_ The People‘s Paper § Sloppy & Weather There would be some chance for the Conservative party at the polis if the Congervative members of the logislature had not lost the respect of their ewn purty by their infscrable showing in the house when the question of proâ€" wibition was up. Imagine members of the legislature who had been lifeâ€"long epponents of prohibition 1Â¥ing dJown like bables when Hearst cracked the whip over their backs, Imagine men voting for an uct through fear which they were opposed io on principle. How could upâ€"standing, selfâ€"respecting Conservatives (even prohibition Conseryvatives). vote for cowards of that kind if they ever come before the people again for reâ€"election. « s e # # ® It was bad nough to see Liberal candidates at the Klection in 1914, who kad been frequenters and patrons of bar rooms all their lives, come before the electors and ask their support for the policy of "Abolish the bar," It was zl.ouhhnouurllmnvlwhad been mmulunu‘.unlld bar rooms all their lives and who were absolutely and positively opposâ€" «4 to probibition, walk to the polls and vote for the policy of "Abolish the m"hmm-mcmtr-m-mnlllphwpmuMpllw.llt “Wnfl.mun&h‘uâ€"m vlthlhluwunl 100000000 cnncmmmmmemmeesy There would be some chance for the Conservn‘ the Congervative members of the logislature had not ewn purty by their infscrable showing in the house Y wibition was up. Imagine members of the legislature epponents of prohibition Iying down like bables w whip over their backs. Imagine mon voting for an they were opposed in on principle. How eould up: Conservatives (even prohibition Conseryatives). vote if they ever come before the people :g:ln for reâ€"ele 2 % # ® TERMSâ€"Subscribers in Canada $1.50 per .rear if not paid in advance. In United States Giving the women of Ontario a yote will only double the present vote without changing the complexion of the vote. If the men of Ontario would «ofeat Hearst a‘ the next elcction the women won‘t save him.. Premier Heart‘s act to give the women of Ontario votes as a means of saving his government from defeat at the next election will probably prove @ boomerang that will do more harm than good While the voio will be increased wonderfully the results will be very litâ€" the different. Liboral men‘s wives will vote liberal. Tory men‘s wives will vote Tory. Prohibitionists wives will vote prohibitionist, antfâ€"prohibitionists wives will to a great extont yote the same as their husbands, consequently the gonâ€" eral rosult of the vote wll be very little changed. Of course there will be a large percentage of women vote independent ef family ties und if a large porcentage of them supported Hearst und his proâ€" aibition act, it might have quite an influence? The chances are that many of these women have political lmn‘lnm ud__.wlll_votn_pollucl Jn’t the same as men. That is, liberal women will vote liberal and conservative women will vote conservative, a e o e.0 a a But there is anotber class of women that are generally overlookéd but. they will prove a big factor on election day and they will all vote the same way and against Hearst and that is a class of women who are opposed to proâ€" mibition. These women can be counted by the thousands in the cities and towns of Ontario and everyone of them will vote. Hearst has overlooked this wlass