WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1917 W HOLESALE WASTE GOING UNCHECKED Canadian Home Journal points out how savings in Labor and Material might be effected in curtailing the production of Liquor, Tobacco, Candy, Ice Cream, Government Cirâ€" culars, etc. _ Also points out the Waste and Extravagence in Meats, Fish, Fowl and other unnecessary Dishes on Hotels Bills of Fare. Umiler the caption, "Are w6 & Naâ€" tion of Wasters?" The Canadian Homo Journal, in Jts February Insue, . says «#itorially : "When the cold storage houses . in the elty of Toronto recently . throw «ut $16,932 worth of _ foodstuulls which ihad become spolled while the awners were waiting fo . prices to soar to a suffciently desiable helght, it woulg seem as if the time had arâ€" rolls of butter. "Does it not seem acriculturists . so . d ubor that, in spite Of ’i,.' phates w _ W, M. Stewart, Prug Co. Ltd, Grimsby, Ont, Also at the best drug: glsts in all Outario towbs. eaumza nese that we sell only the best in us § Weather § Footwear Rubber Footwear Cheap Rubbers are not worth what they cost, buy the best, it paysâ€" MAINLY FOR WOMEN â€" ) 4P 44 WE sHOE $1ORE, CRiwsBY Wext door to the Post Office PMONE Residence 313â€"R 3 $tore â€" 313 R 2 Bear in Mind sand 3424 >a 34 34 Liquer and Tobacce _ BULL ENU daic! . M.â€""Our little girl 8 ras in a debilitated, run m and bad a stubborn was weak and ailing l“ aps 303030005030 JDEDEMDCNDCCSECHCOREL #® | JNO. C. FARREL(I;.-‘ 4 KXKMRKONNX’GNHKNKRKI' goods in cold beoa clearly iddleman can would . take mands, they eannot produce as . micn m grain as in former yoars, for use to al / PMR | low the manufacture of Mquor and / 5 : 2B n beverages. to 00 unchecked, . turning WDMmpocrtaae [ & s ‘ Ns what is needeq for food into poisn e be l | 3# to be sent broadcast . throughout our ! v * aM) * .~ NR Dominion? Not only does it involve My~ 7 w* + b Ph Mn ce reanat 50 (ov, angermee nu ol, qver five nd T W Tre employed D this “M“.‘:: PRIME â€" MINISTER®S nrul““’ Ir harmful‘ work, _ axpensive . brewerios AND NURSE: NISS OLWEN To ::1 ullmurh- have to be kept up,} LLOYDâ€"GEORGE 4 our atready . overburdened | ra‘l Miss . Ol :oul-mmd to their Himit with its , elder of 3'1'3-"% l:l g y I:T:wflm.mnh alsp the waste: Prime Minister, and has been a sym»«| °0" o in the manufacture of bottles m‘k-rmï¬-mï¬ f to contain the Hquor, wheu cvery pair | -n-fllh.lâ€"-ï¬.-u 07 bands available in noeded to max>| bren, ntfing ty _ butte P munitions, or other | necessities. . Yet | 8B "Wfl*b Af in the face of this suppendous waste, | Hes at A near Portmadoe. > | P :-?:e':?mu u:e“. aptend s t | in t war times. use Gparle +448 ‘.,:o;mfllolmwlgmy.h "- |teil ",.‘:"‘.::‘.m"""'“‘"i -m.:‘&qum i | work, w e the bread,. itod® « omm m ta wl Em ommc nioam Jner h-ny‘;-nen-mlm-bhlunb-unmu-wn uol : cent possible, when lhfulu':dv:ot aobl::r-.m M hi *'; lars aro being ‘burnt up‘ in tobacco | pleasant upon us. True, it in aulte s | ' |nu..u..u.tue-unuumum\ t. but I sit right and just for us at |] tlve have? to expect this, when we know that;0|‘ o avery pair of hands is needed to 4* | 1 "MHwomthadlltllfllhlnu:'m“m'lfl“fluMI& | y |firnt, the greator wastos which we as | Other Possible Economies , |a nation are responsible for, before | _ "We understand that . the