f pm as In “expreuion of hostility to n it in nominee.†That was a comment to oe r' a l? nuppo r o the l -doted from sin iah rte f .. f,‘ "tttttt King government. It we: also a _..i,. ':mtrteiald.itttrteit.s, ofadyepaeated . J' It wowed no inclination to take note 'r,". . ignition; which give rise to Mr. Drew's "y “which t'drmauaitsoferitheitun x's, «If intPot.hereoeiner if Whntianeededuaehmrdefhtitionof 1;... that national unity involves. Having ob. b91dil'iliil?ii"iiiiiii'e itineuier to discern ' 5; ttiight this country. or a port of it, fails to ..iyyyy.qrryJt,t.tth.tftandagdandth"' con- c. . a.-Wtodinuiity; . 't:.ia A I . '.o.... y (Ol" believe that the but of national _.'.,::..' i. a-d-ll-ttio-tf-tttmth t t 'mhc equally!†one commend. If l . â€nation or the tirea,tte'elg, t "su. ., 'll that there will be a tttnd-ttal i . V unity. thtptsrikial irritations will _ titt-ittar. In time they will diuppeu‘. , {77:3 5:: In“. CAUSE s' can)!“ msum'n' 'lgtllrltBrnr INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING Inna! only 'heaiday from office of pubts wu. Main and oak Streets, Grimsby. %mhtdi-rdenteeis-ernfraid,ttrqpeqr- 4"†and true dependence leads “I to the nut perfect Independence. The Grimsby Independent 1 "m 'tgittteirttr George Drew's recent out- a.dhtrrs declaration that Quebec cannot be, 'ttttttttas!.' to dominate the destiny 'u' Canada [Ghoul nemmper deepribed the 11teanier'ts l Le this than that national unity de- " y upon each section do- ite" pit in a national emergency such " “E. V ofthe w.undmeuurethe ef- Wench of the nine provinpes Mit. 1:30 EMMHWmhmdthmthe has publilhed Monday by the W“. Intonation Board onthe intake in- b‘eC-aadim armed forces from each of theme pmvineec since the outme of the “comment than mythin! -Tiritr0titrvitrha.teehp.royinti, iiriiGaVGuriiytainu.uttheei9tetet1t tTsiraiiikir,untrh1eetq.ptr.rre.tei,t,e, mm. riG%tkiatirtdiselitetttetotal ii'iiaiiFineminttte1tto46yti1iuret, 'iriiiiirGiiariviuiiedthmytttreee Giafa"iiarikeatt-totimryt?et 81,10“. iiteiereeettatmofirult.eto.th.e m male military population m 'he “In" If one pro- inee lungs back does it nor lay itself open to criticism? If it likewise de- msnds special privileges is it not also inviting expressions of hostility? Who is to Name but itself? The root of disnnity in Canada to-dsy is Quebec's refusal to march with the minim!» of the country. An examination of theae pemntazea meek that with: to male population between " " yeare Quebec'a contribu- iiiGaGtrtitioitethotiedMt.iah, Columbia. The contribution by Ontario, New Brunswick and Manitoba was very nearly twice that of Quebec. The eoettgitttttiottts by Pau., Saakatehewan and Alberta were only stightty leaa than the other eight Engliah- awaiting provincea. It is worthy of note t at all of theae eight provineea made apprai- mately the aame contribution in proportion to their available manpower. Here is an ex- ample of all pulling equally N. the oars. Quebec's meagre effort stems out in strong contraat. -- - - i u (if a aiikiif 5 â€I" W. OLINDINNINO. Mat Human I. LAWOON. Vloo-W a. OIL" LIVINOITON, “Mary, - "ttrr --0", inc-mama“ 'lltat1uhtr0dlat"l'f,"tfe -. Can-dun Weakly News..." W. w'mwn. My†. 