatutgtHteStntemto- mum-mamma- 'rtntrtettr.Tttuiotterrnet1rtme, .uuimtanedtteeeaomntttog. www.mamm-n the 5mm: 'tm hundred “Montana-Illin- trethee26.R.in-aottterrer. MuMle-yuu. Wuhan-ammo MdmentthCJUL -ttrgnt Ian-ville. Act-ck oetmfnet_em-trtgtoe. “(Manchu-dud“: 'eehttnndttten-aiemttt.r Cum.uwwmm mmummm ulmmuudnumylonm 'mmfeteaeaerhdteotnnettGetmn. dredendtttietrrtsenettomrttse country-Mum â€an! rc- puuhtnbaumlnd Mating Pt1ri_tetaosernuuetttetrii, f1rtttoottettetomotse-urir ttisorir.andta-teetatrseesnitit ttetttettetligtrtoett-aioas, . I I AmebyJuqhm thMbhnm bummMullm 'tandnot-ttseq-nt-bitt: tNt-ttalt-tat-rt. T'tqtottter was My mm.udm-muo- mudMMI-h www.mmum “alumina-numb!» “mourn-WM mum-mm» mm a Dr. lusty" u i?felrtmntrs-t.r.es unmar- uni G, . mum dollar mm. Mn; to I bunch at run tuna: II the dim-m. WM: Honou- -etttr new“ My. III! now will “at. from the ham m - turn- "zgrtreattottt hat? q q . Flu! muo- have been whiff“. Us union-ar- "de" Pu.'eertrnntmtreeatir' mmmmm the â€can munch 'htrattuqie.etaesotsaoeter. 1r'drtrrertuiti-,u.tot-t use-uncut. Boll hum MM " tTnartitmt,aaad oom- 'eert.tuP1tieoeaaar d 9 t ’55 1;inch E§ ii UBS. . r 5 L32 A _ fair. tilseist Qua.'.', Ml!“ INDEPENDENT WWW Mumbmrwvm numb-immun- play, "iBtetteasPhnttk'inthetmd. maximum-undula- tt-tteeeteumse,d_0rMrr. Detaotk.Ptatttk-tttteMtttmtt macaw-Ind“ lawm- “larch Insult." 'maebtm'ttryKFMCattter. lt"trrmsfttruetr.antrdtV char-Indymmm cudun "Ayn! lull†and Donna mumaww.muun can“ and. can to Mum: an» Rah In “Jun" and. A My lam with-unwell mud tour-on. ttttqgtgt vote... am Btgehatlthnat ,rttouantrttmet “an. "tttettt'a+'trr-etriniatttte www.mmhuuhu -teattattntsumH,"WttrmGo tight-J'Donm'ccorm â€Â£0"!th “I n- '1,1'Jrh"lUraMgt"'"" 'et'oannnjoeeoe . -ttg*tataet-trrrhaett,on Parkland. m the mac tmeAtitigtttMtgaMrse. ©imteltnhttro_tttttgtotetate hMNr.lup¢. d Orin-by manna-mm on an 'emndtttrmtBttthiehreer. cum tn- mm Mt-tnut, Guam an!" no Gun-by Ion-ma "ttttttq covered um. aim with glory In two hwy loan. “The Merry my And “no Thu- Kunta-,"--a We“: talk I... 'tttet-rear-trat-Bot- mandarin†and" toad. 'etthttt'ta-tt.eotme$t in giv- tgttthtrntmtit1mr8uttoeieaaup A [may of chlldnn from and“ m and IV in. put than“ their m try was “no Hun-purl.- In (our nanny mun. "tum. m m." "um-[.05 "Mk." (a and" round). All "Mug er" 911 vary monthly do". Tttr Junior Charla. alluded by In. All Honk. can. fol-wan! with (In. treUtrt mu. lulu. "m ou It: Lon." "a. Band. an." no "in. mu. my au plan-d om Am a. walnut!!!†Gets-tRat-tem-ent- tumoumnhmhn “mum!!!- my“ . ammo-ammonia â€was. mmthnne-n- tailpi- mum Aa.tteil.uerat.aatt-tmgetta-. .orGtredtmM-tonttaatdtt. -tteHtittagemt-ttittgot.gtmetB. ll. Wyn-Ivodupouuoatm Wanna. can.†Bench. "ttttq on drainage In eetqntmetedttgttttnttttttme-.Retad tttqrt.Tttttihiottitatte an duo-mn- ..R.T%-fttqttft-ttomt. atsskiduieiurtatettldeigGtirod ArettMt_etttsftsrt.©tnmett PeMt_trtte8tb.Ittegtmomn MBMerath_te3aa.tttmmrt. a“ tti-tte-ttutr-eel 'rsinatrft'rtttertrsoeett, mun ml. tow-M "was; the wotttmrtemtt-tatnmad.oqetrtg tottso-treemt.-arthrs -meagvedttqmtttreodidr-ttt emttmet_tteomsetttetottrttr.e- tlmtetettt-s,aatttey an they -atttoottigtt.ttir-ttrq Co. mt â€I.†forthe tttht. Cape macaw-t 818.050. will: Wal- tneeA.MneBrnre-m'rrtt'id dttesertninrttetie-oeth-tttor "A“. 