gxxxxxx Slopp; Tke People‘s Paper It could not hear the weepINE i Welgium for the clank of the mone; women apd children on the sinking lars. It forgot the curses of its own is mad rush to worship the loldn. & TERMSâ€"Subscribers in Canada $1.50 per year in : year if not paid in advance. In United States $2.00 per ‘The United Stater under wou} for zold. It has traded its 22 S 2 202A it ty TWt I have read many bitter articles on political and other subjects during my life, but I never saw 8so much spite and spleen exhibited in one article as «us exbibited by the present «ditor of the Globe in an editorial on Friday morning last on the subject of the Honorable Robert Rogers, Minister of Pub ile Works. c It appears that the Hou. Rot #t. 1. Borden and other Ministers of the Empire and the Editor of t wis vials of abuse, spite, hatred a ister of Public Works. F. G. H. Pattison of Winona, Farisk Hall. GRIMSBY, on "The picture of the "Soul of the Grea republic might gain the whole We For the editor of a metropolitan newspaper to use such spiteful and abuâ€" sive Janguage against a Minister of the Crown, in war time, when the enemy is looking for jJust such signs of internal strife in British colonies as a means of boistering up their failing cause at home, is in my opinion, nothing short of treasonâ€"even if the statements were trueâ€"but when they are foundationâ€" tess and without truth they are absolutely proâ€"German and unâ€"British in the & a e e e a e In spite of the innumerable Insinuations, innuendoes and spiteful vaporâ€" mmnnmmummulm-mumommmm wmm&mutlm.mueflllla1MkM'mm uwtwmlmmwmawdmowuw ether of the political enemies “.‘2' I.hlunro( Public Works. ® e o mwnloanuk‘uflb.uulod-hn.ulmydu» “wmmmmmummm‘m flmhuï¬lm.hlmmflhm'fl“tM mmâ€"mumnm.melmudmmm tu‘-hvhmmh.l-......‘ en s in a a a e e 0 lhmm'uenna(n-mntdumdmuhhumm wave been changed so often lately that it is hard to keep track of them, but ene thing 1 do know and that is that the editorial on Rogers, especially at this particular time, is a diagrace to.(.‘nnuln journalism. â€" FW! s s ® Even the Manitoba Judgeâ€"the paid hireling of a political machineâ€"could do nothing but vent his spite and spleen in vituporation and abuse, although l.-nhl‘-idhhulhohnhndnldM-Iplnnmeuonun- sount of his unrighteous and unlawful conduct and his miserable supineness " Ignteons 270 M02CC 1032 aue ta him hy the noliticat machine. eount of his unrighteou®s 22 MMT"" W C202 32 him hy the nolitical m u’lu‘onlathh:otdollmheldul to him by the political machine, MRAAA xxxxxxxxxxxxexxxxxxxxxxxxgg On account of its Fing granulation it dissolves instanily making a clear jelly, 9 &51b.cartons,10, 20& 100 Ib. sacks I made it with my same old recipe Footwear Main Street Weather THE INDEPENDENT â€" JNO, C, FARRELL Lantic Facts and Fancies Marmalade w t n t MAIN STREET, GRIMSBY, ON :. JAB. A. LIVINGSTON, Owner and Manager J. ORLON LIVINGSTON, Editor, ‘Their boasted freedom under l'.\'lo in 9 :--'-‘"fdl by ;,' 1e ne sepe DeBC/9CDC1CDCSCDCNC3CDCDC3CIC3 Published every Wednesday i under the Instdious rule of Wilson has bartered its aded its birthright of Freedom for a me«ss of Pottage. 2 s w e e# the weepMog and walling of the wives and maidens . of of the money bags. It could not hear the cries of the n the sinking Lusitania for the elink of the golden dolâ€" wox of Its own drewning scamen OD torpedoed ships, in » Hou. Robert Rogers went to England alorg with Sir â€" Ministers of the Government to attend the conference Kditor of the Globe took advantage of this fact to pour e, hatred and falsehood on the head of the absent Minâ€" By Frank Fairborn Telephone 36 EV OCC U Coe sectatcic d s of internal strife in British colonics as a means ; cause at home, is in my opinion, nothing short ments were truoâ€"but when they are foundationâ€" are absolutely proâ€"German and unâ€"British in the call, We have a large and complete stock of all