oflovmo ‘ ; | we came down like a sledgehaminer ment is taking steps to stop ue ) |upon the woman in the home? it | ufacture of jewelry durin thne _ Kir . | would seem as If »we are forgetting | the growing of lovr’on Â¥ght also _b ~\ the ‘beam‘ in our own eye, while we | ated to this, and the ® Miport of fancy *\rall at the ‘mote‘ in our‘ brothor‘s. | outâ€"ofâ€"season _ fruits _ and vegethbles â€" |There are thousands of men. rnd| Ice cream has been under discussion y | women engaged in the | manufucture and many Wt eq‘ee , TEanizationes hare lWnd transportation of tobacco in Canâ€"| Yobed in favor of ug» dincontinuanto ada toâ€"day, and our rallroads are havâ€" | While there is mh" a scareity‘ . of , :ln: m :nu: m’ s:rr“l:alu in orâ€"| milk. f d h re for their ht, just how | voeates . thrilt r | much . of _ which . is ulnco{ury it | u:r:l. g'::::::‘uum thore in "“'1 «â€" | woul4 be Interesting to ascertain. \ sent out literature 0°" this subject to. «â€" The Case of, Candy mil parts of Canadar 29 of maing: ho "Candy is not a necessity, but u.n,ml" that IDSLCS yying the ‘pw]il'm number employed in ita manufacture | q already _ T°MC uy peing spent «5 p] | in our Dominion goes Into the . thou» | “':““:::l' of 40128 Spoparately _ printâ€" x |sands, We are prone to say. ‘Oh 140 | ag n C ;.::‘"‘“" This is ,\vmoâ€"- 8 |hot think it is harmfal! but | this u]“;"", ributed. . ung time, n diroct "* Ihot enoughâ€"what we eat should . b€ | gon e of paper, iMkAJat is advocated l |beneficial, If those now engaged in | "." tetion of ""f se it |the manufacture of candy wore makâ€" | "When can we 1 IMBMED,‘0 ragl + to | ing something usoful. something nend | alstentâ€"to turn the “"“r'r now . belte ad |fut, it would seem as If we were ap. | used for that which 7 * whaet 1y in t* |proaching a Mitle nearer 'nmclelw'r.",m“' the production, ":l what. tw â€" ids A. Sugar is exceedinsly bard to procure. | portantâ€"yes vital?‘ T uo. need of me! seg | Why whould it be wasted in this m 4. | and strong wolgh :"\.":; c ons cA L mq |nor?t And if this industry . wore s4,. | Was ns grout as NO‘ du on ied ro. | pended, it should release many hands going untilled, oreh"*" I: nre | Regluc now enguaged in the making of . pasts~ | ed, and there is a , MIO"AE® $1, board boxes, For those who desire| stock all becuuse “0r'"“- oo uce Ads candy, a little could be made at hourt labor, We must ]““hi food, and to ziv« uge | \~.'.~h'l|. would be both pure and Incx~| It the farmer mustt Ans® hetp, | Mer pensive, _ but let us St0p the â€" great| it then, the place for those who ar maz | wasta=<f time, lcor _ and mat watl | DC" doing this unnf@C@s®ACY work «=«=| in it manufacture in such hug? quantt| _ "Then when mcese great sources » ties as at pesent. Munition I:u'wrles‘ waste have been crhecked and matt?? to she value of six million dollars Aft adjested, we may appeal to | th boing built in Canadaâ€"why could ho\ | women of Canada, for they traty ha? in |\ the women no engaged in candy may,. | in thoir keeping a great means of §¥ ing enter these factories as 8001 . a8 | ing, but until them it does not 800 they are ready for operation? l‘“" British fair play to ask so muc "Anyone who traveled several years | of them â€" when they, need, but 100 ago will recall disiinctly that the | around to see such flagrant ©as0s fmenus of even . the best hotels ‘.