WEDNESDAY «EEIEEREECECECECEEEEEEEq you very litt!s inuomvenience in repair work. Should you have any pln-binp::) be done, you will save time an! money by attending to it at once., Opposite Post Office. . The Chocolates that are different. . For sale only by FRANK GREVES Beamsville â€" Ontario of Groceries and Dainties is very comâ€" plete, and guaranteed absolutely fresh. “wfllChï¬ï¬‚inoolid_o.k‘ï¬_nhhagoldenï¬inioh Happy Norman M. Walker ut Nt Me EP = _ uce arocenrs Ano HARDWARE MERCHANTS PHONE 2! MAIN STREET _ â€" _ . GRIMSBY Our work® \are very profi¢ient and will NEILSON‘S DCN‘T OVERLOOK E. 8. & R. T. JOHNSON OUR STOCK PLUMBING and HEATING ‘The fact that the best place in this section of the country to buy your Christmas Furniture ppy and Prosperous NEW YEAR BOURNE BROS. _ k GRIMSBY, ONT. 15, J. W. BUCK, Beamsville. Furniture and Carpets BUCEK‘S Wish Our Patrons 24x24 it is an absolute neâ€" eessity, if you would care to take o:hl. fult enjoyt ent iving. We can install ov:r.y plumbing need, or Correct Faulty Grimsby m B |Teachersâ€"Dn 05990 Cnitrick. _ HAIREâ€" CX hittick. |A social evening yill be . held _ 05 mM nwum-«tummof M Arthur and Mrs. Smith. MM |‘yohn Smith. having resignod bei"Z MA |saperintendent o? the Methodist 511 "* |day schoo}, P. Felker was . e10¢! The E. L. OP C M 9270 Onoutonaty Friday evening under the ""‘“:;,’ Vice President, Miss Bertha GO#8"** Bible reading led by m-m‘ d Recitationâ€"Miss Maggie DOUU! ... Paper on the _ topleâ€"CABAUD® ‘pcg | ..; English _ Speaking . peovleâ€"3U" (¢ Nellie Huffman. o (voskl uetâ€"Rev, W. 8 ant NC { i an Tam" m me! wpleâ€"Rev. Wo *) Nellie Huffman. o Vocal duetâ€"Rev, W. 8. and Mc# Daniols. i. ‘af Talk _ on the topitâ€"Rev. W‘ (Daniels. Friday evening next wili be under the Social Viceâ€"President. a Mrs. Alexander Milne foll _ *" broke her wrist. ‘The organized Bible class held Its annual election of officers with o following results: :r-lm;â€"o. W. mu;nwh iceâ€"presidentâ€"Mre. S. / Sec‘y. Treasurerâ€"Miss Mariah Olark. Recording Sec‘y.â€"Ofrs. 8. COMDAU: ‘Teachersâ€"Dr. Green, !r..‘il:hmm. ‘The E. L. of C. E. was for the year. TRUE TO LIFEâ€"IN A : OPFFICE gn ‘The Antherst Daily Nows says: !t|{" is rather astonishing, however, NO# | . many people there are who enterta‘i | ./ the idea that a nowspaper _ CaNR 99 , :n- on u-nn:.:u lu'b:flv'-‘:‘,‘; done our ends w20 | It can‘t be done and our 1N } u_ | entertain such an Idea . #5 abuse their minds of such EDUWE MMERY MMMOO OO C0000S F ceptions. ‘A few of the actual mn’]‘;‘ day o;;'rlm of life in mh‘oI'\c‘h;‘, may_not_prove uninteresting. M | 3 mi-uï¬.-.u ‘subscriber called |! at our office and asked us to PMb | :/ lish a notice of sale that he was h3 m Ing on his premises. . We got out | _ rate card, estimated the size of wie | _ .d..udwghluilwmldenï¬lh.m " Ssn C gam dollars of per was of no earthly dnterest to Us. We took the advertisement down over the telephone and time is money; in formed the telephoner that it would cost fifty cents, and were then told that if we were going to charge for it we need not put it in. . We lost our time and we lost fifty conts, and, Y nees man this very week. He ga» us an ad for which we charged : #ollar and then asked us to put in : tocal calling attention to . his . 24. which, If we published, should haw ‘been charged at ten cents a line an} there were twenty linos. Just im dnl_lhylulpouudo(coa mon soap from a grocer and askir: him to throw in a pound of buttc. We are asked to do this every ds We could muftiply these Ilustrativs line upon line and precept upon prc copt. We do not want our . read>s ||b.nhl we are scolding or that v> l‘“"-lr."