-llnv.*lr.lhulmed! the darm of the late _ J. B. Waiker, mcluuommu,m M:.‘nl.um tholl evening, to their departure, friends and neighbors to the number of eighty, gathered _ at their home and apent a fow _ social houre, expressing their sincere reâ€" gret at parting with such valuable meighbore. Mr. Freel was born on the bomestcad farm fifty years ago and it has been his privilege and pleasure to occupy one of the earliâ€" est homesteads, carved from the rude und rugged forest by the . untiring zeal and energy of his devoted parâ€" It has fallen to his lot to _ remain amid the friends and scenes of youth ful Gays, By strict attention to duty upright business principles and _ a kind and generous disposition, he has wade home a comfort and won the respect and esteem of a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, . and now the question is asked, who will fl1 their place? My. Ereol has taken caarge of the Sabbath school for the past twentyâ€" three years, while Mrs. Freo!, has done her part as organist and assist ed as teacher. At the usual hour the ladics servâ€" nd tea, followed by music and speech 08. Mr. E. Leo ably filled the place as master of ceremonies. Mrs. Matâ€" thews was then called to read an apâ€" proprinte address and to present to RECEOTTL ETe ooo ce eadenecnt ce c [%â€"»~d Mrs Freel, a woll filled purse, to which Mr. Frell, in behalf of himâ€" self and wife, replied. The rest of the evening was given ove" to recitaâ€" tioe and song, and was brought to a elose by ail joining in with "For He‘s a Joliy Good Fellow" and wishing Mr and Mre. Free! and family every suo ‘coss in their new home, s tond to her #choo! again whort iliness. .. _« ‘_ EPA EDC Mre. J. urnhn returned to the horce of her John, at Grimaby, to spend the winter. What a Great Man Said to the Great Canadian People Parisian Sace is a discovery of a colebrated scientist, who spent the West years of his life perfecting this great hair tonic. In giving his recipe to the Canadj an people he said: "Parisian Sage is the most delightful hair dressing in the world." It cures dandruft by killing the germs that infost _ the Coow"of the bair; it stops _ falling roots of the hair; hair; it gives vigc the bair yoots. W the BW PU7M _ Canlscin al ou.nlllru'llluluohn large fifty cent bottleâ€"and guarantees it wco.umtuemâ€"lmn. or your money is refunded. _ It stops falling bair, dandruff, itching scalp and restores life and beauty to dull, faded hair in two weeks. Report of S. 8. No. 5, Caistor, for month of November is as follows: Â¥r. 5â€"Della lpr_llfltod. Chester Ir, bâ€"Della. SDNRE®AOOr 000000 Warner. i uons 8r. 4â€"Geo. Packham, Raiph Yourg, Maurice Borty. it, "4â€"Ohrissie Peasson, Claude Nicholls. %r. $â€"Jessic Daw, Graydo Berry, _ Br. SNC""_ °_ Ressie ~ Packham, h eadr it neal ve Jr. 3â€"Maudo Lusse, & S Padnhatin, Stanley Marsball, Rhea _ Nicholls, Witiie Daw, Harry Coon. MrCCCCC _ Wincsia Youn£. Mr. and Mre. Brown . ®° ._"°* _ _‘ who have been visiting their | £00; who 84¢° ©®""" oo _ have returned home. Susan Konkle is at presont on the sick Het. Mrs. R. Worden apent a fow days visiting friends in H "‘seturned Mrs. H H Brown has _ ret homo after spending soveral . weeks in Hamilton. Mr. R. Worden was in _ Mamilton Tucsday last. c sir. Comber, who has been .. 