“olwholouh waste going unchecked. PA TDE what l Waste of Child Hife en n cviaa will â€"reeall disiinetly | £B84. 556| wpojegate waste & ecked. Mfenus of even the bost hotels were | wholesale waste going unch very fnr removed indeed . from . what | Waste of Child Hife â€" «tm nds today, yet we do not scem to | «ut perhapa our . most disistT0($ have gained perceptibly from all the | waste is that of child Mtes 298 Sillin aadeq courses. Soup,, a meat of 151 | waste not only affects the | Imtn0}/M1? course with vegetables, and & 44| future, but 18 so farâ€"reaching that it tort were then quite sufficiont," but| cannot be measured. We need . 6707 how the menu card shows from ten 19 | epilg in Canada toâ€"day, but you would Aftcen courses, all of which 2re PFSâ€" | not think so, to see the | neglect . and pared ready to be serve to wh00V@t| carless attention some of them _ M Pancles them. Bocause of the &TOAt| mojve, | In the large cities action is tarlety much of this food is left and | taken, but what are you doing iD YOUT wasted, yet the proprietor tolls Y94| town to make certain that the malle that this standarg must be maintain= | gupply is clean, ang the water PU°C, w4 it ho in to cater to the | whims 01| an‘ conitions tworable for even th# the traveling public. Would it not b¢ | peorest babe it your midet? It doesn‘t much 008 reasonsable to reWWTD | take very much to snuff out the Httle again to the simpler ment, thus . eliâ€" \ candle of lfe, AMd a typure citizen . it |ln|n6!|’|‘l the cause o such waste? If | gone, wasted, ©eCAU% e bad not as careful attention were givon to the | auffcitent interest In jg woifâ€"being 10 4 C o malaneing of the mMebU 4s is | provide necessities, We have a large and complete gtock of all sizes of Rubbers, Rubber Boots and Overshoes, in all the styles, for "Pa," "Ma" and ..e.rm' oful attention | proper balaneing of Just the thing for wet. w.M,ma ENCO Dcomscoll hese war times. | now devoted to introducing variety, it sane for us \'.wwum-nz‘lntnnm‘m on to her other| _ "Then an itionat saving .â€"in ~Ja the bread, trim| bor might be made if we waited> un othes . knit all|ourselves to a reasonable extentâ€"Jut Grimsby PRIME _ MINISTEIR‘S _ DAVGHTy _ (|Jr. 11. Class, Honoursâ€"Barton â€" 7M AND NURSE: .’.lfl.‘.fll'fl‘ Taggart. LLOYDâ€"GEORGE Pass.â€"Agnes _ Hand, . Mary | 2ut Miss Olwen Lioydâ€"George is the| | foyne, Lillian St John, Viotet Thimâ€" elder of the two daughters of the} 5990. x Prime Minister, and has been a sym«| °0" Miss G. Monsinger, teacher, pathetic war worker from the out« . L. Honours.â€"Horace â€" Farroll, break of hostilitles. l-n-g. she Poppy Ailison, Margaret Sime, Ra‘ph been acting as a Butst ‘| Ra: rell, Marguerite . Farrow, . Viote! and is w out similar duâ€"|| ion, Gweneice Farrell, Edgar Mut tles at a near Portmadoc. efson, Annle »Detts, Olive "Conby, l‘..d for that which TB PMECRRRCTI into the production of what ds fmâ€" | portantâ€"yes vitar?? The need of men |and strong women on the fanm never | was as great as uoww. Vast neres are going untilled, orepberds are neglectâ€" . ed, and there is a _ *DOrLAR® of live | stock all because of,the scarcity of \ labor, We must hnayye food, and to give Jt