RUSBAND SAVED Stopped . Most Terrible Sufâ€" hh‘:’uâ€"' Nips E. P s Vegetaâ€" teost burst. 1 got where I was almost -'ulhumakeku-ilhv-lh‘ll to me until one w‘flt sister told -,n::u he did not vomething for me 1 would not last long and tokd him to get your medicine. So he set E. Pinkham‘s V Comâ€" J:nn.ul“m“ three doses 1 began to improve. 1 conâ€" tinued its use, and 1 have never bad any @male trouble since. 1 feel that I owe life to you and your remedies, They 3 !cn’:mn-d-tb snd I will always praise it wherever I go.""â€"NMrs. G. 0. Loweny, 419 W.Monâ€" '1:’ ‘suffering from any form of are ce th. fet s bq--nc.."': Denison, Texas.â€""After my little oc en dakets commence the tt ithout delay. WEDNESDAY, PEBRUARY 38, 191; Parties ‘wishing to pay off old | sans, to purchase more land, or to wake _ improvements, _ can | secure| â€"ither private or company money at veasonable rates. | Moderate charges for putting loni yrough. For full particulars app}y to| stovelength. _ BELL FRUIT FARMS, Ltd. Telephone 300, Grimsby Estimates given on a" UD€ concrete and cement work. . C tracts taken for large and sn Een Psn in iDb‘ concrete ane CUMNOCO 00. FnCts ken for m. and lml“ jobs. Sautisfaction guaranteed. ‘.._-,.u-uâ€"h-l-' Frank E. Russ, ___ _ FIREW OOD ‘ FOR SALE â€"Mixed Fireâ€" ood, round. 81.50 cord, ave lengdth. _ Delivered in rReRECCCL CC To Designers and manufacturet® of | artistic Granite and Marble Monu, . | ments and Cemeterry WoOP! ...' :' t | kindu. o vAsgl "95 _ LSELL. â€"â€" Representative . | I that we sell only the best in BROWN & NETTLESHIP Rubber Footweal $. WARDELL, . HI, ANDERSON, Valuator, Bear in Mind I'I ME P wA su0€ sTORE, .ll.ll' #oxt d00" to the Post Offic® Dllâ€"lnlluuâ€" s13 R 3 $tore â€" 313 R 2 erimsey, ONT. what they c0s6 t, it pay®â€" HIS WIFE B U Lâ€" Ru! FEEDING SEVEN 0N $1.33 A DAY ‘ \ A TORoNTO WOMAN TELULS HOW And Besides Doing That She has her own Living to Earnâ€" Menus for Five Days and Some Economical Recipesâ€" Pot Roast a Standâ€"By. a little meat at breakfast and still escape with the limit of â€"1 a day for two adults and three children. As a family we prefer more milk and less ment, Cereals at breakfast may‘ be vavied also at the same cost. As you | see, work must must be saved as well |nn money in this home, 1 believe this | pot roast to be Indeed i bargain. 1t | can be had at any butchor‘s for about wmo,TORF O AMATY C700 bnlo stactea Drrend family are able to eat all they ‘destro, Bread, except _ of potatoes and butter, . I eake might also add that greater variety j COld b during the day can be had with more work at the same cost. I cook but| Stew : little during the day, as 1 have my| Onio own liviag to carn aside from home| . ¢% | duties. _ ‘The cheaper and . toughest| Sago ! cuts of meat can be used for pot| 48. roast If fresh and cooked properly. 1| Cookie thought it might be interesting and| Coffee profitable to learn how the very poor 16¢. must live to pay their way, and _ 1| Susar know many families that do not have enough to sustain health at _ much grater cost. As my family is fully one half as large again, one might have | IRolled wheat, at 6e per 1b...... ‘ Buttered _ toast _ rwhite . and 1 have four adults and two ren to provide for . Th.e adul ulso very hearty caters, and 70 cents DPOWR) . css ces p en e en en ns Bean balls (fried)" at 12¢ per Ib. Pineapple and rhubarb jam, %¢; Cold _ beef gravy. Turnips, Se; pudd Sunday; . brecd. Coffee, 1¢; milk. fruit, 156.