Ontario Community Newspapers

Grimsby Independent, 14 Jun 1916, p. 4

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o 10 0 oul c ons c ul d c Mn wl ow sns > 2 the Intercst of the County and for the Interest of the QueenstON mm SOTUENE stone road instead of for the private interests of some jJob hunter, and W. B. Rul) ho had mo «taumcher supporter in the County Council than the Reeve other direction and for Russ has had no stauncher supporter in Beamsvilieâ€" T w ‘There never were any job hunters from ton: but Louth has been in the field right . womebody in Louth whose great object in | of the Queenston and Grimsby stone road. | who became famous even in their own sch still there was always somebody in Louth v building roads than the man who had the . the Reeve of Louth for the past few years in the Council seeking to oust W. B. Rus Louth road bullding wonder into n job, 'IIII Gubd enc one ind Council in «u04 pjed q j0u 1M . uétasnreaps ®wi 30 vornmoriqnd pespowineunâ€"» N rrovlequy ou) Jo aerejupy 6n 30 Amdict a0, 20001 s1 JO I 49 AMG T "oweo uds "A "m D) . -mfla urea40o sopun _ uojvapino 0J po «1mipscas og Aum »00)8 oayy ‘puvy juou 40 _ Ajqnaos ‘ifnou 30 ow uj uoponpas LJ ”q""!,‘l'. uonvaptmo jo wour ous . ‘6oft y1om ownoy w jooue puw enase o9 civantmo ‘eavad doap) jo youe uj syuour x1e oppei jenjyâ€"woung; ‘osow aed oo‘g) oopu) ‘wopnup uym4oo uy puots <owoy posvuound w o9u) Avu mm”:wu +owmoy w1y porsnuyxo wuy oum ‘:'u'-nw‘-'- ureii00 uo ‘marud . promowoy #u u0o® #u pourngo 0q ¢um juoged moa: uonvanjno w7xe . sau>y w truoy pyojwamoy Sujuave . acogw coay) 30 youe u; couepjwai syzuour xigâ€"s#onng _ -uumb""‘. t“m-ud"}v- Suupiime poo# uj. . copwarsomoy v ©mopiwip lma».nul +1A ou3 u; poumojrod #1 covepjeos szoya rdoox» permmbai s osnoy orviiquy V wm:m:wn'c::u:mun uryjm ean m sopwowamoy y _ ‘wivat selyy jo yowo u; . puy; ou 30 uonvanno puy uodn eouopjeas syjuout xigâ€"sopng +100 uo ‘(Zoua8yâ€"qng 30u mr n:w epurw1 uojuymoq. duw 3e opuut 0q Avut ®] wojunaoq orquuma® nonoosâ€"s04iunb ® mm wamek § s0a0 erow Aue a0 * w j0 puay ojo# ou., sNoilviNDB4 anv? 1sam *HLHON NYIGVNYI 40 SISdONAS fure sovcnady May| aolumot sn is wossed uj sveddv jonw juvonddy 110q â€"IV 10 | ummoyorwyees ‘ugorjuviy u; puyt wojunaoq efquurwav jo .. nopoowâ€"s0piunb m‘ <Gmor $H13 14 ‘elet 4ing 3o quow ay} toja $ujuu}$ ‘. 3 ‘.’ J.P ..a ~84 .‘.(|)|5-1,\\ jo Peojeuy ‘iypuout pjed gna '! x"m an . 3s]1 4ed opopned â€" Kjunoo a} uo _ _ YVLRR _% rer umm:w.wuw.mvumqm In due time the job bunters in Beamsville turned their attention 10 some aay AusWwli9 TITIMLUVH ‘JL °D . Jnog e gitm ourlg 29 J ,, sn 2 Aqswar) _ â€" _ ‘t ‘oN CYY ‘ssny *3 yuenq youy a0r §1s0q uq Jo 4yjpuuni V 'p&lllll'll!lll‘!vlfljl!“s sqo[f ews pur afiÂ¥p40p woym soen uo7 . 10M juawa> pur 21919403 jo spury [Â¥ uo ua.\sj soppuinsq y10p ajo1>u0) pur juamay a0J 10p>°4j00) 11 aas pur u; jpeo no« > aavg o1 postard 29 j[Im pur wawnnsut snowr) siy) a0} £ousB» ay) painoos aatq 1 ‘speatoos pur $1190u09 419y) JÂ¥ ut 31 asn sistuy asayeaur) §,puOAy 041 woraees ‘o 9 ‘o ‘w 01 3xon devising schemes and ferreting e any job hunters from Grimaby, North Grimsby, or Clinâ€" been in the field right along. There always seemed to be whose great object in life was to become superintendent d Grimsby stone road. I never heard of anybody in Louth even in their own school section as m road builder, but ys somebody in Louth who thought they knew more about the man who had the job, and the consequence was that for the past few years has spent most of his time, while ing to oust W. B. Russ from his position and get the ; wonder into a job, and most of his time, when out of the cchames and forreting out different complaints so as to the «e