se c cce y css en ho en Whogal en $ y 2 "c3h § 9 C ) 35. hy oA B C €3 2 , es (€C e y uks [ &n 3P : * V F2 Cz es 11 hoh e Es &A 8 ) E 3 e C\ W 5 m T gsa Femporct ie t lt yray es 32 T ns 1 M t 5 s L i P yesy O( 2 ea > 8 0A a ts cb . _ _ t . WBecause they are PURELY VEGEâ€" (TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both Hiver and boweis, Dr. Carter‘s Little "Liver Pills are without equal for corâ€" recting Constipation, Acidity, Headâ€" aches, Poor Complexion and Indigesâ€" Wtion. 25¢. & 75¢. red pkgs. everywhere Ask for Carter‘s by NAME. lose of your wonderful Carter‘s Little iver Pills gave me great relief after very medicine I tried failed." ratefully, Mrs. C. writes: "The first ilious For Days At Time Until She Took Yegctable Pills he Provincial Treasurer of OQntario 4 arrangements .. with: a :comâ€" hensive group of security dealers 2 several banks for the waisingâ€"of _,;,'- Of "this offering $20,000â€" ï¬mg issued in the form of 15â€" : ;l?ellturesm'lhilve the balance of will run for a period of 3 "Thls choice ‘of maturity will, ‘E‘Vl"Da-ted, meet.the varying reâ€" heuts: of investors. ‘Q ‘ar bonds are being offered ',;;,90'% while the smaller ‘-,Lyear debentures is beâ€" ed to yield 6%. pffering has been looked forâ€" a considerable degree of the statment made. by Henry two or three weeks ago gard to prospective financing : Province. f he turn ‘of the year two imâ€" ;éifinancial operations have fj‘icd out successfully. ~During i in January the Prov.ince ew Brunswick sold $5,062,000 of which were issued to refund %}rï¬aturi‘nrg obligations and to ’: cost of constructing roads ‘ buildings. The New Brunsâ€" ésue was followed by one to 15,60?(}3,100!0 for the City of Montâ€" ;,{ff«’he.'Montlreal bonds were issuâ€" %ié]&~‘6% and met with a satisâ€" tory reception when offered last esday. The City of Montreal needâ€" *jflfhoney partly for defrayng the "af construction of certain importâ€" if'blig: works, part of such works ?}‘,for the relief of unemployment. ;1 financing by the Province of tario represents the third importâ€" piece of financing since the turn of / yéar. These three pieces of finâ€" . WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1932 rovince of Ontario Loan _ _ Announced for $25,000,000 THE CAMADIAN SHREDBED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD ge Group of Security: Housesâ€"Inâ€" ures Widest Possible Distribution r the Issueâ€" Fifteenâ€"Year Bonds btainable in Denominations as ow as $500. P + \xv«s-nuâ€ws'aï¬sr:&& eosh ) wï¬â€œ//vw yz JUST RIGHT FOR TORAY t i ho [ m o RS tR b56 ts Wo bye Patms s in tm 5 fed x [ td a rom necsts basd P §a> & nsE e romrvmgroes \“*.,.3:;23«-‘#“ im es is R" <8 £w e s s "“Zf;". £J We enc ts 22 y3 es * 2 w erpciaie 4 rtagms > sen oygasentre *9 YA 3 y â€" es Ry to es yt t is p2 o e hie Ya 5 t _ T sn e Re g raan t e c â€"â€"ural & & B B a~*a 3 2 s 7 € 0) cD W’Hfgél Made in Canada with Canadian W heat rmommpnrm m m on eomne mm y mssn remeemne m cmmorsen cupmormmen copmnmiegzne mecmes h i : During theâ€"period since the War the American market ‘has readily abâ€" ‘sorbed issues made in that market. The credit of the Province has rankâ€" jed so favourably in New York that wits bonds during the past decade have :com‘manded unusually high â€" prices. ‘The important reason, probably, for ! the favorable credit position of the ,‘Province is the fact that such a large }propor‘tion» of the wealih and popuâ€" | lation of the entire Dom‘nion is | centred in Ontario. Approximately ';o:reâ€"!hird of the population and subâ€" stantially more than oneâ€"third of the wealth of the Dominion is according to recent estimates, centred in this Proâ€" vince During the unsettled period, 1920 to 1923, the