Mus " 1rCee . Kee TAYLOR & BATE YEAST . . . . . . . . Texas Seedless Grape Fruit ........... 5e each Fresh Side Pork . . 10c Lb, Fresh Spare Ribs, 2 lbs. 25c Fresh Silver Salmon, 18c lb, Fresh Halibut .... 20c lb. Pure Pork Sausage, 2 lbs 25 Sugar Cured Side Bacon, Piece ............. 13c1b. Bacon Jowls .... . . . 9e lb, Stewing Beef . . . . . . 8e lb. Fresh Legs of Lamb, 24c lb. GRIMSBY We Deliver Lumber Of All Kinds B. C. CEDAR SHINGLES ASPHALT SHINGLES CEDAR POSTS a 6-Guest Tickets To hlloort/s Theatre Given Each Week-6 High Grade Feeds. Pratt's Laying Mash. Baby Chick Starting Food. Chick Scratch. Growing Mash. Calf Meal Also agents for Mack's High Loaf Bread Flour and Creditvale Pas- try Flour. FOR SERVICE AND QUALITY Favor us with a trial Grimsby Planing Mills They give 200 candle power 5f clear white light, are easy to operate and perfectly safe to use. Will burn in any posi- Wand even if upset there is no danger of fire. REGULAR PRICE $11.00 PRATT'S FAMOUS FEEDS Owing to a manufacturer’s sale we are enabled to offer these splendid lanterns at less than Half Price. All enamel finish with porcelain reflector, built in pump and cleanable tip. PHONE 21 GRIMSBY MEAT MARKET m;ac2Sr'_9td SalV8S'_dr9"Nt"edrNdriiNr'tg1_9%i%gei%-s --" __"' --' - - _ -' - _ - _ _ --- "__ ' -- _ - "_-_ - __ LU, L, - "e - __, _" - - _ -- _ - _ _ --' _ _ ___ ,- - _ _ __ -------- “I - _ g EU 5 Era 5 3 l l 3 3 5 5 _ta' Ld FLg" g IL3, bu' ! S Lse3ar= 'sa9%ir%5%5arC_C3C3C_E3eBaCBeBeBeBelBeBeBa34 E3arar%5%5'%5%5air%>%r%r%i5%_%rai_eBehe9i Expert Car Repairing They cost no more than other Donacona Insulating Board CEMENT, LIME, GYPROC Now is the time to build as Prices are at rock bottom GRIMSBY FLOOR AND FEED "1l',t'g,t'rsr'" _ SLADE'S GARAGE 239 Main St. W. Phone 95 WU]??? FLOOR & FEED C. R. BECKERSON, Prop. Mill Phone 27; Res.: IO, 264 _ lla '3etet<>ete "3W3C9W3C3Q3C9e9C83E3eMi2e, i3C9E3C3eM3e9ebe2e5 'C9E3q3C3e9E>e9a3Ci9C3e26DeM2eMDe2e2eDe2eM2eM3e 'C'CsQ3%8i9teQ3CSE3e9eM3e9e_e2-etegegeNil1 On All Makes of’Cars TOWING DAY AND NIGHT Reasonable Rate-s INA ' . ll, tllhl'ltltilrfiil D. MARSH ESTATE POULTRY PROFITS REPRESENT THE Dill. FERENCE BETWEEN THE FEED COST AND THE RETURNS DERIVED FROM THE SALE' OF EGGS. Gasoline Lanterns Phone 1 We are agents for We Can Help You SOLVE YOUR PROBLEM LARPRICE$11.()p .............$5-©° NOW IN STOCK tr C. P. BROWN Phone 209 ct W. HARDWARE Special On 61 Main St. W. Grimstty, Out. sutrrrlyyl's Garage Phone 453 THE IMPROVED GILRAY CURTAIN STRETCHERS Laundrying Lace Curtains ___/blade Easy By Using Judson D. Rliss Co. Mr. Terry of Model Dairy, would like to have any com- plaints which might arise, to be made to him personally, so that they may be rectified immedi- ately. If we have no complaints, it is then taken that our cus- tomers are satisfied. TEMPLE RADIO Phone 59, Grimsby, Ont. MODEL DAIRY HUDSON - ESSEX Manufactured by NOTICE ! PHONE 410 GRIMSBY Res. 486 - 483 Main Street .......40c West GRIMSBY [ID T 'itrrrsc" 1?;CK ' "C.. ii, t, GENERAL REPAIRS iir)ii'C,C, / . /:.r,Ci'.'