+«>; One pocket lunch; Cold boef and Jam cuidiberrity 0C 14 Ib. sago, 4¢% for children, m Le; colfee, 16. +2 +8 Soup made from _ bone out _ of roast; turnip$ 2e; carrots, 1¢; onion, 16 +; R rewe suine ene s n +5 Peas, % tb. 4¢; pumpling®, 1 th. fe«r, 60 bak~ ing powder es S Bread, 3¢; custard PIC 14. .. + «* E0s 5e: and bullGGeerd 5C for 5 m‘, WE LV tm Coffee, 1¢; Pu® #® tnes: fried 36 *‘ Rolled . ®" neaad. < 4€; Soup loft 10M Monday, W 00. I'=7. 20; and fresh dumplin®® im mm ts 3o; ralaih cake, _ ley, 20; 89" / To aire 541 8 ned p“ehfl. MAINLY FOR WOMEN Jam 1¢; day â€" SATURDAY (No Dinner.) £ TOMSC+ and jam wandwiches: o 54h rajuin CaKe. wheat, SUNDAY left pugdll_ll TUESDAY Lunel. t from . Sunday , 1c.. . ie «m c "houe. out of x 2e; carrots, 1¢; â€â€˜....’c :14 + p-tr."c; ;'t: '" loft 2 grape '|u!_Nr , milk 04 Bolled wheat, 3¢; cornflakes, +EOM@®, 10. 266060 ksn e% x6 6 Milk, 9¢; plum jam, Be; c0 â€" 1e; @@@8, 156. .2.2060+« Buttered toust (bread 40) Fresh fried potatoos, 10¢; .18 Brown and white bruad, 4¢; __f00, 16. .c 266020 6e «+ pr ns nn00 Milk, 2¢; blanc mange, To; plum Jam, 26....« ceccccccccnnen ++ Pocket Lunch: Cheéso sandwiches; . choose, 5¢; Plum jJam, le} Cake, 26...)).««+ I Dinner. Woiled beans. at 10¢, $¢; canned 18 17 05 " To C‘.‘yu A Vegetable Garden for Every Home WEDNESDAY MB 1 .1 900,.corcs ol mnd ip 1. 1t saves money that you would otherwise spend for vegetables. 2. 1t helps to lower the "High cost of tiving." 3. It helps to enlarge the urgently needed surplus of produce for export. 4. Growing your OWn \'xubkt saves labor of others whose effort is for other vital war work. The Department of Agriculture will help you ment V* U o soriculture appeals to lhe UepaPMRMAIA OO C1 ‘The Ontario Detn:uunt of Agriculture appea‘®, "C Horticultural Societ to devote at least one evening meeting to the subject of vegetable m; manuâ€" facturers, labor unions, lodges, school , etc., are invited to actively encourage home gardening. Let the slogan for 1917 )®> ©A vegetable garden for every home." Organizations are requested to mï¬ for instructive taiks by practical ““‘"&"a"?.mm“ tiol ‘.‘"’..J-%‘.‘.n‘f-“":.m“. evw L % o w0 In ease! ®PCC 5V o butture will, 0n request, sond a advice 1B MERICCC ‘To any oneinterested, the DeparUBST" °V ""hes nece lkenlund;lm lmu“u:lh-l n::'t u'hâ€".t‘lh -::'X and of a vegetable garden ‘D‘b“- suitable wflo w.a varieties and thelr-"wtllth'nhl, Ibnntlmd mtanywlrs- Write for Poultry Bulletin * E942 " ueep, and you will be highly repaid in W _ ta keep hens. hy A.1 i inihuingeiistincmnnnt h/ n m Ainw y3 n‘l‘fl'V â€" Hcusare inpepernive in bui in wleh tlt ho S5 t heriea. ‘wlamco"ve:'fl"“w'" o ture, Partiament Buildings, Torontoâ€" * 00 ¢ e haetment of Agriculture THE INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARD® Four Patriotic Reasons for Growing Vegetables $1.04 a3 at a2 Ar brought the cost a litle below the rate mentioned. Pot Roast Beef 1 Brown beef well, then pour boiling water to haif cover, . Lay crust of bread on top small onion sliced and sprinkle salt and ravory, Boil brisk for ten minutes, then cover very tight mnd simmer for three hours. _ Very ______ Date or. Raisin Cake One egg. 1 heaped cup of sugar, 1% cups flour, 3 teaspoons . baking powder, 1 cup dates or raisins chopâ€" mon, % spoon of nutmeg, 1â€"3 cup shortening. Beat all together for 3 minutes and bake 46 minutes. ped, % cup milk, %% teaspoon cinnaâ€" Homemade Coffee ‘ hflmd-ï¬-â€"lul-h‘ water into 1 part corn meal 2 cups; boil 20 minutes. Py A e es Natter Padding A sport hat for the young miss of '@?