anscussan es past few .383 (‘g o@ud uo ponuyu0)) 30 »oujm § yuy? Popuotmo044 sÂ¥m )) volymitio,) Proy ‘o put G on jo uod â€"aa Porydopu @m u1 ‘suopow quujzod »itiy â€"JO a0quinu fi']'l v iJM Uojssag | aunf apou} Poysyuy puw uoonioys £ep | anjug uo you youno) £Ju0%,) 01L ‘ »morny ofqjsx0d »u #a0q | â€"urow uviu #Â¥ pur uopavay oynuy) Po puownno999 ‘pordaoou 0q Fujusao Avp â€"urg u0 4119 §J4} up Rloip og 01 doja404 pupomowm 4ouayorpy ouy 36 fuosoud 04 03 jpounodo §y) 0, uopmjaup oy) wip qavm0»g puy yeng ‘uno, £, poaoj pJouno9 #1y1 Jo saoqwout ou3 30 ujuduids 389 doop oy A0au00 07 Posuord 64 uopaviy o) . uoi $Â¥4 ava , > mopuys 941 @aoum emoy A1oao 0) pwif} puounuod 04 @epjmuoo anoX ‘wooyjsous djo101 pun spaop oavaq go onent o1 [# sn aoao spoys quy3 £1018 ou} up oanyd ©sty J[Jm pPuv mouso% 4joy} qauys Ja quui @ouranset ano 4opuo) om ‘o)j{ J0 on 3eo4ppuo ou1 Posoaos uoog daui wwou} woua aof Sprunopurd #a0ujou puw soajm oy} op ‘Apeduids qsoa0oujs ano puogx@ om #puop4 put *oapujed o) op ‘ogpduo oog w u; dovid 4joy) upmai pus #opsoq; Poyspsoyd 4)941 &ofuo 348ju . #uyppeurp jvg) doors aru1 4jou3 doors oua pus aoypious omoudns oy) opeum davy oym si0q eawiq ano jo osog) 0} @anguq Sujged noippma . quodou 4joy} apnfouod jou pynoys dow juu3 [o9y qopjwimoo nox woy 0f nopiy _ l ‘owns 40} Moayo s1q ponss} 40 â€"answauy, o uy ‘Joosoyy nojt up Y84> | eoo‘s$ mas 01 Poppoop aonjurmus <nok i‘“““l“m-ld ‘a joâ€"@ojapt 041 up | 3eues uyy$jog 4oJ qvoum jo $propica |om}. Rremaog 07 Supoow Ainuup 941 !u Pojona7su] $Â¥ dopfmwo9 inok | $ +\ â€" ‘proood Ajun0o | arorduroo v o{dwoo. 01 porn 2q st1os Lum wwy7 put ‘agpdwrg ayy Jo doungap howi up pPojsffao Jaii oifm osou Jo 1104 | anouoy ut oandord aaooy tove j 3, I 4 ‘spun} ‘09‘91$ ‘sopevour péercwju09 .@aul oum . JoJ it us0q oary moppio® Yojyma . uj #oouapjeo4 opvajad _ ao] _ pruopew . Pupe#jum) tooggo . Yirzoy, pwojpou . ‘osouyy ‘4G ©00%1$ ‘mJmqsoyy uopaouu09 uj ysom pus . ‘euoge Bupomioa ‘oulyhf ‘H pyed 9q #juno0ov #upmorto) 043 394. ‘ooppamoo 4ned4 J0 UBWapby;) on) go praoaddr ow) of 3oofgns Pus ‘soppeor muojdd® om Yopya up Ayjped «Jojunur @u7 40 ©ade1 Aindop 40 arood ou3 jo Ayaoinu oy) ue yooyo ar}| enssp o7« saingwedy ou}, ‘puig 2po[1| â€"1ed ufooupy oy} uo wyujo aouging‘ ue ©#ou0) 04 Suyjt|m 0q Pnom puÂ¥ ‘omoy #ujo8 #4 posapjsuoo 2q Pnom 9ffm peu|wpuuy) uj saajymioa mou ou oary ouM. PuÂ¥ ; £1qunoo Pjo 95) u; #puoj4; a0 â€" soapwfoi. oary otm . #quapuadap Jo osÂ¥o ay) up Jdoox? ‘ponupu098;p 04 #aajpjos Ajunoo upooup; Jo squapuad â€"op _ 10 goatm @43 4oJ odouny 07 oBus â€"sud Sujppaoad Jo aopowid ay} rm41, aofjougg . onupuoasf( > | nmo . ajoyy Fuporeturupe J0 a#oppaqiad @n . Y3jm . topmjossy anojieg juuon â€"ex . 9 YJA Poourg® founoo £jun0a wjooupp o) oavy of aswmuyr @978 â€"sod jj Dus: samy pa0q42H 4ig im ope9jununmoo | mmuupeyo nok jmLp au--c-nnlun and Grimsby MERTCICT tm that slon. uary * C ClE When Reeve Claus gave notice of m« that he would introduce a byâ€" law to repeal the byâ€"law appointing W, i Atuss as roud superintendent . at least 80 per cent. of the council poohâ€"pook¢d the matter, but when the matter came up in committee it showed very plal that there must have been some of the members who poohâ€"poohed the idea qutside of the County building that took a more serlous view of it Inside the ty building for as & matter of fact there was a stiff fight put up, and th@ committee was very nearly evenâ€" ty divided and it was only by hard work that the friends of W. B. Russ got the matter laid over till the December wexslon, a a 6# #i® Now what does all this prove? It proves that there is a nigger in the wood pile. a a e a a # All this proves that 19070 7 "U" C OD_ ontaide the cout 7 doubleâ€"pretending to be friends of W. D. Russ outside the council and work ing against him inside the council. If all :o members of the committee who poohâ€"poohed Reeve Claus‘ notice of motion outside of the Council Chamber had peohâ€"poohed it inside of the committee room the discussion would not have lasted five minutes and Reeve Claus would have been ruled out of court. 