1VINE on the Russ far®, has ; ~moved . to GrmAnt â€" Mra, R Worden spent whe end visiting friends at Grimsby Mr. Phil High ealled on Mrs Konkle on Friday last. RF L "0 sat in a 2004 MWME 7701 coa "The roads have #ot !" dition again, Mre. R. Worden rOUIT! Friday evening after v! in Brantford, Hamilton CAISTOR SOHOOL ion AgAM+ hom Urs, R. Worden returned nios day evening after visiting fnabs Brantford, Hamilton and Grimseby. TAPLMYTOWN MOUNTAIN has been able to atâ€" vigor and strength to W. M. Stewart Drug REPORT after . a of Toronto, the . week Glonn REAMSVILLE POULTRY SHOW ‘The aunual Beamsville and â€"Linâ€" coln Poultry show was held in the Towr. Hull, Beamsvilie, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of _ last ‘The show, while not as large in quantity as previous years, made up for it in the quality of the birds shown. About three hundred _ and fifty birds were cooped and . Messrs Vidal and Cadman bad their . work out out for ther in the judging line. ‘ ‘The list of awarus is as follows: Red Capsâ€"Cook, hen, cockerel, pullet, Oyrus Culp, ___ _ _ Light Brahmasâ€"Cock, Geo. Slingâ€" erland, Leppert and Jenniugs, Hen, Lepnâ€"ct and Jennings, Slingeriand Leprert and Jennings. Buff Cochinsâ€"Cockerel, Leppert Buft Cochinsâ€"Cockerel, Leppert and Jennings. Old English Black Redâ€"Cock, M. B Cosby, 1 and 2; Motler 3. Hen, Metâ€" ler, Cosby 2 and 3. Cockerel and pul l6t, Motler, 1. a SA ts Wie Old English, A. 0. V.â€"Cock, Wim. Shepherd, Cosby. _ Hen, Cosby, Shepâ€" hen}. Cockerel, Shaphord, 1, 3 and 3. Pullet, Shopherd 1 and 2 _ _ Cornish Indian Gamesâ€"Cock, by, 1, 2 and 3. Hen, Cosby, 1, 2 White Cochin Bantsâ€"Cocks, hons, cockerels and pullets, Hicks Bros., 1 and 2, A. R. Fisher, 8. _ Â¥ 3. Cockerel, Comby, 1 and 2, H Eng land 3. Pullet, Cowby 1 and 2, H. Englana 8. "@3r,000s® Buff Cochin Bantsâ€"Hens, Norman McLeod 1 and 2. Biack Cochin Bantsâ€"Cocks 224 tens, Beamor Bros., 1 and 2. Bantams, A. 0. _ V.â€"Cockerel, 8. Bradley, A. Edwards, J Lang. Pulletâ€"S. Bradloy. \ Leghorns, rose ccumb, whitetâ€"G. B McConachie 1, 2 and 3. Leghorns, S. C., whiteâ€"Cock, Beam er Hros., 1 and 3, Lanpert . and Jenâ€" nings 3 and 4. Henâ€"Loppert and Jonnings 1, 3 and 4; Beamer Bros. 2. e * _ Cockerelâ€"Beamer Bros., Lopport and Jennings, 2, 5 and 4 ® Julletâ€"Lepport and Jennings, 1, 3 and 4; Leghorns, 8. C., brownâ€"C. 8. Metâ€" ter, 1, 2 and 3; Chas Crooks 4, on cock and cockerol. Ihchor-.hlâ€"-mohnlâ€"e. Bradâ€" oy. + Pulletâ€"Bradiey 1 and 2. Lacemoldersâ€"Jacob Lang 1 and 2. rus Culp. ‘ Henâ€"Wn. Shultz, Cyrus Culp. Cockerelâ€"Norman _ MoLeod, _ A. Couse 1 and 2. Pulletâ€"McLeod, Couse. Minorcas R. C, blackâ€"Gco. Slinger land 1 and 2. . Minorcas, S C, whiteâ€"W. Shultz 1 and 2. â€" Anconasâ€"Cockâ€"A R Fisher 1 and Henâ€"Fisher, 1 and 2. Cockerelâ€"J. A. Livingston, J. H. gom‘-. J. A Livingston, B-lur‘ rom. * Pulletâ€"Beamer Bros., J. H. Berâ€" tram 