Province made several interâ€" nal issues carrying a ~6%â€" coupon. With the return of settled. conditions the issues made at that time have since sold at a substantial premium and the Province subsequently made several issues with a coupon as low as 4%. Prior to the War, the Province was a borrower in the London market, the thigh general level for securities at that time enabling the Province to borrow at a very low rate of interest. In March, 1906, the « Province issued £1,200,000, ‘or app»rox&‘mately/ $6:000 â€" 000, 3%4% Registered Stock at a price of $98.50, and subsequently «put out 4% Registered Stock at a premium in varying amounts during the years 19â€" 09,, 1911, 1912, and 1913 to a total of approximately $7,000,000. Due to the War, conditions arising therefrom that !,\ Security. dealers in ‘Ontario . antiâ€" ITI:;r;c.lay eveT Icipate a/large volume of enquiries ;the auspicés 3 1from w‘xthlzni‘ the Province f-c?r the Toan | Andrew‘s chut as at the time of the offering <?f the |\the number of New Brunswick and Montreal issues | omins in dancl it was found that quite a number of iAnonts were s investors & stated. that. : they | were in charge. waiting for thevissue to be made by f : 3 their own Province as announced by #% & : the Prime Minister several weeks ago. LARSC im?@ market has been closed to the Province for new issues but issues made in London and still outâ€" standing have a wide popularity with British investors. ancing represent theâ€" first issues to be made ‘by important. public bodies since the early summer of 1931 with the exâ€" ception of the National Service Loan which was brought out in the closing ifionths mf theayeat.) .. / _..7.; _ The satisfactory reception accorded the issues bf New Brunswick and the City: of 'Mpntféal doubtless influenced the Government‘s decision to market its bonds atâ€"this ime; .. _ y3 Looking up the act, the magistrate explained to the crowded court that there is a fine of five hundred dollars applicable to such cases, or in lieu a year in jail. Adlerika brings out poisons you never: thought were in your system. If you are nervous, can‘t sleep, full of gas, it will surprise you. Adlerika contains no harmful drugs. Get it toâ€" day; by tomorrow you feel the wonâ€" derful effect of this German doctor‘s remedy. For sale at Dymond‘s Drug Store, Grimsby, Ont. Two Meals Day Best . For Stomach Trouble a gun, nor did you see any birds shot. "I think," he continued, "that all of these things could be very readily proved. There is no doubt in my mind a pigeon shoot was held and the boxâ€" es here were used as trans." Skip one meal and drink water inâ€" stead. Wash out stomach and bowels sach morning by drinking water with spoonful of simple glycerin, buckthorn bark, salineâ€"compound (called Adlerâ€" ika.) Case Involving Shooting | Capntive Pigecons From "Here is where a lawver wou‘ld be useful to you," said the mhagistrate to the ihspector. ‘"There is no evidence that the farm belonged to T. Wilcox, nor that any one of the men there had | Magistrate Campbell in weekly poâ€" {lice court last week at Beamsville disâ€" missed the charges against Thomas [Wilcox and eleven others charged with |shqotin§; ~»tive pigeons from traps {on‘Sat{::-f . January 9. Charges were laid by County Humane Inspector Faâ€" well agaiust Wilcox for allowing the ishooting to bhe held on his farm . in South Grimsby township and the elevâ€" 'en other men for being on the premisâ€" #es. J. D. Book, one of the persons, lpromptly pleaded not guilty. The Inâ€" spector called, produced several box ‘traps with long cord pulls attached, !six dead birds and seven live ones, brought away from the premises. Murâ€" ton Seymour for the defendants, quesâ€" tioned the inspector briefly as to which of the men had guns and who had firâ€" ed shots. The inspector had only heard shots fired from a distance, but had seen some of those present throwâ€" ing sticks at a bird that was walking in front of one of the traps to induce it to fly. The traps were set from thirty to forty yards in front of the men. County Constable Seymour agreed with Fawell‘s evidence. Thomâ€" as Wilcox denied allowing his properâ€"â€" ty to be used for the shoot. i inents were served by the committee in charge. 