room on Wednesday evening. Rev. A. R. Johnaton, of Tapleytown, was the special speaker at the Lenten service in Pifty United Sunday achool CE Re" f-uâ€" to www At a largely attended meeting of the 20th Century Liberal club, held M'nkuh' was decided to enter a debating team in the provincial debating contest be« ..q--nqmo-umm-fl association in Toronto. Ellis Corman, who was prescnt at the meeting, reâ€" in the first period while their opponâ€" ents counted once but Niagara tied the count in the second and they startâ€" «d the final seasion evened up at 3â€"3. Ningara pressed hard in the final frame but could only score once while mmmtfluw“m game leading by one goal. ‘The game was well handled by "Beef" McKay of Hamilton, only six minor penalties being given, four of which went to the Industrial League been seen here this season and out« played the Niagaras for the best part of the game. McKinnons scored three in the first period while their oppon« At the Arena last ‘Tuesday night, McKinnons Majors, representing the St. Catharines Industrial League in the O.M.A. Intermediate Playdowns, defeated Niagaraâ€"onâ€"theâ€"Lake 54 in the first of a two game series. The second game will be played at Niagara Falls on Thursday night of this week. . ‘McKinnons, with several of last year‘s Crystals in their linoâ€"up, have developed the best and smoothest working combination plays that have or small at very reasonabie rates; Also a commissioner for taking afâ€" Phone J. W. Kennedy, §6 Beamevi‘te, «nu" AUCTIONEEA and VALUATOR ties of winter driving. Travel in comfort in the warm coaches of Forget the strain and uncertain fares and information, phon. the Mighway King lines. For Millyard‘s Drug Store, 1 14. Lancaster, K. C. Compinge fiyveigh) Nervice 2 William Street and 45 St. Pau! Street, St. Catharines, Phone 760 J. W. KENNEDY NCE OVER N SPORT AUCTIONEER BARRISTERS, SOLIC!TORS, NOTARIES, ETC. PROFESSIONAL CARDS SEYMOUR & LAMPARD . . mm ho. ~ aenimssey orrice â€" oaiy Formerty Office of C. B. MeConachie 12 St. W. â€"â€" Phone 32 lations of the MOTOR COACH 82 King 8t. R. HAMILTON Death came very suddenly to Mra. Nellie Lindaberry at her home in St. Catharines Saturday, February 29. She was born on the Spring Creek road and spent nearly all the 60 years of her life here until moving to 8t. Catharines a few years ago. She leaves three daughters and one son, Mrs. Joseph Leittle, Welland; Mrs. Sigbald Beck, California; Mrs. Gordon Emmett, Merritton, and Wentâ€" worth, at home; one sister, Mrs. Wilâ€" liam Haist, Vineland, and a brother, Joseph Lindaberry, Spring Creek road. If you are going south this mm‘nmm sure of an interesting and economical trip. .We‘ll gladly help you plan your trip, suggest scenic routes and arrange stopovers. Our tickets are honored by any coach line in America. ;lnl-ldovfl'.hnludo-mld- lowing program was enjoyed: Paper, Comment on the Scriptures, by Marâ€" mm:ma the topic, Learning and by Martin Tayâ€" u;.u--b.uuh'n-lly:md- ing, Miss Wood, W. J. A. Stewart, high school prinâ€" mmmmflh’-'ï¬""'"m-. Mre. Aikenh« Mwmum sol0. He stated that education is a continu« ous process of forming the lives of| A large number fr individua) citizens and has a fiveâ€"fold the oyster suppar at C Do P is qds tak ter which a game of RBible basebail concluded the program. The Anglican CGLT. met at the short address. Work on an autograph qullt was begun." ‘The funeral was held from Hansel‘s funeral pariors, Campden, Rev. A. C. Fddy and Rev. Gooding officiating. Interment was at Eden church,. Pailâ€" bearers were Calvin Zimmerman, Delâ€" mar