sizes of Rubbers, Rubber Boots and Overshoes, in all the styles, for "Pa," "Ma" and the "Kiddies." ‘Just the thing for wet, d year in advance. $2.00 per $2.00 per year in advance. the stars and stripes has iEstablished 1885 M gone to the scrap heap. Dah! Where was their f of l‘t:rl ‘l‘l‘ll w:dm-mi flag in the wor sure that braved a lho&l yeal The people of the United | whouldn‘t forget the parable of "the rich man and Lazarus" lest the Bintes (the rich man) lifts up its eyes in Hell and being in/torment glum (Lazarus) to moisten its lips with a drop of water, _ â€" # .o e o e ® Were General George Washington to visit the United States today what would he think of his legacy of "Freedom" that he had bequeathed to his mnation. If Lincoln, Grant, Lee or Stonewall Jackson passed over the great republic today what would they think of the arrant cowards who have turned the "home of the brave and the land of the free" into a nation of dollar worâ€" shippers who are offering up dren as sacrifices to the god of gold, while their honor les blceding in lust. _ ~ ~~ es â€" e e o o ‘Through the firey furnace of found her soul and showed true spirit of devotion and honor. ___ W _ _ _ ‘Through the terrible ordeal that Britain has passed, the nation has mmumml::uummmmu-mlm standard of honor that has inculcated into her people for ages. Belgium and Servia even when driven from their homes and almost tramp Mmhclow-flmm-ymmudumm ately and bravely for their and for the traditions of their country. mmwmmmumwum for honor in a mruner that hasâ€"astonished the nations. ________ _ e e a e o o But the United States! What will be written of that nation in hisâ€" tory? What will they tell their children? What will they say of the abandoned treaty with Belgium? What will they say of the innocent ones murdered on mumrmnwamm-m.m.u.mmm out of a United States Oh how the mighty has fallen. In the words of the wncient Roman one of them can truly say to another "Oh what a fall was there my countrymen. Then you and 1 and all of us fell down while M:trmuhwnq_-.."..... Every question has two to it as the fellow said when he turned his coat inside out, and may appear the Brewers in England ciaim that there is two sides _!-md“nr"qneub-. "evaporated, MHW MERE P AesnUs RMETDCC ®2CaWd ‘ f \ ___ ‘Algo 15 ibs, of Culms t# yaluable cattle food.): g & _ Also 23 Ibe. poultry food and grinding barley. ‘The Malt is brewed and ‘produces: 400 lbs. wet grains (another valuable catâ€" m w# tle food.) it ‘ Also. & barrels ordinary beer, ‘Also 18 lbs. of yeast (essential for bread, most & 5 e for food extracts.) # ® & & ® Peer is part of the strength of Britain. The financial strength: for with the rest of the trade it contributes 0 £60,000,000 to the revenue, The agriâ€" cultural strength: for pfgs and poultty, eattle and milch cows, are fed by the above named byâ€"products. The ph strength: for beer is a nutritious food ow 52 uc 0 setiee Anout Feaven amally and, therefore, more nutritious. Ask Your Druggist for See You Get This Box FRED HOLT WOUXDED I‘rs, Jas. Johnson has received the following letter from her broh/ Pte. Fred Holt: Pte. F. Holt, 56003, 4 Ward 13 & Mile End Military Hospital, Bancroft Road, Mile End, London, England. My Dear Sitser, Just a line to let you know i getting alright. 1 t:.â€ou you kn 1 am wounded in head and my left shoulder they don‘t quite know} what is the matter with it, so 1 am woing to be Xâ€"rayed this «wfternoon, zo they‘ will know what is the mattor I suppose it means another operal The have glyern mo a spccial permit to have my friends come when they like; also sent a special paper to have Bob and Gabe home to see me, 1 be« lieve there is something in the wind for 1 am affected all on the 1oft side. 1 am lucky. Ther was only five of us in the place, three got killed outright the other one died of wounds and your humbJe is in the hispital. 