Ontario Community Newspapers

Grimsby Independent, 21 Feb 1917, p. 1

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'llllflliiiih8, ' (lllEll't iiiiitt Th decetM" B+""""--. an ladle!- nature all m con-I may walla; an we setenWiel -- no yum vory mu. smaller to In!!!" of commerce, nan! 'iii?) In to In!“ mom-y or tn become cu- - In lam-Inna. Whlla Inching tn) school " Inc con-Idernlalu Itlcnllw to chum-try nnd autumn!) not on um Mal-r whom programme he mm: the pupil: demunsll’lllonl of clmmln- m uncl- wet-ll In tht' animal-room Ind ulna mum them we theory ot olec-‘ tries ",tedr.tth, hum: . wlre stretch- od m the school with hammo- and lulu-menu Io Illa-[nun how mud wild be coon-Val " run Although very lull. no new oortt elm- " at “all use in Mr. moan bud " about null-o on gun denou- m- u! in: ”of of charm" tiiaittUfrl"ier'ii"it,iai,tr,llf - h! “up"! at " an. all bl- pulll . “an“ at m m an- nu 0W In Inc B - but on. (cu-thud no. plus " _----- [do mar-I " m the I Instrument! wild be co y." 'rye , of It In a In“ ud "mull" I.” a! you. that Included I. but chug-h- our a In. I“ mm m! on My Inn-m bl win an nub. at Mr. Jun- I." M. OHIIIIY'I but -eted ollchl In tatd ”all, I. Id. In one“ tatm PM. - 'mttttttrt Otd'w Am at IE on . 1i. lull nnum- m In“ In ttttqt Mum-l. Aw “It“ pro- Aiiti or a. - elm m n Coll-I. "In an lump-l- R, of 'dent,'; at OIIIIIY a! I mo Au r (to. (hr-ulnar will". cult-III ot the Cum-(m Ila-rd. "vol I. Uri-II] [or a {can The In: hm Break In! been canned with the die-thud. liter- "' n4 munlclul mm of amus- BV tor Wu "yty..t.e.".'r: Me in} "aiiiri "uCiiiiiittmy ttir mu Indy-chm yum, _ watqgtttttr, in! ht I!" to (gig the .ieefe/.e', of "In III- - w - r._.__,,,, _ - M ttt In- (In! tho In-‘ tit Ill “- of h In!!! In was close- tr was!“ with the - mu. - Besides but" prhdul ot no publle "tsoot tor rluhl [an In: rennin! tho mutton of “Drum mr . curly thirty yarn and the lac-luau ot clerk and Immune. tur about the nnnw um" whllu- In: with»: " nun- vrtntcnO'ttt of mu Qnm-u'u hum - . '__- G-pus-ad no but (our bran-um mm u...- "tst of "w hrmlnrn. ('hul'ln (loot-xv. and in Tut-laud noun "" and "In nth" um. nob-I Boll-urns. In: nun tMme. on lam-ml Ind th" other In Ea I“. mm VII Me. MrFurl-n Trill-l. “I School h ml (7.. VIII tttrm' I you; man I: do in an! :01on linker "2J"."'dititrtiiFr,,tlS" til. on I wish to I Mold - In Peel can}. he - I (In beattie of teacher In a all We! It th comm-1 (and! In that new In In I on ”new an“! "" then In " 0313“". 11M deco-ml sauna-nu u- an studiou- mum- Btttt w _ - - MS " 15'- trgtd cum ohcuu tra- ll- “ - ttd [hool- ul Won.