“l"nre growing sweew? and mellower as we advence in a;> THE CULTURE OF ROSES ‘ ‘The rose may well "+e consider=l | the queen of flowers but unfortuns‘s| ly, there are many parts ‘of Canals | where only a limited number of t)¢) hardiest varietles can be successiill) cultivated. For this reason . mas!) who would grow roses are debarred tm-ulcnheunot-ucl of knowledge of which are _ the most hardy sorts and the treatment that should be given them. To suppl®) this information in readily available form, the _ Dominion Horticulturs: Mr. W. T. Macoun, has prepared _ a pampblet of a dozen pages entitled "Hardy Rose Culture in Canada." |t is designated Pampthlet No. 9 of the Experimental Farm and may be had free by applying to the Publication® Branch, Department of Agriculture, UERETE. $ pamphlet divides the roses 5 ullll.yueullrml in Canada into m‘x; groups according to the dgroe T’;' ""“H‘ =n-; v n9ost hardiest group includes and hybrids, vence or Cabbage roses, es and Moss roses; next under varietics of the various CU®U °_ a brief description of each 38 ‘ gards form, color and fragranc? \| raparation of this treatise, ! dace hap: in all parts . of CaU) were KOPLE M2, Vn over that prospect! n mfln“. m |nuln valuable iuformation from t ECCC ml. _'W“ nany of th* rgest and finest tubers Af® found. on cutting, to be hollow. M ces c which is not uncommon a seasons which have favored , [‘ i monew is ie tuber, and f9% } \ lar reason it is found more C0%,. monly in large tubers than in *"* During the past en a good many THE _ INDEPENDEEL ‘Thereupon he lost his tem HOLLOW , climbing roses roses; then _ | Includes Rosa ruXo Austrian briars, C s, Damask ~# : next come We orl NXEWSPAPE EPRERTCC ; season, there NA" y complaints _ ("®‘ that, â€" although ! PLise wb NDENT: ’-Ilifll\'. ONTARIO POTATOES Hydrid T«3 on and Dwar of 0° small or modiuin size. A potato fTuxs by the addition of new layers 9@ tissue slightly below the skin. The tells com saing this tissue are _ at Amst smai. vst rapidly ~xpand _ to Welr full size, and in 30 doing set up & state of tension. The Inyers _ of tells towards the _ outside, . belng |P9ung, sve capable of dividing _ and ©lpanding in a similar way so that |@1 external cracking or ~»litting is Svolded. _ It is different, _ howevor, | . Yith the tissue in the interior. This | is composed of mature cells no long |of in a atate of growth, and _ i the _linmion becom#s too great a tearing ‘or rapture of the tiseue will result, \folowed by degeneration and the for ) mation of a cavity. cavities of this nature are _ much |\w serious than injuries on the out |aMe of the tubers, since the latter «\Dermlt of the entrance of nuterous |organisms of various . kinds which & Cause rotting. . They _ do, however, |becessltate increased trouble in preâ€" M jaring potatoes for the table . since { the discolored surface of the cavity |must be cut away, _ Hollow potatoes & |are also particularly _ objectionable m |for baking. However, the factor _ of d j:apld growth which is _ liable . to bring about this condition is in the |main, one necessary to the securing R\o a large yleld and most farmers [~ill probably prefer to so stimulate It|ftowth by cultivation and fertilizers w |@s to attain this end and _ take the i |!!#k of a certain proportion of tuâ€" “{ ters becaming hollow. » found within _ Batbora Park, has on set aside for this demonstration. Tere the visitor wilt find "farms" of ime, two and three acres in extent, aci with Its home, _ its dependent fvally and these familles will be livâ€" !