'.Il‘r. and ln.‘-l. Iuhh:‘:‘ol::’d attended the‘ fmeral of Mrs. Brubak. ‘s aunt. ‘The Misses Margaret Allen, Agnes Hewson, Dora and Lillian Wilkinson, (e n tin p oo ten days at 'u-.hu-u-m Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Aulseybrook; of Grimsby Beach entertained o wane it Loony "Co. in oi cair Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Panabaker and Miss ‘Marion Panmbaker, of Hespeler. were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Wilkins, Maple Avenue. -b’I‘ï¬-..llorgth mMF T ock" whin" ms grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Snyder, u-'m' A-‘On-t spent the weekend r the weekend with his parents, Mr. ind Sin. m T hoarme, inges Croft, Phyilis Norton Misses Jessic Stewart and Norma Parks, were weekend guests with friends in Abingdon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ll'l" of Oshawa are for a week with Mr. wuucgummm uds O aaps sernt the wetkend at Mr. Vernon Tuck . visitor in Toronto, wl ‘k end at Baim Mrs. W. L. Stephen and Mr. Straâ€" e_h-'_'iIMluum'u‘nlh spent the werkeng mt Long Reads * Geo, H. and Mre, of ‘ Social and Personal Pickiles } 39 $. C. Sout} Variety Package FRUIT PUNCH Mard Water Tollet Scap This is a Real Price HARRY HONNEE ‘, AvGeuet a, test. COAcCHES LIMITED Bobâ€"Loâ€"Belle Isleâ€"Two of the World‘s Finest Parks * Low Bus Fares from Grimsby Chatham .. $ 4.50 $ Windsor .. $ 5.75 $ Detroit ... $ 6.00 $ Chicago ... $10.00 $ Full Information and Tickets at McFarlane with a coffee percolator. ‘n.u.mu-i‘ \o':-.lnlh,; mdml%.-h“ in the States, in order to see that they u..ru-wanu-. . Walker, it is further stated was mnmhmlfl‘.bâ€" Dohorty. 1t is balt ‘he new a . It is belteved that he has a ‘muuï¬-d.mw ins somewhere in Canada. From inâ€" \lmm&o“u&t \y_umum-rï¬ On TROUSSEAU TEA N‘lflahmw h-.-nmmw :Mfll trousseau This popular bride was the of many beautiful showers friends at Glanford. ‘The choir of w-mm:-&mmu:ur.m.:h% veture siu malde in Grimaby. Friends work has coâ€"operated with the Depart: iny: Gianiord, Hamifion, Grimby ans nc o outane Sxiewr Leggee, Much Looking For Heirs of F. J. Walker the wedding CHOICE ORANGE PEKOE We highly recommend this Money Back Guarantes MARGARET KELLY Simply Delicius To Introduce Solicitors for the said Administrator. | THE f moo..um. 802 Bay St., Toronto McLAUOHLIN JOHNSTON, MOORâ€" HEAD & MACAULAY, 302 Bay Stréet. Toronto, ;IW?‘-‘“Pâ€â€œ.G:‘ 1 itdet here‘ in the cid. Rerman home ; on Kerman avenue. She was in her 'l.?h,‘l:-ll-uï¬lum !afterncon from Inte reaidence Paya e aea 3 which it shall then have notice. Dated July 24th, 1931. In the estate of Earl Honry Austin m:mmnm;-n: u-’n._-.m 4 * All persons having claims against and continu to Saturday, Septembet 12th, excly mâ€d Sundays. Noti¢ceto Creditors _ Joseph W. Beaumont, widely known fruit grower and florist, died suddenly at his home, Breezy Hill Floral Farm, sfl:.fl"’incC?(tMm 1, Ency lt the decea n':w;o lhb&mg = whu.g.wmk‘ a froit farm. An authority m:’aï¬ï¬lt-‘m his -lv:: was M ma mourned by a wide le of friends. He was a member of the church of the Redeemer, St Creek. RBesides his widow lhr«o.xhn swey 0 . Mrs. Mary bowers, Mra. E+; it Miss Nina Beauront, ail ~ u.d\ The funcral was held privately from hed thence to n;':.n‘:’o. cemetery for noon, interment, | those with whom she came in contact l::urnw.'