in his eagerness to grab everything in sight, but the politicians won‘t ercriook them and they may prove the balance of power in the woman vote: that will turn the scale against him. ___ _ _ s ‘ ‘The way 1 size up the situation for the next election is this. There will be six sections of the community vote for Rowell and omly three sections vote for Hearst. The six sections that will vote for Rowell are as follows: (1) Straight Liberals and their wives and daughters, (2) Prohibition Liberals and their wives and daughters. . (3) Disgruntled Conscrvatives and their wives and daughtors, (4) Alb the men interested in. the Liquor and allied trades and their wives and daughters. (5) ‘The portion of untrammelled women with Liberal leanings. (6) Nmmbmm ‘The three sections that will vote for Hearst art as follows:â€" (1) .m-udm-vuhmmmnuq-m- tion and their wives and daughters. â€" ‘ (2) mmwmwm-‘m (3) mnudwl-.?l:l.mmww mummmmm-flhâ€"mmmub feated, in spite of the woman vote. _ _ _ _ What makes the defeat of the Conservatives sure and certain at the next d‘-hmmmmmmwmmm“um â€"wflln-flmmhekâ€"unbmwcogur- ‘m.u-utmlounqemmuethnbyhulqum«mun M Pn moonch,rais," uie Mhifal hn clues t the lnat uiestion, e beaten in every county w! was c a i wilt be badly b#AtOD 50 CVX Sunty where there was a Conscrvative majority «nder 500 a ender 800 at C TPZTTTTIC DClavtétas aver £00 at where the Conservatives had Ifl’fl'l:bl o.vor 500 at the last 2 2% ® ase enc »a>4» On account of its Fine granulation wuâ€"ï¬-ï¬l‘-ï¬'{: 2 &51b.cartons,10, 20& 100 Ib.sacke I made i with same old recipe h?-d Advertising raies ~~ application THE INDEPENDENT Facts and Fancies JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, Owner a J. ORLON LIVINGSTON, Editor. MAIN STREET, GRIMSBY, ON1. # AMH»AHAFA! By Frank Fairborn Telephone 36 complete stock of all sizes of Rubbers, Rubber Boots and ove"h“" in .n ‘h styles, for "Pa." "Ma" and the "Kiddies." Just the thing for wet, uoo slushy weather. sesesascseBedaBCsast3C36 B4 We aud Manager Established 1885 in advance. $2.04 per per year in advance, election. and Ad w# a% P ®s g majoritien in tavae a¢ )" jo_1"O Conservative party who were elected by big majorities in favor of the liconse system and against "abolish the bar" who immediately the question came up in the bouse, threw principle to the dnnndMulqnwh‘ before Hearst when he ¢racked the whip over their cowardly hoads, # RCD imomnicadiaim io mm twoâ€"faced methods of bora by big majorice, i o [nembers of the Conservative party eaiipianre uit s Bscc t kc 2 Power, They were without cy. They m'Mlhuo:m"-M-m*h&npw& and bet on the "longâ€"shot" ‘ti..l.hl. l.lo..hr.' f m-«uuwmymmmumnu-m-‘ learly defined policy and that â€" was "The License System" as opposed by the denaite pojiey of d thnt polter was : s \ ® e e e e e o | mmhâ€"mumuihnmmmmm maummrmd&umwrmhmm.m lohu-mhm“-h-hm-mudlhlu-helmm mduod.-.uâ€"mmmmnummmvwhfl uum-mmmmum«umm-mnh_-m olectors. How eamid anall L L D0 COCL NARH Cns CE ACE PME ns O S t e ue RCRT TNA praced in them by. the | electors. How could these men come uu&'f&‘lmmmm' co-ldn‘teo.o-lm.nnul@qhemllq-mhm | PC t HE Mission Boards of.the Church I are overwhe.mingly in favor of Union. _ Whenever *men . face seriously the probiem of the extenâ€" or Torolgn fents, threp Tooh the woed or foreign s, they n of the help of their brethren, and anything _like civil strife is a beâ€" trayal of the cause, It is a significant fact that of the 170 misslonaries under our Presbyterian Board of Forâ€" elgn MissJons only one actually voted against Church Union. Where the wINONA PUBLIC AXD CONTINUAâ€" TION SCHOOL Form II. of the High School.