=g there just as thousands of emall tome owners in this state are living, v..h not other source of income Jhan from the tiny patch of land. While :esiding in the heart of the exposiâ€" ton grounds, they will be as entiraly d pendent upon the resources . of these little tracts as are the many fanilics in the state having no other AN ACRE OF GROUND AND A LIVING San Delgo, Jan. 14.â€""An acre _ of vund and a living" is not . a joke Southern California and the manâ€" rement of the _ Panamaâ€"Caliform.> ‘position at San Diego in 1915 proâ€" wes to prove it to the . satisfaction ( every "Missourian" or other doubt ‘z Thomas. One of the unique and teresting places of the exposition ill be that section devoted to the Little Landers." A tract,. a dozen of which . might SPECIAL AROUNXD _ THE WORLD l.-r. thore are son0 CRUISE thousand trusts in CANXADIAN PACIFIC alone, controiling EMPRESSES OF "RUSSIA" ANP || modity, from the } "ASIA" est, including frols An unusual opportunity _ for _ a"| traffic, . Jas. A. G the world cruise all â€" under|ing of the railroad Canadian Pacific flag With It® ©01 | mpgorn baron, MO standard of service is offered | moir military prof the adven; of the @reat _ NOW | proat highways an uadruple _ serew turbine . °NEIN®) wij; upon our Yasi camships "Emprecs of Russia" and| pnat which cont m‘- of Asia." & | peril here, as wit ‘The "Empress of Russla" will 29!!|yjoo, n other lin Liverpoot April 1 and will call| un," rajyroad corP t Gibraitar April 4, Vilefranche|"""_ong noid up ril 8, Port Satd April 12, and Will) _9 jugiofal powe a t via Sues, COITU MUORIT ngapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Naâ€"|""*** ®" OC O mnat the i, Koke, Yokohama and _ arrive tain the grave fear that the Vancouver, Saturday, June 7. From { cial governors of the arterie ‘ancouver to Toronto, passengets merce can mold legislation y glnl via gudln Pu:.fle ml: will. Crows‘ Nest Pass _ Jne and| also travel from Fort William 07 | . e “‘“:':h‘?m"a |ll‘0mtl‘l-lroflem!'ofl)le.\'! ee to the fact essel remal days masses of he people have < Ve ns 16 at ““"étcnmlhd the w:_l_h and > as ma Ee ETOM TCO C that _ a war betwe‘n and labor is imminent, . and whig will be a higontior the MA 6 of the carth and the «* rewurn of Corist, _ Elder XM. C =, rkendall, of the Seventh Day Adâ€" ventist church, who resides at Oshaâ€" wa, referred to many existing | , CO%" @itions in the commercial world _ to prove his statements in an interviow Yesterday. _ He spoke of the STPM] C llpcm ina/world and dectared yesterday. _ He sPOK® O" ""0 _ Ti rq wealth in the world . and doclared :M there is also increasin® poverty. Onudmmtnh\mdnd years ago practically every man . in the country was & landiord, While today, the industrics are controlled by c0m paratively few. Speaking further | 9# the subjeot, Elder Kirkendali said: | "The world today is fAlled with wealth and prince ly splendour. This condition is Atly desoribed by the prophet iA . these words, "Their land also is full _ of gold and sliver; neither is there any end of their treasures." Isa. 311 Allml,"u-hi.“-mtomoto pass in the last days." In a striking manne" this has boen Qulfilled, as may %e seen from . the â€" tollowing statement of facts: in ,Qflmnfll'apldnwlymnl 800 ©9¢ *U""â€">a 000. â€" In 1899. ?Iy Hpeuttt C1msc Elder Kirkendal} sald: today is fAlled with We ty splendour. This C desoribed by the PrOP! ninety. SR CC lars from Canadian Paâ€" or write M. G. Murphy, Agent, Toronto. of heginning of THE PUTURE Penang. century. _ This phenomenal} increase of gold has been made possible _ by the discovery of rich mines in differâ€" ent parts of the world. d+| The pr66@hs ~ "0""" "~ 00 which aâ€"| and the worse conditnons _ to which nâ€"| they are tending, clearly indicate to to| observing minds that . s0Mm¢ great w | change, upheaval or revolution is At| near at hand. The gulf