'tMnhtititted 1885 . MONEY-.9619: mad: 2 for! o'tarrhr 'igiriG ’an up, .IIIIIIIIIII§ 1H5†AtTB,00tt hangs hack goes-it n.ot Wheat. 1M.“ .13.“! - "a" 71.385 Itâ€! ttf pus'budds': â€mm- (8.0 48.5 M.tt WEALTH IND WORK Sometime s10 I wrote s brief story, pens R. J. Duchmsn. telling of one. Hsrkness of New York, finsneier and philanthropist who died, lowing sn estste of over $98 million, "tee distributing, during his lifetime, $117 million, in gifts. "io.dimgutt.tn'ti"tio'= The question I mired wss this: Is the world poorer or richer beesuse of this men's seeumulstion of weslth? In the snswers. I wanted the miters to usumethst Hotness made his money in lesitimsts business. that it grew out ef industry just " the fortune of Henryrtmtttrmr. Iieintedittottedutsxt- ed from the standpoint oi on corned forum. not " one inherited or mode ' speeuletion. Many of the comments received ignored. or felled to understand, that particular point. They approeched the queetion from the standpoint of one who had trot much and gave little or nothing. They left, unanewer- ed, the real question; is the world poorer or richer because of this man's accumulation of wealth , of Ridiiir/iioiGGTiGjijoLi, writing in the Neepuwa Pugs. cape this statement: 'tut,inntr:udtmett,'uthy.rmi.t ever to the question. The world is richer andtttastnmidnafiife is lighter beam iGritaie"iiiukiudahinder,eitth_tqe,tttt tororemllkinzmehine. ltiehetterthet we should hove electric lights, Mice. alum- inum one. motor can, eteemehipe end "iiaViaiitituihedeyertttthe" iiiiiriiiurht"h"".""t'""""' Fortune ere ephemeral. They you any. Men have eecumuleted wedth in el- "i'iiGiuaFaireatndetofyyytt.utet -tritGtii0nitTasnr,irtiutaahlehts?ftto mankind. iiiiintsinoturt-ofthete eeeeofothm. _dnriatttmur.ntittdts,,to reel w- iiiUGUTaiih V2 the world cum from WW, from the mde of men and m. from thoe {the My {quad bet- a; 3:3; G'iiaiciiiiiiiiiiic norms: 00038 Alumnae West who, aided by thm/i-Gia-aa-iid-tsr-titll-tPt, iii'riUnaG%ritittetilr.inamt.tioetoth,t mum and Madly M his minthepgpen: _ - The tamserutittiedittemtttftpeno.ttt.er tumaT,G'tiahut-uouee.dfo.tt1ttet1t have M children» (We know one ttnnernrhoUeiritrth';ag xtittuttaiirt1etting max-mm boy drive the tr. 'ttr " 'iG,riifi"iuiiiiuiiiuiiitaiimndr,uartu hay door.) m. I I. - Anus-ea - w..- w--- -- traded our “new in this little story of wartime mummy. The story aid, all too briefly, that We; cook}. _ Cl'Ct"'a'itTi"iiiii, ;: Magi, of iUti - indignant that Meg-t a the have woman to l dude sentence with an “also-pm? in- stance. 