- -iriesuntuadoteeter-thotr -r-tet.6-t"ttrett.ot, a In. I. well “on mm: tt.dtrtHettstgmMtentt0mr-rxrut "'7s.vtee In WM at the lam-o and mu iv an In. Y. Indclllo at “Ll-I“! fmteeA. -. - WA. The ”II-m were um III-Id- pl - o! omunv. We hr- l‘. con-cum w. P. mull. H. Illa. M. H. lulu. All hour-c all on": C. H: Bro-Ia. . " . The III- Part of t ma Wont I Mch Ha Md tr (In of tl um 21ml "o, “In I. tin “can I lulu June: Brodie .1 spin. Tmldul ”I. IIIIIII. and "A uh Prue-Mortal! I [on broth". um "In human. I Mama her. 7 r, “a mum-In- :hool prognmll“ 'iGisoGtr.ef l "k In the ee! d 1n TrintaMt noun: unu- no nth" um. Hobart and no all! llvlnx. one In d the other In Sui-ml. in Mm Ichrlno. at I I" I nu Mr. Bro- mi lumen“! to a. an at an. . mm o! u" r, he VII otted ber In I "turot l column-i ttt ll!‘ ttt “but I tun h. - at In“! tie was born tn ind II|Illdl. III w“ ttsrs%m ot " mum-w. unll our ulnar ' Ctusri" and dnd an“ tim? reel fol-I! IHE INDEPENDENT . was of hum! At Leat'ProIttrto Publico' Claim 'o- Win! to h.tdied-'. COUNCILLOR BILLIE-2R , tl, HARRIS!!! was DOES NOT PRACTICE ' Ill 9?. WM!“ .ymtesPrhr_1-otts.meeo,", «no. “Thumb-halo ,tllrlltr'rt.'2g, who“ I(‘rou ”our. The collocuon lull 'lrqm"l. twill therefore bu tmm the section ‘mlnod tant week. Any - with 'tt ham Ind lkllh that II not be!“ and could _ lulu the and Cm by Ion- le, all. M I low lawn Saturday will” In mm In coll-cunt the link Foe. We bun tho “than, but in nod the Hui " gamer In the leer. Kindly “my Ju. A. Way or - - ”um. cm at Unhl link at g -' -- Owing to tlo than-n ot nlelghu mlrhly‘ tho Buy Scull um un- uule to cover the who!» or the Vllluo _ _ _-e.. mammal: M Red Girtii' Enter the whom '" um um... on their . woolly coIIOcllon or and qrer6 II” Wm n... ...... (‘rou up". The common um week under the via- up pt will therefore bu tram mo mun-”In: room " dlvldcd Lou III-ad Iul. -tt. The tttttco II" be u mu l Any (mm with -. ham and! Tre m Sl, tertgttt ' gel, "r: Q,"'Lt'l'g Tl', t,iiii.'j:1i,t 'i;.t",it,ii,ellflltedl' t a p a ‘roll . .-- .1.- m I rev hour! llhl'r'iliiilgt dent' not!“ W _ ,_ n-l-- " unl- tun-u A "can! In “Iona-um lot - night when ”lured the null null tor "In More“ when - non-mum In om _at.NrF- nurIdllo " portal" new” "a (II “It “tun-Y- tr'th bl. " Hum" no.“ for to?“ “on“! gob. "33....“ A _ "a “all. \ J, F ' __, _ ' ‘I‘In IIIDIZPIIKIIBNT II l- - If I in" In. I h 'rMe_t-ierthttrdthte-tosq YatauetMut "The Rum “pl-w." Thh with.“ mun“, h In In bur a CM In Hillier» lupin“. ruln-rI-Ily II "III 'rent)" lu- mnrd no M “In!" to In]: Ink "In nun-It tree [ma non. Th Idler " " known Human Tit I2 th't"r.Pr.hor.m'T. Dear Illn~ . In“ you he "rd mull In uni “In I. you VIII-No - ter tttr ptttMottiotr at In. Tune. n he Incl Olin-oi M 'IW; I hare JIM "trhed Wu In: an nrroanl of Int - phi onl- WW~M~W90 null-It up". on the urn-um pro und run ttmt Mk tNer - no Cur-ell "tted null thr Sum lb-lzm tutrodnerd by I'nllfl‘llll' lllllkr. Now Mr. I um ot Ilu- c-ylnlun that . Snow “plan- at pom Had "I“ hr Ild plum“ he otthrrrrd In this lawn. by! l but": am. "tett ly-hw TGGG---- T it.» Mr. I an " the uplnlon "In . HIM: II . In All rhnuld hu- rah-real " thu In“. but t l; “will he drum to ml! Iln- ulna-r condition-I. l‘oulrlllur lIllllrr In Intrudurlny Ink lly-lnw nhauld rlrn- (In-Ir pldrunlh " arm with“ Pd he star-Int. "rr tood. llul. “In lun’l I’uudllur ll we?!" . .. ., . _. ........2.. -.