t\ 4 Mumgm‘?umm « sn.ss It is IMPERATIVE that EVERY PERSON: IN CANADA should WORK HARD WASTE NOTHING P SPEND LITTLE SAVE MUCH THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE > SR EDMUND WALKER Jorm AIRD, General Manager C.V.0, LLD., DCL Prasiden C TD 2)) H V, F. JONES, Ass‘c Gen‘L. Mana WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1917 INDEPENDENT ADS. Interest allowed at 3% per annum on Savings Deposits of $1 and upwards at asy branch of the Bank. J "'“ï¬ï¬s‘g"’nlié-ï¬kao cA pag o _ ow PDOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK WESTERN CANADA and the PACIFIC COAST Electric lighted and comfortably equipped Trains To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient routing apply to W _ B. CGALDER, Ins. Agents, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Dept.. 68 King St. E., Toronto Low Fares and Through Tickets ‘VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN THOSE WHO, FROM msuusorssoo.ummm.ammor Interest payable halfâ€" 1st April andâ€"1st October 1 nttrint Databitahay 2t any‘ lat hnd menk 1n Canain) st thmdlnp-um’-mm-thhud Holders of this stock will have the vilege of surrendering nprndmdhmd.nlhqlrnl-ldn‘.hï¬- “td:a'mâ€"ltndonflwmmnlflu Canada than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. houedldthlulo&mlcmwrpa-nly. Ammï¬udmm'olmwmtï¬lhw wnencnlmllmlluxlmkhn*mondhtwpu-dnh respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to the Deputy .Minister of Finance, Ottawn. Finance, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA OCTOBER 7th,,1916. BRING RESULTS Principal repayable 1st October, G. L. Waugh. Manages INVESTORS To all Points in Dunnville Hockey team has reached the finals in the Northern Hockey Dunnyvilte Chronicle.â€"Gen, 1GCNn: fort has in his show window six poâ€" U td k. TDE mkl N) siMasaiaf: Or lands from the police village of Cryâ€" mn-cu'nqmuml had paid to the village $1,700 in taxzes Now $20,000 on a dent and the bill â€"w Welland has a house famine.. 500 w homes are needed say the real District Summary THE INDEPENDENT, GRINSEY, ONTARIV he| Jones. This antique car was built by of | the Oldsmobile Company twenty years ago and the engine was still in whape to run down to the ‘Armouries te, | for exhibition. This horscless carriage, Welland Wiliiam _ Irâ€" vine â€" Robtuson, of the Robinson of Port Col borne, is reported one of the passenâ€" borne, is reported one of the passenâ€" gers lost from the Laconia, when that vessel was sunk by the torpedo of the Germ#n assasins off the coast of Ireâ€" land . at seven o‘clock on Sunday muâ€"-mmum' w&m;hfll» a penalty of $1,000 a day upon any _ corporation or . municipality which fails to obey any order made by the Ontario Railway board. It is said there have been many cases of such ]mumm. Niagara Falls, Ont., Feb, 28.â€"Thos.| m.-uunmmnuuml to Toronto to enlist in the 204th batâ€"| talilon, came 1,400 miles to join the| Cansdian overseas forces. He was in Mobile, Ala., when he decided to resâ€" g‘lnlhonll.nm.ommh nty Down, Ireland and emigrated to the United States ninc years ago. | Hamilton, Feb. 28.â€"â€"That a plant for. the building of the famous British war tunks is to be erected in either lh--i flton or Montreal, employing several hundred men, was the information handed out here yesterday by local military authorities. Particulars are withheld, although it was said an anâ€" mouncement would be made before the end of the week. . St. Catharines Standar?â€"Cantain Harzy Cosens, formerly of St. Cathâ€" arines, has been appointed to . ‘*¢ \cch staff.at Fort Erie rort. comâ€" as it was called then was one of the first cars to come into Canada. Niagara Falls Review.