the farmer mustt have help. Here ,\In. then, the place f9" those who are i,““" doing this unn20cessary work L "Then when thees¢ great sources of ; | waste have been (hecked and mattors , | adjeated, we may appeal to the 1| women of Canada, for they truly have . | in their keeping a great means of sayâ€" 3 | Ing. but until them . it does not . seem like British fair play to ask so much 2 | of them when they need, but look 7| around to see such flagrant cases ol * | wholesale waste £OIDK unchecked. 5. | tormgn Mrth) OS Vogeo uns Taaeh w9 x | how to care tor hct"" T. oo fiay N | uby, We may 1€ ‘prou of him 0n 42. ug4 nead lt ï¬ services in our lmmlr@.n.h waste of | ohil4 life is our most . ; :fl ':.." but the bright side,‘ u,.. estion [® that parents are ". N mn“ their responsib/ d t oue Wujities, and let us hope that in h0 M@tfoture every child 18 Canada will h@""""", " L2 + | nb x Canada will “o a fale Argentina aff"~~*~~ § elu‘et a new Parag which provites C090 tra‘e between f0F . P An clectric the two been inver‘ knife for thicknessted that out twentwes of cloth in |. w orf more out by clothing factories M Gum arabic naturall \ "But perhaps our . most disastrous waste is that of child life, and this waste not only affects the immediate future, but 18 so farâ€"reaching that it cannot be measured. We need . eVerÂ¥ child in Canada toâ€"day, but you would not think so, to see the negloct and: carless attention some of them e \ »eive. _ In the jarge cities action is m uo BAE C We stack r-:dwn“a tree ptive North Africa. Other &\ Acacls are Arawn ©908, g Â¥â€" CoWen _ONCC auatuak ArRORUN® T7 clu‘er a newParaguay have con= which provites commercial . treaty tra‘e between for practically free Alm..""-'_' been inver? knife for tahors . hat thicknessted that cuts only a few twentwes of cloth instead of the in & or more eut by machines used clothing factories. -â€A“"""n 7 TT SS â€" en THK INDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIY f is u.lon'ee-llb'::;' t es N x. of what ds fmâ€" foore, W1 7 The need of me! on the fanm never § _w. Vast neres are wR ,hards are negloctâ€" .. Pupils _ shortage of ||wl with an Dol,lhe wearcity of | more exd ye food, and to give IV. Cla t have help. Hcm"'ln- #68 yc shikls ela urel Wa‘te, M 19 {*] Fa‘r ®*| "| Hiltc fiPhef = 1M Iyy . i 1 pa on | J War io | 2ADef ant | ut 8 8X 1e 0 ,) Jr. HL, Honours.â€"â€"Ruth . Wadgo.... F‘ng» â€"Regglo Farrell, Murray Ups dell,. Witho Chivers, . Jsabel . Walies, Grnest Ambrose, Harold Ockendou, {Clarence Smye, James Betts, to), Miss H, Bonhom, teacher. 8r. 11. Class, â€" Honours,â€"Chrisiona Stephen, Frances Norton, Murle! Har vIson, Maud Hildreth. Pass.â€"Hilda _ Burgoyne, . Loster Phipps, Arthur Spencer, Frod 8wayâ€" tie, Edward Balsdon, Theim. Mc{oy, i Wilfred Greonfleld. Ir. 1. Class, Honoursâ€"Barton . Mcâ€" Taggart. Pass.â€"Agnes _ Hand, . Mary | 2itâ€" goyne, Lillian 8t. John, Viotet Thim. M J, H. Forman, toachor, 8r. 11L, Honours.â€"Leora Phippps. Litian â€" Burgoyne, _ Phyllis Farrell, Harold Smye, Fred Schotield, Fihel Blake, Marion Culp, (Olivine Phips, SAkar Farewelly tie. Parssâ€"(Leo Hand, Gordon | Tiltot» on tie), Herbert Corman, Marvine Wentworth, Avis Allison. * â€" Jr. HL, Honours.â€"â€"Ruth Wadgo... ie Nivch, Jr. 4th,, Honours.â€"Lests 3. 