-..- law-rut- . " I: unl- Ilua urn-h a! “MINI“ mun! tree M. now "er nun alarm. 'or in" In I'al n! the "I! at the “Wm-In . and en.- pll by clonal-r " In: tMrrtnWt - _ . _- A,, --", -.-.- n-|. u: ..".-...' n-» a", mud I In” I". ll, urn-III: - unu- u.- u..-. I lun- omnhl to tttttk alum: 01k Shaina-l um day, nerd I are but": to a) Ila-l the rhlvnull In front to! rourIllnr mule?- [when " that wtreeq in nnl been clean-d "um than Ihlt “In". . “I. Its-do, line u ul Ind titrve Inc-In of now new do“ " In. " lbs erttertst “dew-ll "lulu nluu II that " (fol-emu- III]!!- I-m tttrd run II: mu prtttstr will null; In "In III! M. II. - in " m-t door In In! than“ " at thr tlne at will“. . tt (“annular llllllrr I: “a I - .dsrtetgto cl flu- Illunlll I.) in! tte ulk! "so new " lat on III all will! It " III Id III tam. Ior the Ilellulkl " clean lt cl. “I It" can't In "" MI It «I. u " the III. as be van-In the "mm IIN'I in do! $tqhttt (but In: truth will not uh- up I.- put. cl - vall- M - I " l' --u - ("It . III In- ..--' Saturn-y. Feb. " 2 pm la n lludqunnon and mm: tor "opium land-y Mommy. Feb. " s." pm. I. at Holden-rum tor In 06 Proton " otR. Bl "can” Mr, Human-J I’m my than! Aunt-Mum M --- Punk. In]. and I EVEN HIS PRIVATE WALK IS NOT CLEANED cm Say: That the Worthy Town Fathering diiiiiid the Spow of? his Sidewalk Thu Winter. and Ali. why his Wife Doe. not do it it Ha has no! the Time. the”; n he Wants the Soldiers Wives to do. Boy Scouts "I IIIIDII PM AGAIN! ' Grimsby Troop News Of The roll. WHAT HE PREACHES hr-rr-- , H. 1.16 ttart.-"??: - - - " ' par-ee".': mon and propm 1n loudly 'tight. 0. 3.45 Fa-reel" [on for Inumctlou. mm. mulla- w union-l Prov. Ice. ot mm: [of Ontario mo and I manu- "(nihilism III rosehed " mention - wall Ill It" Bor “In wry truly. Hm I!!!“ HTIHCO. cams“. WEDNESDAY m. 21-}. "" In- an! Imam-“4M0. if Mullah! 'ral%",,1?ft'a"hS1Ml'lrl ,tu't'dSra'.'tld"ta'cl,'r try " tre [an a: nu mus run umunv tst, lly-Inw uhl "In "or, pen-u whirl: " hours atter It In! and l‘ourlllur mum- prneuee I»! I. "Lay u "I cuter. W ducal-Ion for "MW At In new" at the allle Baird or llenllh Mid ttot wool. Mr. A. P. Henry I'll otvrtmt cull-III tor the cumin; mt. 'I'lnu at “no new Innwrlu II til H. G. 6 B. WMUBI noon. ORIIIIY. 11m hid Wop 1th memo"; n. W No Idio- ot H.” min 11min: " -. -- tr, but an" continuum ll an III Illa our. Price: ant ' am ttf M was "I. mid mm In. On ' Mr. Gills. r " “MI r" on " no tsetter' "' t, . "we . .- n.