season manifest a special pride at l:ovn:ncldshdm It good to hear so many expressions of admiration, indicative of an apâ€" preciative sense which is inherent in every wholesouled . being. When velwing from a vantage point the hundreds of fruit blossoms the efâ€" fect is somewhat monotonous, but the future commercial value of this gorgeous display is the all important feature to be considered by the own ‘The earth will bear flowers anyâ€" where und with all the splendor of our fruit blossom it is not a tithe of the beauty that this district is capâ€" wbie. We have so many different positions, each fivorable to a differâ€" ent type of flower life, and many residents _ bave planted beautiful things that do not get the prom{â€" nence they deserve, ang wo hope that the beauty of these rare speciâ€" mens will be appreciated and that hey will be planted on a larger mmmh-&h.- nolia Conspicau as seen garâ€" den of Mr. H. K. Griffith is of great interest to the lover of choice flowâ€" «rs. ‘The tree is of striking aspect with its buge blossoms, snow white Residents of this district at this pELLOWARIP wiITu XATURE DISCOVERING CANADA ) WEDXESDAY, way as, 1919 One of th results _ of way . in | the _ course Former)y, Uppor Fen wished to ar «rary, there mace 10 £0â€" Mre. L for a puuepa i0) LOW gorgeous scone nothing in &NÂ¥ Lave Hispuy #ooner refled #9; 88 " _ ©"" Coarch gephera bebbing up, i8 wareh g. w stog "br a ‘chin‘chin‘ seveaito: s sback and find mighiy gid io soe 700 Weat one of your elty gobe thhs 0 you, If veu stopped at 148 de say, ‘I‘m drivin® acroga your uad thoug ht 1‘d just stop for tiee! M.‘d haye 309 arreated! for the prairle!" But it isa‘t all prairies and . .steaders in 15# West, . You M 2C 200 22A #dressedâ€" you like hotels *f Gincier, mas ME MCC TT Lotels from Winsines 1. excetvent, but portans‘ Banif Springs Hotel © Chateau at Zake Lou!#f. hests Mt ViC/OT1% These Now ewoenenl‘ls 277 Cliabiel Bang Springs Mote! Hand. 1 (Chateau at Lake Loulae, and the 104 preas &t Vicworia. These thre hotels are . ® pmcultny resiful @96 "homey" n their atmosphere, that one feels as If one could linger there gorever in & lotusâ€"eater‘s paredia®, alway® hm_d enmfortablé, _ , ; They haye fou â€" Sold onlyin sealedpackages . , 1A candh fhege *‘ Ad it y in the West, | _ You mat 3 ; forma. and "dAressedâ€"up" a# e ai the beaviifal mountain 5t Gantt Lake Loulse, Piolf * U4° °. whe coast. Al! the Fresh, ol fultflavored ton intor of ch hay Mn e :ae tue ‘OpeR road Jet out a warwhoop. if if you wast to, drive oif, and your slceves » a potâ€"soct at the ng up io warsh yoil &r a ‘chin‘chin‘ at A «back and find bit" Ha l Li w 3 WWW Lis deor ts vaur 10WM k $a 1 a«® Loneâ€" tinged with rose purple, such aspe¢iâ€" fails to 'miâ€"â€"â€"-' "â€"m‘*â€"‘, leaving a delightful impression â€" upon th¢ p. tes @6 MeHs own,| _ At lake Louise one couls be happy | yas *!if one did nothing all day but to m‘ Me{and gaze at that exquisite emerald| |lmks, *o. lke a gem in Mo circle of! miw,--."-vu‘ mountains, the . sA y bs lu‘mvn...;a: the wooded slopes !s:* * as| parpid®e <B goids «nd greens $ ntain | one would see wowhere elso \_ . \old, | world. And when you add to that WBV the n‘nlm-d view the charm of the a are ol with its \awne L.s greav velâ€" the| vet -udu-uhuflmulnm- 1 » | poppl «, | 1# chintzâ€"hung . bedrooms \ n.m~'no its cooy sittingâ€"rooms, You have Cl | omnery viewed under sea} condl« ‘Those who look at sea or sky Of wood see beauties that no art CAD line up with the Horticultural Soâ€" clety and endeavor to reack the obâ€" jective. PAID UP LI8T C .Ponting, Beamsvilie May 15(20 Harry Garr, Hamilton Sept. 1|20 J. 1. Muss+iman, Beamsvilie W. J. Game, Grassies Corners ;. Frank Sifton, St. Catharines Miss Jessio P»:mer, Winona un:.m.w-lbyz'fl: Frank McLean, Beamsvilio Tas, Hepdurean, urimaby _ May AlkG $ /443 Jas. Monaghan, Grassies _ Jan. 7(20 and rde®, such evet n tore lan#in g00 l p of Banit At lake i one did and gaze | (Nvn® | 1i you really want to "rough “-"‘""“ |you may, t ...'