_ °C sPPl ARA NCE Phae en uoi prone h ue °m ne t NUCTIONEER 4 VALUATOR Lagensed Auction®e*" for the County Lt Pincors; also for tse CitZ 9 & & sn on . COTOSNBIHAODE takâ€" susae an mm w omm 0 0000 AVCTIONEEI PLUMBING and LEATWC Harold B. Mate BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Business Directory INSURANCE George 1. Geddes J. W. Kenneay "Honey" Shelton Wours 9:00â€"12:00; 1:30â€"5:00 Closed Saturdays At Noon Open Wednesday Afternoon Full â€"stock of Bicycle Parts and Accessories on Brlng'}houshouin for repair before they are ruinâ€" ed entire‘y. We will make them like now. Repair work is a scientific specialâ€" ty with us. DONT BE ON YOUR UPPERS d6s» Next Door to Dymond‘s Drug C. H. RUSHTON nigats now. ‘There is chill in the air, Just those ki i Ofe'eninnmnk.tont '\er.vclthhc;flrelndrud. A e have a very large is sortment of _ magazines, periodicals and papers to ehoose from. Drop in and make your selection. Gri smcs o Oe l'ullt.lmumm! Vernon Tuck r ILES vieading lu;dl Pl’o:::::;: i ompui arin se uo o Dymond‘s ge aen7 not satisty. it gets nts now ?li‘the air. mss cesc meee [AE LITTLE SHOEMAKER® 25 Main Street, West GRIMSBY _ THE Pick OF tosacco THOSE LONG EVENINGS HIGGINS (Viskion Specialist) OPTOMETRIST PuHuUGNE 326 It DOES taste good in g Pipe P..UMSER EsqQUiRE LEGAL OF CANADA Saturdays 9â€"12 Grimaby cmmmmam: smm .'“m praskouer * ‘Tuesday, November 21st 7 ’ 7.30â€"Hep Cats vs, Owls Club. 7 30â€" â€"Butchers v8. West FEnd. 9.00â€"Piratea vs Barbers. l’-uo-Au MHouse vs. Pin Twister® ron [ wennnil en ce Ssd a sius! \ 1 M v8. 4 L“..g , 7 30o_wWonders vs. Firemen. Supplies When a mA ©" its frequently the Monday, November 20th 1.830â€"St. Joseph‘s vs. P. Fxpress. 7 $0â€"Boulevard vs. St. Andrew‘s. John Hale ..___â€"â€"T42 O HMM _A Vimy ... __ 858 T71 6992 w-nn;.-v. Macride, 211. High Tripleâ€"H Figher, 661. Games Next Week Vicero Mauflower . Victory .___default Veterans ._____S79 Vedette . Peach Queens Bnwling Scores mummmmm.umomnmm-y-u undoubtediy ws= the forerunner of bady. ‘nnolglnlmmpuy. odhthvllk..otnctudmnnchllhhldhnkcy.qmptngm deal more boisterous. As our authority says, it was a "rough and ready frolic." * There‘s quite a similarity betweer those rues and present reguâ€" umwt:oom?u?m% y ie l Whay! * were garisoned at > Kingston and Montreal. nt Halifax, I °C ® SnInNNY on Yo‘r own sipe Wmll-llodlylmn‘m,m.morhor.uywldtm “mmmumumuw‘huntmew lrtunaut::m‘tlmnutor&.m. serious side, though, Captain Jin Sutherland of Kingâ€" mmmemmmmnhmunwo(uuntmmm mdmmmnmmwmmdaummma.z least. H.qum.tuttlo-knownworkbymuubuhdhummmt gives M;!orlnumï¬ng ice hockey, or "banc‘," to the stout citiâ€" zens of Bury Fen. Mmuam.m'tamburbolmmn- mnummmumzhwmuuuudmmmm ishes of Bluntishamâ€"Cumâ€"Earth in the agricultua) county of Huntingâ€" mMModBuryMthmhwntobeum.nllW\ about the ice with their bandy sticks playing a"game much like hocâ€" h.y"mbdmm'mhmud. However after they equipped themselves withk runners, the early historian reorded, they "could rush wmmun'mm.mwmmyuopnduluddmlym mndmnmwattunmmmwn-p-cflmmbhon hnd.thlncamm.nlorhndywuu-und: it acame #1 fact . . . the Mmup;dmâ€â€˜ scratching, 1 horHnE Picture that is going * u.mmuummmmm.] ul.fll,"llhlmm. mmm. MIM""’"â€NMMMM luck, Itmlmbywmm‘wc lym-tunvhy-dhs&mflmcuyu.m championships, % C s € & a j SHINNY ON YMuim muse,. 