- In I ruin-um" mus-- LLttt "-620“; MD I03. A. I'nlIION. T _ In." 9" I M “MIN“. mu IO. "" In": can! nu all mm ; ya... no! l-rnlorleo In (bu ling Room. ORIIIBY. 1) mo Inn-whorl. III the present II“- 1de can the can be I was urn“! on. ll lulu! ol the - lulu. use an! in an you I” "4" l m}! “I - "eeHl " "at new ”an - s. E. Mabcy Pays $13.00 for I I .. . tuna" Wuhan“ Calf the 'tht h Sumeu he Used to biiy 'll'l:felitt. ten Yeah ago for M.00 We Would Add” Him to at in the Game Now While the Profit. ue big and not Wait for Reincarnntitm --- "xtE..e'.,','. .5" At nu: Club “(In on Md" er. e. W. “urban all an poop]. Inn of mg WM that vow dlo In an "haunt-1| Ind but In tttin eqgrtit In I ttttmreett ot I": than whu Va were In my left It. . ll. um um tt than “I much I this: an mac-mum that when no died and m Mum-w am hr, III-Ind to be a lunar n he thought limb: mu an Heal vac-Hon. Our “who to Kr. Human In um Il‘l you IN‘ Imam or hunky. you will and the "out"! mile! In" “In; Pttrtte's AMI-0pm: Thrall Millet. Allow“ to nil-solve Ilowly in an new: ttom llma to mac we] pro- t'ncc a wmt'ertttttr soothing and hull-x. and. w.- por in. It Pun a Putin's lurk-I Mun. Minn-.l‘ (hr I‘M In Mr. Hull-nu II ut" 'll Im ha In! better ”I In the lit-ulna t ".3 "no not and not «In. for "lump "tlp. ullon. not In ther “In. "III "In [um " l In: on. In A my!“ mm and II In mu lull"! mum mu when "C. M." In uate reincarnated It VIII no In “eh I parta prom-bio bull-cu and I. will um: um I that In! nil my“ anchor unto cum IN"- IIIIvI I oe who no" In who when mu club "t no not an“ I dol- G'"oiritTeitin-eepttO'.", poor «up: Inn my. which (so-poll me- " to, but "tmo [or feed for |halr culls. They “all! am. (hey In "It!” I won'ermlly " price tor "Mr came but clnlm that tho “I... priest of terd like: all the prom o . At [Inn-m Iona [Inner- In In clover. lat Ink Ir. 8. K. labor uh] I - an.“ (or I to" unit old all Ind I III am more um um "I.” tor I all the no In. mI'I not; In... " II only I low "In no when “Du" - I" the alw- ll IN MI!!! u I to!" P, Tiii." ii" Can??? niftéoh old he pull "" (or R. Park. in! In! mutton In" all Juan! II who the mum SOME FARMERS LOSE W -; M “110 will. I Moe.'?.".';". "l'iriiiiie'" 'k"GGW"" IS A HIM“ an I when he that In an“ no.” um can. walk when firuiiiLiiAtymc or NEW CLUB QUARTERS i WAS A GRAND AFFAIR o..et25M-t--tG-SitDtnostoagsEarelkett Spun-d Aha I Well C-ted Pedm Mnteh--4hiim.trto ot ,Clulu PM With Hana-r! 1aTe-MembeeGiP-- Trileuxl Tribuhioneo‘ (head) in in Infancy Were Le'iombut Herbie Work of the Men at the “Helm" I Brought “M the "Cale" and Placed it Upon the L High Wave of Pmpetity Which it new Eniors. [Iran m In: Ibo nnv up .... _,7 H". o" constitution of um mm made n ulnar IM Job at It 1"- rnoll we" mun-l a Ibo Wool":- Ion like! tor a club mom Bttd r- M! .0! "" lo I "od In". Ttte lulu-ao- to. in It" All the In: "'m. born MI um um UM“ room 'I I. tep. tatm Mu um. I“. "an. IIII undo-Id- than an. o! no :ml-tnlulululhununot (a. union.