1 am quite satisfied that there is double dealing going on because the attitude of several members of the County council Is always quite different inside of the council chambers to what it is outside of the council chambers. a o e e s @ \ oo le kess ts Anuhle dealing smonestithe members of the Col_lllty‘coul:- 1 am quite satisfied that there is double dealng 8098 07 "U7""@@ inside of of several members of the County council Is always quite different inside of the council chambers to what it is outside of the council chambers. a o e e s @ Now if there is double dealing amongst the members of the County counâ€" cil what is the object? 1s it another case of securing a job for a friend or is it a case as many people are now beginning to suspect that it is a . job for one of themselves? a s a e ® Quite a few people are beginning to have the idea that certain of the members of the County council are after this job for themselves, and. while not yet openly announcing themselves as applicants they are in AD underâ€" hand way encouraging the opposition to superintendent Russ in order that when they are free to become applicants that the road will be open for them to do so. If uny Reeve on the Queenston and Grimsby stoné road coniinitteo has any aspirations along the line of becoming road superintendent 1 would adâ€" Â¥ise him to cut them out right now. a o o ® 6@ We have got quite a few good Reeves along the stonc road but not one of them have had experience as a road builder to compare one, two, 81X with W B Russ, and it is simply out of the question that the County of Lincoln ME the 1ODU,"" Tl.a in make a berth We have got quite a few £006 of them have had experience as a W. B. Russ, and it is simply out 0 would stand for Wâ€" B. Russ being for some exâ€"reeve. * It has always been a mystery to me why there has been 80 many PSSF! in this County desirous of wecuring the position of road superintendent. It goes without saying that it is an arduous and strenuous job, _ It is also the worst paid job in the entire list of County rfihflw After W. D. Russ pays his actual expenses out of his paltry salary does not have enough left for anybody to fight over and why the men are continually . bankering after this position is a mystery to me. W. B. Russ took the position many years . ago because he had shown in lils own township that he had some good ideas about road building. He commenced to work for the County at a miserable pittance in order that he might gain cxperhmu_‘ for years his salaty, after is expenses were pald, was a mere bazatell In. dile time his salary WhS raiged, but he does not nOW receive a salery at all in keeping with the amount of work and responsibility that he has to assume. Other County officials get much bigger salaries for jobs that nre p-% sinecures. and where they have not one cent of expenses in an entire , while the superintendent‘s expenses in |n‘nlluf.fmu one end of the road to the other costantly eats Up ME UO N UIEr Nn ww T _ much DIgE@T ©77°°° °° _ nces in an E have not one cent of expenses in an entire year, WIC expenses in travelling from one end of the road to the 6t almost his entire salary. * e e e e s ® col .2 pamnty officlals sit in their office or walk l.l:: LomsiPhadntendt +707 07 Other County officials rines in idieness unannoy public know nothing abo nothing about