‘ JE* One pound flour, # tabl vay| green velour with mushroom brim . 6 +W\ >\ NWw nm.:mmou.lflmnn-NMMhh & #Â¥4 :é ’tï¬j\\ :â€"m"mf.nhhl“z«cdhrev“.mm-l-‘ : cssn ons uies tak Lind oL 2 lommom 1| Apoatome Irimmings Alstinetive ann| Port Robinson, Ont., July 8th, 1915, tiblespoons sugar, 1 even tablespoon iA "*We have used "Fruitaâ€"tives" im Wesson oll, 1 teaspoon butter, 2 table dent on the brim and erown. | our house for over three yearsand have m‘ :.':" Rub smooth and pour always found them a good modicine. e emmmmmmnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmâ€" e | Oue little girt, Hattic, was tronbled wilh % Custard Ple | shortening. Fillingâ€"2 cups milk, _ 1 Kiduey Disease, The Doctor sahl sho Crustâ€"Threeâ€"quarters cup four, % egg, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 teaspoons| was threatened wih Dropsy, Herlimbs teaspoon baking powdor, 1 tablespoon flour. | and body were all swollen and we begam w e | to think she could not live. l-'in.ull)',a , ainihnrt ui L 2. com oï¬ ...--.-.-| decided to try "Fruibaâ€"tives". . ® SAN FRANCISCO DIVORCE COURT JUDGE‘S RULES FOR KISSING ) se# kz agr> When your wife and you fall out, Don‘t strut about and shout, Don‘t grow! at her, or scowl at her, â€" _ _or hiss her; ‘ Yol will find it doesn‘t pay, Try your luck another way; Just take her in your arms and When your wife and you MUST fight, Make her think who‘s in the tight; Don‘t rush off to your club, . where you will miss her; C Should a fight with wifey start You will pluy the big man‘s part If you take hor in your arms and “’ kl“ B( a l“‘.m‘ |ï¬ a P‘e‘lfll. ED ME M C F ‘ of his love for his wife. v ue ae se ale e ale e e ce y n a| 1 have advised I::III u.:’ kl:n their | wives. 1 have not advised WIVO® 19)), pougy poveqg their busbands. A" husband is to ef \%" khd.o:ah.:o: wite .::“m:hlul‘; his \\1.:: o:dm’: xvltl:'?n.r:du::d"u & husband as the kiss that a husâ€" :‘ll"m":"_‘:‘"'_l“ woman is iurv:;‘ e oue stvie _ _ band gives to his wife. horâ€" ‘hustand‘s love with‘n ‘kies. 4 | _ ; Inâ€"tho daÂ¥s of old “‘-flt \ o a husband a kiss is only a ki8#â€"| woman who is conscious of her husâ€" wion lense, older people Man only wunts to betoved: he isn‘t| band‘s love will make all necessary wear Glasses because of the highly datticular "about being â€" perpetually | pncrifices for her husband, will bear| °"*PMH00A MM®* : told that he is being toved. _ _ ... | trial willingly, will strive . to "Â¥o a wife a kiss is more than‘ the . quarrel. A woman is conâ€"| gently kiss her ;'o;:lyâ€"â€"i'lâ€"u"ifur. wife is constantly yearning. C I know of of kiss â€"the kiss of a pure man for a pure planted on the forehead, the cheek or the lipsâ€"the kiss of a husband _ to his wife is the reâ€"pledge, the reaffirm ation of his love, If more husbands would kiss their wives more frequent ty the judges who have to try divorce cases wouldn‘t be so far behind in their work. And the divorce lawyers would starve to death, rfln‘w&hlu- Fund Now Due,. How Much Pay is ‘There in Your iatriotism! Never since the beginning of the war have the Red Cross