2.2._ SPORTOLOGY Here‘s blows his own horn he bhorn of plenty. (By Bones Ivingston va. Peach Kings 461 701 148 Lt 977 p12â€"1 S"fre that is going 0 take a lot of head 8 team but for the 1;¢ Of me I cannot name _ This photo was aken so many years ago get the complete listof names. ‘Try your Inflation may be described as something which sends prices ard wages soaring skyward in an ever increasing whirl until our mobne;/ becomes worth less and lees, and @zally it is just about valuciess. Grimaby â€" Brock Snyder, David Alton, Art Clark, Bert Harvey, 13. First United â€"â€" George Grinyer, Wiliiam Hoyle, Zd Hughes, Charles Charley AMstier‘s bowlers led the Peach Kings merry shase »! the way last riday evening ~+ First United Chich, Hamitrz. 1t half time the sore was 16 to 0 and at finish 240 13. ‘There was ’o.u-adu Dop vs. Victory. Thursday November 23rd 7.80â€"John Ha) vs. Crawford T.00â€"Victory v. Valiant. $.00â€"Vimy vaViceroy. 9.00â€"mMayflovy: vs, Rochester. Friday,. Nvember 24th 7.830â€"Vanguardys. Admiral D. 7.80â€"Golden Dop vs. St. John. 9.00â€"Vetarazvs Vedette. Friday, tovernner 17th T.80â€"Valiant ». Admiral Dewey. 7.80â€"Rochestr vs. Viceroy. 9.00â€"Mayflowr vs. Vimy. Thursday November 16th 7. 80â€"Vedetteys. South Haven. 7.80â€"Crawfor vs. St. John. 9.00â€"John Ha: vs. Vanguard. 9.00â€"Veterans s. Elberta. wWHaAT INFLATION MEpyg Law: Bowling Mupatmmbmnï¬ifle; ge field, Irmemory serves correctâ€" Future Games ut did not s«pture any Black Cats _ St. Andrew‘s West End .._ Gas House . Peach Kings s cap == Hep Cats _ Pin Twisters .. Sheet Metal .. Owls Club ... Firemen ..___ St, Joseph‘s ... BRoulevard .__ Legton °... Moaarchs (Week Ending Wednesday, t Wonders .____ Wonders Barbers Owls Club Boulevard Hep Cats ... Peach Kings Pirates Tuesday, November 14th St. Andrew‘s .___s3n sxna o W.““lm Pony Express .__869 795 agp 2 Gencrals Pin Twisters ._ 897 Bt. Joseph‘s .. s96 West End Legion _ Peath Ki Firemen Grimsby Men‘s Bowling League League Standing © ty , War Savings Siamps and Certificates Reguloly. INDEPENDEN T On Aetive Senviice é‘) Citing Wings To Werd‘s ige CC 4s ce S ids A. C. PRICE WM" House ___ Monday, November 13th â€" 479 761 â€"â€"2 857 1034 â€"919 'imm 1087 870 nersonmemmmtssccmmecomee i 924 930 s19â€"9 988 1042â€"4 908 1178â€"3 953° #10â€"1 1135â€"1 959â€"3 default Tov. 8) 803â€"2 872â€"1 41â€"3 18 18 17 15 14 18 18 18 18 12 11 11 10 10 wreat excite. mmmhmm on Saturday next was announced. It has be~ decided to go on a hike every two months no matter what the weather may be. Boys are to dn-wuhnrmclotm.,m',,_ At Monday night‘s meeting 31 fCou,s assembled to enjoy Scoutâ€" Ing,. After patrol corners instrucâ€" tion period the boys were given their competition PLEASE DC NOT BLAME YOUR BUS DRIVER forts. He only carries out his orders and has :: phinhtomnh,plundonym: ve com so a thoeo:gmy'lhudotfloe...mttotbodflm. It‘s not his fault that the bus is late or crowded . . . that you have inconv<ziences and discomâ€" Boy Scouts ellige for this hike as we are takingecond and first class tests. Scoutintpaches boys to take rare of themives under all conditions and the hikes puts this knowâ€" ledge the test. November 16, 1944 nking water, also the high school at » under sealed orâ€"