§ TBOFECCE Sim __@ocl APRIL @4thâ€"Aocial u)wnlnl. h m,. imeinls w oo of 6. ll-.g-d- num‘-'l'"' * ' mesting. . TB “# "som of the 1="s® :ter Meeting® Tharaday mE C CO0 c u yille At a " mecting of the . DesmayHIP Jublor Farmers: inprovement â€" AMCâ€" | hald in orth‘s Hali, Beamaviile Plight, Apri! 10, the Consmitte® »7 Afhagoment prescnied the foNlonin® for the | comins monti®. No be hok on the 1854 Meoow of each mont. @nen ns C Coocta c MIH+ mernl ®""~ un ant" the motor «af. walch asis 9 Snd shunted the bukey 0f M SApRTCUTE TL O a on m wixâ€"up 8 I “._._h!_ i# II‘. On Friday evening of last week, the local Firceaters again invaded the Clubroo... : of the local Branch, G. W, V. A., with a euchre team of no mean wbility and took the Defenders of the Countryâ€" into camp, after a stiff conâ€" weat by a comfortable margin. The m-n-lu.-hvlllhrnm in the near future and the Vets are urged to "pull together" and trim the Pireâ€" 'lu-kttunnuludh-nhl nccidept, occured to a . well_ known Stoney Crack resident, on aturday 2Sr "* aact. Qirect: Ham: the fOMRer EU U s U oroughtare _ of down the mentloned thoroug stt . !1 down * CE 00 cas run into run into by A the Ambitions CHY ®W8® TDR "poyarg motor car driven Thrown From When M nmffl'mm ‘The next getera) meetisg of the toâ€" cal branch wil} be held on Tuesday m“nla.nlwdl- portahce was not dealt with at the last meetis will be brought up for _ 4Â¥ M Every member is #17 sa=‘* . us be present NK F. 6. SREEXNX SLIGHTLY SHAKâ€" E8 UP Great War g Grimsby and * ‘Keterans‘ District .Corner . Branch PRESIDENT : : * Com. J. a. n Livingston SECâ€"TREAS. : ; Com. C. E. Vaughan General Meetings Each Aiternate Tugsday Evening CLUB ROOMS to a peak and then knock the es ‘Telephone Number zo. _ = _ Overseas Service lqnlv:l-:t Naval Service or Initiation : $2.00. Dues: $1.00 per Quarter R FARMEES MAKEK PLANS vorR coxtse MONTH® LC a .. ooliie » fenew er‘s When Hun Into ‘s'nl’l- MIHâ€" Street, ia j 1 ET PTMT 220 SHRE .."“'m"'..‘."‘:. Tiks weeting. "*‘ * on "Dairying" if possible, .by Prof. w of the Ontario Agricultura Colâ€" j JULY ANB AUGUSTâ€"Social ‘gven ngs :Il'l'lllll 25thâ€"Business meetâ€" ing to make arrangements for motorâ€" trip to Guelph and to afrange for a Junior Farmers‘ Stock Judging Team to compete against.the Teams from ubo'rfl'nuun at the Winter PFair at Gae â€" The ratepaiyers of wet in the store on April !lxmulicm m *b wligr @â€" + We > farms in School Section N~ 1, Nurth GRIMEâ€") thâ€"eafter, without inters BY was bold in the Jmm-url"“or will aliow fiity per the Beach corner «1 Thursday evenâ€") the purshase price to remai Ing April 3, (~* the purpose of conâ€"! mortgake for three or five alderinp the I‘ubil« School {aspector‘s| seven per cent. perannuim, report. in :..“3‘.,‘ Uhe h-:l.‘u u.-.:iâ€, nd J been ordared prov 1 wA praci hioh TUF the of} The l ne sold i the seboot section | _ Por further lars The dntion | being| 4 fart urucu.‘ euthely tow afequate for the chlidres ""' ,'...""“A_‘ uum'-.". of the section: and the heating 87#â€"/o > Waskington, V tem io me sclsol being nOt S <U) Sheantuon Provident Chain : a motion m"u.ï¬"m_ after rir=/g to _ Dated Aort! Sth. 1018 C es setorde br ip » * ebiie se sn ies‘ Connell for permiss!tss to ralse the! sum of I%%: Thobsand Dollars, by|‘ B the rals of ecbrmuses jor the purâ€" h pose of doing what work is uecessary! M to place in "he school s 86# FO®UNE! 5 polong; jutke fru}t o oct o Aooy bad u) h cpand| Beamaville . Station, . six bullding comfortably and to m planted and In ft beas equip .. third sehool rout. 10 MEfAY?| state of cultivation. , N« $ n oc o the fourih M!hu.. Reasonabe *~* . _ :::q..-m- the exception of installing| . ','“?’l.l‘&.:.