betwee. the €4| fich and poor is continually widenâ€" ty lu-d\hooumlmmhe- :‘ tween capital and labor ,!s nnhhg\ *\ bot reassuring. _ With a reatioss, !Is aF: | satisfied and often rebellious people, the nations of the earth at the présâ€" t ent time ate full of the _ distress 04 | which. was predicted by our Lord . as which Wa® U TUCG of _ His second busled over VC 0°""0 2 °0+ their beatem to death in sight of _ their wives and ohildren; factories are a#~ sailed; and the whole _ country is asking the question, "What un!"' | Anarchy !s abolition of the rights of property; it makes your store nnd‘ your house and yOUT family _ mine, and mine yours. _ It is wholesaie | robbery. It means hell let loose 01 - o.nhnd-oehtvncodiluuon of | devils incarnate., 1 "®h% presen. â€" ndition of _ things one of the evidences of woONDBERFULLY IMPROVED True to promise, the publis i The Family Herald ‘and Week!y Stat of Montreal have vastly improved RSORETCCOONCE\ Anvidince hiE t already per at. few months. . It 18 | new editors have been |¢ T CC _0G2) n staff, and still greater are contesupiated. . The mtesipi®tets . """ DR Guasng« great demand. Everyone who S007 it wonders how such a pleture i bo:lmflumhlm!wfl‘ at doffat a year. It is _ the best dollars worth to be had, and those in speaking vastly . improved | paper during the It is said several een added to the iter improvements ‘The beautiful picâ€" maeures." ds â€" !n who miss it will regret it. . Old scribers should see that their newal subscription is sent . at to guarantee the plcture. it. inâ€"forget them as soon as You CaU. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it well and serenely and . with \loo high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonse.â€"Emerson. To apoligize. To take advice. To be unselfish. To be charitable. To endure success, To admit mistakes. To obey consclence. ‘To forgive and forget. Wim. Blake, Winona Jan. 114 Wm. Blain, Beamsville Mar 31/12 A R Hayhoe, Grimuby July 113 W. L. Stephens, Grimaby . Dec 31,13 Stuart Walker, Grimaby Jan 614 Oucar Beam»t. Grimsby . Dec 3113 Andrew Bradt, Grimaby . Dec 3113 M. W Melkle, Grimaby Jan 10,14 ‘T HL Neteon, Puiton Jan 15,14 Jas. M. Stewert, Grimaby . Dec \51 To value character above or. To discriminate between sham A H Russ, Grimsby R. J. Suctsinger, Grimaby John Henry, Grimsby J Hunt, St. Catharines J E Roszell, Smithville But it pays! Finish every day and be done with day and be done with D. Monsinger, Grimsby OB : E13 200 Beosaote fiinetaater9e Jas. Hesketh, Winona May 2,13 V. MeCollum, Hamilton Dec 3113 R. G. Olmstead, Grimeby _ Jan 2,/14 \Ju. southward, Jordan Dec 31,12 3. O‘Nell, Caistorville Jan 913 {u. Crooks, Caistor Centre Dec 31/12% B. Travis, Calstor Centre . Dec 31/12 Cream Codfish is enjoyable uz; time, and especially commended the evening meal, and does not burden the digeatton.. " .. ... L u0) c 4 U Sâ€"Acl sitib ies If yod dun‘t entertain a good apinâ€" ion of Mackerel come in and get one of our 1J lb ones . Its so meaty that the bones are a #mall part of it, and if soaked over night its just salty enough to make it an {deal breakfast article. Codfish, 1 Ib tablets, 2 fos 25¢ Codfish, 2 Ih boses, 30¢ Mackerel, 15¢lb Haddie, 121â€"2 !b Â¥iliets, 15¢ 1b Holland Herring, 10e lb or _ 10 ib keg _ Labrador Herring, 30c dozen Tabrador Salmon, 10¢ Ib biunders and absurdities crept THE PAID UP LIST Fresh Halibut, 13¢ ib QuALITY GROCERY Phone 225 GrRIMsBY Or at Stewart‘s Drug Store. IT 18NT EASY . de Van‘s Female Pills J. P. ROBERTSON FIS 6 imsby Nes $1,13 er, Grimaby rob 1513 rimaby Oct ©4/12 ‘atharines _ Aug 1,54 mithville _ Dec 3113 Grimaby _ Dec 3113 Stoney Oreek J_n 15 °14 gracefully. Old subâ€"