2 and 3; J. A. Livingston. .. Siiver Campinesâ€"Cock, Jas. Lay, J A TAvingston. Henâ€"Livingston, Lay. Cockerelâ€"A. Moote & Son, H. B. Stzome, Moote & Son, Jus, Lay. . Pulletâ€"Moote & Son, Strome, Lay, Strome W. C. B. Polandsâ€"Leppert and Jen nings. Hamburge, Blackâ€"Cock, Lang, Mot Aucalusiansâ€"Almer Couse Minoreas, S. C., blackâ€"Cockâ€"Cyâ€" Pulletâ€"Lang, 1,â€"2 and 3. Hamburge, Golden Spangledâ€"Cock erel and pulletâ€"Lang. Hamburgs, Silver . Spangledâ€"Cock BA n ns 2 00 ts John Hicks, A. Moote & Son, Lang, Hicks. Henâ€"Lang, Hicks, _ Moote & Son, Hicks. Cockerelâ€"Hicks, H. _ England, Mocte & Son, Hicks. . Puller â€"Hicks, England 2 and 3, Lang. ‘Wyandottes, Partridgeâ€"Cockâ€"Met ler, Alex Geoff 2 and 3. Henâ€"Groff, Metier, Shultz, Groff. Cpckere!â€"Groff, Shultz, Groff. Pulletâ€"©HMIM EDCE s c Wyandottes, Goldenâ€"Cockâ€"C. 8. MctJer 1 and 2. KHenâ€"Metior. Pulletâ€"Metier, Wyandottes, Silverâ€"Cookâ€"Beamer Bros., J. A. Sincleir. Henâ€"J. A. Sinciair, Beamer Cockerelâ€"A. Moote and Son, er Bros., Sinclair, Beamer Brot W" Bros., _ 81 r Bros., Moote & Son. Wyanddétes, _ Columbianâ€"( Beanser Bros. 1 and 2. Henâ€"Beamor Bros. 1 and / Cockerelâ€"Boamer _ Bros., Groff, Beamer Bros. Puiletâ€"Beamer Bros. 1 and Wyandottes, Whiteâ€"Cock, HMenâ€"Lang, Metior. Henâ€"Lang 1 and 2. Cockere!â€"Cosby 1 and 2, Pulletâ€"Cosby 1 and 2, Hamburgs, A. 0. V.â€"P Houdansâ€"Loppert and Barred Plymouth } ansunes THAT on Unspnin® your system‘s ammfl“"d?_:*fl L Watraiccs CAE ts or your "Blue" Feeling > r. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery will give the aid. Tene® DP Th P od is cleansed of al .u."-u-.."g'n'wvm-mmun ‘The blood is of all hflmfl“mï¬uï¬nmflflmlfl“-‘ organ of the body, No more attacks of mï¬h"‘uuwmï¬l‘l -ph..ub-p-mrh‘““""‘" ® ® ew.lk.m’o World‘s Dispensary Insist on getting 27. 1"""" 7 President, * BC DC laun N w GOMIOR â€" E000 %0 medicines lll“l“'“"‘.w“ -â€" pee ED s oR as It huny.lmhï¬nlndnflnhflh, : ll-“m'._:"‘â€.'.‘.‘.“.:.."m"d‘?ufu hl-:llt-' m....,.'-':b': 'Idn-nnlhncr 1"__‘ A. 0. V.â€"Pulletâ€"Lang, Loppert and Jennings, 1 ir, Beamer Bros. | N‘ e and Son, Beam |31 eamer Bros. _ ‘|« Bros., _ Sinciair, e & Son. â€"~ lrlrflllnâ€" Cockâ€" -.‘l and 2. Bros., _ Alex ros. 1 and lotey: ... Een C t entire system. | The weak stomach is ald. _ Tones the ©0500 P78000551004 ts cleansed of all ompletely Removed When She Took "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" Nawnury, oxy., AfH: an. *‘Some years ago, I was sick ha and thought I was going to die. 1 had a growth in my stomach, which the d.g'lonuld-u:‘mmud they said that the only thing to do was to go to To ldml::d s on m:)-‘utlg | out. an operati ‘ both doctors said it was the only cure, 1 said I would die before being operated on. At this time, my mother in Alvinst 4 sent me some "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" ana induced me to try tem as she had heard of another woman who had been cured of a similar rvmh in the stomach by taking "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives", Torlnn-v mother, I hegan to take "Pruitâ€"aâ€"tives" with the happy zzsult that they cured me. 1 have not been tz:ch:.