‘ uit 8 eEINSAY KARY ELKECTS voPstP | i Tue ratepayers of GRIMCBY © Tast ; 6t c olare on Priday evening,\ te98, & _ Four,new members joined the Asâ€" sociation at this meeting. souls XEW A0CCONNODATION AT PARK SCHaOL A meetinx of twe ratepayers of | MHW WRTE TL C Deltetes I 1, to talk over musiclpal wat ad to taks fats consldarsilon New York State to take »k will be curried out as District Branch 346 CE L‘.::rnnlvvl:!.lt-t"l* of contained a certain gage which will be produced : time of sale, there will be offer sale by public nuction by Jan Livingston, auctioneer, at the ; ses described in Parcel No. 1, o day, the 25th day of April, 1 the hour of 3.00 o‘clock in the noon, the following lang ang emalth AV C tssn aps n Snd Bmith 61; Verna Harperâ€"58; 67; Ronalgâ€"Russ 63: Rert Ph Dorathy Ross 63; Joy Aitch Francis Liddle 49. 66; Clarence Konkle 66; Au te: 665. â€" Wimert Ready ef: (ff Torms of Saleâ€" â€"Ten per purchase money at the and the bela=, within thr>oafter, without inter v.n‘or will aliow fifty the purshase price to mortgage for three or five seven per cent. peraunuin, Grimebs the matter of waw t oY W. 8. Mar BY fighs ;._E;Lb Spune a a.__. * ‘Cuncior 8. Marlatt and P. D. will take caton an open at eight o‘clock, as ,, When the polls the ballots counted, it W "he Council for the composed of ns *, . A. O, Bownlaneh: Pubite Momiz h) ‘The be on m E."':"..‘;..':!"--'!- lnvited to be ;l:‘::h- Of the Paptiea vhe want for weed should Jeave with wis. at once. IRNINH CONBLEP 7 Partiea whe want i JA®, A, LEVING titlaby, Iworeannent, cament, ontame C lorstns she shorfine Realising the sporting pessibiiitics of the Cranbrook region some of the pesidents wet *n Ceanbrook ~a Noâ€" wember ith, 1917, asd formed the Cranbrook Distriet Red as* Gan Club A batbery was starel In Cranbrook : 200000 upge were broug\it In and incubaied, ‘The enterpris® whs m hbufe jemess, ABC &h“ 15,000 in 8t 900 in Reck 1%a A â€"Woncerful Fishing Region in t es GRIMSBY GARAGE Now a complete truck ty ysd â€"---'a"--v â€"'"&: Signed Forginge aod spetingyt The . construétion at every provides lorhmgh mï¬ They have onk iloors, sills of ‘These types will be kept in st in the lead set up, Dainted (or in the lead) as, and fry wers [EREAFTER Ford Oneâ€"Ton Trucks be bought Hmmwithbodhanduh.mly;orthom 'mochuhmdlflllhopnrehmduuntely. But, in most cases, the Ford Truck will be sold as 2 complete Ford job. The body as well as the chassis wmbeplannedj&bzhel"om“:.ï¬ce. wid This radical step in the production f'l‘mcluhban;s' 'I'mekt:o i tbflrp:merl"ord:almmtheh ' ; ve ue in ev ofhkhn&;‘tomdueebmerbodies a:lovve:{:{'};:"a.lt ‘Two Standard Bodies Enclosed Cab _ -:-::mbu"-'n\:‘. the Stake and hnam‘?gnï¬â€˜?ddgl-‘udmk 30 6f swb t1 distrl« Laka, 100 in 1 will Tak®, & CO. â€" Dealers â€" ; ST. CATH The best senson for Rabing «se whlern is from May ist to Juw»+ 15th and from Aupust !s t "rn'-- 80th.â€" The fy h ==! goserally with success, Trolling w!ll bring good re avlt« 1« $. Mary a, Moyie aBd Preâ€" when they begin to mutiply n satural way it is certain fgt C# hrook will be one of the finest "«» dritriets In the world. % minr lakee Lundlocked saimon caught in Premier Britisn Columbia, on May 16th, 1918 Luke, perfectly ventilated â€"'.“-lt'ï¬uv%“ windows and twoâ€"way double lating windshield. ht .Tï¬&aph Ford Trucks are on CAll and learn what it will cost to use them in your business. Look se 9 n o+ d oA c This cab can be closed up tigh perfectly 1 i¢ & hey Distances from Craaur * |¢lferent fching waters ves uy o* Aue In<os and rivers is y Bisitigs . C gt> n ali 3 ... omm Tan scepery of the Cronbrook h# distrlet in becutiful, apz tlom to n creel lecen with tr=at, the Aebsrmaa will vita him memories lair us Lo 0ye ol o WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1019â€" Ag is diMientt at :l-‘r-l- radi w