has! Ttm-ot-ies-tt . '%fGUdl'hWll'lyl','d'dl',', Ammwinmlkluofldoemd when "id.. "We knawhlmuold Ton Por- uat. .trths2tlehhlt2=tr. thonor-tttlit" kn6-h" auiiiioiGFirireur-trtyttifhiil. toh-i-tG-hom" the harp and stimulant." tuw-tu-thangin-rites ddldolll. - A - - we-noi-ana-tOtt-ttie when fun-that balm m our-m {onco- iGii.htid-ranrettermdyt.ertftt iaikiortiiiG-iotottrirrrs.fye4hnf: dinn- ugl_boyuud that - to the starring GoAn _ of Evian. The Grimsby Independent all! twin-bolt our nr,gtl,ttt to 2t,tl,h'ier"g',eT,t ,redottttthattt “hairlin- ,marotratrtomrt iraultnatttidi-tnraeerrrtt-trr 'iiiiu0rEaiteyfthFto.ayner, GAifttt-irforfoti+ta. Hour iisutGuuett%d-tArehMreyrt?yf.- Giiiiiiiainuatmsrheamtmttinrtotheh" oftitaofdtrltam. A - â€WPWMO‘ "iauriCiui Giiuaiaau - inria 1ut 0. It. and "is! W Thu-mm to not nun-m merat"iikViiuii%eteirrtttftteAde.ryt.i.ties. "iiiituiatiiiiiidtiii-tNfattdiytr1tetitret -iiGiiarjFiLui-1tmsrlrt_tttet 3.7 G"iiiGii'i' "air." Tom?" "e-e _ "m d.. vh-mlll ttttutLt,eatrldl,1d,t than is . Who that why. I}! m. rationing. fox-hm Noon. tiustouvetop-riththeNaortmtiem bot-Mutathcneeudtyotmw oetar-terrhrttterorer. Minot 'iutobeteldturean't+tqhtarthdtent- tuandmltmqtttihrtarrdqrlt1mtharr_ B.tttiqntr-'eratali to "r, “I'm t'rM,tgd'itdttt,'dT'r"N','dtrtht,t 'MM,'."',",'.",',',,',,".',,,',,'.'",',,',,',":"',,',, honor " tutitietah-rrttimtodtr thauoratdtdmmand-tsonrtherenn- pl. "ndeeatetodm-ttahind-hn i-ti-itrernr.tryqoetitq.artdbt uttomtglektttqadm)totttrieitt 'tlt'tttttntl't, quantity“ taut he. â€was in IrrBBred my "rtitast W'Wp Detstitatrttser-ttieirt1uid-d, unwind; mttheme-tairitramss't mmummmm. 'rreietteriiltemryqr I!!!“ â€M's 'jidtieJi'gN2tti,tp,1drgr,,ttdf,'d â€animus-outbid]! min-v0 mm the I'M up!) may. tjile,r,',2vt,avggt2)"a',h! 'athrttttt,'dttrltr2J'tt Va mum . i'etoh.ueth"t""'" The W In str-f-dr-nth? futmiiittkttr-i_otysattmiraddim't thumb. mum-mummy fiistiiGirmidiuyddjetrtreere.toe G"aiTiiiaiiiiMtteaa-tte.e_ magnum nah alth- rgdvhc u Giaiiaiuit-rdiiyddiqiritf FitGartrti-f,ettritnith- iiuifdidttirt_uterratagt"-r"0- si-starr-it-theed.- artditadkvidml “the“ That many-Ohm than†mound. mum “If!" "GTtiiutitmt-taroqaAatt- It. iaiFaiiriaiiirt%rt-eetr.4rt-e, plum. ltmjuuwhm 'Tia7,kituriuUrumtiioergtiteoith- WHAT " YOUR ATTITUDE? otiteth-trehii-tfthirtgiro "rt-ruth-ttOda-ttti-what -ortdtosaraoinnhmdm6tse.Atthe -rtrti-eofther-Mtriliti-tiitr.. #tqirtndarnttemeriatoi-t,-hrrsanto 1tlottnmttsrtmrdessot the nation until 5;; Eiii,rg'ti,', __ am but