Lane, Melvin Zimmerman, Walter Wilcox, Emery Houser and Arthur Zimmerman. The meeting of the United church Y.P.S. was held last week under the direction of the citizenship commitâ€" tee, convened by Miss Elspeth Wood and Martin Taylor. After brief busiâ€" aimâ€"to teach us to think, work, play, io be useful and selfâ€"contralled. Miss Kohler conducted a contest, afâ€" TO THE SUNNY TRAVEL B8Y Associated with i. ©. Rouse for past 14 years. Farreil Biock, 12 Main St. W. Office Houre: 9.30 to 12, 1.30 to § Gas Administered For the Countty) DR. Vâ€" R. FARRELL (Bucceediag I. B. Rouse) SMITHVILLE TS & OPTICIANE WACT | now United Mennonite church motor Celebrating the halfâ€"century of the inauguration of the Mission circle of the local Baptist church, the members home of Mrs. P. Robertson, where the meeting and celebration was conduct~ vqau--uua-w‘; schools on Thursday afternoon with a view to getting firstâ€"hand information on any necessary repairs in the near |{ future and also of looking into the| ‘Nwdfl'“ 11 _ Clinton township council has made| a grant of $125 to the public library | board. Increased interest is being| -fluwnï¬nflu-fl-i the township made the library availâ€" able to its citizens. l Miss Marjorie Brown, daughter of F. J. and Mra. Brown, has successfuily passed her recent grade I. plano exâ€" amination with first class honours at the Hazmilton Conservatory of Music. notice that a new amendment to the highway traffic act requires that all‘ motor vehicles having mounted upon | _mhhmd‘ well drilling, hay pressing, feed chopâ€" ping, wood sawing, ctc., must be liâ€" censed. nhwuul-1 cense fee is $10. All provincial police n»uâ€"m«uw‘ High school senior girls‘ basketball outfit winners of group 2, Niagara disâ€" trict C.O.8.8.A. league, got into the semiâ€"finals last Friday night by a deâ€" cided win over the Dundas senior giris. ‘The locals had a twentyâ€"point margin from the game in the Mounâ€" tain town and kept this in easy style Bonham, M. Bridgeford, B. Haines. Beamavilieâ€"H. Hipple, Il--'m“â€"___‘_â€".l‘ H. Hoshal, N. Procyshyn, E. Freeman, | Rev, W. H. Pike, of Hamilton, gave M. Hamiiton, E. Konkle, K. Marvey.!a very interesting iMlustrated lecture P. Creet, E. Clarke. | ast week to a large audience in the C PEORIMI 2%, PTOCJENTH, T. FTOeman, | M,',n.mu_uu..monpn’nmnl-uh'uwnm‘hvwdmm'nmml- 1 . Sinmition, ‘At. Woulte, "K. â€""1-'-mymWhu-‘unhmmmuwâ€"q\mmmwm“_m&. P. Creet, E. Clarke. | last week to a large audience in the| would also consider it a good one. _ | were favorable to granting one. Dundas junior boys‘ basketbal) | 4##yâ€"school room of Wesley United| _ Councilior Witkins intimated that| _ Mayor Lewis was authorized to isâ€"| -::wmu::-"m..::\lm-m'-&- muspices of the| when the proposal was considered sue ® prociathation preseribing that| toâ€"23 setback in the second game of | YOUDE Peop‘c‘s society. The pictures,| ame verrs ago he was npposed to it -q-rum-uumml u»Nunnmc.oua.m-"“""dmm&-‘-h“mnmunm run at large during th» period from | offs. mmm.,.ï¬uwmummmn en offer for the buiiding on wnich a Amuummmug eliminated having lost the round 87 to | Alberta. >« seen by Mr. Pike as he ahnu-m Looking at the | be securely leashed. 35. mwmmmmy!""""