8t. John, J. Aitchison, ( ApRCPVZ RTEOCY COIDOOOO Anab ‘l Rarell, Marguerite . Farrow. \'lnlu" Hilton, Gwenelce Farrell, Edgar Muc. UiPhctson, Annie Detts, Olive "Conby, Ivy Clark, Miriam Kelterborn. 4 1J , Pass.â€"Alistair . Mackio, _ Winnie Warznop, _ Florence _ Nigh, Ma‘:* ategory, Ceell Fatrow, Paul oOrf, t&m Robinson, | Ada. Clark. ag Misa C. D. Marsb, teacher. )_ 8", Primary Room, H@nour Roll "1~ 111° A â€"Marearet Kelson, Gordun ©RINSBY PUBLIC senood oeneie d e oo en cce â€" II!, A.â€"Margaret Kelson, Gordua Mcekie, Grace Norton, Edith Phipps, Marion Northcott, (Marjorie McPherâ€" son, John Werner), (Helen Bourne, frene Morse), Bruce Moore, Dorotiy If | mrsee m i« not ] t : to| | I n | \! « r of â€" > d | | her a be ‘ 2 i0 ils | 1 » of | ‘ e t o, Â¥ a d# a cing t .oué \ in C Robertson. IIH. B.â€"Willis Bush, Alex . Moâ€"iâ€" son, Eva Martin, Jean . Morrisou. Jack â€" McConachie, . Bruce . Sways6, "thel Phipys. ‘11.â€"Robert Ockenden, Jean McCon achie, Frances Burgoyne, Tom Walk« Pm s dscR a wr, Emerson #weet, . Madeline M«â€" Arthur, â€" Johnuy _ Graisley, . Stirling Paze, Charlie Page, Margaret . Mcâ€" Cartney. Miss Eva Fleming, toacher, Jr, Primafty Roeom, Honours I!1. Class.â€"Alice Pooley, Florence Yaing, _ Jame s â€" Butchart, Dorothy gl.-h. Wilite Ambrose, . Agnes Howâ€" ,> Leotard â€"> Rummery, . â€" Gladvs Sangster, Maize Coullingiord, Sadle Phipps, Jennic Houghton, Jack Tell. [) 14. Class.â€"Herbert Rayner, Bobbie Yohnson, Teddy Hand, Loonard Cock® Ithyils Norton, Mary Talbet, Lioy\ heal, â€" Josephine . Phipps, _ Connle :'.h-rlulnn. Jimmy Wells, Joe Graisâ€" ley School Reports for January 1 OWE To Lydia E. Pinkham‘s ‘ etable Compound. Washington Par!:, Til.â€"â€"""I am the | mother of four children and have sufâ€" fered with female trouble, backache, nervous spells and the blues. My chilâ€" dren‘s loud talking R and romping would make me so nervous 1 could just tear e a every thing to pleces ‘ ,-'. â€" .m“'oulduhenll t x /4 * | over and feel so sick £ uc 1.") bevberinrnpitt [ BsA thike Anpone o taie want anyone to talk to me at times. Lydia E. Pinkham‘s v Compound and Liver Pills reâ€" ..u-ww\hwll'“""w You for the good they have done m®, a 04 40r DC 6. 0 vit of trouble ‘1" SGoreo tC """"" 2 D se ha l:.formcw‘“'!""“""" a had quite % tit of trouble and worty but it does not affect my YOU u) looks, My friends say ‘Why do yOU C u+t Towe it all GRIMSBY BEACKH SCHOOL Class.â€"James . Bush, Kennet , Willie Smith, George: Gregory Miss B. Marsh, toacher. Honour Ho vso Calder, yulson, 1 , L. Hay! G. Wilso; MY HEALTH Hartwell Roukle, â€"â€""I am ~ Meâ€" 0y, Fred Burgess, 208; Alce Wileox, 274; *Gladys Sweet, 257; *Margaret Stewâ€" urt, 244; *Harry Waiters, 2290; Irene Wileos, 209; Beryl sius», 196; Dorls Neal, 186; *Jim Wilkins, 164; *Lizzle Camps, 124; *Mae Wileox, 112; *Marâ€" lon Kitchen, 79; *Mabel Nelles, 76; *Eflle Camps, 76; *Gordon Cole, 34. Miss J. Wright, 8r Second Clags, _ Honours _ 450, Pass 260.â€"Muriel Ofield, 558; Wilâ€" Ham Stewart, 555; _ Marjory Louks, 534; Andrew Mowat, . 463; _ Robert Hunter, 459; Jessie Mownt, 455; Herâ€" bert Hiltz, 454; Margaret Wileox 449; *Allan Poole, 418; Harry Marsh, 408; Stuart Mowat, 390; "Alice Ottaway, 168 Morris Gre 205. Jr. Primury: Class, . HMonours 275, Pass 300.