â€"LAâ€" lian Potter, 78; Jeanile Balsley, . 74; Minnic Pettit, 71; Marie Foran, 68; Lilllan Cocks, 62; William Baisley, need is greatest the d est for the conservatio est for the romorntlï¬p of our forces. | In the Foreign Field it is not finanâ€"| clal pressure that drives ‘toward Uplon. _ Under"the Comity of Mis.| sions, each Church has a district of | its own to evangelize. Yet there the need of a united front agrinst the colossal mass of heathendom is most keenly felt. To make any impression on that vast body, all must get toâ€" gether. After converts are won and admitted to the Church, our denom{â€" mational _ differences . perplex . them sorely. Some of the most Intelligent of the ll“.l': Christians in dll’un?l countries ve protested . vigorously against imposing western ?l.mlonl and rivairies on Eastern Churches, Chrg.hll\y in _ these lllennll count should devalop churches which will express each ’-npln‘-l peculiar spirit or genius and meet its peculiar needs. The Church of Christ in China should be a united body, as indigenous to the soll as Presbyteri« anism is to Scotland,. So should it be with the Church in India. ‘Their most . thoughtful (mew a â€"â€"that Westerners can never u the mind of India, and, if that be so, we can never construct a Chureh (or India, and. we should not try to lin. pose on them compeling systems that have grown ‘out of our own atyuptieh and experiences, and therefore beloug to us alone. ‘Their own religlous life and spirit must take a form of its own, In no other way can they be true to the leadings of the Spirit of 10, ARIT DUMOIEL SAtem * (partial) ;Januie 62; Dofâ€" o on in e T ourfey, 57 ; Form 1. of the Schoolâ€"Marâ€" garet Althouse, flm Burdick, 16; Auna Nugent, 14; Lymn Johnston, A MORCTH COCLLE ea: Dorâ€" othy Wikicox, 61; AMOUS® Soloon‘ sa; mcum. b4; Grace Milien, 64; pa Tiat)s 101 c Tha m in 0 Ti , paF , 40; PrQ j * tord Nash, Irenod mm absent. God, within them. If they â€""?Ir:: unita, the bome Churches must le L@F, the way. All t ""ar .. o â€"Mary olWÂ¥ 08 MESORD . 208, 8t OCBN PSR actager, to se Len is Moithy, May, ‘Weston, Dorts 254 ‘w"’"‘"" x wy@r. T ®# v,, total 763, honours 572. 3rd, 3r.â€"Reg. Basiey, Geo. Purion 4sb â€"Juby Neal 715. Tereesa poris Graut. om 6§2, John Hagar §37, NQTWAS genlor Second.â€"Meten â€" Bost 631,*Badie_ Tufford ©20, Gia;ys Sienhouse, Marjorie MucKentle, NOFâ€" ya, 697, *Rose Ottoway 593. " DX mad Hogk®. 04 Raymond w Wa‘e 6832, *Wallace Wilkins ‘cgqual), Muiy Pattison, VernA *8olon Burgess 560, Kenneth . Henry MeLean. |dl. +Vida Nelles 479, *Fred Rus 00 qshmston.| saubeev Little 313, *Ronal) Rus overian _ Methodfat _« ns This afatement, bowever,. jam. plifcation. _ In additfon he, 176 places mentioned. there are aver 50 others where the two ehbmpnf the same tor="~rv but e «con: ;ncatloul by . diTereist Donaid MeColMM, PRQJ coy, Florence it Glass.â€"Lioyd WhCO® m‘ McDougul, Pansy McPherso®, 4th. rissio School Reports for February these muldc-nuun_‘zw imamle=bLetit Pleld. In iddlâ€" THE INDEPEXDENT, CGRINSBY, ONTARmo -.mmum«mmumunnlm Nvflmwh.thyumuumï¬numlh. . They were out of power. They were without a policy. They souny Jnt it oiAE nncs, vamer.