at"itsem and tha___ trirotrrmindoutotrrittttttrtk mum - LAM AtA8tgttet% MUS 8 "thits â€WWW “In“ H. . banana-nut 'Jl'rG'h1Tkh%t1T,%h' a â€LON LIVW w. mm». naming-ammo: tP2'ttMld'yt'ltl',',tf Ntnrsedoet'trt-ttttt- mutate ,notorut%ththeatatNt demo- a the "CANADIAN “0.38“ SURVEY -antannnmt-amhandka-d -taminthdrst-toUqrtheir {mumbling-clan. Thai-ck eqtririrted_tnthtmras, t,d'atS',Nlurtlhhdt',"t'l'l',".". iskitmttmtoaritmthtrh.,htiltuniet1q muwunwumumuu oethittst1t-aytrtetlihtterum. rihdraiwhomoto1uhtatttateh1et no: If his “noun. tank In empty an ttow-if he huu't done It once too often at-ir-do it " often n he um. Walt a minim. don't strike that match. minor! What we meant iirai,maheeanAtrfteronteloearean run on that new high-ocuno utoty [ll un- named by an, Magma yil caged-n. mud-9mm I pull of Ctmdtanmedinrisandh-ttttt-,t Gitini_hoet-ere-ttarrfpd1iti" hMuru-Ilm mam “was m 'tt"e8tMS$8, - M=llt'iyd'dl2ttl%'ll'lh'.' “when“ niobium ",d,tlt2t'ttt1,ftaL'rltt'hl'lt That few (In-Mewomwithout ,mahirtgrnaetsir-ha" aunt. wring": "emsrndientedttrtto-ttemirt-, 2g",,tgpgyt','2t'tgltidi'tN,',',t, n tiammttmghrttttttltntfhny t'?/fn'%'lg'Mflivlt'lt,',"t'td',"A"l'lt -ttftmrtoiieher-in-tfmr. “1%me TaLa7ttiiutimmii ofS00 acu- or has. It la "ttmated that TOS of all Canadian tarmac-I an in Quack-a. mommhmmum. $htlr%t6ottaurttteote,6 invi1t-s andFprrt-amyitttt with†an SettArft,ttt Numb-rot otuykindwith hint-point oetsohigUr. Ft,,tgtgt,1E,'Ng'i',JIt Ct-ttan-ur-troll-tie-t cou- tgrdtrtt-htrnqahintatt. much like thuredmetthethad., _ Coetmeudneithtumnrti-rthetet- amqetthttqtthatttttlUta. 7 Ila-non for the went on human -i-ttittNt-rtnyBeritttltedi-- eiriutmttromfahtt)t-Atfourttrts mhtzfmb. tgl1u'htgttlT, 're-lessee will “We†gttorraditregmtt 'setire,iltntmtoeiefaartttr inttmiottttrrithutnttatttttttr. 1eegatitt"gt'M,,t'ffg.,Mt: te'tf,ggt,tt'gttgfger,t'ST,,' B-hemaatdnatigh ymhrnunbu in villus. has lead with Tor, "tough naturally tho-aldtyofchetrlc m to- nlu in} 'tmeh-ore-tits'? .of hed iaaia - -- iiGiiitiiri.' G"irufikline drive. the valuing an!!!“ ' ttfl of (gun homes. l,M,'M2'g'r,',2,T In... and the numbn- +etMei-isnmghtrirrmtitr tott_trititrMrerymr. Butt-allud- trnvihiursdmmumirtrtrteimat1rtgt-ds, "ifsuteitrtotmet6pfytto#r-.td idiioasfairrtrttnmtodtithiirirmtirtro'stu mulch-gov. - - _ ,ehkiaait%littrdruhattmemttt-? "ttetoteseets-atiMt+trer-ithrrttt, mammmumu â€(wavy-at. Tharrritxrttte- mmmumunmd 'qrygtMyetuirrr-tertaltt wdl and!» WWII " [DUCA‘I'ION 'ttserttrtal+oeythiyCthatrt pk