‘ducbr since and my health is * "Pruitâ€"aâ€"tives" every u1 FRomwencbce and 1 will be glad to | time I Ret 4obor is t mhcerassomeother Prudhomme 1, 2 apg 3, Elmer Groff Henâ€"Prudhomme, 1, 2 and _ * Groff 4.) 2 Cockerelâ€"Prudbomme 1, Groff, * Prodhomme 3 and 4. Pyuu.g,-n"anm-.l. Geot _ * rudhomme 3, Groff 4. Wyandottes, Buff â€"Henâ€" Bear@" "ou»" may now be a sufferer from the |post to take for PC woman now be a sufferer from the | pay; to take for points west of â€"95,‘{“ sad “W |\ Winnipeg, but for Winnipeg _ and cure ho aasor wist sirerege, |cast the "Gate City Express" is the ’?n’u""- -::nldfld; right train to travel by. At ’mu':mm | Full particulars from any ‘Canaâ€" *‘ |alan Pacific Agent or write M. _ G. | Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Prodbomme 1. 2 and 3, Eimer Groff | Toronto. f | Henâ€"Gastle 1 Lang 2, Gastle ‘ Cockerelâ€"Gastle 1, Lang 2, tie 3. i Pulletâ€"Lang 1, Gastle 2, Lan Orpingtons, _ Buffâ€"Cockâ€"A. i Figlko Biurshatl, 1 afd & | o MOFCR, POmMEE MITY CCC 0000 w Pulletâ€"Beamer Bros., 1 and 2 Mo yer‘3, Metior 4. 0%; ~. . . (SHF Lang, 1 and 2. Cockerelâ€"Coshy 1, Lang caw 01. . 4 * _Pulletâ€"Lang 1 and 2, A. Moote Son. 3 and 4. 0 0. .. 0> â€" o _ Rhodoe Island, Reds, w.-l Wi. Gactle, 1, Lang 2 %, H Hen, cockerel and pull shall, 1 and 2 € Orpingtons, Black â€"â€" Cockâ€" shall. Henâ€"Marshall 1 and 2, MeLeo«d 3 Pulletâ€"Marshall. â€" Orpingtons, Whiteâ€"J. H. Bertram won in all classes; C. M. Prudhcomâ€" me, pullet, 3. â€" Bluck Lenghangsâ€"Cook â€"Metitler, Henâ€"Mettler, 1 and 2 ' GAME BANTAMS Hilack Redâ€"Cock, hen, cockerel Rlack Redâ€"Cock, hen, eockwerel and pulletâ€"Lang, Pyle, Pyle, Lang Game Bantams, A.O.V.â€"Cosby. DUCK® 4 Rouenâ€"C 8. Motler 1, 2 and3 Pekinâ€" sxeppert . and _ Jenniings, duck and drake. ladian ~Runnerâ€"Drake, _ A. E. Filed, Marshall, 8. Bradloy. , _ Duckâ€"Marshall, Bradiey. Henâ€"Lang, 1 and 2. Thursday of last week I put the fiua} touch on my Christmas buying, You folks who are particular in the clothes you buy and the Ohristmas neckwear, gloves, muflers and @very thing for a man, should make your purchases at this store. . We keep ’oywn after tea until ten o‘clock. You can take a tun in, in _ the ¢Vening. Tae men who work untll ten at night don‘t come down until ten the . next day. and they like it and then thore is somothing in trading _ wWith the mayor of Hamilton for 1915, . that will be me if my business TOAChes (g quarter of a million. CA } _ Tobey, 50 and 52 James, St., Hormilton. f Sherbrooke Poultry _ A880¢iation, Sherbrooke, P. Que., Jan. 21 t0 Jan 38 1914. C _ Niagara Falls Poultry Associatijn, Niagara Falls, Ont., Jan. 28 to Jan. 31, 1914. MO _ _ _ 1. 