_lll.._,,,_' LE PAGES 'ii": ' ly Crc"i1'rr--cr-, _ “m 5 t - To Any Make of Car 1/ "i' _-__),,,):'))):)"-,,,'.,-',':,',:'-,. 'tijlst'/irrjiii,Ciil,' . GARAGE t .1. M1 Jys:-,-Tu%, \ l _ “1:1. Ay' P" ' ' n; ( _r)'),_"iccisii?/l, 's r1s1ytr'diie'rrjr-j,-,r,rCs, . ' 't Day Phone 193 ffï¬iï¬f%:» s:ic,,rs'i"isv' I, 22 Main Street East t . '. J'ii9,',_'cri;c'.s,)hcee-s7,aL {.17 '\ _ __ i a. t Night Phone 385 ï¬iï¬â€˜iâ€"i‘k ", _C'T"',1r-'rr--cr------,) GRIMSBY t $@**¢&&&&¢¢*¢&**&+¢¢*¢+¢¢a¢&&+&&%++%é%%§%%&%%é%%*%é+%%$+¢+*%*%¢+®***¢%¢%+¢*+¢*¢*$§ t"tr"t'ff?ftof"""tt.t""tttt"""--ooooooooo-lll'l;iiuii, " at"'"""'""'""--,???------,- i. _ aâ€, - With an All Star Cast FOX MOVIETON E NEWS RED MEN TELL NO TALES Fire, Automobile Don't bark Take “Prescription 26†FOR CIOUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS Over 80 Tickets to Moore' s Theatre have been givenidfy' to date on , this Contest U R NEXT Main St. West WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY January 27, 28 Phone 16 30 MURRA: STREET, Made in Canada By Canadians HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE THE W PLAN Bus. Phone MOORE’S THEATRE GRI MSBY 184 HAMILTON Gar. 4910 With Eddie Buzzell PHONES 40 THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO DYMOND’S DRUG STORE Gives Daily Service between HAMILTON, GRIMSBY and BEAMSVILLE Also Furniture Moving, Piano Moving, Cartage, Long Distance Hauling RUTHERFORD TRANSPORT PE Next Eel! Telephone Office, Grimsby FTIT 8: WHYTE - INSURANCE - ho J. W. PENDERGAST With Tom Keene WOT A Bozo With Charlie Chase F'ISHERMAN'S PARADISE SHARKS AND SWORDFISH ""“M h) J.tarc K ' l L» 1/ ,2 A ' f )i,l,:,,r' Il :_ V I' N _ "hs ', ' CC, {3/ )sis- 'n,: '__ rr).,)',:)):)':::,-':)',':,:',)::,-.:'-:'-, V _jiti,l'i,'. 5-†wif,r',efeis,sgC,f,,i,s 9 'ili'-'1 K {giffflï¬vhg ---s>= iiiii"cir'c'c)paili. - -e - __ 'rtei5------- _ R. H. sr. JOHN F REIGHTERS 0F DESTINY FINNAN HADmE SMOKED FILLETS FRESH FILLETS cuscoes Fish Specials FRIDAY a SATURDAY January 29, 30 S, Ete. Fresh Supply Daily FRESH OYSTERS Always on Hand. Wot Quick Service We Deliver PHONE 215 Agent & CO. PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS IS' 19' 19' 23° Me and 60e With Reginald Denny, Charlotte Greenwood and Leila Hyams GREAT JUNCTION HOTEL With The Masquers A SPORTLIGHT STEPPING OUT The Faultless Fuel PROMPT DELIVERY Phone 16 GRIMSBY, ONT. Accident, Liability MONDAY a TUESDAY Olypmic Talent February I, 56 Main Street Grimsby Ont. 