| N e ns May ~ q ‘Monsinger, teacher.| }; '-"":L‘": Basley wurier, , 1V . honours 572. pass Hartwoll 27. w m eticne on fon A ale ozit MacKentic, Norâ€" en egiadle rullord ©20, Glacys Wilâ€" 'i’g;,‘;fl Mitymond Hemlton Wise o. cce Wiikine 606| Newatker $ V .'..D"l Burgess 500, Kenneth Pnulo: R‘l,“':‘l,::_v ©80l08 PUIEO" 20 eprod Russ 475;| ones, M. M rch . (or |zations? to lm.‘ Purther, ms that | rival tu'm wmvm‘r a 6 b'lonll were stren lows life! contrary, / n: of Its ane place they be | united, th kay, â€" Mil« Ethel Fut C. PIDGEON, D.D., of Torente. These figures do not take into gccount the larger amounts raised by the flolds themselves for their own {support, Add these, and the situâ€" atlon is more serious, and the arguâ€" ment for Joining forces still stronger. the names are different in the lists, it is Impossible to secure exact staâ€" tistics, _ On the other side of the account there is the consideration,â€" that the village where the mfsslonâ€" ary resides and by which the field is named is sometimes only a centre for a& group of preaching.stations and overiapping at the centre may not mean overispping at outside points. The money wasted in the one case may be counterbalanced by the needy places supplied in the other, so that the statement stlll stands that oneâ€" elghth of our Home Mission money goes Into work that dupifeates that of a alster detomination, Now, no one would object to this expenditure if it were to maintain anything vital. Recently an antiâ€" unionist reproached a Western man with advocating Union because he was too mean to support his Church, "It is your differences thit ure not worth paying for," was his retort. This is just the polht. For years we have been coâ€"operating with the Meâ€" thodists. In nundreds of pluces one ||u- withdrawn, leaving the other in {full ebarge. In not one instance has | 1t ever W thatâ€"any vital |truth or was Imperilled by lml withdrawal. Rach assumed that the interests of the Kingdom of God | wonld be as faithfully and eMectently |guarded by the one as by the other. |Then: when mothing vita) seprrates Illq- why maintain separate orgati * , one wonld no; c,~={ to congregations even then i" the 4 of Ohriask Ha . the crommunity strengthened by them, Ou the y each wer) esn thk oiher, In ":.1 @IVT the «Gureties by1 , the attendnmcecet the Unisa werviees was 10% goumer than the attendance at both cHun bes beforo, and there was au enthuslasm and sueeess ie their work previously unâ€" known. The united church can then become a community centre and exert an influence in is Hfe utterly beyond the capacity of the struzming eauses . that preceded _ it. _ "The Churches are the only divislve Influâ€" ence among us" is a statement often heard . "In everything cise we are all together." 18 a time when the comâ€" ’Hl!hy spirit is possessing our peoâ€" yile, especially in the nower districts, this tells heavily ngminst the proâ€" grees of true religion. Botb ‘In the Home and Foreign ‘ flelds, therefore, the interests of ! ‘@g, Kllgom of God demund the Unj afthe Churches. Not one vital terest will beâ€"imperilied theroby, and > utâ€"allâ€"points the cause of Christ will be strengtheued. Hilts 477, Allan Poole 454, Harry Marsh 432, Robert rtunter 411, *Alice Ottaway 362, *Margaret Wilicox 360. € 3r. Becond Class, honours 450, pass 360.