â€"Mildred Eickmelor, 446, Gertic Walters, 402; Harry Fair, 330; *Leonard Brant, 303; *Ida Loree, 268. _A Class, Honours Qrace Hunter, 290; %45; *Annie Mowat, 179 wiINOXA PUBLIC AND _ CONTINUAâ€", TION SCHOOL _ | TiO\ SCHOOL I Peninsu The following is the stainding of| , Th aBMMAL MA inoral Society was the pupils of the Continuation School| INF Central ""m Smithvil "ok und the honour list _ of the Public hold in Brants ubville. jo%® School at Winona for January: 5 ie ensidatice of members c . Porm 11. of the. High kw'-â€"-w'\ on Lk on tntonstastic, meeling lan Potter, 91; Lfoyd Milien, 85; present‘ and an le Minnic Pettit, $0; _(Jennie Baisley,| NCld. ; 4 Mitine Coths) 11. Wilien: baistey,| | The retiring providetf A« d MSV §6:â€" Maric Foran, 62. ‘Illu ons uifnutce in AMMD' ’.‘.-* Form 4. of the High School.â€"(Leâ€"| in of the minutes 1"° Slowing ‘“ol’e Burdick, Dorothy Wilcox), 8$; | MeAt ®58 a nouranthe couth: | Margaret Aithouse, $3; Aletha Durâ€" society to be in a flou! Margaret Alithouse, $3; Aletha DUT*) u__~* ho balance of the morIGAE® Clifford Nash (absent). PFewilome S t C ulc d4th, Classâ€"Grace Crealock, Wesley| . 1st. Vice Presidentâ€"I. E. Springâ€" Brown, Florence . MacKay, Mildred stead. Harper, Hazel Stewart, Ethel Futter,| Directorsâ€"ft. J. Goring, A. M. Schâ€" Glenna Smith, Clifford Basley, Claude| pick, E. D. Durham, M. 11. Cosby, 3. Smith, _ Violet . Ferguson, _ Aubrey| A. Schnick, W. H. Trembley, J. E. Smith, Karl Millwurd, Vera Smith,| Pisher, R. M Cooper, A. B. Dartlett Louls Foran, (wenny Perguson, Honorary Directorsâ€"A. _ D. / Midâ€" 3rd. Class Sr.â€"Dorls Dwyer, Mary| daugh, F. 0. Burch, 1. E. Nelson, A. Holtby, Hettle Holtby, Ned McCollum,| G, Boulter, E. Durbam, J. D. Book. Murray Biggar, Nettie Davey, | May\(; B. Marshland, A. H. Davis, John Weston, Jas. McLean, John Maddox. | M, P, Lavery. 3rd. Jr.â€"Reg. Basiey, Dorls Grant,| Auditorsâ€"F. 0. Burch, W. R. Tayâ€" Albert Branton: Marry Eills, MeWin| tor, _ â€" * iiward, Georke PUNHT, 1 nd W. 11. Trembly | Senior _ Secondâ€"Mary _ Pattison, 'Jilou::.l::::’-ic:.“w to the N.D. Grace Camps, (Helen Best and Tom| p y A, and the President and secreâ€" Stenhouse) equal, . Johnston Mocatt, “‘W were appointed delegates to the | Raymond Hamilton, . Harvey JOLN~| meeting of Ontario Association _ of Louy Pm 3rd. Class 8r.â€"Dorls Dwyer, Mary Holtby, Hettle Holtby, Ned McCollum, Murray Biggar, Nettie Davey, _ May Weston, Jas. McLean, John Maddox. ston _ Junior _ Secondâ€"zsric . Johnston, Irene Bedel!, Crissie Stenhouse, Dorâ€" othy _ Beamer, Elizabeth _llodm. Yvonne McKay x Primary Reom 1 First Class, â€" Honour _ Roll. â€"Lioyd Wileox, Albert Rolre, George Hand, Carl Mayer, John Lowis. Primer C. _ Honour Rollâ€"Frances! Rocers, Tommy Rolfe. | Primer B. Honour Roll.â€"Jean Mcâ€" Lean, Edwin Kinch, ! Primer A. Honour Roll,â€"Dorothy: Rolfe, Charlie Corson, Edna Hoge. Zditor Independent. ‘ 1 m vory much interested in . that old document you published last f week, it is worthy of being printed in a square form and framed. in another year it will be a century since my (now sajnted) father, was boru in Fredericton, N. B. Mr. Mcâ€" Farland‘s statement of in favor of abolishing Sectarian Schools, brings to my mind an Incldent in my father‘s chitdhood. When he was ten yoars of age, his