warehouses in England been #so nearly empty of supplies. The amount of supplics roâ€" cently issued, is far in excess of the amount received, and the reservo will soon be exhausted if the Canadian output is not increased. The supply last month was only 2500 cases, inâ€" stead of 5,000 cases, as usual. ... Duke of Devonshire Speaks Importance of This Work. The â€" following extracts are . from speeches made at the annual meeting of the Canadian Red Cross held reâ€" cently in Toronto: â€" ‘The _ Governar _ General:â€""This work carried out by the Red Cross Society is not merely one which d:l- Em ME ome e with the actual war from day to day, but it is doing much to cement, to mwtrengthen and encourage those: ties which exist between the portions of the Empire, not only between Great Britain and this part of the Empire but with our allies as well. We ar oi Ben iA en O URGENT AND IMMEDIATE NEED | OP SUPPLIES. * +4 bright, and that /s has been done by the ty in this the most . Cpsiip@beaiiry? WP D CTTOCCOOCShar an cruel, most wastofut and Wwair the world has ever ne "It is possible for every "*m to be able to do something winâ€" human suffering and -“"’h able to contribute in some help those noble men fightir hearths and homes. ‘The been emâ€" Society has done this witho last LJ CCDOLO 204 wil scc2mury to per matter ECC Cuapt. Harvery, whose int c -nld‘hll ml:.l“ to -'-mp“ o at in the service al brought back with him t has sailed the soldiers in the \roppects _ to women of Cannda for . ,fment agen~ done for them. The WO backbone of the Red Crd Chicago is the captain, and he ® the Unite! realization of what of a large meant to the boys at t ‘ CA Swony asked Gome members generaus ius people, and wii treasury rm this splendid how extended lM'-" unâ€" it No Sign Of Dropey And Kidney Trouble Since Taking "FRUITâ€"Aâ€"TIVES" HEALTHIEST ONE IN THE FAMILY ‘ given her a few tableis. In a short timey | the swelling had all gone down and hee flesh began to look more natural. Now sho is the AraMbies? one in the family | and has no signs of the old ailment. We can not say too much for " Fruitaâ€" lllm" and would never be without them ". | Ottawa. GLASSES WILLIAM WARREN. _ Se. a box, 6 for $2.00, trial size, 25¢, At all dealers or sent postpaid on reeciptof price by Fruit aâ€"tives Limited, The Worth Concrete *"ï¬;ï¬ ure to show them. * L B. ROUSE I-hanuniuwfl;" day as w its merits. It is absolutely ".‘.f;"kf"" being hermetically 2 chumem It"will not rust like steel." smms Evegise: C,. W. Waterworth, Ee C of the municipal council in Vancou» ver, BC., and have petitioned that body for that right. ‘Miss Jeanette Bates, Pecently . apâ€" pointes nstie 050009 opptte e the is the second woman in the country to hold such & omm omm mmmw" at Odessa reports a statement in the dessa "OP""A/" U\ to the efâ€" at Odessa P"""," ""~> to the efâ€" Nausskoo Slovo (Moscow), to the L fect that the Russian Minister of C,_antal T ugk: Agricultur®) WNPD.0." in the Dums, PerEC®"! M Cuock of labor Piated that the lack of labor WA# Slaking itscif severely felt and that lhâ€"'dw-‘w’ for agricultural purposes in Russia must be largely extended. Theâ€" Deâ€" CHECY U wars. therefore, 39 Steps from SSES once the sign of old age, are now the sign of good sense. 5 SHOEING AND REPAIRING 1it Wing Cast. Hamilton to _ give large Beamsvilie, Ont. mement after. we had 4. Macke 46