7 " - The midsummer svelte: of n urbu prev bureau iritGigitsetoiydrththmyh Mon of a tpothqr who epokufor twin! _rhoseintheadt, and tn the mom know All ton well the value of M?hrtrttt martian. As they to“ up bunches from a midfield knoll ‘hey can gee her st the wood- pile picking up chips in net mu -- mne- thirg to burn up hot and quick. to heat the 'tte e but ttgt the hpuneu - Iuterthe hsymIkoniuthe tbdd hour the dinner hom, and look up to see Mother studios in the faint beam by the kitchen door, whiny her tsoe Mt her - hem, hot, tired. lonesome end honestly beam. But the green pens are on the ukle. tall slum of milk are poured out, tomstoes sud cueum~ hers are sliced in bowls, hot biscuits and honey are looking for customers. and from the far meadow the crew can almost smell the Duchess apple pies on the sink shelf. Mother, indeed, eooks-and it was not thoughtful of the Associated Press to men- tion the fact BO fleetintr1.v. “the ttf my former pupal. Mr. Henry lor- ler, d Riding Imam. supra-nod It an: my In "tmmatqh more not long NPI “any 'iuCauuittnarrota-dP?rtehle1r tore-hi" Until “in nil Inland with â€tumult“ than "ttttre-tttr rum- blings-damn ‘n spite a! prayers. or New. Mr. W. who walnut! Inch av.atedetxmotvt-ireettu-tttutht -aiiuusrtuiirrrie-t-thrtt"' "rvtostnatttotft-eortht-. A“!!! itaii-ttri-nttt-tmitatstn8fP Li,GAeihseeemmttmrmttehttrsr"ot". MucouIthotu-tom- new mmmwnnummmmm '-tetntr,gttremetntnirmr-tturee"- iuG"ri-or-rtki-ttrartthttt_ttt1y iirdia-mttr,ehnttmnntitsasert-eP' "ser-tteste-tnest-ttne Mild“ Lam: GGG/tum __ In that in mid In “an! m " Mann'- "ta-ttInt" with." me a woman. Ari. Blanchg midget Th' trouble is t parents don't won; about udau hter till she tails t' l them up f breaking an' then if: too late, / -araGirtanri can frmit - within THE GRIMVSBY INDEPENDENT in the tartper'tMN TIto “a mtmmmattt-sea-tt6"u-80 BT'lfl"dl'.'-"1l',1l'lllytl'7i"piiliiFiil mw-mmwmdmu VII-work. mmmm.mm orsettsaettr-dttutomtMtt-elti-t- aerrtntmntoired-tiegtetgttrt-t Van-run “. Mm.tmrvmtnae,tmt+ trnetrmsmtotittto-tttM-t_ttnt .titr-mstarxmakmrt-lHttfere ttsemamrtnuttettttt--t'theesn_l' mommm â€mum-hum aasottteratmrta-rttte"-"'06th, mumwmmwmwm mmlrtsitatafttrvInrttsr. Amman-vu- eartter,mtttanttyUmtt. um un- d the Immmwwmnuddhmd esttoituetoettte'ittrtqB"-totF goons. maul-munching“:- I AM. THE COUNTRY WEEKLY lam the friendofthe may, the being- eroftidintmfmenottusrftiac VIN“ the home in the evening light C summer: vineeiad porch or the triqw of Pinter" lamp. 1heiptomaketiu'esniImhoqrt1gP. eordtttei-ndthetunat1,th-hdatrta ofthedlysndweeknthnt go to make up 1amforandoftuttmne,iolhnrthtne who leave humble beginnim; whether they gotogreetneuortothegutterJtnketo themthethrillofolddeylwithwholeeome life. Inpakthe Wot the common man;nivmtrdomhtti1tohiapytderyted: ins. itierritioesiaiatrthanthatof nnyehtmshintomumr render: an more thuttto.einthenehoot. Ymtngandoidatiire tindinmer.tirmatioet,inatrmti-ttertais mertt,inap'mtimt,anl-,eoentott. lathe etimigete"ottsigttiand1trhanddeattt--the tttme-ttet-te-ister-. Ittrinttt-turtmrer-eBer,totht ttene6tofttotht 1_arrtotiprrprf.ttt. gnu-hot Metamucil. Intotheholneleu'ry -wrmtottheemttunrhith foul, and clothe. Gduihuudshiehrrtiniatutoeoertfrtrt, at",h"tthretrhtrrht. . Tamttte-dafttt_tuhiptor, otttCvaF,ttsemmedtteqtyeoertmtmitrin ttteakitiveiottstateotduatlott. '50 r BACK MIDI "rt-ttttr-ttti-B"-")'" 1amtheesoomrttofthe lives of my Imthemntryweekly. It’s no - Wree1"T"."e'r.""e't'""'trT"LtrtrTrrin ii-ata-ite-ree-h-ttr."'