5 . o «..A most. enjoyable social .. evening was the Parish â€" Hall on Thursday evening of last week under the auspices of the A. Y. P. A. of St. Andrew‘s church. Those present to the number of fortyâ€"five spent the evâ€" ening in dancing after which refreshâ€" . Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Robinson, whose marriage took place at North Bay, on January 23rd, motored to . Grimsby on Sunday last where they will ‘take up their residence. : a G qarl a : Mr. and Mrs. Barrick and family, Miss D. Phipps, Mrs. Vera Luey and family, Mrs. Margaret Hurst and Mr. Frank Hurst were the guests on Sunâ€" day of Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Schott, Niagara Falls, Ontario. b f Mr. S. F. Williams left Wednesday for Knowlton, Quéebec, following word of the death of his tuncle, Mr. F. P. Williams. The funeral will be held on Thursday afternoon. . Miss Turton was connected with Trinity Urited church choir of this town and a congratulatory cable was sent by the members which was promptly Acknowledged by Mr. and Mrs. Dawson. _ Em Mr. and Mrs. John McMeekin and daughters, Misses Mary and Margaret of Brampton, Ont., visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Grigg, Ridge Road, Grimsby. > & s Friends of Miss Nellic Turton, forâ€" merly of Grimsby, â€"will be interested to learn of her marriage to Mr. Jack Dawson at Hamilton, Bermuda, on Monday evening last. . Mr. and Mrs. Clive 3. Bean attendâ€" ed the funeral of the late W. J. Tayâ€" lor at Woodstock, on Friday afternoon last. The Misses Lillian Fookes and Alice Taylor ‘returned home on ;. Tuesday following a three months‘. visit in England. o Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Benn, tending the Golden wedding and Mrs. Rose at Port Perry Mrs. Corman, of Dunnville, spent a few days last week visiting friends in Grimsby. Traps Is Dismissed THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO irmoromimtmucomurnmmeremurcrnâ€"uumoudumuunnucmmuunmucuy mummumummmsmmemSr:mere: erry of ‘Mr are at Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 15 Queen Street Phone 978 .ST. CATHARINES, ONT. _ BEAMSVILLE OFFICE located at Hermiston‘s Novelty Store Open Saturday afternoons from 3.20 until 5 o‘clock and by appointment. * Phone 114 Dentist Office: Farrell Block, 12 Main St. W. Office Hours: 9.30 to 12, 1.30 to 5 Gas Administered For Extraction Dentist Officeâ€"Cor. Main and Mountain §ts Ofice hoursâ€"9 to 12, 1:30 to 5:30 Phone 127 Grimsby, Ontaric J. W. KENNEDY \ Beamsville AUCTIONEER and VALUATOR will conduct your Auction Sale, large or small at very reasonable rates; also some choice Farms,.. large or small with or without buildings, for sale on very easy terms, or exchange. PHONE J. W. KENNEDY, 56 Beamsville for Information VILLAGE INN, GRIMSBY Tuesday and Saturday ! Afternoons _ _ | Hamilton Office, j Heintzman Bldg. | Xâ€"Ray Electrotherapy Sun Ray| JOHN A SCHNICK, Ph. C. Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist! HMonor Graduate National College‘ of Chiropractic & Physictherapy| Chicago, Ill. I 5: . Mr. Glover favored requiring that about 50 per cent. of the load be grown by dealers themselves and that they be allowed to buy and sell the remaining proportion. Mr. Emervy stated that he was in favor of the elimination of hucksters. A deputation of East Flamboro farâ€" mers last week conferred with H. D. Glover and R. H. Emery of the Wentâ€"â€" worth county market committee and requested that huckstersâ€"be eliminated entirely from the market. Phone 118 WILLS and ESTATE WORK Yould Eliminate Hucksters from DR. V. R. FARRELL ROMAINE K. ROSS CURTALINS SRD ANNUAL CURTAIN BUSINESS Chiropractor FEBRUARY Iist to 6th 104 MAIN ST. WEST KVR RILLFLLWW nz â€"CHAMLLTON: .;; Licensed Auctioneer Pligne 166â€"râ€"3, Beamsville or 36 Grimsby Laundered Beautiful WILLIAM TUFFORD ONE WEEK ONLY DR. D. CLARK AUCTIONEER Call Regent True to Shape Peor Palir a specialty OPTICIAN DENTAL Est. â€"I9ot 1442 X â€" RAY 350 DIRECTORY € . GGGP D 1 J Lace WEEK Grimsby | Mayor J. E. Ferguson and exâ€"Mayâ€" or W. E. Manzer attended for the Town Council of Ingersoll. Also preâ€" sent at the funeral were E. H. Lanâ€" caster, St. Catharines, Crown Attorâ€"â€" ney of Lincoln County; Hon. Donald Sutherland of Ingersoll, and D. M. Ross, M.P.P. of North Oxford. i Many Pay Tribute ’ The general regard in which he was held and the deen sense of loss occasâ€" 'ioned by his passing was evidenced by 'the numerous messages received by ,the family from former associates \in newspaper work and other friends !in all narts of the Dominion who by |wire and mail paid high tribute to the (late Mr. Taylor, both as an outstandâ€" ‘ing publisher and public spirited citâ€" izen, while appreciation was also voicâ€" [ ed of his personal qualities. g Underwent Operation _ Believed to be making progress toâ€" !Wards recovery after a serious chest Ioperation on Friday, January 15th, ‘the late Mr. Taylor took a turn for |the worse the following Tuesday, 'passing away about nine o‘clock in ‘the evening. ; | The operation to which he subâ€" mitted was necessitated by a chest inâ€" ffection traceable to a fall suffered nearly three years ago, and which caused trouble ain’cermittentl_v ever since. It was successful in immediate results but on Tuesday it was found that diffused pneumonia had developâ€" ed which terminated fatally. No Change of Policy The Sentinel Review Saturday pubâ€" lished the following statement: "Pubâ€" lication of this newspaper will be conâ€" tinued by the Sentinel Review Comâ€" pany, Limited, under the present manâ€" agement and direction of the executâ€" ors of the late W. J.. Taylor. No change of policy is involved and the Sentinel Review will endeavor as beâ€" fore to give to its constituency the fullest possible service. There â€"â€" is, therefore, nothing new to announce respecting the relations of the newsâ€" paper and the public." H. M. Passmore and Bruce Campbell, Toronto ~Telegram; Irving Norman Smith, Ottawa Journal; Alex. Fordyce Rod and Gun, Montreal; C. S. Bean, Grimsby Independeat; . Arthur Parâ€" tridge, General Manager Canadian Daily Newspapers Association; John W. Tibbs, Ontario Superintendent, the Canadian Press. Representing the Caâ€" nadian Pacific Railway were: J. Harâ€"â€" ry Smith, Montreal; William Fulton, G. Bruce Burpee and J. L. Yorick, Toâ€" ronto; Stanley Crabbe and Jack Reid, London, W. S. Thompson and J. J. Thornton represented the : Canadian National Railways. Cavell, Stratfora _ Beaconâ€"Herald Frank Adams, London Advertiser; H B, Burgoyne, St. Catharines Standard L. H. Dingman, St. Thomas Timesâ€" Journal; A. R. Alloway and McIntyre Hod, Oshawa Times; F. H. Leslie, Niâ€" agara Falls Review; Allan Holmes, Galt Reporter; F. I. Ker, Hamilton Spectator; J. B. Hanna and W A. Pearcey, Toronto Mail ard Empire; MRS. ANDREW T. DeGROW Mrs. Margaret DeGrow, wife of Anâ€" drew T. DeGrow, entered