1 would not care if I could only see ur'l'tm-ldm.'l‘nll'l’o“vlo hurrvundhh»unudnll the men we can get. Poor Mrs. Elder nas been pa ‘hrough the mill, poor woman. 1 & LTDCLICL_ Clesins nvaF koi iJ aftoum® «ormhl‘iu.uolou!hm‘ -onlbuh.lll'llocdlutb more If 1 was her son. lmwwuuu| 1 met out in . Bob came up to m-l.‘d.'llmw‘ hymn-dbl.l-vl-' the sear on the Ioh «ie of his face, llolulm‘lhlhlhlb'.flo ‘hougbt 1 looked old and =h. Bo would anyboy when they haye been nmmnb-t“" My wi‘ow came in to see m..'ï¬:m.umwm u8 0 ty4 they put my namo in the pm» wop? I was woun‘ed on Xmas Rve. A vica presont for me, but 1 sunpose 1 webt to he thankfut for 1 am protty ‘woky here. u....-mua-mm-- m':.:m L‘ €UE INNEPENDENT, GRIMSBT, ONTARIO T wouxnep Doi " ccoupen the newe potling io mas. 1 stoppe: news to mm.’:"“n Mothor till after Xmas. from brob _ Well Kate, I hope you and the famâ€" ity are quite well, and don‘t worry t, 56008, ,‘M..umulmllnmt Ward 13 & home, I am in lucky. O Ad _ Wishine vou all a happy new year, o de e e o m when they dare not poke their noses out red the track for them. There is only one m-ml that is the Union Jack.â€""The flag ie and the breeze." f GiDills P mR Well Kate, I hope you and the famâ€" ily are quite well, and don‘t worry about me as you can see 1 am near home, I am in lucky. Wishing you all a happy new year, and may we all‘ be home for next Xmas, 1 remain, uoo Nes RoutL W an ‘Telegraph companies 4n are making gonera luse Of rvh-nir messages are rect matically with a machine l oi crone of sugar an ‘syrups for the cost of sugar and or Aavoring extracts alone is the wase of a _ recently patented D & A German brickyard employs i0 ; Bhoacsbecclionterny ts chanically operated rammer 10 pusi piles of briek from a plattorm . upou \ We body of a motor truck to save time in loading. * |~ A stand to hich an automobile . en: | wine of any size can be beited AM‘ gine of any size CaN / turned to any desired been Invented to facllit of repair men. n AR AGED WoOMAN “"Nuh“ _ Im her cightyâ€"second. year MF dons Addressâ€"XNaâ€"Dre.Co._ Inc. Main Bt, Buffalo, N.Y. MECC Your loving brother, F. Holt. osired position hat tacilitate the . work nies in Argentina Juse of a . systcui are received auto mchine that prinls s to make . purg of sugar and fruit e pur percoâ€" “Dt J. M. Hughton entist Mfice over J C. Fanells Shoe Stor: Phone 216 Electrical Equipment IRIMSBY ONT DR. W.A. BRAWNLEE DEI.TIST Orrictâ€"$""PHE 4 Bi.oox (Menond Vloor) 3FFICE HWOURS â€"9.30 aw. ro 4 r GRIMSBY , ONT Phy ‘-‘ EnE g o-e-nf‘»-n""";_g‘u,i'n,:-",n’-,_ml:-:"» JOHN B. BRANT 3 Main Street West. Marriage License lssued ‘Phone No. 1. Grimsby. General (.‘::v‘e,y:nm. Assignee ‘ «mm =a a aluator. | LEGAL Money to Loan at Current Rates Reom 40 Federal Life Building, Main and James Sts., Hamilton, Ont. 45 Federal Life Building, Hamilton Li CaASTEK Barrister», Solieitora, Notaries, ete, 28 Ontario 8t. 8r. Catmaninas E. A Lancaster, K C., J. 11. Campbeli, E H Lancaster Noteâ€"One of the tirm will be atthe Hote! Girimeby, wrimaby, every Wednes: day from 1 30 to 6 p. m. DR. L. F. JAMIESON Physician and Surgeon l’ AZIERK a LAZIEK, BARKINTER», 4 Solleiors, Notaries, ate. . Marav 1; loan at lowest ‘rates . Wifee "Syectss Builing," Hamilton, _ _ F. HANSEL, Dentist, Muin Street, Rast, > Grimsby Garrister, Solicitor, Motary Public Money to lean at earrent rates. \ Why the West is For Union\ | By Dr. J. K. UNSWORTH, D.D., of unauno, 8.C. \ a® | aplrit. TP Ched rk | * Wor these Wosterners, as 1 said, are| Arsociati .. | entively social. ‘The wide prairie, the | nominati mew esperiences which unify. the de|wither b ‘ | tachment from the past through ¢m! |next twe -‘n.h-ou‘elluhd:mn-w | %Q’.......mâ€".n?n-n- Dr. R. A. Alexander ALIVINGSTON & NEIL ANCABTER, cA APBELL, & LA« B. M:CONACHIE MURRAY NEIL JAS. A. LIVINGSION Hughson St. South, Grimsby Hamilton en en meennneennnnemnnemeennn en en en en n mm mm m mm mm n EU U mt 0n O r0000 