â€"Margaret Hawley 564, Herniece Patterson 473, *Irone Leslic 328, *John Hunter 286, *E_na Camps 257. §r. First Class, honours 450, pass 360.â€"Hii.a Mould 553, Marion Louks 508, *Herbert Barriger 303, *Cortes Udell 162. @p, Primary | Class, honoure . $79, pass 300.â€"Wilfrid Rudoiph 435, Jim W $47, Mary Hunter 332, *Minnic w.|=- 295, Jolin Cole 287, Morris Green 271. ts of the Church art 655, Marjory Louks 534, Herbert Hiltz 477. Allan Poole 454, Harry 4| . oi SCHORT; yEPORE °* PEBRUARY ‘ g! _ Form l.n-l=, @mith, A. Gront) T9. . M. Ready 10, 0. Parroll 66, U Christio Jr, Primary Class, honours 375. pass 800.â€"Mildred Eickmeler 427, la Loree 202, Lenard Brant 292, *Harry Fair 168. "A" Class, honours 376, pMSS 300.â€" Grace Hunter 202, Sdward . Jouner "Coeete? * ols 4 II‘ *Winnona Fair 127. i 111,, total 704, honours â€" 528, pas® 422,â€"Gladys Hilts b85, Chester Neal 662, Marion Cooke 505, Jim Wilkin® ©00, Lester Neal 480, Lesile Stecie! 468, *Margaret Stewart 438, *Alc¢ Wileox 332, *Gladys Sweet 323, Lissle Camps 318, Jrene Wileox 298, *EMe ‘Mn."fl‘r!l Russ 225, *Mabel Nolâ€" les 219, #Fred Burgess 188, *Mae Wit« cox 129, *Harry Walters 112 *Marion Kitchen 80, *Gordon Cole 32 Miss Jonnle L Wright, teacher. Burgess 660, Remmert TUS da Nelles 479, *Fred Russ 475, ; Little 313. *Ronal) Russ 249, rne Fair 233, *Helen Pottit uEPoRT FOR Miice over J C. Farrell MaviAnibantsâ€" 4 In-nlu-uu...... .ohnou-unn..‘-h-...\ Ofice Hours: $ to 10 a.m., 1 to 2 pm and 7 to 8 pm. 45 Federal Life Building, Hamilton DR. L. F. JAMIESON Physician and Surgeon sONLNEUNLOUNNN Main Steet, E 65, W. Kelterborn 65, 2. M®UOE®C "D|OU 2 Sa michty. tho‘ so w 3. Wulmfl.o.lh'lllll.b.co--lpununu,w...-n. 65, V. Martineau 54, B. Haiste 54, A.| You make diggors of all, T&l“.lm“'.mil. Farmers dig you with a hoe. E. Davey 57, B. Bingle 47, H. Huffman; While we have to dig for dough. 46, J. Oliver 45, A. Schaefer 48, l-||-mm.|..mun-l. folm-“ '«. M. I-ll‘:'l-f“:n"lfli“-;v.m fulfilt the adage old lan_49, M. + That you‘ 2. wiatior 36, 1t Bmith 36, L. Kidd 42,| *_" poig: "~ worth |your . weight G. Geddes 49. ‘Tuber, since the coop you flew, Purtiniâ€"J. Walker, _ E. Daver, A.| We have only longed for you; mm«.uou-â€"-.l.ul.c.lu--mt our Areside you hr-‘- | Lachlan, M. Corman, M. Harper, G. Ilml.-rlunnam Waller, It. Smith, L Kild, G. Goldes. Never folt how we could love | _ Form 11. â€"C. Hildreth 74, E. Ellsâ€" T‘ you left a1 went above; ; vonhu.ll.'nn-.uflfl- J. Fiett Never felt how dear you Were, | 66, M. Nellcs 65, H. Simpson 66, D-Iï¬llnnltlumulhnm. RBromley 65, M. Davis 63, G. Nelles 63, ! !1 potato, please come back, M. Mitche!1 63. 1. Mayhoo €0, C TuCK tn our small lives there‘s suct | 67, F. Foiker 67, 1e €rombley, 63, B\ _ nck;‘ |Repa y ane 2 o ind B mcoer poun tï¬ 4 one 61. J+ 0, H. :\ That our stomach hits our sD M M tealfe 63, C gash 50, we are tired of cating greens, ham 20. -'lsund prunes, sauot kraut *\ Partialâ€"C. _Nasb, H. N':";- ' beans. Dmettaife, 0 Smith: In TROMDIEC _ 34 | mris for it 800 50 yearn, Â¥| "S2me‘ it1.â€"Normal â€" Entr0DC®~IF| parling tater, P10080 return, Roderick 81, A. Ling 70. J MQW) psiiuiddiaviipilabbtene â€"| p Aiton 64, o. Cooley 62, 1 ChFI®U®| Piaying cards (MM 816 triang ©| 6o, "A. Carponter 57. 