into rest on Friday at her home, 127 Ray street south, Hamilton. Born in Binbrook 84 years ago, the daughter of the late Peter Dixon and Mrs. Landman Dixon pioneers of Binbrook township, Mrs. DeGrow had lived in that district until fifteen years ago, when she came to Hamilton. She was an adherent of Zion tabernacle. ~Left to mourn her passingâ€"are her husband, three daughâ€" ters, Misses Ethel ard Elizabeth M., at home, and Mrs. J. Maskie, Hamilâ€" ton, and one grandson, John Gordon Maskie, Hamilton. The funeral was held privately Monday afternoon. Inâ€" terment was made in the sunken garâ€" den, Hamilton cemetery. Tributes Paid (Continued from Page 1) lJan. Pist . .>..manned4 [Jan. 22nd. ... 88 Jan. 29rd ._.......... 087 lJan. S4th.~.".. Mu.cls 84 Jan.â€"25th .~ ... "=..â€"85 Jan. 26th .â€".......... 49 Jin. 27IN â€".._.........> 00 Rainfall 1.07 inches _ Total rainfall for the month to 27th, 5.57 inches. Date Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Outstanding features were the adâ€" dress by Mrs. Crow, president of the Hamilton branch, and addresses by Miss Louise Mayowna, of Toronto, and Miss Sybil Courtice, missionary from Japan and home on f{n'lough. Excellent music was provided, ‘the business of the Presbyterial was efâ€" ficiently dealt with and a fine spirit of coâ€"operation was evidert throughâ€" out. TEMPERATURE AND A very successful missionary gathâ€" ering was held in Beamsville last week when the Niagara Presbyterial W. M. S. met in Knox United Church, the president, Miss Mitchell, of Stamford. presiding. The meetings began on Thursday, January 2ist, and were concluded Friday at 5 p.m. y â€": LEVine _ Phone 420 â€" E‘%Hï¬%Sï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬%ï¬g sUCCESSFUL MiIiSSIONARY GATHERING 10 S. Levine Sizes 14 to 17 at Ladies‘ Silk Dresses from sstsar i k reasens, $0.98 All Ladies‘ Winter Coats reduced to special price. 4 It will pay you to come in and see them. SPFC Drawers to match ... . . e Men‘sâ€"Cotton Sox‘_~. ;. _ aex., Ladies‘ Fleece Lined Bloomers Ladies‘ Silk Hose Ladies‘ Full Fashioned Hose.. Men‘s Flannel Shirts, pepper a Men‘s Fleece Lined Underwear Sizes 14 to 17 Men‘s Wool Sweaters Ladies‘ Nonâ€"run Silk Bloomers ... yvevel Men‘s Work Pants, sizes 32 to 42 . x2A Ladies‘ Winter Weight Vests ... . .. t sees, Men‘s Sunday Shirts, all different desiens, THE WHITE STORE ALS AT THE WHITE STOREF PRECIPITATION Max. ~2â€"44 .. 88 BT as 34 +. 86 m 42 . BD Min. 38 35 83 30 29 29 36 Jan For letterheads, envelopes and visitâ€" ing cards, try the Independent. Provincial police are investigating a fire which destroyed the home of George Anderson, Clinton Township farmer, Sunday evening. â€" Anderson said he and his family were visiting friends when word of the fire reachâ€" ed him by telephone. He said also that two men had been seen near the farm just before the outbreak. The loss amounts to $3,500 and insurance for $2,300 is held. Envestigating Fire In Clinton T When your stomach feels bad; when stomach acids, gas sourness, nausea or alfterâ€"eating ~pains make you miserâ€" able. jost d ttleâ€" Bisnrated Magnesia â€"talblets or powderâ€"will bring ‘ safe and instant relief. It neutralizes . the acids that have upset your stomach andâ€"permits normal painless digestion, or its cost is mothing. Druggists everyâ€" where â€"sell it with this guarantee. Its daily use means real Stomach Pacafart Wonderful For Indigestion and salt, , Shirts and en mt mn n m .. o7¢ ber garment *.=~ +i ... 15e Paic . s is . ..s=â€"45¢. Pair ... ccy... 25¢ Pair «> ~â€"~/. Tocand un Loss Is $3500 sn on t ale m e9C â€"$1.25 and up css ... 980¢ ... 95¢ and up fls css ~399¢ upioupteueveus stomach comfort +.... 1(26 â€" $3.25. up ‘ive T