it, consedU T Ssd Te wvn Other COu® """""" \a hy fault rines in idieness unannoyed by fauitfinders of public know nothing about their line of ‘work nothing about It, consequently cannot becom» tendent is hounded by every office sceker, eve, one end of the County to the other, and becat " C CC 00 Warrv. and because 1/ tendent is 1OURCU® "" " /. other, an one end of the County to the other, and becane MURCO ECOs every Tom, Dick and Harry, and because 5 vev‘t brea c *so instructionk from his committe@, every selfâ€"seekor uleap tee coml Is oa 0B at liia heels and foultinding with his work all the time. 1P ie T o0 ‘ onne!llors took the right viow of the matter they would tell all t ge napters ind faultâ€" fdnders and yappers to 80 to the Etornal h;‘nn L ral «ir own is o weveral this proves that there is somebody or #eV@rd! u who have responded to the appeal for cruits for the 176th Os. Battalion, the Nation is indebted. > Joes not the cry of enr;fed Belgium, desoloted Serbia, the piteous the Fatherless and the Homeless, the Widows and the Ol'plnn:i the struction and sacriligious desecration in Northern France and the the innocents in England move your pity and stir your blood ? B uhi oc Oonentirritedvegh ousted from his position to make & up and be doing, put on the khaki, join the ranks of the 176th, let right be your battle cry and help stamp out and crush forever the hose damnable deeds of rapine and murder have desolated half the LILST! F f others in the County of Lincoin was brought up at the June sesâ€" was settled for a year , even o m# here has beeu so many people m of road superintendent. It strenuous job, . It is also the itions After W. D. Russ pays does not have enough left for continually . bankering . aftor ik the streets of St. Cathaâ€" } y kind bocease the general 3. therefoc . care little or imat. but « . road superinâ€" wi9%, und ev ry whelp from ‘4+ on \ils work to sult somebodies playing last Janâ€" and work business, but 1 if the man wh ning schemes ! finder‘s voteâ€" to themselves day :n 20, 4 mlnf3 Minutes Thaddous N also to Alvin §; ulso to 0. cheque to Moved b; G cheque to A! , * also to John dogs, being { Ford Runabe Moved byFord Tourin Felker and Eord Coupele lett and Pred Zord Sedan _ _Moved byrord Town to Dr. Guyatt‘. o. 6. Ford, and Willtam 1 ‘Catries."" 1/ *~ ADDRESS The Can . Amsby, Lieut. Fisher or Sergt. Book. ; m K A~ umt oMdrrscostsssSSGT mss + 1| cS s c ts 4 C Câ€"H JOHN YOUNG Call PF Then figure the difierence, having an eye on the k present price of gusoline, Council I MESE DT Moved b} Moved B Advert AM NOe rasaBapaBasaboaroaBanasesasaB0st Ba2« Ford Motor Company Free â€"Gasoline for thirty â€" three hundred miles â€"â€"the F O R D owner‘s saving in one The light, economical Ford with its smooth rumâ€" wing engine averages about twentyâ€"five miles on a Compare this with ihe gasoline consumption of the Sixteenâ€"M %esâ€"Toâ€"Theâ€"Gallon carâ€" Six thousand miles is a fair season‘s travel, The Sixteenâ€"Miesâ€"Toâ€"Theâ€"Gallon car, going six thousand miles, burns up one hundred and thirtyâ€"fve more galâ€" ons of gusoline than does the Ford going the same distance. You can travel a year and a balf in a Ford for what It costs you to travel one year in the Sixteonâ€" Milesâ€"Toâ€"Theâ€"Gallon car, Runabout . $480 Touring + 130 Coupelet â€" 730 Sedan . . 880 ‘Town Car 780 ing a single season to pay for his gusoline for an itJonal thirtyâ€"three hundred and seventyâ€"five miles, OF CANADA, LIMITED G. E. SMITH & SON, Grimsby This weans that the Ford owner saves enough qoi wos, PSCVT Y 2322422922023 ., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1916

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