“flh Rev. 1. M. Mov» from the ratepayers‘ standâ€"| . Relief accounts for February 1936 | baffied by the smart playâ€"making of T introduced the speaker. Miss Doris‘ point he was willing to support it| amounting to $1,36247 were passed. . the visitors. Clark was the leading Greenwood gave the Bible lesson. as being in the interests of the town. | _ A building permit was granted Wm.. Kelly and Woodiley were best for the Valley City quintet. The Literary society, whose activiâ€" ties have been suspended for, nearly a month and a half, resumed activities with an amateur night on Friday. ‘This proved to be a popular entertainâ€" ment with a large number taking part. wat _ | The Week‘s News of _ ‘The board of education made a surâ€" ‘There has been a large number of loads of hay and straw being hauled below the mountain since the roads have been opened. Fruitgrowers who do not grow supplies themselves rely on grain and hay farmers to supply their needs, and they have been unâ€" able to secure the usual amougts while the roads were blocked. The teams lined up as follows: «d to Waterloo Sunday, where they presented a German cantata in the Waterloo United Mennonite church in connection with the Sunday evening ‘The Women‘s association had its monthly meeting at the home of Mru. N. P. Moyer Thursday afternoon. The names of the members of the groups who are toâ€"work together to make money were read. It was also decided not to hold an anniversary supper this last week. Louls Blake Duff gave an interesting lecture on the history of the Niagara peninsula. Mr. and Mrs. James Platts enterâ€" tained at a progremmive crokinole parâ€" e 0 C NK aam in | ......,unu-o-â€"--uc.‘ Prets, and is moving here. A large number from here attended VINEMOUNT Mrs. Alkenhead gave a plano eginald Rittenhouse enterâ€" a ladies‘ bridge Friday afâ€" members of the [CRUUMORD, gave in cutstanding iMusâ€" trated nddress on india at the young rendered by Mrs William Weafer. The meeting was uniâ€"r the direction of the Community Fâ€"ilowship hour at the home of Mr. ani Mrs. Fred Branton on Friday evening. A vocal solo was rendered by Miss Olive Green. The Women‘s Missionary society of Wesley and rifty churches held “.‘muwu. I--u.---um-m Jucobs, with a roodly number in atâ€" L Toge 20 o0 Eie e Nee L “.M.l.&lmpuu‘uhmnubimuw mnmumAlMIMhumh‘ Mre. Wiliiam Hewitson and Miss Alice ‘ the next two or three years. | Kay, Of Fruitiand, spoke on the cusâ€"| hbm&u-nu _ï¬wmcmwwu-.-uh- Readings were given by Mr=. E. Marâ€"| »ppointed to set as salesman while| tin, Mrs. H. Woodiey und Mrs. J,| litermture could be prepared and disâ€" Budge. tributed. He thought the town and its | A ; advantages shou!d be advertised , mmmum-...ww..m._“:: :Mwhmu’-‘u]u‘,“m Bonm me Mumcdis Lllqll i T,..GRIMSEY. _ONTARIO Fifty United Church choir held an enjoyable social in the Sunday school | reom on Thursday evening . I M‘umm} at the opening of the Lenten consecraâ€" church Sunday school last Wednesday fl*.~lfl.l.l.!oywnn continued every Wednesday evening St. John‘s church was well filled on Tuesday evening of last week, when Miss Quirt, secretary to Bishop Fiemâ€" ing in his office in Toronto, gave a taik on her work in the Arctic. It was Miss Quirt spent four years in the far There Was an sttendance of 40 at FRUITLAND i2 Sold Boeel Torre: Ts U Pihe; ine and Ruth Henderâ€" «OCKEY THRILLS: Tune io every Suturday night at 9 pas. == | Council Accepts The Offer _ of Board of Educaton | _ Purchase of Alexander Achool e e mt o 1\ 0 |vertinine «s .. _ "_ U TNC Way of adâ€"| _ President H. 3. announces that | |°l~un-~u w& hlâ€"dhal?.“‘ydh M-flu&uuï¬m-‘ -n---nubuu-uâ€"- ento has approved of the proposal d““-...m h-uhhflh““bh.‘-dm Mr. Lothian streased the advertisâ€"| 4§08. gx Extension that a supmer course in *nmuumnâ€"m Mmmmuhflâ€"h&-ht* a town office located at the Alexander after considering the matter carefully tommencing June 15. 