WENTWORTH ROARDING Union sentiment in R the West you can count on it as solld. ‘The average West ern man ascribes the hesitation of the Rasterner to his ignorance of West: , conditions. He himself canâ€" mot think in any other Lerms, ecclesiâ€" astlcally, than Union. n church mat ters, as in all others, he coâ€"operates veadily toward a social objective. This is manifcst in the advanced so clal leglslation of the prairies.. But the besitation of the obstrucâ€" tlonist Fasterner is not, as some Westerners think, due to ignorance of conditions, but to his conservative individualism in religtonâ€"tn church as in other matters. Fine, noble, cul« tured as is Montreal Protestantism, Protestantism has never had elbow room, never the swing and expansion # has found in the West. The over . whadowing Roman Catholie Church has prevented the full development of Protestantism towards social unit eation. â€" 1t has emphasized traditional methods. 1t has prevented a full re spouse to the spirit in experimenta« tion. ‘ The difference between West and East is not in theology, it is in the social temper, in the coopesative Wor these Wosterners, as 1 said. are E i i en i Bs Eoo Ved ooo I entirely social. ‘The wide prairie, the |, mew esperiences which unify. the de | tachment from the past through em! |; gration from home and childhood‘s | associations, the predominance of| Protestantism, has given them a tem yer and rh which cannot fail to be union. If not born io them it is bred. As to this present sitwation ho has been patient with the delay, but he has never looked backward. And of this _ "Preabyterian Association" wovement he expressos regre! and hopes it will not grow; but It will not affect him one tota. Me cannot unde his own personality. Why is there mo Winoipes minister 0n the list? Rven if any of the ministers hosltat 4 U ; C SONCLC Aonevaentions BUSINESS CARDS | Jns Poilbesr PPE W : e4, the spirit of their congregations and of the whole community wou!d waster them, The average man has settied the malter. Unton is taken 00 ADDCC n he me soluk DENTAL CEDICAL __. Notary Public and Heamevilie. «LICENSED AUGTIONEERS for the County of â€"vahade "m.â€". no golug ." ‘- Reasonable price» Satisfaction gvaranteed Farm sales a specialts WEDNESDAY, PEBRUARY 2s l Cmm Covihoove . Moindineg dnagh 800 mc =urvoyors, d R“v,’v::».:"“m w McKay, McKay & Webster * * HAmam 6. w 4 o7 °0t C Mettay Telaphone 4766 607 Gank of Hamilton Chambera \ nAMILToN®, ont. vY. W. TYRRELL & co W. B. CALDER Valuator for The Hamiltor ‘ Provident and Loan Society Insurance and Real Estat monEey TO LOaAN In reat estale seeurity 19. Officeâ€"Main Street, Grimsby WONE NO. 7 JAS A. LIVINGNTON, Auctioncer DOMIn!ON LAND SURYEYoRS Ontario LaND SURVEYOR$ civiL EnCiNEERS ations would reat estate security, Both Private and Company funds AUCTIONEER JAS. A. LIVINGSTON LAXD SURVEYOR If these mer of the "Presbyteriam Association" elect to remain in a deâ€" nominational | cburch _ which will wither before their eyes during the imllmuhmtloudlh' alone must be ready for the conse NISCRLLANEOTS quences. But the man who has sten that Christianity is a spiritual thing, a spirit to be left free to shape itself afresh in the everchanging enlarge ment of the buman spirit; the man .,........wnunnuï¬-d in his conviction that all forms may c fba s 48 Cns ce dhaciey hast OOORRp C +4 go, any unfamiliar adaptation made, it only the objective be attained; the cA utsA e A uie ud un 1 N OM oo MAE C nsl 2B man who holds that the welfare of Lumanity procedes and nn::‘h organization of the church, it is the living man whom we should . hanePiicrseiee 7C F7 verving him. These men, "‘ Westerner‘s Dgure of speech, T Pn Woeslerent® OBCOC OB cR unalterably hoid the plow handles steady and yarder the white P riold thou to it! io roneprnicwigdh Dr. J. K. Unsworth, .D. Ni _ Raicedtnâ€"Orrant! and not antique methods of OWE Th w ar n Hamiiton