-. tua.eato-uihttimeuot-uu-t I. WWII-£19“ ' â€glowing-Ind“ â€wuwuub '-$rt.ehsehtked-ar-t.uubr --r.-,nt'thars'd.raeths “yeah-â€uh“! " “a. pan-- â€to “Mhbhpdwnk sumac-wannabe.- â€bk-(hlhhnhhblb WW)! s, In†doâ€! - upon - M‘h’hh Ind-unlocki- mid-“Dyna.“ “awn; NATIIDNAL SELECT IVE SERVICE MtMPHRE',' MITCHELL mm ol Labour Bra-red-s-r-re-edt-htel" mwuwmwuumumy Mlflwflmuvfluwvï¬u’q‘bym an... â€Ti-Mutation!†-tsa_tutuqrtbr+ree#udu-purr)"lrioeko â€WOHMMW".Mbmhl-’ "ntud,gii-timu'-'ththett-eue6'-u"E_s'Garue", “Michel-ohm.» 14.1944. Imr'.yer-ohsdaqroar-Nrairs'hr.vd.-r- -iohodor-'hr-trrd-a-traatho" "boHtttrrrea-aamgar+-d-eirras,ora.hrrotharo trdmsgeghaeeudoe-err-doeeottt my“ fhW-IMW-M_mnuhhuonlz out. 'r_.-tuasr'.aHrneye.8'htre-rteisqs-" “Holly labial, and In any and cunt-bud. hunter A. annual- u new urn-ally new. Wilt 9 and lot-u: u I. documents which pro" [and and“... an "can“. through the Snploymu and Solvent“ Sank-c Ojfku. tobepoor,hrttitmtight None: 10 EMMYEBS AND Till]. MALI! IMPLIDYBBS - "der an! 9MP m It"rhr 'Ateat “meum 'v.--""'-""'" .m 1'1riUi"t1h"GiiiiiTLitirer,tt,1 rtght 'dafliGGGGrGiieeei.eeyen'uf,2 'lU'lt'k"G"iG7CiiGrseey1f d,"aU,uT'a'Gl7irhiiiatiiLteey'g,,','t' autumn! w Bt-ttrt. ngrtt mart. a . u... gummy-UV" 'dTdAtTl'TurGreiiiiieLieei',e',el'. “hummus-WWW an. 'uTaGl7i'iiiiirjieeet,/l',tr. "a'a"iTi'"iiiiuTjiu-u"""" mum-W“ o o . . -.misAtorteeeted,','g,'t1t "oG'riir-iGkrkerre't? - “out. GUiir/iiaatee1'1ll?e â€wmmuod-nnmm'†tfhTdll','"llk'1WGiiirsCiju""f" murmur-M -""""""G'"'- T" . -- . mat-a-ies-tters:,",?',',:,'.'.','," autumn-cum M. u - (WWW) d M. -agrt J. ,"aUi7i"'iiiii7iiGriirtetttt,"2?S,:ht mam-alum Fnrsr.mttisoete - _ ..,_‘ Lra._ru-tsrem" Inn-um":- ,,__,__-, hT'a"Grlittlii7iiikGGiikePttttne wamummmw‘“ "1'llh%TtTlTaa'i'i"ii"iirGGrin"t'"" “but“ . . . . ,t-ounai-surrettPrett1'tr.5, ="CiUtlGi'GriiFritiiiiiirreLeeu1't, __ -. L,__-_A mm ii"Gia7Giuesttetr &e.q..6.%H"'"""t""""'T-r"'" udwwmmwmwmnm an my ort-suAottC'f1Pt'" 3†h†-,--sositma,rreue.'.,'.'e: -Gui-atr---met1te.yt': “mm, 'a-tmi-tee?" Walnut!!! - ii"iri'aThiaGeit-ysetrr'y3HtP.'t" 'ah%riir%Gi7aaGs1sriettttft.Ute A. - .,_A_.l.__--nd- a-as-r-tit-mu-"'""'"" '-MIIIW -iaGia.u.a.toetrMt"r""B""" III“.- ,ruiGiGa"'ibto-,tt-h"ott""* ar-rat-dt-tet"' In! in trr " Wow-r. ,s.aaira'"tutt-sas-'arrstuttto'"'e. Dual-l. mtsiiarG'ii-orit,mrt-l"""'o .'a"ll,t'd at; a...†and ii,'iii?eit? f, “Wm“ Mt. mrtsttahted h m. tort .1 2t IIOHNMfo P.""""'""'"--]"" ".77 'ia-rd-Gai-i-tep""'"'" -- Knight‘s!“ n-ai'ar-aoenrrssetoatgrrttti-et't nun-unanndmtammw an ahntGriii-tt.t-trotimiroototrto" - . mwn-umummmmkm num'uupoum u; he. too my â€mumm' our nah- u- may. antkatt-ntgrt'-setttortqortrre-. ---totihttrwtt.tttrqr,tftt- ggs'atm-.'aorttteothtnritte'datorttt" Wttbatr-tariattemMkmtteettrtMtrm.1rtrra'd 'ttstu-tit-rears-ttttrt-tttrt' "md,"6A,aatdto-e'stke9.. t.m..r$rrWthrbFtaat onu- by A-M6,t966.--r-h- â€buildup-now cud-rd!" a. 1atrtaiytrreee_umrrteemd 'b.ki'eirodbitu$t-utt-to â€Iii-Wham.“ formalin-pedal; . m_leptuyu- Maw-hmmhh â€unknown In INTI. IMMIIOU. WELLINGTON. mmIWMMMOM Line!“ “can."dl-ud W. w. a. ave-132“ A-ut am. "" " he'd an Sun.