{md;hl:"““'.':‘ ‘ure sorta, @DFAT® ® s vote es ce Jrvaral dage, weeks, or | bo poanet thoi®. w5 i May Ed. Lee, Hamilton _ Dec. (1) La w quite home Lake Loaise in the Clout y beths, such mountain walks des, such fishing, €#ch weals, lesr‘n.~% of talk and um u6+ dues. s s ommucin tm 4 oa: ing Noor ta 1 #w* a the @uh periO® â€"â€" sick when 1 think the . sn | w‘th all sort of intriguing novelties ones ipwlin the witdws, tail, dignificd Minâ€" 31}19 «l Tion, abd REORBM 20â€" C0T G32 anan ..yneiwllllllfl" ,,-u.muufl"""-‘ ed from a few afterâ€"statements that mu&nmnmw the chief position in the gift of th8 1e on ot: ie magitiomt o to M‘L made to the wellâ€"atended meeting held here yesterday after. Boon, if the Lincoln Liberals had had shair way. he would have been glect» andidature of T. Marsbail, . 1« is in the run8!06;,1 party at W¢ of the Ontario Lpeiq in ‘Toronto 8 --n-uuuh-mmm tnw weeks BONQ@zor, will be in t:: M. L A~ Of|, goltars to doughout® ;"im"-" M then / }Nw ‘Tolmic is already Y as one of the most gifted we BW TR TCD MTOD TD Dal. ..-mhmm-u those who know his career since 1914 when he was first elected, and alnce which time he has spent three yeafrs ‘m'flllï¬h"‘"m If he carries the coming convention ME SEIT T. 0_ Wine in ‘Toronto with him.‘ The meeting again _ unanimously _ endorsed th¢ previous nomination of Thomas Mar> shall, pz \dog.=M» AMr picturesque turbans, the atreets, sallors MX WUNIPUO@Rpwountry off the variet* he ; ships in perâ€"Bothing is quite so inâ€" *lâ€"| wreating w coast town. ien| "See Canda first," should be the malslogan of alloval Canadiand in these ave|days of atom ind stroms. It would allâ€"! give each as every e« of us a more passiouste )re for our country It we It.*|could go frm Malifas to Vancouver reâ€"|to see just bat an incatimable trea» ind ure we bha‘ in our Dominion and Mre. Curtis Haynes, of Jordan, â€"79F seconq viceâ€"president. wâ€"umm to the Provincial Liberal convention were appointed as follows: . The ang . first viceâ€"preside mmn‘ Miss Randali, of GRIMSBY. A spodly number of "the faithful" trom GRIMSBY, Beamsvillie and the balance of the constituency wore Smithville, MAY mm» the loadersBIP sonyer @20 Victoria, you mas baye all the advazages of shops, macad» amized romds.z00d howls. aad the& tres, toxcter with a ecrialn Qrienial flavor thi is both piquant and fas cipating. Japanes» servants in the Motels, Jannese and Chin:se shops hoart de op out undy the stare and get Jus* far 2®sy fom civilization > 047 M. 1. A., and . clectod at the meeting. worth hile it is to fight for We Kore um aven Â¥n Mle n, of Ridgeville, was the first viceâ€"president, and vus iNpEPENDENE $Bu0r, when you come to Yamâ€" lv;;. toria, you may hl': ages of shops, macad» B.p00d howls. aad n.;l r with a ecriain Qrienial >â€"president, . and of Jordan, l-l" A the association eral convention follows: _ The c0Â¥ir cRor PREyENTS Lo®® 1X T SOTL PERTHATY Tw much of the fertility leached put «/ solls during the winter may be waÂ¥e( by using rye as a cover CFfOP Is tb opiuion of agronomists at the Ohio Experiment Station. In 8@¢â€" w-mmum-mum\ €r0P