1t is likely that |School, tens of thousands of peopie|he had come to the . éonclusion that lectures will be given in the evenings .\ passing the uchoo! during the year. He the proposal had much in its favor | so that those engaged in business may â€"|amphasized the special advantages of flfl“hl‘ufllhu-‘.*m"ï¬- ; the town and district, its favourable !-bhhli-uhh-xu"-."- The instructor will be Verâ€" \ |elimatic conditions, its fruit producing | offices. & non McKenzie, M.A., a graduate of the .-n-nuu-n.nn.u.unhul Envaur Widening No. 8 Highway. |University of Toronto, a former ediâ€" c|all the essentials of the city such an! Bpeeking on the resolution of the|tor of MacLean‘s Magazine, and now amm,.mu_;.'nmuvmwlhdh Behool of Journalism, -mmmmumm|“um¢mlmfl Washington, Seattie. ~\difficulty was that the town had not|No. 8 which was endorsed, Reeve Dean McKenzie has been so remarkâ€" mmwmnm«u', &nhfluu-hhnd'flv-fliï¬llâ€"-fl.l nll.flflb-.v-,lflwnflnm Ar|the bullding of ammmme. 11210 _ | L111 0_ _0 CC T0 "o% prevent pos to the tax rate being high he thought Pm o y ons d 7 h-&mâ€-flhm\ alto utilise the Alexander School property was originally his and he: characterized it as one of the beat| . TM" DVe report for the month moves the council could make in the | *N"@4 one police court case and conâ€" | interests of the taxpaycrs. If we car | YKtOD. complaints investizated 15 Mewson. If action had been taken five| XCCHd®Nts® one, places broken into years ago and the £1,500 spent for| % @00r% found open three. On his| rent had been utilized on the Alexang.| TOUNES the night constable reported | er School they would have had a nice| ‘OrE@tfuiness of proprietors to lock | ‘mnummn.m‘;"""“'"‘m""". son, Mh.u.mmu‘muummmy to have one some day. As it was they‘ "°"" *mmenting on report, comâ€" muliu-l.m-nmi"“"""h.-'-‘“' Mbyï¬.hfln..bu-dl"""'"m-“m fre. With offices away from the busiâ€"| The matter of Daylight Saving was ners section there would also be few. , |¢f* over until next meeting. | er interruptions of staff at town ofâ€"| The councii declined to grant a fices. Me heartily congratulsted the| Hcense for # second hand o=4 junk 'mm-um-mmwmntmuuw.hutum | move the town offices to the Alexandâ€" ; Chilvers. Bourne and Almas vated in ITS PERFORMANCE MAIN ST. E. ht the time nas .__..__| TSE OF JOURNALISN DP *.mmhum. mnm Mdbh*hhwd.‘- Ml&ï¬.“n vertising the town, citing the fact that -----v--w-h- e cost mmmh‘hhflhm of the proposa h-uhhflh“‘.ï¬â€œdm vertis. | ages. e -â€"-u.-.-.--u having mmmmmmu&uhï¬'flh -*\“‘u It is likely tha\m that | lectures will ha sdvam in uns 2020 onto, said he would rather see N. & | \Nmunth first class condition |than have new road built. | _ OwaneiMor Rourne sald the only adâ€" | | vantage if new highway were built As chairman of the Industrial Comâ€" es C es EOS MWT&.&M‘MMWH&M-< 4 anceâ€"its ‘Kneeâ€"Action guding rideâ€"â€" . its q.:sck swerveloss Hï¬rzm‘ Measure ‘the gas and oil mm And vou‘ll get another thrill. thrill of motoring costs go d&u“dmvn 29e w aly. ‘Cohepmr in Verortctiend cogine rlbtlnu and economyâ€"and its Turret op lod.ydby h-hu',hh-du loDnhlV; m exliyâ€"reduced timg payments under ihe "On Master De Luxe Modeis OULL thril «c hevroist« pertorm ‘Vednesday, March 11th, 1936. We Help You Help Yourseli LOANS © noustnoud uoans To Et ustt © AUVTO LOANS CENTRAL FINANCE CORPORATION Bd Plase 9804 Pagets Wiiy 10B St. Puod St, 36 Jumes S¢., Seath Yel. S¢, Cothasimes 108 . Tol. Regent 1880 St. Cotharines, Ont. _ Mamites, Out. hoi in MmCraL OvTa®Q Cmrs $50 i« $500 Lowest retes in Canade for this type of service prg Ascaipeg s o tutes Astherand by Seecal