'rentNtMWnurttrstmn and "M1ll1lretnese_murinAretr, mum“ 1.010.000 "tttor-ir-tet/he. Institution-arm 'tattteertm-ratNgttRetM-t WAIIIIOIIAL OnnuhIolIlWlI-m‘ mam-hm Mud to A-ct-re-toe'": tsrtir-tot-uetrr"'" Mate-mm; www.mm- ed that approximately no - ormttodi,esee-a-ttnd uranium out of ttte mpqwrytormdww At-iatsttiratttt-rtiitte qtt-lednssttttrmtsed. , pal-pa... have“. they IMM‘ menu moon-truckload» “canâ€. matador-luau! NEW DOCK PLANT tmated mmxwmml- cutaway-3mm†ot who no unwound. Mrttaltte um - “My â€not! to Ila-pun uttettaittte drying NM- In; " hourl IMAM! on be moved me toe-ery-tttet' "tttair-ed-tttsets- In and, {or building 'trrPtt"* mmhmmmxmw- weetotttrarot,tttttttrgtrtt_r. Beddu eegtteatt then In (In! mun-nummm Hutton-M my: new PMI. mm - - “NP “Maw-(pa. MUSIC FESTIVAL A Thousand Pork Chops On Hoof has." at My the moat mau- ly. no that, “NW Hymn a Wm." Ion than no cum from the mud ml- al OM and dun-let. W? with uni-um M look [In In the Mn] with on mom to down which‘ alum macaw "rd-ttttder (he baton at unlu- blond Director at lute. G. u "tet-guts unlov- od I well-balanced lad wholly Ill-MI: mum. Ttte - collection 0! volt- lng pork chop- ever seen on the new: not“ In appearance In the Mon nod Rommel-dell: n num- eat “In version at "State Fair," the 10th Century-m Technicolor " showing " the My Tho-m the M that day- d out mt. Iona â€winning pip who bought outright to play the prin- wwwm mummy}? N-MMM‘M iii"un"siututyet'1rt" Liited-etttrmttet mud on Inner In which an Lis-ttttrt-tover" was pried who he I- 'usaaetoti-osrttered t-tst>oituoditttotttetr' Its at but. has or tumor. dr-tmotte-d-ttttttr ettamet-dtttetivetrrtttttD- tr"tiiatoe*trttt_rtett nodal-u» ddeI-lmlm Dun-M by)". In». an "In mandrnn-numd mum'M'WoIWII Itupwlammmud'mbo- ttt.atanD-Soatg."'N-ttt. comm mug Into I triumph“! cumin- and chorus In ,etttetttoetotroetMr-"u! Watkins. “it. new mum-ad when of the Young I.“ atom the ttttter -ttuturetmorreer?r" wwwmmclgll GG GGA when: "Atl m an mt." 1tereutiet1..P.rte MlngOWN MOTORS Cooler-m - the new SEIBERLING gives you added trouble-free motoring miles. Greater tmeti--the new improved construction checks dangerous skids. The toughened Saw-Tooth Tread means atopoer.thes-ipot security. and extra driving safety. . They're better! Thi- new SEIBERLING in the finest are we have ever made . . . end SEIBERLING tires have always been noted for their contending nudity! More "lt,tiy stronger tlrxr--pmvldes rugged reel-lance to potholee and en Blue Sunoco tha SEIBERLING TIRES Invest In fmBMtUNG-ttse name you Crttt trust ht who: Your Car Needs That Spring Tune-U p Let Us Take Your Car Off Your Mind 107 MAIN si. for a,» "an. rou- .m ttsim " new“ trrey..tee.tl'.,t Ae -N""""" r"-' "‘"V’ to: no In oe"Mtt" Boy" tutd . mmdmmumnm." mmmuurhoc-WNMW GEO. C. ANSPACH COMPANY For Top Market Prices " Colbm Street. Tomato "Up-to-Date Selling Methods" Belem-co- Dnily report . ....... 332% ft'."'" l, GRINSBY 7mm BUILDING- ttg'my/Vs MORTGAGE LOANS REAL ESTATE 7A? iaai Emilia". m "q-m.'.--. mam-uneazooAmm 'rTaG"'iiiai - .7iartr, "tmttsee . C. J. DcLAPLANTE PRODUCE GROWERS! . Give y Shining Shun and Pad on request Mark Your Shipments More Miles Quaker State Oil a â€All ITIII‘I’ W. LIMITED mom: Mt "State "tr" â€mum sstGi'iuerveioetu-""". At-oo-e"'?' â€mac-unnum- ELSE!