“ 'rrtatttetttorratet.mttttg ttttttqt-r.".-...)-. MILIOIIIIQV Ct.,-dtts.tts-l -stoth.tttmttereeomrevMmdrot MMwWhu-m myullvllg Itch-melt) Mm: BNMteeaetktttt% When Mr. mulch got non-NJ may on M. Job In bon- ttt took Around and ho found that all" more In: I" day I boarding Mun in not [In an mom churful at pint" to ”and tbe long hour. ot Ian I'm" ova-Inn. Ho llkld' an be" In: thy do“ In the ova-Inn "a any toh Mn mun. Inch. Noll. L. In um Wild up“: marl! (the new. Illa-dunk Mud n Mach of the Ion War II “chr- "ttd ollmu'l W limp Ind IIfII'M Info" their ”like! on. a wound-l ph- of mum-.- d club In 0|")!qu with lion; the was "In a the who. Glut: of Slur! Pulls. __ _ "F, _-_--- L.‘ Itxra..ggetttqNtMstgettrt, mn- human-uranium": alarm to can. It III In punt-um!- Ion-nun”. My "ter olclt o'cllci Prud- lntwcllldlh lug. numb ty tq or“: In “mud um “whom-Mum ttnd_-stttetqr..tgtttePtqN 'mtt.tHe%oq_tt.P%rHamta ”amateur-n hour “a u tttread-ttmeter. Woo-I'm!!- unl'ubI-mhll "col-uh: 'tt.rt1erttrs"mC+. but“; “or an - tmtget-gb.trt-ttht-Btttrttt6. m.uuuvoluumlyhld. My AM 15- your. null MetetMtSt-dqattttt" Milo. mat-“human“: "Um. til.” local: I). Incl-u mum ”nutmeg-Joqndqionm tre tmnittryit, ae. tiff”, "I ALF Winn Mr. B. L mulch. In mm- [and mm Mnqam "tts, to ("HMS In by the Dell Tulnphonc "a! but In In lama-r ot I”. a. tu wol- comd to our midst by nit. but no ‘ono in" u my. limo that mum In denim-d In In "In hlher and - at on of (he mun lu- ullulionl In the loin today. When Mr. Hauler: got Flue”! than a llllllul pub! m. all: We; null kl. My m In n,'l't'i." 'tlg"",; III ox - . , In an. mm'd . - in: mm as all m ml: II a. Sll'lilltit4 no. III no lam ‘crovl and Mlle. Our 125 m- fp in" Id! Ill! all m Mm: to te hardly “lulu: to go round. in" Mr. McCoy won would Accummo» Fiicii tor the roll. 11"“ I "nmfsottt to In‘ “at [run running of men mum at Unm- hmulllnlbv Muted lav-In "an!” of tho tttte" violin-II that this amt I'll] pro-wrou- land at ours only can produce. The rain. Ind In. bl'lllll at (in - Slum: Kuit Inn of our, "It at “to - rowel-IN (hm Tn tablo- won "an.“ In loan you run-II. “my mm mm taM.nmt “on DIM ntttt.gttetotmehtttM.oNt Noni Ian-Mu In. on" and I. can" not but all“ all the ("Ilium cm Ill unruly u cranium of more “III - human. or «In how am- ._.__ habonhllmlthhld tint an Ind and II the bet u of I but" It” the amus- naclolnr’l an - [no u- GRIMSBY CLUB ORGANIZED OCT. 6th, 1906 A BRIEF HISTORY OF m VIII“ hunk-113a III Int to war! "In " pod-Ill In ”tun mu. Md [at It he um um: hare lion who cut up tn lay- " constitution of that rlub nutty In Job of It 1"- Im mug-l II tho l'.r",T " --i-- - I‘- on! Io war! 'ret . tthe we! ttao for You 4e In C.” and "#111 pm“: 'luh. Mr. ornnh: Ian: I or! wank" the would div-Int or not. no In!