2 anffaree feomaithe ‘may now be a sufferer from the _ Dose, one pill, only one. ‘ c au io 06 Tole, Ask Your Dector. _ "WMetth O Audm Ayer‘s Pills PVERVEE NCcb ap Medical Associstion, Dufale, N. Â¥. THE TOBEY WAY WB Em B ECns Sm Ets 2 ‘mmmm Toronto and Winnipeg. Su * s 1u'.e "Gate! City Express" will leave | Toronto at 2:30 p.m. and will run 1ully thereafter, arriving Winnipeg \at 8.00 a.m. second morning. The | train 'Illmlht: the highest= class modern equl t: Compart» \ ment Library Observation Car, Stan ;ans&r‘um:.a'l:!m Sleopâ€" In; + Firstâ€"class. | Jonen ud Qotonfet Or. This â€"will \be found the most convenient and \best train between Toronte . and |,w:-mum of the dayâ€" |light departure from Toronto at an |hour when the Union Station is not \badly congested, and slso on _ acâ€" | count q(tloculylurallmm ‘The popularity of Canadian Paciâ€" fin sorvice, and the excellerce . of that road‘s equipment, bas been so greatly appreciated by the travol« ling public that it has been found necessar, to put into service an enâ€" tirely new Through Standard Exâ€" NEW CONVENISNT at Winnipeg. ‘The present "Vancouyer Express" wil! continue to leave Toronto _ at 10.20 p.m. daily and will consist of the same equipment as . the "Gate Clty Express." This train is /the MAIL _ CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be _ re ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Friâ€" day, the 2nd January, 1914, for _ the conveyance of His Majesty‘s Malls, on a proposed contract _ for . four years, six times per week each way, over Grassie (east and west) and Rural Mail Route, from the Postmasâ€" ter General‘s pleasure. . . _ P mm Ueetonc d Printed notlces eontaining further information as to conditions of proâ€" posed Contract may be _ seen and blank forms of tender may be obtain od at the Post Office of Grassic and at the office of Post Office Inzpector, Toronto. A. Sutherlind, Post Office Inspector, Post Office Inspector‘s Office, j |so MaANY | â€"Raneans YOU Toronto. Nov. 17, 1913. STRIVE h w el a ) '| SAVE / i \Lnded Banking & Loan } Company \ | |\E.Cor. Main & James Sts 1 |_ Reasons you should save that you need but think a minute to decide you will. ‘The decision made, the |pmper (gl-ce for your money is in Our Savings Depart I ment where three and one half per cent interest is lr!ded half yeary. Make your initial deposit ONTARIO then you shuold ‘think of me. 1 have prepared a fine sélection of ‘The Season‘s Newest and Best Footwear Productions for Men, â€" Women and Children lunnlhunnlbldmh-! best advertisement, so ‘I leave no store unterned in my efforts to please you. "~ 4 have a large Stock of RUBBâ€" For any reliable information about Opportunities, Business Interests, Agriculture, Climate, Cities or Resorts of the sunny Southland write Harry C. Chap» man, Real. Estate Agent, 822 Central Bldg., Los Angeles,, California. _ Formerly of Ranâ€" nard & Chapman, Winnipeg, Canada. â€"_â€" SHOE STORE Main St East, _ GRIMSBY THINKING about SHOES ?. his week. CALIFORNIA ERS and MITTS on hand. Cail and see them. .