-: ie a in n miates with whom she was clo associated. Daites: G. McBride, A‘."u-n"-fl Hill and J. Strachan. A $ io nantie onl ut h ther in England. o highways remains a real« lng on ie individual drivers of vehicles and pedestrians," he declared. "Nothâ€" !udnmolwmn«oalh part of all who travel or awheel can keep the casualty list down, ‘ MRS. E. H. PYE _ _ Friends here sincerely regretted to Toum. ‘Ilaved wite oP 6 T Py f"_'-"‘ several years a resident of this town, an operation from which she failed to has been accomplished, and, Ontario, he said, stand among the best on the Continent. £ _ "After all has been said and done, the prevention of accidents on the highways remains a responsibility rest« "Safer roads and safer cars may be “.‘;ju:‘efl_. u‘)‘l‘ t this wi the end the N‘np.:zi‘-.& couct most of all," contended Mr. Robertson "for accident prevention will be the exercise of greater and mose constant care and vigilance on the part of eachs individual who uses the public thurâ€" Canadian National Exbibition, Toâ€" nto, will oven Friday. August 28th, OBITUARY pBapAritâ€" Poedic. 244 THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO _ .‘ ‘the grape grower» did. ned filed (up uP their tanks with i. bought the equivalent or uhu‘t % toms of heavily; they planied 200,000 acres "& two years When 1 say that we have not more than 12,000 or 15,â€" 000 acres of in Canada you will reatine what that 1. cant â€"overâ€"pmducâ€" \m-' on of their grapes oz the vines in night tor u.“.:.;.":.'.'. -n"-"m ‘-mnmm w ‘m\;‘n of that before g!lu.' which were shipped tank cars, The» the grap f Canada appesied to the |ii‘ï¬i-'&-u" bed by the wine makâ€" ers and the fresh grape market. ‘The fmmp-tn has _ taken, I should say, around 6000 tons, and the Iao ns e rrome h. ym tiiied their Taghs with" concentrsted tion of wine in this country, and the frice of graqug wen tery highâ€"$120 a ton. As a consequence the growers Fugns, equivatent to the Gaty paid on % on it. That rebate to about $1. 80 a hundred. m been abandâ€" oned. All the wine makers get now is TpRHC Kagct duty on tue raw sugar paid by the reâ€" the rate of 2,000 neres a your, for perâ€" ‘hp four mï¬-.::.n’r:' jant are now in full bearing, the amis -z...'-:@. T reasodk Up t TBE present production in the Unitec Siates causet a wine. n they canâ€" n e esn o en n is the sales tm of 4 per cont. Further, the 'ho‘“l&nw refined sugar; they say else will do. . 1 wish ) say just a few words in regurd to the sitgation or our grape the growers made heavy plantings, at Australian wine makers who receive a bonus of 42 cents a gallon. [ I:m-.-.-u Now that there is an advantage of almost a dollar a gallon in favour of an Australian wine similar to the tw Austratia. ‘So far s thgt in Fou cll-tlh.nlbth I believe li:b-fl-- the Mother Country, and in giving them a preferâ€" ed in 1922 to 251,053 ¢ 1-.â€'-“â€â€œ-†which we have been t un-fln‘n&“h m:‘:&tm present time we do not ...._3. yery Mive referred to." Fosahiy no hes will be done. um.uâ€"-.fl: present level, I do not selleve the Canâ€" adian wine industry wi‘l suffer any inâ€" 'm:ummmwâ€":l'nn- ages that the Australian producers have under this treaty they could reâ€" duce their prices so that our Cana« dian wine makers could not compote unleas some very im us of 42 cents a gallon on the Austraâ€" 22 touts a guiion, but alto the frelght ‘to Vancouver thus cnabling the ducers to mu-*r: “%l-l duty free. It will be difficult, on.:flt: beey day. ut siee tor sar duk cent. ‘This shows how reduced duâ€" tand tn incsamca imnania \ or amel re shipped over hore » the grape growere s wort ar on of Pariiaâ€" Hon. Mr. Smith: Mostly from the States. Those grapes came in over a ’Mvdmfll:‘nopr- ernment could, if it fix a value nuummuu&a )Mld- in lmi,ln.«ï¬t: wufldmmm w-l‘h-lllhmatrymeu- .