â€"James Beâ€" dard, aged about 23, a brakesman emâ€" ployed on the Grand Trunk, was the victim of a bad accident near the Diaâ€" mond last night. _ Bedard was going over the bridge on a short trip, and \muwd;m when he slipped and fell between. The train passed over him, cutting off both legs just below the knee. He was rushed to the ‘Welland Telegraph.â€"Probably _ the 131 price ever paid in Welland for a ‘(a hog that is purchased to be :v-u‘ into meat) was recorded on e market when Robert Dofderi/ge ‘of Wainfleet put in ‘his pocket $80.50 for one solitary porker. Even at that the hog was sol1 at 2% cents a pound below the market price.‘This Pig (he really ought.to have h{‘ name spelied with a capital P) was three years ol1, of Cumberland ly&e. and welghed 700 pounds. Kohler, Knoll & Tufts were the buyers at 11% cents a pound. m'w'â€" duites . on Tresday Capt: saw considerable serâ€" viee in with the Canadian continwont in tm but has been incapacitutâ€" <d any further netive service 0% nccount of wounds he recelve1. (le Ig.also a veteran of the Youth Afri« ean war. He was formerlv commani er of E company. 19th, Buttalion. _ @t., Catharines . Standard.â€"Wor* l*u been‘ received that Philin Meaâ€"), who recently left this cfty with the naval recruits, was injured in the wreck of the Maritime Express, an the _ Intercolontal. . which occurre* last night between Montreal ind ministered. Halifax. Meade was rejecte‘ for the navy and was on his way home. His {nthor, Sergt. Meade, is a member of ;I;:' l:mn Battalion, stationed at the will regret to learn of the death Wedâ€" nesday morning of Louis D. Lambert at his home in Grantham . Township, ‘The deceased who was 76 years of age has lived continuaily in this communâ€" A pretty but quiet we‘lding was solâ€" emnized by the Rev. Georve E. Honey on Tues?ay. when Miss Mury Lillan House, elcst daughter of Mr. and Mre. W. H. House, of Louth, was untâ€" tod in marringe to Mr. In#ram Bontâ€" sey son of Mr. and Mre. J. W Bentsey of Vannville, Indiana. The brite lookâ€" e+ charming in her b‘ue travellin« sult carrvine a bouonet of «wost neas and maiten fern.‘ The counle left on the 12.29 for Buffalo and points cast. Welland ‘Telegranh.â€"Joe Morabito, the Muir street morchont. charee* in connection with the serions shootin= affray on Crowlan‘ street, was to have appeare‘ in (‘o‘fln': Assive for trial on We‘nesay Justice Clute, but when the ca it was foun‘ thatâ€"Josenh a his bail. T. F. Battle, the crown, ma‘e apnlication Justice (lute to have Morabito‘s bafl estreatâ€" «4 and a warrant issuo* for his arâ€" rest. The . applcatem . was eranto‘. ‘The $1000 bail was on Je Morshito‘s own recognizance and the money ha* been pal" in by himâ€"to Crown Attorâ€" ney: Cowpor, @mithville Review â€"Comninin® Nae been ma?e at this aflca at cecr> of the youne men in the country makâ€" w« a practleo ef racin« t alr hnromg alome the hiebway an t ot ratmey *ome from churoh @unida> aves‘nts, wsat in the dlasamfart and Aanen® tsc nadestrinns . whe ome farss‘ ty walt. tha maade, whits (he effamalls are fceâ€"covered, Onâ€"@unday evenlag wÂ¥ he deceased is survived by ving widow and three sons, Harvey of this city and Ira one of these young men narrowly os~ caped knocking an . elderly lady lady down in the road, and as it was, he tit her in the shoulder. Drivers of vehicles must . remémber that pedestrians have the right of way whether it be on the romdway . 0f etsewhere, and: such conduét Inâ€" the tuture . will receive due considerâ€" ation from the law. St. Cathafines standard.â€"The Coniâ€" nwum‘mmmâ€"‘ of a small fire Tuesday. The furnace in the moulding shop is heated by oll and in some manner the feed pipe was mudlh-unuhu-ol# ed and set fire to the building. ‘Thorold fremen and trucks were sent htmwhcb\lonnnlnhl they were unable to a fast run even though two teams of horses were used on the engine. The workmen at the plant had the fire out before the freâ€"fighters arrived. The loss is estiâ€" mated at about $700, considerable of that amount being in sitver which will Welland, Fub, 28.