'MARC0M' Radio Gives you Full Time Reliability over the entire broadcasting range Models to Suit Every Taste. COLE’S FLORIST f lowering manta [ Cut flowers ferns is just another pleasant sea- son in a Natural Gas Heated Home. Turn Phone 128 for Estimates on Installations Request that all change of copy for this page be in by Tuesday Noon. Brings the whole World direct to you Charlie GRIMSBY GAS "The Greatest Name in Radio" THE Phone 328 W. L. WOLFORD 37 Mountain St., Grimsby Nsuneotstar-...... NameofShow ......... Advertisements in which words appeared . . .. 149 Main Street West, Grimsby THE INDEPENDENT COUPON -- 2 Depot Street SMALLER THAN BUCKWHEAT An Excellent Size for Blower Use and Cheaper "blue coal" in regular sizes The NEW SHORT, LONG WAVE MARCONI RADIO vllll,l/lll,'f alilnllr4ijllfS , SEHWGE THANK YOU! Company WINTER RICE, COAL C L EATON CO. Now On Sale. GRIMSBY at Main E. COKE and WOOD Fill in this Coupon and bring in or mail to the Independent before 12 Noon Monday Free Coupons.' " " - " Free Premiums! at the DURANT MOTOR SALES a SERVICE The only Service Station in Grimsby giving Coupons wth ev- ery Cash Sale. A Rogers Tea Spoon given to each of the first HUNDRED Customers, spending a Dollar or more. See the Valuable Premiums now on show at the Garage. “MARATHON HI-TEST and "CYCLO" GASOLLNIY "RED INDIAN†and "CASTROL" OILS MID - WINTER CLEARANCE Broken Sizes in and Straps, for growing Girls. ( the lot. Rea. $21 Runciman's Croce ry Women's Kid Strap House per. Special value. Sizes Boy's Scout Boots, High top. Sizes 11 to 13 ""'--.,.. $2.75 1 to 51/2 ""----....., $3.00 A Complete Line of Dominion Brand Rubbers at Lowest Possible Prices Let Us Fit Out Your Home Try The. Aylmer Tit-Bit Pineapple...... 19c Gold Medal Peaches 'P"'-...... 17e Gold Medal Pears 'o"'"---,... 190 Picnic Salmon, big tin .__..w.r..., 11c Aylmer Asparagus Cuttings 22t Quaker Tomatoes ...... 5 for 25tt Lux Flakes, big Pkg. "'.__rmm... 19tg Handy Ammonia .m_m........ 4 for 25e Chase Oxydol .... Special 20c 34 Depot St. Phone 380 CHESTERFIELD SUITES DINING ROOM SUITES BEDROOM SUITES SPRINGS and MATTRESSES PARLOR LAMPS 'TABLE LAMPS BRIDGE LAMPS MANTEL LAMPS Smith's Shoe Store J. W. Buck & Son For Your Job Aiifiing Prices Are Reasonable Phone 36 Grimsby e meet all Catalogue Prices and deliver TREE Bozo Phone 2-w or 76-w BEAMSVILLE, ONT INDEPENDENT 1 Yrrzes in Pumps, Ties traps, for Women and 1g Girls. Sizes 3 to 6 in ‘. Reg. $2.95 for "'.r_r.. $1.98 Large Stock of .......o....ooc.- Phone 225 Phone 155 Sizes 3 to '""-rw...w.. $1.50 $1.98 Slip- 19e 17c 190 11c 22c 25tt 19c 25c