an cultivate. whether they had exud- 'dedtteatittetornot. Ihereanahmrotart aeoet-tiort shout the ordinary expu- Ieneuollifo. The fat tannins that edttea- thin-nut hdpinder#opirtg that-Nu wand“ h+ionooirtipmutltermtr% favorably. __ _ _ _ mrtiiaiarirdairiiiiiiiil iiiiiia WM)! " atgtttrteor-hisM-,arpdtthi-. mailing-d infimttatiem that In ,methet-irsg.1trrtnrtteidtltaOetitret iatnomiirsroetiiitttqpeds,qtd that I 'regroeNmi-orthit-hretetrtairttrtm iehettterhqd-tt9mre*mii. new “no" Efirikiiru,mr. “an new ttr,tc,'t'gStt2tMfgg2tt't'ltk o m When t2,t,ttrttMst' Nadya ,tttthraowirhattetietettt-t. 11:qu mustn't-n: lam convention. 'rtstrturFaitirrt-itaiottt'irtedhett tt,eatt'fgertrdr,teNl"t stanttre_aludoettotal indtitwhatthar kntrarudest-ttteirid-. My“. Man-$031Mâ€? in F'M t1h'ghttS'tga'lt,l't,Wt,'2l1il't. a. amrtetdtaltmer.Therqm1iho. rritteueitotsii-t1if-ttietohm tharm-ttthat-ttNth-tnr. “ELL 'Wt UP!" saiGi0i%iird aua uiiiu_ __ Maul! In and "eiva. TBE, GRIHSBY INDEPENDENT Aktiiudtiidta um ’mon ' ___ __ don “been tt-irtgtotrodtasNat Ete- tr. "taiok,Nd,"h_r,"tqmdut'ttsddd Inducted. Dtm'trmkrsoqrtheeestttrt nmonmm?" __ A ouNrAtMoNM Gill. Annual-int has but: 4lkrttratirrtttrtttteothe den-mt" - - "ignafrugheworh‘ (Milan. BefttmtheqmrAli-dtoqrrtehinttte Mailman“ about]. "ttq,qeherohtrmtttrtae6d. new g'lh,1fgtt,2t."""""'""""'" “only Apeey. ' - Sommwhlehthbdmyw 2it2,','g'pt,"dd, t=tutt,'ltl I eretheti1ttrtgdtatut -tin. ulna and Attdir-iwhtestkadt-""t-r-" “(minim . Math can and“ M ase,,,li'l"l',u"rtTd'Ne "Ntirtg nation" calico-loud“: _ - Wt-hither-ttAlu-ttttis iohinouavp. 'lh2pdl'rtgtthg',,','g',f: Be-6for'trversitry-,tmt num- treydttter31titt-udyeyt dyetitt.th? in; -ituiFaiua iii-1o Man to "aliietuttherhagdtrh" hint on their mutual. mwummnam i,heffgr,,'tdiMaM,'l't; Plu- qetlt autumnal]: mama artntukotimtittn-tresnrhiehetedit- ni'clm at. tytteFdoiimehtste Ind sir-lick for my n- thitt FUiihtiA mint and Ibo “he but tout to_¢hntgnco._ - A-tttrthu-t-turrtM0qr mist-hinting aantetaterttheotutu MMAneunlh along bet-et the deu.thetr-ofher-trtttttopthelr m-sarsdaettetttmaiertrd. hon-chumboenuuHMI-no -d-tt_tartreqfmtrtdfeirartr-hhtrtd itfhrmtBetnthatNttErtmett. What rs-t'tMartomragnttt and',ht,t,','t,l',h'lr'fSt1t,'. . Now Usinthtrtgmtddbfhattieresed Alumnus.â€me v,,dt',',t'ht,d1',huh1d'd er,tmtemratFrmrht-t humanly "any. " â€Inbr- shouldn't. “Junior.†Dad will par,f'rr'lt Inn to "ilfllht0 mm mm: . . . mum Phwhdflulï¬odMWMï¬-ohhmm "rariiArGu-ttti-trrrrree"ethett'tttt no "Moot-bl.