â€"In the Suprotu¢ Court here toâ€"day Captain Thomas Cook of Port Robinson, formerly of Midiand, was found not gullty by jJurt on a cturrge of manalaughtcr. Th charge was based on the doith of Harry Brown, a watchman on a dredge at Port Robinson, a . few hou‘s after he was assaulted by Cap tain Cook on the night of December Ist ‘The defence was baseq upon the plea ‘that Cuiptain Cook was so drunk he was not in any way ts sponsible for what he did on that occusion, Mr. . Justice Clute, _ who presided, told the jury that this plea could have no affect upon their verâ€" dict, but only upon the severity of his sentence and charged . strongly against the accused, saying: "L am ||nou-4 to instruet you as a mattor boung to Instruet you as a matior of law that no juct and complete answer has been made to the char ge and the charge as fully and conâ€" clusively made out of the evidence is to be believed, and I see. no . rea «on to disbelieve it." Just as surely as lack of food is Recruits Wanted for Production day by day, so of food is winning the victory loryt.h?;' nlh{-:._ &n;ymch armies, for instance, were never better fed than now, for France cannot forget the awful lesson of 1870â€"the failure of her food supply. To this she attributed theloss of that war. To feed the French soldiers around Verdun, more than 25,â€" 500,000 pounds of food a week were required. ‘This gives a faint idea of the colossal task of feeding an army. Canada and Britain havea huge army of fighting heroes on the line ; every man MUST have rlentyo( food, in‘flmeo{ a world shortage. Upon Canada‘s food production all principally rely. ‘The Department of Agriculture lgï¬nhtomud boys to enlist in the farm help campaign. ‘The Department appeals to men unfit for military service, orwhonnditimpo-rble to enlist in the army, Do m ‘"bit" by helping to increase production of foodstuffs. is your{our of opportunity, ‘The farmers of Ontario need the help of retired farmers, of 1ME AIARCES 0‘ ntario need the help of retired farmers, of men following no oee:ruon (nï¬uJ;.o! business men who can spare a portion of their time. We appeal to all who can so arrange their ordi affairs to plan to help lmfdufpitdcuhfln;gmddu:'ndhrmg Confer with your county District Representative of the Department of Agriculture, or write, "Farm Help Camâ€" paign," care Department of Agriculture, Toronto, Ontario Department of Agriculture + W, H. Hcarst, Minister of Agriculture The Farmers of Ontario Urgently Need Help Pursuant to the Powers of Siale ¢=- 1e n ay or ons Tine of" Aet wgeRhe +4 wclllll_‘ ol will be offered for sale at r& Aue> tlon by James A. Livingston, Auctioncer at the Hotel Grimaby, Grimaby Village on SATURDAY, the 10th day of MARCH, 1917 at 2.30 oelock in the afterncon, the following lands and premisen:â€" in the _ Village of Grimaby, â€" in the County of Lincelr, containing one * ter of an acre be the same more of : euut ERo BV cracked, or sore? Have you "cold cracks" which open and biced when the skin is drawn tight? Have a cold sore, ."l.:... .l'otn ot to go about fmfl so. Zamâ€"Buk will give you relie!. and will heal the frostâ€"damages skin. Misa B. Strojea, of East Hans ford, N.S., writes: "My hands were so badly chapped 1 was un able to put thom in water. All remedics falled to heal unt!ll ! tried Zamâ€"Duk, Porseveranen with this baim: complete!y hoalsd the sores." lco.-‘ht i-nl-.siu‘.:l-.lluhn. eold sores. lu‘rr I::‘l-. “u -|f‘&‘n'-' Ciseases and Injuries. Kefuse.sub MORTCACE SALE