‘l'llnh-nmnu- that _ the mm&qmnuam (nthent We mpin‘s thareute‘ try might be permitted by the Govâ€" ernment, as those in other countriesâ€" at Iflbl.l.o who Clp:nâ€"cn p"; Canada under a bonus of 42 ceats a CWTT TY 0s Apiipadfienmreiioriztar L.i tâ€"cabd I am told by a prominent wine maker E!hmmm.e “::'-‘:u pot be fortified, â€"some of for there would w no comâ€" ‘or Eraues wourd he needca tg of would be to make the spirits as to make the wine. the spirits as to make the wine. Thare ars pt encugh grages rows in I have made four or five hsnm n ow neok this year, Mh-:l-h-y rlqlllnq-unlnhpuu “dlllwudhmyh. mflluuh Canadian wine be ablet» his wines with free spirits made from grapes? insl 1 ts you Tott it inked thirices: and put‘ dm'-m\:’n- will redline what poor wine 1t is: Te in antiages ". fainoe requiring ma 3 to use not ll-lhï¬tcrmrdm ty dpuaaon Pm egetonne oi mupfl: because of the of the they must put in lb'fl-hï¬ of sugar. â€" It the were to pass a reguâ€" ul nhomins men a lhgh-flhlh.md â€--‘--g,hn,d: _ Now I will mention some of the ols the ryvends poing Into the ons traiian wine as well as to the Canaâ€" dian. I think it is levied on both. n-.n.n-n:mu::u 1 should not have said the tax; I meant the excise tax. I mentioned the sales tax before. That might be reâ€" mitted. But both the saies tax and h a:'-uun-n-nn revenue, Government cannot stand any reducâ€" tion of revenue. ‘There are other things, however, eause any revenue. Owing to the lack of regulations and to the irâ€" weonh BBV, ERROROOM VTBIOC; 2 CHTHR ‘the sales tax would apply to the Ausâ€" Hon, Mr. * For 6 um.m':'r.u,_- mi-u'-’a'i'{'iimif'ï¬ï¬ lï¬fuf'm’ml‘ ululm&hum“d Mgfln M:fll be .: &J’uâ€"m -5"': know whether there are few or many wmmuflm have invested only a few thouâ€" sands of doliars or many hundreds of worth (Hon. Mr. Smith) for the lucid ah“hm‘lï¬m he omitted to inform us on two points which I think should be cleare: up in order that we may be able to decide whether this Bill should be passed or not. I should like to know thousands. __________~ _________ ipawa Fire Department put up a good Hon. Mr. : â€" w e in t e me on ie as dm&“ five. ‘l'l.llw Department acre there would be at $100)| was «alled, it was imposmble to worth of material â€" such as mrh’mï¬bï¬* mfltfl-mwl scause bank. The house, p.mhm-- some distance from the baras, was unâ€" Tithe Teetinds Mtvion foine uns [ouett 100 ds temgtonny ho â€"iu'd-.fln-dlhhhlc-lwâ€"u.. refmtors 1 ‘eatPe to congratuiege ce Men‘s Work Shirts in Khaki, Navy Blue and _ _ . _ _ Men‘s Trunks ; Shirts to match ............... 38¢ Talies Tagen Silk Tuens, Sp ue e = Siees B4 to fn . abe Ladies® Vests .é_um 19 Bay 2 Gatter dervepe. Sleee B To 8¢ Special ‘ . * it WHITE STORE baking during the extreme heat now prevailing. The Jarâ€" mmhwmnmmw ments in table supply your that picnic or outing. aoa . san P Let us supply table picnic needs. All goods Store Phone 108w Why Bother With Baking ‘ During the Hot Weather OUR ICE CREAM PARLOR Is NOW OPEN GRIMSBY BAKERY There is no need for the housewifé Specials at the" White Store Date Cookies, Doz. ..................... 25¢ NOTE THIS LIST â€" > > ROLLS â€" Wiener and Parker House Rolls, Doz.... 16¢ Small size ................... 10¢ BUTTER CREAM CAKES ... 20c Also Pecan Rolls, large or small mrl‘??;ls A. JARVIS, Prop. of m waisuen n .. .01 .. ++ "is*ii;l'-: ‘The bonourable E.a'nlflbl: Could he w us also the increase in "~p'£ dwhhlhrnmb fl&.u:h“? Hon. Mr. Harmer: Or in Canada. ll..nlhr...-h: I could not give Speaking roughly, I should suy it has Damage estimated at about $10,000 was caused at the farm of Crawford IM started hnmvnln‘n having :mmumm to the other outbuildings. ‘The Chipâ€" $10,000 Barn Fire Shop Phone 108) At Niagara Falls Phone 42 |