father, who had a foundry business, was drowned ta the St John river, going to get a loa.1 of hay on an . island. His mother wes left with four yOung children. ‘The only school in the town \\uh‘ kept by a clorgyman, for the ehildren | of office;s and soldiers thon quarter= led in the place. He was sent out \from England. Other chilgren . Were |allowed to attend by. paying, . @t |were not wade welcome. ‘| (ne day this little fatheriess . boy ) |had‘to stay home to get some wool i |for his mother, On reaching school |the next morning he Was asked "why " CDE 9012002 ianshar WISTORICAL â€" INFYORMATION LETTERS +0 THE EDITOR Miss 1. Monsinger teacher,| wewnt 20 T CS 4 ne all. L ater he was elected YoodReformers for a col wear Woodstock, He was O n, 244 370, Pars 300. wdward Jenner, #14: Rose Green Hla 1 and make it free was elected by the for a constituency He was not allowe! We was clected . the and in later years on, much older, a m _ wrote a book New Brunswick" Walker W seeond time, again refused, The MWPE time he got his seat in Parliament anc did emash the achool, . whice opened it . free. . for all. When mM parents were married, being Baptists they were married by a Justice of the Peace, being unlawful for th dr ‘own pastor. 1 sometimes think .O#â€" turic would have been peopled with a ‘better class, christian people of _ a \higher standard if there had beea | no clergy here, And the late Hon. E. \ Nlake . said, "but fof the Anglica® \church there would have heen No \horse racing by chureh . members," ‘and perhaps no card playing ani not [{-o much hatred at elections, and CC tainly no rebellion. "The family Co® lrm" was a relic of Rowan: tyrann?. GILLETTS _ LYE EATS DIRT year. ‘The following officers were fr the year 1917 viz: Presidentâ€"A. J. Nevills. ist. Vice Presidentâ€"I1. E. stead. FBI Om Pm Pn RPRLOIE tary were appointed delegates to the mhl Ing of Ontario Association of ns & | _ The President and a number of the | directors spoke very enthusinstically ‘nv'.-r the prospects of the society for | the coming year anc expressed the i determination to make this season‘s “ whow, through added attractions and | upâ€"toâ€"date methods, far in advance of | any preceding ones. J Pea sMUTHVILLE FALK SOCIETY ‘ | The emanations from radium canâ€" tnot be stopped, but as scarcely any | exhaustion of the material is appreciâ€" | able, despite the fact that "W | enorgy is constantly_ passing from PRERTEE PNIO LCO on n o Sn e it, this is of small consequence. _ If | the rays were allowed to escape, gnroml-cnonly. however, â€" they might 'du considerably damage; in order to confine them, therefore, a safe | bas | been constructed with a thick lining | of lead inside the ateel, i â€" It was decided to again have an expert judge for horses. . s “'Il"‘h'n‘ ;x'\'::dl;:- at which more zeal was manifested for the betterment of the rociety than for many years, then came to a close. out during the course Thorough mixing is what makes cake delicate and tender makes the best cake beâ€" causcitcreams and thorougllfy with the butter which is the hardest part ofthe mixâ€" ing. © Its purity and refused. The thiré . E. Spring» ig, A. M. Schâ€" 1. Cosby, 3. mbley, 3. _E . B. Dartiett. â€"A. D. | Midâ€" E. Nelson, A. », J, D. Book. 1. Davis, Jobn h, W. R. Tayâ€"