__BU L L flour, ::d-‘we'ï¬ v;nvyâ€"ou: mde: THEAL BROS. GRrimsBy â€" PHONE 108 lome Knitted Socks, Lined lub Bag or Suit Case. CHRISTM AS of yourself or of the family. No nicet;.il't can be given than a Don‘t wait tll the rush is on, but come now while our assortment of Mounts is complete. We have a choice selection. All work guaranteed, and as highâ€"class as any city work. [HE GRIMSBY D | THE ONLY â€"*"THE PHOTOGRAPHER® GRIMSBY _ over Phipps Bros orris Chair, Velvet Rug? S« there not a piece of Furniture Brother has longed for, -ug'i P I A N O S C ALDW ELL ‘To the residents of Grimsby and surrounding territory if you are, interested in music or contemplatâ€" ing buying a Piano or Player it will pay you to call at DOHERTY‘S PIANO PARLORS on Main Street, and see the novel invention of the Player Piano, 1t can be installed in you present piano, or old instruments taken in exchange. . Call and inquire prices and terms. â€" Open Wednesdays and Saturdays, and other .times by appointment. HOW ABOUT W. H. DOHERTY, WHEN YOUR EYESâ€"â€" worn out and ‘strained the positive relief that proâ€" perly prescribed, made and fitted glasses give, consider our service. JOHN B. BRANT Marriage License Issued General Conveyancer, Assignee and Valuator. A Money to Loan at Current Rates Well appointed . examination rooms; two graduate optometrists; modern | instruments intelligently used in all examinations; completey ly equipped factory for grinding lenses; lenses ground oy expertsâ€" this is our service under one roof where all work is done promptly, accurately and at the lowest manuâ€" facturing costs. * Money to T GLOBE OPTICAL CO: II1 King East, MAMILTON 1. 6. ROUSE, Propristor 30 Steps from Terminal Depot «~_ AND Player Pianos P H# O T O Main St., GRIMSBY Smithville, Ont. and our stock W. W. KIDD Kipp & FARRELL Real Estate and MONEY TO LOAN Moaa than the essays of Chesterfield does the Chesterfield Overcoat of toâ€" day keep alive the saying : ‘That Chesterfieldian Air" .. ‘There is no top coat which preâ€" sents such a clean cut and gentleâ€" manly express:onâ€"and . we have the new Spring weaves in black, brown and Oxford greysâ€"with all the real ‘Semiâ€"ready air" of culture and refinementâ€"and yet with the staunch wearing qualities which careful tailoring gives ® We were never in a better position to do your tailoring then right now. All the newest and niftiest worsteds and tweeds for your selection. Private and Company Contractor‘s Supplies Lime for Spraying All other Contractors® Suppli 81 Main St. West Telephone 771. _ HAMILTON PHIPPS BROS. GRIMSBY â€" ON will be cheerfully given you by our salesmen. You will find them well informed in Interior Decorating and very much inâ€" terested in getting you just what you want. H. & J. Dow wE FIT THE HARD TO FIT them out in this. Almost any design or coloring you may wish can be supplied by us, You will appreciate a call here. _ > A. C. TURNBULL WALL DECORATING Helpful Hints Our enormous stock helps Prepared to attend to ail your bincksmithing wants in first class stvle. Lime, Portland Cement Plaster Paris, etc. Our horse shosing deparlâ€" ment . was nevernï¬n better shape to handle your shocing than now. this season? 1( not give us a chanee to show you what we _ a do in this line. 51, 53 King St. West HAMILTON sCOTT & SANGSTER Have you ordered a new dray for GRIMSBY. Repairiag of all kinds done Phone 71 _ Mountain St. ORtMEEY, O8T WE ARE Mortar Color C. T. FARRELL