“ [or a limo will. III "on normed (ovum In a.“ "no" do not clan on club. It I. m but Ilium-(Io- In the lm I“ utrmtrdtotrrow. Dmr't at In" hurl-d. "tet to the an. and Orv-"min: will NI. on run -P the and“ Ind with all no mm In toll-fl on an (HMO " a ..'M. "mum: from maul! nu teerter In M MI... Pte: for "wk Donn null “a vhf'e' ' “my“ I (cu-thud - up I) “In. night. In", on Sou. am. I IDOCIII and“: In and to on- ma " [no bulw- ot Ill-mu tho cllh " to ID. tt “will“ mull-la mud be m to hop the club go In: " III " ml. Inn-ul- that f. w. Burl-on. "epped In at and a. mull-n. n “I ull u mid-u but a lucky on that he upwind along " the 'uhta-st. a. In Ian-III. tor In]. no. Chum ma " eemrs.ttettittttrthqettrbgtgtttttt " ttttmd Mm Ind Ill» (and m boy- In a; tuna! tt u mun-at [no u n and!” hold In the IPI'.',", on new. 2m. "07 the dock!“ to all an" flu-Ilium. their dab!- and til-Inna m louver. . eouhtit-.ttro-_oe Ch Malte-ttfri.. _ _-- mush-m.“ mum. Inmmulnlm,hil~nux "ttMer- dorm-uni win. but mum-“Maw lymhm-niylhmt 01m WI- I. I). oven are.) Quantum-mud ”an "mil; to - m at [he Isl-uh". mm Isl-uncut: had ”in. on“ “4-.th and. do!» imp-d would an new "ut" “I! [OPI- ttttary m- -t.Tttettrsttq-t undue-'0! totttektt- In rung-summit Ilohou'u uni-30rd“ hm the ','dhr""' um WI‘I an practically nothing and a tor no! manur- no" Md“ than Um I! “no Running III“ [only for n nu. I‘hon the h on found hum ulna uni Ihelr duh dun-mull, hour the "llmkon," labor-kl;- l’an ion: small It!!! "mum hoary um u m with" land work for the hon lo moot 1fsdr obllnllonu THE ORGANIZATION Noon "tmint, and nun mull Ill! up“. V m "all“ III M " '* [Ah-um. clan by un- .iqtqt ot Go.. sue Ibo In“. ... mt lull-Illu- mat-M WWII-hula!!!“ mammalian-tub.- mrMtmt,etettnthntn-trtht- m'rtqtttoet "I no! in almanac-Omit“!- .utrrrf"yt.r.erhttrttq,etes, In much-hie III W M mnuupmuum‘: ll mutt-plenum It.“ ‘ummqu'nnotmgt; Mr. Murtmv and Mr. Burl-on uh. “who trrirtty luau. ulmllu “an. _ ConncIIIor Mush when all“ "9' all for a In "sum. lurid hit sync-h Into an In“ mu. pron-lulu) when ho gnu-mud In In club In on- tarttot picture ot the Inlay-ISM! lim- l|lld at ORIHWY. Ilka: In" tttirty ya:- no. " In" it In- run loduy. III In“ at In My Mmgttt$" for It“ w now like 16 mu. loom but! In"! who a "I - m can-nut Imam" up - " - - won-"gr “I kill In tho XIII" 'lit "In . I put 1etm he r, 1ltle"tht4 {lgngng it Pc I- "mel In. iiii'ir% m RIM-II all“ no. the In. - am. u Mad than an In In honor] [In number-Mp In I: elm. Ind own-”ed the hope "In. would no them anon In and mum} tho citth. Mr. lluulrll lnld n! how tto nun um In“. Ir. m. If. Inn-n1. “a Mr. hula. In whey- bnln an an. atom-nu o! b duh tor pill!!!" In 1". MIN. tall-g thU 1:- w world, dlnvn mil. val-ma lulu: for Ind nr town; Ila Ind Club hon my club t) C2 St

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