†-lt-rt-"_'.t-r-tr-r â€an...“ . r-ts-rt-tr-s-oe-ere-ttA-ot-e'.- tueJiJiiiicit%erotuatrtt-t-"tt-toe-"r'f't?u â€dwmdï¬mmmbwowmhoï¬p iirLi"iiiiau--aAi--eer-tdrhrt't+ iieldiGar----"er-"s "ss-rr-o-r-ttrel-voter-Ve ""GaiiiGi--ttt_re"-t"-e"tt-e. My aiiGidi%iii-t-sr-alduerf"yrtr"-tt'y't"!o'trt immodlnnumdhwhlm tt--rrethdro_tq aGiiiaGGr-rr-d---tt't'""9"'"""" “WWW“. v-thires-rt-st-ret-tu-tttttdeer.'. -tbedrr'eeseev$ees.' mmwmummmumu Wmoumummummm Tilt HYDRO-IIICIIIC POWER CMIISSION or ONTARIO uerefiyrtr-au,e, "fer Md?) , - $41.4 Th.t"-'tM-.nmeMtet_ttme_ -Mth-dmttHte_r'r_ “than“? WM“ a-ot-M-ttir-r-her. WMHWWIW‘ MIMI-III. “at h m “I Ind hmhMIu-m-ul- â€Tut-£100.... Mull "qogMtnqt.rt_-tnSrm8.. â€Ham-manna. lion-vol- t'_reMt.-t"ttie1. __ "s-" “Wilma-l -a"l.TiW=hTrh'.".1' Mb -t-rd_tret"rtueet'imrV Mam-Mmmmm Chaim-{~07 Hun-â€1Ԡmmc‘d-yfr mun-mun." mun-mmmm “halal-Odinâ€: “in 'hrthMtt.trtnM-ttreq-tto tuh-tai-r-eh'.-. “noel- 'ta-v-_-tMIMO-e.. Ina-Mal - - - mmwhmmdu MAIN? SWEET '1":- In", m. Aaet no .1945. "The Little Towns Of Canada" . I I -It-nrero_ “anwl. “JAM-humidm Matti-w damn-nut“ I . O 'm_r0MthrgehSq. aeattttnqtortth-eSgb. '-"rqe'i-en'e. “MB-undy- “Cult-“h - “II-MM or "In. any -- “In -- - M. â€natal-“w thinning-ad“- but.“ Noun-III m h mhummbm murmur-uh- ly: With.†autumnal hm- hlhhlha-wu - In.†In.“ III "tt-tn' -- h- - “humus-u- “I‘M-nlhul‘ WWW-lb "a" lath- m M a Wham-‘0.“ "e-dt-tto-tie hum-“mm.“- mun-damn.†,et-sartaFtttsst-tr WHIWMH Dimitri-um Mutt-trunk†an to HIM-tub“! milk-amid- Wl-plcu. p “Ion-manual h In â€aw-mm- ruminant-mun. â€â€œ00,th hummus-amt Mama-III.“ nun-um...“ mummy-moan..- .ntmNrqetluLiu. “a. Wit-unmvulq 'eMo.anr.tt_thetit-. I'll-mm." *‘lmm akin-“aim null- In a- - -thMr--tttt1.r-. -ft19teiqee9t.stst-r. 'etiAtfetttrettirai/s JIM-whom “mum-uncut numb-m -q_hBa.tr.-nttiars-. Will-paths“ II- - (at ml... at “a. umwmbdw gym-“maulh 'tat-tr-rar-ae-a mm“. a at i-air-ttrata.' m I i -emta d all). '2h'ATd""2g1'",t'egnt In. “hind-nun“; “unit-q'b‘ tmt-a-mm-.... 'ceq-trl-tii-e it“. amt-cultu- a! ‘M. I. h... - him“ In â€up†mm W â€ml-I "on“ lunch-mun- d M â€nhAMdnn-b â€yuan-mm- '_-he-et-tret- -hdMgt%t-teent+q.. 9-orrr-dtm. 0-. in m tn “not“ atlas-undo... human-Iain... "My. “a. â€was. on. his is nah-(dummi- WWW.“ ntt_qr.ttmtt-. nub-Mala†WDWW.HII~ ‘udI-qudII-lrh-nm Wer-tentre-tite"--" Mum-n: an. up 1 â€Mi-cub u I hum-Id not. In. Tummcu no you mutt-unmann'tm .ttqttttAqrttMttttertg.tnte Miami-mutant Inna-u! - uh- In â€menial-wt“ I‘m-hm. W‘Wm‘lm- -ti.-- Noam-unaw-