8 Sand "“'!mcov'mibrlmdlfl(" is Rarren 60. M C oo d o 1 Te 1049 Sloms or electrie . 8 . | v.â€"Farrel! 59 "*o" watker 34 **/o,p neating rooms O" :)--luu o« LiCIELas a comi Officesâ€"trimsby: and Beamevilie. Money to loaa at current rates, Dr _ R. A. Alexander Physician and Surgeon: Henry Carpenter Form 111 â€"NOMBS! _ U ui way 68. ) Roderick 81, A. LMDK 10. J. Alway 68. p. Aiton 64, D. Cooley 62. L« clrfll" @0, A. Carpenter 67, 8. Sanderson 61. V. Farrell 50, M. Kelly 41, L. Jones: 44, M. Moore 43, R. Walker 34, M. Hartwoll 27. 1 Ilulnhuu-l‘. Aiton 64, D. Cooâ€" ley 63, L Christio 61 9 Banjerson 57. A. Carpenter 61. Y; Farrell | 58. M. Moore 46, L Jon® 39, M. Hartwell 24 R. Walker 37. 1 itker 37 _ ___u y. Kelly, B. M»CONACHIE Harrister, Solteitor, un.lv; & LAZIKR, nlle Sonelt Notaries, eto. ut ":.:-':' Tates. . Office, "B \obny," Mambltom, Lusier _ H. L Lazier ~ Partitlâ€"V *E / yror, , Jones,‘ M. Moore, R Walker, % °5 U C rtactwell, F. Mo WENTWORTH Twinkle, LWIBE! As up among the You are mhll:l' Resoad As UP MBD"B // °. feol You are doubtiess feoling E2)> Chasing around the milky way; You have reacheq to 8083 8 nelght You are surely out of sight j Like a diamond, now. 304 geom In your pm.-â€"nl hat‘s no dream. Twinkle on another twink, But you‘ll drive 8 all to drink As we chaes for needtul Cala You are sailing vather N!#1, ) SMUDE ""v creg‘e! 698), LIVINGSTON & NEIL LiICENSED AUCTIONEERS YOu MC 1 tiay s Ag you wink YO"" apy ivere" LCs ip there somawhere in the #KÂ¥. BRUSINESS CGARDS Main Strect West. 4A CEDICAL To THE POrA®® (gt. Jon Nows) (winklo little apude T "qanda Â¥OI Last, 0r®: °5 U u> Mar Hartwell, F. Marlo®: * Grmmsby. Shoe Storm €IL ~â€" _ * JAS. A. LIVINGSTON PoTATO MeRRICC C clouds you sendi Notary Publle â€"Reasonfible prices Satiefeetion guaranteed !_m-“,iu.ln.m'nnlld. O DNCHCROLCTeLL3 22 Lishiv ihat an w Farm sales a specialty # webkzspay, aron :, m; 4, Hagar, _ _ Laye suryevror _ . _ ».W. T YRAELE £ 00. ‘ahdggh o4 _"::g.’ro.. McKay, McKay & Webster Provident and Loan Society Insurance and Real Estat Officeâ€"Muin Street, Grimuby #WONt no, ; JOHN B. BRANT Marriage License Issued Generai Conveyancer, Assignee and Valuator. Muney to Loan at Current Rates mMONEY TO LOAN JAS, A. LIVINGSTON, â€" Auctioncer rem extate eeurity. _ Both Private und Company funds 407 Gank ot Namilton Chambera wamiLton, ont. a o o o o o e 0 0 a e e n a e e e e "Pis for yiu alone we YOMM E Darling tater, please return, mt Playing cards that are triangular are coveredi by a recent patent. | ‘The body of a new electrie . s10V@ for heating rooms Of eooking on & limited scate is made of a c0m9Os~ tlon of soap stone and 8% 800P M"" "oucting round. 'm of ‘! 1 _ d o Aramrngagg . metho for constructin®, Tosnly yuinop table top® hag been in p ta9!® 0. Cansearance . of that gives trem 650| s ‘ being cut from solld Wasigoy m . sooth, . Raw! ies AUCTIONEER weak and 8EM908 .0 "O0"vigof adver Tsd and Soat i and now ..,.z""' a al -’ + trouble is compnletely eured and 1 well."â€"B. I M ansHAM~ Vinol is guaranteed o tone up the tired, everâ€"taxed anl weakened nerve® of the stomach, and create strengths w, N. Stemait trraw .(# Lile trlmsby. Ont« alss aicihe best druge alste in all Ontatis 40=** *, | t wi.44. ta Delicious Vinoh. Smithville, Ont. & &‘ Wemas Grimsby