rotation the loas of fertility is 1 as the ground remains bare the winter and is subject to Indtsant soaking by rains. Ry# 40W! cven in the early part of Novem i southern Oblo may make & fair wowth before winter, takink ‘: m‘fl.m.fl holding the cover crop is turned under in t spring. Lo tagk Baidés holding the latent fertility ‘m“m prevents . serious ; xz und _ erosion _ of . soil on bily lands, a problem which upâ€" =m-nhlmubuflnh more of the higher lands are bein: brought _ under cultivation. Whis the rye does not add any ferâ€" tillt to teh soil, morely conserving what is already there, the network of rts which it forms separate the soll particles and put the ground inâ€" to \=tter physical condition for suCâ€" Frm one and oneâ€"hbaif to . two busiis of rye to the acre for cover erop seeding is recommended by the eXyeriment station officlls. _______ of Labor desiring assistance will *byeoâ€"dah'u C. H. BROMLEY, Hon. Secy. m’w% Mll Other Contractor‘s Supplies. DR. J. M. HUGHTON Dentist Office over J C. Farrells Shoe Store Phone 216 Electrical Equipment GRIMSRY ONT H. & J. Dow GRIMSBY F. HANSEL, Dentist Office and residence, 73 Sherman Ave. South, between King and Msin Sta. TERmnn U NDE w aA and five doors north of the H. G. & B. EMPLOYERS! _ (Second Fioor) Office Hoursâ€"9.30 A. M. to 4 P. GRINSBY, ONT. _ Barrister, Solicitor, Motary Public 45 Federal Life Building, Hamilion Money to toan at !‘~. flee. "Spectater ssuimus, , Ofize Hours: 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 2 pm and 1 to 8 pm Main Streot West. _ M.KAY, McKAY & WEBSTER 1e s iE 6. 6 veengter Telaphone <746 407 Bank oi Hamilton Chambers WAiMILTON, OWY i# MAIN STREET WEST hone 771. HAMILTON. _Officesâ€"Grimaby and Beamevilie. Meney to loan at current rates. Contrator‘s and Builder‘s TR. R. A. ALEXANDER ‘Physician and Burgeon _ ‘ime, Poi Plaster crops. DOMINION LAWD SURYEYORS ONTARIG LAND SURVEYORS CWIL ENGINEERS HENRY CARPENTER G. B. M:CONACHIE LAZIER & LAZIER Plastering Hair _ ~ Mortar Color Supplies W. A. BROWNLEE LAND SURYEYOR Notart‘s, ote. Enent 0. #oRe+ GRAFTON & CO. CANADA‘S LEADING CLOTHING MANUFACT URERS TWe ies TE CCC 09e c ob ts Boys‘ Clothing. ‘The result of our unrivaled buying poWers at the manufacturing end of our business, and the {act that mmmwwm"“‘â€â€œ""'m k Ns n_uh‘-fl.â€"‘-ï¬ O Th aks Senccndiicnscttm 45 4 8 price, with no middleman‘s profit figured in.. Men» (®"" mm).m-lnuuhnuhm* dcals directly with the people, not only gives the best value, u.h.mtyhrlhwm-‘*m NE â€"100 82e aest e BBE omcs comaaths . uh & c lt s Aiueoui i m ce cent. mean a saving to you of from 25 per cent. to 50 P°T l‘u’“"“_““!m C s _ W > Antaak 22 Th soaccadl. ds tds io triatoadnntia C Men‘s Suits from $9.98 to $40.00, embracing all the late -ylu.h""."mnâ€"-awduh"""“"" e e e C button sacks: You‘re sure to find just what you want. hymu'.mmmwymm in atyle and value. Suits from $9.98 to $35.00. ‘The Largest Boys‘ Clothing Department in Canada. Stocks almost bewildering in their magnitude, yet so arrangâ€" ed that all may be seen almost at a glance. SUITS RANGE IN PRICE FROM $4.98 to $25.00 To Returned Soldiers : We extend the hand of welcome and citer all the convenâ€" lences of this Great Store to ‘hem. When in Hamilton make wm;m We have a special planâ€"of dealâ€" ing with these heroes, and will give them more liberal terms than any store in Canada. Call and See. GRAFTON & CO. Ltd. The greatest values ever offered in Men‘s, 16 â€" 18 JAMES STREET NORTH HAMILTON, ONT. J. R. WATSON, MANAGER * ammiainiccimmeidey ‘s, Youths‘ and thve » amings» i